Everyone ready for the Poker Tournament?

Mike: Hell yeah!

Micky: I've BEEN ready!

Alex: This oughta be fun. ;)

Davy: Let's go!

(We open on the docks of the riverboats. There's a line of motley people waiting to get on board. Among them are the Monkees, their families, Sheila, Nyles, Alex, and Zelda.)

Kate: (To Mike) I hope you have a wonderful time. The vehicles will be ready and waiting for you when you come back.

Mike: I'm sure it'll be great, Aunt Kate. It'll be a great experience for the kids, too.

Katie: Boat! We're gonna ride that big boat!

Robbie: Yay! (He claps)

Mike: (Puts a hand on Katie's shoulder) Calm down, Cowgirl. Remember what Mama and Papa told you. There's gonna be a lot of people onboard this boat. No runnin' around or leavin' your room without an adult, and don't walk off with anyone but someone you know.

Katie: Aw! Ok. (She makes a face and wanders over to Lauren, Micky, and the twins and Leah. Micky holds Leah and talks to Alex and Zelda, while Lauren makes sure the twins know ALL the rules.)

Lauren: *to the twins* Understand? *The twins nod, smiling.*

Katie: Hi, Shelly! Hi, Mick! How are you?

Mick and Shelly: Hi!

Katie: Isn't this cool? We get to go on a big ol' boat with our mommies and daddies!

Mick: I love a big boat!

Shelly: Me too!

Mike: Katie! (He catches up to the little girl) What did I say 'bout stayin' with us?

Katie: Sorry, Papa.

Mike: Hey, Lauren. Ready to board and give them our entrance fee for the tournament?

Lauren: You bet, Mike. We're ready.

Mike: (Frowns as he takes Katie's hand and scans - and sniffs - the crowd) Hey, isn't that the big bandit who escaped the rodeo the other day? (Points him out) Smells like him, too.

Katie: Who? (She sniffs, too)

Mike: (Pulls Katie closer to him) What the he...heck is he doin' here?

Katie: Papa? What's wrong?

Mike: Lauren, tell me that ain't him.

Lauren: I'd love to, Mike, I really would, but...

Katie: (Sniffs) Papa, what's wrong?

Mike: (Frowns) Nuthin', Katie. (Turns to Lauren) Tell Mick and Daphne what we saw. I'll tell Em. Mick can tell Alex. I'm still not one hundred percent sure I trust him, no matter what you and Mick read in his soul.

Lauren: *nods* Right.

(The camera moves from Mike, Lauren, and the kids to Sheila and Nyles, who are further up in the line.)

Sheila: I can't BELIEVE they got that money!

Nyles: I can't believe I'm going on this boat!

Sheila: Get your brains out of the clouds for five seconds and help me think!

Nyles: Think about what?

Sheila: How are we going to keep the Guardians, especially Michael Nesmith, out of the tournament? Our new boss wants that mighty knight brought down to life-size. (Smirks) And I want him tame enough to be my favorite bedside companion.

(The man Lauren and Mike saw earlier joins Sheila and Alex. Yes, it's Lester, the largest - and last remaining - bandit.)

Lester: They're here, Miss Sheila. Want me to take them out now?

Sheila: Around all of these people and Sheriff Gardiner? Certainly not. You'll wait until the night of the tournament.

Lester: I don't like it, Miss Sheila. That Nesmith man is sneaky. He'll figure somethin' out. He conned me and my men.

Sheila: Not if we con him first. (She smiles and turns to a large, craggy middle-aged man with a mustache, dressed as a sheriff out of a western show) Here you go, Sheriff Gardiner. Our tickets and our entrance fee, for me and for Mr. Lester here.

Sherrif Gardiner: Fine, fine, Miss Saunders. I hope your trip is an enjoyable one.

Sheila: I'm sure it will be.

(Mike, Lauren, and Micky are next. The others are behind them with the kids.)

Mike: Here's our fee, Sherrif.

Sheila: (Smirks) Check that to make sure it's all there.

Mike: (Coolly) Oh, it's there. Unlike some people, we EARN our way.

Sheriff Gardiner: All appears to be in order.

Lauren: And here's our tickets.

Sheriff Gardiner: Thank you, Mrs. Dolenz. (Smiles) And are these the minors traveling? (Nods at the twins and Katie)

Katie: I'm gonna ride a big boat!

Sheriff Gardiner: How cute can you get? Just make sure they're with an adult at all times, and that they stay away from the ballroom while the Poker Tournament's on. That's for adults only.

Lauren: Oh yes, we'll be keeping more than one eye on them.

Sheriff Gardiner: You have a nice trip, ma'm, (nods at Mike) Mr. Nesmith. (Grins at Katie and the twins) You too, kiddies. Don't you run around and end up falling overboard!

Katie: I won't!

Mick and Shelly: We won't!

Sheriff Gardiner: Good kids. Have a pleasant trip. (He tips his hat at them as the group gets on board)

Mike: (Turns to the adults) Let's find our rooms. Anyone who will be in the tournament tonight might want to rest. It's supposed to literally last all night. Everyone else, take the kiddies for a walk around the ship and get them some dinner.

Emma: (Takes Katie's hand) Why don't we go on-deck and take a look around?

Katie: Ok, Mama! (Frowns) Papa sea-sick?

Mike: No Cowgirl, there's no waves here. I'm just restin'. Papa's got somethin' big to do tonight.

Davy: We'll take the twins and Leah. They can sleep with us tonight, too, so you guys can have the night to rest.

Micky: Great, thanks.

Emma: Good luck, guys! We'll be around to watch the later rounds of the tournament after we put the kids to bed.

Mike: Thanks, darlin'.

(Cut to a few hours later. Mike, Lauren, and Micky head into a full ballroom. Mike wears his Victorian-looking suit from the "Sometime in the Morning" video in the original Monkees episode "Monkee Mother.")

*Lauren wears a lightweight sweater and black slacks. Micky wears his cowboy-ish white button-up shirt and white slacks. He's complaining about Lauren not letting him wear the matching cowboy hat.*

Mike: Awfully big crowd here... (groans and points at one of the tables) Oh, shit. Sheila.

(Sheila wears an elaborate black gown dripping with beads and feathers and a huge hat. She and Lester, who wears a decent suit and cowboy hat, sit at a table across the room.)

Mike: And we DID see that jackal who tried to lynch me, Lauren. He's with Sheila!

*Nyles wears jeans and a t-shirt. He’s sitting off to the side, watching.*

Micky: And...NYLES?!

Mike: Damn it! You'd think he'd figure out about her by now. Nyles ain't evil. He's just not too bright.

Micky: No, he's just easily lured by a beautiful woman.

Sheriff Gardiner: (As the group sits at another table) Ok, everyone. Here's the rules. We play five rounds until midnight. Winners of round five will return for the final round at daybreak. Whomever wins the final round (holds up the huge satchel on a wooden dais on the bandstand) wins the pot of $500,000!

(Huge cheers from the crowd.)

Sheriff Gardiner: In addition to the basic rules of the game, I have two major rules I want ya'all to remember. No cheating. Anyone caught cheating will have to vacate the premises.

Woman: But we're in the middle of the river!

Sheriff Gardiner: I hope any of you intending to cheat are good swimmers. (Nervous laughter around the room)

Mike: (Mutters to Micky) I hope he ain't serious about that.

Micky: I got nothing to worry about, I don't cheat.

Sheriff Gardiner: The other big rule is no guns. Anyone caught with a gun or any firearm in their possession will also be forced to vacate the premises.

Mike: (To Micky) Why would anyone have guns? Is he worried about really bad losers?

Micky: There's a lot of money involved. I'd be surprised if most everyone DIDN'T have a gun.

Sheriff Gardiner: May the best man or woman win. (He rings a bell on the balcony of the ballroom.)

(Mike wins his first hand with several well-dressed ladies and gentlemen. He smirks. It feels good for a poor Texas boy to beat the pants off these high-falutin' folk.)

(Sheila receives congratulations from several fine-looking gentlemen when she wins her first hand. The ladies aren't so friendly. In fact, most of them have to drag their significant others away from Sheila.)

*Lauren's playing at a table where she's the only female. She wins the first hand and gives a friendly smile to the men. They return the smile half-heatedly.*

*Micky’s tapping his chips, having lost the first hand.*

(Mike gets a hearty congratulations from a grizzled older man dressed as a cowboy in a straw ten-gallon hat. He has long, salt-and-pepper hair in a pony-tail and a matching bushy mustache.)

*Micky's stuck sitting between two men with longish hair. One wears a fringed jean jacket and blue jeans. The other wears black jeans and a sparkly black cowboy shirt. They’re trying to outdo each other and keep making Micky fold.*

(Mike grins as a pretty teenage girl with long, wavy brown hair under a cowboy hat tries to give her larger, brown-haired, goateed father poker advice. When he finally loses, he tells her to go back to the lounge, and congratulates Mike. He and his little girl have to get back to the lounge room - they're the band act.)

(Sheila smirks as a tall, busty, platinum blonde in heavy make-up and a long sequined white gown throws down her cards and storms out of the room, glaring at Sheila and complaining loudly about cheating.)

*Lauren loses the current hand and tosses her cards to the man dealing. He wears a black cowboy hat that covers his eyes. He shuffles the cards and looks up to deal. He slides a card to each player.*

(Sherrif Gardiner has been roaming around the room, checking each table to make sure everyone is on the level. He gets to Mike's table and looks over a younger man with longish, wavy dark hair and a friendly smile. He wears a fancy suit. He flicks two cards out of the man's pocket and grabs his arm. Cut to the side of the boat. People trail Sherrif Gardiner as he grabs the man by the tail of his coat and dumps him over the side of the boat, ignoring his protests about being a star and being in this picture. )

Mike: (Over the music; to Micky as they pass changing tables) Did you see him dump that guy? Man, he WAS serious!

Micky: I know we aren't gonna cheat, but we'd better be careful.

Sheila: (Mutters to Lester as they pass changing tables) Better be careful. Gardiner was serious when he said anyone who cheated would be swimming home. (Lester just nods)

*The Sheriff walks up to a table where three young men in nice western garb are whispering amongst each other. He taps one of them and pulls a card from his breast pocket. Afraid, he bursts out that his two friends have cards as well. The Sheriff, with a little help, takes the trio of young men and proceeds to throw all three over the side. He dusts his hands off after the third hits the water.*

(Sheila shakes hands with a small blond woman in a fine suit. She asks her about her somewhat fake southern accent, but she evades her questions and asks her how she won the game instead.)

*Lauren and Micky have been playing at the same table and just lost to a tall, blond man with a mustache in jeans, denim shirt, and white cowboy hat.*

(We finally get closer to the end of the game. It's now nightfall. The crowds watching the games have diminished and are now down to a few night owls with nothing better to do. Mike wins his hand against a smiling older man in elaborate western garb. A pretty, curvy older woman in a similar outfit joins them after leaving Lester's table.)

Mike: You sure do play good, sir (he shakes his hand) for a king.

Roy Rogers: You did some fine playin' yourself (he grins) for a Monkee.

Dale Evans: Honestly, you young-uns have us licked!

Mike: Thank you, ma'm. Beating both of you is a real honor.

Roy Rogers: I hope you win the tournament. You have some real strategy there.

Mike: Thanks, sir. I hope I do, too. (Turns to Micky and Lauren as they walk up to the table) You guys out?

Micky: Yeah, we both crapped out.

Lauren: Literally, in the Poker sense.

Mike: I'm still in. (Looks around and makes a face) So's Sheila, the other red-headed chick in the tight jeans, the old sea captain, and Lester.

Sheriff Gardiner: (Has just finished announcing the standings) Ok, everyone, you meet back here at six AM sharp. Anyone who isn't back by 6AM will be disqualified, and their chips will be forfeit to the house.

Mike: (Turns to Micky and Lauren) I'm gonna go see Em and the kids and get some shut-eye. What about you two?

Micky: *turns to Lauren* Sleep?

Lauren: Yes, sleep.

Mike: Who could sleep? Warm river breeze, soft summer night... (Grins) Em an' I sure ain't gonna get any sleep tonight!

Micky: Maybe we were too subtle.

Lauren: *rolls her eyes* Mick...

Mike: Ok, guys, have a nice night. (Grins) A REAL nice night.

Micky: Oh, we will. *slings an arm around Lauren's shoulders; they walk off together*

(Mike follows them. Sheila once again nods at Lester...and he follows them as well.)

(Cut to a long shot of the exterior of the riverboat, clearly showing that it's early morning, close to daybreak. After we've had this establishing shot, cut back to inside the riverboat. It's dim in the long hallway where the passenger rooms are...so dim, that we don't see the faces of three little silhouettes who run along the hall, giggling, at first.)

Katie: (She comes more into the light; she wears yellow pajamas with Bert and Ernie on the front) Coming out here was a good idea!

Mick: *wears Spiderman footie pajamas; pouting* It sure it quieter out here!

Shelly: *wears a lavender nightshirt; makes a face* It was too noisy back there.

Katie: (She makes a face, too) Mama and Papa were wrestling so hard, I couldn't sleep! I don't know how Robbie does it! He can sleep through anything.

(Katie stops suddenly and frowns. She sniffs at the air.)

Katie: I think someone's comin'! Someone who isn't our mamas and papas or Mr. Sheriff!

(The camera pans to their point of views as they look around frantically for a place to hide.)

Katie: We have to get outta here! If Mr. Sherrif or a grown-up catch us, they'll take us back to our mamas and papas, and we'll get in trouble!

(Katie leads the other two to an alcove that leads to a public bathroom. We only see the person's feet and lower legs as he passes the kids' point of view, but those legs and cowboy boots are familiar. We hear the sound of something locking, then see the legs and feet pass by the kids again and head around a corner.)

Katie: (She turns to the twins) I wonder what that man was doing?

Shelly: I don't know, but one person turned into two!

Katie: (Sniffs again; growls softly) I smell the Bad Lady! She's here!

Katie: I think she did somethin' to my mama an' papa an' Robbie!

Mick: Lets go check on them!

Katie: Mama! Papa! (She runs to the door and tries to grab the doorknob...but it's locked) Uh-oh. (She tries again) It won't open!

Katie: (Kicks at the door) Open up, door! I wanna see Mama an' Papa an' Robbie!

Katie: Open! (She turns to the twins) It's not opening! I think the Bad Lady and that man musta made it close! I hope they didn't hurt my Mama an' Papa an' brother!

Shelly: Maybe we can open it if we think it open.

Katie: Ok! Let's try! (All three concentrate. There are three small blue lights around the door...but the door still doesn't open) Oh no! It didn't work!

Katie: Go get your mama and papa! Hurry!

*The twins run off to get Lauren and Micky. It takes a few moments, but the twins return with their parents, neither of whom appear overly happy.*

Micky: All right, what do you kids think is so important that you had to bring us here?

Katie: I can't get in the door! (She frowns deeply and points to the doorknob) It's stuck!

Micky: You can't get the door open?

Lauren: *puts a hand on Micky's shoulder* Mick...*turns to Katie* Why do you need to get the door open?

Katie: We saw the Bad Lady! She mighta hurt Mama n' Papa n' Robbie!

Micky: Oh great! *groans* Okay, stand back, kids. *concentrates; nothing happens* What the heck?

Katie: Thinkin' don't work!

Lauren: Maybe we should both try it, Mick.

Micky: Okay, on three. One, two, three!

*Lauren and Micky concentrate this time, but the door still won't budge!*

Lauren: Or maybe not.

Micky: That's it. We can't get it open.

Mike: (From the other side of the door; sounds sleepy) Mick? What's goin' on?

Emma: (Further away; she's probably still in bed) Mike? Where's Katie?

Micky: Your door won't open!

Mike: Wha... (Sound of the doorknob rattling) Oh shit.

Katie: Papa, Bad Lady!

Mike: Bad Lady?

Emma: Katie? Honey, is that you?

Katie: Yeah, Mama!

Mike: Are you ok, Cowgirl?

Katie: Yeah.

Mike: Damn it! Has anyone tried our powers yet?

Lauren: We both tried together. It wouldn't budge.

Emma: What's goin' on?

Mike: I'll bet Sheila had something to do with this.

Emma: How are we going to get out of here?

Mike: There's a window overlookin' the water. There's enough ledge that I might be able to get out that way.

Emma: Micky, Lauren, take care of Katie until we can get the door unlocked!

Lauren: We will, Em!

Mike: Mick, you go to the ballroom. Tell 'em I'll be there and keep an eye on Sheila and Lester. I wouldn't be surprised if Lester locked us in and Sheila hexed the door so we couldn't get out.

Micky: I'm on my way! *heads for the ballroom*

Emma: (Cut to inside the room; Emma lays in the bed, under the covers, while Mike holds one of the blankets against his private parts. Robbie sleeps soundly in a bassinet next to a child-sized cot) Mike, are you crazy? You can't possibly make the tournament now!

Mike: I sure as hell ain't givin' Sheila the satisfaction of beatin' me. (We see him reach around for his clothes)

Emma: Baby, there's nothing out there but a little ledge and the paddle wheel. You'll get killed, and over what? There has to be other ways you can make money...

Mike: (Leans over and kisses Emma as he buttons his shirt) Darlin', I'll be careful. (He grabs his jacket and heads for the window) Wish me luck!

Emma: (Runs to the window as we see him hit the ledge, then jump out to the paddle wheel...or at least, his stunt double) Please baby, be careful! I love you!

(Cut to the ballroom. Sheila, Lester, the red-head, and the sea captain sit at one large table in the middle of the room. Lester eyes Mike's chips. Micky hurries in; Alex and Zelda are already there.)

Sheriff Gardiner: (Goes up to Micky) Where's your buddy? If he's not here in less than a minute, he's disqualified.

Micky: *frantic* He's locked in his room! The door’s jammed!

Sheriff Gardiner: We can't hold his chips because his door's stuck.

Micky: Whadaya think, he got his door stuck on purpose?!

Sheila: Sheriff, we're 30 seconds to starting time. Why don't we just divvy up his chips and begin the game?

Micky: He has 30 seconds!

Sheriff Gardiner: He's right, Ms. Saunders. (Looks at his watch)

Sea Captain: Under the circumstances, maybe we'd better admit this fellow isn't coming.

Red-head: Aw come on, Captain Hoban, give the guy a chance!

Sheriff Gardiner: Ten seconds...ten...nine...eight...seven...six...

(Right at that moment, Mike bursts through the window in the ballroom overlooking the river! He gains his footing and straightens his brown suit jacket.)

Mike: Am I late, Sheriff?

Micky: HA!

(Sheila narrows her eyes. Lester looks furious.)

Sherrif Gardiner: Right on time there, young man.

Red head: Very dramatic, too.

Mike: Thanks. I've been practicin'.

Sherrif Gardiner: Well then, let's get down to business. Same deal as the regular games...only the winner of this one goes home with a sweet half-million dollars.

(We get into the game. Mike wins the first hand. The red-head is the first to drop out. She smiles and pats Mike's shoulder.)

Red Head: That was some mighty fine playin' there, honey. I hope you do well in the rest of the tournament.

Mike: Thanks.

(Cut to the next one. Sheila smirks as she puts down her cards.)

Sheila: Full house. Everyone beat that.

Lester: Sorry, Boss Lady. (He puts down his cards) Royal flush.

Mike: Well, whaddya know? (He puts down HIS cards) I got me one of those Royal Flushes too.

Captain Hoban: (Rolls his eyes) I'm not even going to bother. (Throws down his cards) I'm out.

Sheila: (Sputters) But...but...but...

Mike: (Now he's smirking) Sorry, Boss Lady. You just got your bossy ass kicked outta the tournament. Looks like you ain't as good as you thought.

Sheila: I demand a recount! He MUST have cheated!

Sheriff Gardiner: I've been watching the rounds, Ms. Saunders. No one's cheated. Anyone who cheated would have been swimming to shore by now.

Sheila: I can't BELIEVE this! (Leans over Lester) At least you're still in the game. You know what to do.

(Lester nods as the dealer starts to deal the cards. Sheila flounces to the table next to Alex, Zelda, and Micky, still pouting.)

Dealer: Ok boys, how many cards will you have?

Lester: I'll take one card there.

Mike: I'll take one.

Lester: (His gap-toothed grin is wide) Beat this one, boy. (Puts down his cards, showing a full house)

Mike: I don't think that'll be a problem. (He puts down a whole row of diamonds...all except the Ace.)

Lester: You haven't looked at the card the dealer gave you yet.

Mike: I will. We got time. Don't rush me.

(Sheila leans on her hand, clearly interested.)

(Mike closes his eyes and finally puts his hand over the card. We get the next scene in slow motion. Mike picks up the card and nonchalantly tosses it into the middle of the table. Sure enough, it's the Ace of Diamonds.)

Sheila: Oh my God!

Lester: You shit!

Sherrif Gardiner: Language there, buddy. (Grins) Mr. Nesmith, I do believe you are the winner of the tournament.

Mike: (His grin is dazed) I won? You mean, I really... (He stands, turning to Micky, Alex, and Zelda) Did you guys see that? I just picked up that card, and it...I really did it!

Micky: All right, Mike!

Sheriff Gardiner: (He and Mike hit the podium) By all rights, this yours, son. (Turns to the crowd entering the ballroom for breakfast) The winner of the Poker Tournament is Mr. Mike Nesmith!

(Sheriff Gardiner starts to hand Mike the money when we hear gunshots. Lester storms up to the podium, mad as a March Hare and a lot less cuddly.)

Lester: Like HELL you're gonna get that money!

Sheriff Gardiner: Where did you get that gun?

Lester: Who cares where I got it? I got it, and I'm gonna use it to get that money!

Sheila: (She pulls a gun and aims it at Alex) Alex, what are you doing here, you traitor?

Mike: (Slight blue light; he draws a gun) Drop that, Sheila.

Micky: I'll be under a table.

Sheriff Gardiner: (Pulls his own gun) I wouldn't play with that if I were you. (Glares at Mike) And where did you get that, boy? You didn't have one when you boarded the ship!

Mike: You wouldn't believe me if I told you, Sherrif.

(Nyles bursts into the room, also carrying a gun.)

Sheila: Where WERE you?

Nyles: Trying to figure out how to get the water in this thing.

Sheila: Water? You put BULLETS in that thing!

Sheriff Gardiner: Boy ain't too bright, is he?

Mike: Not with most things, no.

Lester: Gimmie that money! (He trains his gun on Sherrif Gardiner and takes the bag. Sheila keeps her gun on Alex and Zelda)

Sheila: Alex, you're a traitor and an ass - AND my creation. You shouldn't be here.

Alex: Since when do you care?

Sheila: Since I'm not terribly fond of traitors.

Lester: (Growls at Mike) I wanna pick you off, Skinny. You've been nothin' but trouble ever since Junctionville.

Mike: (Grins - there's a slight blue light around all guns but Sheriff Gardiner's) Why don't you?

Lester: Nothin' would give me more pleasure.

Sheila: (Looks up in horror as Lester cocks his gun) Lester, don't kill him! I want him whole!

(All Lester does is squirt water at Mike as "Auntie's Municipal Court" begins. Mike decks him, and the two get into a massive fist-fight.)

Sheriff Gardiner: What in the...

Sheila: What!? (She shoots Alex...and just gets him wet)

Alex: Ah HA! *blows a razzberry at Sheila*

(Other people begin to join in the fight, too. It's taking over the ballroom!)

Sheriff Gardiner: Cease and desist! Knock it off! I could arrest all of you for disturbing the peace! (He's almost knocked over by two of the brawlers, two of whom, the blond man in the white hat and the man in black, we saw earlier) What the hell. (He shrugs, grabs a chair, and brings it down on the nearest brawler's head)

(The teenage girl and her father are singing in the lounge again. She wallops one guy who ran into their bandstand over the head with a microphone. His eyes roll back in his head and he collapses, unconscious. Her father grins proudly.)

*The man with the fringed jacket and the man in the sparkly black shirt tag-team anyone that gets near them.*

(Mike and Sheriff Gardiner grab a table and ram it into the group, knocking several men and women out the broken window.)

Mike: (Looks under the table) You ok, Mick?

Micky: Who me? *grins* I'm fine.

Mike: Go see if you can get the door to our room open now that Sheila's occupied.

Micky: Okay! *heads out*

(The romp ends just as Emma, Lauren, and Micky race into the ballroom. Lester hits Mike hard on the chin; Sheila smacks Sheriff Gardiner with the butt of her now-water pistol.)

Sheila: Nyles, come on! We have to get to the boat!

Mike: (Recovering; grabs Lester) Oh no, you don't!

Sheriff: (As the red-head and the Captain help him to his feet) What happened?

Mike: That dirty double-crossin' bitch Sheila pistol-whipped 'ya. She and Nyles took off with the money.

Red-head: At least we got this sidewinder.

Emma: Mike, what happened?

Mike: (Shrugs) Just gained and lost a fortune, that's all, darlin'.

Sherrif Gardiner: (Turns to the tag-teamers from earlier) You two, go search the area for the big blond man and Ms. Saunders.

*The guys nod and head off.*

Captain Hoban: No use, Jim. I saw a small powerboat outside. It's likely she and the blond have already jumped ship by now.

Sherrif Gardiner: We'll find that money, Nesmith.

Mike: (Fingers his pocket) That's ok, Sherrif. Let her keep the money. (Smirks and pulls out a sheath of bills) She only stole 450,000 anyway.

Emma: (Shakes her head) Oh Baby...

Sherrif Gardiner: How did you get that?

Mike: (Grins) Magic.

(Cut briefly to outside as we hear a scream and ranting. Shelia screams at and rants at Nyles.)

Sheila: Nyles, this is the wrong sack! Look at this! (Dumps the bag upside-down. A shower of ancient lace-collared blouses and bras fall out) Where's the money?

Nyles: You told me to grab the sack, so I did!

Sheila: You lost us 500,000 bloody American dollars! What happened to the other bag?

Nyles: This is the one you pointed out. How should I know?

Sheila: YOU were in charge of the bag! Damn it! (She screams) DAMN YOU, WHITE KNIGHT! YOU DID IT TO ME AGAIN!!!!

(Cut to a window into a room in the ship. The same little old lady we saw earlier in Junctionville holds a bag that looks exactly like the one in her room. She looks into it, grins, and bursts into a happy Spanish song, waving huge piles of bills. The camera slowly pulls out of her celebration dance and gives us a view of the backside of the ship, the broken ballroom window, and the lovely sunrise.)