So, who's ready to hit the high seas and rescue Sir Gabriel's regiment? ;)

Robert: Moi!

Peter: I will stay and guard the fortress.

Georgi: Ready.

David: Ready to rescue.

(Two large, burly men in loose ruffled garments enter, followed by Zero, Sheila - then known as Julia, and Belavarg.)

Donovan O'Leary: We'll be settin' sail for the O'Connelly fortress within the hour, Master Lucifer.

Zero: Very good, Captain O'Leary. Very good. And the regiment?

Donovan O'Leary: Safe in the hold of the ship. I still say I'd rather cut their throats before they talk.

Julia: No. I think some of them are rather attractive. I do rather fancy that tall, slender one with the dark curls.

Mitchell O'Leary: (Smirks) Eye miss, that's Sir Gabriel O'Dell. One of their finest men. Gave us quite a bit of trouble, he did. We had fun puttin' him down. We can tame him for you an' make him a good


Julia: I'm perfectly capable of doing that myself.

Belavarg: *Folds his arms* That you are, Julia.

Zero: We'll need those men to be able to negotiate with the O'Connelly clan. They won't be so eager to hold onto their land if they know they can get their young men back intact.

Mitchell O'Leary: How is this going to help us take over the shipping trade?

Zero: You want to be able to move your goods without encountering resistance from the O'Connellys. We'll need those goods to help start our new...ahem...hostels for people who wish to have all the comforts of home and all the pleasures of the brothel for the night.

Donovan O'Leary: So you help us...

Zero: And you ship goods to our hostels and bring us, clients.

Donovan O'Leary: (Shakes his hands) I like that, Sir.

*Suddenly, a loud sneeze comes from the closet.*

Belavarg: What was that?

Julia: I don't think anyone here sneezed.

Zero: I think it came from that closet.

*Belavarg throws open the closet door, revealing Robert, Terrence, and Charles. Terrence sniffs, taking a handkerchief away from his face.*

Robert: Zut alors! Terrance, did you have to do that?

Terrence: I have a cold!

Charles: Now is not the time to place blame.

Donovan O'Leary: What is this?

Julia: Robert, darling, what are you doing here? (Makes a face) And why did you bring those nitwits along?

Robert: They are better men than your uncle or any of these ruffians could ever hope to be.

Zero: Grab him! And get his sword!

Robert: Non! (But he is overwhelmed by the two large pirates. He duels briefly with Donovan before he finally dislodges the sword. Mitchell yanks Robert's arms behind his back.)

Donovan O'Leary: (Hands the sword to Belavarg) What's a lad like him doin' with a piece of work like this cutlass?

Robert: (Struggles angrily) Do not touch that sword! It is ma dearest possession!

Donovan O'Leary: What of the other two lads?

Robert: Terrance, Charles, leave! Get help!

Julia: Perhaps we could make some use out of them, too.

Donovan O'Leary: Make use out of them? I'd rather slit their throats.

*Terrence gives Charles a push to go ahead. Charles gets out the door. Terrance is a few steps behind him.*

Donovan O'Leary: Oh no you don't, laddie! (He yanks Terrance back inside) Where do you think you're goin'?

Terrence: *Struggles* Fresh air.

Donovan O'Leary: You'll be gettin' plenty of fresh air when we dump your carcass overboard.

Terrence: You ain't dumpin' my carcass anywhere!

Julia: No, we'll keep him, too. (Runs her finger under his chin) Maybe he'll be of some use to someone. ;

Terrence: Hands off, lady. *He sneezes again.*

Julia: I think this one will be quite sutable. Bind them both, especially the taller one. He'll try very hard to escape.

Robert: Non!

Julia: And take his sword. He's much too confidant with it.

Robert: NON! Don't you touch it!

Zero: (Smirks) Belavarg, why don't you and First Mate Mitchell find a good place for this in the hold? We could sell it with the other goods. Imagine, a real fine French sword!

Belavarg: Gladly.

Robert: NOOONNN! (He growls and struggles, but Captain O'Leary forces him into a chair. Mitchell does the same with Terrance. Zero hurries over with rope from the closet.)

Terrence: You ain't gonna get away wit' this!

Zero: Captain, Mitchell, help me bind them. Julia, Belavarg, gag them and check the little fat one for weapons. (Smirks at Terrance) That's what you think, my plump little friend.

*Belavarg sets about patting Terrence down for weapons. He comes up with a short folding knife.*

Belavarg: *Holds up the knife* This is all he has.

Zero: (He takes the knife) Not bad. Did you make this yourself, little one, or have it made for you?

Terrence: My father gave it to me.

Zero: Ahh. Perhaps I'll keep it for myself. It's not a bad piece of work. I might be able to use it, more than a lout like you ever could. (He puts it in his pocket.)

Robert: Leave him al... (He's gagged tightly before he can finish.)

Terrence: I'll show you a lout! I’ll... *Belavarg gags him before he can finish.*

Belavarg: For someone so small, you have a big mouth.

*Terrence mumbles something into his gag.*

Julia: Why don't we have a chat with our lovely regiment in the hold and see if we can get any more information about the O'Connelly's battle plans out of them?

Belavarg: Might as well.

(Cut to the hold of the ship. It's dark and damp. Men in plain gray underclothes are trapped in rope cages hanging from the ceiling. We see Sir Gabriel in one, looking a bit forlorn. Their weapons and armor are piled in several crates in a corner.)

(Lewellyn, Lauren, and Georgi creep into the room. Lewellyn looks around, shaking his head.)

Lewellyn: Oh, these O'Learys! They'll take anything that isn't nailed down. Look at all this loot! They probably stole it from local villages. (His eyes bulge when he sees Sir Gabriel) Oh...oh my! Gabe, my boy! Look at what they've done to you! Keeping you there, like a bird in a cage! It makes me so angry, I could just spit!

Sir Gabriel: Lew? Laryen? How did you get here?

Lewellyn: We're here to rescue you! We're going to get you out, my boy. (Pats his hand) Where do they keep the keys?

Sir Gabriel: (Shakes his head) Captain O'Leary keeps them on his person at all times. We've tried, but we haven't been able to get them.

Laryen: I don't need them. Just hold still, Gabey. *She pulls on the chains.*

Georgi: *Eyes widen* Oh, my goodness!

Lewellyn: Now you know why I keep her around. She's stronger than fifteen men.

Sir Gabriel: (As she helps him out) Thanks, Laryen. Do you still wrestle the village knights just for laughs?

Laryen: You bet I do.

Sir Gabriel: And I'll bet you still win.

Laryen: Of course.

Lewellyn: I'd love to chat all day, but we don't have much time. Laryen, see if you can get the others out. Gabriel, help me round up the weapons and armor. Georgi, you keep a watch out for the O'Learys.

Georgi: Okay! *Heads for the doorway and runs into someone running in!* Owww...

Charles: *Groans* Georgi, you got a hard head.

Lewellyn: Charles! Are you all right, boy? Where's Terrance and that Robert fellow?

Charles: I'm okay, but Terry and Robert have been taken hostage.

Laryen: What!?

Lewellyn: Oh no! My poor boy, and that nice Frenchman, too! We have to help them!

Sir Gabriel: (Frowns; we hear footsteps) I don't think we're going to get the chance.

Lewellyn: Everyone hide! In those barrels over there! (He points at a pile of large barrels and crates.)

(Sir Gabriel jumps back into his cage. The other four hurry over to the barrels. Lauren and Georgi get in easily. Lewellyn does first. His bottom half makes it in, but the top half gets stuck.)

Lewellyn: Oh! Oh no! I can't...darn those extra plates of stew! I really need to lay off those...

Charles: Take a deep breathe, Father!

Lewellyn: I don't know what good that'll do, but... (He does so. Charles stuffs him in the barrel and jumps in a large crate next to him just in time. The camera pulls back to reveal Julia, Belavarg, Zero, and the O'Learys dragging the bound Terrance and Robert into the hold.)

Julia: (Narrows her eyes and points at the broken chains on Sir Gabriel's cage) Someone's been in here! He couldn't have broken them himself!

Sir Gabriel: Yeah, I did! I'm stronger than you think.

Julia: We'll have to fix that. (She turns to the men; strokes Robert's cheeks. He growls) Uncle, can we have a bit them?

Zero: I wouldn't mind some fun myself. (Smirks at Terrance)

*Terrence's eyes widen.*

Zero: (He picks up a whip) I'm going to enjoy this. (Flicks it as hard as he can at Terrance)

Sir Gabriel: NO! Leave him alone!

(Robert growls and struggles as hard as he can.)

*Terrence jumps back.*

Captain O'Leary: Talk, then. Tell us what the O'Connelly's attack plans are. Otherwise... (He flicks the whip even harder, several times in a row.)

*Terrence jumps from side to side, narrowly missing the end of the whip.*

Sir Gabriel: (As the other men scream and curse at Zero and Robert continues to struggle) No, leave him alone! I'll tell you anything!

(Zero flicks the whip again as hard as he can, this time aiming for Terrance's back.)

*Terrence jumps again, but he isn't quick enough. The whip hits him hard, and he cries out through the gag.*

Sir Gabriel: TERRY!

Laryen: *Jumps out of her hiding spot* STOP THAT, YOU SON OF A BITCH!

Lewellyn: Terrance! (He's trying to get out of the barrel - we can only see his head and shoulders) Darn it, I'm stuck again! Get your hands off my son!

Zero: (Smirks and turns to Laryen) Well, what do we have here? Such a pretty, dainty little creature! (He goes to her and runs a finger over her cheek) What's a tiny little colleen like you doing in a foul place like this? You should be at home, caring for children and making nice Irish stew.

*Laryen brings a fist back, then strikes Zero's chin, connecting perfectly.*

*Charles lends Lewellyn a hand again to pull him free from the barrel.*

(Zero staggers back, losing the whip in the process. Mitchell O'Leary lunges for Lauren.)

*Laryen grabs Mitchell and uses his momentum to throw him clear across the room.*

(Sir Gabriel climbs out of his cage and grabs hold of Julia. Robert elbows Captain O'Leary, who doubles over. Georgi runs over to help untie him.)

Julia: Let me go! This is hardly how I wanted a romantic tryst to begin!

Sir Gabriel: My feelings for you are anything but romantic, lady!

Georgi: *Pulls Robert's gag off* Are you okay, Robert?

*Charles unties Terrence.*

Robert: Oui. I am not hurt, but he (points to Belavarg) has my sword. Zero stole Terrance's knife as well.

Georgi: We'll just have to get them back, won't we?

*Belavarg takes advantage of the distractions and leaves the room.*

Robert: After him! He has my sword! (He reaches into Captain O'Leary's pockets and removes the keys; tosses them to Lewellyn) You release the rest of the men. We will hold off crew until you can get them out.

Lewellyn: (Nods) Right. (Kneels down to Charles and Terrance) Are you boys all right? Terrance, what he did to you...

*Laryen knocks out Zero and rummages in his pockets. She goes over to the Mahoneys with a familiar knife in hand.*

Laryen: Lose something, Terry?

Lewellyn: How did that man get your knife, Terrance?

Terrence: *Winces, holding his back* Funny, Lary. You couldn't knock the guy out BEFORE he brought out the toys? (Turns to his father) They already had Robert's sword. They checked me for weapons and found the knife.

*Laryen hands Terrence the knife.*

Lewellyn: We'll find some bandages for your back as soon as we can. (Rubs his shoulder) My poor, poor boy. How could he do that to you?

Robert: He is devil, Lewellyn. He does many things like that. Terrance, do you think you could battle those O'Leary people?

Terrence: Of course, I... *pauses, then lets out a very loud sneeze* can.

*Laryen rolls her eyes.*

Lewellyn: And remind me to make you my legitimate cold recipe when I get home. One that was passed down from my great-great grandfather, and not from a Greek shepherd. I don't trust those potions Horace concocts. They tend to explode too much.

Terrence: *sniffs* Gladly.

(Cut to upstairs. "The Kind of Girl I Could Love" begins as the group is confronted by Belavarg and the O'Learys' crew. Sir Gabriel draws the sword he grabbed from the pile in the hold and starts fighting with two men at once! Sir Robert lunges for Belavarg and his sword.)

(Chuck uses a board he took from one of the barrels to hit the men over the head and back with.)

(One particularly burly, hairy man jumps for Laryen, making a "come hither" motion.)

*Laryen puckers up to attract him further...*

(He reaches for her, hoping for a kiss and a good time.)

*Laryen grabs his arm and twists it behind his back.*

(He lets out a surprised cry and struggles, but she holds firm.)

(Robert tries to grab his sword, but Belavarg keeps swiping at him with it. He has to jump out of the way.)

*Georgi climbs up behind Belavarg, trying to time a jump. He jumps, but Belavarg has moved! He closes his eyes...and lands in Laryen's waiting arms. When Georgi opens his eyes, she’s shaking her head, but there's a playful smirk in place. Georgi blushes.*

*Laryen sets Georgi on his feet...then they both get bowled over by Terrence, who just got thrown at them by two other burly men. The three land in a tangled heap.*

(Belavarg is distracted by the heap. Robert manages to grab his sword back, allowing the two to duel for real.)

(Lewellyn comes charging in with the other knights, just as Sir Gabriel is knocked to his feet by one of the pirates.)

(Lewellyn has a knife of his own, though he mostly tries not to do too much damage.)

(Zero staggers upstairs, dazed. He wanders into the middle of the scene.)

*Terrence goes over to Zero and slugs him.*

(Robert and Belavarg's duel takes them to the rigging. They continue fighting, even on the ropes!)

(Zero winds up on the ground again, out completely.)

(Suddenly, as the music arrives, we hear more voices. A whole group of armed men run aboard the ship, including Horace, Bartholemew, Willie, Ursula, Peter, David, and O'Connelly. Horace scrambles for the shelter of the nearest available crate. Everyone else draws knives, swords, and bow and arrows and starts fighting.)

(As the music ends, the group pulls back to reveal the O'Learys tied to the mast and each other. Terrance and Charles come back upstairs. Terrance carries Julia over his shoulder; she's kicking and screaming at the top of her lungs.)

Julia: Put me down, you idiot!

Terrence: *Shrugs* Okay. *Drops Julia.*

Julia: (As she hits the floor hard) Ouch! (Rubs her rear end) Oh, this is mostly undignified.

Ursula: (Yanks her sister to her feet) Since when did dignity mean anything to you? (Hands her over to one of O'Connelly's officers. She bats her eyelashes flirtatiously, but he just rolls his eyes.)

Lewellyn: Well, it looks like we have everything in hand!

Peter: No, Herr Mahoney. We are missing Horace and Robert!

Terrence: Horace is just hiding somewhere, I'm sure.

Laryen: And Robert's still fighting Belavarg.

(Suddenly, we hear shouts from above. Robert and Belavarg are still in their duel. They've now moved to the edge of the rigging. Robert slams into Belavarg, He drops his sword, and almost falls off the rigging.)

Robert: (Points his sword at Bela) You are going to go down there, and you are going to tell those men what you and the O'Learys planned. We heard every word.

Robert: Well?

Lewellyn: Somebody catch them!

*Belavarg jumps to escape Robert...and lands in Laryen's arms. She smirks.*

Laryen: Well, hello there, tall, dark, and gruesome.

Belavarg: *Groans* Oh no...

Robert: (He literally swings down, landing right in front of the other three Guardians) We have the miscreants who captured the regiment. They were going to raid the O'Connelly Fortress and try to take over your kingdom in order to control the trade on this part of the Irish coast.

O'Connelly: (Turns to Belavarg) Is this true? And what's your part in this?

Captain O'Leary: He promised us we could trade with him, Lucifer, and the woman when they set up their establishments!

Ursula: (Mutters) Brothels, likely.

Julia: Quiet, O'Leary, you traitor!

O'Connelly: (Shoves at Belavarg as two men take his arms) Well? Does O'Leary speak the truth?

Belavarg: *Folds his arms* Yes.

O'Connelly: That's enough for me. O'Brian, Carnelly, lock these men up in the hold. Take the lady to the Captain's cabin and see to it that she's well-watched.

Lewellyn: (Calls out) And Horace, you can come out now! The danger has passed.

Peter: And all of you say I am easily frightened.

Horace: *Pops up from in a barrel* I wasn't frightened!

Terrence: Much. :

Sir Gabriel: (Takes hold of Julia as the men are lead down below-decks) Come along, Miss. We'll put you in a place where you won't cause any trouble.

Julia: Will you be my guardsman?

Sir Gabriel: I'd rather be at the other end of the world. (Grins) Oh Horace! Would you like a special job?

Horace: You bet I would!

Sir Gabriel: Would you help me take Mistress Julia down to the Captain's Cabin, then keep a very close eye on her? (Whispers to him) And don't let her sweet-talk you. She's done everything short of jump into my lap, but I don't go for ladies who try too hard.

Horace: *Nods* Okay!

Julia: (Squawks) What?! Him? That dimwitted little fool?

Horace: I'm not little!

Julia: (As Horace takes her arm) Let me go, you moron!

Horace: Quit tryin' to sweet talk me! *tugs her along*

O'Connelly: Why don't we make use of this tub and take it back to your Inn, Mahoney? Direct service.

Lewellyn: It would be wonderful! I haven't been on a ship in twenty years.

O'Connelly: Why don't these fine lads come with me to the steering wheel, and I'll give them commendations?

Lewellyn: (Turns to his boys) Do you hear that, boys? You're going to get real commissions from the Head of the Regiments! Maybe even knighted!

Charles: That's great!

Terrence: Good. Oughta get som'en for my troubles.

O'Connelly: (Bows to Ursula and the Guardians) I thank you as well. Without you, we would have never caught the O'Learys and saved our fortress. (Takes Laryen's hand) And you, my dear, are truly one of a kind.

Laryen: *Blushes a little* I only did what needed to be done.

O'Connelly: Bless my soul, there has never been an Irishwoman as strong and as sensible as you! (Turns to Lewellyn) Take care of her, lad, and find her a good husband. He'll be the luckiest man alive.

Lewellyn: Oh, I will, and I am.

(O'Connelly, the boys, and Lewellyn go upstairs. Robert turns to Laryen.)

Robert: How did you break those chains like that?

Ursula: She broke the chains?

Laryen: With my hands.

Georgi: Wow!

Robert: You are strongest woman I have ever seen!

Peter: You break things with bare hands?

Ursula: My goodness!

Laryen: It's nothing, really.

Ursula: It's amazing, dear. Most women can barely lift their own gowns and cooking pans, much less break iron chains with their bare hands.

Robert: It is shame you can't come with us. We could use someone who is very strong and smart.

Laryen: I suppose I could join you for a little while, though I'm not sure how receptive Lewellyn will be to the idea.

Ursula: I'll talk to him. He has his sons. Perhaps they'll be more willing to work now that they've had a taste of victory.

Georgi: Fellas, since she's willing to join us, maybe we could make her one of the group?

Ursula: What do you mean?

Robert: Give her powers?

Ursula: You're interested in her, aren't you, Georgi?

Georgi: *Nods* Uh huh.

Laryen: Well, you're not so bad yourself...

Ursula: Perhaps we could. It would be nice to have another woman around. Georgi, take her hand in one hand and concentrate on her heart with the other. (Makes a face) And no groping.

Georgi: I wouldn't do that! She could throw me across the room without powers!

Laryen: Smart guy.

*Georgi does as told, including the "no groping," and concentrates.*

(There's a purple light around Laryen and Georgi as he concentrates; his is overlaid with red. When it subsides, Ursula smiles at her.)

Ursula: How do you feel now, dear?

Laryen: Wow...

Robert: (Makes a coat appear in a blue light; pulls it on over him) Close your eyes and imagine something. Anything.

Laryen: Okay. *Closes her eyes and holds out her hand. There’s a blue light, and Terrence's knife appears in her hand. She opens her eyes.* Oh dear. I didn't think I'd actually get it!

Ursula: That's ok. You can imagine it back. You can do a lot of things now.

Robert: It looks like you're with us.

Laryen: *Concentrates; the knife disappears* Wow... *Turns to Georgi and smiles at him* Thank you for entrusting me with these powers. *gives him a kiss on the cheek*

Georgi: *Grins* You're welcome.

Guardians: (In unison) Awwwww!

(We end with Laryen and Georgi in each other's arms as the others laugh.)