Part 2

You boys ready for your on-the-air debut? ;)

Micky: *grins* Definitely! :D

Mike: Ready and willin', darlin'. It'll be great publicity.

Davy: Yeah, for us and for the show!

Peter: We're gonna have so much fun! :)

Lauren: This oughta be good. ;)

(We begin a week later. The four Monkees walk down the hall in the radio station with a thirty-ish man in a T-shirt and jeans. The boys are dressed similarly, except for Mike, who wears his Oxford shirt and tie with jeans and boots.)

Scotty Huff: We're really glad to have you guys. I'll interview Davy about the musical while you guys get used to the controls, they you'll all have free reign. Just watch your language and watch what you say, as we do have censors.

Mike: We can play anything we want?

Scotty Huff: Anything we have, as long as it's decent and fits in the airtime. You'll also be running commercials between the songs and chatter and taking calls on the musical.

Micky: No problem! ;)

Mike: (Holds up a stack of records) We all brought some of our own stuff to play too, Mr. Huff. We thought we'd publicize our music group, too, while we're here.

Scotty Huff: That's fine. As long as it's decent enough to play on the air. You can call it a special preview, though you should probably warn your listeners that the songs aren't avalible in stores and can only be heard wherever you play.

Peter: We're having our last gig at the Club Fairview later this week!

Scotty Huff: I know that place. We advertise it. Great music, and the owners are nice folks. (Squints) Haven't I seen you guys before?

Mike: You've probably advertised us. We're the Monkees. We play at the Club Fairview every other night. Tomorrow's our last night playing.

Scotty Huff: Breakin' up?

Mike: (Shakes his head) Nahh, just lookin' for a new gig.

Micky: Bigger and better things! ;)

Mike: Yeah, the O'Malley's are nice people. We'll probably even mention that they're looking for new bands this afternoon. We just need somethin' fresh.

Scotty Huff: I can't say I blame you there. There's plenty of new places opening, and with the Fairview gig on your track record, it shouldn't be too hard for you guys to get bookings.

Mike: That's what we're hopin'.

Scotty Huff: (Pushes a door open) Here we go. (They walk into a small room. Along one side are wires and controls. A simple table and four chairs with headsets and microphones are set up in the middle. An older man sits at the controls, working with the dials.)

Older Man: (Looks up and nods) Hi there, Scott. These the kids who are gonna plug that show this afternoon?

Mike: Yeah. We're the Monkees.

Older Man: Don't look like any monkeys I've ever seen. (Stands) Ted Kenackie, at your service. Been here longer than the equipment. ;)

Scotty Huff: He came with the building when this place switched to blues and rock after Mammoth Studios shut down.

Ted Kenackie: And don't you forget it, whippersnapper! I've been fiddling with controls for so long, I remember Jack Benny when he was REALLY 39!

Micky: I like this guy! ;)

Peter: (Walks around) Wow, this sure is a groovy place!

Ted: (Grins) Thanks, kids. I'm gonna show you guys how to work the controls while Scotty promotes your appearance, then you guys can warm up while he interviews the kid who's in this show.

Davy: That would be me. :)

Ted: I knew the Pirates were getting shorter every season. ;)

*Micky laughs.* ;)

(Mike and Peter chuckle; Davy rolls his eyes.)

Scotty Huff: They're all yours, Ted. I'm going to interview Davy. Come on. (He nods at the door, and he and Davy head out. Ted turns to the remaining Monkees)

Ted: Ok, fellows. You're mostly gonna be usin' the headsets, the turntables, and the microphones. I'll handle the complicated stuff. You get to choose the records, spin them, run commericals, and do general talk and patter. There's a phone if you want to take calls on the air, too. I've got it all hooked up and ready.

Mike: (Grins) Might not be a bad idea. Our wives and kids are listenin'. They'll probably want to check up on us. ;)

Ted: I got seven grandkids and five kids myself, and I still date my wife. ;)

Micky: Don't know WHY they'd have to check up on us, though. ;)

Peter: Because you like to play with the controls and Mike sometimes uses bad language!

Ted: You boys gonna have to watch that sorta thing on the air. I can't always bleep you quick enough. It'll get us taken off the air for sure.

Micky: P-shaw! I'll keep an eye on him. ;)

Peter: And I'll keep an eye on ALL of them.

Ted: (Nods at the equipment) You boys take a look. I'll be right over here, listenin' to their interview in Studio B.

Micky: Thanks, man!

Ted: When the other kid comes back, I'll show you our record collection before we get started.

Mike: That might not be a good idea with Mick. ;)

Peter: I'm sure he wouldn't cause any harm with Ted here. :)

Micky: At least Pete's confident about me. *sticks his tongue out at Mike*

Peter: Of course! :)

Ted: That reminds me, I don't know you kids' names.

Mike: I'm Mike. Peter's the blonde with the beads. Micky's got the curly hair, and Davy's the one gettin' interviewed.

Peter: (Puts on a headset and taps a microphone) Helloooo! Anyone in there?

Mike: (Joins Peter at the table) You guys remember everyone who asked us for a plug?

Micky: Don't you mean anyone who DIDN'T ask us for a plug? That list is MUCH shorter. ;)

Peter: (Counts on his fingers) Well, there was Millie and Larry's businesses, and the jewelers in Malibu Beach, and Valerie's dad's grocery chain, and Mr. Babbitt wanted us to mention he has houses for rent, and the Four Martians and the Angellettes and the Abbies all wanted to be plugged for gigs, and the Club Fairview wanted a plug, and...

Micky: And we've only got four hours. :P

Mike: (Rolls his eyes) We're NOT mentioning Babbit. He don't count.

Peter: He asked!

Mike: We don't like livin' in his houses. Let's not encourage anyone else to.

Peter: Hey, speaking of houses, how's buying the Pad coming?

Mike: Close. We've almost got enough. Just a few more weeks. (Sighs) Then we have to save enough money to FIX it. :p

Peter: At least you'll have it, though!

Micky: I can help with fixing the smaller stuff. *grins*

Mike: Yeah, but we'll need to hire help for the bigger stuff, and then there's paintin' and carpetin' and fixin' the roof. All that costs money.

Peter: We could help you, Mike, Val and me.

Mike: (Shakes his head) Thanks, Pete, but you guys have an old house of your own to take care of. We'll be all right.

Micky: Ye of little faith, Michael. You forget what my definition of "small" is. ;)

Mike: Lauren will kill you if Em and I let you fall off the roof. ;) :p

Micky: *rolls his eyes* When've I ever fallen off the roof, huh?

Mike: The time you went up there after you'd drank that potion that let you sprout feathers on your arm.

Peter: And the time you tried to fix the gutters!

Mike: And just what WERE you and Davy doin' up there durin' that thunder storm?

Peter: I liked their hair after they came down. It was frizzed for a week. ;)

Micky: *grumbles* I only asked for when, NOT the specifics. :P

Mike: Heck, maybe we could have a party or somethin'. How much do those guys who helped you build your house cost?

Micky: *grins* Not much. Besides, they like me, and they're dying for ANY work. ;)

Mike: Good. I'll happily give them work, and Em will happily feed them. ;)

Peter: She sent us two loaves of orange-lemon bread as a welcome home present when we moved into the Montgomery House! :)

Micky: *grins* I'll call 'em up! :)

Ted: (Looks over his shoulder as Davy enters) Ok, boys. Think we're ready to show you the collection. (Nods at Davy) Scotty told you about the equipment, Shorty?

Davy: (Nods, making a face) Yes, 'e did, and me name is Davy.

*Micky snorts.* ;)

Ted: Great. He's a good man, Scotty, and a real good DJ. People just automatically open up to him, and he really loves the music. (Shrugs and takes the boys to huge closet. He removes the keys hanging on his trousers and opens the locked closet. Inside are stacks and stacks of records, some going back as far as the early 50s.)

Mike: Oh, man... :D

Micky: Think I've died and gone to Heaven! :D =P~

Peter: Oh, wow, look at all these great songs! (Takes some and riffles through them; his face lights up) You have Little Richard! :D

Ted: Pick what you wanna play this afternoon, boys. (Grins) I have to admit, I've gotten kinda fond of it. Some of the newer stuff's sorta strange, but most of it has a nice beat and you can really move to it. Always liked that Elvis fellow myself. ;)

(The boys go through the record stacks, their faces lit up like kids at Christmas.)

Davy: 'ere's the Fifth Dimension songs from that new musical "Hair."

Mike: Oh, wow, and Bo Diddly!

Peter: And Jerry Lee Lewis!

Mike: Tons of Beatles.

Micky: Oh, man, so many artists, so little time! (Takes out a record) Ooooh, "Since I Fell For You!"

Ted: Just take the records over and put them on. Careful. You break them, you gotta buy the station a new one. ;)

Peter: (Gently hugs his record stack) Oh, I wouldn't hurt these for the world! :D

Micky: I'll find us some pillows to carry them on!

Mike: I love records, but sometimes, I wish someone would invent a way of playin' music that weren't so darn fragile. :p

Micky: Man, me, too. :P

Peter: I like records. I like the hisses they make and putting the arm at just the right spot to get your favorite song. :)

Micky: Just imagine if they made one of these even smaller than this. *holds up a 45* I bet there'd be a way to get right to the song you want.

Mike: Without scratchin' anythin' or tryin' to put the arm in the right place.

Davy: That would be an improvement. I've scratched me shah of records tryin' to find a song I liked.

Micky: Something sturdier than vinyl.

Peter: Something that doesn't break easy.

Micky: That'd be so nice. :)

(The boys bring their stacks over to the players as Scotty Huff comes in.)

Scotty Huff: Ok, guys, you'll be on as soon as the Beatles' "Lucy In the Sky With Diamonds" finishes.

Davy: Wot if somethin' 'appens, or we mess up?

Scotty Huff: I'll be doing equipment checks in Studio B, and Ted will be right here. (Grins) Don't forget, you'll have at least 3,000 people in the San Fernando Valley listening to you, too. (Nods at the records) Found anything that interests you?

Peter: Found EVERYTHING that interests us! :D

Mike: You guys play groovy stuff. ;)

Micky: Beyond groovy! ;)

Davy: You 'ave some very nice music. :)

Scotty Huff: Glad you like it, boys. (Takes a headset) I'll introduce you guys, then you're more or less on your own for the next four hours. If things get really messy, Ted or I will help bail you out.

Scotty Huff: (Sits down at the chair) Hello, everyone, and welcome back to KMMS Rock and Roll Radio! We've got an awesome show for you this afternoon, with four young men some of you groovy cats and chicks in the Valley area may know well if you frequent everyone's favorite local hot spot the Club Fairview. You met one of the members already, Davy Jones, who's appearing in the upcoming major musical "The Sword and the Shadow" at the Hunter Forrest Theater, now meet the others! (Turns to the boys and indicates the microphone) Introduce yourselves, boys!

Mike: (Leans over the microphone first) Michael Nesmith, folks. Lead and bass guitar and organ.

Micky: *grabs the microphone* Micky Dolenz, drummer extraordinaire, lead vocals, and soon-to-be general contractor. :D ;)

Davy: (Grabs the microphone from Micky and nudges him out of the way) And all you lovely ladies know me, David Jones, lead vocals, drummer, and percussionist, soon to be major comic lead in that wonderful upcoming musical "The Sword and the Shadow." ;) :D

*Micky sticks his tongue out at Davy.*

Scotty Huff: (Into the microphone) And we've got one more! (To the nervous Peter) Ok, son, your turn.

Peter: (Gulps and leans over the microphone) I...I...I'm P...Peter T..Tork. I play the bass and the lead guitar and the piano and the harpsichord and the keyboard and the harp and the French Horn and a lot of other instruments. (Blushes and pulls away)

Mike: (Sighs and puts his hand on Peter's shoulder) You did ok, Pete, but you can't be scared all day.

Micky: *grabs the mic again* There's nothing this man can't play, let me tell you!

Davy: (Grabs the mic from Mick) He's even taught ME a few things. ;)

*Micky snorts, then laughs.*

Peter: (He's now the color of his bright red tie-dye T shirt) Aww, guys... :">

Micky: Truth, Pete, and nothing but. :)

Mike: (Into the microphone over Davy's shoulder) Good thing you can't see Pete right now, or there'd be people tryin' to put him out. ;)

Peter: (Blushes even redder) Oh, man...

Scotty Huff: (Takes the microphone back) I may be taking my life into my hands by saying this, but we're going to turn the show over to the Monkees. (To the boys) Just leave the place in one piece, ok, fellows?

Mike: We ain't gonna make any promises. ;)

Peter: We'll be good!

Davy: Mostly. ;)

Micky: One piece, we can handle. Although we can't promise it'll be the SAME piece. ;)

Scotty Huff: As long as you leave A piece, we should be ok. ;)

Micky: You got it. ;)

Ted: (From the controls) Nice knowin' ya, Scotty. ;)

Scotty Huff: (Hands Mike the microphone) The show is now yours, boys. Perform on it with pride. ;)

Mike: (Mock serious) We'll do our best, Mr. Huff.

(Scotty leaves the room.)

Ted: (From the controls) The Huff-man has now left the building. ;)

Micky: Allllll-RIGHT! :D

Mike: (Grins as all four boys sit down at the table) Ok, folks, let's get this show on the road.

Peter: We're not doing the show on the road! We're doing it in the station! :D

Davy: (Shakes his head) That's our Petah. ;) :)

Peter: Thank you! :)

Micky: What should we promote first?

Mike: We've sure got enough to pick from. ;)

Davy: Well, we're really 'ere to promote the new show I'm appearin' in, "The Sword and the Shadow." It's that big new rollickin', rollin' pirate musical that starts performances at the Huntah Forrest Theatah on Septembah 20th. I'm gonna be the comic lead, did you guys know that?

Mike: Yes.

Peter: A lot.

Micky: I didn't. You should tell us these things, Dave. *grins* ;)

Mike: Mick's got his own place with a lovely lady and two energetic toddlers. ;)

Micky: You gotta keep me informed here! *chuckles* ;)

Davy: I should 'ope you know where you live, Mick. ;)

Micky: Funny, Dave. I MEANT about your show, short-stuff. ;)

Peter: I live in a big house with my wife of four months, Valerie. :)

Mike: I live in a place in Malibu Beach with my wife and our two-week-old daughter, the love of our life. She's such a cute little cowgirl. :D

Davy: You forget where your 'ead is 'alf the time, Mick. ;)

Micky: Nuh uh! It's right here, right above my neck. *pauses* Uh oh. Or maybe it isn't. ;)

Mike: I always knew your head was light enough to float out the door. ;)

Peter: I didn't see it!

Davy: We're teasin' 'im, Pete.

Peter: Oh. :p

Micky: Yeah, just the usual. I think for that, I should get to play the first song. ;) :P Um, if someone has a guitar, that is. ;)

Peter: (Looks over his shoulder; Ted has temporarily left the room) Here you are, Micky! (Closes his eyes and makes the guitar appear in a soft blue light.)

Davy: We're going to play you one of our latest and greatest 'its.

Micky: Thanks, Peter. See, I got a request before we came here. Yes, I'm gonna sing anyway. ;)

Mike: And if you like what you hear on the air, come down to the Club Fairview and hear us in our last performance there.

Peter: (Gasps) You mean....

Micky: *shakes his head* Peter...

Mike: (Mock serious) Yes. The Monkees are now freed men, and the Club Fairview needs young and untried bands to come and attempt to fill the void. ;)

Peter: (Whispers to Micky) This is a routine Mike and I worked up to promote our last Club Fairview performance. ;)

Micky: Gotcha. *grins*

Davy: Well, Mick, are you going to sing, or are you gonna leave us all day in unbearable suspense? ;)

Mike: Yeah, it's killin' us. ;)

Peter: But we're still here!

Micky: I'm gonna sing, if you guys are done now. The request I got came from my lovely wife, Lauren. Despite several attempts, she's made me promise that I sing a particular song. So this is actually a song that you probably won't hear me do live at a show. Points to any of you guys that can guess it. *grins* ;)

(Davy grins. Mike sighs. Peter tries to guess it.)

Micky: *into the mic* Look at them huddle. Don't hurt yourselves, guys. ;)

Davy: Least we ain't bonked heads. ;)

Micky: Yet. ;) All right, babe, this one's for you. *begins to strum the guitar*

Peter: Awwww! :)

Mike: Mick's crazy about his wife and kids.

Davy: He and Lauren are soulmates, so don't you ladies get any fancy ideas towards our Mick. ;)

Micky: Lemme play my song! It's called "Love Light," and it goes something like this. It goes exactly like this. *sings* ;)

(Ted returns as the boys listen to the lovely ballad. He nods and gives them a thumbs up as the song ends.)

Ted: (Whispers) Where did the guitar come out of, thin air?

Mike: Yes. ;)

Micky: In a manner of speaking. ;)

Davy: Who gets ta play next?

Peter: Shouldn't we promote someone?

Mike: Oh, yeah. We want you to go on down and eat at Millie's Cheesecakes and Other Goodies. She don't just have cheesecake, you know.

Peter: She don't?

Davy: She's got everythin' there is that can be baked, and Mick's ate it twice. ;)

Peter: Micky has a monster appetite!

Micky: Some more than twice! ;)

(Davy growls into the microphone. ;) )

Micky: Lemme tell you, folks, I can vouch for ALL of Millie's goodies. In spite of these guys heckling me, I DO leave happily full, even though these three would never believe me. ;) :P

Davy: Mick nevah leaves anywhere full. ;)

Micky: See?

Mike: (Rolls his eyes) So if you've got a monster appetite like Micky's, head on down to Millie's Cheesecakes and Other Goodies, on Main Street and Fourth across from Harry's Jewels in downtown Malibu Beach. Remember, cheesecake can cure all ills...especially monster appetites! ;)

(Davy growls again for good measure. ;) )

Mike: (Takes the guitar) Well, folks, now it's time for my wife's request. I'd like to dedicate this song to my own lady, Emma, and our new daughter Katie. Girls, this is for you.

(He plays "Different Drum" as Peter listens and Micky and Davy start swaying...then knocking into each other. They knock each other so hard, then end up on the floor laughing as the song ends.)

Mike: Guys, cut that out! :p

Ted: (From the controls) Half the Valley just heard that thump!

Micky: What? We're just having fun! :P

Peter: Maybe we ought to sit in between them.

Mike: Good idea. Let's switch. (The boys switch around; after much muttering, complaining, and stepping on toes, Davy and Micky are now across from each other, rather than next to each other.)

Peter: There. Isn't that better? :)

*Micky sticks his tongue out at Davy.* :P

Micky: *turns to Mike, who's now next to him* Not really, no. ;)

(Davy sticks his tongue out at Micky. Peter nudges him.)

Davy: (Fake doubles over) Ow, Petah, that got me kidneys! :p ;)

Peter: Are you ok? :(

Mike: Dave, save it for "The Sword and the Shadow."

Micky: Then you can really show off your acting skills, or lack thereof. ;)

Davy: Which is playin' at the Forest Theatah on Septembah 20th at 8PM...(glares at Micky)...hey! :p

*Micky grins, laughing.*

Micky: *tries to compose* All right. Guys, I came up with a little something to amuse our audience, well, more so than we have already. ;)

Mike: If it involves blowing things up, no way.

Davy: Mick, 'ere, is an amatuer chemist.

Peter: He likes to make things explode.

Micky: *pulls out a multi-folded piece of paper* I have here a list, oh ye of little faith. This is a list for people who are bored and wonder about things. I wonder about things all the time, so I'm actually never bored. Let's see what you guys think of some of these.

Mike: (Looks at the paper) What you got there, Micky?

Peter: (Also looks) I wonder sometimes about these things, too...

Micky: Did you ever wonder...

Micky: ...Why we drive on parkways and park on driveways?

Davy: I always wondahed where your mind went when we ask you where to find the keys to the cah or where you last left your cat's food dish. ;)

Micky: Do you mind? This is my bit! *sticks his tongue out* :P

Micky: Did you ever wonder why when you transport something by car it's called a shipment but when you send something by boat it's called cargo?

Mike: Unless you're transportin' Monkees by anythin'.

Davy: Then you're in trouble. ;)

Micky: *sighs* Did you ever wonder how did a fool and his money GET together?

Micky: Did you ever wonder why abbreviation is such a long word?

Mike: They like for people to have a lot to say. ;)

Micky: Did you ever wonder why they call it a tv set when you only have one?

Micky: Did you ever wonder what the best thing was before sliced bread?

Peter: Vegetables! They're good for you. :)

Davy: I fancy kippahs on toast meself.

Mike: Anythin' my wife bakes. ;)

Micky: Did you ever wonder why we've never seen the headline "Psychic Wins Lottery"?

Davy: They like to keep real quiet 'bout that. ;)

Micky: Did you ever wonder why is it that doctors call what they do "practice"?

Mike: Don't get me started on doctors... :p

(Davy elbows him.)

Micky: Did you ever wonder why there isn't mouse-flavored cat food? ;)

Davy: 'Ave you evah smelled a mouse? It'd scah the cats away! :p

Micky: *grins* And finally, did you ever wonder who was the first person to say, "See that chicken there? I'm gonna eat the next thing that comes outta its butt." ;)

(Peter makes a face. Davy gags.)

Mike: Great. I'm never gonna eat eggs again. :p

Peter: Now you know why I don't. :p

Micky: What's wrong with eggs? :P ;)

Davy: While you ponder Mick's searchin' questions, 'ere's somethin' else to keep in mind. 'Arry's Jewels is 'avin' a twenty percent off sale on all diamonds. Keep her happy with a real gem of a stone from 'Arry's.

Mike: (Nudges Peter, who looks thoughtful) Hey, Pete, you there?

Peter: Just wondering about some of Micky's questions! :)

Micky: *beams* See that? :)

Davy: Don't wonder too 'ard, Peter. Your head might wandah off. ;)

Peter: (Grabs his head, jolting the headset) Don't listen to him, head! Stay right here! I can't write music without you! :o

Mike: (Makes a face at the feedback created when Peter jolted the headset) Careful there, Pete.

Micky: That was kinda groovy. ;)

Davy: 'Ey, Petah, why don't you play our next song? (Hands him the guitar)

Peter: Cool! Thanks, Dave! (Smiles) This is a request, too, for my wife, Valerie, who is with all the other girls and the kids at our house. It was the song she asked for at our wedding. :) (Proceeds to play "Tear the Top Right Off My Head.")

Mike: Val always did have good taste. ;)

Davy: (As the song ends) Who wants to do anothah commercial? ;)

Peter: Micky hasn't done one yet! :)

Mike: Micky could sell suntan lotion to Eskimos. ;)

Mike: You still in there, Mick?

Davy: 'E's daydreamin' bout 'is wife and kids. ;)

Mike: Can't blame him. I'm thrilled 'bout my new little girl. :)

Peter: Your turn for the commercial, Mick! :)

Micky: Huh? Oh. *takes his feet off the table from where he was reclined* ;)

Mike: This ain't no place for catnaps, Panther Man. ;)

Davy: Your snorin' might damage the mics. ;)

Micky: *turns red* Funny, guys. :P Let's see, commercial. All right. Got car trouble, or just need a tune up, stop by Cardelli's Garage. They can fix anything & if you're REALLY lucky... *smacks Mike on the back* You might find our very own Mike there! ;)

Peter: He does good work! He helped fix the MonkeeMobile after (gulps and says quickly) two very nasty people damaged it! :(

Mike: It weren't pretty, but it's all in good shape now, thanks to the good folks at Cardelli's Garage.

Davy: It's gettin' too bloomin' depressin' in 'ere. :p

Micky: Now where'd I leave off in that daydream? Oh yeah... *grins* Why don't we spin some stacks of whacks, guys? :)

Mike: Sounds nice to me. ;)

Peter: Maybe we could preview some of our songs for the upcoming Club Fairview gig! :)

Mike: We just happened to bring some demos of our newest hits, which you can only hear at the Club Fairview this Monday night.

Mike: I'll just put on "Listen to the Band"...

(But Davy takes the record from him)

Davy: 'Ow 'bout me newest 'it, "I’ll Love You Forevah?" I AM the one who will be singin' in "The Sword and the Shadow" at the Huntah Forest Theatah!

Peter: (Softly) Can we play one of my songs?

Micky: Or one of mine?

Mike: (He and Davy tug-of-war across the table) Davy, gimme that!

Peter: You're gonna break it! :P

Davy: Mike, stop bein' stubborn!

Micky: *props his head on the table* And they pick on ME! :P

Peter: Guuuyyyssss...

Micky: *sticks two fingers in his mouth and whistles loudly* Opposite corners guys! :P

Ted: Hey, careful with the microphones!

(The record finally slips out of the boys' hands and ends up on the floor. Peter goes to collect it and grins, sighing.)

Peter: It's ok. :)

Micky: *sighs* Why don't we do a little montage of songs from each of us, rather than playing tug of war over the table? *pauses, grins* Listen to me, I'm actually the voice of reason! ;)

Peter: That's a good idea!

(Grumbles from Mike and Davy.)

Peter: They think so, too! ;)

Micky: *sarcastic, grinning* Yeah, it sure sounded like it. Why don't you do the honors, Peter? :)

Peter: Sure! Since it was your idea, I'll start with your newest song, "It's Got to Be Love." Love is a wonderful thing, isn't it? :X

Micky: It sure is, Pete, it sure is. :)

(Peter puts on the first record, which launches us into a montage of Monkees songs, starting with "It's Got to Be Love" and following into "Love Is Only Sleeping," "Come On In," and ending with "You're So Good to Me." In between, we see the boys laughing, making noises, playing the guitar, spinning records, and chatting with listeners on the phone. As "You're So Good To Me" ends, however, the boys are starting to show signs of fatigue.)

Mike: (Yawns) And that was "My Generation," by the Who.

Davy: It was? Sounded more like the Guess Who to me.

Mike: Ain't they the same thing?

Peter: Huhhhh?

Micky: *looks up from playing with a tape deck* Huh? *realizes* Oh, hey, guys, I think I've got an idea!

Mike: Mick, get away from the tape deck.

Peter: What, Mick?

Micky: No, wait, hear me out first, Mike!

Davy: If you've rewired those, Mick, we could get into big trouble!

Micky: Well, since Monday night's gonna be our last gig at the Club, why don't we do a little contest? The winner can watch us play and do all that backstage stuff, the meet and greet stuff.

Peter: Right! :)

Mike: Yeah, you'll get to see us when we're all sweaty and smelly. Ain't you thrilled? ;)

Davy: Mike...

Peter: That sounds great, Micky! Contests are fun! :)

Micky: How about, I'll play a couple seconds of a song backwards and people call in. The first person to guess the song gets to meet and greet with us. :)

Mike: That could be cool.

Davy: Nice idea, Mick. ;)

Mike: Beats us yawnin' into the microphone. ;)

Micky: We'll call the Wock & Woll Wewind! *pauses, laughs*

Davy: We can all tell how much time he spends with his children. He's beginning to talk like them. ;)

Micky: No, I just can't talk right. ;)

Mike: I'm almost afraid to ask what I'm gonna sound like when Katie's old enough to talk.

Davy: She'll probably have a Texas accent. ;)

Mike: I should hope so. She's a Nesmith. ;)

Micky: Can I play the clip, guys? *rolls his eyes* ;)

Peter: He just likes to talk about his new daughter. Play the clip, Mick. :)

Micky: Thank you. *flips a switch on the tape deck and plays a few seconds of a song that seems to have some major guitar playing in it*

Mike: When are the callers supposed to be comin' in?

Peter: Maybe they didn't hear it!

Micky: If they have a guess, call in! Please! ;)

(The phone closest to Micky rings. All four boys lunge for it, but Micky gets to it first. Davy and Mike smack heads.)

Mike: Ow!

Davy: Yeowch!

Micky: Ha! :P *into the phone* Hello? Got an answer for the contest?

Mike: Man, Dave, is your head made of some steel-titanium alloy?

Davy: I always knew you were 'ard-'

eaded, Mike, but I nevah wanted to PROVE it! :p

Caller 1: (Female; chuckles) First of all, I want you guys to know I've really been enjoying your show. Sounds like you're all having a lot of fun. Second, I hope whoever just caused that big bump is ok. Now, for my guess. I say..."Judy in Disguise."

Micky: Nope, sorry. Thanks for callin'!

Davy: (Grins) Wot she sound like, Mick? ;)

Peter: A woman! :)

Micky: Female, yeah.

Mike: Davy, get your mind out of your neither regions. You've got a girlfriend who will give you a major piece of her mind if she heard you inquiring after chicks again. :p

Micky: Watch it, or I'll smack you with the receiver! :P

(There's another caller; Micky reaches for it again while Mike and Davy glare at each other.)

Micky: Hellloooo? Got an answer? :)

Peter: (Whispers; to himself) I hope those two don't end up killing each other before this is over.

Caller 2: (Younger female; giggles) You guys sound so CUUUTE over there! Shame most of you are married! ;)

Micky: Ain't it, though? ;)

Mike: Yeah, we're real taken, honey. ;)

Caller 2: Ok, I say "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds!" That's such a groovy song!

Micky: It is a groovy song, but not the right answer, sorry, darlin'. ;)

Micky: Okay, lemme play the clip again. *flips the switch on the tape deck and plays the same clip*

Mike: (Smacks Micky's head with a grin) Stealin' my lines, Mick. ;)

Micky: What? *shrugs*

(The phone rings again. Peter grabs it before Mike and Davy can reach it and hands it to Micky.)

Peter: Micky, it's for you. I'll bet it’s one of those surveys. ;)

Micky: *chuckles; into the phone* It's your dime, what's your guess?

Caller 3: (Male voice) I know that song. It's one of my favorites. Surprised the chicks didn't get it. "Johnny B Goode." ;)

Micky: Oh, I'm sorry...that's absolutely right! :D

Caller 3: Groovy!

(Peter, Mike, and Davy applaud. ;) )

Peter: He's got good ears. :)

Micky: Good job, man. What's your name?

Caller 3: Fred Ellerman. I work on the Paramount lot, mostly running errands. ;)

Mike: Freddy-boy, you're the lucky one who gets to see us sweaty. ;)

Micky: Groovy, Fred! Don't mind Mike. You can hang out with me. ;)

Fred: I've seen you guys play at the Fairview. You're a lot of fun. I'd hang out with all of you. ;)

Davy: Thanks for playin', mate.

Fred: And here I thought the only way I'd get to meet a celebrity was by carrying their lunch. ;)

Micky: Nahhh...we're celebrities? Man, Fred, thanks! Hang on the line and I'll give you the info off air so that you can get into the show without any hassle. :)

Fred: Thanks, man!

Mike: (As Micky turns to the call; hand over microphone) Seems like a nice guy.

Davy: Yeah, good taste, too. ;)

Peter: He likes us! :)

*Micky nods, talking to Fred.* :)

Micky: ...And that's it. Thanks again for playing, Fred, and we'll see you Monday night.

Mike: And while Fred gets a taste of celebrity, we're gonna give you a taste of Pappy's Pig Roast, with over twenty different types of, barbequed delights. Remember, it ain't baked...barbecued 'till it's been put on a spit by Pappy.

*Micky hangs up.*

Peter: (Hand over microphone; to Micky) Did he sound excited?

Micky: Yeah, man, very! Groovy guy. Guess that contest was a good idea. :)

Davy: (Quickly) Um, I'm going to run the Carpentahs' big 'it "Close To You," for everyone feelin' sorta lovey today. (Puts on the record, then puts his hand over his microphone) Mike, what was that commercial?

Mike: Davy, we've been on the air for over three hours. I ain't used to spendin' all this time just talkin' and sittin'. We've got so many people to plug, I can't remember who asked to plug what when! :p

Micky: We must've gotten all the important ones by now. Couldn't we just say "Hi" to anyone we've missed, or run off a list or something?

Peter: The list could work...

Davy: Wot about "The Sword and the Shadow?"

Mike: You mention that show every five minutes! No one's gonna forget it now! :p

Micky: *sighs* Give it one more good plug at the end of the show, Dave. *rolls his eyes*

Peter: Come on, guys. Let's not fight now. The radio station will get mad if you guys get into a fight on the air!

(Mike and Davy just turn their backs on each other again, grumbling.)

Peter: (Sighs) Micky, maybe you'd better take the next commercial after the song ends.

Micky: Okay. Who DO we have left, anyway?

Peter: Well, there's all the music groups. We kind of promised we'd mention their out there.

Mike: So mention them. :p

Davy: Mike, quit bein' rude on the air.

(Ted waves his arms, frowning at the angry pair.)

Peter: (Shakes his head) We're ok, Ted. We've handled them before.

Micky: Let's give all of the groups a shout out, then. It'll be fair to all of them that way.

(Peter nods as the song ends.)

Mike: We're shoutin' out all the groups out there who need jobs.

Davy: Only fair to them, now that we're outta the Club Fairview.

Micky: *sighs* We'd like to plug a couple of OUR favorite groups, namely the Four Martians, the Angellettes, and the Westminster Abbies. They're depending on all of you out there in giving them a listen, let the clubs know you want to hear them. Do for them what you've done for us. :)

Peter: We ALL love having our music heard, no matter what kind of music it is! (Looks at Mike and Davy, who are glaring at each other over the table.) Right, guys?

Mike: (Mutters) Yeah.

Davy: (Faint grin) Especially since me girlfriend Daphne's a membah of the Westminstah Abbies. She'd be livid if we didn't mention them. ;)

Micky: And bands love to hear from their adoring fans, so let your voices be heard and let these bands know you care! :D

Peter: (To Mike and Davy) Why don't you two show that you care? You're angry at each other because of the musical. You can sing the music from "The Sword and the Shadow" and still sing our music, too!

Mike: Well...

Davy: I...

Micky: You know, Peter's right, guys.

Peter: Davy, you never did your solo.

Davy: (Smiles) No, I didn't. Nevah got to it. (He picks up the guitar.) I'm not very good on this, fellows, but I think I can figuah out the song I 'ave in mind.

Mike: What song?

Davy: I was on Broadway when I was a tyke, in a smashin' show called "Olivah." Yes, the original version of the movie that came out last yeah. This is one of the songs that carried ovah to the movie version. Call it my apology...and my invitation to all of you out there in the San Fernando Valley to consider yourselves paht of the Monkee family, and the radio family at KMMS. (Launches into "Consider Yourself," from "Oliver.")

Mike: (Sighs as the song ends) Davy, that ain't my style, but it sounded sorta good, comin' outta you.

Davy: Thanks, Mike. I'll take that as something close to a compliment. ;)

Micky: *smiles* That was great, Dave. Good job. :)

Davy: Thank you, mate. Your "Love Light" earlieah sounded nice, too. :)

Mike: And Pete always sounds good when he sings "Tear the Top Off." ;)

Peter: That's because that song reminds me of Valerie. :X

Micky: Thanks, Dave. Yeah, Pete, that was great! :)

(Ted points at the clock. It's ten minutes to six.)

Mike: Looks like our four hours are up.

Peter: Where has all the time gone? :o

Micky: Can't you just feel the love out there, folks? :)

Mike: (Grins) You know, for once...I think I can. :)

Peter: Isn't that better, guys?

Davy: (Grabs Micky's hands across the table) Much better. :)

(Mike and Peter take their hands, grinning.)

Mike: We're a team. Ain't nuthin' can stop us when we work together.

Micky: Definitely! And we didn't have any casualties, either. ;)

Davy: We're a band. We play music.

Peter: And THAT'S what's important!

Micky: Darn right! And we have fun doing it!

Mike: We hope all of you have had as much fun this afternoon as we have.

Peter: Because in the final analysis, love is power. ;)

Micky: And hopefully your brains aren't as mushed as ours. ;)

Mike: This is the Monkees, signin' off. ;)

Ted: (Grins) Great! You guys ready to go home?

Davy: More than ready. (Turns to Mike) Mike...

Micky: I'm ready for a nap. *thumps his head on the table* I-)

Mike: (Shakes his head) We'll talk about the musical at home, Dave. For right now, let's go get the girls.

Peter: (Sighs as Davy and Mike leave) I don’t think we’ve heard the last word about Davy and that show. He's really into it, but it's taking time away from the band.

Micky: I having a feeling you're right, Pete. *sits up* We're just gonna have to deal with it as best we can.

Peter: (Nods) Come on, Mick. (Helps him to his feet and grabs the guitar) Wanna go over to my place? The girls are already there with the kids, listening to the radio. We can talk over a nice, cold milkshake. :)

Micky: *yawns, then grins* Sure! That sounds wonderful. :)

Peter: It's on me! Valerie has a whole tub of vanilla ice cream in our freezer leftover from that party last month where you saw the ghost. ;)

Micky: *grin widens* Oh, MAN! :D

Peter: (Puts his arm around his sleepy friend) I knew that would get you up. Come on. (The two walk out as Ted putters around on the controls.)

Ted: (Waves) Bye, kids! Thanks for comin'! (Frowns) Now, where did that guitar come from? (Shrugs) Kids these days... (Returns to the control room as the camera fades out on the table with the four microphones and headsets.)