All I Want Is You

Rating: PG (language)

Disclaimer: I don’t own, I have no money, so there’s no need to sue. I only own Lauren, Chris Jericho owns himself (obviously!), the Hardyz own themselves, and Amy owns herself. WWF owns everything else except the plot.

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     ”I don’t know why I let you talk me into this,” Lauren said.
     ”You’re just saying that because I blind-folded you,” Chris said, leading her. “Just a few more steps.”
     ”Such a wonderful way to start Christmas vacation,” she commented.
     ”Hey, atleast we *got* vacation time,” he said, then stopped. “Alright, we’re here.”
     ”Good, now take this offa me!” she said.
     ”The blind-fold?” Chris asked, innocently.
     ”Yes!” Lauren said, annoyed.
     ”Okay, okay, calm yourself,” he said, then removed the blind-fold.
     She looked around. “A cabin?”
     ”Yep, and no one around for fifty miles. Like it?” he said.
     ”Definitely,” she said, then went over to a window. “Wish I could’ve seen the scenery on the way here.” She glared at him over her shoulder.
     He shrugged. “Just a part of making this a surprise. Come on, let’s get settled in, then we can decide on what to do first.” He picked up the bags.
     Lauren turned to follow. “Waitaminute, I can carry my own bags, ya know, Chris.”
     ”I know that, I’m being nice,” he replied.
     ”Yeah, but you’re always nice to me. Now, can I atleast take my backpack… or would that be too much to ask?” she said.
     ”Alright, fine,” he said, then waited for her to detach the bag from him. “This way.”
     ”I hope a guided tour is included in this package,” she said.
     ”Everything you could want is included. What better way to spend the holidays than in a cabin with Y2J himself,” Chris said.
     Lauren snorted. “Yeah, what could possibly go wrong.” She laughed out loud.
     ”Yeah, yeah, whatever,” he said, then stopped in the hallway. “There’s two rooms. Pick whichever one you want and I’ll take the other.”
     ”Sounds fair,” she agreed and went into the room on the right side of the hall.
     He set the bags down in the hall and followed her in. “The rooms are pretty much the same.”
     ”Then it’s gonna be tough choosing,” she said, then returned to the hall, crossed it, and went into the other room.
     Chris followed and stood in the doorway of the second room. “Well?”
     ”I think… I’ll take this one,” Lauren said, then dumped her backpack on the floor.

     After about an hour, they finished unpacking and met in the hall.
     ”Would The Lady like the grand tour now?” Chris asked, offering her his arm.
     ”Yes, she would, thank you, sir,” Lauren replied, then accepted his arm.
     He guided her around, showing her all the rooms. They ended up back in the living room. “So, did you ever learn to skate?”
     ”Huh?” she gave him a confused look.
     ”There’s a lake out there. Did you ever learn to ice skate?” he said.
     ”I tried once, but... it wasn’t good,” she answered.
     ”Well, I’ll just have to teach you, then” Chris said, grinning.
     Lauren quirked an eyebrow. “Okay… as long as I get to stuff snow down your back.”
     ”It won’t be the first time,” he said, then went to the closet and pulled out two pairs of skates.
     She shook her head. “You’ve got this all planned out, don’t you?”
     ”I do have some things in mind, but the rest is improvised,” he said, then grabbed their coats. “Come on, let’s go teach you how to skate.”

     ”You know…” Chris began, “I would’ve thought you’d have better balance than you do.” He helped her up and held onto her.
     ”Yeah, yeah, just don’t let go until I tell you to,” Lauren said.
     ”Okay. Let’s try just getting your balance first,” he said, then moved both hands to her waist.
     She grinned. “I think you’re enjoying this too much.”
     He blinked. “Is it *that* obvious?” He paused. “Okay, let’s see if you can stand… and if you have to fall, fall towards me.”
     ”Oh, yeah, like I really have that much control over which direction I fall,” she said, sarcastically.
     ”Hey, I’m just trying to help,” Chris said, then slowly began to let her go. “Still balancing okay?”
     ”Pretty good, but I feel like if I blink, I’ll fall over,” Lauren said.
     ”Then don’t blink,” he said and let her go.
     ”I’m standing… but I can’t move,” she said.
     ”That’s step one. Now, we make sure you can *keep* your balance,” he said.
     ”How?” she asked.
     ”Ah!” she yelped and fell backwards, landing on her butt. “*Chris*!” He laughed. “My ass is gonna be black and blue. I won’t be able to sit for days after this.”
     Still smirking, he extended a hand to help her up again. “Sorry, but I had to check your balance.”
     She stood up again, rubbing her backside. “It’s okay.”
     ”Wanna try again?” Chris asked.
     ”Do I have any choice?” she asked.
     ”No,” he said, then grinned and repeated letting her go.
     ”And I’m standing once again,” Lauren announced. “Don’t knock me over this time, okay?”
     He shrugged, then commented innocently, “I thought you knew I liked watching you fall on your ass.”
     ”Just tell me what to do now,” she said.
     ”Fine. Try pushing off into a glide,” he said, then glided backwards a bit. “Just come over to me.”
     ”Alright,” she said, then tried to push off. She didn’t bring her left foot up with her right soon enough and promptly fell over… again. “Ow! Shit!”
     He cringed. “That did not sound good.” He glided over and knelt next to her.
     ”Dammit,” Lauren cursed again. “I think I hurt more than my ass this time.” She placed a hand on her ankle.
     ”Well, if you wanted me to carry you *that* badly, you could’ve just asked me,” Chris said.
     She glared at him, then winced. “I’m serious, here! I’m really in pain!”
     ”Okay, I’m sorry,” he said, then removed his skates and picked her up. “This really is a great way to pick up chicks, though.”
     ”Don’t make me kill you, Irvine,” Lauren warned.
     Chris frowned. “But can you blame me for thinking you were kidding?”
     She sighed. “No, I guess not. Just… take me inside, okay?”
     ”No, problem. Whatever The Lady asks for… within reason,” he obliged, then carried her back inside and set her down on the couch.
     She slipped off her coat, then her right boot to check her ankle. “The good news is, it doesn’t look any different… yet.”
     He came over with an Ace bandage and handed it to her. “Want an ice pack?”
     ”Not right now, I think this’ll be okay,” Lauren said, beginning to wrap her ankle.
     ”You know I didn’t mean for you to get hurt,” Chris said.
     ”I know. It’s okay, really,” she said.
     ”I know, but I feel guilty about it,” he said. She sighed. “Of course, if I hadn’t been so insistent on…” She leaned over and kissed him.
     Lauren pulled away. “Now, will you stop? Or do I have to do that again?”
     Chris grinned. “I don’t know, I still feel pretty guilty.” He gave her a pleading look.
     She smiled and kissed him again, then pulled away. “Well?”
     ”Well, I’m still kinda…” he began, but noticed the glare she was giving him. “Alright, alright, it wasn’t my fault.”
     ”Thank you… ow… okay, maybe I could use an ice pack now,” she said.
     ”One ice pack coming up!” he said, then headed for the kitchen.
     She put the tips of her fingers to her lips. ’Did he really kiss me back? Okay, what just happened…?’
     ”Here we go,” he announced, coming back into the room with the ice.
     Lauren snapped out of her thoughts and took the ice pack.. “Thanks.” She avoided making eye contact.
     ’Why won’t she look at me now? Did I screw up that bad? I wonder if maybe she realized I really liked her kissing me…’ Chris thought. He let his gaze move around the room. He took a quick glance at her and found her looking at him.
     She turned her gaze back to the ice pack and her foot. “Anything on TV?”
     ”I don’t know. I’ll see if I can find the TV Guide,” he said. ’Atleast, I’m not getting the silent treatment… sorta.’ He picked up the one bag left in the living room and rummaged through it. “Found it.” He handed it to her while putting the bag back down.
     ”Thanks,” she said, absently. ’What’s wrong with me? Yeah, we’re friends, best friends, but… is it really that bad? He’s gorgeous for God’s sake!’
     ”I’m going to change,” Chris said, then left for his room.
     Lauren sighed and put the TV Guide down. ’I wish I knew what he’s thinking.’ She settled back and closed her eyes.

     The door to Chris’s room opened and he staggered out, still half-asleep. He wandered towards the kitchen and passed the couch, expecting her to be in her room, but there she was still on the couch.
     ”Still awake?” he asked.
     She moved her eyes from the ceiling to him. “Yup.”
     ”Why?” he asked. She shrugged, but didn’t answer. Chris moved around to the front of the couch and sat next to her. “You’re not telling me something. I’m assuming you’ve had time to think while I’ve been counting sheep, so what’s up?”
     She sighed. “Can I tell you in the morning?”
     "Yeah, sure,” he agreed, sounding disappointed, then made a move to stand up.
     She caught his arm. “I didn’t say I wanted to be alone.”
     ”But there’s really not enough room for both of us here,” he said.
     ”I know that…” Lauren said, then added uneasily, “can I… um…”
     Chris smiled. “Stay in my room? Don’t sound so embarrassed. Wanna lift?”
     She returned the smile. “I’d love one.” She flung her arm around his neck and he picked her up, off the couch.
     ”Do you think we could talk now instead of in the morning?” he asked, just before reaching the door.
     ”I guess you won’t let me sleep until I spill my guts, huh,” she said.
     ”Just make sure that if you really should have to puke, make it to the bathroom first,” Chris said, then grinned.
     Lauren rolled her eyes. He set her down on the bed. “Thanks.”
     ”No problem. That feeling any better?” he said, motioning to her foot.
     ”Not really. I tried standing on it early and it hurt like hell. I just hope it isn’t worse that a sprain,” she said, then shook her head. “It would have to be the one I injured years ago. I’m such a klutz.”
     ”You were learning how to skate, that’s all,” he said, sitting next to her.
     ”Yeah, I know, but I actually meant the first time. I couldn’t seem to handle a few stairs. It was so embarrassing,” Lauren explained.
     ”Speaking of which, why couldn’t you just ask me if you could stay in here with me? I don’t bite… as far as I know. I’m not sure what I do when I’m asleep or drunk…” Chris said.
     She smiled, but it faded just as quickly and she sighed. “I was thinking about when I kissed you earlier and...”
     ”How much you liked it?” he finished.
     ”Yeah. You know?” she said.
     ”Of course, I know!” he said, then added, “I liked it, too.”
     ”Then, it’s same to assume we both know what the problem is,” Lauren said.
     Chris nodded. “Trying to stay friends if it doesn’t work.” A long pause. “Wanna try?”
     Her face lit up. “Okay, but we take it slow.”
     ”We can only go so slow, you know,” he said, “I mean, we’re already sleeping together!” He grinned. She gave him a playful slug on the arm. “Ow!” He rubbed his arm. “I was only joking! You didn’t have to hit me so hard!” She laughed. “Now, you’re laughing at me! That’s it, I’m not talking to you anymore!” He folded his arms over his chest, pouting.
     Lauren smiled triumphantly, but it faded when she saw a mischievous grin spread across Chris’s face. “Oh no.” She tried to back up on the bed. “This isn’t fair! I can’t get away!”
     ”That’s the whole point!” he exclaimed, then leaned over and began tickling her mercilessly.
     Soon, she was laughing so hard, tears were streaming down her face. “Chris!”
     He stopped and smiled. “Slow enough?” She nodded and her kissed her as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He pulled away a bit. “Think this can work?”
     ”Definitely,” she agreed.
     ”’Night, little one,” he said, then kissed her forehead.
     Lauren smiled. “Goodnight, assclown.”
     Chris sighed. “Why didn’t I see that coming?” He leaned back and clicked off the light.

     ”A few more minutes...”
     ”It’s morning.”
     ”It’s vacation.”
     Chris sighed. “Come on, you’ve gotta wake up sometime.”
     ”Don’t wanna.”
     ”Fine.” He got up and milled about the room. He stopped, picked something up, and walked back over to the bed. He held a bullhorn just inches from her ear and sounded it.
     Lauren yelled and bolted up into a sitting position.
     ”Ha! It worked!” he said, smiling triumphantly.
     ”I’m gonna get you back for that *big time*,” she said, Subconsciously, she moved to sitting Indian style and yelped, then held onto her ankle. “Damn, forgot about that.”
     Chris frowned. “So much for an enjoyable vacation, huh?”
     ”I wouldn’t say that. I might just enjoy being waited on and carried all over the place,” she said, then winked.
     ”Hint received,” he said, then paused. Suddenly, his face lit up.
     ”Oh, gawd, you’re getting an idea,” she said.
     ”But this is a good idea! You know, to make up for yesterday…” he began. “I was originally planning on skiing, but that’s out, so how about sledding?”
     ”You really are just an over-grown kid, aren’t you,” Lauren commented, then smiled, “but I like that idea.”
     Chris shrugged. “I prefer to act my shoe size rather than my age. So, how about we grab a quick breakfast and head out?”
     ”Sounds good to me,” she agreed.

Part Two