January 28, 2001 - 12:00am Eastern
Drew Carey
Ryan Stiles
Colin Mochrie
Greg Proops
Brad Sherwood
Chip Esten
Kathy Kinney
Julie Larson
Sean Masterson
and Laura Hall on piano
Drew's Opening Stand-Up Act
Drew starting with saying how much better Vegas is than Atlantic City. He's still losing at Black Jack... if you listen closely, some guy in the audience yells out "Me, too!". Drew adds "...you feel real bad for a millionaire losing at Black Jack". Nope, don't feel sorry one bit *g*. He starts on a tear about the souvenier cups & says they're "the stupidest thing... next to gambling". Then Drew realizes he's run out of jokes "F*ck!" "That's the PG 13 part"... I think that just went out the window. He starts talking about the Superbowl "Bet the under!" & that he hates the no taunting rule "quarterback's got a big butt!" "coach, he's pickin' on me!". Finally, there's the cockroaches... when it rais he gets alot of ants & cockroaches, so to get rid of the cockroaches he leaves out a dead one on a toothpick as a warning to the others (hey, DCS fans, do you recall hearing this before? yup, they used that in one of the eps!)
Drew then goes through the intro's (same as the first show, except he doesn't do as much of a rap with Ryan's name).
Questions Only
Drew intro's with the same joke about "no chicks or booze" but doesn't mention Monopoly this time :( Starts with Brad & Julie, at the beach. Some highlights: Brad starts looking through some binoulars & Julie grabs them... & pulls Brad over with them, Sean asking Brad "why do you express your feelings with a Hallmark card in the crack of my ass?", Colin: "Does my beauty intimidate you?", & Ryan: (mimics pulling his pants down) "Does this scare you?". Umm... no.
Brad & Colin start, Brad standing as a sumo wrestler & Colin as a tea pot. Highlights: Brad: "This new easy ass oven isn't all it's cracked up to be", Brad doing a monkey imitation(?), Ryan: "Left cheek green", Drew finally letting Brad get out of the game(!), Drew: (pounding on the ground) "But I got the popular vote!", Greg: "What is the answer, Budha?" Drew: "I got your answer right here" (tries to flip Greg off behind his head, but it's in plain sight), Brad: "So, Body Odor Man, you think you can thwart me!", Colin: (with Brad flat on his back) "Thanks for helping me with my putting", & Ryan: (while Brad's still on the floor) "Using your penis as a sundial... I can't quite make out what time it is". Trivial note: Brad was tagged out once, but came back... & he was in for more than half the game.
Song Styles
Brad & Chip, as a boy band, to Jean, the stay at home mom whose hobby is shopping (well, whoop-dee-do!). For once, couldn't Drew have skipped *this* pretty woman & gone with someone who actually *has* a job! Drew intro's Joe (again, same as before).
New Choice
Ryan intro'd & was the designated one to call "New Choice". Drew & Brad played, finding a job. Some very nice "hilbilly" (or "redneck") accents. Highlights: Drew: "I can't hear you over Brad's shirt", Brad: "You're obviously doing your own nose pickin' so I'll find something else", Drew: "I'd like to be Kane of the WWF!" Brad: "They'd have to call you Sugar Kane", Drew: "You ate my milk, drank my bananas...", Brad: "Aptitude? I'm afraid of heights!", & finally, Drew: "I feel like a Dorito Whore!".
Sound Effects
Ryan & Colin as astronauts. Highlights: Colin: "Sorry, I had the chili" Ryan: "In that case, let's suit up quickly", Ryan: "Not a very big rocket, is it?", Colin: "The chickens are all working", & finally Jada (the female doing sounds): "10--9--8...5,4,3,2,1!".
Greatest Hits
Ryan & Greg selling and Brad & Chip sing Songs Of The Firefighter. This was the last game where Drew messed up Chip's name (we find out that "Greg" is Chip's character's name in 13 Days) & is folowed up by: Ryan: "That's Chip" Greg: "I'm Greg" Ryan: (trying to shake Drew's hand) "I play Lewis on the show" & after Drew turns to leave... Ryan: "Thank you, Kathy". Highlights: Ryan: "400 songs on 300 CDs", Ryan: "Love that sole... in a nice almondine sauce, Soul song "Red Hot Mama" (Brad: "Come on & slide down my pole!") Ryan: "There's nothing more entertaining than two white guys singing soul", French ballad "Grab the hose & Let's get going", Ryan: "If I had to do math... well, I can't" Greg: "Me neither, and neither can the audience", Ryan: "Get out" Greg: "No, I won't, I have to stay until the end of the act!", 70s rock/Joe Walsh-type song "3 Alarm Rock", & after the game when Brad hugs Joe. Awwwwe!
Film, Theater, & TV Styles (I still think they didn't give the name)
Brad directs & Kathy, Colin, & Greg have discovered Noah's ark. Styles: French New Wave (Brad: "That's a first" "And it's a last"), melodrama (Greg does a FANTASTIC Dudley-Do-Right impression!), Spielberg (Colin: "I'm the owner of the Lost Ark!" *audience groans*), Kung Fu, Colin turns into a ferret after being punched (Greg: "Stop running around, dammit!"), musical theater, & western. Other highlights: Colin: "Revote!", Greg has a WONDERFUL singing voice *g*, & Colin yodels his way through his song.
Before Colin intro's the game he says "Never had a lesson!" (about his yodeling). Then as the lines are collected he calls the bowl a "high tech suggestion bowl". Sean & Julie played, in line for a rollercoaster. Lines: Sean: "Who let the ogs out?!", Julie: "Is that your final answer?", Sean: "Tell them Snake sent you", Julie: "I said Black Jack, I said Black Jack...", Sean: "I can't believe I ate the whole thing", and Sean: "Whassup?!".
Brad hosted, called himself "Alex Triptick"; Kathy, Drew, Ryan, Julie, & Colin were the contestants. (Note: Again, this was the toughest to take notes on) Kathy builds everything out of Doritos (again, slightly overdoing the Doritos plugging), Drew as Sam the silversmith (who sounded a HECK of alot like Sylvester the cat!) - after Drew intro'd himself, Brad said "Let me put a towel on your podium" - Ryan as Lyle who laughs as guys who drive hummers, Julie as a 90 year-old cocktail waitress at Ceasar's Palace, and Colin as Peter Graves from Biography (deadpan, but VERY hilarious!). Before I get to the answers & questions, I must say that throughout the entire game, moreso than in the first show, Drew absolutely SOAKED Ryan & Kathy! Onto the game:
weeping willow - Ryan: "What IS what happens when you tell a willow it's fat?"
Atlanta - Drew: "What does my doctor say?" Brad: "Atlanta?" Drew: "My doctor says Atlanta..." (shakes his head) ...a bit of a stretch there, Drew
gymnastics - Ryan: "What is short for Jimmy Nastics?" Brad: "We also would have accepts James Nastics"
mushroom - Ryan: "What do you say to get a room to get it to move faster?"
Albania - Colin: "In Albania, Biography is on at 10:30" Brad: "Thank you for that footnote. It cost you 1,000 points"
marshmellows - Colin: "What is a euphimism for swollen testicles?" Brad: "We also would have accepted marsh nads"
t-bone (steak) - Colin: "What a visible sign of Mr. T being excited?"
ottoman - Drew: "What does the stoner say when he sees his friend Otto across the street?"
helium - Kathy: "What fills my vagina?" Brad: "...That's a right answer"
elephants - Ryan: "What proceeds Fitzgerald?" Colin: "It's all Tarzan week on Biography" Brad: "Thank you, that's absolutely true, but it cost you 2,000 points"
stilletto - Ryan: "What is Gepetto's gay lover?" Drew: (after glaring at Ryan; spitting) "Very funny of you to say so"
Robin Hood - Ryan: "Where does Robin live?"
hoser - Ryan: "What proceeds 'you brought her'?"
Brad: "When I said don't start yelling them out yet, don't start yelling them out yet!" Come on, audience, you're annoying the host! Geez...
I believe the category was human organs (or something like that)...
Kathy - intestine: "I wrote down my measurements which are 48-11-22" Brad: "That's a wrong answer"
Drew - colon: "What's the name of the new Secretary of State?"
Ryan - rectum: "What Drew's gonna do me up after this show's over... for the Gepetto comment... OR What is what do you do..." *FAINTS!* (Sean, Chip, & Greg help him up; Sean acts like he's using paddles on him) Ryan: (after coming to) "What is a..." (gets dizzy, gras onto Drew; as Peter Graves) "...Seen on Biography next week..." (goes back to "normal") "I still have this!" (turns around, bends over, & tries to talk through his butt) Brad: "Yes, close but no cigar" *audience groans* Brad: "You guys can kiss my answer #3"
Julie - liver: "Well, what's the opposite of diver?" Brad: (after the audience "ehhh's") "The crowd is turning into an ugly bunch of geese"
Colin - testicles: "What have I been holding the entire game?"
(Note: May I just say that I was ROTFLMAO when Ryan "pulled a Colin"!!! That added so much to this show!)
Brad starts the intro for The Mouse Traps... Drew:" No time... unless you want to end with it..." So, neeless to say, we didn't get to see the Mouse Traps a second time :(
Again, Joe joins the group. Everyone plays & Ryan does the pointing (did Ryan just not want to play this that night or what?). Ryan intro's this games as the "second most dangerous improv game". The story is aout Gertrude, who discovered euthenasia. Highlights: Sean: "She loved the hooch!" & Joe: "...because she had brain worms" "...eat chocolate covered moth balls" "Uncle Fred threatened to come over & open a can of whoop ass" and "...always remember it's hard to meditate on amphetimines".
Same ending, everyone left the stage then came back out for one last round of applause. Again, Drew, briefly, forgot Chip's name.
We got the see the players go back stage again. This time I couldn't pick out anything anyone said, but I did notice that Ryan was trying to get the mic off his tie for nearly the whole time walking back.
Stats for the show:
10 games (same ones, minus The Mouse Traps)
lasted about 84 minutes
same opening credits as the first show
again, Jeopardy was tough for taking notes
again, I think Ryan got the most applause