For Want Of A Diary
Cannon: Set during "Since I Lost My Baby"
Rating: G
Genre: Comedy/Vignette/POV.
Summary: What would you do if someone read your diary? Write about it, of course (don't be ridiculous!).
Distribution: Ask & ye shall receive (I just wanna know who's gettin' it & where it's goin')
Disclaimer: I don't own. The only things I have are two scripts & a handful of promo photos.
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     I'm going to lock this in a safe.
     Or better yet, maybe a safe deposit box.
     Or not. If I put it in there, it'd be tough to get at.
     Okay, so why am I considering these options? Twinkacetti read this! The man took over my room (long story I haven't had the chance to write about yet) & read this: my diary! Not only that, but the man call me a sick man! Twinkie's one to talk.
     Oh, & Balki wants to read this now. I just cannot catch a break! (Speaking of Balki, I can already hear him snoring out on the couch -- I can't sleep & that's part of the reason why).
     So why did Twinkie call me a sick man? Well, I've been flipping through past entries &, based on what I know about the man, I've come to the conclusion that he wasn't commenting on the content. There's nothing bad in here (I have 8 siblings, I know better than that!). So what was he commenting on... it had to be my writing.
     That's it. That has to be it. He's jealous of my writing ability. Now, granted, this entry is certainly not as well written as past entries (I'm venting, here), but it's still better than he could write, definitely. And to think we were helping the man! (Okay, okay, so Balki wanted to help & I got dragged into it. But I still helped.)
     Anyway, I think I ought to get some sleep now. The more I think about Twinkie reading this, the more I could use some Mylanta.
     And my stomach can't handle that abuse.
     -Larry ^_^