Fashion Faux Pas
by Lauren

Disclaimer: I own none of the characters I'm writing about & I make no money from it, so don't sue! :)

Teaser: Just a humorous piece about Dick's original Robin costume *g* Set in the comics canon.


I rested both hands on the cool glass and I stared inside. The glass case held my first costume.

The bright colors... and those Godawful shorts! Thanks to those, Babs will forever call me "Short Pants". Heh. Batman got to strike fear in criminals, while I... I managed to make then double over in laughter.

Of course, it was mainly *my* fault. I designed the costume too much like my circus costume. Then again, I'd had a feeling that I wouldn't be Batman's partner that long. Guess I'd been wrong...

I dropped my head and supressed the cynical laugh I felt rising. I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts.

I looked at the next case... and the almost identical costume. "Jason Todd..." I looked away and down at the small placque on my case. I sighed.

My eyes again rested on those shorts...

"What are you doing?"

I nearly jumped. "Babs!" Sometimes I hate that comm link.

"That's me, Former Boy Wonder. What are you doing in the cave?"

Okay, *how* did she know I was in the cave? "Well..." I swallowed.

"Reliving some memories?" Was I *that* obvious?

"More like regretting some," I mumbled.

Babs snickered. "Poor, Short Pants!" She burst out laughing.

"Babs!?" I can't believe she's making me *whine*!

"Oooh, I must've hit a nerve!"

"Yes, you did! Those stupid shorts are starting to haunt me!" And I'm still whining.

"In that case," her voice then became a bit mischievious, "why don't you come here and we'll talk about those *horrible*, yet extremely cute shorts? What do you say, Sexy Wonder?"

I raised an eyebrow, then smiled. "I'm on my way, Babs!" I took one last look at those shorts, then ran to my bike, and peeled out of the cave.
