Let's start. Everyone ready to head for the Floral Square? :)

Peter: Let's go!

Davy: I'm ready.

Debbie: Sounds cool. :)

Coco: Me, too!

Gina: And we'll be closer to the Wizard! :D

Micky: Wizawd! :D

Shelly: See Wizawd! :D

Mike: Like this? :p

(Cut back to the Pad. Maxine grins.)

Maxine: Well, how did that sound?

Millie: Pretty good, dear. (She and Larry stand) We've got to be getting along, though.

Larry: I have a moving run and Millie has an order for a big golden anniversary party at the Caprice Ballroom.

Kimberly: Come to think of it, we should be headin' out, too.

Daphne: (Puts her arm around Davy) I think I'll hang around a little longer.

Jenny: That's right, you two have to make wedding plans! ;)

Daphne: (As she and Davy blush) We will, later. :p ;)

Micky: Uh huh. ;)

Maxine: We're gonna go downtown to look for more materials for Jen's rugs.

Maxine: See ya, guys.

Millie: Tell us the rest of the story when it's finished! ;)

Larry: I know I'd love to hear it. :)

Emma: We will! :)

Mike: (as the Abbies and Millie and Larry leave; Katie has fallen asleep) I'm gonna take this little lady into the bedroom. You guys keep goin'. I can hear you fine from there. ;)

Emma: Who wants to go next?

Daphne: What about me? I haven't gone yet! ;)

Shelly: Auntie Daphne tell story! :D

Micky: Tell story! :D

Davy: (Grins) Tell away, dear. You 'ave an audience awaitin' your every move. ;)

Daphne: (Grins) I got some cute ideas. The group started traveling over hill and dale through the magical, mystical Floral Square...

(Fade out on Daphne as she tells her part of the story; fade in on the cart on a path going down a paved. The road is surrounded by gorgeous green fields filled with dazzling flowers and herbs of every color. The trees are laden with flowers and fruit. Emma picks a few peaches as the cart passes under a tree. Peter plucks herbs for his medicines. David offers each little girl a different-colored rose. :) )

*Coco points out different flowers to the twins.* :)

(Sir Michael leans over to sniff some roses...and gets his nose stung by an annoyed bee. He lets out a wail and rubs his muzzle, trying to get the stinger off. Coco holds Sir Michael and Peter pulls out the stinger and rubs Sir Michael's muzzle with a whitish poultice. Sir Michael goes to a corner, whimpering about feeling silly. Emma sits next to him and strokes his head. :) :p )

(The cart finally comes to a long wooden bridge over a river. The area across the river is a clearing filled with berry bushes. The red, blue, and purple berries glisten in the sun.)

Emma: Oooh, those look good! :)

Shelly: Bewwies! :D

Micky: Yummy! :D

Coco: They look wonderful! :)

David: We'll get some when we get... (But a huge, rather familiar creature jumps out onto the bridge as the cart tries to cross. He growls and snarls. The horses rear, and David does his best to calm them.)

Creature: (Growling) I'm Babbitt the Troll! Who dare crosses my bridge to eat my berries?

David: We're just a group of travelers passing through.

Peter: We weren't going to do any harm!

Sir Michael: (Howls) You ain't gonna eat us, are you? :o

Coco: Oh Sir Michael... :P

Babbitt: Not if the eldest among you answers a riddle. If they answer correctly, you may pass. If not (grins) I could use a nice, plump human dinner. ;)

David: (Looks over his shoulder) Who 'ere is the oldest? I'm twenty-two.

Emma: Twenty-six.

Shelly: Me two! :D

Micky: Me two, too! :D

Coco: *grins* I'm out. ;)

Sir Michael: (Gulps) Twenty-five.

Debbie: I'm only ten!

Peter: (BIG gulp) Tw...twenty seven! :o

Troll: Ok, Blondie, you get to answer my riddle, then.

Peter: I'm not smart enough! :o

Troll: Would you rather be my dinner, Goldilocks? ;)

Peter: (Stammers) N...no. :o

Troll: What bites but has no teeth, attracts colorful characters who never speak, wears silk but never attends dances, and has perfume but no nose? (Growls) You have two minutes, Goldie, and don't go askin' your pals for help! :p

(Peter closes his eyes, wracking his brain for the answer. The only sound is the rushing river and Sir Michael's whimpering. Finally, Peter's eyes snap open, and he grins.)

Peter: (Smiles) A rose. Roses have pretty, silky petals, but no legs to dance with. They smell good, but have no noses themselves. Their thorns "bite," but they can't really bite. They have no teeth. They attract colorful bees who don't speak. :)

Troll: (Eyes nearly bulge) How'd you know that? :o X(

Peter: Well, I saw some rose bushes when we were passing through. I even picked some rose hips for my cough syrup. :)

Troll: (Grounds out) You may pass. :p (After they pass, he jumps up and down angrily) A witch told you that! A witch told you that! You couldn'ta figured it out on your own! You... (he finally slips on the side of the bridge and falls in the river, still growling as he floats to the far side and climbs out. The kids happily stop and pick their fill of berries before going on their way.)

(The cart continues along the road, passing through more and more gorgeous fields of flowers, now dotted with huge mushrooms and little mounds of earth. David stops the cart at one field of flowers that seems better-kept than the others, more like a garden. A gazebo is in the middle of the garden.)

David: This looks like a nice place for lunch. :)

Micky: Food! :D

Emma: We can rest and finish the berries, dried meat, and fruit. :)

Debbie: For once, I don't blame Micky for being excited. Those berries were really, really good! :D

Gina: Even the California strawberries aren't as good! :D

(Emma pulls out a basket as the others tumble out of the cart. David attends to the horses. Coco, Debbie, Gina, and Emma spread out a pretty checked blanket and set out the food and utensils. Peter picks herbs and berries for his medicines. The twins happily chase Sir Michael around, jumping on him and playing with him.)

Emma: (Calling to the twins) Don't go too far! We'll be eating soon!

Micky: Okay! :)

Sir Michael: I'll keep an eye on them! (He chases the twins off to one side of the garden. Beautiful flowers of almost every description grow in neat rows along the cobblestone path. The twins and the wolf stop to admire the lovely flora.)

Shelly: Pwetty! (Leans over and sniffs one)

Micky: Smell nice!

Sir Michael: (Frowns as giggling is heard) What's that?

Shelly: (Listens) Flowers! :D

Micky: Flowers laugh! *grins* :D

Sir Michael: That can't be the flowers! Flowers don't talk!

Rose: (One of the roses opens to reveal a very human face and leaves that look rather like a dress) Of course we can talk, dear.

Iris: (Rather haughtily) If there's anyone worth talking to.

Daisy: (She's the giggler) Or about! :))

Pansy: (Smiles) Look, little flowers, just like me!

Shelly: Me no flower! Me girl! :D

Micky: And me boy! :D

Iris: They certainly don't look like any flowers I've ever seen.

Sir Michael: Didn't you hear the kids? We AIN'T flowers! They're kids, and I'm...well, at the moment, I'm a wolf.

White Rose: (Gasps) I'll bet they're just common weeds! :p

Sir Michael: We ain't weeds!

Shelly: Me no weed! :p

(The others come running at this point. Emma frowns.)

Emma: What's going on?

Sir Michael: (Points a paw at the garden) These little snoots were just accusin' us of bein' weeds!

Petunia: We've never seen anything that looked quite like you before!

Lilly: Except for the flower who passed through earlier. She called herself Snow White.

Peter: The High Princess! :o

Sir Michael: So THIS is where she ran to after I wouldn't kill her! :o

Debbie: Where's the princess now?

Daisy: (Giggles) Why do you want to know?

Sir Michael: Flowers, she's in terrible danger. The witch wanted me to kill her, but I couldn't do it. I used to look like them (nods at the others) and walked on two stalks, but she turned me into a wolf because I wouldn't hurt her niece.

Iris: She's living with the gnomes in the house just a bit down the path. This is their country. Only gnomes and flower fairies live here.

Rose: (Sighs) There are fewer of them than there used to be, though. They've all been fading away.

Pansy: And some of my friends can't talk anymore! :(

Daisy: I keep telling you, Pan, it's the soil. The soil where they're planted is too hard.

Iris: Anyway, if you must find the princess, she's likely to be there.

Sir Michael: (Looks at the others) We've gotta tell Princess Snow White that her aunt is probably still after her.

Peter: Poor girl! :(

Coco: I'm sure she'll love to hear that. :P

David: Come on! We'll take the cart. (Nods at the flowers) Thank you for helping us!

Pansy: Thank you for visiting!

Rose: Please visit us again soon! :)

Debbie: (As they make their way back to the cart) I like those flowers much better than the ones in the Disney "Alice." They kicked Alice out of the garden because they thought she was a weed! :p

Coco: Well, these flowers thought we were weeds, too. You're right, though. At least they didn't kick us out. :)

(David spurs the cart into motion again. It moves down the path, to the edge of some woods. A neat little cottage stands there, between the trees and the garden. All is quiet, except for a rustling of curtains at one window. David stops the cart and frowns.)

Peter: I hope she's ok.

Sir Michael: Maybe someone ought to go and knock.

Debbie: Why don't we all go?

David: I'll go first. Everyone stay behind me. The witch may 'ave already gotten 'ere. (They all cautiously make their way up the cobblestone path to the doorway. David knocks on the door)

David: 'Ello? Anyone... (he finds himself staring at the barrel of a shotgun as the door is flung open) home? :o

Snow White: (A young woman with long, black hair held back by a red ribbon holds the other end of the gun) What do you want?

David: You to stop wavin' that thing in me face. :p

Peter: Your Highness, we mean you no harm!

Sir Michael: Snow White, I'm the one who couldn't kill you in the forest.

Snow White: (Frowns and lowers the gun, revealing a lovely - and familiar - face with large hazel eyes and pale skin. She wears a pale blue peasant gown with a black bodice) You...but you're a wolf! Sir Michael the Brave is a human!

Sir Michael: (Quietly) Your aunt turned me into a wolf and a coward to punish me for not killin' you. My men are now mice and probably dead. :(

Snow White: (Eyes widen) Oh, god. Everyone come in. (She lets the group in and puts the gun on a rack. Everything is done on a small size, only a bit bigger than the twins, even the organ on one side of the room.)

Shelly: Little! :D

Micky: Like us! :D

Snow White: (Smiles) Gnomes are little, children. They're just letting me hide from my aunt here. (Turns to the cuppord) Now, who are you, and where are you going?

David: (Takes Snow White's hand, pulling her close to him) I'm David of Mancesteria, and (his eyes get starry) I think I love you. :X

Sir Michael: (Rolls his eyes) Oh please. :p 8-|

Snow White: (Blushes) Really? Well, (grins and looks into his eyes) you are kinda cute... :X

David: Would you like to go for a walk in the garden? :X

Snow White: Sure, but we have to be careful. My aunt could be lurking about. (Nods at the garden) We could get my wand. It'll keep us safe. I gave it to the Flower Prince for safekeeping. :)

Coco: *grins somewhat stupidly* Flower Prince? ;) :D

Snow White: (Nods) He's the High Prince of the Floral Square and one of the heads of the gnomes and fairies. (She gently takes David's hand) He'd love to meet you. (Looks at the others) And all of you! :)

Coco: I'd love to meet him. :"> :x ;)

Micky: Coco silly! :D ;)

Debbie: She met him on Engine 99 when we were going to the Jerseyana Square and got a crush on him! ;)

Emma: (Grins and absently strokes Sir Michael) Coco's in love, Micky. ;) :)

*Coco just blushes.* :">

*Micky shrugs.* ;)

Shelly: Coco kiss? ;) :D :X

Snow White: (Winks as the others laugh) Maybe! :X ;)

Coco: I hope so! :D *grins with embarrassment*

(Snow White leads the others out the back door and down a long, winding path through huge fields full of flowers. She stops before the largest flower, a huge white bud. She goes to the flower and taps it gently.)

Male Voice: *pleasantly* Who is it? :)

Snow White: It's Snow White, Your Highness. I've come for my wand, and I have some humans and a wolf here who would like to meet you. :)

Flower Prince: Okay, hold on... *there's a pause, and the same blond haired fellow that was on the train tumbles out from the flower* I need to get that fixed. :P ;)

Snow White: (Curtsies, though she's giggling) Hello, Prince William! How are you feeling today?

David: (Snickers) Other than sore. ;)

*Coco just stares, a small smile plastered on her face.* :) ;)

William: *rolls his eyes, but still smiles* I'm fine, thank you. I don't always make my entrances like that. :P ;)

Sir Michael: (This time, he's snickering) It would be awfully painful if you did! ;)

(Emma nudges Sir Michael. :p ;) )

William: *chuckles* Don't I know it! ;)

Snow White: These people are friendly, Prince William. Apparently, you've met the children. (Indicates the girls and the toddlers) You may know Sir Michael as well.

William: Ah, yes, I met them on the train. :)

(Sir Michael bows as well as he can in wolf form, blushing under his thick black fur. :"> )

Peter: I was on the train, too. These two are Emma and David, and we're all going to the Emeralda Square to see the Wizard.

Snow White: They have the marks of two of the High Princesses, William! They've been through the Southland and the Northland! :)

William: The Wizard, huh? Some have waited YEARS to see him!

Emma: He'll see us! We're delivering the wands that belong to Princess Maxie and Princess Audrella to him for safekeeping!

William: You've certainly made your rounds! *pauses* You're delivering the wands? How wonderful of you! That is not an easy task.

Sir Michael: No kiddin'. :p

*Coco is still staring.* :x ;)

David: We've 'ad our fun with the witch a couple of times already. :p

Debbie: (Nudges her sister) Just kiss him and get it over with! ;)

*Coco's eyes widen.* :">

Snow White: I'd like for them to at least stay the night. My aunt is probably still after them and me. I know she's jealous of my abilities. :p

William: *glances in the girls’ direction, then nods at Snow White* That Grizelda sure can be a pain. Good idea.

David: Snow White, what was with the shotgun greetin'? Most people don't come on someone's doorstep and end up with a gun in their face! :p

Snow White: I know my aunt will try something again. She's already sent poisoned combs and tried to crush my ribs with an extra-tight girdle. I thought you were her or one of her minions. :p

William: *slight grin* She did that to me earlier, when I returned. ;)

Snow White: I saw your wings and thought you were the pigs! :p

William: *tries not to laugh* Do I look like a pig? :P

Gina: (Giggles) Coco doesn't think so! ;)

Coco: *can't stop herself* Far from it! :D ;) :x

*Coco slaps a hand over her mouth.* :">

(Her sisters grin widely and giggle. ;) :D)

William: *smiles in Coco's direction* Am I missing something here? ;)

*Coco shakes her head, but won't move.* ;)

David: (Gently takes Snow White's hand) Why don't we let these two get to know one another while we explore the garden? (Kisses Snow White's hand) And I will say, you are the most beautiful royal person I've evah seen. ;)

Snow White: Oh, go on! ;) :X

Emma: I think these two are occupied. ;)

(Other fairies are starting to emerge from flowers as well, slowly but cautiously. Gnomes wander amid the flowers, watering them.)

Micky: Silly gwown ups! :D ;)

Shelly: Vewwy silly! :D

Debbie: (Goes to the fairies) Look at them! They're so tiny! :)

Gina: Look at their pretty wings! :)

*The twins follow after Debbie and Gina.* ;)

*Coco glances after the others, her eyes widening again.* ;)

(The fairies are all different colors and, like William, generally resemble the flower the emerge from. The gnomes are small, wizened creatures. Most are older males and females, but there are some younger people and children, too.)

(The group spreads out around the garden as "Teeny Tiny Gnome" begins. The twins chase after fairies, who sprinkle them with glittery rainbow-colored dust. :) )

(Emma and Sir Michael walk down the path together, chatting and occasionally stopping to talk to a gnome or watch fairies flit through the sky.)

*Everyone has left Coco standing where she was, except for William, who puts an arm around her shoulders and smiles. Coco has a dumb grin on her face.* ;)

*The twins are dancing in the glittery dust.* :D

(Peter chats with several gnomes on the basics of herb gardening and healing. :) )

(David and Snow White dance on the garden path, then in the gazebo. They end up embracing, then kissing. :X)

*William leads Coco over to a bench. We see his mouth moving, while Coco just nods. She's still staring with a goofy grin.* ;)

(There's rustling in the rose bushes behind the bench. Debbie, Gina, and several fairy children watch Coco and William, giggling. ;) )

*The twins have stopped dancing and join Debbie, Gina, and the fairy children watching Coco and William. William gives Coco a kiss on the cheek. She grins widely, stunned, then grabs HIM in a big kiss that leaves HIM blushing.* ;) :D :">

(The kids are all wide eyed and grinning. :D ;) :X)

(Emma gives Sir Michael a hug and a pat as he wistfully leans into her arms and they return to the others.)

(David and Snow White dance back to them, kissing again.)

(Peter returns with several gnomes. All carry baskets brimming with fruits, vegetables, and herbs. :D )

(The music ends as everyone returns to the bench. David, his arm around Snow White, whistles. ;) )

David: That was some mighty fine work there, Coco. ;)

Coco: Awwww... :D ;)

Snow White: Very nice. ;)

Gnome 1: The girl's a natural. ;)

William: *grins* I'll say! ;)

Micky: Kissie! :D

Rose Fairy: I've never seen William that red before! ;)

*William sticks his tongue out at her.* :P ;)

Snow White: William, do you still have my wand? I want to send it along to the Wizard, too.

David: We're delivering Audrella and Maxie's wands to the Wizard.

Peter: We hope he'll be able to recharge them!

William: *eyes widen* Oh, yes, I do still have it! *reaches behind him and pulls it from his wings* Here it is. Safest keeping. *hands it to Coco, who grins and hugs the wand to herself* :)

(The wand is bright green, with a flower shaped gem on top. Snow White smiles and gently places a hand on the girl's shoulder.)

Snow White: You're in charge of the wand now, Coco. Guard it with your life. :)

Coco: *looks up at Snow White* Thank you. I will! :)