Everyone ready to tell the rest of the story?

Mike: Yeah.

Peter: I think I know what happened...

Micky: Sure.

Davy: Ready.

(We open exactly where we left off, with Mike holding a squirming Regina while the others dash out from under them.)

Regina: (Hisses) Let me go!

Mike: No way, sister.

Police Officer #1: I'll take her. (He grabs Regina and pulls her away)

Police Sergeant: So, what happened here?

Emma: (Looks at Lauren) To be honest, we're not quite sure.

Henry: (Shakes his head) All I know is that the lights went out, and I ended up wet and ruining a very expensive costume.

Beatrice: I was searching the upstairs bedroom when the lights went out. :P

Police Sergeant: Look, I want somebody to give me the full story.

Emma: (Sighs) Well, Mamie DeLis invited us to this house...

Police Sergeant: We already know that much, miss. Skip to what happened in the last half-hour or so.

Emma: Well, Daphne and Mike and Davy and I were in the attic...

(Here, the screen becomes wavy. We fade out on the hall, and fade in on the attic. It looks pretty much like the Montgomery House attic with different boxes and trappings.)

Mike: (Shudders) Sure is spooky up here.

(Daphne, Emma, and Davy follow Mike up the stairs. Emma starts looking around.)

Emma: This is crazy. What are we looking for again?

Daphne: Good question.

Mike: We're lookin' for someone who might have killed Mamie. Not to mention some of the reasons WHY they killed Mamie.

Emma: (Pushes some boxes aside) As far as I can tell, half her relatives have a reason to want her dead. They're all desperate to get their hands on this house.

Mike: Yeah, but why? It's just an old house.

Emma: This is California, Mike. Real estate is at a premium here. (Turns around) And look at this place, and the grounds! This house is amazing!

Davy: Exactly.

Emma: Mamie loved this place. She loved living, and it shows. She told me... (chokes)....that as much as she enjoyed traveling, she was always happy to return to her beautiful home.

Mike: Darlin', don't get upset again.

Emma: But..but....Mike, I wish I'd known her better. She was such a nice lady....

Daphne: She sure was.

Mike: Aw, don't cry.... (But as Mike starts towards Emma, the lights go out)

Emma: (We plunge into pitch blackness) Everyone stay where they are!

Mike: We've gotta make some flashlights appear... (suddenly, there's a crash) ouch!

Davy: Ow! Mike, was that you?

Mike: Yeah, it was me.

Emma: (We see a blue light...and then a flashlight beam) Are you guys ok?

Davy: Oh, just fine.

Mike: I love crashin' into my best friends like that.

Emma: Make some flashlights appear, and maybe you won't crash into people!

Mike: (Blue light, and we see another beam and an outline of him) Here's mine.

Davy: *Blue light and a flashlight beam* And mine.

Emma: Daphne?

Daphne: *Blue light and beam* Got mine.

Emma: Good. (Looks around) This place is even creepier in the total dark.

Mike: It ain't my first choice place for a party, that's for sure.

Emma: Maybe we should go downstairs and see if everyone else is ok...

Mike: Or fall down them.

Emma: Maybe... (but she's cut off as a gunshot is faintly heard)

Mike: Shit. I hope that wasn't what I thought it was.

Emma: (Eyes widen) Oh man, the other guys are still downstairs!

Mike: Come, folks! We've got to make sure everyone's ok. The last thing we want is another murder!

Emma: And don't bump into anything else! There may be valuable antiques up here! :P

(We get a shot of the four hurrying down the narrow attic steps to the second floor, passing Tommy and Beatrice on the way. Martin joins them when they hit the second floor.)

(Cut to the same shot from the end of Part 3 of the entire group running into each other in the dark, the lights going on, and Mike holding up Regina's hand. There's another wavy flash, and we fade back into the hallway, the present time. Emma shrugs.)

Emma: ...and that's all I know, Sergeant.

Police Sergeant: So none of you saw anything when you went downstairs?

Henry: (Growls) I knew something was amiss when I saw that woman upstairs the first time, wandering amid the jewelry.

Regina: Aw geez, that was for the game! Mamie wanted us to bring her some costume pieces!

Beatrice: And we never did find out what Mamie's secret was.

Peter: I think I can help with that. (He pulls something out of Regina's bosom, despite Valerie's glares) This may be why she shut down the lights.

Violet: What is that?

Henry: I'll read it. (He grabs it) I, Martha Delstein, being of sound mind and body... (looks up) ...why, it's Mamie's will! Her last will and testament!

Beatrice: So, who gets this place?

Regina: (Grabs it back) I don't care! I still want this place for a hotel!

Peter: (Gets between everyone) Now folks, if we could just remain calm...

Mike: Regina, why do you have that will, and where did you get it from?

Regina: I don't have to talk to you. I can call my lawyer, you know.

Henry: She got it from the study. I saw her when I was prowling around on the grounds.

Regina: How could you, if you were outside?

Henry: The study has a magnificent view of the pool area and the grounds around it. (The screen gets wavy as we see Henry talking.)

(Cut to outside. Henry's voice continues as narration.)

Henry: (We see him prowling around the pool; the Butler passes by) Have you seen anyone suspicious recently, my good man?

Butler: I am sorry, Sir, I have not. I just come from the kitchen, and I haven’t seen anyone besides you in the past few minutes.

Henry: How about in the last hour?

Butler: I saw Miss Regina come through here. I am afraid I did not pay much attention to her.

Henry: Regina...but she should be indoors!

Henry: (Looks around) Was she doing anything out of the ordinary?

Butler: I believe she had something in her hand, but I am unsure of what it was.

Henry: (Frowns) I wonder where all the others were? She wasn't with Tommy or Martin or Beatrice?

Butler: She was by herself.

Henry: That's peculiar. (Pats the Butler on the shoulder) You and the caterer keep an eye on things, ok?

Butler: We shall, Sir.

Henry: Very well...wha? (He and the Butler look up as the lights go out around them)

Butler: Oh dear. It seems the power has failed. I should go inspect the fuse box.

Henry: (Nods) I guess Mamie didn't keep things up to snuff in there.

Butler: I am sure it is just a short. *leans closer to Henry* Between you and me, that caterer seems a little...eccentric. The man had several gadgets on the counter when I left the kitchen. He may have blown a fuse, causing the lights to go out.

Henry: (Nods) He was a pleasant enough fellow. Odd, but pleasant.

Butler: *nods* Yes.

Henry: You get inside and check the lights. I'll go see if I can find Miss Regina.

Butler: Certainly, Sir. *heads inside*

Henry: (Narration continues over his movements) I intended to follow Miss Regina back into the house, but I couldn't see where I was going!

(Henry stumbles past the shrubbery, over to the pool area. Cut to Dil, doing the same thing.)

Dil: Man, who killed the lights? What...

Henry: Where...oh!

(And Henry and Dil tumble head over heels into the water as the screen goes wavy again and we fade out.)