Part 2

Emma: Ok, folks, ready to paaaaaahhhrrrrty?

Mike: Sure. :)

Micky: Yeah!

Lauren: You bet!

Peter: This will be so much fun!

Girls: *cheer*

(Davy nods and waves; he's on the phone.)

(We start at the Pad the next morning. The girls sit at the kitchen table with Emma and Peter. Davy is on the phone, calling everyone they know. There's a knock on the door. Emma opens it to reveal Micky and Lauren.)

Emma: Hi, guys! I'm making cinnamon rolls as a special treat for the young ladies. Mike had to go to work for a couple of hours, but I have the day off and Mr. Bennett said he doesn't need Peter today.

Peter: In fact, we thought we'd invite him to the party! :)

Micky: Hiya, guys. *looks around* Hey, the pad's still in one piece!

(Emma and Peter chuckle, and even Davy smiles while chatting to someone-or-other on the phone.)

Lauren: Oooh, cinnamon rolls!

Emma: Don't worry, Mick, they were good girls.

Micky: They were? Really?

Peter: I played piano for them and showed them all the instruments!

Emma: Except for Black Beauty. I think Mike has a padlock on her case. ;)

Micky: Nothing got broken?

Emma: Peter, did...

Lauren: *rolls her eyes* The girls do know how to behave.

Peter: As far as I know, everything's ok. (Looks at the girls) Right, ladies?

*The girls exchange looks and nod.*

Peter: (Grins) See, Mick? They know how important the instruments are to us!

Micky: *sighs* Alright. *pauses* So, I heard something about cinnamon rolls... *grins*

Davy: (Gets off the phone) My lord, can Millie talk! She said she'd donate some of 'er strawberry 'eart cheesecake to the party. Said she's practicin' for Valentine's Day and thought it would be cute for the kids.

(Emma pulls a plate of cinnamon rolls out of the oven.)

Peter: They look like biscuits!

Micky: Yay, Millie! Ooh, those rolls look good!

Emma: They're quick-cinnamon rolls. Mom used to make them for my siblings and me in the winter before school. There's more, too. I made another batch when Mike left this morning. I didn't want him going to work on an empty stomach!

Lauren: Oh, good!

Davy: Oooh, those are good cinnamon rolls! Em's made them before.

Emma: (To the girls) Eat up, ladies! We have a big day ahead of us. We have to prepare for the party. :)

Peter: We have to buy decorations, and get more food, and plan games to play.

*The girls continue to eat.*

Emma: (Looks at Micky) And find the stepladder, so people don't kill themselves decorating. ;)

Micky: *grins* I didn't kill myself...

Lauren: No, but I recall you saying something about bruises in places you didn't think you had places, Mick. ;-)

(Everyone laughs, even the girls. ;) )

Micky: *shrugs* Hey, it was fun.

Peter: I'm not squeezing the orange juice this time! I found a fish in the orange the last time I did it!

Davy: And we ain't lettin' you blow up balloons eithah, Petah. You're too dedicated. ;)

Peter: I stopped blowing up that balloon!

Davy: Only five minutes aftah I popped it!

Emma: Oh, yes, and Mike is not allowed to open the pretzels bag. If you have problems opening any bags, use the scissors, ok? :)

Lauren: And not a chainsaw, either, please. ;-)

Peter: Yeah, all we had left of the pretzels was crumbs!

Emma: (Mutters) I'd LOVE to know how Mike got his hand on that hatchet...the imagination power, I guess...

Micky: *nods* I'm pretty sure I saw a flash of blue light right before he had that thing.

Emma: I gotta talk to that boy about his mind. (Out loud) Valerie called earlier. She'll be around at noon with the costumes. The party begins at two and will probably run until about five.

Lauren: Good. I should have about 30 minutes to spare after getting into my costume. ;-)

Micky: You're exaggerating, babe.

Emma: That reminds me. How's the little Dolenzes today?

Lauren: *sighs* A little restless. I could feel them move a couple times during the night, not to mention another restless sleeper... *glares at Micky*

Peter: (Chuckles) They really do take after their dad. ;)

Micky: *to Lauren* I wasn't restless...

Davy: 'Ey, Mick, 'ow you feelin' these days?

Peter: Yeah! Are you scared?

Micky: Me? Fine! Great! Fantastic! *pauses* No one's buying this. Yeah, a little scared. Well, more nervous than scared, or...

Lauren: Have I mentioned he's been talking more than usual? ;-)

Davy: Naaah, I don't think we noticed, luv. ;)

Emma: Everything's gonna be ok, Mick. We're all here to help you, and half the neighborhood has offered to babysit or give you baby items.

Micky: Yeah, I know. Just keep reminding me. It'll sink in sooner or later. *nervous grin*

Emma: (To the girls, as they finish the cinnamon rolls) And how do you ladies feel about being aunts? I know my brother's thrilled. He loves being an uncle. He's always playing with the baby or taking care of him. :)

Coco: We think it's great!

Debbie: Yeah!

Peter: And you'll have a niece and a nephew!

Davy: Double trouble. ;)

Micky: *groans* Dave...

Lauren: *rolls her eyes* It'll be fine, Mick. You'll survive. ;-)

Emma: I'm sure they'll be wonderful children, just like their mom and dad are wonderful people. :)

Lauren: Of course, if they're energetic like Mick... *grins*

Micky: I'll get to chase them around?

Davy: Probably, Mick. ;)

Emma: I'll bet you ladies are looking forward to playing with your niece and nephew and holding them and tickling their tummies!

*The girls cheer.*

Emma: I ought to dig up some pictures of my little nephew sometime. He's sooo little and cute! :)

Peter: We know, Em. You've told us five hundred thousand times. :)

Lauren: *chuckles* She's a proud aunt! :-)

Emma: (Winks at the girls) You ladies aren't the only ones who are happy to be aunts! :D

Peter: (Sits back in his chair as Emma collects the now-empty plates) That was good, Em. Your mom has some great recipes.

Emma: Well, that one came out of the Betty Crocker Cookbook, but Mom's got others. She's an old southern belle. I grew up eating spoon bread and corn bread and corn muffins and hush puppies and baked fish. :0

Micky: *licks his fingers* And these rolls are great!

Davy: (Pops the last of his in his mouth) I salute your mothah, Emma. Those were truly great.

Emma: And they take a lot less time than the bread-y ones, too! :D

Lauren: Makes 'em even better! ;-)

Emma: Well, why don't all of you get ready to go to Woolworth's? We're going to pick up some decorations for the party. Mike said he'd bring the food home on the way back. He left us the Monkeemobile and took his motorcycle to work.

Micky: Can I drive? :-)

*Lauren shakes her head, grinning.*

Emma: (Chuckles) Why not? Couldn't hurt. ;)

Davy: Famous last words. ;)

Micky: *whoops for joy, then grabs the keys* Ready and rarin' to go!

(Everyone reaches for coats as Emma finishes cleaning. The group heads out to the MonkeeMobile and get in. The girls look over the car in awe.)

Peter: Isn't it an amazing car? Mike and Micky found it.

Davy: Gets us where we gotta go...most of the time. ;)

Micky: *glares at Davy* She is a beaut, ain't she?

Coco: Man, Curls, nice find! ;-)

Emma: Mike and Micky are the car-a-holics in the group, with Lauren a close third. :)

Lauren: You better believe it. ;-)

Peter: Davy's just jealous. All he drives is that ratty old jeep!

Davy: Well, I don't see you drivin' anything! :p

Davy: And I 'appen to like me jeep.

Peter: I drive the MonkeeMobile...sometimes.

Micky: There isn't anything wrong with the jeep. *shrugs*

Emma: (Puts up her hand) I know nothing about cars.

Davy: Well, do you ladies like to shop? ;)

Coco: I do! These two aren't quite into anything but toy stores right now. *gets an elbow from Debbie*

Emma: (Grins) Nothing wrong with toy stores! I collect dolls and stuffed animals, and so does Lauren. :)

Lauren: That's right! :-)

Davy: We'll nevah keep them kids outta the toy section of Woolworth's. ;)

Emma: Heck, I'll join them! :D

Lauren: I'll be right there, too!

Micky: Hey, I'll be there, too! ;-)

Emma: You've got an excuse. You're buying baby toys. :)

Micky: I want toys for me, though.

Lauren: Matchbox cars, Mick. ;-)

Davy: More chemicals, I bet. ;)

Micky: Those, too!

Emma: Daaaavvveeee, don't encourage him!

Peter: What if he blows up Woolworth's?

Lauren: He doesn't need the encouragement. I won't let him blow up Woolworth's. Don't worry. ;-)

Micky: I'm standing right here, guys. I can hear you. :-P

(Micky starts the car, and it heads down Beechwood Street and into town.)

(The car's exit leads us into our next romp, "Tomorrow's Gonna Be Another Day." We begin at Woolworth's. Emma takes Gina's hand, Lauren takes Debbie's, and Peter takes Coco's. Micky takes Lauren's other hand. They keep getting sidetracked in their mission to buy decorations by tempting dolls, toy cars, stuffed animals, and chemistry sets. They finally get out of Woolworth's with everything they need...and each little girl holds a new Barbie doll, while Lauren, Emma, and Peter cuddle stuffed toys and Micky and Davy pull out their pockets to show how empty they are. ;) )

(Cut to the Pad. Everyone comes in with the decorations. The girls go to the bandstand to play with their new dolls.)

(Peter keeps trying to make the stuffed tiger from "Monkees On the Wheel" and "Monkees A La Mode" roar or yawn by showing it what to do. ;) )

*Micky takes a clump of balloons and tries to scale the wall again. Lauren glares at him. Micky grins sheepishly and climbs the staircase normally. Lauren goes to sit on the psychiatrit's couch. When she has her back turned, Micky climbs to the outside of the railing, leaning over to attach the streamers from the balloons to the wall.*

(Micky falls. Peter taps him on the shoulder and hands him the step ladder.)

*The girls take a moment to look up from their dolls and giggle at Micky's bright red face as he starts muttering and sets up the step ladder.*

(Davy and Peter hold a balloon-blowing contest in double-time. Peter cries when his balloon pops. Davy hands him a green one, and he's immediately all smiles again.)

*Lauren hugs her stuffed bear and tries to ignore the antics going on around her.*

(The romp ends as Emma mixes batter and shakes her fingers at little girls and a crepe-paper-covered Micky who try to take swipes and Mike comes in the door with two paper bags of food in either arm.)

Mike: (Grins) Chow's here, folks! Come 'in get it! ;) :D

Emma: Groovy! I'm making cupcakes, and Millie's bringing cheesecake.

Micky: Don't have to tell me twice! *tries to go over to Mike, but trips on the crepe paper dangling from him* Man...

Davy: (Grins; he and Peter are finishing the last of the balloons, which the girls are batting all over the living room) Watch your tail, Mick! ;)

Peter: He's a devil already! ;)

Micky: *grumbles* Ha ha ha. :-P

(Emma chuckles as Mike sets out bags of goodies. Emma grabs a bag of pretzels out of his hand.)

Emma: I am not letting you handle those. :p

Mike: Hey!

Davy: I think the kids want the pretzels in one piece, Mike, not thousands!

Peter: Last time we let you get the food ready, Mike, you axed all the pretzels!

Mike: (Mutters) Bag got me mad. :p

Emma: There are easier ways of opening bags. (Hands him a pair of scissors; he makes a face)

Micky: Well, maybe you got it mad first. *grins, trying to unwrap himself* ;-)

Davy: Let me 'elp you, Mick. (Starts to help Micky out of the crepe paper)

Micky: Thanks, Dave.

Davy: Anytime.

Emma: Hey, Lauren, maybe you and the girls could arrange the food in bowls while the guys finish decorating and I work on the cupcakes. :)

Mike: (Shakes his fingers jokingly at the girls) But good cowgirls don't snitch food before it's time for the party! ;)

Lauren: Sure! Hey, girls, come give me a hand with putting out the snacks. *grins* I'll keep an eye on them. ;-)

*The girls nod and follow Lauren to the kitchen to grab bowls.*

Peter: (As Mike joins him in the living room) Hey, wanna play with me and Asia?

Mike: No, I wanna finish blowing these up. (Picks up a white baloon and starts blowing it...but gets a balloon in the face from Peter)

Peter: Mike, you should have hit it!

Mike: (Grins) Oh, yeah? (Bats the balloon back, and soon he and Peter are hitting balloons all over the living room, with and without the tiger ;) )

*The girls giggle, crossing back to the living room while Lauren smirks.*

Mike: Groovy, more combatants. ;)

Lauren: Them, not me, as much as I'd love to. :-)

(Peter hits a purple balloon in the girls' directions. ;) )

*All three girls go for it, but Debbie pushes Coco out of the way and hits it back over, trying to get it to Peter. It bounces off Mike instead.*

Coco: No fair!

*Debbie grins.*

Mike: (Chuckles and hits one pink balloon and one white one to Coco and Debbie, while Peter bats a blue one to Gina) Hold your horses, cowgirls, there's plenty to go around! ;)

Lauren: Thanks, guys. I won't promise that all of these snacks will end up in the bowls. *grins* ;-)

Emma: (As she sticks the cupcakes in the oven) Um, let me help with that! :o

Lauren: Someone got my point. ;-)

Davy: (He and Micky are putting up the last of the crepe paper) Em won't 'elp. She snitches 'er own food!

Emma: I'll live until the party. :p

Micky: They'll keep each other from snitchin'. Maybe. ;-)

Emma: Oh, Dolenz of little faith. ;)

*Micky just grins.*

(Davy and Micky join the five-way balloon battle on the floor and Emma and Lauren are filling the last of the bowls as a knock is heard on the door.)

Emma: I'll get it. (Peers in the grille) Hey, everyone, Val's here! (Lets her in. She, followed by an older man in a Hawaiian print shirt and shorts, carry in boxes of various shapes and sizes)

Val: Hi, guys! Albert and I come bearing costumes, per your requests. :)

Micky: Alright!

Albert: (Grins) It's really my day off, but I was going in the direction of the costume shop anyway, so I thought I'd lend Miss Valerie a hand. She and Chrissy are practically like the daughers I never had. I have five boys, but no girls! :)

Valerie: Albert's been the family chaufeur and butler for as long as I can remember.

Albert: Thirty years, Miss Valerie. (Nods) Hey, kids, where do you want the boxes?

Peter: Hi, Albert! Let me help! (Takes some of the boxes, wades through the pile of balloons on the living room floor, and sets them on the bandstand)

Albert: (Nods at Peter) I've almost adopted another son with that boy. Miss Valerie couldn't do better. He's the sweetest kid around. :)

(Valerie and Peter turn bright red as everyone else exchanges grins.)

Micky: Aw. ;-)

Valerie: (She and Peter take the last of the boxes; Valerie gives Albert a quick peck on the cheek) Thanks a million for giving up your day off to help! Now, go play a winning round of golf for me! ;)

Albert: (Grins) With a good-luck-charm like that, I'll get holes-in-one all day! ;) :D

(He heads out as Peter and Valerie bring the last of the boxes to a waiting crowd around the bandstand.)

Valerie: Mine's here, too. I thought I'd get dressed here, since the party's being held here.

Peter: (Pulls out a box) Oh, here's mine! "Sultan of Old India." (Pulls out an orange-and-yellow, sequin-trimmed brocade tunic that's pretty much what he wore in "Everywhere a Shiek-Shiek")

Mike: (Also takes a box) "Star-Spangled Cowboy." That's mine. (Opens to reveal a white leather suit trimmed with glittery blue stars)

Micky: Oooh, "Devil!" This one's mine! *holds it to his chest*

Emma: (Takes another box) "Annie Oakley." I believe that's mine. (Pulls out a tan leather skirt trimmed with glittery brown stars and leather fringe.)

Lauren: *rolls her eyes, picks up her box* "Little Angel". I'm gonna thwart any wrong doing, "Devil"! ;-)

(Everyone chuckles. ;) )

*Micky sticks his tongue out at Lauren.*

Valerie: (Blushes when she opens her box to reveal a very brief gauzy orange top with huge organza sleeves, trimmed with glitter and tons of sequins and fake jewels) Hoo boy, didn't look that short in the store... :p :">

Emma: (Reads Valerie's box and raises her eyebrows) "Jewel of the Harem."

Lauren: Oh my... ;-)

Peter: Don't worry, Valerie! I'm sure you'll look just as nice whether it's short or long! :) :D :X

Valerie: (Mutters) That's not what worries me... :p

Davy: 'Ey, where's my box? (Finds a smaller box and hands three more smaller boxes to the girls, then picks up a fourth for himself.) "Prince Charmin'." (Pulls out a gold-and-white uniform that looks suspiciously like his "Prince Ludlow" costume from "Prince and the Paupers")

*The girls argue and exchange boxes back and forth until they finally each get the right box.*

Emma: (Pulls a hat box over and starts giving out various hats) What did you ladies get? :)

Coco: I got "Goldilocks."

Debbie: "Little Red Riding Hood!"

Gina: *grins* "Snow White!"

Lauren: Well, don't those all sound familiar. ;-)

Emma: (Looks at Davy and Micky as they compare costumes) Yeah, don't they? ;)

(Emma gets a brown hat with red and brown stars. Mike's white cowboy hat has blue stars. Peter has his sultan's wrap.)

*Micky pulls out his red horns and grins. Lauren pulls out her halo and smirks.*

(Valerie gets a pillbox-style hat draped with orange organza. Davy gets a gold crown trimmed with fake gems. Emma gives the girls their toppers; a blond wig with a blue ribbon for Coco, a red ribbon for Gina, and a red cape with hood for Debbie.)

Valerie: (Reveals another hat box) And here's the accessories. :)

Micky: Where's my pitchfork? ;-) *grins and pulls it out* Oooh, collapsable!

Lauren: *pulls out a pair of wings* Oh, good grief. ;-)

Emma: (Hands Lauren a silver-colored "wand" - a silver fabric star on a silver-painted plastic stick, with white and silver ribbons hanging off it.) Here you go, Angel. Turn him (indicates Micky) into a good boy. :)

Lauren: Thanks, Em. I'll do my best. ;-)

Micky: *pouts* I don't wanna be a good boy! *grins*

Emma: (Pulls out a basket and hands it to Debbie) Here you go, Red Riding Hood! ;)

Debbie: Thank you!

Emma: Awww! (Hands three stuffed bears to Coco) Here's the Three Bears. (Makes the largest bear nuzzle the girl) The papa bear likes you. ;)

Coco: *laughs* Thanks, Emma! *hugs the bears*

Emma: (Holds up two belts with holsters and fake guns - one belt has fancy-looking silver-and "pearl" pistols, while the other has simpler black-and-brown ones) Here's the weapons for the cowpokes. ;) (Hands Mike the fancy guns and takes the others for herself, then pulls out a gold wand trimmed with fake jewels) Here's your sceptor, Dave. ;)

Davy: I take it wit' 'onor, Em. ;)

Micky: Now, watch where you aim them guns. You might put an eye out. *grins*

Mike: Not unless they ain't behavin', Mick. ;)

Emma: (Winks) That's right, folks, we might use these! (Holds up her "pistols") ;)

Lauren: Better be careful then, Mick. ;-)

*Micky sticks his tongue out, then uncollapses his pitchfork, grinning.*

Valerie: (Takes a smaller box) Here's a sheriff's badge. (Hands it to Mike, who proudly pins it on his mechanic's overalls. She then reveals a handful of bracelets, necklaces, and rings covered with "gold" coins and fake jewels.) These are for Peter and me, the Sultan and his Handmaiden. :)

Peter: (Takes one with a big green "gem" and puts it on his finger) Oh, wow!

Emma: Well...let's get dressed! The party's in a little less than an hour! :)

Lauren: *eyes widen* We'd better hurry! *Micky chuckles*

(The girls go downstairs to Emma's room in the basement; the boys go in Davy and Peter's room. Cut to almost an hour later as everyone emerges. The first to come out are Mike and Micky. Micky's devil costume is from the "Hell" sequence of "The Devil and Peter Tork." Mike's cowboy outfit is from "33 1/3 Revolutions Per Monkee." Micky happily carries his pitchfork, while Mike has his guns and sheriff's badge.)

Mike: I always knew you were a little imp, Mick. ;)

Micky: Ha ha, Mike. *sticks his tongue out* Be careful, or I'll jab you with my pitchfork! ;-)

Mike: (Holds up his pistols) Want me to blow that tail off your rear, boy? ;)

Micky: No, I like my tail where it is, thank you. ;-)

(Emma comes up next, dressed in the skirt, a rust-colored shirt, brown suede vest with fringe and red-brown glitter stars, the hat, pistols, and a length of rope.)

Emma: (Looks the boys over) Oh, man, do you fellows look handsome! Mike, you look like Tom Mix from the old silent movies. :)

(Mike winks and makes broad gestures like he thinks a silent actor would, then puts his arms around Emma and cuddles her.)

Emma: (Giggles) that badge, Sheriff!

Micky: You look really nice, Em! *glances behind her* How's Lauren doing?

Emma: She and Valerie should be up in a minute with the girls.

(There's a knock on the door as Davy emerges, sporting the gold-and-white uniform, the crown, and the sceptor.)

Davy: I like it bettah when I'm playin' royalty instead of bein' royalty. ;)

(Mike opens the grille and makes a face.)

Micky: I don't like that look, Mike.

Unfortunately Familiar Voice: (Through the door) Ok, guys, I'm comin' in, and you can't stop me!

Mike: Why would we? (Opens the door as Babbitt shoves his way through. He shoves too hard and comes flying across as Lauren comes up with Coco.)

Babbitt: Ok, where's the rent...(looks around)...and what the heck is this, central casting for Columbia?

Lauren: *stands back with Coco; mutters* Geez! Wanna give traffic control a little warning first? *quirks an eyebrow*

Mike: No, it's a party. (Grins as he and Emma help the older man to his feet) Wanna come?

Babbitt: (Face lights up) A party? Will Mrs. Arcadian be there? I never saw her once the whole time I was in Bermuda!

*Micky rolls his eyes.*

Mike: Um, no, she...moved to the South Pole.

Davy: And she won't be back.

Babbitt: And she was really cute, too. (Shrugs) I'll still come...but you still need to have the rent. You can't keep putting this off.

Emma: It's only a month or so behind.

Mike: Yeah, we're not six months behind anymore!

Lauren: That's a lot better than usual!

Babbitt: (Shrugs) Yeah, I'll give you that.

Mike: You know, Babbitt, the same deal still applies. We'll give you the rent after you fix all the things around here that still need to be fixed.

Babbitt: I can't fix anything without money! Why do you think I didn't fix all those things before?

Davy: (Under his breath) You're too cheap?

*Micky nods slowly.*

Mike: You fix, we pay.

Babbitt: Well, maybe I could work on the plumbing tomorrow...after the party. (Looks down at Coco) And who is this missy? Aren't you a cutie? Who do you belong to, little lady?

Davy: She's Micky's sistah, Babbitt.

*Coco smiles.*

Micky: One of.

Babbitt: (Notices the costumes) What's with the get-ups? (Grins at Micky) Showing your true colors, Dolenz? ;)

Micky: *Plays along* Yes I am, actually. ;-)

Babbitt: (Turns to Lauren) And the Mrs. is showing hers. ;)

*Lauren grins.*

Babbitt: I'll be back in a while in a costume. I'll even bring my own pretzels! (Turns to Mike) You sure you have the rent?

Mike: Yeah, I'm sure. Right, guys?

Micky: *mutters* What's with that man and pretzels? *Lauren shrugs*

(The others nod as Peter emerges in his "Everywhere a Shiek-Shiek" costume.)

Peter: (As Babbitt heads out) What's Babbitt doin' over here? We paid him the rent!

Emma: (Sighs) Yeah, last month for the month before that...

Mike: That man is a pain in the rear. (Nods at Coco) You ok, kiddo? Babbitt's a blow-hard, but he can upset first-timers. :)

Coco: *waves it off* No problem. He kinda reminds me of when Curls gets really mad. ;-)

Micky: I am not that bad!

(Everyone chuckles as Valerie comes up with the other two girls. Valerie's very brief, gauzy harum outfit is covered as much as possible with orange organza.)

Valerie: Hey, we heard knocking. Have any guests arrived early?

Micky: Just one unwanted one.

Mike: (Mutters) Yeah, Babbitt was pounding on the door for the rent.

Valerie: (Sighs) That man can be a grade-A jerk when he wants to be. (Frowns) You know, I could lend you the money to catch you up on the rent.

Mike: That's ok, Val. We appreciate the thought, but we're all working now. We've got money comin' in, and we're savin' as much as we can.

Emma: My parents have made the same offer, as have Peter's mother and Aunt Kate. (Kneels down to Debbie and Gina) Hey, you girls look really cute! (Runs downstairs and comes back with a camera) I've got to get some pictures! :)

*The girls giggle.*

(Emma starts snapping pics of everyone. Mike tries to hide, but she hands the camera to Lauren and holds onto him long enough to get a nice picture of the two of them. ;) )

Lauren: Gotcha! ;-)

Emma: (As she finishes snapping a pic of Lauren and Micky with the girls, there's another knock at the door) Someone get that!

(Mike gets it. It's Millie and Larry, both in World War II USO uniforms and bearing heart-shaped pink cheesecakes.)

Millie: Hi, kids, the USO has arrived! (Tugs at her uniform) I can't believe this still fits! I haven't had it out of mothballs in at least twenty years.

Micky: You guys look great!

Larry: (Nuzzles her neck; she chuckles) Isn't she beautiful, Micky? I'll bet she's prettier now than when she sang with the USO. :X

Millie: (Grins) Oh, go on, Lar!

Lauren: Aw. :-)

Millie: (Notices the goodies on the table as she puts the cheesecake down) Man, you kids really loaded up!

Larry: (Kneels down in front of the girls) Now, what do we have here? Little Red Riding Hood, Golidlocks and her bears, and Snow White herself! I think Aunt Millie and I walked into a storybook! :)

Millie: Whose kids? They're cute. :)

*The girls giggle again.*

Micky: *holds up a hand* They're my sisters.

Millie: Why didn't you tell me there was a cute side of the family when I was livin' with ya? ;) (Goes to the girls) If you ladies are anything like your brother, I'm sure you're fans of cheesecake. I make 'em myself. ;)

Peter: And Millie makes the best!

*Micky's jaw drops, then he grins.* :-)

Lauren: *chuckles* She got you good, Mick. ;-)

(All three little girls and Micky troop over to the cheesecake.)

Lauren: Wait up! *follows the "troops"*

Millie: (Grins at Micky) You're wearin' the wrong costume, Micky. You're too good of a boy to be a devil! :)

Micky: Well...

Davy: That's wot she thinks! (Joins the crowd in the kitchen) ;)

Lauren: I wouldn't say that, Millie. *grins*

Micky: If she wants to call me a good boy, she can call me a good boy! :-P

(There's another knock at the door as everyone chuckles. A pretty, 30-ish woman in a simple dress stands there with a blonde girl of about 10 wearing black cat's ears, a black leotard, black tights, black ballet slippers, and a fuzzy "tail.")

Grace Parker: Hi, fellows. Thanks for inviting Suzy over to your house.

Suzy: I like coming here! (Smiles) Peter gives me piano lessons, and he shows me all their groovy stuff! (Blushes a little) This was my Halloween costume last year. I was a black cat. :)

Peter: (Takes Suzy's arms) We're always happy to have Suzy, Mrs. Parker. She's a good girl and a fast learner.

Suzy: Mom, do you think someday, I'll be able to take guitar lessons, too? I've seen Mike and Peter play, and they're so cool, better than the acts on "American Bandstand!" :D

(Peter and Mike blush as Mrs. Parker shakes her head.)

Mrs. Parker: (Sighs) We'll see, Suzy. Maybe when you're a little older. (Nods at the boys) Thanks for having her over, boys. I can't remember the last time Mark and I had some private time. Not that we don't love Suz, but with his job, my job, and Suzy's schedule, we don't often get time together. (Kisses Suzy on the cheek) Have a good time, and be good for the boys!

Suzy: (Smiles) I will, Mom! (Mrs. Parker leaves, and Suzy shyly steps into the room.)

Micky: *nudges the girls* Go say hi to Suzy.

Suzy: (Edges up to the girls) Um, hi. (Smiles) I like your costumes. (Strokes one of Coco's bears) Your bears are cute! :)

Coco: Thanks! I'm Coco. *points next to her* This is Debbie. *points next to Debbie* And that's Gina. We're Cur...uh, Micky's sisters. *smiles*

Suzy: I'm Suzy Parker. I live on the corner with my mom and dad. You guys are lucky. I don't have any brothers or sisters. (Smiles) But I play with my friends at school a lot. (Nods at the bandstand) Do you sing or play? I'm taking piano lessons, and someday, I'm going to have my own band! (Whispers) Don't tell my mom, though! She wants me to do boring things, like be a doctor.

Coco: We've all taken piano lessons. We want to take guitar lessons, too. Hey, maybe the four of us could form our own band!

Suzy: That would be groovy!

Micky: *chuckles, rolling his eyes* They can call themselves the Pre-Teens. ;-) *Lauren elbows him*

Suzy: Maybe we could all be on "Laugh-In!"

Debbie: Yeah!

Mike: Now, that's not a show for you kids.

Suzy: Sometimes I watch it when Mom and Dad aren't lookin'. ;)

Millie: I've seen it. Strange show. Funny sometimes, but strange. :)

Coco: I've seen it, too, and I tell Debbie and Gina about what I see. :-)

Larry: Very interesting.

Emma: I think that show's so groovy!

(There's another knock at the door. Four girls in black beaded dresses, beaded headbands with feathers, and feather boas stand in the door.)

Daphne: Surprise! Davy called us and left a message with our answering service. We just got back in town.

Jenny: We're flappers!

Micky: *grins* I never woulda guessed. ;-)

Maxine: (Starts imitating Michigan J. Frog of the famous Looney Tune "One Froggy Evening") "Hello my baby, hello my honey, hello my ragtime gal..." ;)

*The girls and Suzy giggle.*

Kimberly: And we brought genuine flapper food! (Holds out a pan of slightly scorched brownies) According to Daphne's cookie cookbook, brownies were invented in the 20s when someone knocked over a chocolate cake and decided to nix the icing and save the cake. :)

Jenny: (Grins) Smart people. ;)

Micky: *grins* Works for me! ;-)

Davy: (Goes over to Daphne, eyeing her cleavage) You look...really groovy, Daph...

Daphne: (Grins) You look pretty cute yourself, (curtsies) your highness! ;)

Lauren: *grins* Oh, good grief. ;-)

Davy: 'Bout time someone acknowledged me as the ‘ead of the manah! ;)

Mike: (Holds up his pistols) Watch it, shotgun, or I may have to shrink that inflated head of yours.

Millie: Now, Mike, no roughhousing.

Micky: Could ya do that anyway, Mike? *grins*

Daphne: (Puts her arm around Davy...and gets him in a headlock) Let me do that. Soulmate's perogative. ;)

Suzy: What's a soulmate?

Mike: Foolish romantic notion that two people were meant to be together.

Micky: Wrong person to ask. ;-)

Emma: Very common in romance novels and old movies.

Millie: (Squeezes Larry's hand and looks into his eyes) Oh, I don't think it's all that foolish. Sometimes, people ARE just meant for each other.

Suzy: (Turns to Micky) Well, do you know what a soulmate is?

Micky: You bet! I found mine! *puts an arm around Lauren* It is someone you're meant to be with. Someone that you share a special something with. :-)

Suzy: Groovy! I wonder if I have one?

Peter: (Puts his arm around Valerie) I know I do. (She blushes)

Micky: I'll bet you do, Suzy. It might take a little while before you find him, but you will. *smiles*

Suzy: How come Mike thinks it's foolish, then?

Millie: (Shrugs) Some people just think that way, honey.

Mike: (Shrugs) Romance and me don't get on too well, Suz.

Micky: It becomes rather obvious after a while. ;-)

(There's another knock on the door. Emma opens it this time to reveal Mr. Bennett in what looks like an old prospector's costume, complete with baggy hat and shovel.)

Millie: (Grins) Hey Johnny, didn't think you'd be coming!

Mr. Bennett: (Smiles) Why should youngsters have all the fun? (Holds up a bag) This old body dug up some "fool's gold" for the little ones. (Winks) Also known as chocolate shaped like coins and wrapped in foil. ;)

*The girls cheer.*

(Mr. Bennett gives three "coins" to each girl.)

Emma: That gives me an idea. Let's play our first game. :)

Mike: Yeah. It's a scavenger hunt. We're gonna break into teams. Each team has to find all the objects on a list. Whoever finds the most objects wins somethin' special from the goody bag. :)

Coco: Groovy! :-)

Suzy: Oooh, we do scavenger hunts at Girl Scouts sometimes! They're fun!

Mr. Bennett: My old bones aren't up for those stairs. I'll supervise. :)

Davy: Yeah, you'll bring everything to Mr. Bennett in the living room. :)

Lauren: Can I co-supervise? ;-)

Mr. Bennett: Certainly, Mrs. Dolenz. Always glad for the help. :)

Lauren: Great! I'm not too good at doing stairs lately, either.

Millie: And Larry and I are getting along. We're actually going to a grown-ups costume party some old friends of Larry's are holding across town at the Caprice Ballroom.

Larry: But we thought we'd drop by bearing food. :)

Micky: And we greatly appreciate that! ;-)

Millie: Good luck with the hunt! Win a purple heart for us! (They head out the door.)

Davy: So, who's the teams?

Emma: We could go two-by-two.

Suzy: Like all the animals on Noah's Ark!

Emma: Someone older would have to take a kid, though. They won't be able to find everything on their own.

Micky: I'll take a rugrat. *grins*

Mike: (nods at Suzy) Wanna come with me, Suz? I'm an only child, too.

Suzy: Really? No brothers or sisters?

Mike: (Grins) Unless you count these guys, no. ;)

Emma: I'll protect Red Riding Hood from wolves and hunters. ;) (Puts her arm around Debbie, who giggles)

Coco: I'll go with Curls! *latches onto Micky's leg*

Micky: Don't do that. *grins at Coco*

Suzy: (Giggles) You won't be going anywhere riding like that! ;)

Micky: Oh no? *starts walking around with Coco still hanging on, laughing*

(Everyone chuckles.)

Micky: Okay, Goldy, off! *Coco lets go of his leg*

Davy: (Nods at Gina) 'Ow 'bout you 'n me, oh fair princess? (Kisses her hand)

Gina: *giggles* Love to!

Daphne: (Grins) Oooh, I'm jealous! ;)

Maxine: I'll go with Jealous. ;)

(Daphne elbows her as she chuckles.)

Valerie: Peter and I are a team.

Peter: You bet! :)

Kimberly: Guess that leaves us.

Jenny: The smart people. ;)

(They get pillows thrown at them by Daphne and Maxine from across the room as all four laugh.)

Mr. Bennett: (Laughs) Ok, enough, folks. (Nods at the others) Don't believe I've met the ladies, though I have seen them singing at outdoor concerts in town.

Davy: (Puts an arm around Daphne) May I introduce Daphne, Maxine (Maxine waves), Kimberly (Kimberly wiggles her fingers) and Jen (Jenny blushes), the members of anothah local band, the Westminster Abbies.

Mr. Bennett: Nice to meet another stable of fellow musicians.

Peter: (Proudly) Mr. Bennett used to be in a real orchestra, and he wrote songs for B movie studios!

Mr. Bennett: (Shrugs) Had a couple of minor hits in the 30s and 40s, nothing you kids would recognize.

Emma: (Comes up from the basement with a stack of papers) Ok, boys and girls, here's the lists. I'm gonna warn you, they get pretty weird. I was up late thinking of odd stuff to find. ;)

Micky: I'll take the weirdest one! ;-)

(Emma hands out a list and a bucket or basket to each team.)

Emma: Sold, to the little lady and the fellow in red and sharp object (Hands him a list)

Micky: *grins* Thanks, Dale! ;-)

(Mike grins; Emma just blushes.)

Suzy: (As she and Mike walk out hand-in-hand) You like Emma, don't you, Mike?

Mike: Yeah, well, I'm gonna marry her. You kinda gotta like people when you marry them. (They head out the back door next to the bandstand.)

Emma: (Looks at the list) Hmm, sheet music for "The Darktown Strutter's Ball." (Grins) That's one of Mike's old songs. That would be upstairs. Mike collects really old records and sheet music. So do I, come to think of it. (Takes Debbie's hand and leads her upstairs)

Micky: *glances over his list* What...dust bunny from underneath my old bed? *takes Coco's hand and they head upstairs*

Peter: (Looks at his list) The feather of a seagull. Well, that's not hard. They're all over the place.

Valerie: (Takes the list) "The feather of a seagull...fresh." Hoo boy... (They follow Suzy and Mike outside)

Lauren: *chuckles* This game might take a little while. ;-)

Jenny: (Looks at her list) A palm frond from the ancient palm next to the Pad.

Kimberly: (Makes a face) I hope it's palm shedding season. I'm not climbing trees in these stockings and heels!

Jenny: Maybe we could ask it if we could borrow a frond it's not using?

Kimberly: (sighs) Oh, Jen. (They walk out the front door)

Maxine: (Looks at their list) "A lifesize portrait of Ursula Andress."

Daphne: (Rolls her eyes) Let me guess where we'll find that.

Maxine: It ain't gonna be Mike's room, that's for sure. ;)

(They head to Davy and Peter's room.)

Mr. Bennett: (Smiles and watches the various groups out the window) And, Mrs. Dolenz, I do believe they're off. (sighs) Quite a crowd, those boys. Wonderful musicians and fine people. What they did for Jody Horner and Alice Filcheck and me was above and beyond the call of duty.

Lauren: Quite a handful, too. ;-)

Mr. Bennett: And I'm happy they've found such wonderful partners. :)

Lauren: *blushes* Aw, thanks, Mr. Bennett. :-)

Mr. Bennett: Alice and Jo and I kept an eye on those boys after they helped us. It was the least we could do, after they stopped that creaton Zeckenbush from going through with those plans. I'm enjoying having Peter as an apprentice. He's an amazing musician and a wonder with children. There's far more to him than even he gives himself credit for.

Lauren: And more than any of us really give him credit for. When he's given the chance, Peter can really surprise you. He truly is very intelligent. :-)

Mr. Bennett: He's just such a shy lad, he rarely gets the chance to show it. (Smiles) That Valerie girl seems to have helped somewhat with that. He's not quite as bashful as he was when the boys first moved into the neighborhood.

Lauren: Val has been fantastic for Peter! She's gotten him to open up with things I never thought he would've.

Mr. Bennett: He and I have discussed many things over tea and sheet music. He's quite a boy. He's studied ancient Indian and Oriental religious beliefs, things I thought only men like me who were stationed in the Orient during World War II knew of. We've had many a good, meditative chat. I've actually taught him a few techniques. (Nods) Speaking of the boys, it looks like the scavenger contest is heating up. (Points to the picture window behind the bandstand.)

Lauren: *glances out* Oh, goodness!

(Cut to the various groups and a romp, "A Little Bit Me, A Little Bit You." Kimberly and Jenny see palms, but no fronds. They try to jump up and pick fronds, but they're tough and won't come down. All the get is a shower of dates.)

(Maxine is trying to keep Daphne from tearing Davy's Ursula Andress pin-up into little bits. ;) )

(Emma and Debbie are now in the kitchen; Debbie has a music sheet sticking out of her basket. Emma leans into the refrigerator, which proceeds to "eat" her. It even burps, much to Debbie's surprise.)

*Coco sits on Micky's former bed, kicking her legs back and forth, while Micky kneels on the floor, looking under the bed. He makes a face, not seeing any "dust bunnies." He straightens and motions for Coco to take a look. She shakes her head and he rolls his eyes. He kneels down again; his face brightens. Micky tries to reach under for the dust bunny, but can't reach it. Coco taps his shoulder and holds his pitchfork out to him. Micky smiles, taking the pitchfork. He extends it and reaches under the bed with it finally coming up with a huge dust bunny. He shows it to Coco, grinning, but Coco makes a disgusted face.*

(Mike finds a little shell and puts it in his bucket...but Suzy comes back with a huge shell. Mike shakes his finger at the girl and takes the shell, which proceeds to pinch Mike's fingers, as the "shell" is a crab. ;) )

(Peter chases segulls up and down the beach throughout the romp, trying to take a feather.)

(Kim and Jen have scraped-up hands and ruined stockings, but they have collected palm fronds and are now eating dates. They go into the garage. Jenny goes through boxes and bags, while Kimberly looks through shelves. Suddenly, a volleyball falls down and hits Kim on the head. She falls down, while Jenny takes the ball with a big grin. :) :D )

(Daphne is aiming a torch at Ursula Andress. Maxine grabs the torch and rolls her eyes.)

*Micky and Coco are now in the kitchen. Micky's shaking out the toaster, the crumbs landing on an unfolded napkin. Coco sits at the table, munching a piece of toast.*

(Peter is still chasing the seagulls when Mike comes down the beach with Suzy. Mike points his guns at the seagull. The animated seagull "jumps" and flies away as fast as it can, leaving two feathers. Peter shakes Mike's hand and takes a feather to Valerie, who has a full bucket. Mike gives the other feather to Suzy, who puts it in their bucket.)

(Davy takes Gina to Peter's side of the room. He dumps a box of beads in the bucket before selecting one strand and putting it on Gina's neck. She smiles as he takes her arm.)

(The group meets in the living room with all their baskets and buckets at the end of the romp, looking at all the odd things they've collected.)

Emma: (Counting) Ok, ice, old-time sheet music, bottle of apple juice, a book on movies, and a baloney sandwich. (The last item is a tad blue and green) And whoever left the sandwich in the fridge for more than a week gets to throw it away. :p

Davy: (Holds up the shredded-and-singed Ursula Andress poster) Wot in the ‘ell 'appened to this?

Maxine: (Jerks a thumb at Daphne, who looks their items over and grumbles) Jealous did. ;)

Mike: (Suzy is wrapping his thumb with a Band-Aid) Hope you all like crab, cause I'm gonna go down there and bite that damn critter back when I find him!

Suzy: It was so funny! He thought it was just a shell! :)

Kimberly: (Shows her hands) Yeah, Mike, we suffered for this contest, too.

Micky: *shakes his head* Man, Em, you weren't kiddin' when you said you thought up some weird things. *dumps out his and Coco's findings: dust bunny, toaster crumbs, one of Mr Schneider's playing cards, chapstick (found in Davy's side of the room, sand...* And, very funny, Em, putting me on the list! :-P

Emma: (As everyone else laughs or at least chuckles) Well, you're one of the most outrageous things in this household. ;)

Lauren: I'll vouch for that! *winks at Micky, who makes a face* ;-)

Peter: All I found was the seagull feather...but it's fresh! Mike scared the seagull into leaving some! :)

Mike: You gotta know how to speak their language, Pete. ;)

Mr. Bennett: Evidently, that seagull spoke Tom Mix. ;)

(Emma is counting down everything with help from Lauren.)

Kimberly: (Rubs her head) Seagull, smeagal. I got whacked on the bean with a volleyball!

Jenny: It didn't mean to hurt you! It just wanted to come down!

Kimberly: Could it not have used my head as a stepladder? :p

Emma: (Grins at Lauren) Want to announce the winner, Laur, or should I do it?

Valerie: (Sighs) I didn't find as much as I would have liked. (Shakes her head) Peter, I could have used some help from you.

Peter: But I wanted to get the feather!

Lauren: Well, you came up with the lists, so by all means. *grins* ;-)

Emma: Ok, so...drum roll please, Mick. ;)

Micky: Okay! *drums his hands on the kitchen table*

Emma: The winners are...Coco and Mick! ;)

Mike: There you go, Mick. That makes up for all the cheap shots we've taken at you in the past couple of stories. :)

Micky: Hey! Alright!

Coco: *jumps around* Yay! We won!

(Davy is trying to tape his poster back together, but he looks up long enough to clap.)

Debbie: Awww...

Emma: (Holds out goodie bags) And you both get the pick of the goodie bags. Take whatever you want. The other girls can have what's left. :)

Suzy: Yeah! We all win! :D

Peter: That's how things should be.

Mr. Bennett: The playing is the fun part. :)

Lauren: And seeing what you all brought back. ;-)

Micky: Groovy! *practically sticks his head in one of the bags*

Mr. Bennett: I can't remember the last time I had such an enjoyable afternoon. :)

Mike: Me, either, come to think of it. This'll be good practice for when the little Monkees come in. :)

Lauren: *grins* And it won't be too much longer. :-)

Mr. Bennett: When are the little ones due?

Maxine: So we can be there to catch Micky. ;)

Lauren: *laughs as Micky makes a slightly nervous face* Late March. Yeah, Mick's gonna need all the help he can get. ;-)

Micky: I...I'll be fine!

Mr. Bennett: I've got four kids of my own, the closest in Bakersfield. It's a scary prospect, being a parent, but one of the most rewarding in the world.

Lauren: *grins* I talked him into being there when I have the kids. Poor guy probably will need someone to catch him. ;-)

Micky:, I won't! *folds his arms, pouting*

Suzy: Will we get to see the babies after they're born? :)

Lauren: Sure! Everyone will! :-)

Peter: (Puts his arms on Micky) Micky, you're scared to death. You're afraid you won't be a good father and you won't be able to provide for your children.

Micky: I just...I am worried. I wanna be a good dad, but I haven't got a clue of what I'm doing.

Mr. Bennett: That's what I thought when Louise and I had our first child. Even after the fourth came along, sometimes I still worried about it. (Smiles) All our children came out just fine, though, and yours will, too. Perhaps I could loan you a book on Japanese meditation methods? It might help ease your worrying. It was a great help to me when I came back from Japan after World War II.

Micky: *nods* That'd be great, Mr. Bennett!

Lauren: That would be wonderful, thank you! :-)

Peter: I could help with that, too. I meditate a lot. It helps me focus, especially when I'm working on a song.

Valerie: He's been teaching some methods to me, too. My father thinks I'm dotty, but it does work. :)

Micky: *small grin* I just hope I can sit still long enough for the meditation to work. ;-)

(Suddenly, there's a pounding on the door. Mr. Bennett frowns.)

Mr. Bennett: What on earth?

Mike: (Goes to the door...and raises his eyebrows) Hoo guys gotta see this...

Micky: Oh no...

(Mike opens it. Babbitt walks in, wearing an outdated tux that doesn't close to fit, scuffed spats, and a top hat and cane. He carrys a bag of pretzels.)

Babbitt: Hi, guys! Brought my own food. Shame that Mrs. Arcadian had to go to the South Pole. She sure was cute. (Takes Maxine's hand and kisses it) On the other hand, maybe I'll get over it soon enough. (Maxine looks over her shoulder at the others and makes a face. The girls giggle.)

Micky: *mutters* Yeah, whatta shame...

Mike: (Grins at the little girls) You know, Babbitt, we've got to clean up from the party and get ready for our gig, but we can't do that with the girls around. How would you like to play a couple of games with these nice, quiet, young ladies? (Winks at the four little girls, who grin widely)

Babbitt: (Smiles at them) Why, certainly! I would love to play with such an elegant group of well-behaved youngsters! (Leads them upstairs) What will it be, ladies? Dolls? A tea party?

Suzy: How about World War II Fighting Force? ;)

Coco: Yeah! ;-)

Davy: (Calls up to the girls) Don't go too 'ard on 'im, commandahs! 'E's new at this! ;)

Emma: Don't damage him too badly! He owns this house!

Micky: And remember, he isn't me! ;-)

Babbitt: (Stammers as the girls lead him in the room) Damage? Commanders? Now, wait a minute...(but the door closes)

Emma: We'll never see him again. What a shame. ;)

Micky: *chuckles* He don't know them very well, do he? ;-)

Maxine: Who is that not-exactly-pleasant fellow? :p

Davy: Our landlord. 'E's been a bit bettah since we started payin' the rent closah to the actual month it's due, but 'is bark is still worse than 'is bite.

Maxine: (Makes a face) I don't know about that.

Micky: It's debateable sometimes.

(Everyone starts cleaning up the food and putting the various items used for the scavenger hung more-or-less where they belong, including Micky, who sits with Lauren and cuddles her, rubbing her stomach. :) )

Mike: Yup, that's where he belongs, all right. ;)

Lauren: *grins* Darn right! ;-)

Davy: Daphne, are you guys going to be at the Club Fairview tonight?

Daphne: Maxine and I are. Kimberly has a date and Jenny's working on a rug.

Davy: Would you mind it terribly if I bought you a drink?

Daphne: (Grins and takes his hand) I'd love it, (curtsies briefly) my lord. ;) :X

Maxine: Aww, ain't that sweet?

Kimberly: My teeth are already decaying. :p

Daphne: Yeah, from all those Hershey bars you eat before a performance.

Kimberly: Can I help it if I get nervous?

Mr. Bennett: (Chuckles) Before the war, I used to suck on a mint before I'd go on stage. Helped my stomach. After the war, I'd meditate.

(Suddenly, there's noise from upstairs, the sound of four giggling girls, and one growling Babbitt. ;) )

Micky: *looks up* Think we ought to see what's going on?

Mike: It would probably be a good idea. If they kill Babbitt, the cops might blame us.

Peter: I thought they were playing games!

Micky: Well, they are playing. Sometimes they get overzealous, though.

Valerie: Something tells me Mr. Babbitt wasn't prepared for the kind of games the girls play.

Maxine: I can't say it's been nice knowing him, though.

Micky: As much as I hate to say it, we'd better go rescue him. *shrugs, gives Lauren a kiss,then heads for the stairs*

Peter: I'll help, too. I'm good with kids. (Joins Micky on the stairs) Gee, I hope they haven't done anything too bad. Who would we pay the rent to?

Micky: *sighs* Pete... *reaches the top of the stairs* Anyone else foolhearty enough to join us? ;-)

Emma: Um, no, you guys have fun. The rest of us will finish cleaning up and setting up for rehearsal for your gig. ;)

Micky: *shrugs* Alright. Ready, Peter? This could be shocking... ;-)

Peter: I'm ready for anything, Micky! Nothing could be more shocking than some of the stuff we've gone through in the past few months! :)

Micky: Good! *opens the door wide*

*Inside, the four girls stand guard around what looks like a pile of blankets...except the pile is moving and grumbling.*

Micky: buried him in the blankets?

(Peter puts his hand over his mouth to hide his chuckles)

Coco: That's just part of it. *grins*

Micky: What? *moves over to the pile and pulls a sheet off to reveal another sheet; sighs and pulls that sheet off to reveal a bound and gagged Babbitt* You used the good sheets to tie him up! Lookit that, you gagged him with one, too! You know sheets are hard to clean! *Babbitt's eyes widen & his grumbles get louder* Alright, alright, I'm untying you. Yeesh. *starts to untie him*

Peter: Now, girls, that wasn't a nice thing to do. Those sheets are made of pure cotton and linen!

*The girls pout and try to look innocent.*

Coco: We were just playing. :-)

Debbie: Yeah, he's our prisoner of war! *nods*

Peter: (Kneels down to Coco's level) I understand that, but Mr. Babbitt might not feel that way. He's not used to playing as rough as you do. :)

Micky: *shakes his head* This is worse than me getting this treatment.

Peter: I'm afraid Mick's right. You'll have to release your prisoner, Corporal.

Coco: Okay. *sighs*

Micky: I've got it, Coco. *continues untying "the prisoner"*

Babbitt: (Looks wild-eyed at the girls) Keep them away from me, Dolenz! They're animals I tell you, animals! (Runs out the door and out of the Pad. ;) )

Mike: (Pokes his head in) Should I ask why our landlord just ran outside screaming bloody murder?

Micky: Well, that went rather well...

Micky: *shrugs* They were using Babbitt as a prisoner of war.

Mike: (Eyes widen) They were...(laughs) Man, I never thought I'd feel sorry for Babbitt, but sounds like you chicks put him through the wringer! ;) :))

Micky: *finally chuckles* They had him tied up really good, too! ;-)

Mike: Shoulda left him there. ;)

Peter: Now, that's not fair, Michael! He would have had to have eaten sometime!

Micky: And his grumbling would've kept you awake!

Mike: Okay. Come on, guys, we've got to rehearse for the Club Fairview tonight and give these costumes back to Valerie. Suzy, Mr. Bennett's gonna walk you home.

Suzy: Ok! (Smiles) Mike, can I come to another party? I had lots of fun today!

Mike: (Smiles back) Sure, darlin'. Door's always open. :)

Micky: Aw! ;-)

(Mike and Suzy walk downstairs, hand in hand. Emma pokes her head in, now in regular clothes.)

Emma: We've got everything pretty much cleaned up. Mr. Bennett will take Suz home whenever she's ready. Lauren and Valerie are going to watch the girls tonight while you're at your gig, since I'm on the night shift at the Acme. We just need your costumes, the girls', and Mike's.

Micky: *nods* Sounds like a plan! *turns to the girls* Now, you girls will be good for Lauren and Valerie, right?

*The girls nod.*

Peter: No tying anyone up, especially Lauren! You don't want to hurt the babies!

Micky: Good. So go get changed so we can get those costumes back where they belong!

(The girls grumble, but follow Emma downstairs)

Micky: *still reclined on the floor, makes a face* Guess that means I oughtta change, too. Man, I really liked this get up. ;-) *gets up*

Mike: (Grins) I can understand why. It really suits you, Mick. ;)

Micky: Don't it? *grins*

Peter: (Nods toward his and Davy’s room) Come on, Mick, let's go get changed ourselves. I'm ready to rehearse! :)

(Peter heads to the room.)

Micky: I'm comin', I'm comin'! *follows*

(Cut to the group. Everyone but the Abbies, Mr. Bennett, and Suzy are now dressed in their normal clothes. Mr. Bennett stands at the door with Suzy, who grins. Daphne and Davy hold hands while the others just shake their heads at each other.)

Mr. Bennett: Thanks for the great time, kids.

Suzy: Yeah! I love coming here! You guys are so fun!

Peter: Hey, any time. :)

Micky: Yeah! Glad to have you! :-)

Mike: Next time we have a party, you'll be the first folks we call. ;)

Davy: (To Daphne) And we'll meet again at the Club Fairview tonight?

Daphne: I'll talk to you between "Shades of Gray" and "Early Morning Blues and Greens."

Kimberly: Gag me. (Jenny does gag)

*Micky rolls his eyes, but he's grinning.*

Maxine: Today, Daph, before you and Prince Charming are permanently joined at the hip.

Daphne: (As the other girls and Mr. Bennett and Suzy head out) I'll see you later. (Kisses him on the cheek and leaves)

Emma: (She's wearing her Acme uniform) Well, I've got to go to work soon, but I think I have time for one song before I go and you head to the Fairview. :)

Lauren: I'd love to hear one, too. :-)

Mike: (Is tuning Black Beauty) Any requests from the house? (No one notices the rustling bushes in the back behind the picture bandstand window.)

Peter: I don't hear...

Valerie: (Elbows him) Please, enough with that gag. ;) :p

(Peter grins.)

Micky: It's grown very tired. ;-)

(Brief clip of Peter sleeping with his script, which says "gag" on it)

Micky: *eyes widen* That’s a new one. ;-)

Mike: Well? Any requests? (Nods at the girls) What about our guests?

*The girls go into yet another huddle, which causes Micky to groan.*

(And everyone else to grin.)

(The bushes rustle again, but then are silent. A shadowy figure moves around to the front of the Pad.)

Coco: *after the huddle breaks* Can we hear "The Poster?"

Mike: I think we can do that. :)

Davy: Ahh, the ladies display good taste. ;)

Micky: You picked... *motions to Davy; looks shocked, then smiles* Well whadaya know... *grins* ;-)

Emma: They're tired of picking on you, Mick. ;)

Micky: I guess so. ;-)

Coco: *shrugs* We've done that enough. *grins at Micky*

Emma: Yeah, speaking of gags that have outlived their time... ;)

Lauren: I thought it was kinda funny, ganging up on the older brother. ;-)

Emma: (Grins) My sisters used to gang up on ME all the time. ;)

Mike: And I could probably still get a fairly good whoopin' from my cousins, male and female. ;)

Lauren: *shrugs* It was just me and my older brother, so I didn't have anyone to join me against him.

Peter: (Shrugs) I'm in the middle. My sister was too old to be ganged up on, and my brother was too little.

Davy: All the things me sistahs used to do to me... (Shakes his head)

Valerie: It's just Chrissy and me. We would play rough, but nothing to the extent of these girls! :)

Mike: Well, you boys ready?

Micky: *twirls his sticks* All set!

Peter: Michael (puts his hand over his stomach), I don't feel well.

Mike: (Gulps) You shouldn't have eaten so much at the party.

Davy: I'm feelin' sorta funny, too.

Micky: *stops mid-twirl, shakes his head* Guys, don't... *makes a face*

Valerie: (Looks at the kids, then shakes her head) I think I had one cupcake too many.

Emma: (Rubs her own stomach) And me.

Lauren: *frowns* I do not like this one bit.

Mike: We'll burn that bridge when we get to it.

Peter: (Whimpers) That's what I'm afraid of.

Micky: *gulps* Getting burned with the bridge...

Mike: Come on, guys. Let's play. Maybe we'll feel better. (Counts off "The Poster." As the girls listen and the boys play, we cut to outside, where the same shadowy figure from earlier now enters a sleek, black car.)

Figure: (British and female, to the even more shadowy figure in the passenger's seat) All of them are there but Jones's soulmate, Uncle. They can sense our approach. We'd best be cautious. You can't be too obvious with this.

Older Male Figure: (Familiar, smooth voice) My dear girl, I'm all too aware of that. I've tried the obvious approach before with Tork, and that came to nothing. We have to get him away from the others, especially Nesmith. Nesmith has the White Knight's soul. He'll guard Tork like a hawk.

Female Figure: Uncle, why don't we go in there now and take them? They have innocent souls with them...

Older Male Figure: Patience, my dear. Patience. We must wait until the others are distracted, then lure them one by one. Tork will be the hardest. Not only is Nesmith guarding him, but his soulmate and the elderly man have also taken responsibility for his well-being. No, we will bide our time for another week or two.

Female Figure: And then, Uncle?

Older Male Figure: And then...we strike.

(The dark window roll up, obscuring both figures, as the roaring of the car down Beechwood Street swallows the last notes of "The Poster.")