Everyone ready to rough it?

Mike: No.

Peter: I think it'll be fun! :)

Davy: Do we 'ave to? :P

Micky: Rough it? *snorts* ;)

Daphne: All I know is that there's something really weird going on at the radio station. ;)

Nyles: I like it!

Davy: I rathah do, too, Ny. ;)

*We fade in onto Davy and Daphne's house, which is also still getting pelted by rain. The ocean below is rolling a bit more actively than usual, but there's no cause for alarm. The radio still plays in the background. Everyone's back in the living room.*

*Nyles pokes his head up fom behind the couch. He wears a black handkerchief over his nose and mouth and a black cowboy hat. He carries a plastic water pistol.*

(The twins and Katie, all wearing cowboy hats, belts, and fake metal "pistols," jump out from behind a coffee table. Jordan sort of tags along, carrying his little bow and plastic arrows.)

*Nyles scrambles on his knees behind the couch, coming out from around the opposite end, right into Katie and Jordan. He turns and finds the twins behind him!*

Little Mick: *clicks his fake pistol* Pow! Got you, bad guy!

Katie: We got'cha surrounded!

Jordan: Uh, yeah!

Nyles: *holds his hands up* Don't shoot! I give up!

*Davy and Daphne snicker, turning around on the couch to watch the show behind them.*

Katie: You're goin' jail!

Jordan: (Frowns) Really?

Katie: (Sighs) No, Jordan.

Nyles: Oh, no, not jail!

Little Mick: *goes to Nyles, produces plastic handcuffs* Spread 'em! *laughs*

Davy: *also laughs* He is definitely his father's son.

(Katie giggles. Jordan just stares; he doesn't get the joke.)

Daphne: Daddy's been watching reruns of "Car 54, Where Are You?"

Davy: Or "Dragnet."

Emma: (Emerges from the bathroom) Hey, guys. How's the bandit pursuit coming?

Katie: We got 'im, Mama!

Emma: Good for you, sweetie.

Shelly: Mick's put his cuffs on him right now! *points to her brother actually doing so*

Nyles: *he's really surprised* These kids are too good at this! He's really doing that!

Emma: Well, you can let Nyles go now, Little Mick. Govenor Nesmith has pardoned him.

Little Mick: Awwwww! *presses the unlock latch and pulls the cuffs off* Just when I finally get the bad guy!

Shelly: *pats her brother's shoulder* Don't worry, Mick, we'll get him again later.

Little Mick: Okay.

Daphne: *to Emma* How are you feeling, Em?

Emma: Better. He's heavier than Katie was. He's going to be a big boy. (Pats her stomach)

Katie: (Runs over to her mother and leans gently against her stomach) My brother!

Davy: That's why you've taken up residence in our bathroom.

Daphne: *swats his arm* Davy!

Emma: I can't help it if the kid has to go.

*Nyles removes his cowboy gear in the background. He takes a seat on an easy chair.*

Katie: (Calls to the twins) "Come over here! Listen for my brother! You can hear him kick!"

*The twins scramble over and join Katie.*

Jordan: (Joins them, but he's more reluctant) "How can he kick if he's still in your mommy's tummy?"

Little Mick: Because he's in there growing!

Katie: "Just because he's still in Mama doesn't mean he isn't alive like us!"

Emma: (Laughs as all the kids lean over to hear the baby) Ok, guys, did you hear him?

Shelly: Yeah!

Katie: (Grins and nods) Yeah! We hear!

Nyles: Hey, Dave... *points at his stomach* wanna take a listen? ;)

Davy: To your gas bubbles? No, thanks, Ny.

Emma: Guys!

Katie: Ew.

Daphne: *groans* This is as bad as Micky being around.

Davy: Nah, Nyles don't 'ave anyone to 'old 'im back.

Nyles: That's right! I can openly gross people out!

Daphne: And I'm in between it.

Emma: You have my sympathy.

Daphne: Thank you, Em.

Davy: Wot?

Nyles: Aw, come on, we're just kidding! I was just messing around!

Emma: (Sighs) Ok, kids, enough. Why don't you go amuse yourselves while your mommies, daddy, and Uncle Nyles figure out what we're doing about...

(Suddenly, the lights...and every electrical item in the household, including the radio - goes out. The screen is pitch black.)

Jordan: (Wails) MOMMY! MOMMY! DARK!

Katie: It's ok, Jordan. It's just dark.

Jordan: Don' like dark!

Katie: Jordan, stay with me! I'm not scared of dark!

Nyles: *voice an octave higher* Who turned on the dark!?

Davy: Down, Ny! Just stay in your chair.

Daphne: Oh, great. *sighs* I'll find the flashlights.

Davy: Grab the transistor radio, too!

Emma: Daph, where's the flashlights?

Little Mick: Whhhhheeeeee!! Love the dark!

Shelly: I'm gonna scare you, Mick! *taps his shoulder* BOOOO!

*Little Mick gives a fake scream, then laughs.*

Davy: Don't anyone move too far until Daph comes back with the flashlights.

Nyles: *whines* Moooommmmyyyyy!

Davy: *sighs* Shut up, Nyles.

Nyles: I don't LIKE the dark!

Davy: You're not afraid of the dark, are you, Ny?

Nyles: Nn-nooo...

Davy: Not much, Ny.\

Jordan: (also whines) I WANT MOMMY!!!!!!!

Katie: I don't mind dark!

Emma: Me either. My sisters were the ones who were scared of the dark.

Daphne: *with a beam of light preceding her* Found the flashlights!

*Daphne hands a flashlight to each of the adults...and Nyles.*

Emma: Thank goodness.

Daphne: I found a hurricane lamp, too. *sets that on the coffee table*

Daphne: Here's the transistor radio. *hands the radio to Davy*

Davy: Thanks, luv.

Daphne: I wonder how far the power outage extends?

Davy: *tunes the radio* Let’s see if they've got any news at the station.

Micky: *over the radio* ...And, ya know, just when you thought things couldn't get worse, they do. Apparently, now we're only being heard by about five homes that have transistor radios.

Lauren: *interrupts Micky* Not only that, but now WE'RE kinda in the dark, too. The station's running on reserve power, and it's VERY dark in here with one 40-watt yellow light bulb hanging over us.

Micky: *audible groan, but chooses not to comment* So, we're going to keep trudging along. As long as we can still see the records and the player, we'll keep going.

Lauren: Actually, if anyone is still listening out there and your phone is still working, give us a buzz and let us know. 555-9626. If no one's listening, we can get some sleep.

Davy: (Looks at the others) Should I call?

Daphne: If the phone is still working...

*Davy picks up the phone. He listens, then dials.*

Micky: *on the other end* KLAC.

Davy: 'Ey, Mick--

Micky: Dave! There IS still life out there!

Davy: We 'eard you guys say you're in the dahk, too.

Micky: You, too, huh?

Davy: You got us listening, so you can't take a nap!

Micky: Thanks a lot, Dave.

Davy: Anytime, Mick.

Micky: What's it like at your end? The rain's up to the second step of the building now.

Davy: The street's flooded 'ere, too.

Micky: *sighs* Have you guys heard fromm Mike and Pete or Val lately?

Davy: No, we 'aven't, actually.

Micky: I got an idea, Dave.

Davy: Oh no.

Micky: This is a good idea, man. Why don't ya go get Urse?

Davy: Why're you sending me? Besides, how will she'll be able to run in this?

Micky: Yeah! I finished that boat mechanism several weeks ago. She's all ready to float on down the road. No one else can get to the station, and we don't wanna leave them stuck with dead air. *pauses, takes in an audible breath* So, we're gonna stick it out until someone else can get here.

Davy: You sure about that, Mick? You don't sound too enthusiastic about the idea.

Micky: Never mind, Dave, just get Ursula and use your communicator to get a hold of the others! I gotta get back on air before Lauren takes over again! Jack's taking a nap, so it's just the two of us right now.

Davy: Okay, Mick, okay! I'll call you back latah.

Micky: Bye.

Davy: Bye. *hangs up the phone*

Daphne: Well, Davy? What'd he say?

Davy: Looks like I get to try out Mick's en'ancements to Urse. Mick said he and Lauren are staying at the station for now. We just 'ave to find out 'ow Mike and Petah and Valerie are doing.

Emma: (Closes her eyes and leans back) I can feel Mike. He's ok, just annoyed (rubs herself) and a bit wet.

Davy: *nods* We 'aven't 'eard anything from Val. We'll try 'er first. Anyone want to go with me?

Nyles: Can I go? Can I?

Davy: You just want to get out of the dahk, don't you?

Nyles: Yeah, man. It's scary!

Davy: Alright, man. 'Ere's a real easy way to get there. Put your 'ands ovah your eyes.

Nyles: Okay. *does so* Now what?

Davy: See you in a bit. *grins, then blue lights them out of the house. The two men reappear in the Pad's garage, standing in about two inches of water, next to the Monkeemobile.*

Davy: Okay, Ny, open up.

Nyles: *takes his hand away* Man, I've seen your garage at the Pad before! Why'd I have to close my eyes?

Davy: *rolls his eyes* Nevahmind, Ny. Just get in the cah.

*They get in, Davy behind the wheel. He's pushes a few buttons, and the engine hums to life.*

Nyles: *eyes wide* Wow, this is groovy! Did Mick do all this?

Davy: 'E and Mike did this, but it's Mick's little extra trip that's really gonna 'elp us out.

*Davy pushes a series of buttons, and the car feels as though it's getting lower, along with a sound that sounds like it's an extra engine.*

Davy: Urse?

Nyles: *gives Davy a look* Who're you talkin' to?

Ursula: David! Thank goodness! Get me out of here! (Lower) David, what's he doing here?

Davy: Sorry, Urse, but I need 'im to 'elp me out. You can speak freely. We'll worry about explaining latah.

Nyles: Are you on something, Dave?

Davy: Evah 'ear of ahtificial intelligence?

Nyles: Uhhh... *shrugs*

Davy: *rolls his eyes* Urse? Think you can 'elp at all?

Ursula: Yes, if only to help ME. Ordinary cars and floods do NOT mix.

Davy: Ny, nevahmind for now, I'll explain latah. Right now, we've got some friends to find. Urse, we' 'eaded for the Montgomahry 'Ouse. Ready to try out your watah wings?

Nyles: *scratches his head* How's the Monkeemobile gonna get through this flood when no one else can?

Ursula: Please. While I am worried about the additions, the only way we'll find out if they work or not is to try them out. Besides, if we don't do something soon, we'll be floating out anyway and I'll be a rusting hulk.

Davy: Ny, just sit back and watch. *pushes a few more buttons. The garage door opens, and we see the Monkeemobile is now floating ON the water!*

Nyles: *peeks out the window and at the wheels* Whoa, man, the wheels! They're making us float!

Davy: *sighs* Bloody...

Ursula: (Audible "whew") Thank goodness! I was afraid the water was going to damage my engines.

Davy: You're looking beautiful, Urse! I don't believe it, but Mick did it!

Nyles: *turns to Davy* Got any water skis?

Davy: (Groans) Urse, 'elp me.

Ursula: (Sighs) Sorry, Nyles, fresh out.

Nyles: Aw, darn!

Ursula: (As they float down Beechwood Street) Has anyone tried contacting Valerie, or Mike and Peter, for that matter?

Davy: Not yet. It's been rathah 'ectic just with the rain and tryin' to entahtain the kiddies. Mike and Petah were at the studio earliah today and Val was supposed to be picking up Sarah and Chrissy from school, so I'm not really sure where they are right now, probably at the Montgomahry 'Ouse.

Ursula: In what is likely now a state emergency, it's probably best not to assume anything, David. Contact all of them, starting with Valerie, who has children with her.

Davy: Right, Urse. *opens his communicator as Nyles looks on* Val? Val, are you there?

Valerie: Davy! Oh, thank god!

Davy: Are you okay, Val? Where are you? We're moving closah to the Montgomahry 'Ouse...

Valerie: I'm downtown with Chrissy and Sarah, near the Hotel Caprice. My car's stalled, the girls are scared to death, and I'm not feeling great, either.

Ursula: Oh god...

Davy: 'Ang on, Val, we'lll be there as quick as we can.

Valerie: Um, Davy, how are you going to get here? Do you have a life raft at your house?

Davy: I'm glad you asked. We've got Urse.

Nyles: *leans over* The car's floating!

Valerie: Ursula's FLOATING? And is that Nyles? Is he floating, too? ;)

Davy: Uh, in one sense, yeah. Remembah Micky mentioning a little addition to Urse? Well, it actually worked!

Valerie: Thank god! Please, get here as fast as you can!

Davy: On our way!

Ursula: We'd better get moving. That little Corvette of hers is cute and sporty and fun, but it wasn't made to withstand flood waters.

Davy: I nevah thought I'd say this Urse, but...wahp speed a'ead!

(Ursula turns in the direction of downtown Malibu Beach as we fade out on an overhead shot of Ursula shooting down the flooded streets and back to Valerie's car on Main Street, which remains stalled in place.)