Everyone ready to head for Eastern Europe?

Robert: Anywhere, as long as there are no devils!

Peter: And we can find a good tavern to play in.

Georgi: I am.

David: So am I.

(We open back at the Mayor's House. Herman and Lilly have their arms around each other. The others are gathered around a larger cart that's filled with their instruments and supplies.

Robert: So you two really are staying together.

Herman: *Nods* Yes.

Lady Lilly: Herman is going to have a permanent job as the official musician for the Mayor and for all festivals. My father is even going to talk to other local lords to see if he can audition for them.

Peter: (Hugs Herman) We're going to miss you!

Herman: And I'm going to miss all of you. Thank you for everything.

Robert: Thank you, too.

Valerea: And I can't thank you enough! You helped Peter and me get out of Wales together. You've done more than you know.

Herman: Thank you, my friends. I hope to see all of you again some time.

Robert: I am sure you will, Monseuir Herman.

Valerea: (Frowns) Has anyone seen Ursula? She's been gone all morning.

Laryen: She's trying to get Emmeline to join us.

Robert: Her? I would rather have a snake join us!

Lady Lilly: (Frowns) Emmeline's a wonderful girl. She'd probably be better off with you than rotting away in this little town. I don't think they really understand her here.

Laryen: *Pokes Robert* And maybe YOU should get to know her better before you pass judgement.

Robert: She is obstinate and stubborn!

Peter: So are you, Robert.

(Robert is grumbling as Ursula arrives with Emmeline. Emmeline carries a large bag and a small crate.)

Robert: Mademoiselle, we have enough luggage. What is all of that you are carrying?

Emmeline: Why, my things and books! I wasn't going to leave without them. (Tosses a curved, polished stick in the cart as well) And my staff. I may need to defend myself.

Ursula: Robert, if you start a fight here, I will let Georgi drive. (Turns to Georgi) On second thought, you and Laryen can drive. I need to talk to Robert anyway.

Robert: (Squawks) What!

Georgi: Aye aye, Miss Captain!

Laryen: We'd be happy to.

Ursula: All right, everyone in the carriage! (She gives Lilly and Herman a hug) I wish you all the best. And Herman...I would appreciate it if you didn't mention certain things about what we can do to others.

Emmeline: (Hugs Lilly) I'll miss you! I already said good-bye to my family. (She wipes her eyes)

Lady Lilly: I'll miss you, too, but you're doing the right thing. There isn't anything this town can offer you. You're better off seeking your fortune in the wide world.

Robert: (As he gets into the carriage) Oui. We have secrets that need to stay that way, for our safety and yours.

Herman: Your secrets are safe with me.

Lady Lilly: Me, too.

Ursula: Farewell, friends! Thank you again for everything! (Peter helps her and Valerea into the cart, then gets in himself. He's the last one in as Ursula makes her way to the front of the cart.)

Ursula: And now, let us be off, Captain Dolenzia and Laryen!

Georgi: And we're off!

(The cart rattles and bumps off towards the main road. It stays on the road for a while. Ursula makes her way to the front again. Emmeline chats with David. Valerea and Peter cuddle together. Robert plays his mandolin and ignores Emmeline.)

Ursula: Georgi, we need to take that road (points to one that goes through a dense forest) over there. I know it looks spooky, but we have business no one can see.

Georgi: It looks okay to me.

(Georgi turns down the road. It does go through a dense, dark forest. As she does that, Ursula makes her way to the back of the cart. The cart looks like a gypsy cart, house-like with sides and a roof. Ursula sits on one of the benches.)

Ursula: Valerea, Emmeline, I'd like you ladies to join me.

Emmeline: (She sits on Ursula's right) What is it?

Valerea: *Sits on Ursula's left* Have we done something wrong?

Ursula: Not at all. In fact, I'm going to give you two something very special. (Turns to Valerea) Do you remember the blue light, when we all escaped the Fortress, and how we got out of there so quickly?

Valerea: Yes. What was that?

Ursula: (She makes a rose and a daisy appear in a blue light) That was this. (Hands Valerea the rose and Emma the daisy) For you ladies.

Emmeline: Thank you...but how did you do that?

Valerea: Thank you. Yes, how?

Ursula: Our Imagination Powers. I have them. The boys all have them, too. So does Laryen.

(Robert makes some salted pork appear and stuffs it into his mouth.)

Emmeline: You are a pig!

Ursula: Robert, stop it. I'm going to need you and Peter here. You're going to give the ladies their powers.

Robert: What! I woudn't do that...

Ursula: Robert, you like her.

Emmeline: I don't...

Robert: She's so...

Ursula: STOP! I want both of you to end this childish fighting this minute, or I'm throwing you both out of the cart here and now.

Robert: Fine.

Emmeline: If you say so.

Ursula: I do say so. I think you're both very fond of each other but are too stubborn to admit it. Now Robert, put your hand on Emmeline's chest.

Emmeline: Oh dear. Does he have to do that?

Robert: Why? What is wrong with your chest?

Emmeline: Nothing, it's just that...I've never had a man touch me there before.

Robert: I will not hurt you, Mademoiselle. (He does what he was told.)

Ursula: Peter, you do the same for Valerea.

Peter: (Blushes) Um, Valerea, I think my hand goes here... (He puts his hand on her chest)

Valerea: *Smiles gently* I am okay with that.

Peter: (Mutters to himself) I'm not sure I am. (He gently puts his hand on her chest)

Ursula: I want both of you to concentrate. (Glares at Robert) And same goes for you, Robert. No groping.

(Robert mutters French curses as both boys do as they're told. There's a rust-brown light around Emmeline and Robert; his is also whitish. We see the same with Peter and Valerea, only with yellow and green.)

Ursula: How do you ladies feel now?

Emma: Oh...oh my....that really got my heart pumping...

Robert: Well, go ahead! Do what we did.

(Emmeline makes a book appear.)

Emmeline: Oh, tales of German myths and legends! My favorite.

*Valerea makes a quill pen appear.*

Valerea: Oh my, that's wonderful!

Emmeline: This is amazing!

Ursula: That's just for starters. You can travel from place to place like we did, as long as you can envision it in your mind.

Robert: And we will not be getting anywhere if we do not know where we're going.

Ursula: I thought Eastern Europe might be receptive to some good musicians. I hope you've all packed your warm clothes. It can get chilly in the Balkans.

Robert: (Shivers) Too cold for my blood.

Emmeline: Oh, how exciting!

Valerea: I love seeing new places.

Emmeline: Oh, so do I!

Peter: And we'll get to play for new people.

Ursula: If we ever get back to the main road. Do you think you can find your way back, Georgi?

Georgi: Of course I can! *suddenly makes a turn* ;)

Robert: (As everyone is knocked into the side of the cart) Whooa! Georgi, you nut, what are you doing?

Georgi: You told me to get back to the main road! :P

Robert: You nearly knocked us out of the cart! :P

Ursula: (Sighs) You did the right thing, Georgi. How long do you think it'll take before we are out of the woods?

Georgi: Not long at all!

*Sure enough, it's mere moments before they find the dirt road they were on previously.*

Robert: How did you do that?

Emmeline: Incredible!

Georgi: *Shrugs* It's a gift.

*Laryen rolls her eyes, but she's smirking.*

Robert: Sure it is.

Laryen: *Golds up a map* I'm navigatin'.

Robert: Ahh. You, I trust, Mademoiselle.

(We hear a bit of "Valleri" as the camera cuts to a high shot of the car bouncing along.)

(Cut back to another road through woods. This time, the carriage has stopped. Ursula and Laryen appear to be setting up a campfire. Valerea and Emmeline gather wood, while Robert and Georgi argue over the next route to take.)

Ursula: (Looks up) Where's David? Has anyone seen him recently?

Peter: (He's strumming his mandolin; it sounds a little like "Lady's Baby") I haven't.

Emmeline: Nor have I.

Robert: Maybe someone should go look for him.


Laryen: I'm sure he's around here somewhere.

Valerea: He probably just went for a walk. He'll come strolling in, boasting about how he is now courting at least three hunter's daughters and has another four interested in him.

Ursula: (Sighs and returns to her sticks) I do wish that boy would settle down.

Robert: I do not think it is in his nature to settle down.

Emmeline: He seems nice enough to me...

Robert: He is, how some say, catnip to women.

Georgi: *Makes a face at Robert* What?

Laryen: We'll find him kissin' a woodland princess, I bet.

Robert: Or a forest fairy.

Ursula: If he doesn't show up by dark, we'll send someone out for him. In the meantime, let's get the cooking pit started.

(Cut to the woods. David is, indeed, strolling along. He's whistling what sounds like "French Song" as he goes...but then, he sighs.)

David: I don't get it. How is it that the others all have girls and I don't, even if Robert and Em act as if they'll tear each other's heads off sometimes? After all, I can usually get any girl I want to. (Shakes his head) I don't want just any girl. I want someone special. Someone who could mean something to me.

David: (We hear a rustling noise in the woods; he stops, his eyes wide; gulps) H...hello? Hello? Is anyone there?

(That's when a huge wild pig with enormous tusks charges out of the bushes! David tries to duck away, but he's grazed by the sharp tusks. He grabs his leg and falls down with a sharp cry.)

David: (Growls at the pig) Blast you, you bloody piece of bacon! Look at what you've done! (The pig has turned around. He's snorting and stamping the ground...and looks like he's ready for another run! David throws up his hands) I didn't mean it! Honest! You're a nice pig! I don't even like bacon! Don't hurt me! (He tries to get away, but his leg hurts him a great deal and he's slow.)

*The pig charges at David. David puts his arms up in front of his face, bracing for the blow, but it never comes. He uncovers to find what appears to be a woman manhandling the pig with nothing more than a short knife.*

David: Oh my....she's amazing!

*The woman steps away from the now-dead pig and turns to David.*

David: How...you...oh my....how did you do that?

Woman: *Smiles* It's what I do. *pauses* Are you okay?

David: Uh...uh huh... (He leans against her) Just...carry me home. (He finally passes out in her arms.)

Woman: You poor man! *She lifts him easily and takes him to her home as we fade out.*