Davy pulled the Jeep up in front of Mrs. Purdy’s house and turned to his passenger. "’Ere you go, Mick."

"Thanks for driving me, Dave," Micky said.

"Anytime, mate. We’ll see you tomorrow," Davy said.

"See ya!" Micky said, getting out. He waved, then headed around the back of the house to the steps leading to the apartment he and Lauren were renting from Mrs. Purdy.

At the top of the steps, Micky fumbled with getting his keys out, but didn’t need them when Lauren opened the door for him. He smiled. "Hiya, babe."

Lauren smiled. "Hi, Mick. How’re you feeling?"

Micky stepped through the door, locking it after him. "Alot better than I did yesterday."

They both went silent for a moment... then both tried to apologize at the same time.

"We’re silly, aren’t we?" Lauren said.

Micky nodded. "Yeah, we are." He sighed. "I think we both know the other’s sorry. I don’t think either of us have been in our right minds the last couple days."

Lauren nodded as well, but remained silent for a moment. "Do you feel up to a little... fun?"

Micky took her in his arms. "Yes... but I will warn you I’m still a little warm and weary, but otherwise fine."

"Then we’ll take it nice and easy," Lauren replied, smiling.

They wrapped their arms around one another and headed for the bedroom.
