
by Lauren

Lauren walked down the hall in the Library, leading towards the room with the transmogrifier. She was followed closely by her husband, George, an obvious Micky clone... and he was followed by two 18 month olds, who were a little more interested in playing tag than actually following their parents.

Lauren stopped at the door to the room and turned to George. "I’m not even gonna ask you to promise not to touch anything in there. Just don’t create something or blow something up, okay? Please just watch the twins."

George grinned. "Sure thing, babe!" With that, he scooped up one kid in each arm and carried them in. He settled them on a couch against the wall, then settled himself in.

Lauren gave him a wary look, then went over to the machine. She’d been watching the uncut version of the 2001 concert in Anaheim again and had an idea for a new clone. Both of them agreed the twins needed grandparents who were actually nearby, so they decided, atleast, on a grandfather-type. Lauren had an idea, though, that the clone would not take being called a grandfather very well, though.

She pushed some buttons and typed in some information. She stood back and waited. Then they heard the *ding!* George snickered at the "timer" sound. Lauren rolled her eyes and opened the door.

Another Micky clone stepped out, this one from 1996, when the trio had appeared on "Boy Meets World." He wore blue jeans, a black polo shirt... and had his hair pulled back in a pony tail.

"Hi, Gordy," Lauren greeted with a smile.

"Hey, darlin’. Not a bad entrance."

"Hiya, Gramps!" George called out from the couch.

Gordy turned a raised eyebrow to him, then groaned. "The name’s Gordy, okay."

George shrugged. "Sorry... Gramps." He grinned.

"Figures," Lauren said, shaking her head.

Gordy waved it off. "No problem. I used to be him, anyway. I’ll get him back." He gave that mischievous grin that Lauren knew oh-so-well.

Lauren frowned, slightly. "Maybe... two Micky clones aren’t exactly the best combination."

George bounced on the couch. "Come on, lets go play with Grandpa Gordy!" He scooted the twins off the couch, who ran out the doork, laughing. George latched onto Gordy’s arm and pulled him out the door.

Lauren shrugged. "It’s probably better that I opted for Gordy as opposed to the Micky with the leather pants. He’d have a tough time chasing the three of them in those pants." She grinned. "As nice as they looked..." She went out the door, closing it after her and followed the others back down the hall.
