Part 1

Well...are we ready to investigate a major recording business scandal? ;)

Micky: You bet!

Peter: Yeah!

Mike: Let's get a move on!

Lauren: Let's check it out!

Davy: Right!

(And we start at the Vincent Van Go-Go, about two months after the events of "Beach Blanket Monkees." The guys are playing "(I'm Not Your) Stepping Stone." Everyone is dancing or sitting with friends. Valerie dances with some other girls. Emma and Lauren sit together. Lauren is starting to show a little. An older man sits at another table with some men in business suits. He's plainly interested in the boys' playing.)

Emma: (Smiles and sips her cola) I'm glad the guys got this gig. It'll really help pay the rent for this month, and they're all having a blast. You can see it in their faces.

Lauren: *nods* Definitely. It's nice for things to return to normal for a change. (Grins) "Monkees normal," anyway. ;-)

Emma: (Grins) As close to normal as things will ever get with those four. ;)

Lauren: Which really isn't, but... *grins*

Emma: Close enough. ;)

Lauren: Exactly. And we wouldn't have it any other way.

Emma: (Smiles at Mike. He smiles back as they start on "Long Title: Do I Have To Do It All Over Again") Even Mike's happy, which is a fairly rare thing.

Lauren: Playing music will do that.

Emma: (Sips her soda again) They all love it so much. It's Peter's whole world, and one of the few ways Mike will relax.

Lauren: And Mick's trying to put on a show back there while drumming. *nods at his waving arms behind the others*

Emma: (Chuckles) That's our Mick. (Sighs) I'm just glad everything's quieted down. (Nods at Lauren's growing stomach) How are the little Dolenzes coming? Do you have names for them? :)

Lauren: *looks down at her stomach then back at Emma* Not yet. Actually, we could use a little help with that.

Emma: Maybe you could name them after someone. (shrugs) Mike and I haven't really discussed having kids yet.

Lauren: *smirks* I've yet to figure out if Mick wants to carry on his name to a third. ;-)

Emma: (As the set comes to an end) My mom wanted to name my brother William Joseph Jackman III... but Dad said no. Mom compromised and named him Keefe William. :) (Nods at the boys) Have you talked to Mick about this?

Lauren: We'll probably have to compromise. *grins* Yeah, and he's as baffled for names as I am. ;-)

Emma: Maybe you could look up some in the library, or buy a book of baby names. Mick's mom might have a book, too.

Lauren: I'll bet she does. I'll have to ask her.

Mike: (From the stage) Ok, folks, that's all for tonight. (Grins and lays on the Texas accent) Ya'll come back sometime and here us play, 'cause we really appreciate your interest! ;) :D

Emma: (Rolls her eyes) Sometimes I think he's as much of a ham as Mick and Dave. He just doesn't show it as much. ;) (Heads for the stage as the men in suits at the table do the same)

*Lauren chuckles, following her.*

Emma: (Hugs Mike after he takes off Black Beauty and puts her in her case) Nice job, honey. You guys were really enjoying yourselves out there tonight. :)

Mike: (Blushes) Yeah, it was a really good crowd.

Micky: *drapes an arm around Lauren's shoulders* You see me wavin' to ya, babe?

Lauren: The whole crowd saw, Mick. ;-)

Davy: You were only movin' your arms like a bloomin' maniac, mate! ;)

Micky: Well, I wanted to make sure she could see me back there with all your dancing around. *winks at Davy*

Peter: (As he puts his banjo in its case) Oh, man, that was a pure rush! I don't think we've gotten into a gig that much in months! :D

(The producer approaches the group at this point. He's a tall, slender man with thick, light brown, wavy hair and a light brown goatee. He wears a turtleneck, jacket, and trousers with sunglasses. The men behind him wear simple business suits.)

Producer: Marvelous! Just wonderful! (Shakes Mike's hand) The way you handled that guitar, son, was just amazing! (Points at Davy) And the way the women just gravitated to him! (Indicates Micky) His wild drumming, with all the hand waving and gestures and that gorgeous voice! (Indicates Peter) And you, my friend, are one heck of a bassist... and you can do piano and lead guitar! I've never seen someone so versitile!

Peter: (Beams) Thanks!

Mike: (Frowns, wary) Thanks, but who are you?

Man In Suit 1: His card. (Hands Mike a small business card)

*Micky stands on his toes, looking at the card over Mike's shoulder.*

Mike: Carl Sumner, record producer for Glamour Productions, Inc. (Frowns) Hey, isn't that the studio in downtown Los Angelas? They're pretty big time!

Sumner: That it is, son. I heard you boys play tonight, and I thought you were the perfect sound for Glamour Productions.

Peter: Well, could we keep our sound and make a record?

Sumner: (Laughs heartily and slaps Peter on the shoulder, almost knocking him to the ground) Keep our sound... you are very amusing, son. That'll be cute on a record. (Waves his hand and looks in the air) We could make a whole album of your unique sound. The country twang... the folksy sweetness... the deep soul... the romantic pop....

Mike: (Shakes his head) Gosh, Mr. Sumner, I don't know...

Micky: *rolls his eyes* Oh, come on, Mike!

Sumner: We'd have a whole studio ready and willing to record your very interesting music. (Kisses Emma's hand) And who are these charming ladies? Are they members of the band?

Emma: Only occasionally. (Nods at Mike and Micky, blushing; Mike glares daggers) I'm Emma Redmer, Michael Nesmith's fiancee. (Indicates Lauren) That's Lauren Dolenz, Micky's wife.

Lauren: *waves* Hi.

*Micky grins, draping an arm around Lauren again.*

Sumner: (Kisses Lauren's hand) Nice to meet you, Mrs. D. (Smiles at Micky) You have a fine little wife there, Dolenz.

Micky: Thanks.

Mike: (As Lauren pulls her hand away from Sumner, blushing furiously) How do we know you'll pull through for us? We've been burned by contracts and smart-talkin' men in suits before.

Sumner: We'll sign the contract right now, in front of these men and your fiancee and wife. It's all perfectly legal and binding.

Mike: (Sighs) Yeah, that's what worries me.

Davy: Everything worries you, mate.

Peter: It's not a life-time contract, is it?

Sumner: You're acting like I'm asking you to sell your souls to the Devil!

(Peter turns white as a sheet.)

Micky: Uh, wrong thing to say.

Mike: (Sighs again) Long story, Mr. Sumner. (Takes the contract) This will allow us to record our music, right?

Sumner: Of course. Your unique sound is what we're after. It's not bubblegum, but not Bing Crosby, either. It's now, yesterday, and tomorrow. It's the sound of the country, the city, the suburbs.

Lauren: It'll be easy to categorize. *grins*

Sumner: (Hands Mike a pen) Just sign here, Mr. Nesman.

Mike: (Glares) Nesmith. (Grumbles) I've got this feeling I'm going to regret this, but it is a chance...

Sumner: (Nods as Mike signs the contract, a slip of light blue paper) Now, for you, Mr. Dolenz... (Hands the pen to Micky)

Micky: *rolls the pen in his fingers* Groovy!

Mike: Just sign, Mick!

Davy: (Grins) Should have had 'im sign in pencil. 'Im and anything that can stain is probably not a good idea. ;)

Micky: You sign your way, I'll sign my way. *signs, but not before glaring at Davy; holds the pen, tip toward Davy* You were saying, mate? *grins*

Davy: 'Ey, watch where you aim that thing! Velvet ain't easy to clean, you know! (Signs the contract)

*Micky sticks his tongue out at him.*

(Peter takes out a magnifying glass and inspects the contract.)

Sumner: What are you doin', son?

Peter: I'm looking for the fine print.

Davy: Oh, Petah, just sign it!

Peter: But I don't want to sell my soul again!

Micky: Peter, just sign it. He isn't the devil.

Davy: (Indicates Sumner) Now, come on, Petah. That's a nice producah who's gonna let everyone 'ear your music. It ain't Zero.

Peter: (Smiles) Ok! As long as people will hear our music! (Puts down the magnifying glass and signs the contract)

Sumner: (Nods) Good. We got what we needed. (Hands Mike another card) Meet me at the Glamour Recording Studios in Culver City tomorrow at 6AM.

Micky: *whispers to Lauren* 6 AM?

*Lauren rolls her eyes.*

Sumner: We have another group coming in, too. Another wonderful discovery, and all-girl group. Nice gals. Very smart, very flexible.

Davy: All girl group? :D

Lauren: Oh, here we go.

Mike: (Elbows Davy and mutters) Ahem, someone promised to cut down on the girl-chasing...

Davy: (Shrugs) I'm just thinkin' about them, Mike. Nothin' 'armful.

Mike: Well, limit it thoughts and don't act on 'em, ok?

Davy: (Sighs) Yes, Chief. ;)

Sumner: (Shakes Mike's hand, then the other boys') Thank you, Mr. Nesser.

Mike: Nesmith!!!

Sumner: (Shrugs) Sure. You won't regret this, boys! See you in Culver City! (Blows a kiss at the boys over his shoulder, then heads out with his boys)

Micky: Well, that was interesting.

Mike: There's something I don't like about this.

Davy: You're just mad 'cause 'e didn't get your name right.

Lauren: *grins* There's something about your name, Mike...

Emma: (Shrugs) People used to get my name wrong too, Mike, and I don't think it's that hard.

Peter: (Claps and jumps up and down) But, Mike, isn't it exciting! We're going to be stars! We're going to make an album!

Micky: Down, Peter. *puts a hand on Peter's shoulder*

Mike: Yeah, but... (thoughtful) do you think it would sell?

Emma: Everyone around here loves your music!

Davy: If nothin' else, mate, we'll be able to pay the rent on time for once.

Micky: Besides, there's gotta be more people out there with good taste. ;-)

Peter: We're going to make a real album! (Beams) What songs should we use?

Mike: A little from each of us, I guess.

Davy: They might have some songs they want us to sing, too...

Mike: (Shakes his head) Oh, no. We do our own stuff, or we don't do it. We went through this with Rudy.

Micky: That's our Chief. *grins*

Valerie: (Runs up to the group) Hey, guys! Who was that with you?

Peter: (Grabs Valerie's hands) Oh, Val, it was a big-time producer! He heard our music and he really, really likes us! We're going to cut an album for him, and he's going to make us stars! :D

Valerie: (Hugs Peter) Oh, groovy, Peter! That's amazing! Which producer was it?

Mike: Some cat named Sumner.

Valerie: Oh, he's up-and-coming. He mostly handles their bubblegum music. You know, the stuff for teenagers. He's always looking for new acts.

Davy: Well, this time, 'e found us.

Micky: About time, too. *grins*

Valerie: You bet, Mick! You guys are the best kept secret in Los Angelas. It's time for the rest of the world to share your wonderful music!

Peter: (Jumps up and down with Valerie) We're gonna make an album! We're gonna be stars! We're gonna be stars!

Mike: (Sighs) Well, we can't be stars if we're tired. Come on, guys. We have to get ready for the big recording session tomorrow.

Micky: *jerks a thumb at Peter* Did he eat something Mexican today?

Davy: (Grins) 'E must 'ave Mexican Jumpin' Bean in 'is blood. ;)

Peter: No, I'm just excited! I can't wait to be able to play and sing so that everyone, not just a small audience, will hear it! I love sharing my music!

Mike: (Puts one arm around Emma and carries Black Beauty with the other) Come on, guys. Us big recordin' stars need our beauty sleep. ;)

Lauren: And someone has trouble getting up before the crack of noon! *grins at Micky*

Micky: Awe, babe...

Emma: I don't know how I'll wake up the rest of this crowd. (Nods at Mike and Davy) These two aren't exactly at their best in the early morning hours, either.

Mike: (Shakes his head) Em, some of us are just night owls.

Emma: Mike, I've seen you up as late as five in the morning working on songs!

Mike: I get my best inspiration late at night.

Emma: Can't you make it wait until morning?

Mike: Inspiration waits for no writer.

Emma: But Mike... (the two walk out of the back door of the club, arguing all the way)

Valerie: (Sighs) They're still fighting?

Micky: Some things never change, huh? ;-)

Peter: (Shrugs) It's just in their natures... or at least in Mike's.

Davy: (Watches a group of lovely girls go by in the hall on the way out of the back of the club) Yeah, Mick...

Peter: Davy, no girls! You heard Mike! We have to concentrate on this gig!

Valerie: (Grins) You could always chain him to the chair again. ;)

Davy: (Makes a face) Very funny. As I recall, I dragged the chair 'alf way across town and broke the bloody chain!

Micky: We didn't use a heavy enough chair.

Peter: Davy, Mike's right. We're gonna need you on this gig. This is our big chance! Don't you want to be a star? You'll get even more girls that way!

Davy: (Grins) 'Ey, Petah, you do 'ave a point. Girls do love a celebrity. ;)

Lauren: And a humble one, at that. ;-)

Valerie: I'll meet you guys after the recording session. Where is it going to be?

Peter: At Glamour Studios in Culver City.

Valerie: Oh, wow! They're not quite as big as Decca or Columbia, but they're pretty high end, just the same. Mostly specializes in pop acts, but they do some country and folk and a smattering of older vocal music.

Micky: Sounds like us.

Davy: I don't know why Mike is so worried. It's a perfect match.

Micky: *shrugs* Just his nature.

Peter: Considering our record with contracts, I don't actually blame him.

Valerie: Your record with...

Peter: (Sighs) Long story, Val. I think I told you about the Devil thing.

Valerie: (Shudders) Thank goodness you can play the harp. Otherwise... (she trails off, not wanting to think of what would have happened if Peter hadn't been able to play. Pause - then, she smiles) By the way, that was nice of you to donate that harp to my father's symphonic group. They really appreciate it.

Peter: (Nods and takes her arm) You're welcome. I was glad to help. It just didn't make me happy anymore, after what happened with Zero. (walks off with Valerie, the two discussing contracts and classical music)

Davy: (Shrugs at Lauren and Micky) Come on, mates. We'll drop you guys off at your place.

Micky: Thanks, man.

Davy: (Grins) I 'ave to admit, I'm rather excited meself. Even if nothin' comes of this, it's a real bloody chance at the big leagues, and at least we know we 'ad that chance, mate. :)

Micky: *nods* We'll be able to say we almost made it. ;-)

Lauren: Ever the optimist. ;-)

(The three head out...but they don't know they're being watched by two figures in a glittery pink car. One is a small blonde girl barely out of her teens. The other is Sumner, who is smirking.)

Sumner: Amber, honey, we did it. I got another back-up band for ya. They've got quite a distinctive sound. I think you'll like the songs. And if you don't, we'll change them so they work for you.

Amber: *nods* Good, I didn't like that last one.

Amber: They weren't cute enough. ;-)

Sumner: You've got your choice, sweetie pie. A tall country hick, some blond musical dimwit, a dancing British runt, and the curly-haired nutcase. Curls is married, but the others are fair game. (Grins) I could probably line up the runt for you. Bet he'd be eager, the way he was dancing with those chicks in the audience.

Amber: I like dancers. *grins*

Sumner: Neswish has a good voice, but he gets too damn suspicious for his own good. Almost blew the deal. I wouldn't have taken him if he wasn't such a good guitarist and didn't have some decent material.

Amber: *quirks an eyebrow* That good, huh? *winks*

Sumner: Very good stuff. Titles like "Tapioca Tundra" and "Papa Gene's Blues." Really country-ish, like Patsy Cline or Hank Williams, but rock, too.

Amber: I like that. *smiles*

Sumner: Nesmitch is engaged, but if you like him, I could...arrange something. (winks at her) After all, you're my own special discovery. You're gonna be big, sweetie.

Amber: Aw, you're too sweet! I kinda like the sound of the little dancer. *smile widens*

Sumner: I'm sure I could get him for you. His eyes followed anything that wasn't male.

Amber: There should be no problem, then. ;-)

Sumner: (Starts the car) Now, come on, baby doll. We need to get you home. You need your rest. You have a big day of recording tomorrow. (Winks at the little, slender blonde girl)

*Amber giggles and leans back in her seat, grinning like the Cheshire Cat.*

(Sumner fondles her hair with one hand and drives out of the parking lot of the Vincent Van Go-Go with the other as the scene fades out on them and fades in on a recording studio. The boys walk in with their instruments. Emma helps them. Micky leans on Lauren, yawning.)

Mike: (Sets Black Beauty down on a table) Whoo-ee! Get a load of all the fancy equipment!

Sumner: Nothing but the best for my discoveries!

(Peter puts down his banjo and walks around, mesmerized.)

Lauren: *aims Micky towards a couch, but he misses and sits down on the floor instead* Good grief...

Davy: (He and Lauren help Micky up) This is all top-of-the-line stuff!

Peter: (Fingers a sound board) Yeah, man. I never thought I'd see one of these...

Lauren: And we ought to keep Mick away from it.

Micky: *yawns again* Awe, c'mon...

Mike: Yeah. He's not allowed near anything breakable or filled with chemicals. ;)

Sumner: (Claps his hands together) So, boys, let's get started! What song did you want to do first?

Mike: Well...

Lauren: *points at Micky* Something that'll wake him up. ;-)

Davy: I know what will wake 'im up. Let's do "Apples, Peaches, Bananas, and Pears." Food song, mate. Food gets Mick up every time. ;)

Micky: *looks up* Food? Where?

Peter: He means the song, Mick! ;)

Micky: Huh, oh, right, man.

Mike: He really is up early. ;)

Sumner: (Goes behind the partition) Can we get started here, boys?

Mike: Yeah, keep your shirt on! We'll be ready!

Davy: Let's go, mate!

Peter: (Grabs his bass) I can't wait! :D

Micky: I'm comin', I'm comin'. Got me all excited over food...

Davy: Not hard to do. ;)

*Micky sticks his tongue out at him.*

Sumner: Sometime today would be nice, fellas!

*Micky waves his arms, moving to the drumkit. He makes a face at the set up of it (as he didn't do it himself), but shrugs & picks up his sticks.*

(Davy grabs his tambourine, and the three count off the song, which leads us to a montage of the guys and Sumner working on song sessions, a la the making of "Headquarters" scene in "Daydream Believers." As the song ends, the boys are standing behind microphones, happy but tired. The girls and Sumner come back around the partition.)

Sumner: Groovy, gang! That was just fantastic!

Mike: (Nods, head drooping) Yeah. Hard work, but we did the first few songs.

Sumner: And you really wrote most of the material yourselves! Amazing!

Mike: Not amazing. Talent.

Micky: *shrugs, twirling his sticks* Those two can really churn them out. *points his sticks at Mike and Peter*

Peter: (Nods) Micky and Davy write some of the songs, but we write most of them.

Micky: *smirks* I've only written one. *twirls his sticks again*

Lauren: That's what he says. *rolls her eyes, grinning*

Davy: I've written a few, but those two (points at Mike and Peter) are the real proteges.

Peter: (City-Lighting grin) Thank you! Music is my whole life! It means everything to me.

Mike: Yeah, me too, Pete. Music practically got me out of the gutter.

Emma: (Puts her arms around Mike and Peter) My humble boys. ;)

Lauren: And the other not so humble ones. *grins*

(Peter and Mike laugh as Davy and Micky roll their eyes.)

Sumner: (Checks his watch) I've got the next group in at noon. You guys come back here tomorrow afternoon, and we'll work until dinnertime.

Micky: *perks up* Dinner? ;-)

Lauren: You need more sleep, Mick, really.

Sumner: There's a place around the corner that serves great hamburgers and Caeser's salads. We'll have dinner there. (Indicates the door) Now, you guys go get some rest. Don't want my newest discoveries overexerting themselves.

Mike: (Grumbles) Micky goes crazy in diners.

Micky: *glares at Mike* Wasn't just me...

Peter: (City-lighting grin) I'm not tired at all! I could do this all day!

Mike: (Yawns) Pete, as much as I enjoy doin' this, we need rest if we're gonna keep doin' it.

Sumner: (Nods) Why don't you folks head out? Have a wonderful day, cats and ladies!

(The guys are on their way out as four female heads pop in the door.)

Maxine: Hey, is this the place?

Daphne: That's what Mr. Sumner said, Maxie! 222 Montgomery Avenue, Culver City, California!

Davy: (Grins) Daphne! (Turns to the others) It's the Westminster Abbies!

Daphne: Davy! (Goes to him) How have you been?

Davy: Fine, luv. I thought you guys went up to Seattle.

Kimberly: (The redhead rolls her eyes) The club we were working at got washed away in a flood.

Jenny: (The girl with the straight brown hair makes a face) Yeah, while we were playing there.

Daphne: (Shrugs) How was I supposed to know it was the rainy season?

Maxine: Daph, we were in Seattle! Every season is the rainy season!

Mike: What're you guys doin' here?

Sumner: (Puts his arms around Daphne and Maxine) These ladies are another wonderful discovery of mine. I heard them in Seattle before the unfortunate demise of the Club Aquacade.

Peter: Oh, wow, you guys are going to be stars, too!

Maxine: (Nods, grinning) I know! Isn't it exciting?

Micky: Get a loada us, just a bunch of stars. *grins*

Mike: (Nods) And even stars need their beauty sleep.

Jenny: (Grins at the boys) Some stars more than others.

Kimberly: (Winks at Jenny) How come you're talkin' 'bout yourself, Jen?

(Jenny glares at her. Kimberly giggles.)

Mike: (Shakes his head) Come on, fellas. We got to show what we can do. Let's let the ladies show off their unique talents.

Micky: Sure. Sleep is sounding quite inviting right about now, anyway. *yawns loudly*

Davy: (Eying Daphne in a dark blue minidress) I think the ladies are already showing off quite a few talents... (Daphne blushes)

Maxine: (Groans) Great, Daph. Why don't you just go climb in his lap? That's what you want to do, anyway.

(Daphne and Davy turn bright red.)

Jenny: He was all she could talk about in Seattle before the rains came!

Davy: Um, er... (grabs Peter's arm) let's go home, guys.

Micky: A little embarrassed, Dave? *grins evilly*

(Davy pulls Peter out to the hallway, followed by the others with the instruments.)

Davy: Man, I saw the girl for two weeks before she and 'er buddies went up north! I barely know 'er!

Peter: She lasted twice as long as your usual dates!

Micky: *nods* That's saying a lot! ;-)

Mike: Why don't you just say you like her and get it over with?

Emma: Davy, I know that look. You were this close (holds two fingers practically together) to having stars in your eyes.

Lauren: *smirks* Maybe closer than that.

Peter: (sighs, to himself) Here we go again! Mike said some of the same stuff when he didn't think Em liked him... (to the group) Why don't you call her tonight, Dave? You have her number.

Mike: And the rest of Malibu Beach's.

*Micky laughs, but it turns into a yawn.*

Mike: (Puts his arm around Mick) Why don't we go to the Pad and get some rest? Maybe Em can whip us up somethin', or we can have Val bring in some of her dad's French chef's gourmet cookin'.

Micky: *licks his lips* I'll take either, or both!

Davy: Sounds good to me, Mike. I just grabbed one of Em's chocolate chip muffins before we left.

(As the boys leave, they pass an open door. Mike stops, frowning.)

Mike: Hey...

Mike: Guys, that sounds like...

Emma: Mike? (Goes back to him) What's wrong?

Mike: Sounds like "Papa Gene's Blues"... sort of. It's the recordin' we made, but it ain't right.

Peter: Mike, what do you mean? (Joins them at the door)

Micky: What's goin' on?

Mike: I hear our music... but it's not the way we recorded it. It's been totally re-arranged, and someone else is singin' it.

Micky: *scratches his head* That can't be right. *smirks* You're not that bad of a singer, Mike! ;-)

Mike: (Smiles at Mick) Thanks, I think, Mick, but I know I heard my song without me on the vocals. And it didn't play right. Not quite twangy enough...

(The six lean against the door.)

Lauren: I hope this door doesn't have a weight limit. ;-)

Peter: I have an idea! (Closes his eyes and murmurs something. There's a small blue light, and six stethoscopes appear in his hand.) Here you go, guys! They'll save wear and tear on the door. :D

Davy: (Takes the stethoscope from Peter) Thanks, Petah.

Micky: As long as it isn't a disconnected door.

Emma: Shhh! (Puts her stethoscope against the door)

(The not-quite-right "Papa Gene's Blues," stripped of its country sound and performed by a pretty but immature-sounding female voice, finishes in the room beyond.)

Sumner: Wonderful, Amber! Just gorgeous! Amazing! I knew I'd make something of you the moment I found you singing in that little club in San Francisco!

Mike: (Frowns, whispers to the group) Amber?

Amber: Oh, you're too sweet!

Sumner: We'll have you singing against the boys' rearranged tracks. Are they just amazing songs? What did you think of them? The boys say Tork and Nezzleman write most of them.

(Mike growls softly.)

Amber: Very amazing! Maybe you could talk them into writing some more. *winks*

Sumner: Honey, they're so desperate to break into the music business, I could get them to sign a contract to perform as a chimp act in monkey suits!

Amber: *giggles* You think they would?

Sumner: I have those little boys wrapped around my finger. They'll be writing and playing music for Amber Stimpson for a long, long time. ;) >:)

Amber: And I have you to thank! ;-) O:-)

Sumner: You're too pretty of a girl to languish in some two-bit bar in the Golden Gate City. We'll launch a whole campaign for your first album, ending with a major concert here in LA!

Amber: I don't like languishing, anyway. ;-)

Sumner: There'll be press conferences, front-page stories, and plugs on all the major variety shows. We'll keep those boys in the background, playing their tunes for you.

Amber: It's perfect!

Sumner: I'm recording your back-up singers now. They think we're actually going to use them! I'm only using the girls' voices, and their harmony, at that, not their solo vocals. I'm not using their band music at all.

Amber: Imagine that. Why would they possibly think they'll be on the recordings? *giggles* You're a genius.

Davy: (Gasps softly to the others) The Westminster Abbies...they fooled them, too!

P>Sumner: Thank you, darling. (Puts his hands around her rear) Why don't you and I go to Duffy's on Sunset Drive? It's one of the finest eateries in Culver City. Just the place for a new discovery to see and be seen.

Amber: *giggles again* I'd love to! Get all the publicity I can!

Mike: Cool it, guys! They're comin'!

(The group quickly takes off down the stairs as Amber and Sumner emerge. They go in the opposite direction from the pair.)

(Everyone is understandably angry. Peter is crying so hard, he's hiccuping.)

Peter: They said... we'd be stars! They didn't...want...our music...just wanted our songs...we aren't gonna sing...our songs don't sound right...IT'S NOT FAIR!!!!! :((

Mike: (As he loads the instruments in the Monkeemobile) Damn bastards. I knew there was something wrong with that jerk.

Lauren: And that girl. Talk about phony.

Emma: She was some plastic Barbie doll with a passable voice.

Micky: *scoffs* Barely passable.

(Mike takes a crumpled tissue out of his pocket and hands it to Peter, who blows his nose for several minutes.)

Davy: First thing's first. We've got to tell the Abbies about Sumner and the plastic singing fashion doll the moment they come out of the studio.

Mike: Yeah, man, they're being gypped, too, even more than we are. That asshole Sumner lied to us and to them.

Peter: (Still sobs as Mike takes the dripping tissue from Peter and dumps it gingerly in the nearest trash can) All...I wanted...was!

Micky: *frowning* That's all any of us wanted, Big Peter.

Emma: Sumner knew that. That's how he strung you and the Westminster Abbies on, and maybe others too, I'll bet.

Davy: (Pats Peter on the back) We ought to go to the cops with this.

Mike: What can they do? It's Sumner and that Barbie chick's words against ours.

Lauren: Yeah, without any proof, we're up a creek without a paddle. *shrugs at the cliche*

Emma: We've got to do some investigating. I'll bet Sumner is keeping records of all this.

(Valerie walks over to the group, frowning.)

Valerie: You weren't inside, so I came out here. What's wrong? You all look like you were just told there was no contract after all and the whole deal was a mistake.

Lauren: Might as well be.

Peter: (Sniffles) Valerie, they lied to us! We're not gonna be on the album! We...oh....(bawls into Valerie's chest)

Valerie: (Frowns) What, Peter?

Mike: (Sighs) I think I can translate most of it. Sumner's usin' our songs, but not our vocals or arrangements or even a lot of our playin'. We heard another artist recordin' "Papa Gene's Blues," but it sounded more like some dumb bubblegum song and not like what I wrote. :p :(

Valerie: (Gasps) Oh, good grief!

Davy: Really broke poor Petah's 'eart, and we ain't thrilled, eithah.

Micky: And that's being nice about it. *narrows his eyes*

Emma: He strung the guys and another group along to get back-up music for the discovery he's really interested in. (Makes a face) In more ways than one, I'll bet, many of them personal. :p

Peter: H...h...he'd rather have some little blonde girl sing than us!

Valerie: You're all fine singers, and you write music that sounds wonderful just the way it is!

Lauren: But Sumner doesn't understand that.

Mike: (Makes a face) Bet Bimbo Barbie wouldn't sing "Papa Gene's Blues" country.

Emma: Yeah, his "discovery" is barely out of braces and hair ribbons.

Valerie: This is terrible! We've got to call the cops!

Peter: T...they won't believe us...

Mike: We only heard it through doors. We have no concrete evidence.

Emma: You know what else? Did it ever occur to any of you that Sumner never said he'd promote you or even take you out to Duffy's? All he offered you was lunch at some greasy spoon down the street! He didn't say a word about publicity!

Lauren: That's right!

Mike: (Nods) True. He didn't say a word about publicizin' our album.

Peter: I...I figured that would come later...

Micky: *sighs* Man, we've been burned big time!

Emma: He never intended for you to play in public.

Mike: I am not going to spend my career playin' guitar for some flake who couldn't carry a tune in a bucket filled with bait!

Peter: (Sniffles) I want to play, but I want people to see and hear us playing, not someone else.

Davy: Sumner's doing even worse to the Westminster Abbies. He's not using their music or their playin', just their back-up vocals.

Valerie: Westminster Abbies? (Thinks) Oh, I remember Peter mentioning them. They were in a contest with you, weren't they?

Micky: *nods* Yeah, we ended up tying with them.

Mike: Had to split the money, too.

Davy: Aw, come on, Mike, the girls needed the cash just as much as we did!

Peter: (Still sniffles a little, but he's smiling) You just had a crush on their lead singer, Dave. ;)

Micky: Have, Pete. Present tense. ;-)

Davy: (Mutters) I told you, I barely know the girl...

Micky: *grinning* Uh huh...

Davy: Look, we dated for two weeks before she and the other Abbies went to Seattle. That's all it was. Just another girl.

Emma: (Grins) Not the way you were looking at her in the studio, Dave!

Lauren: We're not buying any of this, Davy.

Micky: We aren't even renting it!

Davy: It wasn't that important...

Mike: Then why were you close to having a whole galaxy in your eyes back there?

Micky: Just tell us, and we'll get off your back. *smirks*

Davy: (Fiddles with his scarf) Well, she's a really groovy girl...

Lauren: Now we're getting somewhere. ;-)

Davy: I took her to see a local production of "My Fair Lady" on our last date. We sang along with every song in the show. Annoyed the 'ell out of the othah audience membahs. ;)

Emma: (Grins) I think I'm starting to like this girl. ;)

Davy: (Sighs) But that doesn't mean...

(A car roars up alongside the Monkeemobile, interrupting Davy. It's covered with pink sparkles. The little blonde sits behind the wheel, dressed in blinding white. She grins a toothpaste beam at Davy. The others all look wary. Mike glares outright.)

Mike: Ok, Barbie, what do you want?

Peter: You're not nice!

Davy: Now, luv, what brings you out here?

Emma: Without your lover.

(Sumner, unknown to the others, is watching the group from a darker, less conspicuous car.)

Amber: Just thought I'd let you boys know I love your music. *gives an evil, knowing smile*

Mike: (Crosses his arms) I'll bet you do.

Peter: You like our music so much, you're taking it for yourself!

Amber: I'd never dream of doing such a thing! That's what I get for giving compliments. *shakes her head*

Peter: We heard you singing one of Mike's songs, and you weren't singing it right!

Amber: *phony smile* You were hearing things.

Emma: All six of us, Barbie?

Amber: *smiles falls; glares* Yes, all of you.

Davy: Luv, unless you can conduct mass hypnosis, there's no way you can account for all six of us hearin' you singin' one of Mike's songs, and not the way he wrote it, eithah. 'E wrote it as a country tune. You were turnin' it into "Sugah, Sugah."

Mike: (Gags) A song performed by a band that doesn't even exist off the pages of the comic books!

Amber: And there's something wrong with that? *phony smile*

Micky: *mutters* Someone help, she's making me nauseaus!

Mike: Yes, there is, Barbie. Those are our songs. Your manager said he wanted our music and our playin' and our talent! He didn't say nothin' about not usin' our singin' and our playin'!

Emma: You were not part of the original deal.

Amber: And that's my fault? *feigns shock, then smiles again, shrugging* The deal has changed, then.

Mike: He coulda told us that it changed, not to mention the girls in the studio now.

Amber: He must've forgot. *shrugs, still smiling*

Peter: (Lower lip trembles) All I wanted was for people to hear our music!

Amber: *chuckles* But people will hear your music.

Davy: Rathah convenient that 'e should forget such an important detail.

Mike: Not the way we wrote it or we played it or we sang it! I'm not writin' shit for five-year-olds, Barbie!

Amber: And I'm supposed to do something about it? *glares at Mike* I think it's a little late for that. *smiles again*

Peter: We're going to tell everyone you're a phony!

Amber: Who's going to believe it?

Valerie: My father, for one. He's a major businessman and philanthropist.

Mike: We could go with what we know to all the papers. Wouldn't that give you some publicity!

Amber: You have no proof.

Mike: (Glares at Amber) Barbie, we'll get proof.

Emma: I've been looking for a good story to sell to the papers.

Amber: I suggest you keep looking.

Emma: (Grins evilly) No, I think I've found just the right story to make my career.

Lauren: Go for it, Em!

Emma: The Malibu Beach Register said they'd hire me if I could come up with something to sell them. I think I have something. It'll scoop all the major papers!

Amber: Oh, please. *rolls her eyes*

(There's a squawk in a walkie-talkie by Amber's white handbag. Amber picks it up quickly. She can hear what's said, but they can't.)

Sumner: Amber, what's taking you so damn long? I thought you were just askin' the British runt to lunch!

Amber: I ran into a small problem. *glances at the group* Make that five problems. *quietly* The runt wasn't alone.

Sumner: Well, use your charms to get the kid to come with you, then lose the others.

Amber: *sighs* Shouldn't be too tough.

Mike: (Raises his eyebrows) Ahh, who's talkin' to you, Barbie, Dr. Frankenstein?

Peter: (Grins) Ken, of course! ;)

Amber: *glares at the group* None of your business!

Mike: We could make ourselves into a big problem, you know, Barbie. Just ask any criminal in Malibu Beach.

Peter: Yeah! We can...

(Davy clamps his hand over Peter's mouth.)

Amber: *quirks an eyebrow* Maybe we could form some sort of a compromise.

Mike: (Wary) What kind of a compromise, Barbie?

Amber: Something that would make all of us happy. *winks at Davy*

Emma: All of us?

Davy: (Takes his hand off of Peter's mouth) What do you mean, luv?

Peter: (Eager) We'll get to play?

Amber: Sure! *smiles*

Mike: If we get to play, the Abbies get to play, too.

Amber: Oh, of course!

Davy: What's the compromise, luv?

Mike: I don't like this.

Emma: I don't like it half as much. (Frowns)

Amber: Everyone gets to play, and everyone gets to sing. I'd love to sing a duet with the Englishman. *smiles again*

Davy: (Blushes) Well, luv, you're not exactly me style, but (grins) maybe I could give you a few pointers on your voice. ;) :D

Mike: (Glares at Davy) What else you gonna give her, man?

Davy: You're just jealous, Mike! She didn't ask you!

Amber: Would you really? *looks hopeful*

Davy: Why, certainly, luv!

(Squwak from the walkie-talkie)

Amber: I'd love that! *glares at the walkie talkie & picks it up*

Sumner: Well? Is he in the car and are you on your way to Duffy's?

Amber: I'm getting there! Just a little more time!

Davy: So, are you going to join us tomorrow at the recordin' session, luv?

Amber: *smiles* Um, I was kinda hoping maybe you could join me for a drink or a bite to eat & talk about my singing... *looks hopeful, batting her eyelashes*

*Lauren turns away from the scene to Micky, muttering something about getting sick. Micky makes a face.*

Davy: (Grins at her) Why, I'd love to have lunch with such a charmin' lady. (Kisses her hand and gets in the car)

Amber: You flatterer, you!

Mike: (Puts his hand on Davy's shoulder) Davy, I don't like this.

Peter: Davy, she's being too nice!

Micky: She's being sickeningly nice!

Davy: You're just jealous it was me she wanted and not you!

Emma: (Shakes her head) Davy, I agree with Mike for once. Barbie has something in mind, and it's probably the only thing that's in that black hole.

Peter: And what about Daphne?

Davy: Look, guys, Daphne and I are just...

Mike: In love.

Peter: Davy, she's just so fake.

Amber: *smiles again, nudging Davy* What do you say to lunch at Duffy's?

Davy: (Glares at the others, then turns the famous Jones grin at Amber) I'd say it's a smashin' idea, luv!

Amber: *giggles* Smashin'! Shall we be off, then? *smiles once more*

Davy: Let's!

(Amber roars off in a cloud of dust, leaving the others coughing. The dark car follows them at a discreet distance.)

Mike: If there was another reason I needed for not liking that chick, I think I just got it.

Valerie: She was certainly interested in Davy!

Micky: If only that car wasn't so pink!

Mike: Yeah, what's she tryin' to do, blind people?

Lauren: *groans* Probably.

Mike: I'd love to know why she's after Davy.

Micky: *mutters* Probably the same interest as every other girl in the known land... *rolls his eyes*

Peter: Yeah, she thinks he's cute.

Emma: Probably wants him to dance for her, too. (Thoughtful) Didn't Sumner mention something about a concert?

Lauren: Yeah, a major one here in LA.

Mike: I'll bet she's gonna want us to play back-up for her then, too. (Makes a face) Well, if she thinks that, she's got another thing comin'!

Emma: We've got to find some evidence!

Micky: How do we do that, pray tell?

Emma: Snoop. ;)

Peter: Ooooh, snooping's fun!

Micky: *grins* I should ask, huh? ;-)

Mike: Might as well do it while Sumner and his little Barbie doll are otherwise occupied.

Valerie: And someone's got to tell the Abbies what's going on, too.

Peter: They're smart girls and good musicians! They might be able to help us!

Peter: Where do we start?

Mike: Sumner should have an office in there someplace.

Emma: We could check the recording studio that Amber was in, too.

Micky: He's gotta have some proof lying about that we can use. *grins*

Lauren: And that he won't miss. ;-)

Peter: Maybe we'll find pictures!

Mike: Oh, come on, he wouldn't just leave important pictures laying around...(brief clip of Peter finding the picture that saves the other Monkees in "The Picture Frame") Then again, somethin' tells me he might. :p

Micky: Can't hurt to look. ;-)

Emma: And I'll call the Register and tell them I have a really big story! It could be front page news!

Lauren: Should be front page. ;-)

Mike: (Nods) Peter, you and Val go upstairs and see if the Abbies are finished yet. The rest of us will search for clues.

Emma: (Winks at Lauren) We're going on a clue search, honey!

Lauren: *claps* Oh, boy!!!