I took this pic myself standing outside the Palace Theatre on Broadway, April 3, 2004.

I talked my parents into going to see "Aida" just because Micky is playing "Zoser", currently. I even brought along my digital camera in hopes of taking enough pictures to choke a camel.

Sadly, the theatre wouldn't even allow non-flash photo taking :-P Despite that, the show itself was fantastic & well worth the trip.

But I went just to see Micky perform. So, during intermission I talked mom & dad into waiting by the stage door. Dad had his doubts, but we didn't have much else to do at the time.

We waited maybe 5 minutes before a lady came out & said that if we were waiting for autographs & photos to stand behind the railing in a line. I kept my eyes glued to that stage door.

It was another 5, maybe 10, minutes before Micky came out (not by the stage door, but from farther down the block). He was asking people if they knew he was in the show. I was apparently one of the few to say yes & I even told him that I went to the show just to see him *blush* I asked him to sign my souvenir book & asked to get a picture with him!

At some point, I managed to tell him I've been a Monkees fan since 1986 (I was 5-6 years old). ;-)

But this wasn't the picture I saw as the last taken on my camera. My big opportunity! Poor mom couldn't figure out the shutter on the camera (well, it's my camera & I still have trouble).

Micky was a complete sweetheart about the "camera trouble," though. He told me to let him know when we were set while he continued down the line. After some minor freaking out on my behalf, we figured it out & Micky came back.

Umm... I'm not too sure how we ended up with the off-kilter shot, but talk about a candid photo!

I was so happy to see one picture come out on the display of my camera that I didn't flip through what else was on the camera. So, I had my one picture.

I really had meant to get just one picture, but mom held down the shutter like I told her to & I ended up with 4 pictures, which I didn't find out until we got home & I went to download the small handful of pictures I did get. How cool is that?!

I've decided to try sending one of the pictures I got to Micky at the theatre in hopes that he'll autograph it & send it back. I sent it on April 5. If the picture comes back, I'll update :-)

Guess what? I'm updating! I received the picture back, signed & personalized today, June 7! Here's a lovely dark digital photo of it. I put it in the frame & hung it before scanning it. D'oh! I will scan it... soon... hopefully.

(If you click the photo, it'll take a little while to load... it's BIG!)