Title: In The Beginning...
Author: Lauren
Rating: PG
Genre: CloneFic
Synopsis: Emma’s "surprises" drop in on Lauren...

* * * * *

Lauren sat in her room, typing away at her computer. She just had a few finishing touches left on the fic she was working on--

"Anyone home?" Someone called out, knocking repeatedly on the door.

Lauren’s head shot up and her fingers froze, hovering over the keyboard. She knew that voice. "No way..." she shook her head and went back to typing.

"Yoo hoo?!"

Lauren froze again. This time she knew she wasn’t hearing things. She jumped up from her chair and dashed over to the door, unlocked it, and peeked out.

As soon as the door opened, George leaned down and practically grinned right in Lauren’s face. "Hiya, babe!"

Tommy rolled his eyes. "Mate, you’re gonna scare the poor girl!"

George turned a glare at him, then waved it off. "Nah!"

Lauren whipped the door open and stared, wide eyed. "How did-- why-- who-- what--?"

"Where and when," the grinning Micky-clone finished.

"Oh, my Lord..." Lauren breathed.

Tommy nudged George. "’Ey, mate, we’ve got company comin’."

"Groovy!" George crowed, then swept Lauren into his arms and planted such a kiss on her that if she’d really been capable of melting, she would’ve.

Emma, followed by Rob and Hal, passed by the small gathering in front of Lauren’s door. Emma grinned and waved along the other fellas. They continued by, headed towards the living room.

Tommy folded his arms over his chest, still watching the rather over-passionate Micky-clone practically smother the surprised girl. He shook his head, smirking, shrugged, and decided to go find Emma, Rob, and Hal. He turned and went down the hall.

By the time George ended the kiss, both of them were out of breath, but his grin remained. "Nice room!" He practically bounded into her room.

Lauren blinked, trying to clear the happy daze she’d been put in and followed George inside. She found him already bouncing on the bed. "It isn’t much, but it’s mine." She smiled.

"I love it, babe!" he crowed.

"Babe..." Lauren repeated, smiling, but then she frowned. "Emma made you guys?"

George nodded. "Yeah!"

"And she obviously mentioned something about me..."

"Yeah, you’re Lauren, her best friend." If his smile grew any wider, it could’ve lit up Alaska during its months in the dark.

Lauren quirked an eyebrow. "And you’re obviously a Micky-clone." She grinned, "But I don’t know your name."

"George," he responded, and began bouncing again.

"I guess I really didn’t have to ask, did I?" she grinned and sat next to him, holding onto the mattress as he continued bouncing. She laughed. "I think she overdid your energy, though!"

"Just checking the shocks, babe." George winked at her.

Lauren blushed. "You’re terrible!"

"I know." He grinned.

* * * * *

*sighs* And he STILL checks the shocks. Go figure. ;- )

George: You know you love it, babe. *grins*

Tommy: Of course she does & you two are gonna ‘ave the twins to prove it.

Yeah. *grins* Curly, we still need to come up with names, too.

George: I’m working on coming up with some, babe, don’t worry.

Why do I WANT to worry when he says "don’t worry"?

~Lauren (George & Tommy went to play video games)