The "Dream World" Clones of the Long Title Library

Lauren and Emma are members of the Monkee fanfiction workshop Yahoo!Group Long-Title Library. It was this list that inspired the "Dream World" series, in fact. Our first role play story, Zero Hour, is set in and around the fictional Long-Title Library. Emma eventually created "clones" based after the Monkees in our "Dream World" series.

How much havoc can clones create? You're about to find out! ; 0 )

"Making Clones For the World To See" by Emma
"In the Beginning" by Lauren
"When the Lister's Away, the Clones Will Play" by Emma (coming soon)
"Gramps" by Lauren
"Enter Matt & Ralph" by Lauren
"Peace & Quiet" by Lauren (coming soon)
"The Art Of Flying" by Lauren