Shirley: (finishes kissing him and rests her cheek
against his) Oh Carmine, I'm going to miss you so
much this week!
Carmine: Oh I'm gonna miss you too, Angelface.
Are you sure you don't wanna go with me?
Shirley: Oh sweetheart, I'd love to, but I can't.
I mean, I gotta work and watch after Laverne and make
sure that she doesn't do anything with Lenny she's
not supposed to.
Carmine: Geez, they've been goin' out for what
now? 2 months? (Shirley nods) Boy, those two are
really in love.
Shirley: You're tellin' me. You're not the one
who's asleep at 2:30 in the morning when they come
in. Believe you me, you begin to wonder when you hear
all that heavy breathing.
Carmine: You're telling me, I hear them from my
apartment. But anyway, you're totally sure you don't
wanna come? There's gonna be a lot of cute adorable
little kids running around.
(Shirley looks at him and sighs, then wraps her arms around his neck)
Shirley: Okay, now don't bring anything back like a little girl or a woman or anything, or else, got it?
(she raises her eyebrow and he looks at the ceiling)
Carmine: Not even one?
(she puts on a serious face and he grins)
Carmine: Not one, I got ya.
(they kiss passionately, then they start moving towards the couch when Shirley stops)
Shirley: You have to be there early Carmine. And
don't worry, you'll be back in a week. Nothing can
happen to me in a week.
Carmine: Well, okay, I'll call you alright?
Shirley: Okay, bye bye.
(she gives him a final kiss, a long one, and he walks out the door, Shirley is heading toward the kitchen when Lenny comes in)
Lenny: Hiya Shirl.
Shirley: Oh, hiya Len.
Lenny: Is Laverne around?
Shirley: No, she's workin' down at Cowboy Bill's.
Why, what's the matter?
Lenny: Nothing, it's just... well... do you swear
not to say nothin' to nobody? (Shirley nods and Lenny
reaches into his pocket, pulls out a box and opens
it, revealing a diamond ring, Shirley gasps) You
think she'll like it?
Shirley: Lenny! Lenny! I don't know what to say!
Oh boy, I can't wait to tell... (at that moment,
Laverne walks in the door)
Laverne: Tell who what?
(Lenny quickly closes the box and puts it back in
his pocket and gives Shirley a look like "Don't tell
her, please don't tell her)
Shirley: Uh, uh... tell Carmine! Yes! Tell
Carmine that... um... that he forgot his (glances
quickly around) socks!
Laverne: His socks?
Shirley: Yes! I... I did his laundry this week
and he left a pair of socks here! ::smacks her head::
Oh, silly me, silly me!
Laverne: (gives Shirley a look and then looks at
Lenny) Lenny! What are you doin' here?
Lenny: I uh... I came to surprise you!
Laverne: Me?
Lenny: Yeah... surprise!
Laverne: Oh, thanks Len.
(She walks up to him and kisses him and Shirley sniffles. They look at her and she sobs)
Laverne:What's wrong Shirl?
Shirley: I miss Carmine!!
Lenny: He's still outside putting his suitcases
in the car.
(Shirley runs out the door and Lenny runs after her locking the door. There's some serious smut about to happen when Shirley walks in through the kitchen door)
Shirley: Where will the smut end? And don't you have to go back to Cowboy Bill's?
(everyone mumbles and Laverne drags herself out the door. As soon as she leaves Lenny turns to Shirley)
Lenny: You think Laverne's gonna say yes?
Shirley: I don't know, I think so! She's crazy
about you.
Lenny: Really? She told ya that?
(they sit down next to each other on the couch)
Shirley: I never would have thought, you and
Laverne going steady, and now engaged, wow.
Lenny: Yeah, I always thought I would fall in
love with one of you.
Shirley: Imagine if it was both?
(they laugh and then they look at each other,
deeply into each other's eyes. Shirley sees some sort
of maturity, and caring side of Lenny in his eyes
she's never seen...... wait, or is that an eyelash?
Nope, it's the caring side of him. Without knowing it
they lean in closer and closer and then......)