Ep 3: First Date
Larry: ...A singles bar is not my first choice of places to meet women. I prefer more formal situations, you know, a wedding, tax audit, heimlich manoveure
Ep 8: Hunks Like Us
Larry: I can't just ask her out... I have to deceive her first
Larry: I am going to deport you in pieces!
Balki: I am Conehead the Barbarian
Balki: I think we overdid the workout a little... or you threw me out the window
Ep 10: Ladies & Germs
Larry (nasally): I got my A, I got my B, I got my C, I got my D
Balki: Put them all together & what do they spell? Ah-beh-cuh-duh
Balki: ...You who think tiny little people are fighting up your nose!
Larry (after taking too much of the Mypos cure): Balki... I can see through you
Ep 12: Babes In Babylon
Larry: Vegas is a moral wasteland. It goes against everything I was ever told I believe in
Larry: It's called "Roulette." The odds are really against you. Why don't you try it?
*Balki grabs the marble from the Roulette wheel*
Larry: Balki... why don't you give the nice men back their marble