Part 6

Ok, let's finish off our OWN story. Everyone ready to head on home and celebrate the holidays? :)

Lauren: Yeah! :)

Micky: Definitely!

Mike: Let's go. I'm gettin' tired. I-)

Davy: I'm ready.

Peter: Me too!

(Everyone climbs back onto the ground, joined somewhat reluctantly by Barnaby.)

Mike: We gotta put EVERYTHING back the way it was and somehow get rid of this snow.

Emma: (Sighs) This reminds me of when my sisters and I were little and would make HUGE messes in the house when my parents were out...then would have to figure out how to clean them up as they were coming up the driveway. :p

Micky: Those were the days.

Davy: Maybe we should just put all our Christmas magic together.

Lauren: *nods* It's probably the best way.

Daphne: We don't need to wear ourselves out again!

Mike: (Looks at the group) Ok, we're gonna need your help to clean everything up. We've got to put the plane back, make the toys immobile again, get rid of the snow, and make US our right sizes.

Chrissy: I can help, too?

Valerie: (Smiles and puts her hand on her sister's shoulder) Of course, dear.

Barnaby: This is crazy!

Daphne: Just watch!

Mike: Everyone ready?

(Everyone nods; variations on "yeah," and "ready.")

Mike: Ok, everyone, and I do mean EVERYONE, think "snow away and everything back to normal!"

(A bright blue glow surrounds the store and all it's contents. When it subsides, everything is like it was at the beginning of the story. The snow has vanished, and everything is dry. The kids and Barnaby wear their normal clothes and are their right size. The toys are back in their boxes and displays and no longer move, and the plane has been returned to its perch on the celing. Everyone looks around in surprise and delight, checking themselves.)

Emma: (Pats herself) Looks like we're all here.

Lauren: I don't think I've ever been so happy to be five feet tall!

Davy: Join the crowd.

(The sound of men, rubber-soled shoes, and the beams of flashlights are seen coming from the alcove where Barnaby made his call earlier.)

Peter: They must be coming back upstairs!

Chrissy: If they find us in here, they'll be mad! :o

Micky: Oh man!

Emma: A little more Christmas magic, and hurry! Everyone, think "parking lot of Woody's Toyland."

(There's another blue light. When it subsides, this time everyone is standing outside. The only cars in the lot are the MonkeeMobile and the Abbies' van.)

Valerie: Whew! That was a close one!

Lauren: A little too close.

Barnaby: That "Christmas Magic" buisness will never cease to amaze me.

Maxine: No kidding.

Jenny: I liked it. :)

Chrissy: (Grins) That was the most fun I ever had! Can we do it again next Christmas?

Valerie: We'll see, dear. For now, Peter and his friends are going to take us home.

Chrissy: Awwww!

Valerie: Daddy's going to be upset enough that you're up way beyond your bedtime!

Mike: Oh, yeah, and all of you, we'd be happy if you kept this "Christmas Magic" stuff and what happened tonight under wraps.

Barnaby: Oh, I won't mention it. No one would believe me. I scarcely believe it myself!

Micky: That's good to hear.

Chrissy: I won't tell!

Maxine: (Shakes her head) I agree. Even if we DID mention this, people would probably just pat Chrissy on the head and send her off and think the rest of us have been taking some new hallucenagentive drug.

Barnaby: I'll just tell my partner I got stuck in traffic and had time to do a little thinking.

Kimberly: In LA, that's believeable.

Jenny: I don't know. You might have to be a little later than this. ;)

(Chrissy yawns widely.)

Valerie: It's DEFINATELY time for us to go home.

Mike: We'll drop you two off. Micky and Lauren are probably dyin' to see their kids.

Lauren: That's an understatement, Mike.

Micky: *lets out a yawn of his own* The heck did that come from?

Daphne: (Gives Davy a hug and a kiss) I'll give you my present Christmas night. I'm going to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas morning with my family. :)

Davy: That's all right, luv. I'll be thinkin' 'bout ya, you know that. (Grins and kisses her back)

Chrissy: They're KISSING!

Mike: Adults do that, little cowgirl.

Micky: You call THAT kissing? ;)

Lauren: *elbows him* Mick!

(Everyone laughs. Barnaby chuckles. Chrissy yawns.)

Mike: (Gets in the driver's side of the MonkeeMobile) Everyone haul in!

Chrissy: What about you, Mr. Barnaby?

Barnaby: I'm going to call McKinley, my driver. There's a phone booth around the corner. (Smiles slightly) Thank you, children. And (hesitantly) Merry Christmas.

Maxine: Come on, girls. Let's go home and get some much-needed shut-eye.

Kimberly: (Yawns herself) You said it!

Daphne: I'm going to need about 400 winks after this adventure!

Jenny: Wake me next season.

Maxine: (To the others, as they get into the MonkeeMobile) Thanks for a great night, guys. And Merry Christmas. We're all going out of town for the holidays. :)

Kimberly: We'll get together for New Year's.

Daphne: If we can even remember where we ARE by the time the ball drops!

Jenny: There's a ball?

Kimberly: (Yawns more as they get into the van) New Year's Eve, silly! Dick Clark in Times Square?

Jenny: Oh. I just don't remember it. *shrugs*

Maxine: (As she climbs in the driver's seat) No, you wouldn't. Last year, you were passed out by 10:30.

Jenny: I'm gonna try to beat that record. I say 10:00 this year!

(The girls are all laughing as the van pulls out of the parking lot and disappears into the dark California night.)

Mike: Is everyone ready here?

*Micky yawns again.*

Davy: 'E's ready.

Lauren: *grins* Yup.

Micky: I'm too tired to come up with a comeback.

Valerie: I'm ready. (Chrissy has nodded off in her arms) And she is, too. She's had a long night. (Peter's asleep on her shoulder.) So's he.

Emma: You know to meet us at the Pad on Christmas Eve and Micky and Lauren's house on Christmas morning, right?

Valerie: I'll remind Peter when he gets up. Chrissy's going to visit my grandparents, but I told them I'd be along on a little later Christmas Eve in my car.

Emma: (To Lauren and Micky) You guys too, right?

Lauren: Yup. Wait'll you see the house. ;)

Mike: Micky loves Christmas. He's almost as bad as Em. Those two would decorate in July if we let them!

Emma: What's wrong with that?

Micky: *tired grin* She left me the decorations.

Lauren: He hung his stocking in July. ;)

Micky: I'd love to just leave everything out all year!

(Everyone chuckles, except for the still-snoozing Peter and Chrissy.)

Mike: Ok, folks, let's head out. (Waves) Bye, Mr. Barnaby! And think over what we said about the Starlight House!

Barnaby: (Waves) I will! (Walks off to a phone booth outside the toy store as the MonkeeMobile pulls out of the parking lot. Dials a number and speaks) Hello, Mack, it's me, Sy. Where have I been all night? Yes, I know, the deal had to go through tonight. No, it didn't go through. (Small smile) I made a few adjustments. (Eyes widen) Mack, you are never going to BELIEVE what's happened to me tonight!

(The camera fades out on Barnaby babbling to his chaueffer to the Pad on Christmas Eve. The Pad is all decorated. Four hand-made stockings hang on the wall, above a "Merry Christmas" sign. Lacy paper snowflakes flutter down the windows. Micky's bass drum has a wreath on it. The tree is huge and covered with decorations of every kind, from lights to candy canes to home-made ornaments to beautiful glass balls. Emma puts tinsel on the tree and sings along with Burl Ives on the TV.)

Emma: "Have a Holly Jolly Christmas, it's the best time of the year. I don't know if they'll be snow, but have a cup of cheer. Have a Holly Jolly Christmas, and when you walk down the street, say hello to friends you know and everyone you meet..."

(Mike walks in with piles of presents as Emma gets off her stepladder. Mike wears a red oxford shirt and a green tie. Emma wears a red blouse with brown pants and a thick, fuzzy Santa Claus hat.)

Mike: That's my little Mrs. Claus. (Gives her a kiss on the cheek) What'cha up to, darlin'?

Emma: Just finishing the tree before our guests arrive.

Mike: Should be here any minute. (Starts to put the presents under the tree)

Emma: Oooh, where's mine? (She starts to pick up a present and shake it, but Mike takes it away)

Mike: Not until the guests arrive! THEN you can open one present. We'll open the rest tomorrow at Lauren and Mick's.

Emma: Darn!

Mike: Where's everyone else?

Emma: Dave and Peter are wrapping presents in their rooms.

Mike: Here's an idea. Go put out some of those cookies you baked, darlin'. That should bring people runnin'.

Emma: Oh, you're terrible! I'm not THAT good!

Mike: Then why have we all snitched fifty or sixty already?

*They hear a very loud voice singing "Run Run Rudolph" on the front stoop.*

Emma: (Laughs as she takes down cannisters of cookies) There's our guests, dear. Let them in before they wake up the neighborhood.

Mike: (Opens the door) Mick, if people wanna hear us sing, they can come to the Club Fairview!

Micky: *grins* But I made over two bucks! *enters carrying little Micky* Didn't hurt to have the kids, either.

Lauren: *follows carrying Shelly* We weren't caroling! :P

Emma: (Looks over her shoulder and smiles) Hi, guys! (Brings over a plate of cookies as Mike takes little Micky) Want some? I HAD more, but SOME people had to grab them behind my back while I was working on the last batches!

Mike: Hey, darlin', consider that a compliment. You make good stuff.

Emma: Thank you, but save some for the rest of our guests.

Micky: Don't have to ask me twice! *swipes a few*

Emma: There are Merry Christmas cut-out cookies, chocolate chips, peanut butter, lemon coconut, and almond biscotti.

Micky: I'll have a couple of each!

Mike: I want some more chocolate chips! (Grabs a few, then goes out to the living room and turns off the TV) Hey, guys, what do you think? Em spent a week decoratin' this place.

Emma: I wanted to get everything just right!

Lauren: Looks wonderful!

Micky: *looks around; nods* Not bad. Could use some more lights. *grins*

Emma: This is a very special Christmas for all of us. Mike and I are sharing our first Christmas as a couple (tickles Shelly's tummy) and these little guys are having their first Christmases, period!

Lauren: Should've seen the looks on their faces when they saw the tree.

Mike: (Coos to little Micky) What do you guys think of all this, huh? Must look like just a bunch of lighs and shiny stuff to you guys.

*Little Micky grins and laughs.*

(Peter comes downstairs in a red-and-green paisley shirt, his arms loaded with presents.)

Peter: Hi, guys! You're here! (Puts his presents under the tree, then embraces Micky and Lauren, and then leans over the babies, cooing) Hi, kids! What do you think, huh? Does the house look pretty, with all these groovy decorations? I'll bet your house looks great decorated!

Micky: Looks nice? *chuckles*

Lauren: Twenty five thousand imported Italian twinkle lights...

Mike: You didn't REALLY put that many lights on your house, did you?

Emma: They can probably see you from Hollywood!

Peter: You'll short out the neighborhood with all that light!

Micky: *counts on his fingers* Maybe not quite that many. Maybe only 20,000.

Emma: How badly did he damage the house, himself, and the neighbors putting those up?

Lauren: We've had calls from the electric plant already.

Lauren: How many times did you fall off the ladder, Mick?

Micky: *scratches his head* I forget. At least five.

Lauren: The house is fine, as long as no planes fly over it. ;)

(Davy comes downstairs, also laden with presents and dressed in his white Nehru jacket with brown striped pants, as the group laughs.)

Davy: Did I miss somethin'?

Mike: Not Micky's house, apparently.

Davy: (Eyes widen as he puts presents under the tree) You didn't REALLY put all the lights we bought on the 'ouse, did ya? We must 'ave bought at least a bloomin' 10,000!

Micky: Of course I did! I wasn't about to waste any of those! :D

Mike: At least we'll be able to find their house tomorrow morning.

Lauren: He cheated with a lot of the strings. He put them up in the middle of the night using his powers.

Micky: Hey, I did it the old fashioned way for seventy-five percent of them.

Emma: It'll be the one so covered with light strings, you can't see the exterior.

Lauren: *nods* That's the one.

Davy: At least you didn't kill yourself doin' it, Mick. I know wot you were like puttin' up the lights when you lived wit' us!

Micky: Nah. Didn't do any permanent damage, though I still have a bit of a ringing in my ears from one fall.

*Lauren rolls her eyes.*

Peter: Who's for music? (Sits at the piano and grins at the babies) Would the babies like some nice Christmas carols? This IS your first Christmas, after all! :D

Emma: Something nice and simple to start with.

Lauren: That's ALL they've been listening to. *grins at Micky, who shrugs with a grin*

Micky: How about "Deck the Halls?"

Peter: Shame we don't have the Santa suit for Micky and Davy's Elf costume!

Micky: Yeah, so Dave can blow soot in my face again. :P

Davy: 'Ey, you got me all messy!

Micky: I was already messy! I was only sharing!

Davy: Maybe some of us didn't feel like bein' shahed wit'!

Mike: Ok, guys, cool it. It's Christmas Eve. Just sing the song. :p

Lauren: Just no singing like drunkards, please.

Mike: Now, why would we do that?

Emma: Because you think it's cute.

(They sing a rousing rendition of "Deck the Halls," accompianed by Peter at the piano, with Micky and Davy muggling shamelessly for their "audience." As the song finishes, there's another knock on the door. Emma goes and looks in the grille.)

Emma: It's Valerie! (Opens the door. Valierie steps in, wearing a red dress with green trim and carrying packages.)

Valerie: Hi, everyone. I can't stay for too long. I promised Chrissy I'd join her and our grandparents in Bakersfield as soon as I could. I just wanted to spend a little time with all of you and deliver my presents.

Peter: Merry Christmas, honey! (Goes to Valerie and kisses her cheek before taking her presents and putting them under the tree)

Valerie: (Grins) Merry Christmas, Peter! I have a big surprise for you, and for all of you, really.

Peter: I have a surprise for you, too, Valerie. (Tentatively takes a small package from a branch on the tree) This is for you. I...I hope you like it.

Valerie: Thank you, Peter. (Unwraps the package. Inside is a small velvet jewery box. She opens it and gasps, pulling out a delicate ring with a very small diamond on it, glittering softly against the glow of the lights in the house and on the tree) Oh, Peter, it's GORGEOUS!

Peter: I know you have prettier things, but I liked this one. It's so sweet and simple.

Valerie: No, Peter, this is beautiful!

Peter: (Shyly takes Valerie's hands in his) Valerie, w...w...w...will you a very small voice), mary I'm not rich like you are, but I'm going to go back to school this winter. I took my tests to get in the Los Angelas Community College and passed them.

Valerie: (Throws her arms around Peter) YES! YES! I'll marry you! I don't care if you're rich or poor or anything in between. It's like I told you on our first date at my party. You're a fine enough person just being yourself!

Peter: (He's as red as his shirt) Oh man...

Micky: *wipes a tear away* That's so beautiful. *grins*

Mike: 'Bout time you asked her, boy! (Slaps his friend on the shoulder)

Emma: That was sweet, Peter.

Davy: Congradulations, mates. When's the weddin'?

Peter and Valerie: (In unison) In June.

Lauren: Figures he'd ask that.

Mike: (He wipes his eyes on his sleeve) Oh, man, all the kids are growin' up and leavin' home!

(Emma puts her arms around him, grinning.)

*Micky applauds and whistles.*

Peter: I can't wait! We could have the ceremony at your mansion. Your dad's garden is so pretty. I like walking out there. :)

Valerie: Chrissy will want to be flower girl.

Mike: Just watch out for devils and looney prostitutes right before the weddin'!

Peter: (Holds Valerie close to him) Oh, we will! I don't want to lose Valerie now!

Valerie: And Peter's going to be in nobody's bed but mine!

(Now Peter's REALLY red!)

Davy: I do believe the debutante is one 'o us!

Micky: *grins* Pete, you're blinding me!

Mike: Maybe we should hand out one present for each of us now.

Emma: An old custom in my family. We open one present each on Christmas Eve.

Peter: Yeah! (Dives into the pile of presents under the tree, followed by Micky and Mike)

Lauren: *shakes her head* Boys!

(Davy finally makes his way in.)

Mike: (Picks up a box and shakes it) Oooh, I think this one's for me!

Emma: And you were squawkin' at ME earlier!

Davy: Anythin' wit' my name on it?

Emma: Hey, Lauren, where's your guys' presents?

Lauren: Mick? *grins*

Micky: Oh, yeah! *a dark blue light appears under the tree; a pile of presents appears* There! :D

Lauren: It was easier than carrying them. ;)

Davy: Oooh, more! Where's mine? (Starts riffling through the new pile)

Micky: Careful in there, Dave!

Emma: Hold on a minute. (Brings in a large box. She opens it and pulls out several wrapped bundles) Presents from my parents.

Mike: The gifts from Aunt Kate and Mom are already under the tree.

Davy: Presents from Grandfather are in there somewhere.

Peter: My mom sent her famous fruitcake cookies!

Lauren: The presents from my parents and Mick's mom are at the house.

Mike: We'll open those tomorrow.

Davy: Well, wot are we waitin' for? Everyone grab somethin'!

Emma: No, let's do this like in my family. We'll take turns.

Peter: That way, we'll see what EVERYONE gets!

Micky: Can we pick for other people?

Emma: Well, if you want. Just remember, ONE present per person tonight! The rest tomorrow!

Micky: Right! *grabs one with Lauren's name on it; hands it off* Here ya go, Babe.

Mike: I'm almost afraid to ask.

Lauren: *takes the box wearily* Oh geez, I'm afraid to open it.

Micky: I promise, it's totally safe!

Lauren: I'm still not completely sure.

Davy: Wouldn't trust that, comin' from 'im.

Lauren: *shrugs* May as well get this over with. *unwraps the box*

Micky: I am shocked at all of you. :P

(Davy moves AWAY from the box.)

Emma: Mick, we KNOW you.

Peter: You like gag gifts.

Lauren: *glances at Micky before pulling the box cover off; her eyes widen, and she smiles* Hey! *pulls out a black poncho* Aw, Mick, thank you! *gives him a kiss*

Emma: Awww!

Micky: So there! *sticks his tongue out* :P

Peter: Now they can REALLY be twins!

Davy: That's sweet, Mick.

Valerie: And it's very nice work, too.

Micky: See that? And none of you trusted me.

Lauren: The gag gift's at the house?

Mike: Mick, you're the person who gave us "The Joy of Sex" for a wedding present.

Emma: I THOUGHT I caught you reading that in the Sea Mist on our honeymoon!

Micky: *rolls his eyes; to Lauren* Kinda. You can open that present later tonight.

Lauren: Ahhh. ;)

Mike: Ok, we're ALL scared now.

Davy: Who's next?

Emma: (Pulls a big, floppy bundle out of the box from her parents) Honey, this one is addressed to both us. Why don't we open this one now, together? That way, we'll have more to open tomorrow morning.

Mike: Well, ok. It's kinda big, ain't it?

Emma: It's probably something Mom made. She loves arts and crafts, and she's so GOOD at them. :)

(The pair open the package to reveal a beautiful brown-and-yellow knitted blanket. It's heavy and big; so big, it easily covers Emma, Mike, and the psychiatrist's couch.)

Mike: Oh man, Em, your mom does good work!

Emma: (Grins) Doesn't she? She's been making blankets and clothes and artwork since she was a child.

Peter: (Touches the blanket) It's so soft!

Lauren: That is beautiful!

Valerie: That's truly gorgeous, Em. Has your mom ever considered selling her work?

Emma: (Nods) She's done artwork for schools and businesses in the Cape May County area.

(Emma and Mike pass the blanket around so everyone can feel how soft it is.)

Peter: Oooh! (Holds it to his cheek and sniffs it) Smells good, too.

Emma: Like Mom's perfume. :)

Micky: Aw! :)

Valerie: (Leans against it) It's very cozy, Em. (Pulls it around herself and Peter) I might not let go of it for a while.

Emma: Let everyone else have a chance at it, THEN live in it.

(Valerie hands it around to Micky and Lauren.)

Lauren: *takes it before Micky can touch it* Oh no you don't, Mick! If you get a hold of it, they'll NEVER get it back!

*Micky shrugs and winks.* ;)

Lauren: It is VERY soft, though!

(Everyone laughs as Davy leans against the end of it.)

Davy: Oooh, that it is, luv! You may 'ave a 'ard time gettin' it away from the rest of us! (Lauren hands it to him, and he hands it to Emma, who puts it around her and Mike again.)

Mike: Ok, who's next?

Davy: (Grins) 'Ow 'bout you, Mick?

Peter: Yeah!

Micky: Sure! Any package in particular I should pick?

Valerie: I already opened my present! (wiggles the finger with her ring)

Mike: Just grab one!

Peter: Your choice, Mick.

Emma: Just save the big ones for tomorrow.

Micky: *glances at Lauren, who merely grins* She's not as sneaky as I am. *grabs a present with colorful wrapping paper* Festive paper! *tears it off and opens it; he pulls out several strings of beads; grins* Thanks, Pete! *puts them around his neck*

Peter: (Beams) You're welcome, Micky! I made them myself! :D

Micky: They're great! :D

Mike: Speakin' of Peter, (hands a gift to Peter) here's my present for you, ol' buddy. :)

Peter: Thanks, Mike! (The paper on this is simple dark blue with chunky yarn "ribbon") Cool yarn. Maybe I'll use it for something. (Puts it around his neck and tears off the paper to reveal a large paperback-book) "The Life and Liberty of Ghandi!" (hugs his friend) I've been wanting to read this! Ghandi was a great man who believed in peace and kindness, just like me!

Mike: I know you've been sayin' you want to read somethin' on Ghandi, Buddy.

Emma: That leaves Davy.

Davy: That's bettah. It's finally my turn. (Roots around under the tree and emerges with a package wrapped in bright paper and covered with glittery ribbons) "From Micky." Figahs. (Hesitantly opens the paper) Please say it ain't nuthin' that gonna explode in me face, Mick.

Mike: You might want to take that one AWAY from the Christmas tree, Dave.

Micky: *gives an innocent look* Ain't promising anything, Dave.

Davy: (Gets up and moves away from the tree, towards the kitchen) Safer ovah 'ere.

*Micky laughs.*

Davy: (Opens it; raises his eyebrows) "Everythin' You've Been Wantin' To Know 'Bout Sex But Were Afraid To Ask."

Mike: Good grief.

*Micky falls over laughing.*)

Peter: Oh, man...

Lauren: Mick...

Valerie: Where did you find that?

Micky: *through his laughing* Can't tell you! *uprights himself* It's a secret.

Lauren: He's afraid we'll get HIM something from there.

Davy: (Elbows Micky) Thanks, Mick! I think I'll spend the rest of the night studyin' this! ;) :D

Mike: No chance of that. You two have ENOUGH ideas!

Micky: Don't hurt yourself, Dave.

Emma: And now you're corrupting your best friend!

Micky: Where do ya think I GET my ideas from?

Davy: I've been corrupted for yeahs, luv.

Mike: Offhand, I'd say burlesque or the gutter, Mick.

Micky: You're close, Mike.

Valerie: (Takes Peter's hand) There's one more present that needs to be given tonight, (Smiles) I found a house! :D

Peter: That's great! Where?

Valerie: (Smile widens) Do you remember the Montgomery House on the other end of Malibu Beach?

Peter: (Shudders a little) Yeah. Shelia and Zero lived there.

Valerie: (Shakes her head) Not anymore. It was on the market, and I bought it. I'm going to restore it. The ballroom will now be a third rehearsal and recording venue for you guys. :D

Valerie: We'll use it for parties and special events, too. (Puts her hand on Peter's) We'll live there together, Peter, as soon as we come back from our honeymoon.

Peter: Valerie, that's so wonderful! No one's ever bought me a whole house before! (Starts sobbing. Valerie hands him a handkerchief, and he smiles.)

Micky: Aw!

Mike: Oh, man, guys, that's great!

Emma: Groovy!

Lauren: Gosharooney!

Davy: When will we be able to visit all of you?

Valerie: I'm hoping for the work to be done by our wedding, so we can move right in when we get home from our honeymoon. Shelia Saunders (makes a face at the name) and her uncle only fixed up a few rooms in the house. I want to redo the whole place in Victorian splendor. Victoriana is so elegant. I think it's about to make a comeback.

Peter: This is the best Christmas ever! (Kisses Valerie again)

Mike: Damn right! (Kisses Emma under the blanket as Davy dives into the presents again)

*Micky waggles his eyebrows at Lauren, who chuckles. He leans over and gives her a kiss.*

Davy: (Picks up the book) Think I'll read up on wot to do wit' Daphne when I get 'er.

Mike: It'll be good practice. (Emma elbows him)

Micky: He'll know that book backwards and forwards in days!

Mike: That scares me.

Davy: 'Ey, now...

Micky: What's so wrong with that? I know it backwards, forwards, and parts of it in Italian!

*Lauren slaps her forehead.*

Davy: THAT explains a lot.

*Micky just grins.*

Mike: I was wonderin' where you were gettin' all those ideas from. ;)

Davy: (Sighs) Merry Christmas, everyone.

Emma: (Hugs Mike) Merry Christmas, baby.

Mike: You too, darlin'.

Micky: *winks at Lauren* Merry Christmas, Babe.

Lauren: *leans on Micky* Merry Christmas, Mick.

Valerie: (Nods at a clock in the living room chiming midnight) Yes, it's officially Christmas. (Kisses Peter) Merry Christmas, honey.

Peter: (Grins) "And God bless us, every one!" ;)

Valerie: (As everyone laughs) Oh Peter! (Hugs him tightly as the camera pulls back behind the window, observing the happy little group, then pulling further to reveal the light from the Pad and other homes on the coast breaking the darkness of Christmas early morning before fading out completely.)