Is everyone ready to explore the factory?

Valerie: What is Frazzlemeyer up to?

Lauren: Ready.

Daphne: I am.

(We open outside a large, nondescript factory building. It looks pretty much like the factory building in "Head Trip." Emma shakes her head.)

Emma: I can't believe this. I've never heard of this guy until a few weeks ago. How did he get this so quickly?

Valerie: I called a few of my father's grocery cronies in the frozen novelties business. Frazzlemeyer bought this old ice cream factory last year with money he'd inherited from some aunt or uncle.

Emma: You say it's open to the public?

Valerie: (Nods) It should be almost shutting down, but they're good about letting people in. (Holds up four name tags) As long as you have these. Thank goodness for connections.

Emma: (Grins and adds hers) No kidding.

Valerie: Frazzlemeyer is going to meet us right out front. (Grins) I'll give you the signal when we break away from him.

Emma: I know darn well he won't talk about the things the guys saw at the ice cream shop, including the so-called "monsters."

Lauren: Of course not.

Valerie: He seems like such a sweet little man, but if he's really doing the things the boys claim he is...

Emma: Looks can be deceiving, Val.

Daphne: That's right.

(Frazzlemeyer is awaiting the girls when they come in. He now wears a jumpsuit not unlike the ones in "Head." He blushes and just barely shakes Valerie's hand when they arrive.)

Frazzlemeyer: Oh my! I never thought I'd see the daughter of Morgan Cartwright here in my own factory! How is your father?

Valerie: He's well, Mr. Frazzlemeyer. He's at his office now, talking to some of his general managers.

Frazzlemeyer: And you brought friends, too! (He blushes quite deeply) What lovely ladies! Why don't you ladies come with me and see my wonderful factory? (Looks over his shoulder at Valerie) Perhaps I'll even be able to persuade your father to sell my ice cream in his store someday?

Valerie: Perhaps. (She turns to the others as Frazzlemeyer starts droning about his machines) Not if the boys are right about this brain-draining thing. Is that really what they said, Lauren?

Lauren: *Nods* They said they witnessed it themselves.

Valerie: In that case, this ice cream won't get anywhere near Dad's grocery chain. That's probably what he wants - to drain everyone in the area's brain. Maybe the world.

Daphne: I wouldn't put it past him.

Emma: And the guys said Freddy Rogers is still missing...and might have been one of his first victims. He may even be here.

Valerie: Why would he keep him here?

Emma: The guys say he isn't at the ice cream shop. Where else would he be but here?

Frazzlemeyer: (He indicates the network of conveyor belts, pipes, and vats below them) And this is where the ice cream is mixed and prepared. (Points to the tubes) These lead over to the packaging belts. (Points to belts where boxes of ice cream are being loaded into crates) And there's another shipment of Frazzlemeyer's, ready to go to the store!

Valerie: Where do you keep the formula?

Frazzlemeyer: (Smiles shyly) Now, young lady, I couldn't tell you that! The formula for Frazzlemeyer's is a secret!

Valerie: Oh, but you could tell us! We wouldn't say anything!

Frazzlemeyer: (Shakes his head) I'm afraid not. I can't giveaway the cornerstone of my business!

Emma: What's that? (She points to the hoses down by the main vats.)

Frazzlemeyer: Oh, they can be lowered over the conveyor belt. They're narrower hoses and are used to pour ice cream into molds.

Valerie: This is all very interesting.

Frazzlemeyer: (As a young woman in a professional suit leans over him and whispers something) Really? You're kidding! (He turns to the girls) Would you please excuse me, ladies? I'm afraid the tour is going to have to end early.

Valerie: What a shame! I was enjoying it.

Frazzlemeyer: Perhaps we could do it again sometime...uh, and maybe discuss the possibility of selling Frazzlemeyer's Fabulous Frozen Treats in your father's grocery chain?

Valerie: We'll see, Mr. Frazzlemeyer.

Frazzlemeyer: (Nods at the other ladies) It's very nice to have met you. Would you excuse me. (He runs into a door) I'm sorry, you're terribly nervous. Good bye! (Runs into a pole before he finally moves along.)

Emma: What got into him?

Valerie: I don't know.

Emma: Well, ladies, shall we have a look around? He didn't specifically say to leave.

Valerie: We need to find the offices while those two are distracted.

Emma: (She nods at several doors along the wall. The first one says "Management, Edwin E. Frazzlemeyer, Manager and President.") How about here?

Valerie: That'll do it.

(The four women enter the office. It looks pretty much like the factory offices in "Head Trip" and "Ladies' Choice," with a lot less pink than the latter.)

Emma: Ok, ladies. Val, search the desk. I'll search the files. Daphne, you search the closet and the shelves. Lauren, you keep an eye out for Frazzlemeyer.

Lauren: Will do.

Emma: (She looks through the files and makes a face) Just as I thought. That story about him inheriting the money from a dead relative was phony. He got a grant from some company.

Valerie: I'll bet they had no idea what he was really up to, besides making ice cream. (Shakes her head) Most of these are locked, and I'm not going to force it open. Daph, how are you doing?

Daphne: Not much better. The closet's locked, and there isn't much for information here on the shelves.

Lauren: Hey, I think I found something.

Emma: (Looks up from the files) Yeah, Lauren?

*Lauren goes over to a cabinet with a dial below it.*

Valerie: I hope you have, because I haven't had any luck.

Lauren: I think I found a safe! *turns the dial*

*Suddenly, whooping and gunshots ring out. Lauren opens the cabinet doors to reveal she found a hidden television set. She quickly turns the dial off.*

Lauren: Sorry.

Emma: (She runs her fingers along the shelves) There has to be a safe somewhere... (She pulls out a book) What on earth is a "Winnie the Pooh" book doing here? (The moment the book does the shelf to reveal a safe!)

Daphne: Now... isn't that just a little obvious?

Lauren: Don't knock it, Daph.

Emma: Ok, so the guy likes his Pooh and Piglet. I like Pooh myself. (Puts the book on the shelf and peers at the safe) Ok, any safecrackers here?

Valerie: Would it work to imagine it open?

Lauren: It would be quicker.

(Emma concentrates. There's a blue light, and several files appear in her hands...just as we hear an ear-shattering wail coming from the safe.)

Valerie: (Throws her hands over her ears) What is THAT?

Lauren: Oh no! They had the safe on an alarm!

Valerie: Emma, get it back! Quickly! We have to get out of here!

Emma: I can't concentrate with all this noise! Just go!

(Emma wipes the files as well as she can with her sweater, then runs out the door.)

Emma: (Points to several big guys coming their way) Oh no, standard goons!

Lauren: *comes up behind Emma* I like standard goons. They're easy to take care of.

Emma: Ok, then. Lauren, you and I will head these off downstairs. Val, you and Daph handle the ones up here.

Lauren: Okay, Chief.

("Rosemarie" begins as the two sets of women run in different direction. Half the goons go downstairs after Emma and Lauren. The other half surround Valerie and Daphne.)

Valerie: (Over the music) Daph, sic 'em.

*Daphne immediately karate chops the nearest goon.*

(Emma slides down the bannister on the stairs...and lands on two goons, knocking them out.)

*Lauren does a "look over there!" while point for one of the goons. He turns; she clocks him. She shakes her head. "These guys are dumb!"*

(Valerie grabs an ice cream cone. She sticks it under a goon's nose. He sniffs at it, drooling. She leads him to the edge of the catwalk, then throws the cone over the side. He goes after it. We hear a Goofy yell, then a heavy "thump." Cut to the bottom. The goon is now pancake-flat...except for the arm holding up the intact ice cream cone.)

(Emma grabs a carton of ice cream and throws it at a goon. She throws another, and another. Valerie helps her. When the camera finally cuts to the goon, he's completely covered in ice cream. Valerie squirts whipped cream on his head. Emma adds a cherry. Yum, goon sundae!)

Emma: Val, watch out! Here comes more! (Emma manages to duck away, but Valerie's not so fortunate. One of the goons grabs her and drops her onto the conveyor belt...right under where the hoses Frazzlemeyer described earlier are!)

(The goon holds her down and straps her to the conveyor belt. Valerie lets out a scream! The other three rush over.)

Emma: (As the music ends) We have to save Val

Valerie: Helllppp!

Lauren: Help is on the way!

Emma: Lauren, you see if you can find the lever to stop the machine. We'll get Val off of there once it is stopped.

Lauren: Aye, aye, Chief! *Grins and heads off to find said lever.*

(Emma and Daphne run over to the conveyor belt...or are about to when something scoops them both off the floor!)

Daphne: Hey!

Emma: (Shoves at the scoop) Let us out! (That's when she notices that one of the "teeth" on the scoop is loose) Hmmm. (Turns to Daphne) Hey Strong Woman, do you think you could possibly do some dental work on this sucker?

*Daphne strikes the "tooth" and sends it flying.*

Emma: Nice work. Just don't ever do my teeth.

(They manage to hop right off and onto the conveyor belt...and are immediately knocked to their feet.)

Emma: (Sees a slimmer crane hand coming after them) I hope Lauren gets this thing turned off soon!

Valerie: Hurry, guys! (We see the hoses pouring ice cream onto the molds coming closer and closer...)

(Emma and Daphne run along the conveyor belt, jumping over molds and ducking hoses while trying to stay on their feet.)

Emma: We're comin', Val!

*Suddenly, the conveyor belt stops with a jerk.*

(Emma and Daphne land on the conveyor belt...and on Valerie.)

Emma: Ooph! (She looks down) Um, sorry Val. We wanted to save you, but not this closely.

Valerie: That's ok. It's better than being made into a Good Humor Bar!

Emma: (As she unties Daphne) Let's get out of here, before the cops show up and Frazzlemeyer gets an idea of what we've been up to.

Valerie: Not to mention, we have a LOT to discuss.

Emma: (Nods) I saw some of the formula. I have a pretty good memory. I'll write what I remember for Micky when we get back.

Lauren: *Runs over* Everyone okay?

Emma: (Nods) Yeah. Good timing there, Lauren.

Valerie: I owe you all my life. Or at least the life of my new cashmere sweater.

Emma: Ok, girls. Let's get out of here now, before we end up in the slammer for trespassing.

(The girls follow Emma out of the building. Cut to the crane machine above them. We get a shot of a familiar-looking little man as he curses the broken claw...and then, we fade out.)