Part 2Well, a lot has happened since we last left the characters (well not that much, but that sounds better than "Well, a couple things..."). Richie decided that he'd give the other ticket to Fonzie, even though poor Ralph begged and pleaded about it was his dream to learn the hula "live". Now everyone is packing and getting ready for the trip...
Laverne and Shirley's apartment, the day before the trip.
Shirley: Let's see here. I've got conditioner, soap, toothpaste, all in convenient mini bottles... What am I missing? Oh yes, shampoo. I'd better not take the quickipoo, I remember what happened last time... Ah, here's my shampoo! Now where did I put Boo Boo...
Laverne: Shirl! I've got a big problem!
Shirley: What is it now? I'm busy packing.
Laverne: I can't fit my L on my bathing suit!
Shirley: Doesn't that tell you something? Hmm?
Laverne: What?
Shirley: If you can't fit an L on it you shouldn't be wearing it. That means it's too smutty. Now you'll have to find a stylish one-piece like I'm taking.
Laverne: Or I could just make a smaller L.
Shirley: Will you just go pack? I'm busy looking for Boo Boo Kitty.
They continue their petty argument...
the next scene is in Lenny and Squiggy's apartmentLenny: Squig? Where's my good shirt?
Squiggy: In the back of the fridge. Why are ya taking it? We're going to Hawaii, not to meet the Queen!
Lenny: I know, but I wanna have it just in case.
Squiggy: Plan on getting a beach babe, Leonard?
Lenny (to himself): Not just any beach babe...
(Oooh, the plot thickens...)
Our next scene is in Fonzie's place above the Cunningham's. He is carefully laying out fresh T-shirts and combs for every day of the trip.Fonzie: Thursday, Friday, Saturday. There, that should do it. Now I'm set for a trip to meet some hula girls. A-lo-ha!
Just then Richie enters.
Richie: Oh, Aloha to you too, Fonz. That's great, practicing your Hawaiian.
Fonie: The Fonz is multi-cultural.
Richie: I suppose "Aaaay" is the same in any language.
Fonzie: Of course. Now what did you want?
Richie: Oh, I just wanted to see how your packing was coming...
Fonzie: That's it? Well, I appreciate your concern, Red, but I'm fine all by myself.
Richie: Yeah, I know Fonz. I also just wanted to talk...
Fonzie: Spit it out, Rich. You're rambling.
Richie: Sorry, I was just thinking, I'm feeling kinda bad, not taking my parents. Mom's dreamed of going to Hawaii forever...
Fonzie: Well, why didn't you say so? I can fix that easy! (He walks over to the phone) Hello? Vivian? Yeah, this is Fonzie. Do you think you could find some tickets to Hawaii? (Listens) OK, you can be my New Year's Eve date. (Listens) 4 first class? Thanks. (Listens) I promise I won't forget. Bye. There's your tickets.
Richie: Really? You mean you got those free?
Fonzie: Not free, being the Fonz's New Year's Eve date is an honor.
Richie: You're the best, Fonz.
Fonzie: I know. Anything for the woman who cooks my carrots.
Richie: Well who are the rest for?
Fonzie: Well, Mr. C and Shortcake gotta come too, don't they?
Richie: Who's the fourth for?
Fonzie: Far be it for the Fonz to deprive Ralph from learning the hula.
The next scene is at the airport. Laverne, Shirley, Richie, Fonzie, Ralph, Joanie, Lenny, Squiggy... Well, you get the point. Everybody is there. Laverne has her camera around her neck and is snapping pictures of everybody {Like she did in "Shotgun Wedding"}.Laverne: Smile, Richie. Hey! Squiggy! Get your head out of the picture, in the backround I can see you biting your palm at every woman who walks by.
Loudspeaker: Flight 106 to Hawaii, now boarding. Flight 106 to Hawaii, now boarding.
Shirley: That's us! And to think, first class!
Fonzie: We're not going to be in any class if we don't get movin'. Let's go everybody.
They all board the plane and get seated.
Again, not a very suspenseful part, but I'm stopping here. Don't worry, it get's much better :-)
Part 3!