Main: Squiggy; ~: Lenny
~~Babyland, by Emma Fosdick
~How many miles to Babyland?
Anyone can tell
Up one flight, to the right
Please to ring the bell
~What do ya see in Babyland?
Little folks in white
Downy(?) heads & cradle beds
Faces pure & bright
~What do they do in Babyland?
Laugh & jump & play (they do!)
Shout & crow, scream & grow
Jolly times have they
~What do they say in Babyland?
Why the oddest things
You might as well try & tell what a birdie sings
(That's my favorite)
~::snort:: (giggling) Who is the queen of Babyland?
Pure & sweet
And her love, born above
Guides the little feet
~~Thank you
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