
(We start in the MonkeeCaves - all six of the kids are sitting around on the crystal stumps and couches, pillows under them. Peter reads a book. Mike plays Black Beauty. Emma reads a bridal magazine. Lauren and Micky read comic books. Davy does his nails.)

Bob: Hey, gang. (Nods at Lauren) How's the kids coming, Lauren?

Davy: Hungry, if the last story was any indication. ;)

Lauren: They're coming along just fine. Won't feel them for a little while still, but yeah, if my food intake is any indication...

*Micky just grins.*

Mike: They'll take after their father. ;)

Bob: Hey, Mike, are you and Emma ever gonna have kids?

Mike: What you askin' that for? Man, we ain't even MARRIED yet!

Emma: We'll see, Bob. Let's get past the next few stories first.

Bert: How did you boys feel about being superheroes?

Mike: Weird.

Peter: I finally flew! :D

Micky: Groovy!

Davy: (Juts a finger at Micky) I'm impressed with this one. Mick, you were just bloody BRILLIANT in this story. :D

Micky: *waves it off* Man, it was nothin'. I just did what I had to do, that's all.

Mike: You only saved our rears...how many times in the last few parts? And you saved ME from having TWO messed up hands!

*Micky shrugs, going back to his comic.*

Lauren: He's gone humble all of a sudden. ;-)

Emma: Amazing, considering he spent most of the story bragging. ;)

Bert: Where did the "business with the crystal" come from? The final revelations seemed rather sudden...

Emma: I concocted the backstory out of several superhero tales and fantasy stories, notably my favorite Japanese cartoon, or anime, as they're called nowadays, "Sailor Moon." I just brought that cartoon's ideas back to earth, so to speak. ;)

Bert: Amber Stimpson. She started out as a villain, but ended up reformed, and was the first villian in the stories to be reformed. Where did that come from?

Emma: That was Lauren's brilliant characterization. :D

Lauren: *shrugs* Thought it was nice for a change. ;-)

Mike: She was a nice enough kid. She just needed to be pointed in the right direction.

Davy: Right. All she wanted was a chance to sing, just like us.

Emma: Makes me hopeful that some of those pop tarts on the covers of the tabloids I see at work will have a chance at real happiness making their OWN kind of music, too. :)

Bert: Easy question. What was your favorite part of this story?

Mike: The concert in the Malibu Beach Concert Hall.

Peter: Me too! That was the biggest rush of my life! :D

Lauren: *smirks* Not being kidnapped. ;-)

Micky: Being a hero by blowing stuff up, of course!

Davy: 'Elpin' 'im blow stuff up. (Juts a finger at Micky) ;)

Emma: The very last scene at the bachelor's party. I still giggle every time I think of that. ;) :))

*Micky grins widely.*

Lauren: I LOVED that! ;-)

Mike: (Blushes) Oh, man, I hope Mrs. Purdy didn't look at her sidewalk too closely. :p :">

Emma: Don't worry, Mike, I had the honor of cleaning up most of that. :p

Micky: *makes a face* Oh, gross! :-P

Peter: I don't remember most of that.

Davy: I do. (Makes a face) Daphne and Millie ended up carryin' me into the van and then into the Pad.

Micky: *makes a face* Cleaning up the apartment afterwards was NOT fun.

(Emma bursts into giggles again. ;) :)) )

Bob: Speaking of not fun, what was your scariest part of this story?

Peter: Hands down, being catterpiller-d by that spider.

Lauren: When the guys went after Kristof the last time.

Micky: Being CHASED by that spider!

Lauren: *jerks a thumb at Micky* He had a nightmare about that. I know, cuz he woke me up. ;-)

Mike: When Kristof was about to maim me and turn Em into a robot.

Emma: Same here, Mike. (Shudders) I'm going to have a few nightmares of my own about that. I really thought I was going to end up looking worse than Kristof did! :( :p

Davy: What 'appened to Delilah. That was just plain freak-out city, man.

Micky: *makes a face* You don't actually think she FELT her demise, do you? :-P

Emma: She may have. She wasn't fully a machine...but don't feel TOO bad, Mick. She did step into that machine of her own free will. She should have known what she was getting into.

Micky: *shrugs* I know, but I'd only intended to blow up the machine itself.

Mike: It was probably best for her, Micky. You put her out of her misery. Despite what Kristof thought, I don't think she could have gone through life like that.

Micky: Yeah... *goes back to the comic*

Bert: There were a couple of other new ideas in the story in addition to reforming Amber Stimpson. The most interesting was the flashback sequence. How did that come about, and guys, how did it feel to do that part?

Emma: The flashback sequence came from two ideas, one being the need to show the backstory of the MonkeeMen. The other was (smiles) I just wanted to do something with the "younger" guys of the pilot. :D

Micky: That was pretty cool, but I hated sitting at the hairdressers while they tried getting that hair on my head. :-P

Mike: And I had to hide these (touches his very thick sideburns).

Peter: It was sad, what happened to the Coulters, but playing our younger selves was kind of fun.

Davy: You can say that, Petah. Your 'air 'asn't changed as much ovah the years. (Makes a face) I 'ad to play bass again. Ain't done that in two yeahs.

Micky: Poor baby. :-P ;-)

Bob: Ok, guys, I've got to know. What was it like to fly? ;)

Peter: (Shrugs with a sigh) I wouldn't know. I only flew once in the whole story. :p

Micky: *drops his comic and moves to the end of his seat* That was so... *motions frantically with his arms* Words CANNOT describe how much FUN that was!

*Lauren slaps her forehead.*

Mike: My second best part of this whole shebang. I love flying, with or without a plane. :D

Davy: I 'ad a great time doin' that. Mike, I can see why you do love bein' up in the air. Even just on a wire, it's indescribeable. :)

Bob: So, what's up next, kids? Mike and Em's wedding?

Micky: *eyes widen* Isn't the next story supposed to be the big evil one?

Emma: (Grins) Yuppers. Why do you think we mentioned a haunted house at the end of this story? ;)

Mike: Oh, man. What DO you girls have planned?

Peter: Can I be out of town while you're doing it?

Micky: Would anyone mind terribly if I sleep THROUGH it?

Davy: I think I've got to be in England for some reason.

Lauren: You guys are NOT getting out of it that easily. We've worked HARD on ideas for this story...!

Emma: We're gonna need ALL of you for this one. We've got too many fantastic ideas. ;)

Bert: Can you reveal some of those ideas here, or would that spoil the surprise?

Lauren: *grins* Em?

Emma: (Grins and winks at the camera) Let's just say we're going to have our second go-around with one of the boys' greatest enemies. (Turns to the guys) Come on, we dropped hints. Who do you think the Man Downstairs is...and why is he so interested in Peter and Mike?

Mike: He's got good taste? I dunno!

(Davy smacks Mike on the head as he chuckles. ;) )

Micky: *gulps* I think I have an idea.

Mike: Downstairs...(eyes widen) Oh, god, you girls WOULDN'T! :o

Peter: Wouldn't what?

Lauren: Oh yes, we would! ;-)

Emma: It's the perfect Halloween story. A date with the biggest villian of all. ;)

Micky: That's it, I'm leaving until you're ready to give birth! *tries to get away, but Lauren pulls him back onto the couch, almost putting him in a headlock*

Lauren: *grins* Just have to know how to handle them. ;-)

Emma: Sorry, Mick, but you're a BIG part of this story. ;)

Micky: *as Lauren lets go* Me? *looks around nervously*

Davy: See, Mick? You're gonna be a stah again!

Micky: G-great.

Emma: Though not quite like he was here. ;)

Peter: (Whimpers) I don't think I'm going to like this story very much. :o :-S

*Micky also whimpers.*

Mike: It couldn't be THAT bad! What could they do to us that they haven't done already?

Davy: I wouldn't encourage them, Mike. :p

Micky: MIKE!?

Peter: Well, they could maim us, or electrocute us, or kill us, or...

(Davy puts his hands over Peter's mouth.)

Davy: Don't need that kind of encouragement, eithah. :p

Lauren: *waves it off* We've already got ideas, but I am taking notes for later stories. ;-)

Emma: Oh, come on, guys, we're not going to HURT you.

Lauren: Much. ;-)

Emma: As am I. And we need ideas for the Christmas stories, by the way.

Mike: Christmas...(sighs). Man, what a long, strange year it's been.

Davy: I've 'ad fun meself. Gettin' girls, discoverin' that we've got amazin' powahs...

Micky: Christmas should be fun, if I survive until then.

Mike: Tell me about it, Mick. I don't like the way Em's been lookin' at me. Bad enough what she did to me in THIS story. I don't even WANT to know what she's got in store for me in the next one! :p

Emma: Don't worry, honey, you'll survive, and you'll even get to rescue me again. ;) :)

Micky: *motions to Lauren who's grinning* I haven't exactly liked the way Lauren's been looking at me, either. Then again, it's hard to tell if it's just hormones-- *Lauren slugs him playfully in the arm, grinning*

Mike: Man, you two have GOT to cool it! You're gonna make more kids before you've even had these!

Lauren: Naw, but I am doing my homework on these two little ones. ;-)

Davy: Mike, you just say that 'cause you and Em are too scared to even touch one anothah.

Mike and Emma: (In unison) WE ARE NOT!!!

Micky: Yes you are!

Emma: We cuddle and hug a lot. WE'RE not married yet. :p

Mike: Which is more than I usually do. Unlike some people, we don't have hormones the size of the Pacific Ocean. :p

Micky: Was that a shot? :-P

*Lauren rolls her eyes.*

Davy: Wit' a very lahge gun, I'd say. ;)

Peter: Oh, come on, Mick, you guys are only having twins!

Micky: Hey, I can't help it if I'm passionate!

Lauren: Boy, is THAT an understatement. ;-)

(There's snorts and chuckles around the room.)

Micky: What is this? We can't go through one story set without SOMEONE taking pot shots at me!

Peter: Well, she IS his soulmate.

Mike: Man, Pete, don't start that shit again. There's no such thing.

Peter: Yes, there is! The crystal said so!

Davy: 'E's got you there, Mike.

Mike: Yeah, but that's A CRYSTAL! I don't believe in all that mushy garbage!

Emma: I'm having a difficult time with the concept myself. It's nice in fantasy stories and Mom's romance novels, but....

Davy: Then why do the two of you fight so much? Why are you always jumpin' to each othah's defense? Why are you both moody, creative, and shy under all your bluster? Why are you both organized and quiet in groups?

Emma: (Shrugs) I don't know. I'm just like that, I guess.

Mike: Maybe I like her and don't want to see her hurt, but I'd do that for all of you, too.

Peter: That's something else you two have in common. You both can't accept what's right in front of your eyes.

Mike: I need more proof.

Micky: No, you need the proof to hit you over the head. *quirks an eyebrow*

Emma: I like more substansiated evidence to back up rumors.

*Lauren rolls her eyes.*

Mike: Was any of that English?

Emma: Why don't you read something besides car magazines and find out?

Peter: Ok, you two, enough.

Micky: Not again...!

Mike: What about you and Daphne, Dave?

Bob: Yes, what about you and her? Is this serious?

Davy: (Puts up his hands) Now, folks, she's a groovy girl and all...

Peter: AND your soulmate.

Mike: Davy, you've liked her since you first met her in that restaurant.

Emma: (Sighs) Looks like Mike and I aren't the only people in denial about this soulmate business...

Micky: *shakes his head* You're impossible! I thought this soulmate stuff was obviously REAL with me and Lauren.

Lauren: Thank you, Mick. :-)

Davy: You two were like this long before we found out all this interestin' info.

Micky: Well, now you've got a name for it.

Emma: (Sighs at Mike) I always KNEW he'd make a wonderful knight in shining armor.

Mike: (Rolls his eyes) I'm hardly Prince Charmin', Em.

Emma: All depends on your point of view, honey. ;)

Davy: Then why are you always ridin' to 'er rescue, Mike?

Mike: 'Cause she needs rescuin'.

Emma: And I mean what I said about the girl in the Montgomery House, guys. Do NOT, I repeat, DO NOT GO NEAR HER!!! She's DANGEROUS!

Mike: Em, you're still goin' on about that? And what's this I hear about you hittin' that chick with a banana cream pie? Was that necessary?

Peter: (Shrugs) She seemed ok to me.

Micky: And she’s got a cool looking car.

Emma: Mike, she crashed my party and was making veiled threats. Ask Lauren, Millie, and the Westminster Abbies!

Lauren: *nods* She's right. ALL of you better stay away from her and that house! *directs a pointed look at Micky, who holds up his hands*

Davy: I don't see what's wrong, but if you girls are so insistant about it... (shrugs and returns to filing his nails)

Bert: You talked about making changes in your last story set. How was this story different from your others?

Emma: We tried to impliment the changes mentioned in the finale of the last story in this one. For all the fantasy underpinings, this story had at least something of a basis in reality.

Bob: Well, fellows, is this the end of the MonkeeMen? Are you going to keep on being superheroes?

Mike: Yes and no. We pretty much agreed on this. We don't seem to have much of a choice about using our powers. According to the crystal (Mike makes a face), it's our calling, and we seem to be stuck with the darn things. However, as of this story, we're retiring the full superhero regalia. Too many people know about it by now. From now on, we'll be more discreet with what we can do, especially the flyin'.

Micky: Except for when at home. ;-)

Davy: Meanin' we're still goin' to be imagin' things, but no more red spandex costumes or long-winded speeches.

Emma: Aww, I kinda liked the costumes. You've all got cute butts. ;)

Lauren: *winks* Yeah, speak for yourself, Dave.

*Micky grins.*

(Three boys blush and turn to focus on anything but the girls. ;) :">)

Mike: Ok, for now, we're cuttin' down on the superheroics...but I have this feeling (glares at the girls) we're gonna need our powers soon enough.

Bert: The crystal cave. Where did that come from, and are you going to keep it as your hide-out?

Mike: (nods) Yeah, it's still our headquarters. All the people who know about it are either sworn to secrecy or dead. It's a good place to hide the crystal, and to come out and just get away from it all.

Emma: I'll be honest, I swiped the cave idea from "Batman" and "Superman." The Pad was, once again, too obvious for a hide-out.

Micky: I've got such great plans for new equipment here, too.

Davy: That's a scary thought. ;)

Bert: So, what's coming up for the remainder of the year?

Emma: The November story warm-up story will probably be our only opening installment that can be called scary. One of the boys is going to have a very, VERY interesting nightmare. It'll be kind of like the ultimate "repercussions of our adventures" story, since I'm planning on including a LOT of elements from the first stories, and the main November story will focus on the birth of Lauren's twins.

Lauren: *waggles her eyebrows* I've been doing homework for that, too. ;-)

Micky: Why does that worry me?

Emma: The next warm-up is just a costume party with Micky's sisters...a light, silly contrast to the main story, which we're planning on being the darkest thing we've ever done, as appropriate for the Halloween season.

*Micky whimpers again.*

(Peter also whimpers.)

Emma: Oh, come on, guys, you've beaten everything from a crazy half-robot to the Devil himself, and THIS scares you?

All Four Monkees (In Unison): YES!!!!!

Lauren: Yeah, I think it scares them. ;-)

Mike: You REEEALLLY like seein' us runnin' scared, don't ya, ladies?

Emma: Yup. It's fun. ;) >:)

Lauren: *kisses Micky's cheek* You bet. ;-) O:-)

Emma: And I'm thinking we could do more with the back story the crystal mentioned, too.

Mike: No, we're not.

Emma: I think it's very romantic. :X ;)

Lauren: *to Mike* You're not in charge of ideas for the stories, Em and I are! :-P

Peter: Mike, I'll bet Kristof told the Man Downstairs, whoever HE is, our true identities! :(

Mike: (Mutters) Wish I coulda gotten my hands on that guy.

Davy: ...And gotten throttled to death by 'is robotic 'and?

Emma: Mike, honey, sometimes, things are just WEIRD. I don't like this any more than you, but you don't hear me complaining.

Mike: (Makes a face) Most of the time. :p

Emma: (Mutters, to herself) Sometimes, I wonder what I see in him..

Mike: (Mutters, to himself) Why ARE we gettin' married again?

*Micky rolls his eyes.*

Peter: (Shakes his head) I wish you two could try to settle your differences in another way. The fighting is getting old.

Lauren: Very old.

Davy: For a mama bear and papa wolf, you both act like bloody cubs sometimes. :p

Mike: (Grumbles) I'm gonna go finish my song. I'll see you later.

Emma: I'm going to go explore the Cave set. I'll see you later.

(Both turn on their heel after Mike picks up Black Beauty and go in opposite directions.)

Micky: Those two are always the first ones to leave.

Peter: I wish they'd just get along.

*Lauren shakes her head.*

Davy: Isn't there ANY way we can keep those two from killin' each othah BEFORE the weddin'?

Lauren: *small smirk* Probably not.

Peter: I wish they could see how much they're alike. They keep trying to deny that they're made for each other. (Shakes his head) They're too used to being loners. (Turns to Davy) And why don't you go out with Daphne some more, Davy? She IS your soulmate.

Davy: (Puts up his hands) Soulmate or not, I'm not up for domestication, like the rest of you. I'll settle down when I'm ready.

Micky: *rolls his eyes* Oh, please... ;-)

Peter: You're denying your feelings too, Davy. You're not used to being attracted to one person.

Davy: I'm not denyin' them. I DO like Daphne a lot. It's just, well, there's othah girls, too. We're going to date, but nuthin' steady.

Peter: (Under his breath) So he says now.

*Micky nods.*

Davy: (Nods at Micky and Lauren) What about you two? 'Ow's thing's comin' with...the surprise...and othah stuff?

Peter: Yeah! How are you doing with getting ready for the babies?

Micky: Ix-nay on the urprise-say, guys. *motions with his hands*

Lauren: *quirks an eyebrow at Micky* What do you have planned?

Davy: Interestin' stuff, luv. ;)

Micky: *shakes his head* I'm not saying anything! It's gonna STAY a surprise.

Davy: I'm not, eithah. ;)

Peter: (Scratches his head) WHAT surprise?

(Davy rolls his eyes.)

Lauren: Fine. Anyway... I have been doing some reading up on what to expect with the babies. Should be interesting. ;-)

Micky: Not again with that... *sighs*

Peter: I can't wait! Babies are so cute and soft! :D

Davy: But they're a lot of work, too. What are you gonna do once you 'ave them?

Lauren: *glances at Micky, who's looking anywhere but at her & whistling* That's up to him, I guess. Other than that, I don't know what we're gonna do. We haven't even settled on names yet.

Micky: We've still got seven months to do that, babe. ;-)

Peter: Don't worry, you'll have all of us to help you! :D

Davy: Don't scare the poor paih, Petah! ;)

Lauren: I think I'm just gonna sit Mick down some night and MAKE him help me decide on names. ;-)

Peter: Can you invite me over when you do that?

Davy: Can we make it a full story? ;)

Lauren: Uhh, no. ;-)

Peter: Wow. I can't believe it, in a few months, Mike and Emma will be married, and you guys will be parents...

Davy: (Sighs) I'm gettin' 'ungry. I'm gonna go find somethin' to eat, and see if Em and Mike ain't killed each othah yet. Anyone wanna come with me?

Peter: (Shakes his head) No, I think I'll stay here and read for a while.

Micky: *after Lauren whispers something in his ear, his eyes widen* I think we're gonna head back to the apartment. ;-)

Peter: (Chuckles) Should have known. ;)

Davy: See you latah, guys...(winks) I 'ope. ;) (Heads out the same way Mike went)

Micky: *stands, holds out a hand for Lauren* Your chariot awaits, Milady. *grins*

Lauren: *takes his proffered hand* Let's go. ;-)

Micky: *picks up Lauren, who waves* See you later, Pete!

*Micky takes off, carrying Lauren.*

Peter: (Shakes his head and smiles) Those guys are just too sweet. (Waves) Bye, you two! Have a great night! :)

Peter: (Strums his guitar and addresses the crystal, which has been silent and dark the entire time) They're quite a pair, aren't they? They're so happy together.

Miss Crystal: (Lights up and sighs, her blue light going up and down with the sigh) Yes, they are, but there will be dark times ahead for them, I'm afraid. The Evil One is interested in both of them, especially her.

Peter: (Sighs) I wish there was something I could do to stop the Evil One, Miss Crystal. The guys are always saving ME. They saved me in THIS story! Why can't I be the big hero, just for once?

Miss Crystal: Be patient, Peter. Your ancestor often asked much the same questions. Your time will come, as his did. It was your ancestor who sent the women to England when the Evil One captured the others.

Peter: (Sighs) What about Mike and Emma? Why are they so stuborn?

Miss Crystal: The White Knight and the Scholar resist their destinies more than the others. The true test of their love will come in time.

Peter: (Sighs) Some day soon...

Miss Crystal: Yes, Bard Peter. Some day.

(Peter sighs and strums his guitar...and the scene fades out on just Peter and the crystal, Peter playing an instrumental version of "I Don't Think You Know Me" which becomes Micky's version when we go to the credits, once again played over scenes from the "productions" ending with the four head shots of the guys and "A Raybert Production.")