Is everyone ready to cross the sea?

Georgi: You bet I am!

Robert: Oui.

Peter: I am.

David: I am, too.

(We open back at Lewellyn's Inn. Lewellyn is squawking at his five sons, while Sir Gabriel shakes his head.)

Lewellyn: Were you all crazy? You know you could have gotten killed, going after those...those people like that!

Terrence: What were we s'posed to do? Sit around and let them take the Inn and kill off Gabe's regiment?

Lewellyn: No, that, I'm proud of. But you need to be more careful around these people! How did they get you in the first place, Terrance?

Terrence: We were doin' some browsin', and we had to hide in a closet cuz they were comin' in. *sighs* I sneezed while we were hidin'.

Lewellyn: How's your back feeling?

Terrence: A little tender, but it'll be fine. A little welt ain't gonna keep me down... *lets a sneeze rip*

Charles: That cold might, though.

Lewellyn: Did you take some of that cold remedy?

Terrence: Not yet.

Lewellyn: Well, do it as soon as Ursula and her group leaves. I don't want you sneezing all over guests.

Terrence: I haven't sneezed on anyone!

Charles: Yet.

(Ursula, the Guardians, and Laryen come out of the Inn, all of them carrying bags.)

Lewellyn: Boys, help them load their cart! (He turns to Laryen) We're going to miss you so much, dear.

Laryen: *Hugs Lewellyn* And I'm gonna miss all of you!

Horace: Before we load up, do we get hugs, too?

Laryen: Of course! *hugs Horace, he grins*

*Laryen goes down the line and each of the boys goes to help take bags. Laryen goes to Terrence last and puts an arm around him.*

Laryen: You be good for your dad. I don't wanna receive a message by ox cart that you're misbehaving, or else I will come back just to slap some sense into you.

Terrence: Is that a promise or a threat?

Laryen: Cute. *gives him a hug, then a kiss on the forehead; he blushes* I'm gonna miss ya, Terry.

Ursula: (Laughs) Your boys are quite amazing, Lewellyn.

Lewellyn: Sometimes.

Terrence: Just lemme know if that Georgi guy does anything to make ya mad. I'll hunt him down. I dunno what I could do to him wit' those powers of his, but...

Laryen: It's the thought that counts.

*Laryen pats his shoulder and turns to rejoin the Guardians. Terrence frowns, but grabs Laryen's bags and takes them to the cart.*

Lewellyn: All of you be careful!

Sir Gabriel: We'll keep an eye on things here. From what I gathered, they probably won't be able to keep Lucifer and his minions for very long. I imagine they'll buy their way out within weeks.

Ursula: We're going to move along to Wales and southern England, then perhaps to France and Germany. (Turns to Georgi) And we may take a side-trip to Italy so you can visit your family, Georgi.

Georgi: That would be great!

Ursula: Did you talk to your parents, Laryen?

Laryen: *Nods* Yes, I did. They support my decision. They know I can take care of myself.

Robert: And how!

Ursula: (Pats Laryen's shoulder) I'm glad to have you. I do love the boys, but it'll be nice to have another woman to talk to.

Laryen: Agreed. (Sighs) I'm really gonna miss the boys here, though. They're all like brothers to me.

Lewellyn: We'll miss you, too. I never had a daughter (pats Laryen on the shoulder) but you came very close.

Laryen: And it was nice to have a second dad.

Lewellyn: go along, now, before I try to get you to stay. After all, you worked five times as hard as any of them. (Nods at the boys behind him.) They're lucky to have you. (Nods at Georgi) He's lucky to have you.

Laryen: *Hugs Lewellyn again and gives him a kiss* I'll be back to visit.

Lewellyn: I know you will. (Hugs her back) You run along now. Keep them safe.

Laryen: I will.

Robert: You have our word, Monseiurs. We will keep Laryen safe (chuckles) and she'll keep us safe.

Peter: I don't think anyone would cause trouble after she's run into them!

Horace: We'll miss you!

Charles: Take care, Lary.

*Terrence gives a short wave before disappearing back into the Inn.*

Peter: (Smiles at Laryen as the cart bounces down the road) I think Terrance liked you.

Laryen: *Sighs* I'd occasionally had that feeling, but he was always too much like a brother. I feel bad, but...

Robert: That is all right. He'll get over it. I am sure there are other mam'selles in your village he has courted.

David: *Nods* I'm sure he'll be just fine. Besides, you and Georgi have this wonderful glow about you.

Robert: You two are so sweet, you make my teeth itch.

Ursula: I think it's lovely.

Georgi: You guys are too kind.

Peter: So, where are we going next?

Ursula: Back to the mainland, before my sister and uncle escape. (Smiles at David) Perhaps we could stop in the British Isles first and make the rounds of the Courts?

David: That would be lovely.

Ursula: We could visit David's family and perhaps see if we could get some real connections with the Welsh and British manor born.

Robert: We do all right singing in Inns and taverns.

Ursula: No, we don't. We made just enough money playing at Lewellyn's for this sea voyage and a meal afterwards. We need money, everyone...especially now that we have someone else with us.

Robert: Laryen, do you cook?

Laryen: *Shakes her head* No, unfortunately.

Peter: Then it is still Georgi and me cooking when we are eating outdoors. Georgi is good cook; I learn from Mother.

Georgi: I'd be more than happy to teach you how.

Laryen: I'd like that.

Robert: Well, none of us are going to learn anything if we do not catch that boat! (He flicks the reigns, and the cart bounces along the road to the sea, where we can see the masts of a tall ship ready to set sail.)

(We get a montage to the tune of "As We Go Along." Robert and Ursula sell the cart to an older man in the port village by the boat docks. Everyone boards the ship. We get a shot of Peter playing his Robert leans over the side, very green and seasick, making noises to the point that he's losing his lunch. Ursula sighs and hands him a bottle of seasickness remedy. She can't stand to see suffering, especially noisy suffering.)

*David sits at the front, enjoying the view. Laryen and Georgi spend quality time together.*

(Cut to the ship's arrival at the dock in Wales. Ursula comes off first with her bags, looking fresh as a daisy and quite happy. Peter helps the wobbly Robert off next.)

*David comes off next, whistling, carrying bags. Georgi and Laryen follow, carrying their bags and holding hands.*

(Cut to another Inn, this one larger than Lewellyn's and made of wood instead of stone and mud. Ursula steps into the lobby of the Inn as the music ends. She takes a long, deep sniff.)

Ursula: Ahhh. Smell all that lovely, clean, fresh sea air. It does one wonders.

Peter: It does you wonders. I am not sure about poor Robert. :

Robert: (As he follows them with his bags; still a little tipsy) Has the boat stopped rocking yet?

Ursula: Robert, I do wish you handled sea travel better.

Robert: I have never been in a boat in my life! I was a part of the French Army, not the French Navy!

Peter: Where are the others?

David: *Joins them* Georgi and Laryen are outside. They're a little busy.

Robert: They got that far already?

Peter: Busy with the bags?

David: Talking.

Ursula: Well, they'd better join us soon if they want a meal. We haven't much money left, and we still need to buy a cart.

*The four walk into the restaurant with a typical bar set. We see a blond man singing to a decent crowd as they eat.*

Robert: (As they sit down) He is tres bon. Very good.

Peter: He seems to be a local, or one of your countrymen, David.

David: *Nods* He looks familiar, I think I've seen him before.

Ursula: Perhaps we could ask him if there's any work in town for musicians? He might know who's hiring, including several of the noble houses in the area.

David: We'll catch him when he's done.

*The singer finishes and bows. He heads off the stage and towards their table.*

Robert: Bonjour, Monseuir. You are a tres grande performer.

Ursula: You did very well, sir.

Singer: *Nods* Thank you. *turns to David* You are Lord David, correct?

David: I am. I believe I remember you as a minstrel not too long ago...Herman, right?

Herman: *Smiles and nods* Yes. I was fortunate to become a performer here.

Ursula: It's nice to meet you, Mr. Herman. You wouldn't know if there's any jobs open for other musicians here, would you? We're looking for work.

Herman: Yes. The entertainers rotate nights, and there are some openings.

Robert: Good. Perhaps we could talk to owner of this inn and audition for job.

Ursula: Herman, do you know if there's any need for musicians in the local courts?

Herman: Yes, the Lady Valerea's family is holding a ball for her to choose her suitor amongst the Welsh elite.

Robert: Would they pay well?

Peter: Valerea. That's a pretty name. (He sighs.)

Herman: I would say they pay well.

Ursula: We would like to audition here, then see them.

Robert: Perhaps we could talk to the owner?

Tall Man: (A tall, slender man shuffles over to Herman) You're on again, boy.

Herman: This would be the gent. See you fellas later. *heads for the stage*

Robert: Sir, we are traveling musicians, and we'd like to audition for the spot open in your Inn.

Tall Man: You are, are ye? Well, I'll give ye a chance. You can try out as soon as Herman finishes his song.

*Herman is singing "Can't You Hear My Heartbeat?" and bouncing around the stage area, having a great time.*

Peter: We are going to be hard-pressed to follow him! He is full of energy!

Robert: He reminds me of Georgi when we let him get going.

David: Speaking of, here’s him and Lauren. Finally.

*Laryen and Georgi join them at the table.*

Ursula: What took you two so long?

Georgi: We were having a nice chat.

Robert: You sure seem to be gettin' along well.

Peter: I think it's wonderful!

Laryen: Yes, we are.

Robert: As soon as that fellow on the stage is done, we're going to audition.

Georgi: Great!

*Herman finishes his song to great applause. He hops off the stage.*

Ursula: My boys are going to have a hard time matching you, Mr. Herman! You have amazing energy.

Herman: Thanks.

Robert: (He pulls out his mandolin from next to the table) Come on amis.

(Robert leads the quartet to the stage. He strums his mandolin, then turns to the others.)

Robert: Ok, gentlemen. Why don't we do a fun number that'll impress this crowd? (Grins at David) How about "Dream World?"

David: That'll work nicely.

("Dream World" begins as the group sings and plays. Everyone watches them. Ursula smiles. She's proud of how well they're getting along.)

*Herman watches, a pleased smile spreading across his face. He nods.*

(Robert just stares ahead, continuing to play. Peter moves in time with the music, completely enjoying himself.)

*David dances as he sings, bounding around the stage. Georgi beats on his bongos.*

Tall Man: (He applauds for them) Wonderful, gentlemen! (Nods at his patrons) And I believe the crowd enjoyed you, too!

Robert: Do we have the job?

Tall Man: Yes, you do! (He turns to Herman) And I think I'd like to recommend you and them to play at Bryn Mawr House as well.

Herman: Thank you, sir!

Ursula: How can you do that?

Tall Man: My brother works for the housekeeper as a page and errand boy. He's quite close to Lord Morgan and could probably get an audition with him for all of you.

Ursula: That sounds marvelous!

Robert: (Makes a face) I wish it wasn't a court function. They are so dull and silly.

Peter: But they pay well.

Tall Man: What about your lady friends?

Ursula: Oh, don't mind us. Miss Laryen keeps our books...and I keep them in line. ;)

Robert: (Turns to Herman) Do you know a good place to buy a large cart? We just arrived off a boat from Ireland.

Herman: *nods* I do know of a place.

Robert: Good. Lead us to it.

Ursula: And thank you so much for helping us, Mr. Herman. You're very talented. :)

Herman: You're welcome.

Robert: I have a very good feeling about this job.

Peter: Do you think we'll really make it?

Robert: I think we can. We just have to practice.

Georgi: We'll do just fine!

Ursula: I think so, too.