Everyone ready to get out of this storm?

Peter: Please! :o

Davy: Bettah believe it!

Mike: They'd better get the generator workin'... :p

Micky: Lauren and I don't have much choice.

(We open at Valerie's car. The rain is letting up a little bit, but the water is very high, almost up to the doors.)

Valerie: (Mutters) I can't believe this.

Sarah: I wish I'd worn my bathing suit!

Chrissy: Me, too! *looks out the window* Though I'm not sure we'd want to swim in that.

Sarah: I wonder if school will be closed tomorrow?

Chrissy: Oooh, yeah!

Valerie: Very likely. They probably should have closed it today. I don't think they want the kids or the teachers swimming to school.

Sarah: (Shivers and leans back) This is so weird! Everything's so spooky, all covered with water.... (shivers again)

Valerie: (Opens a window and leans out) The water is high, but not so high that swimming is an option. If Davy and Nyles don't show up soon, we'll have to wade to the Montgomery House.

Sarah: (Makes a face) That would take forever, and I'll bet the water is all icky.

Valerie: Would you rather sit here in the car for the rest of the night?

Chrissy: Ugh...

(Valerie reaches behind her for her briefcase.)

Valerie: I should have brought a plastic bag for this. The leather is going to get ruined. (Looks at her high-heels) And these are Italian. (She makes a face)

*Suddenly, the Monkeemobile floats over to the stranded blue Corvette. Davy pops his head out the side window, as they have the top up on the car.*

Davy: *calls out* Val! We're 'ere!

Valerie: Guys! (Opens her window) Thank god!

*Davy pulls the Monkeemobile up along the driver's side of the Corvette.*

Davy: I'll put the top down so you'll have an easier time getting in!

*"French Song" begins as the top of the Monkeemobile retracts. We see Val help Sarah out the window to Nyles, who helps her into the floating car. Chrissy goes next, then Val, who carries her briefcase. Valerie now has the passenger seat, while Nyles sits between the younger girls in the middle seat.*

(The girls' backpacks are the last things brought out before we leave Val's car, which Val watches sadly in the rear-view mirror.)

(We pass by some oft-mentioned locals under water or at least water-logged - the Hotel Caprice and it's ballroom, the Club Fairview, Millie's store, the jewelry shop where Mike bought Emma's wedding ring in "Beach Blanket Monkees," Jacques' Cafe.)

(The girls chat with Nyles, and while they're distracted, Valerie opens her communicator and calls Peter.)

*Davy keeps his eyes peeled on the...river, being careful of anything floating by.*

(There are plenty of things floating around, especially as they turn off Main Street and on the side streets. Ursula swerves this way and that to avoid branches and other cars.)

(Other people, mostly in rafts or wading in rain slickers, gawk at Ursula as she floats by.)

(Valerie leans back sadly, thinking of the loss of her car and worried about Peter and the girls.)

(The girls, though still a bit subdued, talk to Davy and Nyles and point out things on the way that are under water.)

*Nyles points out someone sitting on the roof of their porch with a fishing rod.*

(Sarah grins. She and Chrissy lean out the window and try to catch fish!)

(Valerie laughs at the girls' antics in spite of herself.)

(Ursula suddenly swerves to avoid someone's plastic deck chairs floating downstream!)

*Davy apologizes to Urse for not seeing the chairs sooner.*

(Davy finally turns onto a higher road that's not underwater as the music ends.)

Ursula: David, where are we going? Shouldn't we be going back to your home?

Davy: We're near the radio station. I want to see 'ow Mick and Lauren are fairing, then 'ead ovah to the studio to see about Mike and Petah.

Valerie: Good idea. I talked to Peter a while ago. He said they were having problems with the generator and the electricity was out.

Davy: I'd go there first, but the station is closah.

Valerie: (Sighs) I'm sure they'll keep for now, as long as he and Mike don't kill each other first. I know they've been upset with each other for months, ever since the movie started and Peter went to work when the rest of you didn't.

Davy: *nods* We've 'ad some long days in that studio.

Valerie: I think it's more than that with those two. Their working styles are just so different, and they can't accept that. And I know...(groans)...I know Peter's been doing a LOT of things he shouldn't be doing at those parties he's been going to in Laurel Canyon. He doesn't come home from some of those for days!

Davy: *sighs* Well, I'm not completely innocent of some of that stuff myself, eithah. Daph's still trying to get me to stop with the occasional cigarette.

Valerie: I quit before Jordan was born, for his sake. One of the hardest things I ever did in my life.

Davy: No kidding.

Valerie: Except you and I don't try the harder alternative. Peter's going hog wild with this.

Sarah: Peter's going hog wild with what?

Valerie: (Coughs) His music, as usual. I've barely seen him for the past month, he's been in the studio so much. He's getting as bad as Mike!

*Davy smirks a little.*

Chrissy: He hasn't been around much lately, has he?

Valerie: No, he hasn't. He and Mike really want to get the next album done. The soundtrack is due out in a few weeks!

Chrissy: Oh, the soundtrack to their movie! Can we go see the movie when it comes out?

Sarah: When IS it coming out?

Valerie: As of right now, late November.

Chrissy: Cool! We'll be out for Thanksgiving!

Valerie: I don't know if you'll be seeing the movie, though. You might not be old enough.

Chrissy: Aw! Why not?

Sarah: That's not fair!

Nyles: I'm not even sure I'M old enough! *snorts*

Davy: Don't 'elp, Ny.

Valerie: This movie is for older adults, girls. It's rated R.

Chrissy: But why wouldn't they want us kids to see it?

Sarah: We like you guys, too! My brother and I saw all of your specials!

Davy: *sighs* Unfortunately, it was decided that we were looking for a 'ighah age demographic. Doesn't mean I agree with it.

Chrissy: Don't you like us anymore?

Davy: It wasn't MY decision.

Chrissy: (Sighs) We mean us in general. I know a lot of kids in my school who buy your albums!

Sarah: What she means is, don't you like KIDS anymore?

Davy: I love kids! I don't care 'o buys our albums as long as somebody does. I'm saying that it was more of someone else's idea. I didn't agree with it, and I can definitely say Mick didn't, eithah.

Valerie: (Points ahead) Isn't that the radio station on the right?

Davy: Yeah, that's it. *makes a face* The watah's pretty 'igh 'ere, too.

(Ursula appropriately switches back to "boat" mode as they pull up in the parking lot, which thankfully for Lauren's Chevy Bel Air, only has water up to the ankles - not enough to do any major damage.)

Davy: *points at the purple Chevy* Lauren'll be glad to know 'er cahr's still okay so fahr.

Chrissy: Lauren has an awesome car.

Sarah: I want a purple car when I get my license.

Davy: *grins* Just ask Mick for a paint job. 'E gets a kick out of that stuff. *stops Ursula in the lot* 'Ey, Ny, wanna go up there with me?

Nyles: Sure, man!

*The guys jump out of Ursula, splashing a bit & run into the building. The camera does a zig-zag shot up th side of the building and stops at the seventh floor. We switch to an inside shot and see Davy and Nyles huffing and puffing after going up six flights of stairs.*

Nyles: Man, if I'd known the power was out, I woulda said no.

Davy: Figures they'd 'ave enough powah for lights and not for elevatahs.

Lauren: *appears in the hallway, coming from the break room* Hey, what're you guys doing here?

Nyles: Visiting. ;)

Davy: We were pickin' up Val and the girls and decided to pass through.

Lauren: The studio's right over here. Come on in. It's pretty much turned into a "we gotta keep each other awake" party. *Lauren holds up three bottles of Pepsi.*

*They go into the studio as Micky tells a joke. Jack's makes faces and cringes as Micky laughs at the punch line.*

Davy: (Groans) Yeah, Micky's bad gags'll keep anyone awake.

Micky: *still on air* Well, look at what the flood washed up! Davy, man, wanna be on air?

Davy: Me? Wouldn't your boss get a bit upset?

Micky: *puts his hand over the microphone* Dave, the three of us have been on air for over ten hours, there's maybe ten homes that are still listening to us. I don't think anyone's really gonna care.

Micky: *uncovers the microphone* Come on, Dave, don't be shy! Just say hi to the good people still listening.

Davy: (Grins and leans into the microphone) 'Ello to all the good people listenin', all ten of you.

Micky: *snorts* He's a pro already.

Jack: *grins* Better be careful, Mick, they might like Dave better than you.

Micky: Alright, Dave, that's enough! *pushes Davy away, laughing*

Nyles: *pulls up a chair* This is groovy! Can I help you guys out?

Davy: Nyles, what about...

Nyles: You got it under control. This is my way of rescuing them.

Davy: Don't look like they need to be rescued to ME.

Lauren: Do you NOT see the bags under our eyes, Davy?

Jack: We actually could use the help. We're the only ones here left.

Lauren: Mick's starting to sound hoarse from yelling into the mic all day long.

Davy: (Sighs) Ok. Might be bettah if 'e stayed 'ere, anyway. Last we'd 'eard, the lights were off at our 'ouse, and Nyles seems to be scared to death of the dark.

Nyles: Thanks, man! *whew*

Micky: *voice does crack a little* At least here we can go something other than sit around in the dark.*looks up at the lonely light bulb* Oh yeah...

Lauren: *turns to Davy* Have you heard from everyone yet?

Davy: Val, Chrissy, and Sarah are sittin' out in Ursula as we speak, probably tryin' to catch trout in your parkin' lot. Val called Peter on our way 'ere. 'E and Mike are still at the studio, and they're in the dark. It would seem their generator conked out.

Micky: *cringes* The two of them in the same room without power...man, you better go get them outta there!

Lauren: We'll be fine, Davy. *pauses, remembers* Um, did you happen to notice my car in the lot?

Davy: Yeah. The litt'l girls want it. They think it's "awesome" to 'ave a purple car.

Lauren: *sighs in relief* Oh good. (Laughs) You're gonna have to tell the girls they need to find their own cars.

Davy: I'll do that. Yes, your car is fine. The water's only up to my ankles.

Nyles: It didn't even go all the way over my feet.

Jack: Ny, you have boats. That's no comparison.

Davy: (Laughs) Well, I wish you guys luck. Are you sure you'll be ok 'ere?

Lauren: *glances over the three guys who nod; turns back to Davy* Looks like it.

Davy: All right, then, I'll leave Nyles wit' you. Jack's 'ere, and 'e's more than capeable of 'andlin' 'im

Jack: What can I say? I've been around these guys too long.

Lauren: Okay, Dave, go rescue Mike and Peter!

Micky: Before they do any damage to the studio or themselves!

Davy: Right there, Mick and Lauren. Anythin' you want me to tell them or the kids?

Lauren: *grins at Micky* You can tell the kids that Daddy's grounded. *winks at Micky*

Micky: *sighs* Don't ask, Dave.

Davy: Uh, I won't. You guys 'ave a nice night. Contact us if somethin' changes or if anythin' happens.

Lauren: *nods* We will, thanks.

Micky: See ya later, Dave.

Davy: Latah, mates. (He heads out)