Part 1

Ok, folks, everyone ready for the next major story?

Lauren: Yeah!

Mike: I'm almost afraid to ask what's going to happen next, now that certain people are back in town. :p

Peter: Sure!

Micky: You bet!

Davy: Might as well get the carnage ovah wit'.

(We begin the story in the Pad, a week or so after the body-switching incident. Mike, Peter, and Davy sit at the table. Mike reads the paper. Davy sips coffee. Peter eats gingerbread muffins. Emma pulls another batch of gingerbread muffins out of the oven.)

Davy: (Sniffs deeply) Ooh, Em, that sure smells good!

Emma: A friend of mine gave me the mix. It's new to me, too. I can't wait to try some myself!

Peter: (Between bites) It's really tasty!

(As she turns the muffins over with a knife so they can cool, the phone rings.)

Emma: I'll get it, fellas. (Picks up the phone) Hello, Nesmith/Tork/Jones residence. (Smiles) Oh hi, Laur! How's the twins and the OTHER kid today?

Lauren: *chuckles* All three are just fine, though Mick was just saying he thought he could smell muffins.

(The boys all wave and say variations on "Hi!")

Mike: (From behind the paper) I ain't gonna ask how he can smell them through the phone.

Emma: With his powers, he probably can.

Lauren: Extra sensitive smell, right, Mick? Hey, no elbowing!

Emma: (Chuckles) Geez, sometimes I wonder who's the Papa Wolf around here?

Mike: (Mutters) Better be me...

Lauren: *laughs* Nahh, Mick just knows when there's food being made. That, and he says he's hungry.

Emma: (Laughs; then, more quietly) Do you still want to meet me at the cave later, after I get off of work and while Mrs. Filcheck is watching the kids? I have some things I want to ask Ursula, and I'm sure you do, too.

Lauren: *quietly* Oh, yes, definitely.

Emma: I want to know more about Shelia's relationship with Ursula...and about our ancestors, especially the women. It would be nice to get more info on the demon ladies themselves. We don't really know that much about Ursula especially.

Lauren: I'm curious to find out the same things, and maybe find out more about our own powers, along with maybe little bit more about Mick's.

Emma: (Nods) Those advanced powers of his. Not to mention how we ladies have stronger imagination powers and how to really use them.

Lauren: Exactly.

Mike: (Puts the paper down) Hey, here's somethin' interestin'.

Lauren: What's Mike going on about?

Peter: (Swallows his muffin) Is it "Peanuts" or "Lil' Abner?"

Mike: (Rolls his eyes) No, Pete, I'm in the classified section.

Peter: I didn't know they had comic strips there!

Davy: 'E's lookin' for a job, Petah, probably someplace to sell 'is songs.

Mike: Preferably one that's more legit than that Hi-Class joint. (Reads paper) "Wanted: Musician to assist with experiments, preferably rock, folk, or country. Interviews are being held at 239 La Jolla Boulevard."

Peter: La Jolla... (frowns) That's down towards the end of Malibu Beach, near the LA line.

Lauren: An audition?

Davy: (Makes a face) Not a whole lot to look at there. I wondah what they want?

Mike: I'm assumin' that's what they mean.

Peter: I wish I could go, but I told Valerie I'd attend the Music Society meeting with her today. She's announcing that she's taking over the running from her father.

Davy: (Shakes his head) I've got to practice for me own audition for a show in the fall.

Mike: Wonder if Mick would be interested in comin'. (Calls over his shoulder at Emma and the phone) Hey, Lauren, Mick up for an audition?

Emma: Mick want to go with Mike to an audition on La Jolla Boulevard?

Lauren: Hang on, I'll ask. *muffle speaking followed by a "whoop!"* Yup, he's up for it.

Mike: Great! (Grins) Tell him to meet me at this address. (Emma hands the phone over to him and he reads the address in the ad)

Lauren: *scribbles a note* Got it. When do you wanna meet?

Mike: The ad says to be there by ten o'clock.

Lauren: *relays it* No problem, Mike.

Mike: (Grins) Ok, Laur! Tell Mick I'll see him there, and that he should bring his own songs and a guitar. The drums would be too heavy to lug.

Lauren: *chuckles* But you know he'd try! Okay, I'll tell him. :)

Emma: (Grins) Have a great day, folks. (Softer) Lauren, I'll see you later.

Lauren: *quietly* You got it. *normal* Have a great one, guys, & don't do anything we wouldn't do! *Micky laughs loudly in the background* Oh, brother... ;) :P

(Emma throws her head back and laughs as there's a click and both hang up their phones.)

Mike: (Jumps up and starts looking around) Where's my songs?

Emma: All of the sheet music is on the bandstand, remember?

Mike: Oh, right. (Quickly grabs the sheet music and Black Beauty) Mike, hey, Pete, want me to give you a word?

Peter: (Beams) Would you really, Mike?

Mike: (Nods) Sure, buddy. You're a good songwriter, too. Maybe they could use you.

Peter: Groovy!

Davy: Want to take my stuff too, Mike?

Mike: We'll see what I can do. After all, Mick's gonna be there. I might have a hard time gettin' in the spotlight.

(Emma serves the guys muffins and stuffs one in Mike's mouth.)

Emma: Have some breakfast before you go running off. (Sighs) Can't you sit and eat with us? This is one of your only days off from Cardelli's.

Mike: Darlin', I gotta run. This could be somethin' real big!

Emma: Not to be a killjoy, honey, but that ad seemed sort of vague to me.

Peter: I don't know. It said things.

Davy: Oh Petah.

Mike: Won't know unless we try.

Peter: Don't forget Shelia's out there, too!

Mike: (Rolls his eyes) Oh, come on, Pete! She HATES it when we play! Why would she hold an audition?

Emma: To get you guys.

Mike: (Kisses Emma on the cheek) Darlin', I'll be careful. (Gently places his hand on his wife's stomach) Don't want this little one to be without a daddy. (Makes a face) I know the feelin' all too well.

Peter: Mike, Shelia's in LOVE with YOU!

Mike: If I get one of those warnin' bellyaches, I'll take off and never go near the neighborhood again, ok? I know what I'm doin'. I'm gonna BE a daddy. I don't need to be treated like a kid myself. (Kisses Emma on the cheek, then mutters) I'll see you guys later. (Takes off)

Emma: (Shakes her head and sits at the table) I have a very bad feeling about this.

Davy: (Takes the paper and reads the ad) Luv, you're right about the ad bein' vague.

Peter: Why won't Mike ever listen?

Emma: (Sighs) That's just how he is.

Davy: And someday, that stubbornness warrin' wit' 'is good sense is gonna get 'im into trouble.

(And we fade out on the Pad and onto La Jolla Boulevard. The neighborhood is full of factories and warehouses. Mike stops in a parking lot behind one somewhat dilapadated warehouse.)

Mike: (Frowns) No Micky. Figures. Boy couldn't keep time straight if he had a clock tattooed to his chest. (Peeks inside) I'm gonna give this place a little look-see. (Hauls Black Beauty under his arm and heads in.)

(The room is total darkness. Mike stumbles along, his free hand out.)

Mike: Man, they could at least turn on some light in this place or somethin...huh? (Sees a light ahead. He gingerly makes his way toward it, putting his hand on his stomach as he does.) Waiiiittt a minute. There's somethin' wrong here. (Turns around as well as he can in the darkness) I'm gettin' outta here. I know what this bellyache means. (He runs into something solid - the door to the room he stepped in has locked.) Guess I'm stuck here. (He pounds on the door a bit, finally deciding to continue to the light, which turns out to be a naked light bulb in a small, dusty room. The only furniture is a table and five chairs. Shelia Saunders sits at one, smiling demurely, dressed in her usual mod elegance. He growls) YOU! YOU BITCH!

Sheila: Now, is that any way to greet an old friend?

Mike: Oh, no. No way am I stickin' 'round here with YOU! I don't want to become your freakin' sex toy again! (Runs back to the door and shoves at it with all his might.) Come on... (He opens his communicator.)

Sheila: I'm afraid there's no way for you to leave

Mike: Mick? Micky? Come in, Mick! I'm in BIG trouble!

Sheila: Might be a small problem with that device.

Mike: (Narrows his eyes) How did you short it out?

Sheila: I have my ways, which I'm keeping secret.

Mike: Yeah, well, I have a few ways myself. I know how to make you let me outta here...and lay off Mick when he shows up, too. (Takes Black Beauty quickly from under his arm and pulls her out of her case. Sets the case aside.)

Shelia: I wouldn't be so sure about that.

(Mike pulls out the guitar and holds it at Sheila like a gun.)

Mike: You know I can play, Devil Woman. You don't seem to appreciate our playin' too much. (He backs as far as he can towards the door, holding Black Beauty protectively.)

Sheila: No, I don't appreciate it. I also don't think you're going to have the chance to play.

Mike: (Puts the guitar down) You're gonna try that muddlin' thing, ain't ya?

Sheila: If I have to.

Mike: I could imagine myself outta here before you get your hands on my head, you know. Or get you on the floor until I can get to Mick or the others. Not to mention Em can feel it if you do anythin' nasty. (Snaps) What do you WANT, anyway? Mick ain't collectin' for you again, and your uncle's dead. You don't got no use for Pete or Davy.

Shelia: *rolls her eyes* Oh, please. I want YOU, but you already knew that. ;)

Mike: That's nice. There's a slight problem with that, though. (Gets in her face) I. DON'T. WANT. YOU. AT. ALL. PERIOD. I have a wife I like just fine. Do you want it in Spanish?

Sheila: No, thank you, but I still want YOU.

Mike: I ain't interested. If you want a toy, find a stuffed animal to smooch in bed, 'cause I ain't playin' that game again. (Kicks at her ankles, knocking her legs out from under her. He races for the door, trying to unlock it with his mind.) Only one way I'm gonna get outta this mess. (starts to close his eyes)

Sheila: Damn fool! No, you don't! Marcovich!

(Marcovich and several younger men in lab coats come out of another door. Marcovich also wears a lab coat, this one somewhat stained.)

Marcovich: What is it, Miss Saunders...(narrows his eyes)...I know that young man. I have seen him before. The face is familiar. (Angry) That is one of the young men who helped put me in prison.

Sheila: I know that. He's the one we want. Subdue him!

Marcovich: Boys, grab that man! I would not mind a slice of him myself!

(The lab boys grab hold of Mike just as a blue light starts to appear, tackling him to the floor. The small blue light fades away. He keeps throwing them off, growling like a wild animal being attacked.)

Marcovich: My god, he fights like one of the wolves in the wilds of my native Poland!

Sheila: *stands* Do I have to do everything myself?

(The men finally take hold of Mike's legs and arms as Shelia comes closer.)

Mike: No, you bitch! Damn you! (Struggles) Let me go! When I get my hands on you, I'll send you to the farthest corner of Hell, or wherever they send misbehaving demons!

Marcovich: Someone silence that wolf, please! He talks a white streak.

Sheila: *laughs* I could have told you that.

(One lab man undoes Mike's tie and winds it tightly around his mouth.)

Marcovich: How could he be so strong? He was not so strong when I first met him and his meddling little friends.

Shelia: It's a rather long story. *reaches her hands up towards his temples* One final touch...

(Mike shakes his head, roaring and growling angrily under his gag as the lab men bind his legs and arms with heavy cord.)

Marcovich: (Frowns) What are you doing to him?

Shelia: Now, now... *muddles, rubbing his temples in light, circular motions* Just calm yourself. This'll be over before you know it. *to Marcovich* It's called muddling. It confuses the brain, causing it to be unable to function correctly or completely. In short, it renders one quite docile.

Marcovich: (Smiles widely) I like that. You must teach it to me, Miss Saunders. It would be quite useful in my line of work.

(Mike struggles at first, but his struggles gradually slow, until he falls to the floor panting. The lab technicians drag him to his knees.)

Shelia: I am sure it would be useful. *smiles demurely again* Much better.

Marcovich: (As Shelia unbuttons Mike's shirt) Now, what are you doing to him? We must transport him to the labs and find out where the others are.

Sheila: Not so fast. I wish to read his soul first.

Marcovich: (Leans over the heavily bound musician) What is this soul reading?

Sheila: It's exactly what you think it is. Every being has a soul. Usually it is filled with one's deepest fears and worries. I can use this information to my benefit.

Marcovich: (His smile widens even further) Very interesting. Perhaps, it could be used to my benefit, and the benefit of my operations?

(Mike growls and shakes his head.)

Sheila: Perhaps it will. But first... *presses her fingers to the area around his heart; she smirks* Oh, my...

(Mike cringes at her touch.)

Marcovich: What is there? What is in his soul that you like so?

Sheila: Seems the White Knight is going to be a father, and he's scared to DEATH of it.

(Mike glares angrily at Sheila, muttering under the gag.)

Marcovich: White Knight?

Sheila: Again, long story. Ah, he's worried that he won't be a good father. *Pushes further; Mike screams under the gag* He's quite jealous of the Savage.

Marcovich: Savage? And how did he become a father? From what I gathered, these boys were not married before. (Smirks) Seems the children are no longer so.

Sheila: *nods* The curly-haired musician, that is. *Makes a face* These boys have found their soulmates.

Marcovich: Curly-haired? There were four. One with strange almond eyes, almost Asian, a little British child, and a very dumb blond boy.

Marcovich: Soulmates? Quite a romantic notion.

Sheila: *rolls her eyes* The one with the almond eyes. And, yes, it is quite a...*spits* romantic notion. :P

(Mike tries to shift from Shelia's fingers, but the lab men hold him firmly to the concrete floor.)

Marcovich: This is quite wonderful. What else is in this "soul," and why would he be jealous of his Asiatic friend?

Sheila: The Savage already has a family and is doing rather well.

Marcovich: (Mike glares) What else does this "White Knight" posess in his soul?

Sheila: He is strong-willed, but he worries about being able to support his soon-to-be family. He fears that he will will never "make it" in the music business, and he won't be able to provide the support he wishes to.

(Mike winces, moaning helplessly under the tie.)

Marcovich: (Tugs at the cord bound to Mike's neck; he gasps) He is a musician. I suppose the others are, too. There are four. A band. He would like to be famous, I imagine. That's why all musicians come here. He wants to be like Elvis Prestley or Beatles.

Sheila: That's right. Yes, the four boys are in a *spits* band. They want to make a name for themselves, but this one fears this will not happen & that he has no other means of making a true living. He wants to be like the father he never had, but fears he will end up like the one he didn't know.

Marcovich: All of those fears in such a self-assured being! Amazing! You found all of this out simply by touching his chest?

Sheila: It's more than just touching his chest, really. It takes practice to be able to read a soul.

Lab Technician: Hey, Miss Saunders, Dr. M, what are gonna do with this guy?

Lab Techician 2: Can't keep him here like this all day!

Marcovich: (Grins at Shelia, then at the bound Mike) What do you think a suitable punishment for putting me in jail and ruining my lovely little scheme with Professor Schnitzler be?

(Mike glares at the two angrily, growling under his gag.)

Sheila: You did want to do some "experimenting," didn't you?

Marcovich: (Nods) It's been a long time since I've used human subjects for my experiments.

(Mike growls in horror.)

Shelia: *smiles demurely* Be my guest, Marcovich. I'm hoping the results will be to both of our liking.

Marcovich: (Takes the communicator watch off of Mike's wrist; one of the lab technicians pick up Black Beauty. Another gathers her case.) What should we do with his things? He won't be needing them in the lab.

(Mike glares as angrily as he can in his present position.)

Shelia: Leave them for me.

Marcovich: You heard her, boys. Take our new subject into the main lab. We'll begin work on him right away. (Rubs his hands together) It has been so long since I've worked on human subject! I am so glad I hired you, Miss Saunders. Shame we couldn't get all of the boys, though.

Sheila: *smirks* One will suffice for now. I have other plans in the works for the others.

(The lab boys pick up Mike, who groans and growls as loudly as he can under the gag, and carry him through a door in the back wall)

Marcovich: What is your interest in that boy, Shelia?

Sheila: He is...he bears the soul of a former lover that I am still very much fond of.

Marcovich: (Raises his eyebrows) I am not going to ask how that is possible. So goes the ways of love, I suppose...

Sheila: Like I've said, it's all one long story.

Marcovich: I have seen many strange things in the last few minutes. I am starting to believe many things are possible...things even science has no understanding of.

Sheila: You should. Many things have the capability of occurring whether science can offer an explanation or not.

Marcovich: (Opens the door for Shelia as they follow the lab technicians) What of the other boys? Are they like him and the almond-eyed one, with such souls? And are they also (grins wickedly) former lovers?

Sheila: No, only this one. The blond boy has a most innocent soul, while the British boy has an interesting soul. His is also rather innocent, although it wouldn't seem so as he seems quite popular among the ladies.

Marcovich: (Makes a face) It does not take a genuis to realize the blond boy is NOT one. It was entirely too easy to erase what little mind he had.

Sheila: *shakes her head* The blond boy is naive, not dumb. It is quite easy to confuse the two.

(They continue their conversation as they follow the technicians through a series of smaller labs, fitted with cages and large chemistry sets and machines.)

Marcovich: And, other than wishing to have the tall boy as your lover, what is your interest in them? I had intended to smuggle a famous scientist out of the country and to Eastern Europe, but the blond caught on, and then the others did when they went after him. They called the police and had me arrested. I was lucky to get out on parole. My assistant at that time is still there.

Sheila: This one is the main reason for my uncle having lost the blond boy's soul. Again, it is quite a long story, but I still wish revenge of sorts on all of them.

Marcovich: (Pushes open a large, heavy door) I see we are in agreement on this.

Sheila: *nods* Very much in agreement.

(They enter the room. It's huge, and filled to the brim with wide-eyed small animals in cages, chemicals, tubes, needles, beakers, and other related scientific paraphenalia. The lab technicians have placed Mike on a large steel table in the middle of the room. He is still bound hand, foot, and neck. He glares at Shelia and Marcovich when they come in.)

Marcovich: Now, boys, we will prepare for our first experiment of the day. (Looks at the boiling-mad Texan) Perhaps he should be secured to the table. I doubt he'll be a cooperative subject.

Sheila: You know him well, already, Marcovich.

(Mike mumbles through the gag as the lab technicians untie him and strap his wrists, ankles, chest, and neck to the table.)

Marcovich: He's the smart one. He is the one who came up with the plan that destroyed and discredited me. He will have the strength to fight.

Sheila: *nods* Right again.

(Mike struggles as Marcovich pulls on rubber gloves. He picks up a needle filled with a strange, dark-purple liquid.)

Marcovich: You may inject this into his system first, Miss Saunders. It is a kind of narcotic. It will calm his body enough that working on him will be possible.

(Mike shakes his head as much as he can and struggles, screaming as loudly as he can under the gag.)

Sheila: *takes the needle* Gladly. *empties the needle into his arm*

(Mike winces and struggles...but it only takes seconds before the struggling ceases. His breathing slows and becomes more regular. His eyes widen slightly, but his chest no longer moves up and down rapidly, only in a normal heartbeat.)

Sheila: *smirks* Amazing.

Marcovich: Now, give him this. (Hands her a beaker of yellowish fluid) It will make him feel light-headed and giddy. He will react more feasibly to suggestions, breaking down his mind so he cannot plan his way out.

(Mike makes a face and turns his head from Marcovich, who hands the beaker to Shelia)

Lab Technician: Damn, he IS a stubborn bastard, ain't he?

(Another lab boy pulls the tie from around Mike's mouth.)

Sheila: Not for long. Hold his head steady.

Mike: I ain't drinkin' that. Bet it tastes terrible.

Sheila: That's very unfortunate for you, then.

(One lab technician takes firm hold of Mike's head, pulling it to face the scientist and the female devil. Marcovich holds his nose, making him gasp and open his mouth.)

*Sheila pours the liquid down Mike's throat.*

Mike: (Spits, then gags heavily as the lab technician lets go. His eyes glaze over, and he smiles) Yeah, it tastes terrible. Like the cough medicine my mom used to give me as a kid. (Chuckles lightly; in a soft voice) What now?

Marcovich: Now, my good (chuckles) Knight, you will become a part of scientific history.

Mike: That's nice. (He chuckles a bit again, sounding slurred) Man, does my head feel funny.

Sheila: You'll feel much better soon. ;)

(Marcovich stands over a beaker, watching a mixture of various chemicals come down the tubes. A reddish-brown fluid finally falls into the beaker.)

Mike: Why am I here?

Marcovich: You are assisting us, my boy. We are working on ways of controlling the human mind. It will be very handy in my line of work.

Mike: (Giggles, almost childlike) Cool!

Sheila: *smirks* You might even be famous.

Mike: Famous, yeah, I wanna be that. Wanna play my guitar, be famous... (laughs again) My head feels like it's fulla balloons. It might float away.

Marcovich: (Holds up the reddish-brown fluid to Shelia) Now, my dear (nods at the lab technicians) gentlemen, this is entirely new. It has not been tested on a living organism. Our dark-haired Knight will be the very first to test it. (Looks up at Mike with a wicked smile) Would you like to be the first to test this new discovery, White Knight?

Mike: (Nods) Sure. I'll do it. :)

Sheila: And what will this do? Or would that spoil the surprise?

Marcovich: It plays with certain parts of the mind, splitting the emotions into the negative - hatred, anger - and the positive - love, gentleness. The split emotions are confused and weakened, making them more easy to heighten. Say, you had someone who was very angry all the time, and you wanted to calm them. You would heighten their gentle, more loving side. And vice versa and so forth.

Shelia: Incredible!

Marcovich: How should we administer this to our patient? Shall we give it to him in liquid form, or inject it into his system?

Mike: Don't care, as long as it tastes good. (Chuckles again) Feel like a hot air balloon...

Sheila: *smirks* Liquid form. I rather liked the reaction to the first one.

Marcovich: Shall I do it or you? He should be far more cooperative this time around.

Sheila: I will.

Marcovich: Very well, Miss Saunders. Carry on. (Hands her the beaker)

Mike: Whatcha doin'? (He smiles dreamily as she comes to him.)

Sheila: We're going to give you another drink. This should hopefully taste much better than the first one. It will make you feel VERY good.

Mike: (Grins) Even better than I do now? Like I'm up in the sky without no plane? :D

Shelia; *holds the beaker to his lips* Better than that! *tips the beaker for him to drink*

(Mike drinks the beaker. He chokes a little on it, but doesn't react as violently as he did to the first one.)

Lab Technician: Nothin's happening! :p

Marcovich: We wait. Sometimes, it will take a minute to kick in.

Mike: (Chuckles) Don't feel no dif... (his eyes suddenly widen and he spasms, gasping. He screams as his body contorts in its bonds. He almost seems to blur before their eyes, as if there's two of him. He shrieks at the top of his lungs, crying Emma's name and twisting and jerking on the table.)

Sheila: What the...

(When the blur fades, there are two completely identical bodies laying on the table...two Micheal Nesmiths. Two of the wide-eyed lab technicians bind the second Mike to the table.)

Marcovich: (As the two men pant, both heavily covered with sweat) Oh...oh my...this was not as planned...

Lab Technician 1: Holy SHIT!

Sheila: *smirks* Maybe not, but this is even better!

Lab Technician 2: Whatever you gave him, I ain't goin' within five miles of it!

Original Mike: (Frowns) Wha...what happened?

Second Mike: (Growling) What the HELL did you just DO?

(Both men fall against the table, groaning.)

Second Mike: My head feels like total shit.

Original Mike: You ain't kiddin'. I don't know what you put in that, but I wouldn't recommend bottlin' it.

Lab Technician 3: Are they totally alike? Is it still the same guy?

Sheila: Seems your potion has done more than split emotions.

Marcovich: I am not sure. THIS, I did not plan. (Eyes and grin widens) I have split a whole body!

Second Mike: Hey, Marcovich, I feel like someone just ripped out my lungs and twisted my muscles into pretzels, so could you put us back, please?

Original Mike: Please, I've gotta get home to Em! She'll worry!

Second Mike: Or smack me over the face with her damn hockey stick. I oughta hide that thing from her.

Original Mike: She doesn't mean any harm. She just gets mad.

Sheila: Not so fast, boys. We haven't quite finished with you yet.

Second Mike: (Narrows his eyes) You'd BETTER have finished, bitch, or I'll figure out a way to imagine a windstorm that will blow this place to HEAVEN and gone! :p X( ;)

Original Mike: What are you going to do to me? :o :(

Marcovich: (Leans over the pair with a notepad) Amazing! (Scribbles)

Second Mike: (Growls) LET ME OUT!

Original Mike: Em's gonna miss me! So will the others!

Second Mike: They'll come after me, you know.

Original Mike: They know where I am!

Sheila: Now, now. We want to evaluate the changes the two of you have gone through. ;)

Marcovich: Attach those sensors to their heads. It will monitor the flow of their heartbeat, of their emotions...and ask them questions. See how they react.

Original Mike: I'm not a we...I think.

Second Mike: I'm one person. Just ain't in one body right now. I feel like a damn freak show.

Marcovich: I'm sure there are many things you want to know from this man, Miss Saunders, as do I.

Lab Technician 2: (Tightens Second Mike's bonds) Or MEN.

Sheila: Oh, quite so.

Lab Technician 1: (Tightens Original Mike's bonds - he whimpers and shrinks back) This one isn't so feisty.

Sheila: He will be easier to deal with.

Second Mike: (Struggles angrily) Man, didn't you hear me?

Original Mike: I'm ONE person!

Marcovich: Not anymore. Are you finished with the sensors, Miss Saunders?

Sheila: *secures the last of the sensors* All set.

Marcovich: Now, gentleMEN (smirks), you will feel a slight electric shock when I turn this on, and when you answer questions. Nothing that will harm you. Shelia, would you like to begin? I will take the notes.

Sheila: *nods* Ready.

(The two Mikes wince as Marcovich turns on the large machine near the tables. A counter ticks slowly.)

Original Mike: What are you after, Devil Woman?

Second Mike: You ain't gonna get any info outta ME!

Sheila: We'll see about that.

(Both Mikes struggle, but Second Mike struggles harder.)

Marcovich: (Opens the notebook again) I am ready. Begin the questions.

Second Mike: I ain't talkin'. Whatever it is, the answer's NO.

Original Mike: No way!

Shelia: *smirks* How do you feel about soon becoming a father?

Original Mike: Kinda scared.

Second Mike: (Narrows his eyes) Why do you wanna know?

Sheila: I'm curious, that's all.

(Original Mike glares at his other half, who glares right back)

Second Mike: (To Original Mike) You ain't helpin', you know.

Original Mike: She read my soul. She knows I'm scares shitless. I love the idea of havin' a kid, but I don't have no male role model. How am I gonna be one for my kid?

Second Mike: Man, I'll be fine!

(Marcovich just scribbles.)

Sheila: Half of you is fine, the other is scared. Haven't you asked the, Micky about what it's like to be a father?

Second Mike: Ain't gonna ask him. He's got his own problems, and anyway, I'll figure it out.

Original Mike: I've thought of askin' him, but I'm kinda nervous about it, and we haven't had the time. He's been busy with architectural school, and I've been workin' on songs, and we've all been rehearsin' for the Club Fairview gig.

Second Mike: Stop givin' her information!

Original Mike: Like she don't know anyway!

Shelia: Ah, yes, the club gig. *smirks* I assume that's been going well.

Original Mike: (Grins) It's wonderful. All those kids, dancin' to OUR music...EVERY other night! We ain't never had a steady gig before!

Second Mike: (Nods) Yeah, it's groovy. I'm just hopin' the producers come around. Alexandra O'Malley really likes us. She could recommend us to bigger clubs and maybe even record companies.

Original Mike: Hey, I kinda LIKE the Club Fairview gig! At least we're playin!

Second Mike: But it ain't gettin' past San Fernando Valley! I want to get our stuff HEARD!

Shelia: How do you plan on going about that?

Original Mike: We're gonna make some recordin's, shop them around.

Second Mike: The usual way. Keep pluggin' 'till some legit producer wants to sign us to a show or a good deal.

Marcovich: This is all interesting. One is telling the truth, what is in his heart. The other keeps trying to cover it up, make up lies or not answer at all.

Original Mike: (Grumbles) Devil Woman already knows most of this.

Second Mike: And she DOESN'T need to know more!

Shelia: Oh, but it is all so interesting!

Lab Technician 4: What are gonna do with them?

Marcovich: (Mutters; to himself) We must have separated his emotions. The first, original one has the gentler emotions - love, honesty, kindness. The other has his anger and temperament. Maybe we could learn more if they are separated?

Original Mike: (In horror) NO!

Second Mike: I'm ONE person! How you gonna separate me?

Sheila: *nods* Yes, that would be the best idea. Then the other won't try to cover up an answer.

Original Mike: Please don't...oh, Em....

Second Mike: Just try it, (spits) BITCH!

Marcovich: You could handle one. I could take the other.

Sheila: That will be fine, but who gets which one?

Marcovich: Which would you like to work with? Do you want the gentle lover (smirks at Second Mike) or the wild beast?

(Second Mike glares. Original Mike moans helplessly.)

Original Mike: (Sofly) Oh, Em, help me...

Shelia: I do have a thing for wild beasts. ;)

Marcovich: By all means. Take the beast. I will work with the lover. (Frowns) Who is this "Em" he calls for?

Original Mike: (Gulps) No...

Second Mike: Stay AWAY from her, you asshole!

Sheila: His *spits* wife. She is the most interfering of the group.

Marcovich: The soulmate you mentioned? I assume she is the one who is with child?

Sheila: Yes.

Original Mike: (Wide-eyed) No! Dear God, no! Em!

Second Mike: If you even THINK of hurtin' Em or our kid...

(But the lab technicians are already unstrapping Second Mike's bonds)

Sheila: *smirks* I wouldn't DREAM of hurting her or that innocent child of hers...

Original Mike: (Gulps) She...she wants our kid's soul...

Second Mike: (Struggles) Over my dead body, Devil Woman!

Sheila: Such an innocent soul.

Marcovich: You two help Shelia with her patient. The other two will remain with me to work with this one, and perhaps gain some answers without the interference of the other.

Original Mike: No! Please!

(The two technicians drag Second Mike into the next room, following Sheila into a smaller room.)

Second Mike: (Glares at her) Ok, Devil Woman, what in the HELL do you want with me? I ain't gonna talk, you know that, and I sure ain't gonna let you get my kid or my wife.

Sheila: I'm a little more interested in something ELSE right now. *smiles demurely*

Lab Technician 2: Gonna do some hiney bitin', Miss Saunders?

Lab Technician 3: THIS should be good!

Second Mike: Can I be ravished in privacy?

Shelia: *glares at the technicians* I do NOT need an audience, thank you. Privacy would be greatly appreciated. I can tame the wild beast myself.

Lab Technician 3: (Snaps his fingers, still grinning) Darn! (Shrugs) Let's go see how Marcovich is handling the other guy.

Lab Technician 2: Sure. (They walk out. Second Mike backs against the wall of the room, trying to get as far away from Sheila as he can.)

Second Mike: I ain't even gonna ask what you have in mind for me. I could find the same thing at the porno movie house on the other end of La Jolla.

Sheila: Oh, come now. It won't be that bad. Porno is tasteless.

Second Mike: Kinda like you, Devil Bitch.

Sheila: *shrugs* Oh, well. So be it, then.

(Second Mike is barely holding onto a table for support.)

Second Mike: Wha...what are you doin'?

Sheila: *smirks* Helping you out a bit.

Second Mike: How?

Sheila: By taking away all your worries. (She leans him onto the table.)

Second Mike: And how ya gonna do that? Muddlin' me again? I'm feelin' muddled enough as it is from all those drugs you guys jabbed in me.

Sheila: No more muddling. This will be much more enjoyable.

Second Mike: Ain't nuthin' bout you that's enjoyable, and I already got someone I do that sorta thing with. We didn't make a kid fully clothed, you know.

(Shelia leans against Second Mike's weakened body, her long fingers firmly on his wrists.)

Sheila: How do you know it won't be enjoyable? *kisses him fully on the lips* Wasn't that nice?

Second Mike: Sorta nice. Ain't like Em's, but nice...

Sheila: Only "sorta?" I'll just have to do better than that! *kisses him again*

Second Mike: (Gasps, but then grins) Whatcha got to offer me?

Shelia: Anything. Anything you want, within reason, that is.

Second Mike: You said somethin' about takin' away my worries. How? I got a whole catalog the size of Sears n' Roebuck.

Shelia: Join me. Help me, and I'll help you in return. That catalog will be reduced to a tiny scrap of paper.

Second Mike: Can you really do that?

Shelia: Of course I can. *smiles demurely again* You've seen me do it.

(Second Mike's eyes are growing darker. Shelia runs her fingers lightly across his bare chest, then down into his pants. He gasps, then chuckles.)

Second Mike: Kiss me some more. Maybe that'll let me decide.

Shelia: Sure. *presses her lips to his again*

(When Shelia removes her lips this time, Second Mike's eyes are no longer deep chocolate brown, but midnight black.)

Second Mike: (Softly) me....take my worries away...

Shelia: I almost have. *smiles demurely once more*