Ok, everyone, ready to continue our little trip?

Mike: No. Alex has been takin' too many of those weird drugs of his. :p

Peter: I don't want to run into any more monsters! :p

Micky: I wanna know what the hell's going on. :P

Davy: Same 'ere, Mick. :P

(We open back behind the computer. Emma and Valerie lean in the beastly machine, while Daphne keeps watch.)

*Lauren just watches, still in the trance.*

Emma: (Makes a face and pulls out) This is ridiculous. We're not going to get anywhere with both of us. I don't know anything about computers.

Daphne: My stomach keeps growling.

Emma: (Sighs) Ok, ok, fine. I'm going to take Daph to try to find the kitchen around here. Val, you keep an eye on Lauren and keep working on the computer.

Valerie: (Nods) Will do.

Daphne: *grins* Thanks, Em!

Emma: (Looks left and right out the door, then moves out when she sees the coast is clear) You're welcome, Daph. Might as well get you fed. Unlike Sheila, I'm not about to starve a mother-to-be.

Daphne: I hope there's enough food in their fridge.

Emma: Maybe we'll run into the guys in the kitchen, too. It really bothers me that we haven't seen them yet. We know where Alex is, and as far as we know, Sheila is still tied up down the hall, but we haven't seen the boys at all. We should have at least heard about them by now.

Daphne: Yeah, I can't figure it out. They HAVE to be around here somewhere!

Emma: Probably got lost. None of them have the world's best sense of direction.

Daphne: That IS very true.

Emma: They'll figure out where they're going sometime in the next decade.

Daphne: Maybe. :P

Emma: You wouldn't remember where the kitchen in this place is, would you?

Daphne: *points to their right* I think it's down this way.

(The two go down the right. Emma's eyes widen as a troop of handmaidens shuffle down the hall.)

Emma: Shit! (Opens the nearest door) In here!

Daphne: *as they tumble through the door* Too close!

Emma: I wonder what those women used to be before Sheila got her hands on them, anyway. I'm sure they weren't always drones.

Daphne: I'm not too sure I WANT to know.

Emma: Where ARE we? (Turns on the nearest light...to reveal a huge lab filled with smaller versions of the computer in Alex's suite and cars, cars, cars...including the dune buggy, the tank, and the MonkeeMobile!)

Daphne: Looks like we found the trophy room!

Emma: Talk about hitting the jackpot! (She and Daph head over to the MonkeeMobile. Emma tries a door; it's open) Thank god Alex didn't lock this thing. I guess he figured no one would steal it down here. (She climbs in, opens the glove compartment, and roots around) I know it's in here somewhere... (finally pulls out something brownish and slightly gooey) Here you go, Daph! I knew Mike hid a candy bar to give to Katie when I wasn't around in here!

Daphne: *accepts the candy bar* Thank you! *takes a bite*

Emma: (Sighs) I have an idea. Maybe Ursula would know where the guys are...or at least what her sister is up to. (Concentrates; the keys to the Monkeemobile appear in her hand in a dark blue light) This might alert the locals, but we'll have to take that chance. I'm going to start the car.

Daphne: Put her in Silent Mode first.

(Emma nods, pushes a button that says "silent mode," and turns the ignition. We hear the motor turn over softly; the monitors and buttons all light up, and Ursula's face appears on her monitor.)

Ursula: Oh, you're all right, thank goodness!

Emma: Yeah, we're ok, but Lauren's still under your sister's trance, and we have no idea where the boys are.

Ursula: (Soft and angry) Alex has them. They're in his computer.

Emma: You’re kidding?

Daphne: Say what?

Ursula: That's all I got from my sister. Alex has the male Guardians and the souls of all of the car drivers they seduced in the computer. It sounds like he's playing a series of games with them, not unlike what you described my sister doing to you when you were trapped in that maze in January.

Daphne: Oh, great. :P

Emma: (Thoughtful) I wonder. Daph, do you remember how the guys helped us through the maze in January? Sheila sent their "spirits"...but we restored them. Ursula, could you send OUR spirits to help the guys?

Daphne: Hey, yeah!

Ursula: I can do more than that. I'll send your spirits and my own spirit. I don't trust Alex to not try to hurt them. Just touch the panel next to my face. It looks flower-shaped, but it's really for four sets of hands, for quick power-ups. :)

(The girls touch the panel. There's a soft white light; as it fades, we see Ursula's human form as it appeared in "Kids and Devils," white gown, short blond hair, and all.)

Ursula: I'll be back with the male Guardians as soon as I can, ladies. In the meantime, keep my sister occupied. I don't know how much longer she'll remain bound like that. (Ursula fades out)

Emma: (Looks at Daph) Still want to find the kitchen?

Daphne: Sure, if that means we get to play with Sheila on the way.

Emma: (Grins) Ok. Let's go. (They head back out)

*We cut to a side view of what could be the Arctic. Davy appears at the "top" of the screen, walking across the snow. To his right, or on the lower portion of the screen, is some very blue water with small icebergs floating in opposite directions. Occasionally, birds fly by, there's also fish, crabs, and lobsters in the water.*

Davy: (He’s dressed something like an Arctic explorer in a heavy fur-lined coat and hat and thick pants and boots) This is weird, this is. 'Ow in the 'ell did I go from the Mojave Desert to Antarctica in less than five seconds? Must be Alex playin' one of 'is little games.

*There's a black light, and Alex's illusion appears.*

Alex: How'd you guess?

Davy: Oh, you. Not 'ard to figah out. Where am I, othah than a cold place, and what the 'ell am I doin' 'ere?

Alex: I thought you needed a vacation. All that you need to know is if you don't wanna freeze your ass off, you have to jump from one row of icebergs to another. They'll turn gray. Once you hit all four rows, they'll become white again. Every time the color changes, an ice brick will be added to create an igloo. If you create the igloo and get inside, you win the round. There are two obstacles. The first is the water. Fall in, and you're done. You’ll find the second when you come back to land after getting on the first iceberg. Any questions?

Davy: Yeah. Why am I doin' this, 'ow did I get 'ere, and where are Daph and the othah fellahs?

Alex: Foul! Those questions do not apply to this game, and therefore will not be answered. Bye! *waves as he fades out*

Davy: 'Ey! Come back 'ere! (Davy sighs as "Dream World" begins. He hops carefully on each iceberg, making sure to stay on and not fall in, not an easy task since they're all rather slippery! He does his best to avoid the lobsters and crabs that snap at him and the fish that spit water on him, trying to knock him off. He finally makes his way back to land after barely staying on the icebergs.)

*A growl fills the air as Davy catches his breath.*

Davy: (Over the music) Oh, shit. Mike, did Alex piss you off? Are you a wolf again? Petah? Oh Mick, tell me that's your stomach...or Daph's, for that mattah.

*A snow-white polar bear trots across the snow, moving closer to the igloo. The bear sniffs it, then keeps trotting, moving closer to Davy now.*

Davy: Shit, now I'm bein' attacked by a bloody white Teddy bear! (Gulps and pulls back towards the igloo) Nice beah, good Teddy. Wouldn't you rathah go get some nice, juicy fish instead of a Davy? I ain't juicy at all. I'm all small and tough. I don't 'ave any dark meat.

*The bear trots closer, no longer growling. It tilts its head, looking at Davy.*

Davy: Good Teddy. (Pats the bear) Please don't eat me! I'm just a cub, really! I 'ave me whole life to live! (Scratches her head between her ears)

*The polar bear sniffs Davy, tickling Davy with her fur.*

Davy: (Laughs) 'Ey, cut that out! You tickle!

*The bear gives him a "lick of affection."*

Davy: Aw, you're a right good Teddy, you are! (Strokes it's fur) You wouldn't be knowin' 'ow to get outta 'ere, would 'ya? I'm lookin' for me mates and me wife, Daph. (Softly) She's pregnant, almost done wit' 'er term, and Alex 'as 'er. I'm really worried.

*The bear nuzzles Davy, then turns and heads for the igloo. Seeing that Davy doesn't go after her, she motions for him to follow.*

Davy: (Nods as the music ends) All right, then. Maybe you can explain what's goin' on around 'ere. Alex sure as 'ell ain't 'elpin' much.

*The bear stops and sits at the igloo. She looks to the entrance, then at Davy, then back at the entrance.*

Davy: You want me to go in the igloo, I guess. (He tugs at the door of the igloo, but it won't budge) It must be frozen. I can't get it open.

*The bear growls a bit, then takes her own shot at getting the door open. She slaps at it with her front paws. There's a cracking noise. The bear looks at Davy again.*

Davy: I guess that ain't gonna work. (He sees a large keyhole in the door) Maybe the key for the door is around here somewhere. (He and the polar bear dig in the snow; the polar bear finally lets out a happy growl and comes up with something shiny in her muzzle. She spits a large, cartoon key into Davy's gloved hand. It looks like the one Peter found, but with a heart-shaped end piece) I guess this is it, then. (Scratches the head of the bear) Good work, Teddy Beah.

*The bear nuzzles him in return.* :)

Davy: (He puts the key in the lock, but quickly turns to the bear) Do you want to come with me? I doesn't seem fair for me to leave you here, where Alex can get you.

*The bear nods quickly and nuzzles him again.* :D

Davy: Come on, then. (He opens the door and they go in)

*Fade out on the igloo; fade in on the inside of a small spaceship. The ship's interior looks vaguely familiar. Micky is seated in the chair in the middle of the room.*

Micky: What the hell...

Young Man: (There's a young man in a circa early 70s astronaut's helmet and jumpsuit next to Micky; he hands Micky a similar helmet) Here, man. We're going to be visited by the chief in a second, then attached by the Sicoramas from the Planet Tibber!

Micky: Come again? *shrugs and puts the helmet on*

*A set of double doors behind where Micky is seated, slide open to reveal a man in a similar jumpsuit to the ones Micky and the young man wear. He wears a helmet, hiding his face. The doors slide closed behind him and he walks toward the pair. He stops next to them and folds his arms.*

Micky: Who are you?

Young Man: That's our chief! :o

Man: *lifts the visor on his helmet; it's Alex, who grins evilly* Well, well, looks like we meet again.

Micky: Alex, you asshole! (Starts to get up...then squeals when he realizes he's seatbelted) Ow! Darn it! (Unbelts himself and goes after Alex) Where am I? Why am I in space? What's going on?

Alex: *stands his ground* Since I have an idea you'll figure it out on your own anyway, I will tell you that you are in my new computer system. This is your challenge. That's why you're in space. If you want to survive, I'd suggest making sure that you survive the attack you're about to come under. >:)

Micky: Oh yeah? Well, I'm just gonna get outta here... (closes his eyes; there's a blue light, but nothing happens)

Alex: Sorry, dear brother, but your powers don't work in here.

Young Man: Brothers? :o

Micky: Where's Lauren and the kids, you cretin? Where's the other guys?

Alex: Do you seriously think I'm going to tell you that? As for the other Guardians, they're in their own challenges.

Micky: If you've done anything to them, I'll... X(

Alex: Oh, nothing harmful, you should know that.

Micky: I saw what you did to Mike the last time you got your hands on him, and it ain't repeatable in present company.

Alex: Oh, but it's more fun for you to wonder. Now, it's time for your challenge to begin.

Micky: Why don't YOU take one of these challenges for once? (Grins) Oh, yeah, you couldn't find your way out of the mazes in the twins' coloring book with a map.

Alex: *smirks falls* Why, you little...

Micky: Why don't YOU fly in space and I go make out with Lauren?

Alex: On the contrary. You're the one who'll be flying in space. Now, I need to go keep Lauren company! Bye! *waves as he fades out and Micky dives for him*

Micky: *growls* Bastard! X( :P

Young Man: Um, should I ask what that was all about? And who's Lauren, your woman?

Micky: *sighs* Yeah, she is. The whole thing is too complicated to explain here.

Young Man: Ever shot aliens?

Micky: No, not really.

Young Man: Well, there's no better time to learn. (Puts out his hand) By the way, I'm Gary. I'm your wingman.

Micky: You can call me Micky. I'm always willing to learn!

Gary: It's not hard, really. Just put your hand on the joystick here (puts his hand on what looks like a car stick with a red button on top and a large button on the side), and when you see an alien ship or an asteroid (an odd-shaped purple-and-red thing that looks sort of like a UFO flies right into their black and blue screen) shoot the hell out of it! (He proceeds to do so; we cut to a front shot of a small yellow triangular-shaped ship shooting little white dots at the ship and making it explode)

Micky: Okie dokie! *does as told & puts on a serious look as he waits for asteroids or aliens to appear*

Gary: (As "Piston Power" begins) Micky, look out! Here comes a whole squadron...and space bugs, too!

Micky: *presses the red button like mad; color beams come out of their ship and blows up other ships and bugs!* Keep a running tally! I wanna see if I get high score!

Gary: That's the best part! :D

(Cut back to the front "screen" shot. A line of purple and green dots come at the ship, winding through bright green dots that look vaguely like mushrooms. Gary shoots the first couple but misses the last, and the separated bug "parts" keep coming at the ship, faster now.)

*Micky shoots fast and furiously. We get a quick shot of his face. He's sweating bullets, taking careful aim.*

(Micky shoots the last "bug part" seconds before it hits the ship.)

(Cut back to the "screen" shot. The ship returns to flying through open space. Suddenly, huge white-outlined zig-zag shapes come flying at them. Gary starts shooting at them, wailing about asteroids and the damage they'll cause the ship if too many hit them.)

*Micky know wears a blindfold and STILL hits everything he aims at.*

(A red light flashes. Gary makes a face and explains that this means they're shields are damaged and they're low on fuel. He shows Mick how to move the joystick to get to the refuel ship, which looks like their ship, only larger and bright blue. If they miss the refuel ship, they'll run out of fuel and will crash...and the game will be over.)

*Micky does as shown and watches the "Fuel" gage on the screen rise to the full mark. He congratulates himself by patting himself on the back.*

(Gary laughs and pats him, too.)

(We cut back to a screen shot of the ship in open "space" - black screen with blue "stars" - as the music ends.)

Gary: We should be coming up on the Sicoramas' mother ship shortly.

Micky: Great!

Gary: I'm gonna warn you, Micky, this is much tougher. This isn't any little stray fighter or asteroid! It's the lead ship in the Sicoramas' army! We may not have enough firepower to take it out!

Micky: I'll do my best.

(Cut to the front screen, as a HUGE purple, red, and orange ship, three times the size of the other ships, appears on the other side of the screen. It begins shooting large white missiles at Micky and Gary's ship...three at a time!)

Micky: *yelps* Oh, man! :-O

Gary: (Grips the joystick for dear life, pumping the red button for all he's worth) Nice knowin' ya, Mick.

Micky: Not yet, man, not yet. *also pumps the red button*

(Both men pump at the red buttons, doing their best to evade the huge ship. Cut back to the guys' ship. Gary points to a very big purple button in the middle.)

Gary: We haven't tried this one yet, Micky.

Micky: *presses the big purple button* Let’s see what we get. *it takes a few seconds before round, red objects are shot from the ship, then the ship shoots forward, away from the oncoming huge ship* Cherry bombs! :D ;)

Gary: Dynamite!

*In the ship's rearview mirror, the two watch a huge explosion behind them. It was the huge ship seconds before.*

Micky: No, THAT was dynamite! Woooo! :D

Gary: (Grins widely) Micky, that was FANTASTIC! You freed me! (Shakes his hand again) I can tell you now. My name is Gary Gudenelli. I'm...well, I'm the soul of the owner of the Green Glider custom car. You just set my soul free, man. Thanks.

Micky: You...I...what?

Gary: I'm a soul. Thanks to you, I can go back to me, and I can go home. I know there's other souls like me floating around here, too. :)

Micky: Well, uh, groovy, man! :D

(Cut back to the front screen shot. A small line pops out of the little white ship, attaching to a larger white ship.)

Gary: (As we cut back to inside the ship) Ok, we're docked at the head Rebel ship. (Pulls a key with a star-shaped piece from his pocket and hands it to Micky) This will get you out of the ship and onto the next level. Good luck.

Micky: Thanks, man.

Gary: Go on and rescue your Lauren and the others. Do it for me and the other rebels.

Micky: I will, Gary!

Micky: *goes to the sliding doors* Well, here goes nothing... *puts the key in the lock and turns it. The doors slide open, and Micky steps through them.*