Peter: Ok, guys, enough. Everyone ready to start the next story...and hold a party? :D
Mike: Sure. :)
Emma: I'm ready. :)
Micky: Yeah!
Lauren: *sticks a finger in her ear* Mick...
(Everyone laughs.)
Davy: I'm ready, mates. :)
(We begin at the Pad. Lauren is sitting on the psychiatrist's couch while the boys finish up "Plesant Valley Sunday." Emma sits on a chair, reading and listening to the music. It's about five months after the events of "Origins of the Monkeemen," and Lauren is now quite large. As the boys finish up the song, the phone rings.)
Emma: (Puts down her book) I'll get it, fellas. (Picks up the phone) Hello? (Smiles) Oh, hi, Mrs. Scott! How are you? How are the little ladies? (Nods) Yeah, he's here. (Calls) Mick, it's for you. It's your mother.
Mike: (Frowns) Your mom?
Peter: (Grins) Oooh, I hope she's bringing over her Italian Rum Cake! :D
Micky: *quirks an eyebrow* This can't be good. *takes the phone* Hey, Mom...what?
(Emma moves to the cabinet, pulls out a tin, opens it, and pulls out a few round, thin light brown cookies, then brings the tin over to Lauren.)
Lauren: Thanks, Em.
Emma: (As Micky nods his head at the phone) Always glad to help.
Mike: (As he adjusts Black Beauty) So, how's the little Dolenzes these days?
Lauren: *smiles* The little ones are doing fine. I can tell every time one of them hiccups. ;-)
Peter: Oooh, they hiccup? (Puts down his bass, goes over to Lauren, and gently lays his ear against her stomach)
Lauren: *chuckles* If you listen long enough, you'll probably hear something, Pete.
*Micky is now pacing with the phone, practically flailing his free arm.*
Davy: (Shakes his head) Mick's mum must be gettin' 'im good about somethin'. ;)
Peter: (Grins) Oooh, I think I heard one kick! Might have been the boy...
Lauren: *smiles at Peter* That'd make sense. ;-) *glances over her shoulder* No, he wouldn't be pacing like that.
Emma: That reminds me. Have you two come up with names for them yet?
Davy: (Grins) Then the othah option is 'is mum is makin' im do somethin' 'e don't wanna do. ;)
Lauren: I came up with some and Mick came up with some, and now we can't decide because I wanna go with his now and vice versa. *shakes her head, smirking* We're terrible. ;-)
Micky: *nearly whining* But Mom...
Mike: (Grins; calls over to Micky) Ok, Mick, what does she want you to do, and how badly do you not want to do it? ;)
Micky: *sighs* Okay, Mom. Bye. *hangs up* She wants us to watch the girls for a few days so she can regain her sanity. They'll drive us insane instead. *flops down next to Lauren*
Davy: (Makes a face) Oh, man, your sistahs?
Lauren: All three of them? At once? Oh boy...
Mike: (Shrugs) So we watch the kids for a few days. They can stay here, with us. You guys don't have room at your place.
Davy: (Makes a face) Mike, you don't know Mick's sistahs.
Emma: Well, there's six of us and three of them.
Micky: *nods* Coco, Debbie, and Gina. *glances around* We'd better hide anything we don't want broken.
Davy: I don't like them odds. :p
Peter: (Grins) Oh, I liked playing with them when they were at Micky and Lauren's wedding!
Mike: And, as I recall, they tied you up and used my bed as a trampoline! :p
Peter: That was the fun part! :D
Micky: That is not fun.
Lauren: It'll be good practice, though. *nudges Micky*
Emma: (Grins) They couldn't be any worse than Rose and Anny were.
Micky: Oh, they can be worse. *sighs*
Mike: I used to watch my cousins all the time. Lucy and Clara were freakin' lunatics, man!
Micky: That's the girls.
Davy: Mick, do you think your mum would object if we just tied them up and left them in a safe place for a few days where they could do no 'arm? ;) :p
Micky: *makes a face* Dave, I'd object. They're my sisters, man. They may drive me nuts, but even I wouldn't go that far. Not for starters atleast... ;-)
Mike: Come on, guys, they're just kids, and not even the snobby type, like Melvin.
Peter: We could play music for them. Kids dig music!
Micky: *small grin* They do love to sing.
Emma: I seem to remember you guys said Melvin ended up being a pretty groovy kid.
Mike: Yeah, we still see him from time to time. He's really growing, that boy. He's talking about gettin' involved in the music industry, maybe as a manager or somethin'. I think we were good influences. :)
Davy: Well, Mick, when are your sistahs invadin'? :)
Micky: Mom's bringing them over later tonight. She didn't say exactly when, though. :-P
Mike: Good, have her bring them here. Good thing this is our off-night from the Club Fairview.
Micky: I'm not lettin' them in the apartment, that's for sure.
Peter: Ooooh, I can't wait! I'll have more people to play Parcheesi and Clue with! :D
Emma: And I'll bake them my mom's special chocolate chip cookies. :)
Lauren: If you can get them to sit still long enough, Peter.
Mike: And we can give music lessons. Do they play any instruments, Mick?
Micky: All three of them, mainly because I couldn't sit still long enough.
Peter: I'll call Valerie over, too! She has a sister. She knows how to handle little girls. :)
Emma: Wish I could call my sisters over. Anny and Rose were pretty damn wild when they were the girls' ages. We used to run all over the house and play blind man's bluff and tag, and they'd go outside and climb trees and ride bikes and run all over the beach. :)
Davy: Right, and we'll be able to take them to the beach, too. :)
Micky: And watch as they play keep away. *rolls his eyes, but he's still grinning*
Emma: That takes the energy out of any kid. Keefe loves going to the beach. It's in his blood, like it's in mine and the rest of the family's. (Grins) I'll make them a special dinner. What do they eat, Mick? (Goes to the kitchen)
Micky: You have to ask? They're related to me. They'll eat anything you put in front of them. ;-)
Mike: Just cook them everything in the house, then. ;)
Emma: I'll make burgers. Kids always like burgers. :)
(Peter picks up the phone and dials Valerie's number.)
Micky: I just hope the girls don't drive us nuts.
Mike: They couldn't drive us any more nuts than we drive each other nuts. ;)
Lauren: Mick, you're worrying too much. I've dealt with the girls, and they are not as bad as you make them out to be. ;-)
Emma: (From the kitchen, where she's gathering pots and pans) Well, we might as well get used to having kids around. This will probably be good for all of us.
Lauren: See that? *nudges Micky again* Practice! ;-)
Micky: Maybe I should've remembered about the girls several months ago...
*Lauren elbows him, as he's grinning.*
Peter: (City-lighting grin; into the phone) You would? Oh, Val, that would be great! We could really use the help. Bye! (Puts the phone back and turns to the gang) Val's on her way over. She'd love to help us with the girls! :)
Emma: (Laughs and pulls out a pack of ground meat) This is turning into a regular party!
Davy: (Makes a face) Shame the Abbies got an out-of-town job. Daph's got two brothahs. She'd be able to 'elp, too.
Mike: You're really into that chick, aren't you, Davy?
Davy: (Shrugs) Well, we've dated on and off for the last few months. We like each othah.
Peter: But you're both afraid of making commitments.
Micky: "Like each other" doesn't quite cover it, Dave. ;-)
Peter: You're in love with her, Davy! (Beams dreamily) Are you going to exchange valentines?
Davy: Probably, but there's othah girls, too.
Mike: You've been dating fewer and fewer "other" girls since Daphne came back.
Micky: I think you were down under a dozen last I knew. ;-)
(That gets a chuckle from everyone but Davy, who grumbles.)
Davy: (To Mike and Emma) And how's the weddin' plans comin' along?
Mike: (Shrugs) Fine. Aunt Kate's comin'. Lucy's stayin' behind to watch the ranch. Em's folks and her brother are comin' from New Jersey. We're invitin' most of the neighbors, too, Bennett and Mrs. Filcheck and Mrs. Purdy and all them. You guys and the Abbies will play the music.
Peter: (Beams) And I'm the best man!
Lauren: Set a date yet?
Emma: (Smiles) The last week of February, after Peter's birthday and Valentine's Day, but before Lauren's due date in late March. :)
Mike: Yeah, figured we'd avoid the rush and give Pete a chance to celebrate bein' 25. :)
Lauren: As long as these rugrats decide to be on time, unlike someone else... *grins at Micky*
Emma: (Shrugs) I was two weeks late, but my nephew was about three weeks early. The doctors aren't always right.
Lauren: As long as they're healthy, the sooner the better. ;-)
Micky: No kidding. ;-)
Mike: Millie's caterin', and we're borrowin' stationary from Mrs. Filcheck.
Emma: (As she molds beef patties and sets them on a pan) How are you feeling these days, Lauren? How's everything going?
Davy: (Nudges Micky and whispers) And how's the...project...coming?
Lauren: I think I'm okay. Just don't ask Mick. He'll tell you I'm driving him crazy. ;-)
(Everyone laughs at that, even Emma from the kitchen.)
Micky: *quietly* Coming along very nicely. Should be set around the time of the wedding.
Davy: (Grins; whispers to Micky) Groovy, mate! Wot a baby showah surprise that'll be for Lauren! :D
Micky: *nods, beaming* I can't WAIT to spring it on her!
Lauren: *glares at Micky and Davy next to her* What are you two muttering about?
Davy: (Quickly) Oh, nothin', luv.
Micky: Have I mentioned mood swings?
Lauren: *slugs his arm* Very funny!
Peter: You should have seen my mom when she was pregnant with my little brother. One moment, she'd be happy and making us an apple pie, the next, she'd be crying on Dad's shoulder, and the one after that, she'd bark at him to buy her watermelon in the middle of January! ;)
Micky: Fortunately, Lauren's only done ice cream in the middle of the night, but never a flavor we have in the freezer. *smiles at Lauren*
Emma: My mom worked up to almost the end of my little brother's pregnancy, so I don't remember much about what she was like with him, but she was a total nutcase with Anny. :)
Lauren: *shrugs* Hey, I can't help what I crave!
Mike: Is that why you sent me after fudge ripple at 3 AM? You're lucky the Acme is open that late! :p
Emma: (Sighs) Lauren, whenever you get cravings, just tell me, and I'll pick it up at work.
Lauren: Okay...but it does tend to change...
Micky: There's six half eaten half gallons in the freezer, babe.
Mike: Bring the rest over here. They'll get eaten, trust me. ;)
Micky: *nods* I'll bring five of them. I'm keeping the chocolate chip for myself. ;-)
(Everyone chuckles as there's knocking on the door. Micky goes up to it and peeks through the grille.)
Micky: They're here! *starts to panic* They're here!
Mike: (Puts down his guitar) Whoa, shotgun! Now, calm down. This ain't anything we can't handle. There's six of us and three of them.
Micky: Tell them that!
Emma: (As she starts chopping broccoli) Micky, for heaven's sake, let the poor dears in!
Davy: (Mutters) Poah deahs, my reah!
Micky: *sucks in a deep breath, then opens the door; puts on a smile* Hi Mom. *glances over the girls* Hi girls.
Peter: Aw, come on, guys, it's only for a few days! (Runs over to the door) Hi, Mrs. Dolenz! Hi, girls! Ready to have fun with Micky and Lauren and all their friends?
*The three girls run past Micky and over to hang off Peter.*
Peter: (Grins and hugs them) Oooh, you remember me! (Grins and hugs them) Wow, you girls are getting big! Did you bring any toys?
Coco: Mom wouldn't let us bring what we wanted to bring.
Mike: (Grins) They probably wanted to bring cap guns. My kind of chicks. ;)
Debbie: *to Mike* How'd you guess?
Mike: (Goes up to the girls and kneels down to them) Well, lemme tell you somethin', little shotgun. Your ol' Uncle Mike has handled many a gun in his day, and he knows a coupla good cowgirls when he sees them. ;)
Mrs. Scott: Micky, you have no idea how much this means to me!
Micky: *grins shakily* No, I probably don't.
Emma: (Looks over her shoulder) Hi, Mrs. Scott! I hope they like hamburgers, baked beans, and broccoli. I'm making dinner. :)
Mrs. Scott: Oh, I'm sure Micky's told you they'll eat anything, just like him. *pinches his cheek, grinning*
Micky: *whines* Moooom!
(That gets a laugh from everyone, including the girls. ;) )
Lauren: *waves from the couch* I'd come over there, but moving isn't awfully easy these days. ;-)
Davy: Lemme help, luv. Come on, Mick, lets get her up. ;)
Micky: Right!
Lauren: You two better count off if you don't wanna hurt yourselves.
Micky: On three, Dave?
Davy: Right, mate. (Each boy puts his arm around Lauren)
Micky: Okay. One...two...three!
(The boys pull gently at Lauren. It takes a few moments, but they finally get her up and over to the girls and Mrs. Scott.)
Lauren: Good thing it's only twenty extra pounds.
*Micky rolls his eyes behind her back for Davy to see.*
(Davy puts a hand over his mouth to cover his chuckles.)
Emma: Lauren's coming along quite nicely. She eats lots of ice cream.
Mrs. Scott: My goodness dear! *smiles*
Lauren: Well, not JUST ice cream. Maybe a little more than I should...
Micky: A little, babe?
Mike: Think she'll fit into the family just fine. ;)
(Now Emma's the one who has to hide her chuckles as she pours baked beans into a pan.)
Emma: Dinner will be ready soon, ladies and gentlemen!
Mrs. Scott: *smiles* I had the ice cream kick myself when I was pregnant with Micky. *pinches his cheek again*
(Everyone bursts out laughing.)
Micky: *whines* Mom, you've gotta stop doing that! *rubs his cheek*
Emma: That explains a lot. ;)
Mike: Must have been nutty ice cream. ;)
Mrs. Scott: I remember eating a lot of pistachio.
Peter: He'd clear out Rainbow Ice Cream Palace if we'd let him! ;)
(Giggles from the group.)
Micky: That's it. I'm leaving. *Lauren grabs ahold of the back of his shirt*
Mike: Cool it, shotgun. (Puts his arm around Gina) Don't you wanna spend time with these lovely young ladies?
Peter: (Hugs Debbie, whom he's taken in his arms) We're gonna have so much fu!n :D
Mrs. Scott: Of course he does! Right, Micky?
Micky: *shrugs, mutters* Yeah...
Mrs. Scott: I didn't quite hear that, George Michael. *grins as Micky cringes*
Micky: *sighs; smiles* Right, Mom.
(Everyone is almost on the floor, and the little girls are giggling helplessly.)
Emma: Poor Mick!
Peter: Yeah, but we love him anyway. (Winks at Gina) Right, girls? ;)
Mrs. Scott: Great! I've gotta get going. Girls, be good for your brother and his friends! *kisses Micky on the cheek then waves* Goodbye everyone! *heads off*
Mike: (Waves at Mrs. Scott) Bye, Mrs. S! Have a nice time!
Davy: (Mutters) Nice knowin' ya. ;-)
Emma: (Grins) Ok, this is probably a stupid question, but...who's hungry? ;)
Micky: *closes the door; blushing a bright red* That was so embarrassing. *slumps against the door*
*All three girls raise their hands, as does Lauren.*
Emma: (Laughs) Good thing I made lots of food!
Mike: (Nods at Gina) Hey, cowgirl, how would you like to help Uncle Mike set the table and get out the pickles and ketchup and mustard?
Peter: Debbie, Micky told me you play the piano. Would you like to hear a song? (Takes her over to the piano)
Emma: (Grins at Micky) Mick, it's only gonna get worse. My parents will be around next month. Daddy's got a huge, booming New York accent, slaps people on the back, and asks personal questions. ;)
Mike: (Mutters) I ain't lookin' forward to that.
Micky: I think I'd prefer that right now.
Lauren: *grins* Oh, c'mon, Mick, it isn't gonna be that bad!
Emma: (Smiles; to the girls) You know, all of my sisters are too big to be flower girls, and my brother is...well, he's a boy. Would you ladies like to be in Aunt Emma and Uncle Mike's wedding? You'll get to wear nice dresses and carry flowers up the aisle in the Pad. :)
Mike: Yeah, none of my female cousins are young enough to be flower girls, either.
Coco: Yeah, that'd be great! *nudges the other two*
Gina: Sure!
Debbie: *smiles* Thanks!
Mike: Sure, girls! Anything for such a great group of cowgirls! ;)
Emma: (Smiles) You'll get to meet all our friends and Mike's aunt and my parents and little brother. He's eleven. He likes watching cartoons, playing the drums, and playing football. :)
*All three girls cheer.*
Peter: Hey, girls, I think Aunt Emma just finished making dinner, and Aunt Valerie should be coming over soon. I'll bet she'll get Francois, her dad's French chef, to make a special dessert direct from Paris! :)
Mike: And if you're good at the dinner table, you might get to play music with Micky and Davy and their buddies. :)
Davy: (Grins at the girls) You remembah Uncle Davy, don't ya?
Coco: Yeah? *nudges the other two again, then grins at Davy*
Debbie: We'll be good, Coco! *crosses her finger behind her back, Gina notices and tries not to giggle*
Peter: (Puts his arms around the girls) Ok, ladies, let's eat! I'm sure your big brother is ready to eat all the burgers himself, and you could beat his record! ;)
Micky: *grins* Only with the three of them put together! *pushes off the door, takes Lauren's arm, and heads for the table*
(Emma sets down a plate of burgers as the girls grab seats. Lauren gingerly sits down in another chair, Micky next to her. Davy, Peter, and Mike sit in the living room since there's no room for them at the table.)
Emma: Ok, everyone, eat hearty! There's baked beans and broccoli on the stove, and yes, you all have to eat every last bit, or no French dessert! (Hands Peter and Davy plates) I made grilled bean burgers for the herbivores. ;)
Peter: Thanks, Em! You make the grooviest food! (Bites into his burger)
Emma: That's one of the conveniences of living alone. You either cook, or you eat out all the time. I never had the money to eat out, so I cooked. :)
Davy: Kinda wish we'd 'ad you livin' 'ere when we first moved in. We subsided on frozen dinnahs, the kindness of the neighbahs, or nothin' at all.
Micky: It was not pretty.
Emma: Well, I'm not going to let any of you starve ever again. We're all making enough money to at least put food on the table now, if nothing else.
Mike: Considerin' I spent a lot of my childhood with an empty stomach and an even emptier refrigerator, I really appreciate that, Em. :)
Micky: And it'll help us bulk up! *flexes his arms to reveal non-existant muscles; shrugs*
(Everyone but the girls, who are too busy eating, chuckle.)
Peter: (Beams) Maybe I can give you girls piano lessons! I give piano lessons to kids with old Mr. Bennett, who lives down the street, and I help him clean out his house and keep all his stuff in order. :)
Gina: Really? That'd be so groovy!
Peter: Sure! Maybe you girls will play in your own bands someday, just like your brother! :D
Mike: I play guitar, too, and you've probably seen your brother playin' the drums.
Coco: Or even sing! *grins*
Davy: We all do that, luvs. You've 'eard your brothah and me sing. :)
Micky: You know how many times they've asked me for lessons with the drums or singing? *rolls his eyes*
Davy: Asked me once or twice when I lived over there, too. :)
Coco: We ask because you're good, Curls. ;-)
*Micky hides his face in one hand.*
Emma: (Laughs; Peter and Mike chuckle over their burgers and veggies) I think I like that name, Coco. :)
Coco: *grins* He loves it! He just doesn't like to admit it.
*Micky shakes his head.*
Mike: I'll bet you girls got all kinds of questions. The Pad is a pretty strange place, and we can be strange people sometimes. :)
Peter: Ask away! We'll answer anything we can, and Aunt Valerie will be able to answer when she arrives, too. :)
Debbie: *shrugs* We're pretty used to strange. Our brother, for example. ;-)
Micky: *mutters* This is so embarrassing.
Emma: (As everyone chuckles) You'll be able to help my brother, then, because he's never been to California. :)
Davy: Bet you're wonderin' 'ow Aunt Lauren got such a big tummy. ;)
Micky: Oh, God, no. *turns bright red again; hides his face with both hands*
*Lauren chuckles.*
Peter: You're all gonna be aunts! :)
*All three girls nod, grinning.*
Emma: Being an aunt is fun. My youngest sister just had a baby this summer. He's really cute and little. :)
Mike: (Shakes his head) Don't look over here for baby answers, cowgirls. I don't have any brothers or sisters of my own. Got a couple of cousins, but that's it.
Coco: We wanna know! *grins, trying not to laugh*
Mike: (Grins) Aunt Lauren and Micky got really busy when they went on their honeymoon. ;)
Peter: Yeah, they were eating a lot!
*The girls crack up.*
*Micky starts slumping down in his chair. Lauren grabs his shirt and pulls him back up on the chair, grinning.*
Davy: Aw, come on Micky, they probably know more about this stuff than we did at their ages!
Coco: He's just embarrassed. *waves it off* Just because we're his little sisters.
Emma: (Looks around the table) How is dinner coming, ladies and gentlemen? Everyone eating their greens?
Mike: Can I have another burger, darlin'?
Lauren: More, please! *grins, holding out her plate*
Emma: How can I resist a pregnant mother? (Puts a burger on Lauren's plate, then brings the plate over and gives one to Mike)
Debbie: *grins* Lauren's eating more than Curls is!
Peter: (As he finishes his broccoli) She has a reason, Debbie! The babies in her tummy are eating, too!
Micky: *mutters* Mom owes me big for this.
Davy: Yeah. (Winks) They take aftah their fathah. ;)
Lauren: That's right! I'm not just eating for myself. There's two more like him *jerks a thumb at Micky* in here! *pats her stomach lightly, grinning*
Micky: *groans* Make it stop!
(Everyone almost falls over their plates laughing. Emma sighs.)
Emma: Ok, guys, lay off Micky. Enough cheap shots.
Micky: I feel like a human dartboard. *sighs*
(There's a knock on the door. Emma goes to it and lets Valerie in. She carries two large Tupperware cannisters.)
Peter: (Between bites of baked beans) Valerie! (Swallows, then puts his plate on the psychiatrist's couch and goes to his tall, auburn-haired girlfriend and gives her a hug) Hi, Val! I'm glad you could come over tonight!
Valerie: (Smiles and sets the Tupperware on the counter before she hugs him back) I'm glad I could too, Peter. My sister is over a friend's house for the night and Dad went out of town, so I would have been all alone in the house.
Peter: (Peeks in the Tupperware) Hey, Val, what did you bring for dessert?
Valerie: Francois gave me some petits fours that were leftover from tea. :)
Mike: Pett-ie... what?
Emma: (Grins) Little cakes cut into squares or triangles and covered with icing! They're very cute and very tasty. (Looks at the girls) However, you will only get some if you finish all your dinner.
Lauren: Ooooh!
Peter: Hey, Val, would you like a burger?
Valerie: (Shakes her head) No thanks, Peter. I ate at home. (Sits down next to him on the psychiatrist's couch and smiles at the girls eating dilligently in the kitchen) So, how are you young ladies? Are you behaving for your brother and all his friends? :)
*All three girls nod. Micky shakes his head.*
Lauren: *grins* They've been just fine.
Valerie: (Chuckles) I see we have a difference of opinion. :)
Mike: Yeah, I don't see why you're always talkin' about how crazy they are. They ain't done anything worse than tease you.
Peter: And we do that all the time. :)
Micky: They haven't even started yet. *rolls his eyes*
Coco: *grins* Why, whatever are you talking about, Curls?
Valerie: (Laughs) Curls. That's cute. :)
Micky: Help me. Please!
Mike: (Gets up and puts his plate in the sink) How would you girls like to hear Micky and Uncle Davy, Uncle Peter, and Uncle Mike play?
Peter: Yeah! We could rehearse for you!
Micky: *melodramatically* Anything to make the pain stop!
Emma: As long as you ladies have eaten all your dinner, including your broccoli.
*Lauren spies their plates, noticing a few pieces of uneaten broccoli, stabs them with her own fork, then smiles innocently after eating them.*
Emma: (Looks over their plates) Clean as a whistle. Guess you ladies were hungry! (Looks around the room) Ok, who wants to help me clear the table? Do I have any volunteers?
*The girls trade glances.*
Mike: (Shakes his head) I've got to set up the instruments.
Peter: I'll help if someone will work with me! :)
Emma: It has to be done, or no rehearsal!
Valerie: Or petits fours!
Micky: *eyes widen* Oh, man, I'll help!
(Micky, Peter, and Emma work double-time to put away all the leftovers, the ketchup, the pickles, the mustard, and do the dishes. Meanwhile, Mike and Davy show the girls the instruments and try to keep them from causing too much damage. Lauren settles slowly on the psychiatrist's couch as the film returns to normal speed and Emma and the remaining boys join them.)
Mike: (Strums Black Beauty) This is my special guitar. She cost a lot of money, but I've written all of my best songs on her.
Emma: He calls it Black Beauty, and it's his baby.
Peter: Yeah, he gets mad if we even look at it wrong!
Micky: As if you can't tell, he's very protective of it. ;-)
Mike: (Grumbles) Spent a lot of money on this thing...
(Valerie hands out petits fours on plates to the crowd.)
Emma: (As she bites into a little cake) So, what do you young ladies want to do tomorrow?
*The girls huddle for a moment, considering ideas.*
Mike: We've gotta play a gig tomorrow night, but one person or the other will be at home to watch you.
Micky: *rolls his eyes* Nothing good can come of this huddle.
Valerie: Us girls will watch you while the boys are at their gig. :)
Emma: Yeah, it'll be girls' night out. :)
Coco: Well, here's one idea. We could play a game of Truth. It's always more fun without the guys around. *grins, while the other two giggle* ;-)
Valerie: (Laughs) That's true! We used to play that at slumber parties. ;)
Mike: Anything you girls wanna do when us guys are around? :p
Coco: We thought of that, too. *smiles* How about a party?
Mike: (Frowns as he strums Black Beauty) Now, hold on a minute, cowgirls. Parties take a lot of work. Just ask Aunt Em and me. We're workin' on makin' a party for our weddin'.
Peter: Aw, Mike, it wouldn't be a big deal. I'll bet they just want to eat more cake. ;)
Debbie: *shakes her head* Just a small party. Maybe a costume party.
Valerie: (Grins) Oh, I know a wonderful costume rental place in Culver City! They rent out outfits to all the movie studios!
Gina: *claps* Yeah!
Valerie: Dad used to get Chrissy's and my Halloween costumes there. :)
Mike: I dunno...
Lauren: It'll be fun! I've already got a costume idea! ;-)
Micky: *quirks an eyebrow* You do?
Davy: It wouldn't be too 'ard to set up. We could invite some of the kids and young people in the neighbor'ood, buy simple food, like potato chips and punch, and 'ave games.
Emma: I could make cupcakes and hot veggie dip, and we could have crackers and cheese and a veggie tray. :)
Lauren: I'm getting hungry again.
Peter: It would be easy to set up, too. We could put up streamers and balloons.
Lauren: Maybe Mick will use a ladder this time. ;-)
Micky: Hey!?
Mike: Yeah, but all that stuff costs money, and Em and I are spendin' enough on the weddin'...
Emma: I think we could spare a little for a nice get-together for the kids. (Grins at Mike) Maybe you could be a knight in shining armor. ;)
Mike: (Makes a face) I'd rather be a cowboy. :p
Micky: He's already got that outfit in his closet, anyway. ;-)
Lauren: Besides, we'll pitch in, too. :-)
Peter: (Sits at the piano) And of course, there will be music. :)
Davy: Played by us, naturally. (Thoughtful) I wonder if Daphne will be back in town...
Lauren: *grins* You're so hung up on her, Dave. ;-)
Davy: (Rolls his eyes) I am not! I'm just datin' 'er. She ain't different from any othah girl.
*The girls giggle.*
Peter: Yes, she is! You've dated her for more than a week! ;)
Davy: Come on, now, we shouldn't be talkin' 'bout this 'round the kiddies.
Emma: Why not? I think they understand this sort of thing better than you'd believe. ;)
Coco: More than you know. ;-) *winks at Micky, who turns away blushing again*
Emma: My brother is like this, too. He's got three sisters, and he's picked up certain things that most kids at his age probably aren't even aware exists. All three of his sisters are twice his age. (Smiles at the girls) Which is why I hope you guys have fun at the wedding. There won't be anyone else for him to hang out with. :)
Coco: Sure we will! :-)
Mike: Well, girls, it's your party. Got any songs you want your big brother or his buddies to sing at it?
Emma: So we'll have a party? (Smiles sweetly at him)
Mike: (Sighs) Yes, we're havin' a party. If it'll make the kiddies happy, we'll do it. We just won't go too crazy with it, that's all.
Coco: Do you have half an hour for us to come up with a list? ;-)
Mike: Well, anything you wanna hear right off the bat, cowgirls? We really do need to rehearse.
Peter: You can make your list while we play! :D
*The girls go into a huddle again. They look like they're arguing this time.*
Davy: Now, don't go killin' each othah, litt'l luvs. Aunt Em and Uncle Mike do that enough. ;)
Emma and Mike: (In unison) Hey!
Coco: *breaks up the arguing* I've got the perfect song! How about "Shorty Blackwell", Curls? I could sing harmony with you... ;-)
Micky: *whines* Coco!
Mike: Yeah, he ain't done that one much with us. ;)
Peter: Isn't that the one about your old cat?
Lauren: I don't think I've heard that one, Mick! *grins*
Valerie: Me, either. :)
Micky: *nods* Yeah, it's about the cat. Sorta.
Coco: *beams* Come on, Curls, please?
Davy: 'E played it for me once. It's... interestin'. ;)
Micky: It took some major pushing to get me to sing it that time, Dave.
Emma: (Indicates the girls) Aww, Mick, how can you resist these cute faces? (Notices that the girls are smeared with icing) Oh, goodness, you ladies are a mess! (Wipes their faces with a dishtowel)
Micky: *sighs* Oh, alright! Let's just... get it over with.
Coco: *claps and joins the band* Yay!
(Which launches us into a general performance video for "Shorty Blackwell," Micky clearly not all that happy while Coco has the time of her life. The younger girls sit in Emma and Valerie's laps with Lauren in between them. They all clap for the group when they're done.)
Emma: (Grins) That was the most interesting song I've ever heard, Mick. ;) :D
Coco: That was fun!
Valerie: Quite different, and you both sang it very well. :)
Micky: Now you know why I don't sing that song.
Coco: *pokes Micky* Because you need someone to do the harmony, Curls. ;-)
(Everyone chuckles.)
*Micky gives a pained expression.*
Valerie: Well, what next?
Mike: Let's rehearse some more.
Davy: We've only rehearsed all bloody aftahnoon, Mike! And besides, the kids will wanna do somethin' else.
*The girls cheer.*
Emma: (As she and Valerie clear out the plates) Well, what do our guests want to do?
*The girls exchange looks, then go into another huddle.*
Valerie: Goodness, you girls are like a football team!
Micky: Told ya, nothing good ever comes of this! They do this all the time.
Emma: (Shrugs) They are our guests, Mick. Let them decide what they want to do... (looks at the girls) within reason, of course, ladies. (Takes the plates out to the kitchen)
(The boys start putting away their instruments. Valerie sticks the last of the petits fours in the refrigerator.)
*Micky puts his arms out, giving up.*
Debbie: We've got something! We wanna go down to the beach!
Gina: And build sandcastles!
*Micky gulps.*
Emma: (Smiles) I think we have enough time before the sun goes down to hit the beach for an hour or two.
Mike: It's too late for swimming, but we could build sandcastles and play Frisbee and volleyball and catch. :)
Peter: Why are you afraid of making sandcastles, Mick? You love building sandcastles!
Davy: 'E likes makin' moats. ;)
Micky: I'm afraid of them digging in the sand. The last time we were all at the beach, they...
Coco: *interrupts* He's exaggerating! Nothing happened, Curls. *winks* ;-)
Mike: They did what, Micky?
Micky: *frowns* Theyburiedmeinthesand!
Lauren: What?
*The girls giggle.*
(Emma and Valerie nearly fall over laughing.)
Davy: I think I remembah that. ;)
Micky: I fell asleep! I woke up under the sand with a straw in my mouth!
Peter: Don't bury Micky in the sand! That isn't nice!
Mike: Don't fall asleep around these kiddies, then. ;)
*The girls smile innocently.*
Peter: Not while you're on the beach, anyway! ;)
Emma: We'll all be there to keep an eye on the ladies.
Micky: *sighs* Man, I'm gonna regret this.
Lauren: I'll watch 'em. *shrugs* I won't be doing much else, anyway.
Emma: I'll help.
Peter: Me, too! I love kids! :D
Davy: I'm up for a good game of Frisbee. (Goes to the closet in the living room and digs around in it)
Emma: We have shovels and pails in there too, Davy.
Micky: *nods* Me, too. If you can find the frisbee, Dave. *goes over to help look for stuff*
Davy: (Starts tossing things out of the closet) Broom...bucket...sheet music... (holds something up) ...'ey, I was lookin' for that maraca...
Micky: Whoa, watch where you're tossing stuff, Dave!
Emma: Today, guys!
Peter: (Shoos the girls back into the kitchen) I'll get you girls into your coats. It's getting chilly out there.
Mike: Let me help you. (Throws open the closet...and every single thing that was in said closet tumbles out on him until he's covered)
Micky: Good one, Mike. *rolls his eyes*
Lauren: I'll work on getting up! ;-)
Valerie: We'll help you, Lauren.
Lauren: *smiles* Thanks! *sighs* I need my own personal forklift these days.
(Emma and Valerie put their arms under Lauren and help the pregnant young woman to her feet as Mike pops up from the pile with two red tin buckets and two shovels.)
Mike: Found these, anyway. (Makes a face at the mess) And we've got to clean out this closet one of these days! :p
Micky: *nods* Well, it worked.
Davy: (Holds up something red, plastic, and flat) 'Ere's the Frisbee.
*The girls cheer.*
(The three boys shove the remaining junk in the closet.)
Mike: We'll clean that up later. Everyone ready to head to the beach?
Micky: Yeah. *glares at the girls, who look around innocently*
Emma: We'll get our coats, and we'll be out.
(Everyone does so and walks out to the beach, to the tune of "Saturday's Child." Lauren, Peter, and Valerie spread out a large blanket. The girls, Micky, and Davy start digging in the sand. Emma and Mike throw the Frisbee back and forth, Emma surprisingly throwing it further than Mike.)
Lauren: *claps* Alright, Em!
Emma: (Grins as the the music continues) Probably comes from carting all those boxes of soda and dog food cans around the Acme. My upper body strength is increasing. ;)
*Micky eyes the hole the girls are digging. They see him looking and grin at him.*
Mike: Oh, yeah? Well, let's see what else she can do with her upper body! (Chases her down the beach. He finally knocks her down. They pant for a few minutes, then kiss)
(Peter plays Valerie music on his guitar.)
(Davy lays down on the sand near the hole. Micky grins at the girls and gestures at Davy.)
*The girls shake their heads. Micky frowns.*
(Davy's eyes close, and he turns over.)
*Micky motions to Davy again.*
(Peter and Valerie now take up the Frisbee and start tossing it around. Peter accidentally tosses it in the ocean. Valerie sighs and goes after it. Peter goes after her, and the two chase each other around by the water.)
(Davy snorts and turns on his other side.)
*Micky glares at Davy, then grins evilly. He nudges Davy into the hole the girls dug, then gets up and joins Lauren, who's giving him a wide eyed look. He just grins. The girls exchange looks, shrug, then start filling the hole.*
*Micky holds up an index finger and produces a straw. He goes back to the hole and puts the straw in Davy's mouth. He returns to Lauren, grinning wider, as she shakes her head.*
(Emma and Mike return hand in hand as the music ends to find everyone but Davy dilligently working on a sand castle.)
Emma: (Laughing) Oh, Mike... (nods at the group) Hi, folks! How's the castle coming?
Mike: (Looks around) Hey, where's Dave? Did he go back to the house?
Debbie: Great! The castle's huge!
Coco: *shrugs* Haven't seen him for a while. ;-)
Mike: (Kneels down by the castle) Wow, I'll bet that's big enough for a king and a queen and all their kids and ladies and lords and knights!
Emma: (Winks) And even bards and savages. ;)
Micky: Ha ha ha. :-P
Peter: Yeah, Em! :p
Mike: Oh, I think there's a place for everyone. Even knights.
Emma: (Notices a straw poking out of the ground near the castle) What's this?
Micky: Careful, Em!
Mike: (Looks at the girls and Micky, who snicker) Oh, you guys didn't...
Peter: Didn't what?
Valerie: (Realizes) Oh, my...
Micky: *holds his hands up* I'm the reason there's a straw!
Peter: But you're not under there!
Emma: (Frowns) I'll bet I know who is, though...
Micky: *nods slowly, grinning* Yeah...
Mike: (Groans) Oh, man! Dave! (Starts digging)
(Suddenly, the sand rises, and Davy, covered with sand, comes up, coughing and spitting sand and brushing it out of his short, brown hair.)
Davy: Oh, maaaannn...
Emma: (Rolls her eyes) Oh, good lord allmighty!
*Micky falls over in hysterics. The girls laugh like crazy.*
(Peter and Valerie snicker under their hands.)
Davy: Well, 'ow do you like it? (Grabs sand and shoves it down Micky's shirt.) The bloody sand is all ovah me!
Micky: Hey!? They dug the hole! *motions to the girls, then shakes out his shirt*
Lauren: *grins* But you nudged him in it, Mick. ;-)
Davy: (Grins at the giggling girls) Oh, they did, now did they? Well, first (knocks Micky over) I'll wrestle their brothah...
Mike: Hey, man, don't encourage the kiddies!
Micky: Oh, yeah, Dave?
Peter: Oh, good grief! (Pulls them apart) Don't hurt each other around the kids!
Mike: Or at all would be nice.
Lauren: *chuckles* They have Mick for an older brother, Mike.
Davy: Yeah, Mick and I used to wrestle wit' them all the time when I lived theah. (Pulls away from Micky) Which reminds me, it's the little ladies' turns...
(Grabs Gina, who's nearest, and starts tickling her.)
Davy: 'Ow does it feel to be sandy and silly? ;)
Micky: Ha! Serves you right! *grins wickedly*
Gina: *laughs* Stop!
Emma: (Tickles Mike's bare thigh) I think Dave has the right idea. ;) (Mike swats her hand away as Davy moves onto Coco.)
Peter: Tickling contest! (Grabs Valerie, knocks her over, and starts tickling her)
Valerie: Peeeeeter! (Laughs hard) Not my stomach! ;)
Coco: *laughs* Uncle!
*Micky grins at Lauren, who's smile immediately falls. She shakes her head.*
Lauren: Don't even think about it, Mick!
Micky: *starts tickling Lauren lightly* Too late, babe!
Davy: Ok, now for Deb! (Tickles the last girl)
Debbie: *laughs* I give! I give!
Davy: Got'cha all back. ;)
Emma: (Giggling) Why don't you get Uncle Davy back? ;)
*The girls exchange smiles and pile onto Davy, tickling him.*
(Valerie tickles Peter, who laughs so hard, he can barely breathe.)
Peter: Ok, ok, Val, you win! ;)
Valerie: Darn right! (Pulls away, still laughing)
(Mike runs his slender fingers over Emma's bare feet. She giggles and pulls them away.)
*Lauren gives Micky a playful shove. He sprawls on the sand and lets Lauren tickle him. It doesn't work too well at first, not even on his feet. She makes a face as he grins. She quirks an eyebrow, then tickles his stomach, which finally makes him laugh.*
Micky: *laughing* Alright, babe, alright! *continues laughing*
(The girls all look up from Davy and giggle. Davy chuckles himself.)
Emma: (Her laughter trails off as she looks at the sun slowly sinking into the sea) Ok, guys, it's getting dark. Time to go in and prepare some young ladies for bed.
*The girls groan as Lauren finally lets Micky up, but she's still grinning.*
Mike: You can sleep in my room. I'll sleep on the couch.
Emma: No jumping on the beds, though!
*The girls nod, then frown.*
Micky: Sure, take all their fun away. ;-)
Lauren: *swats him* Mick!
Mike: Maybe we'll tell the girls stories. ;)
Peter: About a lord, a bard, a knight, and a savage! :D
Emma: And how they met nice girls and had adventures together. ;)
Micky: Do I have to be here for this?
Emma: You can stay until the kids go to bed. I like telling stories, and I could always use help. ;)
Mike: She makes up some doozies, let me tell you! ;)
Micky: Goody. More embarrassment. :">
Emma: Oh, it won't be too bad, Mick. Certain parts will be edited. ;)
Micky: Thank you.
Peter: We could all tell the stories! :)
Mike: (Stands) But first, we have to get inside. It's gettin' dark and cold out here. (Grins) And who knows what's out on the beach on dark, cold nights? ;)
Lauren: Besides Mick, that is. ;-)
*Micky gives Lauren a pained expression.*
(Everyone laughs as they start rounding up the pails and shovels and Frisbee.)
Emma: Micky, I'll let you start the story when we get in and get the girls in pajamas.
Peter: I'll bet we all have great stories to tell! :D
Micky: Oh, joy. *rolls his eyes; Lauren elbows him*
Mike: (Picks up Gina, who yawns) Come on, folks. Time for sleep. Maybe we'll even play a bedtime song. :)
Coco: Curls knows one of those, too!
Micky: Oh no. *groans* Coco!
(The group, two by two, heads to the steps leading to the beach house as the sound of their laughter drifts across the beach. They lead the children inside. Davy goes to the main bathroom to shower off the sand, while Emma takes the girls and their luggage to Mike's bedroom to get them in their pajamas.)
Mike: (To those who remain) Ok, gang. First thing tomorrow mornin', we start organizin' for this party. Valerie, you call the costume shop, and everyone will put in orders. Micky, take the kids down to the department store and get some crepe paper and balloons. Lauren and Peter can go with you to help with the girls. Em and I will work on the food and music here, and when you get back, we'll set up the decorations. Davy will call anyone who might be interested, like Suzy Parker and some of the other kids nearby.
Micky: *nods* Yes, Chief! *salutes*
Mike: (Shakes his finger, but he's smiling) You be careful, Mick. Don't let them kids talk you into buyin' everythin' in the store. We really can't afford it.
Lauren: You're telling the wrong person, Mike. ;-)
Micky: Hey!?
Valerie: I'll need orders for which costumes to pick up. :)
Mike: (Grins at Emma) Wanna be Dale Evans and Roy Rogers, darlin'?
Emma: (Nods) Sure. :)
Peter: Maybe Valerie and I could be an Indian sultan and his handmaiden!
Lauren: I wanna be an angel!
Emma: I thought you already were, honey. ;)
Lauren: Awe, thanks, Em!
Mike: You are to Mick, anyway. ;)
Micky: *quirks an eyebrow* I am not going as Saint Peter. *folds his arms*
Mike: (Laughs) Yeah, you're the angel, Laur, and he's (points at Mick) the devil!
Emma: The evil one and the nice one. ;)
Peter: (Frowns, realizing) I thought Zero was the devil?
Valerie: He'd just be wearing a costume, Peter.
Peter: Oh, then it's ok! :D
Micky: Oh, sure, read my mind, why don'tcha, Mike? ;-) *grins* Get me a devil costume!
Lauren: Like you need the costume, Mick. *waggles her eyebrows* ;-)
(Everyone nearly falls over laughing as there's commotion from upstairs.)
Emma: (From upstairs) Now, ladies, if you don't get in your pajamas, you won't get a bedtime story or a song from Micky!
Micky: *eyes widen* Don't be good! Don't be good! *mutters* Not that song. Man...
Emma: (Chuckles) And they're such pretty pajamas, too! If I could fit into them, I'd wear them! They make you look like princesses!
Coco: Can't we hear the story and the song first, then change?
Debbie and Gina: Yeah!
Emma: If you wanna hear the story, you've got to look the part! (Smiles) I'll be the Scholar, a person who wrote things and looked them up for a living. :)
*The girls exchange looks and finally give in.*
(Emma finally leads three young ladies in pretty pastel nightgowns downstairs.)
Peter: I think you're all beautiful princesses! :D
Valerie: Yes, you do look lovely in those nightgowns!
Mike: Now, what was it that you ladies wanted to hear as a bedtime song? :)
Coco: *grins* We wanna hear "Pillow Time."
Davy: (As he comes downstairs) Well, that makes sense. ;)
Micky: *groans* Oh, man...
(Valerie and Emma take a younger girl in each of their laps, and Coco sits between Emma and Lauren on the couch.)
Mike: Ok, young ladies, here's a little music for princesses to sleep by. ;)
*Micky stands in front of the group, clearly not happy, but he sighs and starts singing the lullabye-type song.*
(Which launches us into a quiet general performance video, of the boys playing the song in the Pad, while the slightly sleepy girls and the somewhat less sleepy young women look on. All applaud when the boys are done.)
Valerie: (Smiles) Very nice, fellows. :)
Peter: A good song to go bedtime by. :)
Micky: *jams his hands in his pants pockets* Mom owes me big... :">
Emma: Aw, Mick, I thought you sounded great!
Micky: *shrugs lightly* Thanks, Em.
Lauren: Come on, Mick. I though it was beautiful. :-)
Micky: Yeah? Well... :">
Davy: Awwww! 'E's gone bright red! ;)
Micky: Man... *flops down next to Lauren, trying to hide from the others; crosses his arms over his chest*
Mike: (Notices Micky's discomfort and strums Black Beauty to get everyone's attention) Well, who's for a bedtime story? :)
Emma: I am! (Waves her hand; Valerie does, too)
*All three girls raise both their hands and wave them like crazy.*
Peter: Me! Me! (Waves his hand and turns around on the piano bench to face the girls and women)
Lauren: *despite Micky's glare* Me, too!
Davy: I know I am. ;)
Emma: Well, who's gonna start?
Peter: Didn't we say Micky would go first? :)
*Micky glares.*
Emma: Maybe Lauren and Mick could do it together, if Micky isn't comfortable alone. :)
Lauren: *nudges Micky* Come on, Mr. Gloom and Doom. It won't be that bad. Besides, you've gotta get good at telling these stories. *winks* ;-)
Peter: Yeah, you'll have two kids of your own to tell stories to soon!
Davy: And they won't be goin' away in a few days.
Micky: *sighs* Alright, I'll help tell it.
Mike: (Gets off the bandstand and leans against a table) Ok, kids, what kind of story do you wanna hear? Somethin' with knights and princesses and duelin'? :)
*The girls exchange looks and then nod excitedly.*
Emma: (Looks at Mike) A gentle knight, handsome and brave, and very protective of his men and his sweetheart...
(Mike blushes and starts playing with things on the table.)
Mike: (Mutters to Micky and Lauren, who are in conference) You two ready to start yet? :">
Lauren: I am, but he's still being stubborn about it.
Davy: Mick, we're all waitin'!
Emma: The girls have to go bed soon!
Micky: I'm not...I'm not good at this. *sighs* Where should I start?
Emma: With the tale of how four young men came together to fight a nasty bad guy. ;)
Peter: (Blanches) The Devil!
Davy: That's right, they only fight the Devil 'imself! 'E wants to take all their souls and make them 'is slaves!
Micky: We'll scare the girls and Peter...
Emma: (Holds Debbie) But not too much. :)
Valerie: We want the girls to be able to sleep tonight. :)
Micky: Alright, alright. *sighs* Okay. Once upon a time, there were these four knights who came from different lands in order to fight against a very evil man...
(This launches us into another video, "It's Nice To Be With You," as each Monkee and young woman eventually takes over the story, complete with hand gestures and occasionally-heard sound effects. The little girls are asleep in Emma and Valerie's arms and Coco is awake, but leaning against Lauren, when the video ends and we finally hear Emma finish the story.)
Emma: ...And the knights married the four beautiful, intelligent women, and they were made kings and queens of their lands. They ruled happily until the end of their days, and the Evil One never again showed his face in the lands they called home. (Smiles) The end.
Coco: *smiles sleepily* Great story. :-)
Emma: (Smiles) Thank you.
Mike: Yeah, I had fun tellin' it. :)
Peter: And playing music for it. :D
Micky: It wasn't that bad. *gives a small smile*
Lauren: *nudges him* Told ya. ;-)
Davy: (Yawns) I think it's time we all called it a night.
Mike: (Nods) For once, I ain't gonna argue with ya, Dave, We've had a very long day, and we're gonna have an even longer one tomorrow.
Lauren: *nods* Besides... I could go for some ice cream...
Micky: Of course you could, babe. ;-)
(Mike takes Gina upstairs and Peter carries Debbie, with Coco following.)
Valerie: I'll drop you guys off on my way home. We could pick up whatever you're craving at the moment, too, Lauren. :)
Lauren: That would be any berry flavored ice cream right now. :-)
Micky: Thanks, Val. :-)
Valerie: We'll pick up some strawberry at the Acme on the way back then.
(Peter and Mike come downstairs, both smiling.)
Mike: Aw, cute kids, Mick.
Davy: Yeah, now that they're sleepin'. ;)
Micky: Yeah, yeah. *waves it off, grinning at Davy's comment*
Valerie: (Gives Peter a small kiss on his cheek) I put in an order for the costumes earlier, before we went on the beach. I'll pick them up in the morning and bring them over, and we'll get together between sets at the Fairview and do something fun.
Peter: (Grins, blushing) Groovy, Val! Thanks!
Valerie: No problem!
Emma: (Yawns and stretches) Well, I'm off to bed, folks. Have pleasant dreams, and I'll see everyone who doesn't live here tomorrow. :) (Gives Mike a quick kiss on the cheek and goes downstairs.)
Mike: (Touches his lips lightly and murmurs) Em, in a few weeks, we'll be doin' that together. :">
Peter: (Puts his hand on his friend's shoulder) And you can't wait. :)
*Micky just grins.*
Mike: (Nods) Yeah. Maybe this won't be so bad. (Mike goes dazedly but quietly upstairs to get blankets and his pajamas.)
Lauren: *rolls her eyes* Man, I'm gettin' hungry!
Micky: That would be our cue to get going.
Valerie: In which case (Picks up her green sweater) we'll head out. :)
Peter: (Waves) Have a great night, guys!
Lauren: Night, guys! *waves*
Micky: See ya tomorrow! *waves, following Lauren out*
Davy: We'll call you in the mornin' with more details. 'Ave a great night!
(Valerie waves at Peter and follows the couple.)
Davy: (Nods) Let's turn in ourselves. We need beauty sleep, too. (Peter just stands there, touching where Valerie kissed him and blinking) Oh, Petah, come on! You can't dream about 'er if you ain't asleep!
Peter: (Finally breaks out of his daze with a sunshine grin) That's right! Man, for the first time in months, I think I'm gonna have great dreams! ;) (Shuffles off to the bedroom after Davy)