Part 2

And, are the remaining boys ready?

Davy: Yeah!

Peter: Where's Michael? :o :((

Micky: Am I late for something? ;)

Um, long story, Pete. You'll find out soon...

(Ok, so Shelia and Second Mike are, quite literally, on the table. ;) )

Second Mike: How can you help me?

Shelia: Powers. You have, by my standards, a medium level of powers. I could heighten those, giving you unimaginable powers! You could do ANYTHING you want. ;)

Second Mike: (Softly) Heighten them...yes...

Shelia: *smirks* You like that. I knew you would.

Mike: Like Micky's....

Shelia: Exactly! Would you like to give them a try?

(Second Mike just nods slowly.)

Shelia: Very good. *points to one end of the room* See that chair? Something simple to start with. Merely concentrate on the chair & do anything you want with it.

Second Mike: (Nods) Ok. (Stares at the chair. It lifts up a little and starts shaking left to right. He grins) That's all it takes? Just to look?

Shelia: That's all it takes. Try something else. Be imaginative. ;)

(Second Mike grins. There's a dark blue light, and Shelia now wears a very long...and rather revealing...ball gown.)

Shelia: You are GOOD! *smirks* Better than Micky. And you have good taste. ;)

Second Mike: (Smirks) Micky's got terrible taste. You should see some of the crap he wears when Lauren ain't lookin'. ;)

Shelia: I can imagine. ;)

Second Mike: (Chuckles) When she finds out about those stripped pants.... ;)

Shelia: *smirks* I don't want to know. *pauses* Is there anything else you'd like to try?

Second Mike: (Grins wickedly) Got anything in mind? ;) >:)

Shelia: You're the one with the new powers. Try them out... play around with them. ;) Then I'll let you in on my plan.

Second Mike: (Grins) Sure! (Looks around - the room is only a chair or two and the table) This place is sorta bare, isn't it? We need some color. (Concentrates - a whole roomful of plants and colorful tropical flowers appear) That's better. Reminds me of some of Pete's shirts. You have to wear sunglasses just to LOOK at that boy sometimes! ;)

Second Mike: (Pulls off one of the flowers and hands it to Shelia) For you, Milady.

Shelia: *smiles* Thank you, my Knight. That was excellent! Say... how would you like to show off these powers?

Second Mike: (Quirks an eyebrow) How? (Nods at the door) And what about the other me? Does he have these powers, too? He IS me....(confused)...I think.

Shelia: He is you, in a way. *shakes her head* No, he doesn't have the powers, but you know, I'm willing to say he'd wish he did. Why don't you show him what you can do?

Second Mike: (Grins) I don't think he's too bright. Is that how come you took me instead of him? ;)

Shelia: *smiles* Exactly. I want a smart man. ;)

Second Mike: You got one, darlin'. (Nods at the door) Let's show my other half what the new Michael Nesmith can do.

Shelia: Let's!

Second Mike: (Concentrates - the plants disappear and Shelia now wears her lab coat again) Ain't gonna explain that to the boss man. ;)

Shelia: Good thinking. ;)

(Second Mike takes Shelia's arm. She unlocks the door, and the two walk out. The four lab technicians are scattered through the room. Marcovich is nowhere to be found.)

Lab Technician 1: Dr M went to his office, Miss Saunders. He wanted to take down everything he got out of this guy.

Shelia: *nods* Very good.

Original Mike: (Gulps) What are you going with me? Both mes?

Second Mike: (Smirks) I dunno. What are we gonna do with him, Milady?

Shelia: I'm going to leave that up to you. ;)

Original Mike: (Eyes widen) Milady? Micky called Shelia that....(gasps)...NO! Not again!

Shelia: *smirks; to original Mike* Ah, you're smarter than you look. ;)

Second Mike: She gave ME the powers, scaredy-cat, NOT you.

Shelia: *to second Mike* Why don't show him what you can do?

Original Mike: (As Second Mike advances) You can't! There's witnesses! (Indicates the lab technicians, who watch with interest)

Shelia: Maybe they won't remember anything. *smirks*

Lab Technician 2: What's goin' on?

Shelia: Just more tests, that's all.

Second Mike: Yeah. Just more tests.

Original Mike: No! Don't you see what she's doin'? She's foolin' ya, just like she fooled Mick!

Shelia: Don't listen to him. He's jealous of you & what I gave you!

Second Mike: Who's the one layin' on that table, and who's the one standin', with powers beyond even what Mick has? I'd say you don't know what you're talkin' about.

Original Mike: But...I'm YOU. You're me! We're the same person!

Shelia: Right now, however, you're two separate people.

Second Mike: And I'm gonna take my share. I'm tired of bein' told my music ain't good enough, my writin' ain't good enough. I'm tired of spendin' my life scared and worried, wonderin' where next month's rent is comin' from.


Second Mike: (Looks at Shelia) What do you think? He's been muted before. He hates it when he ain't got control.

Shelia: *nods* And it would be preferable now. Why don't you try it? ;)

Original Mike: You do, too. You're me! You....

(Even as he speaks these words, Second Mike goes to him and rubs his fingers against his throat. There's a dark blue light. Original Mike opens his mouth to scream, but nothing comes out. He glares fearfully at the pair.)

Shelia: *smirks approvingly* Excellent.

Second Mike: Ain't gonna keep goin' on about how we're the same person now.

Shelia: You are FAR from being the same person.

(He runs his fingers across Original Mike's hands, caressing them.)

Second Mike: He loves playin' Black Beauty. That thing's like his child. Maybe (squeezes his hands hard - Original Mike cringes) we ought to fix it so he can't play no more, can't lead the band. He plays the organ, too.

Shelia: Whatever you wish, my Knight.

Lab Technician 3: What are you DOIN' to the guy?

Lab Technician 4: He's scared shitless!

Shelia: I told you, more tests. Now be quiet. :P

Lab Technician 3: Are you hurtin' him?

(Second Mike keeps squeezing Original Mike's fingers. His mouth opens to scream, but no sound comes out. A dark blue light surrounds Original Mike's fingers and hands.)

Shelia: It's merely visual. *smirks* ;)

(Original Mike cringes as Second Mike drops his limp hands.)

Second Mike: (As Original Mike struggles) He can't use his hands no more. No more Black Beauty, no more organ, no more cuddlin' his little wife.

Shelia: Yes...

Lab Technician 1: How did the other guy learn to do THAT?

Shelia: It's a simple matter of knowing where the nerves are. ;)

(Second Mike runs his hands along Original Mike's face.)

Second Mike: Ain't there a way to make him look less like me? It's kinda spooky, lookin' at a weaker version of yourself.

(Original Mike glares at his other half.)

Shelia: Give it a try & see what happens.

(Second Mike concentrates on the original Mike. His head is surrounded by a dark blue light. When it fades, his head is now entirely wrapped with dark, heavy cloth. Only a small rectangle where his nose is breaks the cloth, allowing Original Mike to breathe.)

Second Mike: He makes a better mummy than a Nesmith. (Smirks; Original Mike shifts uneasily)

Lab Technician 3: I don't like this.

Shelia: Fantastic!

Second Mike: You know, I have a great idea of how to take care of these meddlin' lab assistants. You did it to me once.

Shelia: Be my guest.

Second Mike: Why don't we REALLY make them part of the lab?

Lab Technician 3: What do you mean?

Second Mike: By all means. You take two, and I'll take two. ;)

Shelia: Thank you! ;)

(Second Mike concentrates on two of the lab technicians. A blue light surrounds them. When it subsides, their coats are on the floor. One is a rabbit, the other is a mouse.)

Second Mike: (Picks them both up) Cute, ain't they? ;)

*Shelia concentrate of her two. One becomes a kitten, the other a hamster.*

Shelia: *picks up both* They are very cute. ;)

Second Mike: Where do you wanna put them? Keep 'em here, or let 'em loose? We'll tell Dr. M. they went home. I'm sure he could find more lab boys.

Shelia: *nods* I'm sure. Let them loose. ;)

(Second Mike nods. There's a dark blue light. When it subsides, the four animals are gone.)

Second Mike: They're outside now.

Shelia: Very good. That will take care of them nicely.

(Original Mike struggles, turning his wrapped head this way and that.)

Second Mike: What are we gonna do with him? Dr. M probably wants him for more testing. I'm him now. I'm gonna be makin' love with his little wife tonight. MY wife.

(Original Mike shifts, trying to pull his arms free.)

Shelia: I have no problem with letting Marcovich do more tests on him.

Shelia: YOUR wife is exactly right. *smirks*

(Original Mike shakes his head.)

Second Mike: Oh, but she is. I'm you now. I'm gonna be leadin' the band, workin' with the cars, sellin' the songs, consolin' Pete when he starts bawlin', takin' care of that innocent child when it arrives.

(Original Mike struggles weakly again)

Shelia: All without the worries & fears. ;)

Second Mike: (Leans over Original Mike's bound head) I ain't gonna be worryin' 'bout all the things you do. I'll sell my songs. I'll be a good father. I'll be a good leader.

(Original Mike turns his wrapped head from the sound of his double's voice.)

Second Mike: (Leans very close to his head and hisses where his ear probably is under the wrappings) And I'll be a good husband. Em's gonna love ME from now on. No more arguin' with her or lettin' her down.

*Shelia smirks.*

(He grins, pulling Orignal Mike's shirt farther down his shoulders, revealing his chest and sides. He runs a beam of red light down Original Mike's side. Original Mike jerks in his bonds. He runs a blue light down the other side. He jerks wildly again. He then switches sides, watching his double's body jerk every time a beam hits it.)

Second Mike: You like that? Hot on one side, cold on the other, then do it the other way. (Smirks)

Shelia: Amazing...

Second Mike: (Hisses into Original Mike's ear) You're scared of these powers, double. You don't like that you can't control them, that you don't know more about them. Well, guess what? (Leans close to the wrapped head and whispers wickedly) I'm not afraid of them. I ain't some pansy mama's boy who's scared of his own shadow.

(Original Mike's body slumps, and he turns his head away from the pair.)

Second Mike: Don't think he'll be much of a problem. He's so scared, he don't know WHAT to do. He ain't no leader, that's for sure. ;)

Shelia: Excellent. You've done more than well. ;)

Second Mike: (Nods) Thanks, Milady.

Second Mike: So, now what did you have in mind? I would like to go get Em.

(Original Mike pulls slightly at his bonds.)

Second Mike: (Wickedly) MY wife.

Shelia: Ah, yes, of course! *pauses* I am still interested in Peter's innocent soul....

Mike: (Grins wickedly) Pete's my best friend. He'll believe anything I say.

Mike: And I miss Em.

Shelia: You'll get to see her. Definitely. ;)

Second Mike: You said somethin' 'bout a plan....

(Original Mike struggles a little again.)

Shelia: And that is exactly what we've already begun to put in place. The main part of the plan is to get Peter's innocent soul. That is what I really want. ;)

Second Mike: Whaddya want with Pete, anyway? Other than his soul.

Shelia: I am still a collector of souls. I have never seen a human quite like Peter. It is mainly his innocence, but also his intelligence. It is very tough to find one like him. Plus, Uncle never did get his contract fulfilled... ;)

Second Mike: Yeah, Zero messed up on that one. Peter doesn't care about fame. He just wants to play music.

Shelia: And he would not have messed that up had he listened to me... but this is where you come in. You have the important role of bringing Peter to me.

Second Mike: How am I gonna do that?

(Original Mike struggles, his head turning from side to side.)

Shelia: You should be able to trick him easily. Just think up something he'll follow you along on & lure him to me.

Second Mike: Pete'll know somethin's up. He can feel other people's emotions and see "auras," or somethin' that tells him how a person is feelin'. He'll know I ain't quite right.

Shelia: And that is where your new powers come in. You can use them in any way to either decieve his ability to "feel" or you could turn him into something. It doesn't matter.

Second Mike: (Nods) Right. (Frowns) What about my communicator and Black Beauty?

Second Mike: And Mick was supposed to meet me here. He'll DEFINATELY know somethin's up.

Shelia: I still have them, waiting for you... their new owner.

Second Mike: (Nods, grinning) Damn right.

Shelia: I wouldn't be so sure about Micky. Just come up with a cover. ;)

Second Mike: And HIS powers...

Shelia: You can combat them, no problem. ;)

Second Mike: He's scared shitless of HIS powers, too. Didn't like how he was given them or what he did with them when he got them. He can be a damn coward sometimes, Mick.

(Original Mike shifts in his bonds.)

Shelia: A shame, really. He used his powers VERY well. I would still like to try to get him as a collector again, but there's that damn wife of his... ;) :P

Second Mike: Sorry, Milady, but they're inseperable. Mick's crazy about Lauren, and Lauren's crazy about Mick - AND they have those kids now.

Shelia: Such innocent souls, the two children. I am working on an idea for them, but for now, we'll stay focused on getting Peter. ;)

Second Mike: Right. First.... (runs his hands over himself. There's a dark blue light. When it subsides, his shirt is buttoned and he's wearing his tie.) Peter will get scared to death if I look like I've been fightin' with the Creature from the Black Lagoon. ;)

Shelia: And we certainly do NOT want to scare him. ;)

Second Mike: He'll try to turn tail and run if we do. He's such a wimp when it comes to that. Never wants to confront anything. Well (kisses Shelia quickly on the cheek) I'm off, Milady. I'm gonna bring Peter back for you. How do ya want him? ;)

(Original Mike struggles as hard as his now-weakened body can.)

Shelia: Alive. ;)

Second Mike: Well, I wasn't gonna do anything TOO bad. (Grins) Just bad enough. (nods) See you later, Milady. (He vanishes in a dark blue light. She walks over to the struggling Original Mike on the table.)

(He can hear her coming and turns his head from her approach.)

Shelia: Seems you've been replaced. *smirks at his struggling form* Now, the question is, what to do with you...

(We fade out on the struggling Original Mike as Shelia leans on the table and strokes his bared chest lightly and in on the Pad, where Peter is shooing out one of his students. He's just sitting at the bandstand and taking hold of his bass when there's a dark blue light outside. Second Mike steps in, grinning.)

Mike: Hi, buddy! How 'ya doin?

Peter: *turns, smiles* Hi, Michael! How did the audition go?

Second Mike: (Smirks) Pretty darn well, if I do say so myself. In fact, they want to you, too. They liked the stuff I brought them. ;)

Peter: Really? That's great. *pauses, tils his head* Um...

Second Mike: (Goes to the kitchen and takes a cloth from where it hangs on a chair) What, Pete?

Peter: *watches Mike* What about Micky?

Mike: (Shakes his head) He's still there. It's gonna be a surprise, and I don't want you seein' it. (He wraps the dark dishcloth around Peter's eyes) Can you see through that, Pete?

Peter: No, I can't.

(Mike gently takes the bass from the musician and sets it aside, then lightly pulls Peter to his feet.)

Mike: Good. Don't want you to be goin' on about auras.

Peter: What--?

(Mike looks at his hands - there's a dark blue light, and a roll of duct tape appears in his palm.)

Mike: Give me your wrists, Pete.

Peter: *wary* Why?

Mike: Now, don't you trust me? I'm just gonna keep them outta the way until we get there, that's all.

Peter: Of course, I trust you, Michael. This is just kind of... odd.

Second Mike: They're odd people, Pete. (Gently pulls Peter's hands behind his back, then tapes his wrists and elbows tightly together.)

Second Mike: (Puts his hands firmly on Peter's shoulder) Can you move them, Pete?

Peter: No, I can't. *worried* Um, Michael, is this really necessary, though?

Mike: Yeah, it's necessary, Pete. Don't want you up and runnin'. Now, (keeps holding his shoulders) we're just gonna take a little trip. It'll take seconds. Stay with me.

Peter: Oh--Okay.

(Mike stares at Peter. The pair disappear in a soft dark-blue light. They reappear in the lab, where Shelia is still stroking Original Mike's chest, whispering words into where his ear is under the wrapping.)

Second Mike: (Pulls the bound and blindfolded Peter to Shelia) Got him, Milady. Whatcha gonna do with him?

Shelia: *looks up; smiles wickedly* Excellent...

Peter: *whimpers* Michael?

Second Mike: How's the other guy been? (To Peter) Don't worry, I ain't gonna hurt you. You're here 'cause Milady has plans for you. ;)

Peter: Milady? *jaw drops open* What's going on? :-O

(Second Mike closes Peter's jaw. ;) )

Shelia: Thank you, my Knight. ;)

Second Mike: You're welcome, Milady. ;) Should I take the dishcloth off? He can't run now.

Shelia: You can remove the towel.

(Second Mike pulls the towel off of Peter's face, allowing him to take in the caged animals, the chemistry sets...and the two people on the table.)

Second Mike: You've got somethin' that interests Milady, Pete.

Peter: *frowns* I know what that is.

Second Mike: All the aura-readin' in the world ain't gonna help you now.

(Original Mike struggles as hard as he can in his weakened state.)

Shelia: And my interests right now are focused on doing some experiments on you. *smirks in Peter's face*

*Peter looks about ready to bawl.* :((

Second Mike: Now, come on, Pete. Be a big boy. You're gonna be a part of somethin' real important. (Turns to Shelia) He's gonna cry, you know.

Shelia: *nods at tears start down Peter's face* It was inevitable. ;)

Peter: No! I don't want to be here! Michael!

(Original Mike pulls and struggles, but he's not strong enough to break the straps.)

Second Mike: Now, settle down, Pete. Just settle down. This lady's given me some wonderful new powers. Maybe she'll give you some powers, too. ;)

Peter: I don't want powers! And... your aura is all wrong! *turns his glance on original Mike* Michael!

Second Mike: I'M Michael, buddy! (Mutters) Shoulda kept him blindfolded....

Peter: *sniffles; shakes his head* No, you aren't! *turns his glance on original Mike again* He's...almost Michael. What did she DO to you?

Second Mike: He was weak, Peter. He was scared to death of everythin'. I ain't scared no more.

Shelia: *rolls her eyes* This is the new, improved Mike. ;)

(Second Mike has backed Peter against the far wall, near the door to the other room where Shelia gives Mike his powers.)

Peter: I want Michael! I wanna go home! *sobs*

Second Mike: You're gettin' married in a few months, Peter. Don't you want to be able to help your fiancee? After all, she's got tons of money, and you don't.

(Original Mike struggles as hard as he can, turning his head, trying to loosen the wrapping.)

Peter: *through his tears* I can help her in other ways. I don't want powers!

Second Mike: Now, come on, buddy. Just cooperate with us.

Shelia: I'm sure you don't want to do this the hard way.

Peter: I don't wanna do anything!

Second Mike: Now, Peter, if you won't calm down on your own, I'm just gonna have to muddle you, old buddy. (Sighs) You've been hangin' around with me for too long! ;) :p

Peter: *cries* No! Don't! I don't want to be here!

Shelia: Muddle him, then I'll work on keeping him here. ;)

(Second Mike puts his fingers to Peter's temples, under his long hair, and starts muddling the frightened bassist.)

Peter: Michael...

(Original Mike turns his wrapped head to where the commotion seems to be coming from.)

Second Mike: Calm down, ol' buddy. Dry them tears.

Peter: *tries to shake his head* No...

(Second Mike keeps muddling the frightened musician.)

Second Mike: You're stayin' here.

Shelia: As soon as he's completely muddled, I think he'll be easier to deal with as an animal. ;)

Second Mike: (Keeps rubbing the whimpering Peter's head) Yeah. Dr. M'll be happy.

Second Mike: And why don't we show him what I can do now?

Shelia: Go right ahead. ;)

Second Mike: (Whispers into Peter's ear) I can do more than just muddle, Peter. I can do so many things. I'm more powerful now than even Micky.

*Peter just whimpers.*

Second Mike: I think he's about done. You take him, and I'll handle (nods at the original Mike, whose head is still turned in the general direction of the action) the other one.

Shelia: *nods* Yes, he will be MUCH easier to deal with now. *walks over to Peter's slumping form*

(Second Mike goes over to Original Mike, who begins struggling again, letting Peter go.)

Second Mike: (Nods at Original Mike) I wanna do something with this one so no one will ever think we're both the same person again.

*Shelia concentrates on Peter. A black light envelopes him, then leaves behind a small golden-furred puppy. Shelia picks up the puppy & strokes its weakened & confused form.*

*Peter the puppy whimpers again.*

Second Mike: (Grins) Not a bad idea, Milady. (Second Mike concentrates on Original Mike. A dark blue light envelopes Original Mike. When it subsides, a small baby wolf lays on the table, a muzzle around its jaws. It can move it's lower legs and paws, but not the upper paws.)

Shelia: They're always much easier to work with in this state.

Second Mike: (Takes the wolf in his arms. Original Mike makes a weak attempt to scratch him with his back paws) I dunno about that, Milady. (Grins) Dr. M is gonna be thrilled that we have two new lab animals for him. (Scratches Mike's head) The puppy's a good specimen, but this one's scrawny. ;) (The wolf looks up and glares at him.)

Shelia: I must agree with you on that. ;)

Dr. Marcovich: (Walks in, looking annoyed) It is so difficult to get good lab help these days! I asked for boys to bring me papers, and they all go out to lunch! :p

Second Mike: Hey, Marcovich, look what we got! (Holds out the wolf)

Shelia: Two new specimens to experiment on. *holds out the puppy*

Dr. Marcovich: (Smiles; scratches Original Mike's ears) Well, aren't you a handsome fellow? A bit thin, though. We will have to feed him often before we can use him. (Turns to the puppy) But this one....this is a beautiful specimen. He will be perfect for experiments. (Strokes Peter's head)

Shelia: *smirks* I knew he would be. Take special care with the puppy. I wish to conduct tests of my own on him. ;)

Dr. Marcovich: I must work on the mind-altering potions. There are several countries in my native Eastern Europe and in Southeastern Asia who are quite interested in what we're doing here.

Dr. Marcovich: (Scratches the puppy's ears) I wouldn't dare harm such a lovely specimen! We will only conduct the lightest experiments on him. I will leave him for you.

*Peter whimpers again.*

Shelia: Very good.

Dr. Marcovich: (Makes a face) When I was on my way here, I thought I saw another one of those boys rooting around outside. The one with the almond eyes - and now, curled locks. We will have to head him off somehow. He is probably looking for his friend.

Shelia: Yes. He is most troublesome. We must get rid of him quickly.

*Peter whimpers again.*

(Original Mike glares and tries to struggle, but Second Mike takes his back legs in his hands and holds them tightly.)

Dr. Marcovich: My goodness, the wolf is a very agile animal, isn't he?

Shelia: Yes, he is... despite his current state. ;)

(Original Mike turns to glare at Shelia.)

Dr. Marcovich: We'll put these two in a cage, then deal with the Asiatic boy.

Shelia: Yes. The sooner, the better.

(Shelia goes to a cage between a series of them, next to a table and a chemistry set. She opens the cage and pushes Peter in. Second Mike throws Original Mike in after him. Shelia locks the cage.)

Shelia: That should hold them.

Second Mike: Come on. I know how to talk to Mick. As long as he don't see you folks, he should be easy to head off.

Shelia: He's all yours. ;)

Second Mike: (Grins at Shelia) Or do you want him here, Milady? And what about Davy? He's Mick's best friend. If somethin' happens to Mick, he'll come runnin'...not to mention Lauren.

Shelia: I do have intents on getting all of them. Do what you can, my Knight. Lure him in. ;)

Second Mike: (Grins wickedly) I like the way you think, Milady.

Shelia: I knew you would. ;)

(The three head out the door, not quite closing it behind them.)

(Original Mike tries to get to his paws, but his forepaws slip out from under him, useless.)

*Peter goes over to Mike & nudges him, trying to help, but Peter is still weakened from being muddled.*

(Original Mike shakes his head sadly. He nods at the door, then at the lock on the cage door.)

*Peter follows his glance, then turns back to original Mike with a sorrowful look.*

(He tries to pull at his muzzle with his back legs.)

*Peter tries to help pull the muzzle off.*

(It takes a while, but Peter finally succeeds in getting the muzzle off. Original Mike licks his friend's face in gratitude.)

*Peter nudges original Mike & tries to smile at him. He turns his glance to the lock, then back at Mike.*

(Original Mike tries to get to his paws again and make his way to the lock, but he doesn't even move an inch when his forepaws go out from under him again. He rolls over, trying to inch over on his back, but it's very slow going.)

*Peter tries to help move original Mike by nudging him. He gives him another sad look.*

(Original Mike finally rolls on his stomach, in front of Peter. He indicates his paws, trying to show that they no longer work, then nods at the lock. He wants Peter to escape; he can't, thanks to his useless front paws.)

*Peter nudges original Mike once more, then goes over to the lock. He pokes at it & after a little bit, gets it undone. He gives Mike another sad look before dashing out of the cage & across the room, out the door.*

(We cut to outside. Second Mike is talking to Micky, who looks a bit sheepish.)

Second Mike: Man, what TOOK you so long?

Micky: Well, *scratches the back of his head* I kinda got...caught up doing something. ;)

Second Mike: You and Lauren could have made six more kids with all the time you took! :p

Micky: *grins* If we're lucky! ;)

Second Mike: (Shakes his head) Man, Mick, you guys are too much. Don't you ever think of anything else besides goin' to bed? ;) :p

Micky:! *grins* Oh, come on, Mike. There wasn't anything else to do to kill time... ;)

Second Mike: Didn't feel like blowin' up the kitchen today? ;)

Micky: I haven't blown up the kitchen yet! At least, not completely... :P ;)

Second Mike: (Shakes his head) You're amazin', Mick. Did you do it with or WITHOUT your powers? ;)

Micky: *makes a bit of a face* I don't use my powers when I'm cooking. Lauren would have my head.

Second Mike: (Nudges Micky a little TOO hard) Yeah, you wouldn't have a house left! ;)

Micky: Yeah... Hey, Mike, you working out or something?

Second Mike: (Takes his friend's elbow) Come on, Mick. The folks at the audition are waitin' for us. (Nods) Yeah. Thought it would be nice to finally avoid all those skinny jokes the guys at Cardelli's are always tossin' at me. ;)

Micky: Nahh, it's okay, Mike. No need in having them like you & then I go in & well... *grins* ;)

Second Mike: Come on, Mick! They'll like you, too. They liked me. They LOVED Peter's stuff. (Smirks a little at this last part ;) )

Micky: But you guys really deserve it. I was just gonna come for the sake of coming. I just didn't want you to think something happened to me... uh, since I lost the ability to tell time for a little while, there. ;)

Second Mike: (Grins wickedly) And a few other things, I imagine. ;) (Tugs on his arm again.)

Micky: Heh, yeah. *glances at the hand still holding his arm* There something wrong, Mike?

Second Mike: (Smile frozen in place) No, nuthin' at all. Why did you ask, Mick?

Micky: You just seem a little... pushy. *grins* Well, more than usual. ;)

Second Mike: Aw, come on, Mick. This could be our big chance! No more worries, no more bein' scared about the rent or the morgage or how we're gonna pay for bills and union dues and food.

Micky: *eyes narrow slightly* That sounds a little too familiar, Mike. You SURE you're okay?

Second Mike: (Grips Micky's arm more tightly; growls, though he's still smiling) I'm FINE, Mick. Just FINE. Come on!

(That's when there's a commotion just inside the doors.)

Micky: *eyes widen now* The heck's wrong with you?

Second Mike: Ain't nuthin' wrong with me, Mick. (The commotion gets louder) What the HECK is goin' on in there?

(A small puppy with golden fur leaps out of an open window, running straight for Micky.)

Micky: (Scoops the dog gently into his arms) What in the world?

Marcovich: (From inside) He escaped! He got outside! And he was such a wonderful specimen, too!

Second Mike: Aw, cute fella'. (Stroke's Peter's ears) Looks scared to death, Mick! Why don't you hand him over to me? I'll handle him. ;)

Micky: *hugs the puppy; looks into its eyes, then back at Mike* He looks okay to me.

Second Mike: He just leaped out a window! Do you hear all the yellin'? His owners are probably lookin' for him!

Micky: *looks at the puppy's face again; the puppy licks his cheek* I think he likes me better. *pauses* And I'm getting a major sense of deja vu, here. :P

Second Mike: Are you comin', Mick, or aren't ya?

Micky: *shakes his head* No, I'm not coming. I'm taking the puppy back with me, too.

Second Mike: There's someone here who's DYIN' to meet ya. ;) >:)

Micky: Well, they can just die, okay?

Second Mike: (Makes a face) You're comin' with me, and so's the puppy.

Micky: Are you listening, Mike? There IS something wrong with you! I'm getting outta here.

Marcovich: (From Inside) He's outside. I don't know why you are so interested. He is a good specimen, Miss Saunders, but he is a specimen.

Shelia: *from inside* He's MY specimen!

Micky: *eyes widen* Those voices sound awfully familiar... :P

Second Mike: Damn you, Micky Dolenz, I'm gonna bring you and that little mongrel indoors whether you like it or not!

Micky: Now, wait just a minute, Mike!

Marcovich: (From inside) We should retrive him. He may still be outside.

Shelia: *inside* He can't get away!

Second Mike: (Reaches for Micky's temples) This is what you get for bein' stubborn, Mick...

Micky: *pulls away* MIKE! What the HELL're ya doing?!

Second Mike: You're comin' with me, Mick. Give me the dog and go inside.

Micky: No way! I'm outta here! *sticks his tongue out as a dark blue light surrounds him*

(Second Mike just lets out a loud wolf growl as Shelia and Marcovich run outside, looking for Peter.)

Dr. Marcovich: He got away! Did you see him?

Shelia: Where did he go?

Second Mike: (Angry) Micky took him!

Shelia: WHAT?

Second Mike: Damn Micky and his damn powers! He blue-lighted them BOTH out!

Shelia: Your powers are stronger than his! How could you lose BOTH of them?

Second Mike: He's quick on those toothpick legs of his.(Grins wickedly) I didn't see the other guy with Peter, though. Probably couldn't get out because of his paws.

Shelia: That's something of a plus, at least. :P

Second Mike: I know a few places where Peter would have gone, Milady.

Shelia: Where? We have to get that puppy back!

Dr. Marcovich: (Looks at his watch) It is now your coffee break, Miss Saunders. I'm going some of my associates.

Shelia: You do that, Marcovich.

Second Mike: We'll try the Pad first, then Micky's house and the MonkeeCave and the Cartwright Mansion.

Shelia: We search until we find them!

Second Mike: Let's go, Milady. (Nods at the MonkeeMobile, still parked in the lot next to the building.) We'll take the car. Blue-lighting it would be too obvious. (Smirks) I've done wonders with that baby. Better than Mick could ever do! He can't do nuthin' practical, just add useless junk. ;)

Shelia: As long as it gets us where we want to go, that's what matters to me right now.

Second Mike: (Opens the passenger side door for Shelia) Your carriage awaits, Milady. ;)

Shelia: *slides in the passenger side* Thank you.

(Mike gets into the car as Marcovich goes back inside. He pulls out, and the two roar off down La Jolla Boulevard.)

(Fade out on La Jolla Boulevard and in on the MonkeeCave. Emma and Lauren walk into the cave together, laughing and chatting. Ursula lights up as they approach.)

Ursula: Ladies! It's nice to see you! Where are the little ones? :)

Emma: One of the little old ladies down the block is watching them. :)

Lauren: Gives me a bit of a breather. ;)

Emma: (Sits next to Ursula; Lauren gets on her other side) Ursula...I'm pregnant. I just found out last week.

Ursula: (Lights up a bright blue) Congradulations! When is the baby due?

Emma: Early September, supposedly. You never really know when babies are gonna want to pop out, though. My sister's due date was in August...and she gave birth to my nephew in late July! ;)

Lauren: And the twins were early. ;)

Ursula: Do you know if it's a boy or a girl yet...or both?

Emma: They're pretty sure it's only one, though not about the sex as of yet. ;)

Emma: I don't think I could handle two little Nesmiths running around! I don't know how I can handle one!

Lauren: Try handling three Dolenzes. *chuckles* ;)

Emma: Think I'll leave that to you, honey. (Grins)

Ursula: How are the children these days, Lauren?

Lauren: They're doing great! They are definitely their father's children, though. Yeesh. ;) Little Mick's got a set of lungs on him that could wake the dead. Shelly just wants to get her hands into everyone & cause destruction! ;)

(Emma laughs; Ursula does, too, turning playful pink.)

Ursula: Goodness! They certainly ARE Dolenzias. I recall all the destruction Georgiano would wreck with his potions. He SWORE they were safe, but they always ended up singeing or blowing up SOMETHING. ;)

(Emma almost falls over laughing.)

Lauren: Mick does the exact same thing with his chemistry set. ;)

Lauren: Wouldn't you think I'd have a tiny bit more influence in the equation somewhere? *shrugs* ;)

Emma: Maybe that will be more evident later. ;)

Lauren: Maybe. ;)

Emma: (Pats her belly) I wonder what this little one is going to be like.

Ursula: It will be a sweet child...but strong willed. Sir Robert and Emmeline had two lovely children, Amelie and little Pierre.

Emma: (Smiles) Like its parents. (Her smile falls and she sighs) I'm worried. I've never been a mother before, and Mike's scared to death about fatherhood.

Lauren: You've always got us, Em. :)

Ursula: (Sighs) I wish I knew more about children. I've never had them. I didn't have the chance.

Emma: Urse, what were you like before you...died?

Ursula: If you mean physically, many considered me to be beautiful. I had long, light blonde hair, blue eyes, and a very slender, very tall figure not unlike my sister's.

Ursula: My father's side was German. My mother's was English, like my sister, who came from two Brit parents.

Ursula: (Sighs) Julia...whom you know as Shelia...and I were adopted by Uncle as young children. He gave us the powers to help him collect souls...our dying mother being the first.

Lauren: Oh, man... :(

Ursula: Even as a child, I questioned what Uncle did, how he hurt the people who's souls we brought him. Julia never questioned it. She saw it - and still sees it - as her mission.

Emma: Why did you finally decide to change?

Ursula: I...I'd had enough of the things I saw. Of the people being hurt, people who could have had the chance at a happy life, if we'd only helped them instead of harmed them. (Quietly) Julia and I found a starving, half-frozen man in the French Alps. Julia was interested in him right away, but I could sense he was a kind soul, despite his battered body and mind.

Ursula: That poor man was Sir Robert Del Naysmthe, a former knight in the French Army. He'd recently been drummed out for refusing to follow his commanding officer's orders and overturning his cart. He lost his wife and child to one of the terrible diseases that ravaged Europe at the time. I saw the goodness in his soul...but Julia only wanted his still-comely body.

Emma: (Quietly) Mike's ancestor.

Lauren: Geez...

Ursula: I knew he could do good, if given the chance. As we got to talking to him, I wondered if there were others like him, who had been ignored or misused by society and who were now feeling lost and helpless.

Ursula: Robert rode down into the nearest town with us. He and Julia stayed at an inn for a few days while I told my uncle I was through with him and everything he stood for. I wanted to help lost souls and give them the strength to help others in return.

Ursula: Uncle...didn't take it well. He threatened me with all sorts of things, tried to talk me out of my decision, but I knew it was the right thing to do.

Ursula: That night, in a barn in the back of the inn, I gave Robert the powers. He was the first to gain them. I told him he would be able to help others who were hurting as badly as he was, that neither he nor they would have to turn to death or drink or devils to escape their problems.

Ursula: We traveled around Europe, seeking others who were similarly despairing and neglected. Poor Peter, for instance, was misunderstood by his fellow Bavarians, who saw his wide-ranging musical abilities as odd rather than admirable, and belittled his unique intelligence.

Ursula: Little Lord David was a wild-living playboy who, despite his perpetual entorage of females, felt lonely and neglected. His parents were dead, and his guardians often ignored him, being too busy with affairs of state or his sisters' weddings and dowrys to give the youth much mind.

Ursula: Georgiano was barely eking out a living for himself and his parents foraging for food and occasionally selling - or trying to sell - his strange potions in the northern Italian wilderness.

Emma: And the women....

Ursula: (Her blue light becomes softer and romantic) We encountered the women a bit later, after I had gathered all four boys.

Ursula: I had learned the concept of soulmates years ago, but I never believed in it...until I saw how deeply the four boys fell in love with theirs, each equally hurt and neglected.

Ursula: Emmeline was the daughter of a poor German fisherman. She was one of the few women of the time who could read and had some kind of education.

Ursula: Devlanta came from a family of Polish hunters who, when food was scarce, performed music and folk dances for their daily bread.

Ursula: Valerea was a sheltered Welsh noblewoman who was rarely allowed outside the gates of her family's stronghold. She had to run away to join our band.

Ursula: Laryen came from an Irish family that worked in the mills of Dublin.

Ursula: We had many wonderful and terrifying adventures, fighting Uncle's minions. But it all caught up with us, eventually. Julia was furious when Robert finally came to her and said that he loved another. She vowed revenge on Emmeline for taking him away...and on me for giving all of you the powers in the first place.

Ursula: (Sadly) You know the rest. I was killed in a particuarly fierce battle. Julia brought my body to Uncle and cut off my head. Your ancestors sealed my soul in this crystal. You all had lovely children and raised happy families while helping me to combat Uncle...until the day Julia went to Georgiano and David and convinced them to betray their two friends, whom they envied. :(

Ursula: You women are to defend the men, the children, and yourselves...especially when you are hurt, sick, or with child. Your imagination powers are much stronger than the men's. You can also fight as fiercely as them. They fly and are stronger physically.

*Lauren grins, nodding.*

Ursula: (Grins) To use the parlance of Micky's beloved old gangster films, the flying is to make a quick getaway from the coppers, (does her own James Cagney imitation), see. ;)

Lauren: *laughs* Good one, Urse. ;)

Emma: (Rolls her eyes) From now on, Micky is forbidden from calling up the late-night movie on the monitor. ;) :p

*Lauren tips over laughing.* ;)

Ursula: Oh, I rather enjoy them. They're quite interesting. ;)

(Suddenly, Emma stops laughing and makes a strange face, putting her hand up to her head.)

Emma: Oh, man....

Ursula: What's wrong, Emma?

Lauren: *concerned* Em...?

Emma: My head...I feel funny....confused....

Ursula: (Her blue light darkens) Muddled.

Lauren: *eyes widen* Oh, no...

Emma: (Nods) Mike. Something's wrong. (Puts her hand to her heart) Something's very wrong. :(

Ursula: (Also concerned) Emma, where's Michael?

Emma: He went to an audition in town....(frowns)...the audition!

Lauren: Oh, shit!

Ursula: An audition?

Emma: I THOUGHT that ad sounded fishy!

Emma: (Flips open the communicator on her watch) Mike! Mike, it's Em. Honey, come in! (Shakes her head) I'm not getting through. (Closes the communicator)

Lauren: Anything?

Emma: Nothing...(gasps and puts her hand to her chest)...shit!

Ursula: Emma!

Lauren: Em! *moves next to her friend*

Emma: (Looks at Lauren, wide-eyed and worried) My chest is burning. I think...I think someone's reading his soul. This is how I felt when Mick read his soul. :o

Ursula: My sister. (Growls) DAMN HER! She's gotten her bloody hands on Michael again.

Lauren: *shakes her head* Oh, man!

Emma: Lauren, call Mick. See if you can get through to him.

Emma: I'll call Peter. (Flips the communicator open again) Peter! Pete! Peter, it's Em! (Growls) Damn! He must be in the middle of classes and turned his off! :p

Lauren: Umm... that's gonna be a little hard to do. *sheepish look* He left his communicator at the house. He kinda left for the audition late... ;) :">

Ursula: (Sighs) Oh, Micky....

Emma: Oh, boy, is THAT bad timing! :p :(

Lauren: *shrugs* And he said he was walking there since it was a nice day...

Emma: How DID he end up going late?

Lauren: That was kinda, um...*quietly* my fault. ;) :">

Emma: (Just nods) Ok. I'm not going there.

Ursula: Busy today, dear? ;)

Lauren: Just a little. :">

Emma: And Davy's in the middle of that audition.

Emma: Maybe we could get Daph...(she gasps. Her body then seems to relax. Her breathing slows, and her chest doesn't move so rapidly)

Lauren: Now what?

Emma: (Puts her hand on her heart) SOMETHING'S happening to Mike. I suddenly feel calmer.

Lauren: That doesn't sound promising.

Ursula: My sister has him. She's probably trying to enslave him again.

Emma: (Mother Bear Roar) OVER MY DEAD BODY!

Lauren: But, Em!

Emma: I don't know what it is, or how he could suddenly be...(she stops again, then chuckles and puts her head on her hand again)

Ursula: Emma?

Emma: Feel light-headed. Giddy. Like I've drunk a whole bottle of champagne.

Lauren: Is he on some kind of roller coaster ride or something? :P

*Lauren slaps her forehead.*

Emma: (Shakes her head, then holds it again) Ow. I feel like I'm gonna float away....

Lauren: What the heck's going on?

Emma: I don't know. (Puts her hand on her heart) Mike doesn't, either. He's too...(suddenly stops, jerking. She screams at the top of her lungs, shouting for Mike.)


Ursula: Emmeline!

Lauren: *wraps her arms around Emma gently* Em!

(Emma seems to blur briefly for a moment, but she's still one person when it ends. She's left clutching her chest, puffing.)

Emma: was terrible...I felt like my body was being pulled apart....

Lauren: The heck...?

Emma: I...I feel weird. I feel Mike...but Mike is in two places at once. He's angry AND scared. :o :-/

Ursula: But how could that be?

Lauren: Say what?

Emma: (Shakes her head) I know it sounds strange, but there's two of him, or he is somehow in two places at once.

Lauren: Holy crap...

Emma: (Smiles warily) I know we've always said he has a split personality, but....

Ursula: I don't think THIS is what you meant.

Lauren: This is TOO literal! :P

Emma: Lauren, we've got to get out of here and to La Jolla Boulevard.

Ursula: I don't think that's a good idea, Emma.

Emma: Ursula, Mike's in mortal danger! Something's terribly wrong!

Lauren: We should do something! And we've gotta figure out where Micky is! He can't show up there now! Shelia will get him, too! :P X-(

Emma: Shit! Right!

Ursula: (Starts blinking) Ladies, check the monitor.

(Emma hurries over to the monitor and turns it on. It shows the outside of the warehouse building on La Jolla.)

Emma: (Frowns) But that's a warehouse, not a studio!

Ursula: He's in terrible danger, and possibly the others as well.

Lauren: *goes over next to her* What?

Emma: (Frowns) Why a warehouse? Are there good acoustics in there?

Lauren: *grounds out* Shelia's newest hideout? :P

Emma: (Rubs her hands) My hands feel tingly. (Touches her throat) And my throat is a little sore.

Lauren: Uh oh...

Ursula: (Softly) Like your hands are being paralyzed...and your vocal chords won't work?

Emma: (Nods, then her eyes widen) You don't think...

*Lauren's eyes close.*

Emma: Hey! (Rubs her sides) My side feels hot. And the other one feels cold. (Makes a face) And now, it's the other way around.

Lauren: *makes a face* What the hell is going on?

(After a while, Micky finally arrives at the warehouse, poking around out front. Second Mike joins him and starts chatting with him.)

Emma: (Sighs with relief) There he is!

Ursula: (Shakes her head) Something is still wrong, Emma.

Lauren: Definitely...

Emma: I STILL feel Mike in two places, though. (They watch as Mike starts talking to Mick, then elbows him too hard.) Isn't the way Mike acting sort of...familiar?

Lauren: *eyes widen* Oh, shit...

Ursula: What do you mean?

Emma: That's how Micky acted when he came to the Pad for Lauren after Shelia had gotten to him. :o :p

Lauren: *nods; yells at the monitor* Mick, get outta there! :P

Ursula: (Eyes widen) Oh, god. Robert....

(The puppy suddenly leaps out the open window and runs into Micky's arms.)

Emma: What on EARTH....

Lauren: A puppy?

Emma: He's cute. I like his pretty gold fur. :)

Ursula: (Thoughtful) Gold fur....

Lauren: Wait a minute...

Emma: (Also thoughtful) Gold fur....hold it! (Zooms the monitor in on the puppy now in Mick's arms) That dog looks familiar. Look at his eyes!

Lauren: Peter!

Emma: Oh, god, Shelia got to Pete somehow and turned him into another member of her human menagerie. :o :p :( But, how....

Ursula: Michael.

Lauren: She sent him to lure Peter, like Micky was sent for Mike. :P

Emma: And Mike is Peter's best friend! She KNEW Peter would go with him with no questions!

Lauren: Damn her! X-(

(Micky finally blue-lights away with the puppy. Marcovich stomps back in the building, and Shelia and Mike take off in the MonkeeMobile.)

Emma: Oh, god! They went after them!

Emma: Lauren, where do you think they could have gone?

Lauren: Crap! I don't know...the Pad, the house...anywhere!

Emma: You know how he thinks (smirks) which is scary when you consider it. Where does he think is the last place someone would look for him and Peter?

Lauren: I'm not sure... but I hope it really IS a place they won't look. Of course, he COULD pick an obvious place. *sighs, rolling her eyes* :P

Emma: Ok, what's an obvious place?

Lauren: Valerie. He probably went to the mansion. With the security system, it's like trying to break into Fort Knox. ;)

Ursula: (Nods) Right. A good, secure place, and Valerie will be able to restore Peter.

Emma: Maybe we'd better go, too.

Lauren: Yeah.

Ursula: Good idea. More protection for all of you there.

Emma: We'll blue-light it, and the car, too. There's no time to drive.

Lauren: Gotta love the Expressway. ;)

Emma: Better than any bus line, that's for sure! ;)

Ursula: Be careful, girls.

Lauren: We will, Urse. :)

Ursula: Especially you, Emma. Shelia will be drawn to your child's innocent soul - not a good combination with her hatred of you.

Emma: Man, I don't even know what sex my kid is yet, and she wants its soul! :p

Lauren: Remember how she was with me... :P

Emma: (Groans) And you had TWO! :p

Lauren: *frowns* And OTHERS, too, for that matter... :P

Ursula: You'd better go. She and Michael may search here for Micky and Peter.

Emma: (Nods) Right.

Lauren: Yeah. Let's get outta here!

Emma: Will you be safe here, Ursula?

Ursula: I'll be fine. (Light blue again) I have a defense mechinism. You saw it several years ago, Emma, when you and I were captured by Kristof's men. When I'm threatened, I become so hot, I cannot be touched. If I get hot enough (turns red) I explode, causing damage to all but myself. ;)

Lauren: I remember that. ;)

Emma: (Grins) Don't tell Micky about that defense mechanism! ;)

Lauren: Oh, I think he already knows... ;) We'd better go. ;) :)

Emma: Right. See you later, Urse! (The two girls close their eyes. There's a blue light, and they vanish, along with another blue light outside.)

Ursula: (Sighs) Just be careful, my warrioresses. Just be careful.