Drew Carey's Improv All Stars

January 27, 2001 - 9:00pm Eastern

Drew Carey
Ryan Stiles
Colin Mochrie
Greg Proops
Brad Sherwood
Chip Esten
Kathy Kinney
Julie Larson
Sean Masterson
and Laura Hall on piano

Drew's Opening Stand-Up Act
Drew started off the show by performing some stand-up. His material consisted of jokes about trying to find his way around the casino ("...Here's your key, map, canteen, & trail mix..."). He must've lost BIG at Black Jack because he got back at the casino by (1) leaving the water running while he was doing the show & (2) smoking in a non-smoking room (but that'd probably hurt the next guest in that room more than the hotel itself). Drew talked about getting the LASIK surgery, "you know, for vanity", but he found two things wrong: (1) he realized his career was built around those glasses & (2) now he can see himself in the shower... "It's like my body is a temple in an Arab neighborhood".

Drew then introduced the "All Stars"... when he ended with Ryan, he started doing this little rap thing "Ryan Stiles in the house", it was really, uh, weird.

Questions Only
Drew intro'd the game & did the joke about it being a great game to play "if you're at a party with no chicks or booze... & you don't feel like breaking out Monopoly one last time". I'm glad he added he Monopoly part to that, because he's used that joke on DL quite a few times. The game started with Greg & Colin at a Black Jack table. Highlights included: Chip playing Go Fish at the table, the audience kept buzzing people (even when they DID ask questions), Sean offered a "lucky baby" & Ryan saying "Is that craps?", & finally, Drew picking on Brad's shirt and Brad picking on Drew's sweater.

I believe Kathy intro'd this game. She started by asking for two adults to play the game... there were snickers about that from the rest of the players. The game started with Chip who assumed a squat position & Ryan who was on his knees (there were other positions that sounded pretty interesting). That was when Ryan commented "That's how I got The Drew Carey Show". I think we knew that, Ryan. Highlights included: Drew being the first to mention Doritos, Sean doing a urinalysis himself by drinking the specimin, Greg suggesting one-handed boxing, Julie using Brad as a slot machine, winning, & receiving her coins through his crotch (a definite visual to be seen), Ryan taking Julie's place & Greg taking Brad's place still in the slot machine position - Ryan: "Just a guess... I'm saying 5 pounds", & finally, the game ending with Kathy asking "Dear Lord, turn this frog into a handsome man with a large penis"... so Ryan took Chip's place. I don't think I need to say anymore *wink*

Song Styles
This is the game where Drew announced the "special guest" Joe Walsh. Brad & Chip sang a rock'n'roll jazz song to Sasha, the waitress, who was wearing an extremely short skirt. Drew: "Have a seat on the conveniently tall stool" "Welcome to the front row!". At the end of the song, Brad stood in front of Sasha so she could get off the stool, how nice of him, huh? (Are you thinking what I'm thinking?)

New Choice
Brad intro'd & was the designated one to say "New Choice". Sean & Julie played, trying to find the ladies' bathroom & to that suggestion Sean commented "That makes me a pervert, thanks". At one point, Brad said "New Choice" to Julie about 8 times for one line, she finally said "That's it"... & it was, Brad stopped. Julie ended the game with "People warn you not to marry an asshole"... or atleast that was near the end.

Sound Effects
With Ryan & Brad as private investigators. Greg intro'd the game & took a chance to put down Brad's shirt: "Winner of the preakness(sp?) outfit". One suggestion that was shouted out that Greg shot down was "Proctologist... thank you for having that taste on live TV". The running gag for the game: *click, click* which was Brad's camera. A couple of lines I found rather amusing: Ryan: "...Sounded like a rooster... more like a cocktail" "I was pushing you, did you feel that?" Brad: (to the sound of a glass cutter) "This really works!" Ryan tried to put a suction cup on the cut glass... *CRASH!* Ryan broke the glass... Brad: "Butter fingers". They tried to open a safe next: Brad: "...a safe made out of Nerf!" "...with water tumblers" then Ryan: (trying to use an acetolyne torch on the safe) "Have a seat, read a book, this could take a while".

Greatest Hits
Ryan & Colin selling and Brad & Chip singing. This was the first game where Drew called Chip "Greg" (& he did it a couple more times throughout the two shows). Songs Of The Chef... Ryan: "What does this remind you of: "Don't you love me madly?"?" Colin: "Jerry Lewis's hair". The first style was The Doors - Brad: "I am the Iron Chef". The second song was "Cookin' Safari". Ryan ended up saying something like "I feel like waxing something" so Colin replied with "why don't you start with that big nose" to which Ryan says "it's not that big, is it?" ...and checks his nose using Colin's head as a mirror! Colin: "If I can set you up anymore, please tell me." My favorite part of this game was when Ryan suggested Reggae as a style... or as he ended up saying it "Raggae". Colin: "You sound like Carol Channing" Ryan: (as Carol) "Raggae!" You can't have a pay-per-view without Carol! LoL! The reggae song was "Souffle Man". Ryan took a last, quick look at his nose. Colin then suggested Queen & Ryan gave him a blank look Colin: "Doogie Houser would know!" Ouch! The song was "Sautee Rhapsody" - Brad: "I see a little silhouetto of a ginger bread man..."

Film, Theater, & TV Styles (I believe they never actually gave the name of this game)
Colin, Drew, & Kathy played, as doctor & patient (& I guess Colin as an assistant). Styles were: Scary Movie, Shakespeare, Baywatch, Colin dressed as a rabbit, western (Colin: "I'll count to 3, you turn around, & I'll shoot"), Quentin Tarantino, jitterbug, and kabuki (Kathy: "The sun does set in your ass!")

Ryan collected the lines "comedy for the poor... help us get a laugh". Greg & Julie played. Someone suggested Chinese New Year... Ryan: "Go wrong! Go wrong!" (sp?) & I think Greg said "Save some jokes for us". Oops, Ryan couldn't help himself *g* Julie: "Plop plop, fizz fizz" ... "I know shit happens!" to which Greg responds "And then you die". Greg: "We're in the front row, exclamation point!" Julie pulled one out, but didn't read it, so she stuffed it in her pocket, but not before Greg tried to grab it. Julie: "Oranges for sale, buy here". Greg: "You got hit with the ugly stick!" "The midwest is a good place to be from... Cleveland Rocks!". To end the game, Greg went after the one that Julie didn't read. After the game, they passed it around & almost everyone read it (I believe that Kathy & Colin didn't... I think Ryan didn't either...)

Colin hosted; Kathy, Drew, Ryan, & Greg are the contestants. (Note: this game was the hardest one to take notes for without rewinding & replaying) Before the game even started Colin told the audience "Don't bug the host!" LoL! Kathy had a Doritos boutique (& kinda overdid the Doritos bit), Drew was Foghorn Leghorn (& a very good one, at that!), Ryan was Jerry (who's name everyone forgot, including Ryan himself... later he agreed to "Gary" that Greg suggested) who had a "tasty salsa coating", & Greg was Roy from Sigfried & Roy! This was the hard part: I'll give you the answer & what I thought was the best question for it:
volvo - Kathy: "What is hidden in my vagina?" to which Greg replied "What IS hidden in her vagina?!"
beaver - Ryan: "Who is Jerry Mathers?" then Greg buzzed in with "What was what Sigfried & Roy going to use before white tigers?"
urimo(sp?) - Ryan: (points at Greg) "Who is he?" & Greg responds "Who you calling a mo?"
carrot - Ryan: "What is the first name of a really bad comic?"
thong - Ryan: "What is 'two of, don't make a right'?"
oregano - Greg: "What is what you can't get busted for?"
AND ON TO FINAL JEOPARDY! The category is: Unusual Words...
Kathy - derylict: "What is the man that I married?"
Drew - meglomania: "What's the name of the lot machine you have a snowball's chance in Hell of winning?"
Ryan - circumnavigate: "What you do to a sailor's baby?"
Greg - osteoporosis: "Who is the Greek philosopher who is creaky & fell down alot?"

The Mouse Traps
Brad: "And now for the most dangerous improv game..." "...the pinnacle of profanity...". If you listen carefully, you can hear Chip scream trying to set a trap down & I think Drew set one off putting it down, too. Brad: "...98 mouse traps..." "There were lots of rats in the Hotel California" A lovely nod to Joe Walsh... As the audience was shouting suggestions, a heckler was found so Brad told him "...finish your daiquiri & go play Keno... Joe Walsh was a surprise, you're here for improv". Sean & Drew were the poor souls... er, players in this game, playing as a student & teacher. During the game, there was much swearing to be had & Brad even snuck in placing a trap right behind Sean (he never stepped on that one). After the game, Brad announced "Found Drew's toe!" As Joe swept up the traps, Ryan came forward, still laughing, and said "I don't know why other people's pain makes me laugh so hard". I don't know, either, Ryan, but it made me laugh very hard, too! Unfortunately, the game itself is all visual.

Ryan did the pointing & everyone else played... even Joe! The story was about Ralph Boygif(sp?!) who was the #4 inspector for underwear. Poor Ryan had such a tough time trying to figure out this "#4 inspector" deal... Ryan: "I don't know where I've been..." Brad: "Certainly haven't been buying underwear". Ouch! The story made no sense, but the best lines, which were also the most incoherent lines, came from Joe: "...a big bag of bellybuttons" "...cream of toothpaste soup... it smelled like moose fart".

Everyone left the stage, except Drew, who asked for one last hand for each performer (both times, I believe, Ryan got the loudest applause). Yet again, Drew forgot Chip's name... he fell behind in naming everyone, but he did remember it...

This is where we got to see the performers held back stage. I was trying to figure out what was said & the only thing I could pick out was Brad said "One down, one to go".

Stats for the show:

11 games
lasted about 80 minutes
cool opening credits*
Jeopardy was tough for taking notes!
Ryan got the most applause (I think)

*I actually missed the opening credits on the first show... & almost missed some of Drew's opening act because when my PPV channel finally came on with the "BUY NOW" screen Drew was talking already! I hit record & punched in our code. I watched the replay that was on immediately after & to my relief I hadn't missed anything *whew!*