Everyone ready to finish this one off?

Mike: Yeah. Coulda been worse, but... :p

Peter: Yes.

Micky: *suddenly minus most of his voice again* Please? *glares at Lauren* :P

Davy: I like 'im like this. 'E's much quieter. ;)

(We open in the main parlor at the Cartwright Mansion. The twins, Leah, Katie, and Jordan play on the floor. Everyone else plays cards.)

Mike: (Grins) Royal flush. (He sets his cards down)

Davy: Not bloody again!

Emma: (Throws hers down) Geez, Mike. That's the third time in a row!

Lauren: *groans* Man, I'm giving up.

*Micky just mutters something.*

Mike: (Turns to Micky with a wicked grin) I thought you said your voice was feelin' better, Mick. We didn't quite understand you there.

Micky: *glares; speaks, but his voice still cracks* You weren't SUPPOSED to understand that.

*Lauren rolls her eyes.*

Bob: Ok, ok, lay off him, Mike. Is everyone and everything ok after that massive storm?

Emma: (Sighs) All of the humans are fine. The animals, too.

Mike: Yeah, Dave and I rescued Big Jake when we went by there to pick up stuff for the girls. He's nosin' around our rooms in the North Wing.

Lauren: Onyx is taking a nap somewhere in the West Wing.

Peter: Dolly was sleeping in Val’s room, last I saw.

Davy: The 'ouses and some of the ve'icles not so much.

Emma: (Frowns) The Pad's roof is a mess, and the downstairs carpet's a total loss, along with some of the furnature. So's most of the basement bedroom. Good thing Daphne and Davy did move out. Every single thing in the basement was soaked.

Mike: (Growls) Good thing Urse could float, 'cause two of my cars and most of my tools are a goner, too. X(

Lauren: Our basement had a fair amount of water. Thankfully, we did have a sump pump in there that got rid of most of it. The yards, however, did not fair as well.

*Micky grins at Mike's comment about Urse floating. He buffs his knuckles on his chest.*

Mike: (Rolls his eyes at Micky) Fine, fine. Yes, thank you for fixin' Urse up like that. I'm sure Urse is grateful, too.

Micky: *off pitch* You're welcome.

Lauren: *sticks a finger in her ear* Mick, you may not have laryngitis, but you still sound bad.

Micky: Thank you, babe, I realize that.

Mike: Mick, the doctor said to use your voice as little as possible for the next few days, remember?

Micky: Then why do you keep making me USE it? *coughs* See?

Lauren: We could just ignore you, you know.

Micky: Don't even. :P

Bob: Dave, what about you and Daphne?

Davy: The basement was pretty flooded. I'm just glad we didn't 'ave much down there, so nothing really got ruined. The stairs going down to the beach are a mess, which Mick offahed to fix, probably around when 'e decides to fix out porch steps.

Micky: I said I'll do it, and I will!

Daphne: Davy's jeep is going to need some new tires. That's about it.

Mike: Yeah. At least three of my cars and the motorcycle are going to need tires. The other two got water in the engines and are done for.

Lauren: My car didn't fair too badly, mainly because it was in the station's parking lot the whole time, which didn't have too much water in it. Micky did offer to get new tires as well. White walls, right, Mick?

Micky: *nods* And find out what's wrong with mine. The garage got water in it. I had four blown tires once we got most of the water out.

Mike: I hope all the chemistry shit you had out there didn't get water-logged.

*Micky growls.*

Lauren: Ix-nay, Mike, ix-nay.

Mike: Man, don't tell me you lost it all?

Peter: Oh Micky...

Micky: Whole damn set got ruined.

Peter: Oh Mick, that's horrible!

Mike: No it ain't. Means he can start concentratin' on other things an' not blowin' things to the next state.

Micky: Not funny, Michael, really not funny... *coughs*

lauren: What part of "ix-nay" didn't you understand, Mike?

Peter: Michael, he loves that set! How do you feel about needing fourteen new tires and two new cars?

Emma: Have a heart, Baby.

Peter: (Frowns) We actually didn't have as much trouble with the Montgomery House’s basement. That basement's been around for a hundred years, and it's rock-solid, not to mention Val had a sump pump put in when she remodeled it. The roof and the yards got the worst of it. The gardens are a disaster area. Valerie's trying to call people to fix the roof as we speak, and she's going to see what she can do about hiring gardeners to make something of the yard and repair Jordan's playground. (Makes a face) We actually had more trouble with a leaky attic roof than a leaky basement. We did lose a lot in the attic.

Bert: Lauren, you said you guys had trouble in your yard, too.

Lauren: Yeah, it looks like a swamp now. The sandbox was completely washed out. The fort's seen better days, but it's still standing. Mick wants to check it out though before the kids can use it again.

Micky: The backyard seriously needs some drainage.

Mike: We don't technically have a yard, but they had some major erosion on the beach. Huge. Local lawmakers are having shit fits all over the place.

Bert: Hey, what about you kids? This must have been real scary for you.

Jordan: Scary! Don' like dark!

Katie: I don' mind! We got to come here an' see Chrissy!

Little Mick: It was kinda fun!

Shelly: *nods* Yeah!

Mike: (Mutters) The kids ain't seen their houses yet, and we haven't told them it may be a few weeks before they can go home.

Emma: (Nods) Mike, Katie, Big Jake, and I are going to be here for a while.

Peter: Val, Jordan, and I are, too. Morgan says it's all right. He's delayed on the East Coast.

Micky: Our house ain't too bad, but Lauren and the kids may be staying here so they don't have to listen to me mutter, grumble, and curse at everything I have to fix.

Mike: Hey...need help, Mick?

Micky: Really? Yeah, I could definitely use some help.

Peter: (Nods) None of us are going to be going to the recording studio for a while. The generator got water-logged, and they had leaking problems.

Emma: Please give them something to do, other than hovering over my shoulder, asking "Does it want to come out yet?"

Lauren: Ain't that the truth?

Lauren: The radio station finally got their power fix. And...we found out we had A LOT more listeners than we thought. *blushes* Most of them kept listening as long as they could just to see if they could hear Mick and me again.

Micky: Jack said they were flooded with phone calls once the phone lines were restored where they were lost in town.

Mike: You two should be in the movies.

Lauren: No thanks.

Emma: Shame most radio stations don't do dramas anymore.

Lauren: Well... ;)

Micky: That's what happens when we're both in the studio at the same time. *chuckles, but ends up coughing*

Davy: Don't 'ack up a lung, there, mate.

Micky: Funny, Dave.

Peter: Mick, tell them about Mr. Hamilton's offer!

Micky: *grins; sounds scratchier as he goes* Oh, yeah, I almost forgot! Hamilton liked our dialogue, though he did remind us to keep it PG-rated. He asked if Lauren and I would like the late-night show. Nyles would have my old slot. Naturally, we couldn't pass that up.

Lauren: I still can't get over Hamilton liking not only Nyles, but our completely embarrassing dialogue.

Peter: I'm not surprised!

Emma: You guys are great! You're so natural.

Micky: *slings an arm around Lauren's shoulders; very scratchy* We're so natural, we might as well naked!

Lauren: No, that did NOT come out right, Mick, seriously.

(Peter blushes. Everyone else snorts or snickers.)

Davy: *snorts* That is not a visual I wanted, mate.

Micky: We're on the radio! Who'd notice? *laughs & ends up coughing again* Ack... :P

Mike: Um, Jack and anyone who was in the buildin'...and they WILL talk.

Micky: It's called a JOKE! *rolls his eyes*

Lauren: Down, Mick.

Bob: Have you heard about anywhere else? How's the station, downtown Malibu Beach...

Lauren: The only problem with the station was the power and the phone lines.

Mike: Millie was one of the first people who called after the rains died down. Val gave her the mansion's general phone number years ago. The worst she had was some roof damage. The water we saw her sweepin' out when we were there apparently didn't stick around long enough to cause too much trouble. She says she'll be back in business in less than a week.

Peter: Other stores downtown didn't fare so well. Woolworth's lost half it's first floor inventory and will be shut down for weeks, and I think the Club Fairview may be gone for good.

Emma: I've heard rumors that the Hotel Caprice could be facing demolition. The hotel proper closed last year anyway, but the nightclub and ballroom were still open.

Lauren: Too bad. I thought they did really well.

Emma: The Caprice is really old. The nightclub and ballroom ARE very popular, especially with older people who don't like all the noise at the Fairview, but the owners were trying to figure out what to do with the rest of the hotel. (Sighs) It is a shame. The Hotel Caprice is a wonderful old building. You can see it in just about any spot in Malibu Beach.

Mike: Man, that's just wrong. We've played a couple of times at the Club Caprice and two times in the Caprice Ballroom. Nice place, great acoustics, and they're some of the best gigs in Malibu Beach. Real classy, and the pay is twice that of almost anyone else in the area.

Micky: *frowns; scratchy* That sucks.

Peter: (Thoughtful) There's something weird going on at the Caprice. I felt it when we were goofing around over there.

Mike: Yeah, Mother Nature ain't got no respect for history or good gigs.

Davy: I meant to ask you about that, Petah.

Peter: No, it's more than that. Davy, didn't you feel it? It was like the building was in pain. It had the strangest aura. It felt like it was alive...and angry. Horrified. Betrayed.

Davy: No, I don't think I felt any of that.

Mike: Pete, all this must be gettin' to you. A buildin' can't feel angry or horrified.

Peter: It sounds strange, but that's what I felt. It was spooky. (Frowns) And familiar. There was something familiar about the exterior of the Hotel Caprice. I know I've seen it somewhere before.

Mike: Come to think of it, I noticed that too.

Davy: *nods* That does make sense, now that I think about it.

Micky: *shrugs* A lot of the architecture around here is similar.

Peter: No, it wasn't anything around here...

Mike: I'm sure you're imaginin' things, ol' buddy.

Emma: (Sighs) I'm going to find out what the final verdict is on the Caprice. That's a wonderful old buidling, and the ballroom and nightclub are practically local institutions. It would be a crime to lose them.

Bert: So, where did the inspriation for this one come from?

Emma: An attempt at doing another realistic "survival in crazy weather" story and a villain-less story.

Lauren: Which in turn used any of the "little" ideas we've had lately.

Emma: (Nods) This story is basically a set-up for plotlines we have that'll stretch well into next year. (Thoughtful) I don't remember whose idea it was. I know I've lived through some very nasty storms in Cape May in real-life. Thank goodness the worst my family suffered in any of them was basement damage.

Lauren: I think it was just one of those ideas that slipped out during an exchange.

Emma: (Nods) This is another one we've had planned for a while. We wanted to do a story with just the eight of us and maybe a few minor characters and the kids, no elaborate set-ups or crazy evil people or weird settings.

Mike: And a major, car-wreckin' storm wasn't an elaborate set-up?

Emma: Not really. Most people will probably be caught in some kind of ugly weather in their lifetimes. This turned into a set-up for a lot of plot threads we'll be following well into next year. (Smiles) And to both our credit, it came out a lot better than our last "Group battles the elements/villian-less" story, April's "Riders On The Storm." (Looks at Lauren) She was absolutely brilliant here.

Lauren: *nods* Thank you, thank you.

Micky: I'd like to argue that point. *coughs again*

Emma: Seriously, Lauren, you were truly inspired. This was some of your best work in a long time.

Lauren: Awe, gee... *blushes*

Micky: *scratchier* Yeah, great. She's inspired, and I get the brunt of it!

Emma: We really need to come up with more stories without bad guys or physical damage. This was really fun!

Micky: *mutters* Speak for yourself.

Mike: (Nods at Mick) I agree. Yeah, it's fun, but you ain't the ones who can't go back to work, can't speak, and have lost cars, tools, and music and chemistry equipment.

Lauren: *jerks a thumb at Micky* Well, I ain't exactly getting off all that easy. I still gotta put up with him and his complaining I can barely understand at times.

Mike: (Wicked grin) Hey Mick, recite the Gettysburg Address.

Peter: Michael, you know he can't do that yet!

*Micky growls, hands reaching out towards Mike...*

Lauren: *sits Micky down* Down, Mick!

(Mike easily ducks away.)

Micky: *grumbles* Ass...

Emma: Ok, ok guys, enough. No bloodshed. Halloween's next month.

Lauren: *grins wickedly* Yeah.

Micky: *groans; voice is growing fainter* I DON'T like the look on your face, Babe.

Lauren: And I'm not even grinning about next month's story.

Micky: *faintly* I'm in trouble.

Emma: Actually, next month's story is, like this month's story, an ensemble piece. EVERYONE'S in trouble, including us ladies. (Grin gets slightly wicked) It's also this year's scary Halloween story.

Peter: Please, don't kill anyone! I don't think I could take it after last year!

*Micky nods, frowning.*

Emma: Well, there will be death, but it won't be as ugly or bloody as last year. (Looks at Micky) And no major characters will bite the dust. Or, in this case, the mist.

*Micky rolls his eyes to the ceiling and mouths "thank you!".*

Mike: Mist?

Davy: Wot?

Emma: Actually, now that you're all largely men of leisure, I thought it was time to revive the MonkeeLeague.

Mike: Superheroes again?

Peter: We haven't had a chance to do MonkeeMen patrols in a long time!

Micky: *voice cracking as he pumps a fist in the air* YES!

Davy: *nods* I like it.

Lauren: And there was mention of tights earlier tonight...


Emma: I don't see what you have against them. You look cute in tights.

*Micky laughs, but ends up in a coughing fit. Lauren pats Micky on the back, grinning.*

Mike: My legs are too skinny.(Glares at Micky) And you're one to talk, Toothpick.

Micky: *through his coughing; barely a whisper* So? I don't mind the tights!

Emma: And I happen to like you in tight clothing. I don't know why you complain so much.

Mike: Eeeemmm...

Lauren: And Mick just has little fashion sense.

Bob: You kids looking forward to Halloween?

Little Mick: Yeah! I wanna be a superhero!

Shelly: We get lots of candy at Halloween!

Katie: Uh-huh! I'm gonna be Lil' Red Ridin' Hood! Nana sent me a red cape!

Emma: I can't believe Mom found the red cape my sisters and I used to be Little Red Riding Hood when we were Katie's age.

Jordan: I'm Mickey Mouse!

Emma: (Grins) Mike and I are going to an adults' costume party as Dale Evans and Roy Rogers.

Mike: Under protest.

Emma: You have to get out sometime, and you can't work while they're still repairing the building.

Lauren: I made the mistake of letting Mick pick our costumes. I have no idea what he has in mind.

*Micky grins knowingly.*

Emma: I'm sure you don't want to know.

Lauren: Considering the look on his face right now, um, no.

Mike: Mick, you're scarin' me.

Peter: Valerie and I are going to a costume party at Laurel Canyon as two Indians.

*Micky just keeps grinning.*

Emma: Ok, now I'm really worried. Are you two going to go as Adam and Eve or streakers or nudists or something?

*Micky opens his mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. His eyes go wide as he realizes he's lost his voice again.*

Lauren: *raises an eyebrow* Mick?

*Micky makes a face, narrows his eyes, and shakes his head.*

Davy: Looks like 'e's gone again.

Mike: Darn. Now we'll never know.

Lauren: I kinda doubt he was going to tell us anyway.

Emma: Davy, why don't you take us out of the interview? You were the real hero, you and Ursula. You two rescued everyone.

Peter: The girls are still talking about how cool Ursula is and how they wish their parents' cars talked. (Sighs) Poor Val. Her car's ruined. The engine got so water-logged. She's trying to have it repaired now, but she'll probably need a new one.

Davy: *nods, chuckling* Urse really is something now. Nice job with her again, Mick.

*Micky grins, mouthing "thanks."*

Davy: *to the camera* And that's all for this story. We'll be right back with a cute little skit to keep you entahtained for a while longah.

Emma: Enjoy the end of your summer. :)

(Fade out on the group playing cards as the camera focuses on the kids. Fade in on a large room filled with toys and kid-sized furniture. It looks like Chrissy's old bedroom from "The Way To A Bard's Heart," and it's just as messy. All six kids sit on the chairs and on the floor, playing with dolls and action figures and stuffed animals. Mike sits on a bed, holding a Ken doll in a cowboy suit and looking grumpy. Peter has a pretty horse with a long mane and is more cheerful.)

*Davy sits on the floor, making something out of Lincoln Logs.*

Mike: Man, if I gotta do this, can't I be someone else?

Katie: No! You the bad guy!

Mike: This ain't a bad guy. It's some grinning plastic idiot.

Davy: *glances up at Mike* So IMAGINE 'e's a bad guy.

Mike: He don't look like any bad guy I ever saw.

Katie: He's the worst bandit in the west (holds up her Barbie doll, who wears a cowgirl's costume) and Sheriff Amelia is going to stop him!

Davy: I've almost got the jail ready!

Mike: Micky usually plays the bad guy!

Katie: Uncle Micky's not here!

Davy: *makes a face* If 'e 'adn't lost 'is voice again, 'e would be. Instead, 'e's off takin’ a nap.

Peter: I'm sure he's all right. He just needs rest and lots of liquids, like his doctor said.

Davy: And to not keep arguing with Mike.

Mike: It ain't my fault he stayed on the air for hours and lost his voice.

Peter: But he wouldn't keep losing it if you didn't egg him on.

Davy: Then again, Mick can't 'elp 'imself, with 'is retorts.

Mike: Yeah, but... (Mike's complaint is cut off by blackness as the lights dim, then go out all together.)

Jordan: (Wails) Daddy! Scary!

Peter: Don't worry, Jordan. I'm here. (We hear shuffling as Jordan's sobs subside somewhat)

Davy: Not again!

Katie: Oh no, someone stole the lights again!

Little Mick: Ooooh! It's turned dark again!

Shelly: Hey, Mick...BOO!!

*The twins laugh.*

Jordan: No ghosties!

Katie: I'll bet the ghosts took our light!

Mike: No, cowgirl, the power company is still having trouble 'cause of the storm.

*Suddenly, very loud, odd noises come from the hallway.*

Davy: Wot was that?

Jordan: (Wails) GHOSTIES!

Peter: (Cradles his son in his arms) Shh, Jordan, shh. There's no ghosts out there.

Little Mick: Those are ghosts! Can we see them?

Katie: And if there are, I'll make them go away! (Waves her Barbie like a sword)

Mike: (Sighs; to Little Mick) Well, it beats sittin' around in here.

Jordan: No! No ghosties!

Little Mick: *cheers* Yay! Let’s go!

Shelly: Yeah! Let’s see ghosts!

Davy: *shrugs* Sure, why not?

Katie: (She goes to Jordan) I'll keep ghosts away, Jordan! Don't worry! (She grabs a plastic sword) With this!

Jordan: (Nods, but he still looks worried) Uh, ok.

Katie: (Looks at Lizzie, who sits on the bed, playing with a teddy bear) You gonna come, too? We're gonna find ghosts!

Mike: Yeah, we gotta check on Leah, too. Matilda has the night off, and the little girls went to a slumber party, and who knows when our wives are gonna be home.

Davy: I don't think Lizzie's up to running around with us just yet.

Peter: Why don't I take Jordan and Lizzie upstairs and keep an eye on them? The rest of you can go ghost-hunting.

Katie: Ok! (Tugs her father's sleeve) Let's go, Papa! I wanna hunt ghosts!

Little Mick and Shelly: Us, too!

Davy: Well, let’s do some ghost hunting.

Peter: (Nods) And we'll read a book main floor. (Whispers to Mike and Davy) Try to keep it to the main floor in the Front House. We don't need to lose the kids somewhere. I know this place well, but not as well as Val and Chrissy, and a lot of the servants are off or can't get in because of flood problems.

Davy: Right, mate, but could you tell our ghost that?

Peter: (Chuckles) I have my suspicions about this "ghost." I don't think he'll do anything that'll hurt the kids.

Mike: Yeah, so do I.

Davy: *chuckles as well* Why do we go find the ghost and find out why 'e's on the lam?

Katie: Come on! (She tugs on her father's jean jacket) Let's go!

("You Told Me" begins as everyone troops upstairs. Peter holds Jordan's hand and has Lizzie on one hip. Katie tugs at her father with one hand while waving a plastic sword with the other.)

*Davy holds the hands of both twins, who point here and there with their free hands.*

*Suddenly, the ghost noises start again and what looks like a white sheet streaks by them!*

(Katie grabs her father's hand and pulls him in the direction of the sheet, waving her sword and yelling "Come back, ghost! I'm gonna get'cha!")

(Peter manages to give flashlights to Davy and Mike before Katie pulls Mike off. He settles on a couch in the main parlor with Lizzie, Jordan, and a book.)

*The twins drag Davy along, following Katie and Mike.*

*We hear ghost noises again. The white sheet is behind them now, scuffing it's tennis shoes along the floor.*

(Mike rolls his eyes. He knows darn well who the ghost is. Katie, however, goes right after the ghost, waving her little sword and yelling "I gotcha, Ghost!")

*Davy is still being pulled by the twins. Little Mick holds the flashlight, swinging it this way and that.*

(Peter, Jordan, and Lizzie briefly look up from their book to check out the commotion before returning to their book.)

*The ghost runs from one room to the next. Upon entering the room, there's a thud. An odd-sounding groan is heard.*

(Mike chases after Katie with the flashlight, following her as she chases after the ghost...and trips over Katie when she trips over the ghost.)

*The twins end up in the pile, leaving only Davy standing. He picks up Little Mick's flashlight and shines it on the pile as the song ends.*

Davy: Wot in the world...

*The 'ghost' gives an odd-sounding groan again as the twins climb off the pile.*

Mike: (Rolls out of the pile quickly, so as not to squish his daughter) Oof. You ok, cowgirl?

Katie: Yeah. (She grins and looks up, her arms around the sheet) I caught the ghost!

*The ghost gives off a noise that kind of sounds like a laugh.*

Davy: Should we unmask our ghost?

Little Mick: *looking at the ghost's feet* I know these shoes!

Mike: Uh, yeah. I think we know who it is, anyway.

Davy: I think Katie should do the 'onors. She caught 'im.

*The twins giggle at the shoes.*

Katie: Ok! (She tugs off the top of the sheet as her father shines a light on Micky) Ta daaa!

*Micky winces at the light.*

Mike: I knew it. Mick, you scared the bejeezus outta us!

Davy: Speak for yourself, mate.

Micky: *faintly* Sorry, guys. Just trying to have a little fun.

Davy: *helps Micky untangle from the sheet* Besides, 'ow many ghosts wear tennis sneakers?

*Micky sticks his tongue out at him.*

(Peter walks in with Lizzie and Jordan, and they end up laughing along with the others.)

(Cut to the Rainbow Room for a video, "Me Without You." Emma, Lauren, and the Monkees wear typical 1973 clothes. Emma dances with Davy, ignoring Mike's glares.)

(Emma finally moves out front to dance on her own, which perks Mike up a bit as he gets to watch her not-unattractive legs in a short skirt wiggle around.)

*Micky is staring at Lauren, who stands at what would usually be his microphone doing backing vocals. She turns a glance at him and winks, then wiggles a bit. Micky drops his sticks.*

(Mike sees Micky and tries not to snicker too hard.)

*Micky forgets about retrieving his sticks and goes to Lauren. They end up dancing together.*

*Davy does his 'Daydream Believer' dance in between verses.*

(Emma tries to get Mike to dance but ends up doing a few steps with Peter instead, which does not please her husband. Mike makes faces behind their back.)

*Micky takes Lauren's hand and pulls her "off stage."*

(Mike finally gets fed up and tugs Emma in the opposite direction.)

(Peter shrugs and dances with Davy as the music ends.)

(Fade out on the two dancing in the Rainbow Room; fade in on "French Song" over still photos from the "production," ending with the shot of all the families and Ursula standing in rain gear in the circular driveway of the Cartwright Mansion under the words "A Raybert Production.")