Earlier in the week...

Midnight. The city is fairly quiet, but not as dark as I like it. I can't wait any longer, though. Something keeps pulling me. I glanced around at my surroundings. It's funny, I kinda feel like a part of this city. Of course, walking around this late, I run into all the drunks. But, then again, when you're a mutant turtle, I guess it's best that only the drunks see you.

There's no one on the street, which slightly surprised me. It's an amazingly clear night, and definitley brighter than I normally like. Ah, screw it, I need to find out what's pulling me.

I take advantage of some shadows and slip into them. It's amazing the details you pick up on when you've only got one good eye. My gaze landed on someone finally. They just crossed the street and... I could swear they just looked right at me. Shit! I moved farther into the darkness as the person begins their appraoch.

Should've stayed at the swamp. But no, I just had to find out what was compelling me to come down here. Dammit! I looked around for that person again only to find they've disappeared. Now, where the hell did they...?

"It's you!"

I turned, still concealed in darkness, and faced the owner of a rather familiar voice.

Chapter Five: Michelangelo