Emma: Speaking of the twins...(turns to the twins) are you two ready to have your very own adventure, all of your own? ;) :D

Shelly: *grins* Yes. :)

Little Micky: Stowy! :D

Davy: That's right. You kids get to be the 'eroes of the story tonight! (Grins) Oh, and I'm ready.

Peter: Me too! This will be fun!

Mike: You kids wouldn't do anything TOO naughty, would you?

Lauren: Why do I have something of a bad feeling about this?

Emma: (Cuddles Katie) How about you, Miss Katie? Do you want to be in an adventure, too?

(Katie burbles.)

Mike: She's ready and rarin'. That's m'cowgirl.

*Both kids shake their heads, looking innocent.*

Micky: I know that look.

Lauren: No kidding, Mick. You TAUGHT them that look!

(Everyone laughs...including the twins.)

*As we open, it’s early morning at Lauren and Micky's house. Little Mick pulls himself up and stands upright in the crib. He looks around the room.*

"Little Mick: I wonder if Mommy and Daddy know I can climb out of this thing?"

"Shelly: (Turns over on her side) Go back to bed. It's too early for escaping."

Little Mick: (looks over at Shelly) It's NEVER too early for escaping. Just watch me!"

"Shelly: Ok, then. YOU escape. I'LL sleep."

"Little Mick: *waves* Bye, sis! *starts to play with the latches on the side of the crib*"

"Shelly: Bye, Mick." (Shelly turns back on her side.)

*Little Mick works at the latch with his little fingers and lets loose a whoop of glee when it opens. He pushes it out far enough to squeeze through and jump down to the floor.*

"Shelly: (Mutters) They're gonna hear you, you know."

"Little Mick: Will not. Now, where's that new truck Daddy got me? *looks around*"

"Shelly: (Little yawn) I think it's in toy box."

"Little Mick: Thank you, Shel! *goes over to the toy box and practically sticks his whole body in trying to get the truck*"

*The door to the nursery opens...*

Micky: *As he enters* Wakey woodle poodles! *stops and folds his arms* Can I help you with something, Little Mick? ;)

(Shelly just sighs under her blanket.)

"Little Mick: *slides out of the box, and lands on the floor with a thud on his rear* Uh oh."

"Shelly: (Grins) Busted, bro."

Micky: *shakes his head and goes over to the little boy* I'm either gonna build you a cage or get you a bed.

"Shelly: (Grins wickedly) A cage might work."

"Little Mick: Very funny."

Micky: Every morning, the same thing. I come in, and you’re half in the toy box. *picks up the little boy*

*Little Mick: *Grins* But he won't punish me, and you know it."

"Shelly: No, Mick, but Mommy will."

Micky: *slight frown* You know, Mick, you could hurt yourself getting out of the crib like this. *fixes the latch on the crib and sets little Mick down* And when Mommy finds out...

"Shelly: Mommy will be MAD."

"Little Mick: *frowns widely* Please don't tell Mommy! She won't let me have ice cream!"

Micky: *sighs* I won't tell her. Not when you give me a face like that. Just...try not to keep sneaking out, okay?

"Shelly: You eat too much ice cream, anyway."

"Little Mick: I love ice cream! Daddy eats a lot, and look at him!"

Micky: So, are you two ready for breakfast? The sooner we eat, the sooner we can head out. We're going to the zoo today!

"Shelly: (Sits up) Zoo? Ooh, isn't that where all the animals are?" (Out loud) Zoo, Daddy! Aminals!

"Little Mick: Yeah! I love all those big animals! Especially the cats!"

Micky: *Nods* That's right!

Little Mick: *out loud* Cats!

Shelly: Kitties!

Micky: You two have to promise to be good, okay?

Shelly: Ok, Daddy!

Little Mick: Pwomise!

Shelly: We good!

Micky: *slight smirk* Uh huh. I'd ask if your fingers are crossed, but you don't know about that yet. ;) *pauses* Who's up for breakfast?

Little Mick: Me!

Shelly: Me too!

Micky: Good answer! You wanna walk by yourselves, or do you want me to carry you?

Little Mick: Wanna walk!

Shelly: (Reaches out to her father) Up!

Micky: *chuckles* Okay, Shel. Just let me put your brother on the floor first.

"Shelly: (To Mick) I like being carried by Daddy! He turns me upside-down and tickles me!"

*Micky pulls Little Mick out of the crib and sets him on the floor.*

"Little Mick: I wanna run!"

Micky: Okay, Shel, here we go. *picks up the little girl and turns her upside down*

Shelly: (Out loud) WHEEEEE!!! "Daddy's so much fun! My head feels all tingly!"

"Little Mick: *grins* That's just from being upside down, right?"

(Shelly sticks her tongue out at her brother.)

Micky: *puts her on his shoulders for a piggy back ride* Here we go.

Shelly: Yeah! (Holds on) Ride Daddy!

Micky: *laughs* I am definitely getting you two on horses when you're old enough. :)

Shelly: Horsie! Horsie! "My very own horse! I'd love that, Daddy!"

"Little Mick: *sticks out his tongue* I'm gonna run. Bye!"

Micky: *as Little Mick runs to the door* Mick! Don't run!

"Shelly: Mick, come back! Don't fall down the steps! You got a great big lump on your head the last time you did that and Mommy had to put ice on it and make you stay inside all day!"

"Little Mick: I'll be careful, Daddy, geez. (Makes a face) Did you have to remind me about that, Shel? :P"

"Shelly: You DO get into accidents a lot, Mick. ;)"

*Micky follows, Shelly still on his shoulders.*

"Shelly: Hey, is Mommy up, too?"

"Little Mick: Don't know. She isn't much of a morning person."

Micky: All right, rugrats, I've got a mission for you. Mommy doesn't like getting up early, and she needs a little help. *points them toward the bedroom, where Lauren's still sleeping* Can you two go in there and wake up Mommy?

Shelly: Ok!

"Little Mick: *grins widely* Oh, boy! Let's go, Shel!"

*Micky sets Shelly down on the floor.*

"Little Mick: Let's play jump on Mommy!"

"Shelly: Ok! (Frowns) But how are we gonna get on the bed?"

"Little Mick: Climb? Daddy will help if we can't get up."

*Micky watches, grinning, from the doorway.*

"Shelly: Well, ok. Come on! If we don't get Mommy up, we'll never have breakfast or go to the zoo!"

"Little Mick: *gasps* That's right! Let's hurry up!"

*Little Mick runs for the bed and manages to scramble up the blankets that are dangling off the edge. He stops and waits to see if Shelly can get up.*

"Little Mick: Come on, slowpoke!"

"Shelly: I'm comin'! (Follows him and starts scrambling up the blankets. She's slower, but she manages to make it to the top) I did it, Mick!"

"Little Mick: *grins* All right, Shel! (Grins a wicked Dolenz grin) Wanna just jump on her?"

"Shelly: Sure! If that doesn't get her up, nothing will!"

"Little Mick: Charge!"

*Micky watches as the twins jump full-force, belly-flopping themselves onto Lauren.*

"Shelly: Get up, Mommy! We wanna go to the zoo!"

Lauren: *her eyes snap open* Wha...I'm being invaded!

Little Mick: Zoo, Mommy!

Lauren: *chuckles* Aren't you two awfully wide awake this morning? I'll bet Daddy had something to do with this.

Shelly: Aminals!

Little Mick: Cats!

"Shelly: It was Daddy's idea, Mommy."

Lauren: You two are getting heavy! What's Daddy been feeding you?

"Little Mick: Ice cream, of course!"

(Micky comes in at this point, grinning at the trio on the bed.)

Micky: Hi, babe. I take it you found the munchkins.

"Shelly: Daddy, you SAID to wake up Mommy!"

Lauren: Actually, they found ME, though I've got an idea this wasn't all THEIR plan.

"Little Mick: Daddy's playing innocent."

"Shelly: Mommy won't fall for that! She's too smart, and she knows Daddy too well."

Micky: Who, me? (Tries for the innocent look)

Lauren: Sure, Mick, maybe ONE of these days I'll fall for that look.

Micky: What look?

"Shelly: (Grins) See?"

"Little Mick: Mommy wins again."

"Shelly: Mommy knows when Daddy's fibbing."

Lauren: *grins* Would you be so kind as to help get the kids off me, since YOU were the one who sicced them on me in the first place?

Micky: (Sighs) Come on, kids. Hey, Shel, want to ride on my shoulders into the kitchen?

Shelly: Sure, Daddy!

Micky: Ok, princess! Upsy-daisy! (Swings Shelly onto his shoulders)

Shelly: Yeah! Up!

"Little Mick: I'm gonna run again!"

Micky: No running, Little Mick! You don't want to fall and smack your head again!

*Little Mick frowns.*

Lauren: *chuckles* At least neither of them inherited my fear of heights.

"Shelly: I can see everything from up here! (Looks at her brother) Oh, come on, Mick, riding Daddy's shoulders is fun! (Frowns) Are you scared?"

"Little Mick: No, but there's no room with you up there, and I like to run!"

Lauren: Hey little man, want a piggy back from me?

Little Mick: *grins* Piggy back!

"Shelly: Wow, I can see the cobweb one of the spiders left, and one of Onyx's mousie toys...."

"Little Mick: *as Lauren lifts him onto her shouders* I can see the spider web!"

"Shelly: Maybe we ought to tell Onyx that he left his toy upstairs. He might miss it."

"Little Mick: Yeah, he's probably looking for it!"

(Micky and Lauren walk the kids downstairs and into the kitchen.)

Lauren: Last stop! Everyone off!

*Lauren sets little Mick on the floor.*

(Micky sets Shelly on the floor.)

Micky: You kids go play for a few minutes while Daddy gets breakfast ready.

Lauren: *as the phone rings* I'll supervise. *Picks up the phone.*

"Shelly: Hey, I wonder who's calling this early?"

"Little Mick: I don't know. Maybe Auntie Emma. She likes the morning a lot more than Mommy."

"Shelly: Or Unca Peter. He likes the mornings, too. He always drinks green tea and reads the paper. (Frowns) Why do they call it green tea? I once peeked in Unca Peter's cup and it looked sort of brownish, not green!"

"Little Mick: *shrugs* I was wondering that, too. That's weird."

"Shelly: Unca Mike and Daddy like coffee. Unca Davy drinks English tea. I don't know why they call it that. It looks like regular American tea to me!"

"Little Mick: *wrinkles his nose* Both of those things smell weird to me."

"Shelly: Me, too. Give me good ol' apple juice any time!"

Lauren: Okay, Janelle. The kids will love going to the zoo! We're all meeting here...

"Shelly: (Looks up) Janelle? (Grins) Oh, isn't that Nana?"

"Little Mick: *grins* Nana! Oh, boy! She always makes Daddy turn red."

"Shelly: I wonder why? I think Nana's funny!"

"Little Mick: I think she's funny, too!"

"Shelly: Let's go find out if Nana's coming to visit! I'll bet she'll say somethin' to make Daddy turn red again!"

"Little Mick: I hope so! He makes great faces!"

(The twins toddle into the kitchen as Micky groans.)

Lauren: We'll see you in a little bit. Bye. *hangs up*

Micky: We have to bring my SISTERS to the ZOO? Do you know what they did to me the LAST time we all went to the zoo together?

Lauren: It seems to have slipped my mind. What'd they do?

"Shelly: Sisters? Oh, Auntie Coco, Auntie Debbie, and Auntie Gina!"

"Little Mick: I like Coco. She picks on Daddy."

Micky: They locked me in the reptile house and let the aligators swallow the key! They dumped ice down my pants in the middle of the main entrance!

Lauren: *trying not to burst out laughing* That's terrible, Mick.

"Shelly: I wonder what would happen if WE dumped ice down Daddy's pants?"

"Little Mick: I wanna find out!"

"Shelly: We gotta get some ice first."

Micky: I was HUMILIATED in front of half of LA!

Lauren: *still trying not to laugh* It couldn't have been THAT bad.

"Little Mick: Maybe we can try to get Mommy to help us. I think she liked the ice idea, too."

Micky: Mark my words, Lauren, those kids have "danger" written all over them!

"Shelly: Oh, like the blonde lady on 'Laugh-In!'"

"Shelly: You think Mommy and Daddy know we peek at that show when they aren't lookin'?"

"Little Mick: Nahh."

"Shelly: I don't know why they make such a big fuss over that show. It's just grown-ups playing dress-up and acting silly. I'll bet Daddy and his friends would be great on 'Laugh-In!'"

"Little Mick: I bet they would! They might even be better!"

Lauren: Mick, they're your sisters! They're kids! Kids do weird stuff like that.

Micky: Do all kids do weird stuff like that to ME?

Lauren: Just the kids that know you.

Micky: Maybe you should call Em and tell her about the change in plans. She's bringing Katie too, remember.

Lauren: I'll call her now. *goes back to the phone*

"Shelly: Katie's no fun. She doesn't do anything yet!"

"Little Mick: Yeah. She's too little."

"Shelly: I can't wait until she's bigger. Then we'll be able to do things together, like play trucks and dolls and hide-and-seek."

"Little Mick: And dump ice down pants."

"Shelly: More people to help us tease Daddy."

"Little Mick: That's always fun to watch. ;)"

"Shelly: It's a shame Katie's parents don't like to be teased, though. Unca Mike and Auntie Emma always turn red and get upset."

"Little Mick: I've seen Daddy try to tease Unca Mike. Daddy doesn't always do very well."

"Shelly: No one can tease Unca Mike...except for Auntie Emma, and sometimes Unca Peter."

"Little Mick: I like watching Daddy try."

(Lauren lifts both kids into booster chairs at the table as Micky puts eggs and small slices of cinnamon toast on their plates, along with slices of bananas.)

Micky: There you go, kids! Chow's on!

Little Mick: Food!

Shelly: Yummy!

Lauren: And the kitchen's still intact. Imagine that.

Micky: Babe, I haven't blown up the kitchen yet!

"Shelly: Why would Daddy blow up the kitchen?"

"Little Mick: *shrugs* Because he blows up other stuff sometimes?"

Lauren: "Yet" is the key word. You have come fairly close a few times.

Micky: Name one time I damaged this kitchen! (Huffs and sits down with a big plate of hash browns, scrambled eggs, toast, and strawberries.)

Lauren: I could, but I'd have to PICK one, and I'd rather eat first.

"Shelly: (As she digs into her breakfast) Good point. I wonder if Mommy knows about the hole he made in the wall in the living room the time he was playing with his chemical set and she wasn't home?"

"Little Mick: Wanna find out if she knows? Maybe we could show it to her."

"Shelly: AFTER breakfast. If she kills Daddy now, we might not be able to get any more. Mommy doesn't like cooking."

"Little Mick: Another good point. *dives into his food*"

(Older Micky also dives into his food.)

Lauren: *nods* Yup, like father, like son.

"Shelly: Geez, Mick, you're getting as bad as Daddy! Why don't you try swallowing first?"

Micky: (Looks up from his breakfast) Huh?

"Little Mick: *Mouth full* Huh?"

(Shelly and Lauren sigh in unison.)

*A little while later, Lauren and Micky are getting the twins ready to head out.*

Micky: The kids should be here any minute, and then the others will be coming, and we'll all go to the zoo together.

Lauren: *nods* You'll see, Mick, this is going to be a fun outing.

"Little Mick: *as Lauren hands him a small pair of sunglasses* I love going outside! I get to wear these cool sunglasses!"

"Shelly: Mine are pink! (Takes a small pair of pink sunglasses from Micky)"

"Little Mick: You just wear them to copy me! Mommy says that blue eyes are sensitiver than brown!"

"Shelly: I wear them because they look nice on me and I can look around in the sun without having to close my eyes a lot!"

*Little Mick sticks his tongue out at her.*

Micky: (Gulps) Fun...yeah...

Lauren: You're worried over nothing, Mick.

"Shelly: Daddy seems sorta scared about this zoo trip. I don't know why. Mommy's always saying he's an animal."

"Little Mick: I don't know, either. *Grins* Daddy does kinda resemble an animal sometimes, too."

"Shelly: 'Special-y at night with Mommy!"

"Little Mick: Yeah, and when they think we're aren't looking!"

"Shelly: I wonder what they're doin' when they move around on the bed? It must hurt. Mommy screams a lot, and Daddy groans and says 'Oh, yes!'"

"Little Mick: I know! They're wrestling!"

"Shelly: The bed's kinda small to be doing wrestling moves..."

"Little Mick: *shrugs* Maybe."

Micky: (As a car horn and giggling is heard) Lauren, are you SURE we can't lock the door and pretend no one's home?

Lauren: *rolls her eyes* Yes, Mick! I promised Janelle we'd bring the girls with us. You are worrying over nothing!

Micky: You get the door, then. I'll keep an eye on the kids. ;)

Lauren: Sure thing. *goes to the door*

"Shelly: Why is Daddy afraid of Aunt Coco, Aunt Debbie, and Aunt Gina?"

"Little Mick: I don't know. I like them! They're fun to play with!"

"Shelly: Me too! We always play fun games when they're here, like Cowboys and Indians!"

"Little Mick: Daddy makes a great Indian, too!"

Lauren: *opens the door; smiles at the three girls* Well, you ladies look like you're ready for a day at the zoo!

Shelly: Aunties!

(Micky steps back behind the twins.)

Little Mick: *tugs at Micky's pant leg* Wanna play!

Shelly: Up, Daddy!

Micky: (Shakes his head) Sorry, kiddos. We're gonna be going to the zoo as soon as everyone else arrives.

Little Mick: *points out toward where the girls are* Wanna see!

Micky: (Picks him up) Ok, little man. We'll go wait for everyone else on the front stoop.

Little Mick: Yay!

(Micky steps outside as the girls sit down with Shelly and Lauren. As he and Little Mick watch the street, the MonkeeMobile pulls up and parks along the curb. Mike, Emma, and Peter all step out, Emma holding Katie.)

Emma: Hi, guys! Say "hi," Katie! (Makes Katie wave.)

Little Mick: Hi!

*Waves, grinning widely.*

Mike: All ready for the big trip?

Peter: (Sighs) I like the zoo, but I don't like seeing all those poor animals in cages.

Little Mick: Aminals!

Emma: Peter, a lot of those animals wouldn't have homes at all if it wasn't for the zoo. Tigers and lions and buffalo and eagles are endangered species. Zoos raise them and often set them back into the wild.

Micky: Most of them are perfectly happy in those cages, anyway.

Mike: (Grins) That's right, little cowboy, we're gonna see the animals! (Grins) I wanna see the wolves m'self.

Emma: He wants to communicate with his relatives.

Micky: How surprising.

(Mike rolls his eyes as Peter and Micky chuckle.)

*Little Mick tries to howl.*

Mike: You don't have the equipment yet, cowboy. It's more like this. (Mike lets out an ear-splitting - and eerily wolf-like - howl. Emma jumps. Peter whimpers. Katie, however, just burbles and stares at her father.)

Emma: For some reason, she likes his wolf howl.

Micky: *waves it off* You call that a howl?

Emma: Ok, guys, let's not get into a howling contest. Let the animals at the zoo do that.

Mike: That's no fun, darlin'.

Peter: You'll hurt your throats if you keep doing that!

Micky: Everyone else got to howl.

Mike: Davy and Val couldn't come. Davy had stuff to do at the stables and Val's workin' on that secret project of hers in the city.

Peter: She's been there a lot lately! I wish she would tell me what's going on!

Micky: Oh, well. Their loss. (sighs) Well, let's get this over with...um, let's get going.

(Everyone steps inside. Lauren holds Shelly in her lap as they chat with the girls.)

"Shelly: Hi, Mick. We're doing some female bonding."

"Little Mick: I can see that!"

Mike: Hi, guys. (Leans over and ruffles Shelly's hair) Hi there, Shel. How's my little cowgirl today?

Emma: Hi, everyone.

(Peter smiles.)

Lauren: Hey, guys.

Shelly: Fine, Unca Mike!

"Shelly: I like it when Unca Mike calls me cowgirl! Just like Dale Evans on the TV!"

Mike: You guys ready to go?

Little Mick: Go!

Emma: (To Coco and the girls) You ladies ready?

Coco: We're ready!

*Micky quirks an eyebrow.*

Mike: Well then, move 'em out, Monkees!

(Everyone files out of the door.)

"Shelly: (As they leave the door) Mick, I wonder why they call themselves Monkees? They're humans!"

"Little Mick: I don't know. I'd like to see real monkeys!"

"Shelly: I can't wait!" (Lauren and Mick are the last ones out the door.)

*Micky locks the door behind them.*

(Fade into a line at the entrance. It's a beautiful, sunny, warm late September afternoon, and the zoo is reletively crowded. It's not a large zoo, but a good size, with all kinds of animals. Emma and Mike come first, pushing Katie in a stroller. Peter follows with the little girls. Micky and Lauren carry the twins.)

Mike: Let's take the kids to the petting area first. I bet the twins would love to feed big ol' pigs and chickens and cows.

Emma: And the llaamas! They're so soft. The Peruvians use their pelts to make wool.

Little Mick: Oink, oink!

Peter: That's right, Little Micky! Piggies go "oink, oink!"

Lauren: As long as no one does their hog call, we should be safe.

*Micky sticks his tongue out.*

(Mike and Peter chuckle.)

(They lead the children over to an area where large black and pink pigs, hens, roosters, ducks, chickens, cows, and two large, white, wooly horse-like animals with long necks and thick manes all mill around behind a heavy whitewashed wooden fence.)

Emma: (Smiles at Katie's fascination) See all the animals, Katie? Except for the llamas and the lack of a spider, this could be a scene from "Charlotte's Web!"

(Katie burbles happily.)

Little Mick: *points at the ducks* Quack!

Shelly: Duckies! (Grins) Donald! Daisy!

Little Mick: Daffy!

Emma: Yes, they're ducks, like Donald and Daisy, but I doubt they wear sailor hats or bows or throw fits...or get hit with anvils.

Shelly: Big roos’er! "Listen, son!"

Little Mick: Foghorn!

Emma: (Laughs) That's right. Foghorn Leghorn is a rooster, too, but he's a lot bigger than these guys!

Micky: *grins* But not as smart.

Shelly: No skunks!

Emma: (Shakes her head) They smell too bad. Remember why all the lady cats don't like Pepe Le Pew?

Little Mick: *wrinkles his nose* Stinky!

Shelly: Yuck. Poor kitties!

Lauren: That, and he had a tendency to latch himself onto those cats. *grins at Micky*

Micky: What?

Shelly: Taz'main'an Devil?

Little Mick: Taz!

Emma: None of those, either. The real ones are very rare...and nothing like Taz!

Little Mick: Awe! *frowns*

Peter: Hey, how would you kids like to feed the animals?

Little Mick: Yeah!

Shelly: Feed aminals!

Peter: I brought some quarters just so you kids could feed the petting animals! (Goes to a small vending machine near the animals' pen. He returns with a large handful of cracked corn and feed pellets.) Here you go, guys! (Gives a little to each child, including Micky's sisters)

Emma: Don't eat it yourselves, though. You'll break your teeth on the corn, and the pellets only taste good to the animals.

Micky: *glares at his sisters* No kidding.

"Shelly: (Scampers over to the fence) I wanna feed a Porky!"

"Little Mick: Wait for me! I wanna feed Daffy!"

"Shelly: I wonder if he'll say 'Th..th..that's all, folks!'"

"Little Mick: Maybe if you ask him real nice."

(She goes up to a big black pig and lets him sniff her hand. He eats the feed off of her hand. She giggles)

Shelly: Hey, he tickles! He has a hairy nose, like Unca Peter!"

*Little Mick goes over to a couple of ducks. One pokes at the feed. He grins.*

"Shelly: How's Daffy? Did he lose his beak yet?"

"Little Mick: Daffy's okay! His beak is still where it was!"

"Shelly: Daffy is so funny when Elmer Fudd blows his beak off! He gets mad at Bugs and says it should be wabbit season!"

"Little Mick: Duck season!"

"Shelly: Oh no, you don't, Micky Dolenz! I don't want MY beak blown off!"

"Little Mick: *laughs* Come here, you wascally wabbit!"

(Emma gets some feed of her own and leans over to the llamas. She gently strokes their rough, wooly pelts as they feel her hand.)

Emma: There's a good girl. I've got plenty for you and your husband! :)

"Shelly: Auntie Emma likes the llaama things. I wonder why they have such long necks? They sorta look like horsies, but not quite."

"Little Mick: I don't know. I wonder if we could ride on one?"

"Shelly: Maybe we could try! (Nods at the llama, who nibbles feed from Emma's hand as she giggles) She likes Auntie Emma! She's a nice llama!"

"Little Mick: Let's go over and see if Auntie Emma will help us!"

(The twins toddle over to Emma. Shelly tugs at Emma's pants leg.)

Shelly: Up, Auntie Emma! (Points at the llama) On horsie!

Little Mick: Ride horsie!

Emma: (Shakes her head) That's not a horsie, kids. That's a llama. She's gentle, but she's not for riding. She's for petting and feeding and shearing wool to make blankets.

*Little Mick frowns.*

Mike: Sorry, squirts. This ain't a ranch. It's the zoo. You don't ride on animals here.

Shelly: Awww! Ride horsie!

Little Mick: Wanna ride!

Micky: Uh oh.

Emma: Kids, this is NOT a horse. She's a LLAMA. She's NOT for riding here.

Mike: Got that, short cowpokes?

Lauren: I think we oughta find something to get their minds off the llama.

Emma: Good idea. (Grins) Why don't we go see the big cats? That section isn't far from here.

Little Mick: *brightens a bit* Cats?

Micky: Yeah, you know. *makes cat noises*

Shelly: No ride?

Emma: Not on the llama, Shel. We'll see the tigers and panthers and lions instead.

Coco: Come on, squirts, let’s check out those cats.

Shelly: (Sighs) Ok.

Little Mick: *grins* Kitties!

(The group moves away from the petting pen down a long path, past squawking exotic birds and cages of smaller animals like foxes and wild rabbits. One cage seems empty except for a gray furry rear end and a black-and-white tail sticking out of a hollow log.)

Mike: What in the heck is that?

Emma: That's a raccoon, kiddies. He's sleeping. Raccoons are awake during the night, when we're in bed.

Peter: He always looks like this when we come to the zoo! It isn't opened at night!

Little Mick: Waccoon!

Coco: *tilts her head* Kinda reminds me of Curly.

*Micky groans.*

(Peter, Mike, and Emma chuckle; the twins giggle.)

"Shelly: Nice one, Auntie Coco!"

"Little Mick: That's one point for Coco!"

(They move on to the cages with the big cats. We first see a lion. He's a large lion, with a thick mane and bright eyes. His tail, however, is a bit damaged and missing fur, his ear is nicked, and he's rather thin.)

Emma: That's Leroy the Lion, kids. They rescued him from a bad circus that wasn't being nice to their animals.

Mike: That's why he's kinda scrawny. He's still fillin' out.

Little Mick: *waves* Hi, Lewoy!

(Leroy opens his wide mouth and lets out a tremendous roar that can be heard all over the zoo.)

Emma: He's got a quite a voice, though! Probably comes from stage training.

Micky: *grins* Now, THAT'S a roar!

Mike: We ain't gonna get close to that.

Micky: Well, now, I wouldn't say that, Mike.

Shelly: Big kitty!

Emma: DANGEROUS kitty. Leroy's a nice lion, but most lions are tough. They eat meat and have really big claws and teeth.

(Leroy trots over to the crowd and lets out another roar.)

Coco: Leroy really isn't that much different from Curly.

*Micky sighs.*

(More chuckles from the group and giggles from the twins.)

Emma: She's just showing her affection for her brother, Mick!

Micky: *grumbles* Couldn't she show it some other way?

*Lauren gives him a slight elbow and smiles.*

(They move along to the next large, grassy cage, where two tigers, a male and a female, lay together, licking each other.)

Emma: Those are Bengal Tigers. They're from India.

(The two tigers stand and stroll into a large pool of water on one side of the enclosure.)

Emma: Tigers are the only big cats in the world who LOVE water.

Little Mick: Bath time!

Shelly: Bubble bath?

Mike: Not for tigers, cowgirl.

Little Mick: Aw.

Emma: Well, ALMOST the only cats in the world who love water. When I was little, my family had a cat named Cleo who used to try to jump in the tub with us.

Mike: (Shakes his head) Aunt Kate's barn cats acted like they'd dissolve if someone tried to give them a bath.

Micky: Shorty used to love the water.

Lauren: Onyx doesn't mind the water. Of course, he likes to shake it off the way a dog would and get everyone wet.

Emma: Dad got Cleo from the docks where he worked when she was a tiny kitten. I guess that's where she got it from. Rose always SWORE she was part tiger, but I think she just wanted to "exotic-up" Cleo.

Shelly: (grins) Kitty get messy!

Emma: Ok, then, let's let Mr. and Mrs. Tiger take their baths in peace and visit Micky's relatives.

Micky: Funny.

Mike: Nahh, we'd have to go off-planet for that, Em.

(Peter gently nudges the chuckling Mike; Emma rolls her eyes.)

*Micky growls.*

Lauren: Down, Mick.

(They move along to a smaller cage that's entirely grass, small trees, and tropical flora. Two long, lithe black forms jump around the tree limbs.)

Shelly: Black kitty!

Emma: Here are the panthers, kids. They're used to jumping around in trees in the jungle and don't need as much room as lions or tigers.

Lauren: And, no, they don't come from Peoria, either.

Little Mick: *grins* Panther Man!

*Micky slaps a hand over his eyes.*

"Shelly: (As she and her brother press against the bars) I wonder if you'll be a Panther Man when you grow up, Mick?"

"Little Mick: I hope so!"

(The smaller panther jumps through a large tire. The larger one nudges her, and they start cuddling.)

"Shelly: They sure ACT like Mommy and Daddy!"

"Little Mick: Yeah, they really do!"

"Shelly: They looked like they had fun, jumping all over those trees! Mommy won't let us climb trees yet!"

"Little Mick: I bet we will soon, though! Daddy will let us!"

"Shelly: Daddy and Unca Davy climb trees when Mommy's not looking! That's how Daddy tore his pants last month! He didn't catch them on a nail. He caught them on a branch falling out of a tree!"

"Little Mick: I liked that. Mommy didn't believe his story, but she went along with it anyway."

Emma: What do you guys want to see next?

Mike: Why don't we go see Auntie Emma's relatives the bears?

Emma: (Grins) Not MY relations. The relations of all those stuffed animals I have for Katie and I gave to the twins when they were born.

Shelly: Yeah! Bears!

Little Mick: Bears!

Mike: Big ol' shaggy bears, like Davy Crockett caught on TV!

Coco: Even those bears had better hair than Curly.

"Shelly: (Grins at her brother) That was point two."

"Little Mick: She's good!"

Micky: You know...

Lauren: *glares at him* Mick...

Mike: Mick, bad enough SHE does it. YOU'RE supposed to be older than that.

*Micky just growls.*

(They move further down to a large cage with a sandy floor and a big, cave-like building on one side. One big, dark brown bear lumbers outside, squinting. The other, smaller and slightly lighter in color, joins him. They start growling at each other, occasionally shoving or slapping one another.)

Mike: Musta come in time for a domestic quarrel.

Peter: I hope they don't end up hurting one another!

Emma: (Shakes her head) I come here often to see their antics. I call them Ralph and Alice, because they always fight.

Lauren: Good comparison.

"Shelly: They sort of remind me of Unca Mike and Auntie Emma when THEY fight."

"Little Mick: That's a better comparison."

"Shelly: I wonder why Auntie Emma and Unca Mike fight so much? Mommy and Daddy aren't NEARLY as bad as they are, and I don't think I've ever seen Auntie Valerie and Unca Peter fight!"

"Little Mick: I don't know. I guess they just disagree more often."

"Shelly: Unca Peter gets sorta scared when anyone fights. He starts crying and sobbing."

"Little Mick: He doesn't like to see people get hurt."

"Shelly: I heard Mommy and Auntie Emma say once that he can see auras, or something. I wonder what that's all about?"

"Little Mick: It sounds cool, whatever it is."

"Shelly: (As the adults move them along) I wonder when we'll be able to do what all the grown-ups can do, like turn ourselves into kitties and fight the bad lady and stuff?"

"Little Mick: *frowns* Probably when they say we can."

"Shelly: That's not fair. I wanna be a kitty. Or a horsie, so I can run fast and jump over fences."

"Little Mick: Me too."

(The group walks over a bridge. Emma grins and points out the long, scaly, green lizard-like creatures beneath them.)

Emma: Here's the alligators, folks.

Peter: Al...al...alligators? (Eyes widen; steps behind Mike)

Little Mick: Gators!

(Katie burbles)

Shelly: (Frowns) Logs!

Emma: Not logs, Shelly! Look! (One aligator opens his huge, wide, pink mouth to reveal his sharp teeth)

Lauren: They're just floating. They're lazy.

Coco: Oh, kinda like...

Micky: Coco, please don't.

Emma: Gemma Dolenz, leave your brother alone.

Mike: That joke's gettin' old, Coco.

Coco: *shrugs* I'm just teasing.

Micky: You can finish later, Coco. *rolls his eyes*

Emma: Would you guys like to see the reptile house?

Mike: Yeah. Lots of fish and snakes and bugs.

Micky: Yeah!

Peter: (Gulps and steps back) Will they bite?

Shelly: Buggies. Yuck.

Little Mick: Reptiles!

Emma: (Shakes her head) These buggies are cool, Shel! They're from Africa and Asia. There's tree frogs from South America and fish from Australia, and they're ALL behind glass or in tanks.

Peter: (Relieved) Oh. I guess it's ok, then.

Little Mick: Wanna see!

Emma: If nothing else, we'll be able to get out of the sun. It's very dark in the reptile house.

Mike: (Nods) Yeah. Katie's gotta get inside for a while.

Lauren: I'm starting to get nicely toasted, too.

(Emma leads the group into a small brown building on the end of the pathway, next to the alligator's pond. The brown building is filled with small glass enclosures. A smaller pool is in the back; giant turtles swim and sleep lazily on rocks. One tank in the middle of the room is filled with exotic fish. The other has local varieties. The room is very dark and quiet.)

Emma: (Softly) Here's where all the reptiles live.

Little Mick: Wow!

Mike: (Points to a tarantula) Look at that big spider, kids! He's hairy, too.

Little Mick: Spider!

Shelly: Dark.

Emma: It has to be dark and warm for the frogs and bugs and lizards, Shel. Most of them don't like dry climates.

(The tarrantula skittles over to the glass, close enough for Little Mick, whom Mike holds up to the cage, to see how big he is.)

Little Mick: BIG spider!

Mike: One of the biggest in the world, little cowboy.

Emma: (Holds Katie up to the fish) Here's what Pop Pop Jackman does for a living, Katie. He gathers fishies to sell to markets in America and in other countries.

Shelly: Fish! Pretty fish!

Emma: (Nods) He doesn't gather these fish, though. These are angel fish. They're found in warm waters, like Australia.

Shelly: Turtle! (Pulls Lauren over to a turtle; the turtle pulls his head in his shell as she walks over) Turtle hide.

Lauren: Yes, he's hiding. He does that to protect himself.

Micky: Sometimes, I wish I could do that.

Mike: (Gathers in the middle, near the fish tank) Well, what should we do next?

Emma: Let's go see the birds next. They're near here. Then we can go up to the jungle area and see the other big cats and monkeys.

Mike: That's gonna be an awful lotta walkin' for the kids.

Emma: Well, what do YOU suggest?

Mike: We could go back and see the otters. They'll get a kick out of them. They like to show off.

Emma: (Leans down towards the kids) What do YOU guys wanna do next?

Little Mick: Otters!

Shelly: Birdies!

Mike: (Makes a face) That helped.

Micky: Figures.

Emma: (Turns to the Dolenz sisters) How about you girls? What are you up for?

Coco: *grins* Otters.

Gina: Birds

Debbie: Jungle!

Emma: (Sighs) That didn't help, either.

Mike: Well, we can't just stand around HERE all day!

Emma: The birds and the jungle entrance are right near here, Mike!

Mike: The otters are closer to the zoo entrance, though.

Emma: I doubt the kids are ready to leave yet. (Turns to the others) Lauren, Mick, where do you guys want to go? I'd like to go see the birds.

Micky: Well, the birds are nice...but I'd like to see the jungle...and the otters are groovy...

Peter: I'm with Mick. I'd like to see all the animals!

Mike: We're gonna be here all day!

(The adults gather in a tighter knot, squabbling amongst themselves.)

"Shelly: This is boring! I wanna go see the birdies!"

"Little Mick: I just wanna go see something! Why don't we just go? They might be a while."

"Shelly: You really think we should? They might get upset, and we've never gone anywhere this big by ourselves before."

"Little Mick: Maybe we can get Auntie Coco, Debbie, and Gina to come with us."

"Shelly: Ok! They're sort-of grown ups."

"Little Mick: That's right!"

Shelly: (Tugs on Coco's pants leg) Go out! Birdies!

Coco: What are you squirts up to?

Little Mick: Wanna see birdies!

Shelly: Out! (Points out the door)

Coco: *looks to the other two girls* Think we should?

Debbie: Maybe we should tell one of the adults...

Gina: If we can get past their arguing!

Coco: *glances at the group* They're too busy. We'd never get their attention. *nods* Let’s go. We'll be back long before they're finished.

Gina: Ok.

Debbie: What about Katie?

Coco: *goes over to Katie's stroller* They aren't watching her. We could bring her with us. We'll keep a good eye on her.

Gina: Cool! She's so cute!

Debbie: We used to help Mom watch Shelly and Little Mick when they were babies!

Coco: Right! We'll show them that we're very responsible! Come on. *waves the others on to follow her as she pushes Katie's stroller*

"Shelly: This is going to be so much fun! We're going to see all the birdies and the jungle and the otters!"

"Little Mick: I can't wait!"

(The group of kids walk out the door, leaving the parents arguing and waving their hands around.)