Part 5

Mike: (Wearily) Ok, guys, everyone ready to get to the bottom of all this?

Peter: Yes!

Davy: Let's get that Devil Woman! :p X(

Micky: Yeah!

Lauren: You bet!

*We open on a large & rather battered building, which was once a movie palace back in the 20s. However, the inside is anything BUT battered. The ceilings are high, there's plush, dark red carpeting everywhere. The lobby is huge, with wood counters on both sides. The wood is polished so well you could see your reflection in them. A set of stairs off to the right leads to a lower level that includes bathrooms the size of a regular apartment. There's four sets of ornate, wooden double doors that lead into the actual theater. There's several large, gleaming chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, along with many murals painted on the ceiling. Deep red curtains hang to each side of the screen, which remains dark. There's more curtains separating the balcony stairs on each side.....*

*The wooden seats are cushioned with dark red velvet & Art Deco trim. It's relatively dark, however, there are spotlights that hang from the ceiling as well. The whole building puts the Taj Mahal to shame.* ;) :P

Second Mike: (Looks around as the blue light fades - he still carries the half-concious Emma) Daaaaam, Shelia! You sure know how to live! This place is amazin'!

Shelia: *smirks* Thank you. I rather like it.

(Emma reaches up and touches Second Mike's face gently, her eyes vague and glassy behind the thick spectacles. Second Mike squeezes her hand.)

Second Mike: We're here, darlin'! (Frowns) Hey, Shelia, is there a room for her? I want her to be comfortable. After all (rubs his hand on her stomach - she smiles dreamily) she's carryin' our child.

(Emma touches Second Mike again, then indicates her throat.)

Second Mike: I'll give you your voice back when I get us settled down, darlin'.

Shelia: Downstairs. All the rooms are down there. Pick whichever you like.

Second Mike: Great! (Nods towards the stairs) Do we have any food here? I'm starved, and I'd love it if Em could have somethin' to eat, too.

Shelia: Also downstairs. All of the actual living quarters are in the basement.

Second Mike: Groovy! (Heads for the stairs) Come on, darlin'. Let's get you dressed and some food in both of us. I'm so hungry, I could eat Pete's cream of root beer soup. ;)

*Shelia quirks an eyebrow.*

(He heads downstairs with Emma in his arms, followed by Shelia. The bedrooms and kitchen are far more modern accomodations, with very 60s plush furniture and shag carpeting. Second Mike pulls into one large room. He lays Emma gently down on the bed. He runs his fingers across her breasts, making her open her mouth to giggle, though no sound comes out.)

Second Mike: You can't sleep in that turtleneck and the pants, my Scholar. I'll think of somethin' worthy of those curves.

(He concentrates on her plump, volptuous form on the bed. A dark blue light surrounds her. When it subsides, she now wears a long, cream-colored satin nightgown trimmed with lace and ruffles, and a sheer ruffled robe.)

Second Mike: (As Shelia walks into the room) Much, much nicer, darlin'. (He runs his fingers through her ponytail) From now on, you're gonna wear those curls down on your shoulders. They look so much prettier that way. (More dark-blue light envelopes Emma's head. Her brown curls now spill around her narrow shoulders, held back by a single cream satin ribbon. Second Mike kisses her breasts lightly; she opens her mouth to moan, but can't) Much better.

(Shelia clears her throat as Second Mike's kisses make their way up her neck, to her lips.)

Second Mike: (Turns to Shelia) Oh, hi, Shelia. Didn't know you were there. (Makes a face) Can we have some privacy?

(Emma smiles dreamily again, her mouth parted and ready for the kiss.)

Shelia: *smirks* I'd thought you were getting food. No matter. I'll get myself something & let you... finish what you've started... for now. ;)

Second Mike: (nods) Thanks. (He strokes Emma's chest, now kissing her mouth, taking her forcefully in his arms.)

(She gasps soundlessly.)

*Shelia walks away, rolling her eyes. She goes into another room.*

(Shelia returns a while later to find Second Mike zippering his pants, smirking. Emma is clothed in the lace nightgown and robe, but she's panting, her eyes wide and a stupid smile on her face.)

Second Mike: (Grins) Not bad, if I do say so myself. ;) :D :X

Shelia: *evil smile* Now that you've gotten THAT out of your system... ;)

Second Mike: (Smirks) Who says I have? ;)

Shelia: Momentarily, then. ;)

Second Mike: Ok, Milady, what do you want? Somethin's up.

Shelia: I'd like to speak with the...young lady.

Second Mike: (Frowns) What about? I know she ain't your favorite person.

Shelia: All you need to know is that I won't hurt her. *grins evilly*

(Emma gets on her elbow, frowning at the two, her gray eyes darting from Shelia to Second Mike.)

Second Mike: (Crosses his arms) You really won't hurt her?

Shelia: Really. *raises an eyebrow*

Second Mike: (Makes a face) She'd BETTER not get hurt. I'm gonna get us both something to eat. If she's hurt in any way, I WILL find out a way to hurt YOU. :p X(

Shelia: Just give me a little time.

Second Mike: Fine. I'll be in the kitchen. (Picks up his shirt, leaving as he buttons it.)

(Emma scoots back a little on the bed, worried.)

Shelia: *turns from watching him leave & looks at Emma; smirks again* You seem afraid.

(Emma nods slowly.)

Shelia: I spoke the truth when I said I wouldn't hurt you. I would never do such a thing when there's such an...innocent soul involved. >:)

(Emma gulps and puts her hand on her stomach.)

Shelia: *nods* You should know well enough by now what I'm looking for. However, I still need some information.

(Emma shakes her head and touches her throat.)

Shelia: *smirks again* I don't need for you to be able to speak. It's more preferable on my ears this way. This will only require some soul reading. ;)

(Emma's eyes widen.)

Shelia: Now, if you don't mind... *moves closer*

(She scoots as far back on the bed as she can.)

Shelia: *glares* I WILL muddle you if I have to. :P

(Emma puts her hands over her chest, scared out of her wits.)

Shelia: Or I can freeze you like Michael did your friend. ;)

(She begins to cry, tears falling onto her breasts. She shakes her head velhemetly.)

*Shelia moves around the bed to get closer to Emma. She takes advantage of her sobbing & moves to place her hand.*

(Emma only cries harder and tries to move back, but there's nowhere else on the bed to go.)

Shelia: *places her hand on her chest under the satin nightgown, pulling the robe off and the straps down for easier access; the smirk returns* As I thought, you are full of fear.

(Emma nods sadly, still crying.)

Shelia: You're fearful of what I'll do to you and your child. Of what will happen to Mike.

(She nods again, gulping and sniffling.)

Shelia: You're afraid you won't be a good mother. That you & Mike won't be able to provide the child with as much as you would like to.

(Emma nods sadly again.)

Shelia: You also have some jealousy. You wish that you & Mike could be as good with your child as Micky & Lauren are with theirs.

(Emma nods violently.)

Shelia: You worry about the others. That something could always go wrong.

(Emma gulps, still crying, and tries to stand. Shelia gently pushes her back onto the bed.)

Shelia: This will go MUCH quicker if you stay still. I'm almost finished. ;) :P

(Emma looks toward the door, sniffling.)

Shelia: You want badly to be able to purchase that beach house you live in, but you're afraid you won't be able to because of the money, or that you won't be able to pay for the upkeep of the house.

(Emma nods, wiping her eyes.)

Shelia: You greatly admire your friends' house. ;)

Shelia: You're afraid of the band never making it & what will happen to your little group.

(Emma nods sadly.)

Shelia: Most important, you're terrified that Mike might leave you, either by choice...or because of me.

(That only sets off more tears. Emma nods, sobbing.)

Shelia: *removes her hand* Thank you for cooperating. ;)

(Emma runs her fingers down her body to indicate her plump body and round face...and then Shelia's long, lean ones.)

Shelia: *smirks* Yes. I understand THAT as well. *folds her arms* I DO have a way with the men. ;)

(Emma makes a face.)

Shelia: In more ways than one. ;)

(Emma glares at Shelia and pulls the straps back up and the robe back on. She points to herself, looking confused. She wants to know what Shelia will do with her now that she has all this information. She touches her throat again.)

Shelia: What to do with you. First, I am not returning your voice. I wish to keep that innocent soul within you safe. You, however, are expendable. My Knight is still rather infatuated with you. Maybe he & I could reach something of a compromise. *gives a "not likely to happen" smirk* ;)

(Emma's tear-stained eyes grow wide again. Second Mike walks in with a plate of sandwiches in one hand and Black Beauty in the other)

Second Mike: (Sees Emma's tears and puts the plate and the guitar down) Darlin'? What's wrong? What's got you upset? (Goes to her and takes his hand. She throws her arms around him, sobbing helplessly.)

*Shelia rolls her eyes.*

Second Mike: (Frowns at Shelia) She's really upset. What's goin' on? (She lets him go and touches her throat again) Maybe if I return her voice, she could tell me. I felt this funny burnin' in my gut....

(Shelia stops his hand before it reaches Emma's throat.)

Shelia: Don't.

Second Mike: (Glares) Why not?

(Emma nods eagerly.)

Shelia: *to Second Mike* You are here because of me. And who gave you your powers? She is here so that I could obtain some information & for that innocent soul she's carrying. You are here to help me with that. I want that soul & nothing and no one will stop me from getting it!

Second Mike: But....(she places her fingers against Second Mike's head. Emma watches, still wide-eyed.)

Shelia: Don't argue. :P

(Second Mike's black eyes begin to look glassy and vague as she rubs his temples.)

Second Mike: I will not argue with you, Milady.

Shelia: *smirks; stops rubbing* Much better.

(Emma watches in anger and horror. She indicates her throat again, then tugs Mike's shirt.)

Shelia: They just need to be reminded every once in a while. ;) :P

Second Mike: (Looks at Emma, shakes his head) Sorry, Em, but Milady says I can't give you your voice back. I have to do what she tells me.

(Emma puts her head in her hands, sobbing in horror.)

Second Mike: How do you want me to help you, Milady? I have brought you my wife. Do you wish for me to retrieve the others?

Shelia: *nods* Yes, I do. They can help us greatly in the collecting of souls.

Second Mike: All of them? The chicks, too? (Puts his arms around the sobbing Emma) There, there, Em. It'll be all right. I'll sing for you.

Shelia: Yes. I can use the women in other ways.

*Shelia groans at the word "sing."* ;)

(Second Mike pays Shelia's groan no mind. Emma continues sobbing, clutching Second Mike for dear life and pointing at Shelia.)

Second Mike: Yeah, that's the woman who gave me my powers, Em. You and I have to do what she says. The others will, too. (Looks at Shelia) What do you want the others for, anyway? How can they help collect souls? Pete and Dave ain't got the power Mick and I do. (Smirks)

(Emma looks at Second Mike in surprise at the tone he used to discuss his friends.)

Shelia: I wish to have Peter & Micky as soul collectors, while you & Davy will help me in other ways. The others can be given powers, based on what I want them to do.

Second Mike: (Looks at Emma, then Shelia) And the women....

(Emma looks at Shelia fearfully.)

Shelia: They will have their own job to do. ;)

(Emma shakes her head and buries it in Mike's chest.)

Second Mike: She's scared to death! Wish I knew what got her so upset.

Shelia: Give her some time. She'll be fine. *smirks*

Second Mike: (Hugs her) Come on, darlin'. It'll be ok. We're together. (He goes to Black Beauty and the food) Why don't we eat, and I'll play you a nice song? Will that make you happy?

(Emma nods, but she's still crying.)

Shelia: *groans* Oh, no...

Second Mike: (Makes a face) You can leave the room if you don't like it, Milady, but this is my profession. :p

(Emma smiles faintly at Mike's defiance.)

Shelia: Gladly. *turns & leaves the room* :P ;)

(Second Mike smiles and sits on the bed next to Emma, cross-legged.)

Second Mike: (Hands Emma a sandwich, which she bites into tentatively) I'm gonna play you one of my songs, darlin'. Maybe it'll put a smile on your face. :)

(Emma smiles briefly and vaguely before returning to the sandwich.)

(Second Mike accompanies himself playing "Of You." Shelia makes a face, listening outside the door, as the camera travels from the pair on the bed to her.)

Shelia: *grumbles; to herself* Little bitch is still trouble, even when pregnant. I want that soul she's carrying, and I would like to raise the child for the future. I have to do something with her. Mike won't pay any attention to me with her around...and I WANT him! X-( *tries to compose* Plus, I still have to get my hands on the others... *shakes her head* So many souls, so little time... *walks away as "Of You" ends* ;)

(And we cut from the long shot of Shelia walking down the hallway to the Cartwright Mansion, where the others are coming home from the Club Fairview. Everyone but Valerie carries backpacks and small suitcases. Lauren and Micky have the twins and their diaper bag along with a bag of their own clothes.)

(The door of the living room where Mike sleeps is ajar. Valerie opens it, lets the others in, and closes it, locking it behind her. Original Mike sits in the forcefield, looking haggard, frightened, and helpless.)

Original Mike: (Very quietly) Em's in danger.

Lauren: *frowns* No kidding.

Original Mike: I just know. Don't ask me how. It's like a sixth sense. I felt it even before I...felt her bein' muddled. She must have been muted, too. My throat was sore for a while. :(

Micky: *after he & Lauren settled the twins down & he drops the bag; walks over to the forcefield & touches it, it disappears; sighs* We'll get her, Mike.

Peter: (Gulps) Oh, Michael, they DID take her! :( :((

Original Mike: The other me, right?

Lauren: Yeah. :P

Original Mike: What does he want with Em?

Daphne: (Angrily) The same thing Zero wanted from Lauren when she was pregnant - her kid's souls. :p X(

Davy: I think it's more than that, though. It seems to be a thing wit' all these doubles we keep runnin' into. Didn't Sir Robert in the Land of Sunshine and Beauty 'ave a...thing...about Em, too?

Peter: And I think Sir George liked Lauren! :)

*Micky groans.* :P

Original Mike: (Nods slowly) And the Purple Flower Gang....that asshole George wanted Lauren in the worst way, and Hal sure seemed to like Valerie.

Davy: I'm sure me double would 'ave gone aftah Daphne if she'd been in the area at the time. :p

Daphne: (Grins wickedly) Well, if he's anything like you... ;)

(Davy makes a face and elbows her as she giggles.)

(Peter takes Valerie protectively.)

Original Mike: (Gulps) What are we going to do? He...he wants....HER, doesn't he? Her, the Pad, my songs, He still has my communicator, Black Beauty, and the MonkeeMobile. :(

Micky: *nods* That seems to be it, exactly. It ain't gonna work, though. We can get that stuff back, too.

Original Mike: She wants him to replace me, so he can collect souls for her...including our firstborn child's.

Peter: (Softly) She wants Emma's child. Not just its soul.

Micky: What we need is a brilliant idea...

Valerie: Don't forget we have Marcovich to deal with, too. You guys said he was working on some machines and drugs I suspect are highly illegal....and I doubt his spy activities would count as legal, either.

Davy: But wot can we do about Marcovich? We're just kids!

Valerie: (Slowly grins) WE may not be able to handle Marcovich on our own....but I know who CAN. (Goes to a phone and dials a number) Hello, operator? (Grins) Oh, hi, Myrt. Just get me the CIS, and fast. We'll talk about your sister's bladder problems later.

Original Mike: (Makes a face) The CIS?

Valerie: Also known as our friendly local spy-catchers. ;)

Original Mike: (Makes a face) They're incompetant asses.

Micky: But they just might actually be able to help.

Original Mike: Remember how well they "helped" the last two times they recruited us?

Davy: Maybe 'Oneywell ain't workin' for 'em anymore. ;)

Peter: He must not be, Davy. I haven't seen any secret cameras lately.

Daphne: Oooh, a real spy agency, like in the James Bond movies!

Micky: Think we could GET James Bond? ;)

Davy: I wondah if I could ask the CIS for a copy of my smashin' on-the-spot performance of "Swanee Rivah?" ;)

Daphne: (Chuckles) Wish I could have seen THAT! ;)

Micky: No, you don't... ;)

Davy: I was brilliant that aftahnoon, luv. ;) (Makes a face at Micky) At least I didn't think that guy was a shoemakah! :p

*Micky sticks his tongue out.* ;)

Peter: I REALLY lead him on. I pretended I didn't know what demonstrations were. Of COURSE I know! I've been to a few anti-war ones. ;)

Original Mike: (Smiles faintly) He asked the wrong person about politics. MY answer weren't no lie. ;)

Valerie: Should I ask?

Peter: Davy bought a set of maracas that had a secret microfilm canister in them a few years ago and the CIS asked us to help them catch the spies who wanted it!

Daphne: Did you?

Davy: (Makes a face) Got one of them. Don't know wot 'appened to the othah. :p

Peter: I wonder if Madame Orinsky went to Argentina or Red China?

Original Mike: (Smirks) Pete, I think the only place she ended up goin' was a Chinese slammer. ;)

Micky: I hope our film was a hit. ;)

Davy: Wot?

Mike: (Big crooked grin) I grabbed one of the films Mick made of us goofin' around on the beach and swapped it for the microfilm. The microfilm, as far as I know, is still in the hands of the US government. Red China got to have the fun of watchin' us play "Let's Make a Movie." ;)

Davy: (He and Daphne nearly fall over laughing) I'll bet they LOVED it! ;) :D

Daphne: Mike, that was brilliant!

Lauren: Good job. ;)

Peter: I always WONDERED what happened to that film of us on the beach...

Valerie: (Nods) The CIS is on their way...with their head man, no less.

Original Mike: I'd better make myself presentable. (Rubs his stomach) And the last thing I ate was that gingerbread muffin this morning. :p

(Original Mike runs a hand over himself. There's a dark blue light, and he's now dressed in his brown suit, shaved, and topped with his beloved sunglasses.)

Original Mike: (Grins) There, now I'm me again. (Makes a face) I only wish Em could see me... :(

Valerie: (She's on the phone again) I'm going to call the kitchen for some dinner for all of us, including the kids. What are the babies eating these days? :)

Original Mike: Besides everything. ;)

Micky: Funny. :P Anything soft, that won't make a huge mess if spit back out. :P

Lauren: *grins* Yeah, Mick seems to have a bullseye on his face when it comes to the kids' feeding time. ;)

(Everyone chuckles at that.)

Valerie: Would soft-boiled egg and bread do? :)

Micky: Perfect. :P

(Valerie talks on the phone. Micky and Lauren sit on the couch, holding the kids.)

Daphne: Are they sitting up yet?

Micky: Oh, yeah... I've already caught little Mick trying to escape the crib. ;)

(Everyone laughs at that.)

Original Mike: Yup, he's a Dolenz, straight through. ;)

Peter: (Frowns) Michael, your light was dark blue. I thought Shelia only gave the angry Mike powers.

Original Mike: (Makes a face) Peter, as I tried to tell my...other side...this afternoon, we're the same person, just not in the same body at the moment. What happens to him happens to me. He can't escape me, no matter how hard he tries. He even loves Em as much as I do.

Peter: (He can see his friend's crestfallen face) We'll get her back, Mike. We're her friends, too.

Lauren: Darn right!

Original Mike: (Sits on the chair) I'm just so worried. How are we going to get her back and put me back together? We can't live this way, no matter what my...other part...thinks.

Micky: There has to be some way. Maybe when we get Em back, she can do it...

Original Mike: (Makes a face) I'll bet that's another reason Shelia wants Em. She KNOWS she has the power to make me whole again.

(Valerie puts the phone down.)

Valerie: Goodness, Sophie CAN talk! And it sounds like she's sending half the kitchen up here. :)

Davy: (Grins) Remembah, we've got Mick AND 'is kids 'ere. Bettah send the whole kitchen. ;)

Micky: And I'm hungry! ;)

Lauren: Val, I'm sorry if we eat you out of house & home. ;)

Valerie: (Grins) That's ok, Chrissy has a big appetite, too, and Sophie indulges her. She plays a lot of sports, and she's a growing girl. ;) :)

Valerie: How ARE the kids these days? (Takes Shelly in her arms - Peter takes little Micky) Other than hungry. ;)

Lauren: Growing like weeds. ;)

Micky: Little Mick is gonna be really good at wrecking stuff. You should see him with a pile of blocks set in front of him. One swipe & they're all over the place! ;)

Davy: (Laughs) DEFINATELY a Dolenz. ;)

Original Mike: Remind me to give them little drums and tambourines for their birthdays. ;)

Lauren: Shelly just wants to get her hands into everything! *shakes her head* She's still got me considering cutting my hair shorter just so I can KEEP my hair. ;)

Valerie: (Pulls her ponytail away from Shelly) I know what you mean. :p

Micky: You covered up that bald spot very nicely, babe. *grins* ;)

Peter: Little Micky's being good! :)

Lauren: *whaps the back of Micky's head* Very funny! :P

(Fortuantly for Micky's head, Albert and two younger men wheel in a tray full of sandwiches of all kinds, juice, coffee, scrambled eggs, a bowl of fruit, and a silver bowl of soft-boiled eggs for the babies with little silver spoons to feed them. :) )

Albert: Dinner is served, ladies and gentlemen. Enjoy your party. ;)

Valerie: (Sighs as Albert and the houseboys leave) He STILL thinks we're having wild origies in here. :p

Original Mike: Oh, man, am I starved! (Grabs a roast beef sandwich and shoves it in his mouth)

Daphne: Hey, save some for the rest of us!

Micky: *eyes widen* Hey, man, even I remember to chew! ;)

Original Mike: (With his mouth full) YOU'VE eaten today! I haven't eaten since this morning! :p

Lauren: I don't remember asking for "see food." ;) :P

*Micky laughs.* ;)

Davy: Well, wot are you all starin' at? Let's get some vittles!

(Original Mike opens his mouth to show a half-chewed roast beef sandwich.)

Valerie: Mike, stop that. That's disgusting.

*Micky picks up a turkey sandwich & takes a bite. He chews a few times, then taps Lauren's arm to get her attention... & opens his mouth when she turns.* ;)

Peter: I wish Em was here. She's good at controlling Mike when he's in his weird moods. ;) :P

Lauren: Oh, great! Now, Mick's doing it! :P

Original Mike: (Swallows his roast beef sandwich and reaches for another one) Pete, you ain't the only one. I just hope that creaton other half of mine ain't done nuthin' to her. :p X(

(Albert reappears as the rest of the kids sit down to their dinners and Lauren starts to prepare the babies to eat theirs.)

Albert: A Chief Inspector Honeywell of the CIS here to see you, Miss Valerie. (Frowns) What does he want here? I know the CIS' activites involve spying...

Valerie: We'll explain later, Albert. Just bring the CIS men up here.

Original Mike: (Nearly chokes on his sandwich - Peter slaps him in the back) CHIEF INSPECTOR?

Davy: That guy?

Micky: Oh, good grief!

Peter: He talked to a popsickle!

Daphne: (Raises her eyebrows) He did WHAT?

Peter: He talked to a popsickle! We saw him!

Davy: Tried some 'idden camera stuff wit' us that weren't very 'idden, too. ;)

Micky: Those hidden cameras weren't hidden at all. :P ;)

Original Mike: It's not like Chief Inspector Blount was all that much smarter. :p

(Albert comes up with Honeywell. He looks a little older, but other than that, remains largely unchanged from his first appearance in "The Spy Who Came In From the Cool." With him is a much younger man, more like Davy's age. He's obviously nervous, writing in a pad and gazing around him quickly.)

Honeywell: Hi there, kids. Long time, no see.

Valerie: (Nods) Hello, Chief Inspector.

Original Mike: How did YOU become Chief Inspector?

Peter: You talk to popsickles!

Micky: You don't know how to hide hidden cameras.

Honeywell: (Makes a face) I've gotten several promotions since then. My men now mostly deal with the field work.

Original Mike: What, because you can't record a confession to save your life?

Honeywell: Look, we know you kids' records in the past.

Original Mike: You know, we almost got KILLED goin' after Dragonman for Inspector Blount!

Micky: And I do NOT particularly like Chinese ice torture. :P

(Peter whimpers at the mention of Chinese Ice Torture. Valerie puts her arms around him.)

Honeywell: If you'd listened to our men in the first place and let us protect you more, you wouldn't have lost your friends. :p

Honeywell: I'm not here to discuss old times, though. Miss Cartwright said you have some information on a Dr. Marcovich....

Peter: He's doing spy stuff again! :p

Honeywell: How did you gain this information?

(Daphne, Davy, Micky, and Lauren exchange looks.)

Micky: Lucky guess?

Davy: Would you believe a very long story?

Honeywell: We've long believed SOMEONE is leaking information on mind control, with machines and drugs, to foreign companies. We thought we caught the folks who were doing it, but it seems they have assigned someone else now.

Original Mike: (Nods) Marcovich is doin' it.

Honeywell: Dr. Ivan Marcovich? He was arrested two years ago for spy activities and kidnapping, but was recently out on parole.

Davy: Seems 'e's returned to the game.

Original Mike: (Nods) I know all about the mind control. He and his...assistant...did it to me.

(Honeywell gets closer to the kids eating at the table, between Shelly and Little Micky's high chairs.)

Micky: *grins* That is NOT a safe place to stand... ;)

Honeywell: Look, we trust you kids. You've worked with us twice in the past. If what you say is true, we're going to need your cooperation again.

Peter: (Wails) I don't want to end up in that lab again! :((

Original Mike: Marcovich's assistant brought me and Pete to the lab and...experimented...on us.

Honeywell: (Makes a face) Working on human subjects again?

Original Mike: (Puts his head in a palm, then mutters) You don't know the half of it, pal. :(

Honeywell: All we're going to need is someone to get the real, true facts about what's going on in there.

(Lauren and Mick are feeding the kids now, and it's very slow...and messy...going. Everyone else is finishing eating.)

Micky: *trying to get little Micky to NOT take the spoon* Who gets to be the unlucky volunteer this time? ;)

Honeywell: You could all do it. We'll send men to back you up.

Original Mike: I'm goin'.

Davy: I'm willin' to help.

Daphne: Me too!

Micky: *as little Micky takes the spoon; sighs* I'll go.

Lauren: *as Shelly grabs at her hair again* I'll help... ow! :P

Honeywell: Grabby kids, aren't they?

*Micky just gives Honeywell a look, then raises an eyebrow.* ;)

Valerie: Maybe we should all go.

Peter: But Valerie....

Valerie: I've got Dad backing us. He could get the equipment, whatever we need.

Peter: It's not that, Val, it's just...

Valerie: You're scared, honey. I know. (Brushes his long, almost shoulder-length gold hair) I'm going to be here, though, and so will Mike...our Mike...and everyone else. We'll protect you.

Peter: Oh, Valerie....(he just puts his arms around her; she holds him, rubbing his back)

Honeywell: It's settled, then. We'll go after them tomorrow. (Nods at the young man, who's been scribbling the whole time) My assistant, Donald Broderick, will go with you. He may be young, but he's highly intelligent and very good at gaining information in a short time.

(Donald Broderick nods his head at the group, then scribbles again.)

Davy: Shouldn't we plan some kind of strategy?

Daphne: Let's NAIL that jerk! :p

Lauren: I like that strategy! ;)

Honeywell: As much as I'd love to do that, young lady, I'm afraid it would give away our cover. He could flee, become violent, or turn his experiments on us.

(Peter whimpers more.)

Original Mike: Maybe WE could do the recordin' this time.

Honeywell: What do you mean?

Micky: *mutters* He means so it won't get botched up this time... ;)

Davy: they'll be more witnesses to the information that comes through.

Honeywell: (Nods, then makes a face at Micky) That makes sense.

Honeywell: Does Marcovich have any assistants, or is he alone?

Mike: He has one head assistant, a woman named Shelia Saunders.

*Micky fights with little Micky over the spoon again...* ;)

(The spoon flies out of Micky's hand. The spoon ends up on the floor; the eggs land on Honeywell's nice suit. ;) )

Micky: *snorts* Oops... sorry! :))

(Everyone snorts, trying to hide their laughter. Broderick takes a handkerchief out of his pocket and hands it to his boss, who proceeds to clean it off, a little annoyed.)

Honeywell: Let's talk strategy...(moves to a chair across the room)...where it's safer. :p

Davy: Could we 'ave more 'elp this time, too...and ON time?

Micky: Who know what they're doing?

Original Mike: You could have men surround the buildin', just in case Marcovich and Saunders catch on and try somethin' nasty. :p

Honeywell: That's a good idea. We have some men in this area who just rounded up a den of spies who were sending vital medical information to Eastern Europe. They would be perfect to help you with Dr. Marcovich.

Peter: Watch out for Shelia! She's mean, and she can muddle!

Daphne: She's a bitch on wheels, and she'll try anything to get what she wants.

Lauren: And we mean ANYTHING. :P

Davy: Proceed wit' extreme caution, and DON'T get within reach of 'er fingahs! :p

Original Mike: Or let her corner you. (Makes a face)

Micky: Or let her talk you into believing something that ain't true. :P

Honeywell: We'll take your word for it. (nods - Broderick writes again)

Honeywell: As musicians, you would have knowlege of recording and recording equipment. You'd probably be better at handling this sort of thing than even me.

Micky: *mutters* Think we've proven that already... :P

Valerie: Here's an idea. Some of us could distract any other "assistants" or technicians that happen to be around, and some of us could record Marcovich and Saunders.

Original Mike: I wanna record.

Micky: I'll distract! ;)

Lauren: Goes without saying, Mick. ;)

Daphne: I'm a distracter, too. ;)

(Everyone chuckles at Lauren and Mick as they finish feeding the kids.)

Valerie: Peter and I will record with Mike.

Peter: (Grins) I like recording! It's fun to make records. :D

Original Mike: Pete, we ain't makin' records. We're tapin' any evidence Shelia and Marcovich might be admittin' to.

Peter: We're still recording, and Shelia said she's a singer. :D

Valerie: I doubt she'd sing for us, though. ;)

*Micky makes a face.* :P

Davy: I'll go wit' the distractahs. Keep 'em outta trouble, and it'll probably take more people to distract than to record.

Honeywell: Broderick will go with the recorders.

(Broderick nods and returns to scribbling.)

Honeywell: I'll be with the men keeping an eye on the area. We'll give you all walky-talkies. If ANYTHING happens to you, and we mean ANYTHING, call us right away.

Davy: Oh, don't worry, we've learned our lesson on THAT!

Peter: Even WE need help every now and then!

Honeywell: Look, kids, I really appreciate you volunteering this information.

Original Mike: If it catches Marcovich and Saunders, it's worth all the info we can give you, Honeywell, and then some.

Honeywell: How about 10 o'clock for our first meeting? That's when most labs around the city open for the day.

Original Mike: (nods) They're at the old electronics warehouse on La Jolla Boulevard, near the LA city line.

Honeywell: (Frowns) No wonder we haven't found him since his release. That area's all warehouses, and his main office is in downtown LA. He's hidden his activities very well.

Davy: No kiddin'.

Honeywell: (Watches Micky and Lauren burp and rock two sleepy babies) I'll let you all get the little ones to bed. Broderick and I will meet you all at the end of La Jolla Boulevard at 10 o'clock sharp tomorrow. We'll meet near the old, abandoned Lux Soap warehouse. It hasn't been used in years, and no one would notice us there. And (genuine warmth and gratefulness in his spectacled eyes) thanks again, kids. You don't know what this means to me...and to your country. (Broderick nods in agreement. The two of them leave the room. Valerie shuts the door after them.)

Valerie: Maybe we'd all better be getting to bed. It's late. I think the kids have the right idea. :)

Peter: I don't think Honeywell is so bad. :)

Davy: Just ain't very good at 'is job. :p

Micky: I'm with Dave on that one. ;)

Lauren: He means well, at least. :)

Peter: He really DOES want to help his country.

Davy: I'm from England, and I STILL want to 'elp. Marcovich 'as hurt Petah and Mike and probably othahs...and need we go into what Shelia is?

Micky: We don't have enough time left in this story to go into that list, Dave. ;)

Valerie: Speaking of Shelia, maybe we'd better keep the other Mike and Emma's abduction out of this. I suspect that's completely separate from Marcovich's activities.

Daphne: Marcovich may not even know about Em.

(Original Mike puts his head in his hands, his face contorted in total agony. Peter puts his arm around his hurting friend.)

Original Mike: Guys, I felt...a burnin' in my chest earlier. I think Em had her soul read. I...I'm never going to see her again... (he starts to sob)

Micky: Awe, Mike, c'mon, don't talk like that!

Peter: He's so upset...and he's still not quite right, either. :(

Original Mike: I don't FEEL right. I don't feel like fightin' anymore. I still hurt all over, like I really WAS cut in half. :p

Micky: It's your soul that was probably cut in half. *makes a face* That's your fighting side that's out there. :P

Original Mike: And you guys get the scared failure. :( :p

Micky: Now, that's not true!

Peter: No, you're not, Mike! You're not a failure! You survived everything that happened today, didn't you?

Original Mike: Y...yeah....

Peter: Mike, Emma LOVES you! We all love you! I admire you more than almost anyone else on Earth! You're always so strong and smart. You know the right thing to do.

Original Mike: Not THIS time. I'm afraid...I'm afraid my other side is right. :( H...he told me...I was a scaredy cat....always afraid of losin' everything. Afraid of losin' Em. He was gonna take everythin' from me....

Peter: We won't LET him!

Micky: Not if we have anything to do with it! X-(

Daphne: You'd better believe it! X(

Valerie: Mike, you have to believe in yourself. Believe in your love for Emma.

Original Mike: I'm so afraid for her. All I want to do is hold her and promise I'll never argue with her again. (Grins briefly) Today. ;)

Micky: *grins* Now that's better. ;)

Original Mike: Shelia wants our kid. If she gets our kid, what will she do to Em...or the kid, for that matter? :(

Original Mike: I want to be a father...and I want Em to be my child's mother.

Micky: *shakes his head* No way is Shelia getting her way in this! X-(

Peter: (Rubs his friend's back) Just remember, Mike. WE'RE always here for you. We care about you. We don't think you're a scaredy-cat.

Valerie: With everything you've gone through, I'd call you normal. :p

Original Mike: How can I lead when I'm so afraid? I'm no leader. I never was.

Daphne: You're a GREAT leader, Mike!

Original Mike: Oh, yeah, I'm such a great leader, I went to a shady audition, got my damn soul split, and lost my wife and unborn child, all in one day. :p :(

Micky: Yeah, that sounds familiar, Mike. :P Man, don't DO this to yourself. Everything will be okay.

Peter: You've got US! :d

Original Mike: I'm just scared. I want Em back. I miss her so badly, and the thought of her in his arms is makin' me sick all over again.

Valerie: Maybe you'll feel better if you go to bed. (Nods and stands) We'll ALL go to bed. We've all had a very long and trying day, and we're going to have another long one tomorrow.

Valerie: Micky and Lauren, you can have Matilda's old rooms next to the nurseries. :)

Micky: *nods* Thanks, Val. :)

Peter: Would you like to share a room with me, Michael? Maybe it would make you feel better to have someone close by tonight. :)

Original Mike: (Nods) Yeah, it might, Pete. Thanks. :)

Davy: Daphne and I will....

Daphne: No, we won't, David Jones! I want a room on the other side of the house from him and his prying eyes!

*Micky laughs.*

Valerie: How about on the other side of the hallway? I want to keep you all close to each other on the nursery wing. Chrissy and Matilda have the whole floor under you. :)

Daphne: (Grumbles) Not far enough, but it'll have to do. :p

Davy: And wot's wrong wit' me, luv?

Daphne: The last thing I need is someone staring at my chest first thing in the morning like it's a steak and he's a hungry coyote. ;) :P

Davy: Now wait just a minute, luv, that's not faih! :p

Lauren: THAT sounds familiar... ;)

(The boys chuckle, recalling how Micky had acted around Lauren shortly before they were married. ;) )

Micky: *slumps down* Oh, man... :">

Daphne: Hormones must be catching. :p

(Davy just mutters in annoyance.)

Valerie: (Yawns) I think we'd all better get to bed, before we start drooling over nothing at all. ;)

Peter: Are you going to sleep in our wing, Valerie?

Valerie: No, but my rooms are only a few minute's walk from the nursery wing. Just call me if you need me, ok, honey?

Peter: (Nods) Sure, Val. :) (She kisses him on the cheek and goes to open the door. He looks dreamy :X )

Original Mike: (Waves his hand in front of Peter's face) Yoo-hoo, Pete? You in there?

Davy: Reminds me of when 'e first met Val. ;)

Micky: He's gone. ;)

Daphne: I think those two are too cute. ;) :X

Valerie: (Takes Peter's arm) Come on, honey. Let's go to bed.

Peter: (Nods) Uh-huh. (He's still grinning dreamily)

Valerie: Separately, of course. ;)

Peter: (Nods dreamily again) Uh-huh. :X (Valerie just sighs)

Valerie: Follow me, everyone. I'll show you to your rooms.

(Everyone picks up their bags and follows Valerie. Micky and Lauren gather the kids. Original Mike picks up the diaper bag.)

Original Mike: (Weak smile) Might as well get practice carryin' this. :)

Micky: Good idea. ;)

Original Mike: (Softly; to himself) Oh, Em, I hope you're ok...and our kid... (He gulps, then smiles again) Hey, guys, wait up! (He heads out the door as the camera fades out on the remains of the impromptu dinner)