(We open in the Pad. The guys are rehearsing "Listen to the Band." Emma cleans up after dinner while Lauren sits back on the psychiatrist's couch and listens.)

Lauren: *as the song ends* You sound great, guys!

Peter: (Grins) Thanks, Lauren!

Micky: Thanks, babe! *twirls a drumstick*

Mike: Not bad, especially since I just finished that song not long ago.

Davy: Thank you, luv.

Emma: (Comes out of the kitchen, wiping her hands on her jeans) Yeah, and I love that song. You did a nice job on that one, honey.

Mike: Thanks.

Peter: Let's do another one!

Mike: Yeah.

Micky: I'm ready!

Davy: Sure, mates!

Emma: (Sits down on the couch next to Lauren) Ok, boys, you have the rest of your audience.

(The second Emma sits down, there's a huge puff of dark smoke and sparkles. When it subsides, Zero appears in a dark light, looking dapper as ever.)

Mike: (Growls) Get outta this house, Zero.

Peter: Oh no! (He ducks behind Mike)

Micky: Before we make you!

Davy: Wot do you want?

Zero: I'd like to have a little chat with Mr. Dolenz.

Micky: Me? Why?!

Lauren: No!

Zero: Oh, I just want to see how that lovely mind of yours works, Mr. Dolenz.

Mike: No, you don't.

Micky: *puts his hands on the side of his head* It doesn't work!

Lauren: Leave him alone!

Peter: Don't hurt him!

Zero: I won't hurt him, my dear Mr. Tork. I just want to ask him a few questions.

Mike: Like hell you do.

Micky: I'm not answering anything for you, Zero!

Zero: There's no time for this fuss. Come now Mr. Dolenz, I'll bring you back safe and sound as soon as we're finished.

Micky: Why do I doubt that?

Mike: (Puts up his fists) If you don't leave, Zero, I'll...

Zero: Oh, I'll leave. (He concentrates; there's a black light around him and Micky) But I'll be taking Mr. Dolenz with me.

Mike: Don't you DARE!

Peter: Micky!

Lauren: Noo!

Davy: Mick!

(Mike lunges for Zero as well as he can with a guitar around his neck, but he's too late. Zero and Micky finally disappear in a puff of smoke and a blast of black light.)

Mike: Shit! Damn it!

Davy: Bloody 'ell...

Emma: Was that the same asshole who tried to make off with me and Peter a few months ago?

Mike: Yeah, that was him. We weren't kiddin' when we told you he's the Devil.

Lauren: And now he's got Mick... :(

Peter: (Closes his eyes) He wants to see how his mind works...

Mike: I'll show him how MY mind works. (He shakes his fist) X(

Davy: Then 'e's in for a shock.

Peter: (Eyes pop open) Oh my...he's after Micky's mind.

Mike: Yeah, we know. Don't know WHY he'd be after Micky's mind. There ain't much there besides sex, drummin', food, and Lauren.

Peter: Guys, Micky's been playing with the concept of reality and fantasy his whole life. He was on TV! His parents have been in the movies and television since before he was born.

Mike: So?

Davy: Wait, so Zero wants 'im for essentially the same reason that Plaisir did?

Peter: I think so. (Nods)

Emma: I hope he's not making some mind-controlling TV set.

Peter: No. Maybe he thinks he may know something about our powers.

Lauren: But Micky won't tell him anything.

Davy: Not willingly, 'e won't.

Peter: Do you remember what Lady Plasir did to us?

Mike: I wish I didn't.

Emma: We have to get him back.

Mike: How? We don't even know where he went!

Peter: We could always try the pawn shop. (Gulps) I remember where it is. I normally avoid that part of town now, but for Micky's sake...

Davy: We 'ave to try.

Mike: Ok, gang. Let's hit the MonkeeMobile. We're gonna pay Mr. Zero a little visit.

Davy: Lets go, mates.

Emma: (Puts her arm around Lauren) We'll get him back, sweetie. Don't worry.

Lauren: *frowns* I'll try not to.

Emma: And you know what... (She grabs a cannister of cookies and pulls out a few) I think I'll bring him some of my peanut butter cookies. Just in cae he's hungry.

Lauren: You're so thoughtful, Em.

Emma: Naturally. We can't have his rumbling stomach waking up half of Malibu Beach, can we?

(Fade out on the Pad, with light streaming into the living room and bandstand. Fade in on a dark, desolate room. All we see is one light shining in the gloom. The light illuminates Zero, in his dark, dapper suit, smirking.)

(The camera finally moves to Micky, who is bound hand and foot to a chair.)

Zero: Welcome to my hunble abode, Mr. Dolenz. It's not the Ritz, but I call it home.

Micky: What do you want, Zero?

Zero: Direct as always. I do like that about you, Mr. Dolenz. In that case, I shall also be direct. I want to know more about your imagination.

Micky: My imagination? Why?

Zero: I believe you've made the aquaintance of a Lady Noira Plaisir?

Micky: *eyes narrow to slits* Don't mention that name.

Zero: I heard some very interesting things about you. You were...how shall we say it...a favorite of hers.

Micky: More than I care to admit.

Zero: She was playing with some concepts that very much interest me. Do you remember how her television set worked?

Micky: Why would I tell you if I did?

Zero: (He begins to stroke Micky's forehead) You'll tell me, Mr. Dolenz. I want to know more about your powers, and how they related to her machine.

Micky: *moves his head away* Don't touch me, Zero. I won't tell you anything.

Zero: (He moves his hands to Micky's shoulders) You will talk, Mr. Dolenz. Your imagination is stronger than that of the others.

Micky: Lucky me. I'm not talking, so get your devil hands off of me!

Zero: (Gently massages Micky's shoulders) Why don't we work some of those kinks out? Noira must have gotten you plenty worked up!

Micky: What're you... Don't touch me! *struggles*

Zero: Calm down, Mr. Dolenz. You're much too tense. (He begins to stroke Micky's temples lightly) Just calm down.

Micky: *shakes his head* No! I don't need to calm down! I need you to let me go right now!

Zero: (He takes his shoulders harder) Mr. Dolenz, if you don't calm down, we'rre going to have to try other tactics.

Micky: I am NOT calming down! *spits in Zero's face*

Zero: (Wipes his hand with a clean white handkerchief) I've had quite enough of insolence, Mr. Dolenz. Perhaps we should change forms of persuasion.

Micky: I don't care what you do, I'm not telling you anything, you ass!

Zero: If you keep using language like that, I'll have to get rough with you.

Micky: *narrows his eyes* Bastard!

(Zero narrows his eyes and slaps Micky dead across the face.)

Zero: No more of THAT kind of language, Mr. Dolenz.

Micky: *groans as he raises his head again; winces* I'll use any SHITTY language I want, asshole!

Zero: (He grabs Micky by his curls) Why don't you just answer my questions? If you answer my questions, I'll send you back to your Lauren.

Micky: *winces* Because I don't believe you. You'll get your answers and turn me into something or lock me up somewhere!

Zero: All I need to know is what Noira found out about your mind and your powers.

Micky: I'm not telling you about anything that bitch found out about any of us!

Zero: She found things out about your cohorts, too. How interesting. You wouldn't happen to know what those things are, would you?

Micky: N-O. NO!

Zero: Shame. I'd love to know more about, for instance, your dear leader Michael...

Micky: You aren't getting shit out of me!

Zero: You'd be surprised what I can get out of people, Dolenz. (He slams Micky across the head again, this time harder)

*Micky curses under his breath, then slowly lifts his head. His lip is split now.*

Micky: *winces* I'm still not talking.

Zero: You're worried about your friends, aren't you?

Micky: They're my friends! Of course I am.

Zero: Noira had just as much fun with them as she did with you, didn't she? Especially Nesmith and dear little Tork.

*Micky pauses. He sucks in his bleeding lip, then spits some of the blood at Zero.*

Zero: That was unnecessary, Dolenz. (He once again removes his handkerchief) I hope you have the money to pay for this. Blood stains.

Micky: Why do you think I did it?

Zero: I could give you the money, Dolenz. You have that little girl of yours. I know you would like to give her a good place to live, good clothes, better things. I could help you.

Micky: Yeah, but on MY terms. I don't want your help.

Zero: You're with me now, Dolenz. When you're with me, you play the game by MY rules.

Micky: Go back to hell, Zero.

(Zero hits Micky right in the gut.)

Zero: Not without the information I want.

*Micky doubles over as far as his bonds will allow, noisily sucking in air.*

Micky: *mutters* Son...of a...bitch...

(Zero delivers another left into Micky's ribcage and stomach.)

*Micky sucks in another noisy breath, panting now. He leans to one side, favoring his ribs.*

Micky: *looks up at Zero the best he can* That... all...you got?

Zero: (Grabs Micky by his curls) Talk, Mr. Dolenz. I want to know what Noira learned from you, about you, your friends, and your powers.

Micky: *pauses, then whispers* F--- off!

Zero: (Yanks Micky's head harder) If you won't talk about me, perhaps you'll talk about your little wife.

Micky: *groans* Leave...Lauren...alone!

Zero: I seem to have hit a nerve. What if I had some fun with her? She's a rather attractive girl, don't you think?

Micky: *with as much oomph as he can muster* Don't TOUCH her!

Zero: Why not? We could share her. She really is a lovely creature. (Smirks) Or maybe I could take her friend. I would have had her before, if you and the others hadn't interfered.

Micky: *coughs* Leave them alone! *winces* Can't you just...crawl back...into the hole...you came out of?

Zero: Not when I'm having so much fun.

Micky: Fun... *spits some blood at Zero's feet*

Zero: (Pulls away before the blood hits his shoes) Try to aim that somewhere else, Dolenz. (Purrs) I find your wife's friend very attractive. I'd love to have her as my own.

Micky: And she'd love...to shove her...hockey stick...where the sun...don't shine!

Zero: (Tugs on Micky's head) I love that anology.

Micky: *winces* Oww...I'm not...talking...so get...lost...assclown!

Zero: This is fun! (He yanks Micky's head again, then slaps him across the face) I'd love to show that pretty miss what a REAL man looks like. Poor dear is stuck with that plain stick Nesmith.

Micky: *vision blurs; blinks* Mike's...more of a...man than...you are...

Zero: I find that hard to believe. He's clumsy and foolish, always chasing after the next great opportunity to have his music heard and leaving his friends in the dust.

Micky: *shakes his head lightly* He's good...friend. Sometimes...too bossy...but means well. *blinks as his vision blurs again*

Zero: (Squeezes Micky's shoulders hard again) Very much a controller, isn't he?

Micky: Kinda...still rather...help him...than you... *winces*

Zero: Why don't you tell me more about it? What's your fearsome leader afraid of? Losing control of his men? His sweetheart?

Micky: No...not...talking...

Zero: What are YOU afraid of, Mr. Dolenz? Afraid your wife may leave you? That you'll be alone?

*Micky just frowns and looks down, breathing heavily and noisily.*

Zero: Afraid of spending all your days alone, with just you and your little drum set? No wife, no Nesmith, no adventures...

*A sob escapes from Micky.*

Micky: *mutters* I hate you...

Zero: Good. I see you're more willing to talk now. (He rubs Micky's shoulders)

Micky: *weakly* No...don't wanna...

Zero: Let's talk about Mr. Tork.

Micky: No...stop...

Zero: I want his soul, Mr. Dolenz. He has the most innocent soul I've ever seen in an adult human being. It runs in his family.

Micky: Leave...Pete...alone...

Zero: I want to know what the best way would be to approach him. What puts fear into that gentle heart of his?

*Micky sucks in a noisy breath but doesn't respond.*

Zero: What would bring him to me? It's not fame, and it's not wealth.

Micky: *lifts his head enough to look at Zero; his eyes show defeat* Me.

Zero: You? Use you to bring him here?

Micky: Prob'ly...lookin'...for me...

Zero: In that case, they should be here any minute now.

Micky: Leave...alone...got...me...

Zero: I won't let you go until I have ALL of you...especially Tork.

*Micky spits blood at Zero again, hitting him in the face.*

Zero: I warned you, Mr. Dolenz.

(Zero hits Micky hard in the face...so hard, it knocks him and the chair on the floor!)

*Micky's head lulls to one side, having been knocked unconscious.*

Zero: I warned you, Dolenz.

*Suddenly the room is flooded with light from the door being flung open.*

Davy: Wot the bloody 'ell's been going on in 'ere?

Zero: Ahh, you're early.

Mike: Early my ASS! What did you do to Micky?

Zero: He wouldn't cooperate.

Peter: Poor Micky! His aura is so battered!

Davy: I think it's our turn to battah Zero!

Zero: I think not. (Snaps his fingers; a group of ugly, hairy monster-like creatures appear) Meet my boys. They'll be more than happy to take care of you. (Turns to the largest demon) Don't hurt the blond or the two women. Let them watch their other friends be beaten to a pulp.

Demon: Will do, boss!

Davy: *shakes a fist* I'll show you beaten to a pulp!

Zero: Farewell, ladies and gentlemen! (Zero vanishes in a puff of smoke and black light before Mike can grab him)

Mike: Damn it!

Lauren: Cover me, so I can check on Micky!

Davy: *nods* You got it, luv.

Demon: Ok! (He gives Davy a good wallop in the gut as "Circle Sky" begins)

*Davy staggers, but blocks the demon from getting to Lauren, who quickly moves to Micky's side & start untying him.*

Emma: (She closes her eyes and makes her hockey stick appear) Don't even touch me, you ugly beast! (She hits the demon in the shin; he grabs his shin and jumps up and down, wailing)

Peter: Let me help you, Lauren! (He goes to Micky's other side)

Mike: So you wanna play rough, huh, big boy? (Mike gives the demon a punch in the arm...but winds up reeling back, holding his fist) What the HELL is your skin made of, iron? Geez!

Demon 1: That was a nice tickle! (He picks up Mike) Tickle me again!

Mike: Man, your breath REEKS!

*Davy ducks a punch, then jumps, aiming both feet into the demon's leg. The demon falls, whimpering.*

Lauren: *pulls a handkerchief from her pocket and dabs at Micky's face* What did Zero do to him!?

Peter: Micky? Micky, speak to us! Are you ok?

(Mike finally kicks the demon in the knee. He drops Mike and grabs his knee, howling.)

*Micky's head rolls toward Peter, his eyelids fluttering, but not opening. However, he does groan.*

*Davy is being chased by a demon, until he suddenly turns around and chases the demon instead!*

(Emma shoves a demon on the back with her field hockey stick. He falls over and into another demon, and he falls into another demon, and that one into one behind him, untill we see a line of fallen demons in a circle around Emma.)

Peter: (Looks at Lauren) There has to be a way to help him. I wish I still had that emerald from the fantasy world!

Lauren: *takes Micky's hand gently* We'll just have to keep talking to him, that's all. *gently places her other hand over his heart*

*Micky coughs suddenly and opens his eyes. He gives Lauren a small smile before wincing and coughing some more.*

Lauren: Thank God, Mick!

Micky: *winces* Jus'...don't make...me laugh...'kay?

Peter: Oh, thank goodness!

Mike: (Looks around as the music ends) I think that's all of them. (Nods at the pile of unconcious demons near the doorway) Nice.

Davy: They look bettah this way.

Emma: (Leans on her hockey stick) I think so, too.

Mike: (Turns to Lauren and Peter) Is Micky ok?

Lauren: He's awake.

Micky: *winces* That's...'bout all...

Peter: We need to get him home and in bed, and he may need to see a doctor.

Mike: Well, let's at least get him home.

Micky: Home...home...on the range! *laughs, then winces* Ow...

Emma: (As the others laugh) Oh, I almost forgot! (She pulls the two now slightly smushed cookies out of her pocket) Here you go. I thought you might want these.

Micky: *sucks on his lip a moment, thinking* Gimme!

Lauren: Help me sit him up, Peter, so he can have his cookies.

Mike: Good ol' Mick. Always thinkin' of his stomach.

Emma: (As Peter and Lauren help Micky sit up) And in this case, I'm glad!

*Lauren helps Micky handle the cookies, which he devours immediately.*

Lauren: Just watch my fingers, Mick!

Micky: *slight grin* Sorry, babe.

(We fade out on the group as they all laugh and Micky eats.)