Ok, is everyone ready to end this story?

Mike: Yeah.

Peter: Let's party.

Micky: I love a good party!

Davy: Ready.

(We open back on the beach...but this time, there are no cameras. The Bowery Boys hand out food from tables, while Micky tends to the grill. Valerie and Lauren sit with the younger kids and make sandcastles, while Emma, Davy, and Daphne take the older kids into the water. Herman plays guitar at one of the tables. Mike and Peter join Micky at the grill.)

Mike: Hey, Mick. How's the grub comin'?

Micky: Fantastic!

Bob: Hey, guys. Great party. Who's giving out the drinks?

Mike: (Looks at Micky) Which guy was in charge of the drinks?

Micky: Chuck. Slip didn't trust any of the others with them.

Bob: Great! Thanks! (Sound of feet going in the direction of the Bowery Boys)

Mike: (As he and Peter sit down at the table in front of the barbecue) I'm so glad to be able to sit down. We were runnin' around all day doin' that video.

Bert: How did that come out?

Mike: Great! We finished the rest of it that evening and edited it the next morning.

Peter: Micky and Michael did a wonderful job with the editing.

Mike: Micky did most of it.

Micky: *Shrugs* It's nothing.

Slip: *Joins them with drinks in hand* Thought you fellas might want some drinks.

Mike: Thanks.

Bert: Hey, Slip. What did you think of the video filming? Did they let you guys be extras?

Slip: Yeah, we was. It was kinda fun.

Micky: "Kinda?" You looked like you were having fun.

Mike: Yeah. You were havin' a great time, clownin' around in the background.

Slip: *Shrugs* Yeah, I was doin' that.

*Micky shrugs and goes back to his grilling.*

Emma: (The girls all come up to the tables with the kids; Emma and Daphne are laughing and trying to dry off the older ones) Your children are ready to eat now.

Bob: (A hand reaches out and takes Slip's drink) Thanks there, Slip. So, how did everyone enjoy Urse's stories about the ladies?

Emma: I thought they were quite interesting.

Katie: Mama an' Papa ALWAYS fight!

Mike: Looks like it, kid. It's ingrained.

Lauren: It's neat to think of the similarities between us and the ancestors.

Mike: Yeah. (Grins at Slip) And we're not the only ones who sounded familiar.

Slip: Yeah, there were others that was familiar.

Emma: I enjoyed hearing them. It's amazing how the more history changes, the more it stays the same. (Grins at Lauren) No wonder you're good at handling guys.

Lauren: *Shrugs* What can I say?

Mike: (Grins at Micky) No kidding. You've always been crazy.

Micky: *Grins* Yeah.

Daphne: But she's tamed you pretty darn well.

Mike: Mostly, anyway.

Valerie: If nothing else, that story makes me appreciate how much my real father has supported my marriage to Peter. I didn't have to run away to do what I wanted.

Peter: And we didn't have to storm the castle to rescue you.

Davy: And I didn't have to go searching through a jungle to find Daph.

Daphne: And I didn't have to live in a jungle.

Bob: Hey Slip, how do you feel 'bout your ancestors owning an Inn?

Slip: *Shrugs* Kinda interestin'.

Slip: Pretty amazin' they was workers.

Micky: And who they were working for.

Slip: *Folds his arms* Hm.

Lauren: *Clears her throat* Right. *To Bob and Bert* isn't it time you guys asked us for our favorite parts of the story?

Bert: Yes, it is. (We hear the sound of someone kicking back a drink, and then) Well? What were your favorite parts?

Emma: The fight in the library.

Mike: The duel on the ship with Belavarg.

Lauren: Working with the boys at the Inn.

Peter: The fight in the dungeon.

Valerie: Fleeing the Fortress in Wales.

Micky: Georgi finding Laryen.

Davy: Devlanta rescuing Lord David.

Daphne: Devlanta rescuing Lord David.

Slip: I don't have one.

Mike: What about the beginnin', all the rescuin' and stuff? I'll bet you liked helpin' to rescue Sir Gabriel.

Slip: Yeah, but it weren't my favorite part.

Bert: Then what was your favorite part, Slip? We won't tell anyone.

Slip: *Mutters* Workin' for Lewellyn.

Mike: Yeah. Sounds like that Inn woulda been a great place to work.

Peter: Lewellyn reminded you of your friend Louie, didn't he, Slip?

Slip: Yeah.

Mike: (Pats Slip's shoulder) You're gonna be ok, man.

Slip: *Makes a face* I oughta go check on those lugs wit' the food, make sure they ain't finished off everythin'. *heads off back towards the rest of the Bowery Boys*

Peter: (Sighs) Poor Slip. Chuck told me what happened to their friend Louie. Died in a car accident.

Mike: I got some rough details out of Whitey and Sach. Slip took it the hardest.

Lauren: *Sighs* And still is.

Peter: His aura is white, like Mike's...but it's not as strong as it should be. He's still really hurt by that.

Mike: I wish there was a way we could help him.

Micky: We could, but would he want it?

Peter: Maybe not now, but someday. And he has his friends, and his brother. They mean a lot to him, no matter how much he berates them.

Lauren: Thankfully.

Emma: Oh, and by the way, this isn't the end of the story.

Mike: Yeah. Urse said they all had more adventures. I wanna know how Urse ended up in that crystal.

Peter: I want to know when Belavarg split with Zero.

Emma: Look for the third ancestor story sometime in the late winter or early spring!

Bob: Where did you come up with the ideas for this one?

Emma: Oh, here and there. The first ancestor story we did in May came out so well, we thought we'd give the female ancestors their due, too...not to mention some of our current interests.

Lauren: Right.

Emma: In fact, we had a great time with the improv on this one. We came up with some of the ideas on the spot, including Devlanta's Polish jungle and the fight in the library.

Lauren: Among other things.

Emma: Next month's story is going to be this year's Halloween story. We want to go for something a little darker than last year's comic mystery that didn't work out all that well anyway. We're going to try a dark horror fairy tale, something a bit spookier than the last few Halloween stories we've done.

Mike: Tell me no one's gonna die and there won't be no bleedin' hotels.

Emma: At this point, we only have general ideas. We probably won't know until we begin next month.

Lauren: So anything is still possible.

Mike: I don't like the sound of that.

Emma: I can say that if anyone dies, it'll be part of a story, like the round-robins we do every January.

Lauren: Yeah, we still need all our bodies alive and kickin'.

Peter: Well, that's a relief.

Katie: (Tugs on her mother's terry-cloth beach wrap) Mama, can we have dinner now?

Emma: (Laughs) Yes, honey, we can have dinner now.

Micky: I think that's a good idea.

Mike: Is the barbecue ready, Mick?

Micky: You bet it is! *hollers* COME AND GET IT!

Mike: (Over the rush of the crowd, as the mothers help the kids get their food) We hope everyone enjoyed this month's story. You can find more stuff on the supernatural and stories about women in history in your local library and online. (As the rush of people pulls him out of sight) See ya next month, folks!

(The camera pulls back just in time to avoid the crush as we fade out on the hungry party-goers crowding around the tables.)

(Cut to the end credits. The later version of "Valleri" plays over scenes from the "production." We end with a shot of all the families, children, the Boys, Herman, Jessie, and Nyles at the party tables under the words "A Raybert Production.")