Everyone ready to tell the female ancestors' stories?

Mike: Sure. Why not?

Peter: It sounds fascinating.

Micky: I'm ready!

Davy: So am I.

(We open with a wavy screen. When the waviness subsides, we're in a country with rolling green hills. A cart travels over the hills. The camera moves in to reveal its occupants - the four Guardians and Ursula. All wear fairly plain peasant garb, though their weapons can be clearly seen. The cart is filled with crates and barrels of musical instruments, food, and clothing.)

Peter: (Takes a deep sniff and smiles) Ahh, it is nice to be in Ireland again. I am so glad that friend of David's took us over here on his ferryboat.

Robert: I just hope we can find work. We have not had music jobs in almost a month.

Peter: Oh my, it seems like but four weeks!

(Robert just gives him a funny look.)

Georgi: I hope we find some food!

Robert: You and your stomach. What you need is a good woman who can constantly cook wholesome meals for you and keep that stomach fed.

Ursula: I can cook.

Robert: Ursula, you are like a mere to us, an amie. We could never...well, you are not like that.

Ursula: (Sighs, but she's smiling) I'm surprised none of you have taken a girl to heart yet.

Robert: I do not need a fille.

Peter: I am too shy for women.

Georgi: Girls can't handle my appetite.

David: I simply haven't found the right one, but not through lack of trying.

Robert: That is too true. Everywhere we go, you have many filles gathered around you! They are sad when you leave!

David: *Sighs* It isn't love, by any means.

Ursula: He's right. Those silly girls aren't interested in love. (She smiles) When you've all found your soulmates, you'll know. You'll feel it (she puts her hand on her chest) here.

Georgi: I'm looking forward to that day.

Robert: I am not interested in women.

Peter: You say that, Robert, but I think you afraid of losing another woman like you lose your Avril.

(Robert only frowns and turns his eyes ahead, his face becoming impassive.)

Peter: (Shakes his head to Georgi) That poor man. I wish there was way we could help his heart heal. His soul is still scarred from losing his family.

Georgi: One day he will find the right woman, and she will help him heal.

Peter: I hope so... (he points ahead to a modest two-story building made of stone and timber, with a thatch and sod roof) I remember that Inn! That is the Inn that belonged to that nice innkeeper...Lewellyn? ....who had those sons that would not help him.

Georgi: *Grins widely* Yeah! I remember that Inn!

Ursula: I remember that. They ended up being good lads in the end. They saved us, and their father, from my sister and uncle.

David: They meant well, they're just lazy.

Robert: I think we should see them again. If I am right, their rent was very cheap, and the Innkeeper was kind and paid us well.

Peter: And he made the Frozen Milk Treats!

Georgi: I'm drooling already!

(Robert pulls up to the Inn. The Innkeeper, a short, plump fellow with graying hair, runs over to them. He wears a peasant outfit similar to theirs, only with an apron tied around his waist.)

Lewellyn: Mistress Ursula, it's so nice to see you back in this part of Ireland again! (He helps her out of the cart) And how are your boys?

Ursula: They're fine, Master Lewellyn. How are your boys?

Lewellyn: (Sighs) They're better than they were, but they can still be a trial. (Shouts over his shoulder) Boys, Laryen, we have customers! Come get their bags and instruments!

Ursula: Laryen?

Lewellyn: She's a young colleen I hired from the village near-by. Thought she'd put the fear of God into my boys, and I daresay I wasn't far wrong. The other villagers don't know what to make of her, but I think she's wonderful. She can fix things, keep our books, wait tables in the rest area, and keep our carriage in good shape. It was always falling apart when the boys took care of it.

Robert: What is wrong with her?

Lewellyn: I say there is nothing wrong with her, but some of the villagers say she grew up a bit wild. She is not like the delicate Irish roses who live in the town. She's good and strong.

Ursula: Perhaps she is just what your boys need, if she is so strong and hard-working.

*Three of the boys and Laryen come out of the Inn. Laryen slaps at Horace. Terrence and Charles try to hide their smirks.*

Lewellyn: Oh dear. What did Horace destroy this time?

Robert: Destroy?

Laryen: It's what he MADE. He's been getting into the kitchen again.

Horace: Aw!

Lewellyn: Horace, please tell me you didn't eat all the Milk Treats again! We don't have much ice left!

Horace: I didn't touch those!

Laryen: Whatever it was that he made was smoking!

Lewellyn: Smoking! Oh dear, you didn't burn the kitchen down again, did you?

Ursula: Burn the kitchen down?

Laryen: No, there's no fire.

Robert: Then what did you make that smoked, Monseuir Horace?

Horace: *Shrugs* Soup.

Lewellyn: Not my potato-cheese soup! Horace, that was for our supper!

Horace: No, I couldn't get the lid of that.

Ursula: (Smiles at Horace) Then what did you make? You can tell me. I won't yell at you. I wouldn't yell at my boys. (Flutters her eyelashes at him)

Horace: I made soup!

(Robert rolls his eyes. Peter chuckles.)

Laryen: That's what HE thinks.

Ursula: What kind of soup?

Horace: My special soup. Sure to clear your sinuses! *shrugs* I'm tryin' to help the Chief. He's got a cold.

Terrence: *Sounds nasal* You'd be a better help NOT doin' nutin'!

Ursula: Laryen, you seem like an intelligent lass. Did you taste it?

Laryen: Oh, goodness no! Not the way it was smoking!

Lewellyn: (He looks like he's going to have an apoplectic fit) What was IN the soup?

Horace: Oh, just some of this and some of that.

Lewellyn: Why don't you help these nice people inside, and we'll go into the kitchen and see what it is that you've made this time? (Shakes his finger at Horace) And from now on, stay out of the kitchen unless you're asked to serve meals! The last time I let you in the kitchen, you blew it sky-high and we had to rebuild it...at considerable cost!

Horace: *Pouts* I'm sorry...

Lewellyn: Horace, I don't mean to yell at you. You just can't put this and that into anything! I have recipes in mind when I make my soups and stews, and I know what goes with what, and what doesn't. Understand?

*Horace nods.*

(They all troop into a neat, clean kitchen area. There's a huge fireplace on one side of the room. Cupboards and shelves surround most of the room. In the center is rather worn but sturdy table with many chairs.)

Lewellyn: Horace, where is that smoking pot?

Robert: (Waves smoke out of his face) Something is smoking in here, and I do not believe it is guests.

Horace: *Points to a pot in the corner* It's over there. I just wanted to do somethin' for the Chief.

Charles: *Puts a hand of Horace's shoulder* It was a nice thought.

Terrence: *Flops into a chair* No it wasn't.

Lewellyn: (Sniffs...and makes a face, immediately pulling the pot off the fire) You weren't using that recipe for a cold-healing remedy that you got off that Greek shepherd who passed through the Inn last week, were you?

Horace: How did you know?

Terrence: I am not goin' anywhere near that!

Lewellyn: It makes men sleep for three days, and women grow hair on their faces! Did you see what it did to two of the lasses from the village?

Horace: I have a cousin that looks like that. Didn't think anythin' of it. *shrugs*

Terrence: Glad I can't smell it.

Lewellyn: I'll dispose of this out the back door. Laryen, see if you can attend to their carriage. Terrance will go with you to attend to the horses. The rest of you help take their bags upstairs.

Laryen: *Nods* Sure. C'mon, Terry. *She gives him a hand up and throws an arm around him as they chat.*

Lewellyn: She's so good with my boys. (Smiles at Ursula) And how are you and your boys?

Ursula: Oh, we make do. We've been traveling around Western Europe, mostly England, Western France, and Ireland, playing music wherever we can.

Robert: I wish we could get more work. We have little money.

Lewellyn: I'd be more than happy to hire you to play at the Inn. You drew so many customers the last time you played, I had enough money to repair the boys' carriage and get us fabric for new clothes and new linens for the upstairs.

*The other two boys come in, bringing another fellow with them.*

Willie: This fellow's a messenger.

Messenger: (Bows and takes off his hat) I'm afraid I don't bring happy news, Mr. Mahoney. You know of the trouble we've been having with the Kingdom of the South and the O'Leary tribe. Sir Gabriel, a friend of your family, disappeared along with his regiment when they were attacking the Kingdom of the South in Killibearn.

Lewellyn: Sir Gabriel gone? Is he dead, or...

Messenger: We aren't certain at present time, Mr. Mahoney. The men taken into custody from the O'Leary clan claim that they had nothing to do with the disappearance of the regiment and that they weren't the only ones involved...but they won't tell us who is behind all of this.

Lewellyn: Oh, poor, poor Sir Gabriel! Something must be done!

Ursula: Oh my. Poor young man! I remember how the boys looked up to him.

Bartholomew: Terry isn't gonna like this.

Ursula: (Nods) I remember how he defended Sir Gabriel when Georgi said Robert was a good knight, too.

Lewellyn: He's very close to Sir Gabriel. They played together as children. Always got into scrapes with the local criminals! Thank goodness they both grew out of that. There were some kind priests at the church near here who ran an orphanage and helped wayward boys. That's where I adopted the others from.

*Willie and Bartholomew nod.*

Georgi: Maybe we could help.

Ursula: I'm almost certain we could.

Lewellyn: (Nods) I remember you saying you had special...ways...of helping others.

Ursula: And we can use those ways to help now. Let's go talk to your head of the regiments and see what he has to say.

Lewellyn: I'll have Laryen and Terrance prepare the carriage. It's large enough for all of us, when it runs.

Robert: "When it runs?"

Lewellyn: It's a very old carriage. I've had it for thirty years, and it's been, well, used. I've suggested making a new one, but the boys keeping saying this one runs fine.

Willie: It does!

Ursula: (Takes Lewellyn's arm) Well, why don't you escort me to that carriage, and we'll see how well it runs?

Lewellyn: I'd be delighted. (He takes her arm, and they stroll outside.)

Peter: (He laughs and bows for Willie) Shall I take your arm, good sir?

Willie: *Also laughs* Okay!

Robert: (Makes a face) Do not try.

Georgi: *offers his arm to Bartholomew* Shall we?

Bartholomew: Fine with me.

(Robert just rolls his eyes and follows them.)

(Cut to outside. Terrance and Laryen drive a large, rickety carriage out in front of the Inn.)

Robert: This is carriage? It is piece of junk!

Peter: It does not look safe.

Terrence: *His nasal voice makes him sound whiny* This ain't junk! It's perfectly safe!

Robert: It is shot. Some of the wood is rotted. Some other wood is missing. The front is coming off. I suggest we use our carriage. It is new.

Terrence: *Climbs out of the carriage and goes up to Robert, despite being a head shorter than the Frenchman* There is NUTIN' wrong wit' our carriage!

Robert: That a good ax couldn't fix.

Terrence: Why I oughtta...

Lewellyn: (Gets between them) Please don't fight! Terrance, Sir Gabriel has gone missing!

Terrence: I'll... *turns to Lewellyn* What!?

Lewellyn: His regiment was fighting the Kingdom of the South, and they disappeared! No one knows what happened to them! We're worried that the O'Leary clan has locked them away somewhere and forced them to talk, or worse...even killed them.

Terrence: No, that can't be true!

Laryen: Oh dear.

*Horace and Charles join them.*

Ursula: It's what the messanger told us.

Lewellyn: Boys, we must talk to the Head of the Regiments right away! Sir Gabriel is missing!

Horace: Gabriel's missing!?

Laryen: We have to do something.

Ursula: And we won't do it standing here. Everyone in the cart. Now.

Robert: But...

Lewellyn: She's right. There isn't time to prepare the other cart! Terrance will drive. He knows this area.

Robert: If I fall through this wreck, you will pay for it.

Terrence: You ain't gonna fall through. Now get in.

Laryen: I have personally inspected this carriage. It's perfectly safe.

Robert: You, I trust. Lewellyn speaks highly of you. (Glares at Terrance) You are layabout.

Terrence: I oughtta...

Laryen: *Hops out and pulls Terrence away* Terry, don't, not now!

(They all climb into the carriage. Lewellyn gets next to Terrance up front. Ursula wedges next Robert.)

Lewellyn: Terrance, stop this fighting right now! These people are our guests.

Ursula: Robert, you're behaving like a three-year-old. It ends here.

Terrence: Fine. I need to concentrate on drivin' anyway.

Robert: (Mutters) Fine.

Lewellyn: She's a good girl, Laryen. She always settles fights between the boys.

Georgi: *He's next to Laryen* You sure know how to handle these guys.

Laryen: *Shrugs* It's nothing. They're like brothers.

Georgi: Nothing?

Laryen: They're good guys. Terry doesn't mean any harm. He just tends to jump first and ask questions later. Maybe.

Georgi: *Frowns a bit* You seem to have something over him, though.

Laryen: *Shrugs again* Maybe I do.

Robert: As long as this wood pile doesn't fall out from under us, I am happy.

Terrence: It ain't gonna fall out!

Lewellyn: We should be at the Regiment's fortress soon, everyone. (Points ahead, to where we see a heavy stone wall with towers on either side) There it is!

(It turns out to be a castle-like building with stone walls going all around it, and towers at either end. They drive right into the central courtyard. Several regiments look battered and bruised. Others are in training.)

Knight: (A young man in armor rides over to them) What is the meaning of this, Sir?

Lewellyn: We wish to see the Head of the Regiments on a matter of some importance. It's about the disappearance of one of the regiments. A very good friend was with that regiment.

Knight: Very well, sir. Follow me, please.

(Cut to a room in the base of the second tower. There's maps and books rolled up and shelved, and a desk made of wood sits on one side of the room. The Head of the Regiment, who wears fine-cut garb, pours over a map as the group makes their way in.)

Knight: (Salutes him) There are people here to see you, sir. Said it was very important. It was about a friend lost with the regiment that vanished a few days ago.

Head: I'll see them. (He stands and shakes Lewellyn's hand as the knight leaves) Good to see you again, Mahoney! It's a shame they don't take old reprobates like you and me in the Regiments anymore. I'm sure we could give these children a run for their money.

Lewellyn: I'm sure we could, Flynn. (Nods at the others) Oh, this is Sir Flynn O'Connelly. He and I fought in the same regiment together for many years.

O'Connelly: Are these your boys? They've grown more than a foot since the last time I've seen them!

Lewellyn: Yes, they have. But there's one missing. Sir Gabriel O'Dell went missing with the last regiment. You remember Maudie O'Dell?

O'Connelly: Ah, yes, Maudie. Made the best potato stew in Ireland, she did.

Lewellyn: He's her boy, but he was so close to my boys, he might as well have been mine, too...and now he's missing. I'm worried sick, and God only knows what it'll do to Maudie when she gets the news.

O'Connelly: I have other regiments searching for them. (Frowns) Can these other people be trusted?

Lewellyn: They're guests at our Inn, and they've visited us before. I know they can be trusted.

O'Connelly: Your word is as good as any, Mahoney. (Turns to the group) We suspect there may be someone behind the raids on the regiments, but we don't know who...and we think they may try to attack the fortress.

Lewellyn: You mean, it's not the O'Leary tribe?

O'Connelly: It's them, all right...but there's someone working with them. This kidnapping business isn't their style. You know they don't usually keep prisoners alive.

Lewellyn: Perhaps we should split up. Half of my group will join the other regiments searching for Sir Gabriel and his partners. The others will remain here and help you defend the fortress.

Robert: I will go. I was once a knight in France. I do not like seeing other knights taken down in cold blood.

Peter: I will stay here. I dislike fighting.

Georgi: I'm going.

Ursula: I'll watch over those who remain.

Terrence: I'm goin'.

Charles: So am I.

Laryen: I'm going with you guys.

Lewellyn: I will, too! I was in the regiments myself once, as a lower-ranked officer.

Robert: Are you certain that is right, sir? You are older...

Lewellyn: I'm no weakling, son.

*Terrence smirks at Robert.*

(Robert just makes a face at Terrance.)

Robert: (Turns to Laryen) And you are woman. Shouldn't you stay here, as well?

Laryen: Excuse me? Why should I stay? Just because I'm a female?

Robert: You are not strong enough.

Ursula: How do you know, Robert?

Lewellyn: She's as strong as an ox! I say she goes!

Georgi: I say she goes, too!

Terrence: Laryen's definitely comin' wit'us.

Charles: Yes, she is.

Robert: Very well. (Sighs)

(Cut to outside. The now less-full cart bounces along the rocky shoreline of Ireland.)

Robert: (Lewellyn and Terrance are still driving) When will we get there?

Terrence: When we get there.

Lewellyn: Soon. They are a tribe of fisher-folk. If I know them, they will have them aboard a ship. The O'Learys live most of their lives on ships. Many of them are pirates who wreck havoc on our shores.

Robert: We will have to figure out a way to get in there without them knowing it.

Lewellyn: It might help to go in smaller groups. Someone can rescue the Knights, or at least find out if they’re still alive, and the others can find out what the O'Learys are up to.

Laryen: So how shall we split up?

Lewellyn: Terrance and Charles, why don't you go with Robert? He was once a knight. He could be of great help you to.

Robert: I will not baby-sit them!

Terrence: I gotta go wit' him?

Charles: "Baby-sit?"

Lewellyn: Yes! You can take care of yourselves! I'll go with Laryen and Georgi.

Terrence: *His nasal voice makes him sound whiny again* But Dad...

Lewellyn: No buts! You're not to old to take over my knee, you know!

*Terrence folds his arms and makes a face, but he and Charles move alongside Robert.*

Lewellyn: You three go find out what the O'Learys are up to now. We'll rescue Sir Gabriel, or at least find out if he's still alive.

Robert: Oui, Monseuir. This is fine.

Terrence: *Nods* Yessir.

(Terrance parks the carriage in a shady spot near some cliffs. He, Robert, and Chuck make for the boat)

Robert: I have an idea of how to get on. It is shady here, so they will not see. (He closes his eyes and concentrates. There's a blue light around the trio. When it subsides, they're gone.)

(Cut to inside the ship. It seems to be the Captain's room. The furniture here is somewhat better-quality, and there's maps, charts, and globes everywhere. There's a blue light in the room. When it subsides, Robert and the Mahoneys appear.)

Robert: (Looks around) It still does not fail me! We must be inside!

Charles: This looks like the Captain's quarters!

Terrence: What're you tryin' to do, get us captured?

Robert: Non, mes amies. I'm trying to find out where they plan on attacking...if that is, indeed, their plan. At the very least, we can distract them.

Charles: So maybe we should do a little browsing in here?

Robert: Oui, browse. Look for anything that will tell us what the O'Learys are doing!

(Robert starts to go through drawers in the desk.)

*Terrence rummages through the closets.*

*Charles looks everywhere else.*

Robert: I see nothing here... (His head shoots up) do you hear something?

Charles: *Looks up from looking under a chair* Hear what?

*Terrence is completely in one of the closets, still rummaging.*

Robert: I hear voices!

Charles: *Points* The closet! We can hide there!

Robert: Oui! Monseuir Terrance, make room for us! (They all jam into the closet as the voices get closer.)

Terrence: Who invited you two?

Robert: Shhh! (He shuts the door as we hear more voices...some of them familiar. Robert frowns.) No, it can't be them!