Ok then, everyone ready to explore the inner depths of the Hotel California? ;)

(Mike shakes his head. :p)

Peter: NO!!!!!

Micky: Not particularly, no. :P

Davy: What the bloody 'ell's going on?!

(We open in a hotel room. It's a perfectly normal hotel room with a romantic Spanish/southwestern theme, not unlike the rooms Mike and Emma and Micky and Lauren were originally in. There's two lumps under the bed. One of the lumps emerges, revealing Charlotte.)

Charlotte: I always knew you'd be the best of the four.

Davy: *smirks proudly* Of course! What'd ya expect?!

Charlotte: I can't believe the Monkees are here. You've always been my favorite one. I even joined your fan club.

Davy: Always nice to meet with the fans. ‘Course, it's more fun to meet with the ladies. ;)

Charlotte: I'm certainly enjoying meeting you. (Sighs) It's a dream come true.

Davy: Yeah, it 'as been.

Charlotte: We'll stay like this forever.

Davy: Sure...

(Charlotte starts to get out of bed; the camera cuts to Davy struggling to get up, then back to Charlotte as she gets back into her dress and sits a vanity, brushing her hair.)

*There's a black light. Sheila appears.*

Charlotte: (Nods) Hello, Milady. (Sighs) Do we really have to do him now? He was so wonderful, and I may never get a chance to share a bed with Davy Jones ever again.

Sheila: Yes, we have to.

(Charlotte goes to a basket by the bed and removes several black silk scarves, handing some to Sheila. She ties Davy's wrists to the headboard.)

Davy: *grins* Are we gonna 'ave more fun?

Sheila: Like you wouldn't believe, luv.

Charlotte: (Strokes Davy's chin) You're going to love it, dear. I just know you will.

(Sheila binds Davy's feet and ankles to the bottom headboard. Charlotte sits next to him and rubs his temples.)

Charlotte: Are you ready, Milady?

Sheila: Ready.

*Sheila produces a long gold chain, with a large, flat, round stone hanging from it. It dangles from her fingers, glinting in the remaining light.*

Charlotte: Oh, that's beautiful!

Sheila: Isn't it?

Charlotte: (Continues rubbing his head) What is this, anyway? Massaging?

Sheila: Something like that, yes.

Charlotte: (Whispers to him) Don't worry, Milady won't hurt you, Davy. She wants you to stay here with us.

Davy: *grins again* Oh, good.

Charlotte: (Gently holds Davy's head to look at the stone) He's ready, Milady.

*Sheila begins to swing the pendant back & forth. Davy's eyes follow the jewel.*

Charlotte: Davy, you're going to stay with us and do what Milady says. We'll spend lots of time together, especially in bed.

Davy: That's nice.

Charlotte: It'll be wonderful. (Turns to Sheila) Won't it, Milady? We'll have him all to ourselves.

Sheila: It'll be absolutely marvelous!

Charlotte: You'll be a slave to Master Alex, a kind of second-in-command. You'll attend to Master and keep the other slaves in line.

Davy: (Eyes are getting darker) I can do that.

Sheila: (Pulls the jewel slowly away) Charlotte, if you don't mind, I'd like to get acquainted with him.

Charlotte: Yes, Milady. (She sits at the vanity and brushes her hair again, not paying attention to Davy and Sheila)

Sheila: Charlotte, I'd REALLY like to get acquainted with him. Just the two of us.

Charlotte: Ohhhhhh. (She takes her brush and clothing and leaves)

Sheila: Now, my dear Lord of the Manor, it’s time to have some fun.

*We fade out as Sheila begins to disrobe and fade back into the cabin where Alex and Lauren are. We see Alex with a piece of chalk in hand. He holds it up to the wall and writes a mark amid several other similar marks. He then crosses a set of five marks. He turns to the camera, grinning. We only see him from the waist up, and his upper regions are unclothed. The camera moves to the bed. Lauren remains under the covers. The camera moves back to Alex, who grins evilly, rubbing his hands together. As he heads back to the back, we fade out.*

(Fade in on a desolate landscape. Micky stumbles across the dusty gray hills and barren fields, trying to find a way out and avoid the occasional demon or other strange animal that swoops down on him.)

Micky: There has to be some way out of here.

(Two large, brown, winged silhouettes are seen briefly above the hills near Micky...)

Micky: If I don't see another demon, it'll be too soon. *makes a face as he tries to shake out his hands* Damn devil...

("Shorty Blackwell" begins as one of the demons swoops down and knocks Micky over. Another hands him an ice cream cone, but Micky can't hold it, so it drops to the ground.)

*Micky pushes himself back up and kicks dirt in the direction the demons went.*

(The demons pick him up and dump him in a pool of sticky mud!)

*Micky pushes himself up with his arms. The mud drips and stretches between him and the ground.*

(The demons laugh as Micky tries to walk. They knock him down again, then push him to make sure he's stuck!)

*Micky tries to kick up and splash mud at the demons!

(The demons pick him up and turn him upside down. They let the mud dry on him, then put him down again to see how well he moves.)

*He doesn't move well and curses them out!*

(The demons laugh and fly straight into him, letting the mud crack off of him.)

*Once enough mud has been cracked off, the next collision knocks Micky down, sending him sprawling.*

(One of the demons pick him up by his ankle again. They take swipes at Micky, knowing he can't fight back because of his hands. They run their long tongues over him and stroke his hair and body with their claws.)

*Micky tries to cover himself with his arms, but the demons just get him where ever his arms aren't covering.*

(They land again. This time, they start throwing him back and forth...but they don't see the shadowy figure coming up behind them...)

*The figure taps one of the demons and waits for it to turn around. When it does, it gets a sharp punch, which sends it sailing backwards. The camera then shows the figure is Daphne! She beckons the other demon...*

(The demon grins and drops Micky on the ground. He heads for Daphne and makes swipes at her, grinning. Fresh meat, and it's female, too!)

*Daphne makes her spear appear and fights off the demon with it, occasionally poking it at the demon.*

(The demon pokes her back!)

*The fight ends with both the demon and Daphne in the mud, but Daphne's still raring to fight. The demon, however, has had enough and runs off after his 'friend."*

Daphne: (Helps Micky to his feet) Are you ok?

Micky: My pride is hurt, my hands don't work, and I'm covered in mud. I'm fantastic! :P

Daphne: You're not ok. What happened? (Raises an eyebrow) Why are you in a pajama bottom? Where's Lauren?

Micky: *shakes his head* I have no idea where Lauren is. We were in our room when the devils showed up. Alex left me here and made my hands useless. I've been wandering around, trying to figure out how to get out of here! *pauses* How the heck did you find me?

Daphne: (Shrugs) Actually, I was looking for Davy. I just opened a door and stepped into the Land of Gloom and Doom.

Micky: You wouldn't happen to remember where that door is? I really need to get out of here.

Daphne: No kidding. Yes, I do. I have to get out of here myself. Remember the girl Davy saw at the door? The one he followed?

Micky: Yeah?

Daphne: Not only did the damn fool get in the same room with her, but it was a TRAP! She's in league with the Devils! Alex and Sheila got him, and would have gotten ME if I hadn't known just the right place to hit Alex to make sure he wouldn't come after me.

Micky: Too bad he seems pretty resilient. :P

Daphne: I imagined myself back to the lobby. When I asked the nightman if he'd seen you guys, he looked at me funny and said he hadn't seen any of us since we arrived! (Makes a face) He wasn't much of a help, so I just started checking any door that wasn't locked. I opened the closest door to me, and it lead me here.

Micky: *frowns* Can we go find that door, please?

Daphne: (Nods) As fast as possible. We need to get some answers and find our soulmates.

(They head back up the hills. They finally hit the largest hill. At the top of the hill is a massive dead tree. The tree has what looks like an old wooden door carved into it.)

Daphne: There! That's the way I came in!

Micky: If you say so... *tries to shake his hands out again*

(As they near the tree, Daphne stops suddenly. A low growl can be heard in the dead air.)

Daphne: Mick, did you hear that?

Micky: Hear what? I think I have mud in my ears.

Daphne: That funny growl. It almost sounds like a big cat in the zoo...

Micky: If I could hear it, I'd say I don't like the sound of it.

Daphne: (Stops suddenly) Oh shit.

Micky: What?

(A gigantic tiger, five times the size of a normal animal, comes up the hill from the other side. He tosses aside the remains of what looks like an antelope-like creature and prowls in front of the tree, growling louder.)

Micky: Oh no!

Daphne: Oh my god. (Pulls out her spear) Move aside, Shere Khan! We've gotta get outta here!

("Rosemarie" begins as the cat comes up to the two. He stares at them hungrily and even drools a little!)

(Daphne jumps away from his massive claws when he takes a swipe at her.)

*Micky backs off, looking like he might run away at any moment.*

(Daphne grabs his arm. If he leaves, she's NOT helping him get back to the hotel.)

*Micky frowns. He can't protect himself! She saw those demons tossing him around!*

(She taps his head. Use your Imagination Power, silly!)

(Daphne ducks away from the cat again, jabbing him in the paw. The tiger legs out a massive roar and takes a whack at Daphne that leaves her flat against the tree.)

*Micky runs full force at the cat and bounces right off his rear!* :P

(Daphne tries to jab the cat under it's belly; it leaps gracefully away.)

(The cat brushes Micky lightly aside, then goes after Daphne again. Daphne manages to climb on his back and jab him again. He tries to throw her off, but she hold on tightly. The cat finally gets Daph on the ground. Her spear rolls away. He puts one paw on her, then raises the other paw to strike...)

*Micky tries to concentrate. A blue light surrounds the cat. When it clears, the cat is now multi-colored with a propeller beanie on it's head, a weird looking nose, and sneakers on its lower paws.*

(The cat produces a giant lollypop from behind it's back and walks off, dancing to the last of the music and sucking the candy. Daphne gets to her feet and retrieves her spear as the music ends.)

Daphne: Uh, Mick...what the HELL happened? (She's grinning though)

Micky: I...I don't know! That wasn't what I was trying to do.

Daphne: I kinda guessed that. Even your imagination isn't normally that weird.

Micky: Especially as I haven't felt right since Alex dumped me in here. *tries to shake his hands again*

Daphne: If Alex got to you, it's not surprising. (Opens the door) Come on. Maybe one of these doors will lead to Lauren, so we can at least fix your hands.

Micky: I hope so.

(The mist gathers around Micky and Daphne as they head through the door, effectively concealing most of their exit and allowing for a fade out.)

*We fade back in on the cabin again. There's a few additional chalk marks on the wall.*

(Alex turns from the chalk marks. Once again, the camera only focuses on his upper half. He grins at Lauren, who remains under the covers on the bed.)

Alex: This is the most fun I've had in years.

Lauren: *mutters* Fun for you. *louder* I'm worn out! You're worse than Mick!

Alex: I'm worse than Mick? (Smirks) I told you I was an improvement, Babe. ;)

Lauren: You can't count, either.

Alex: I can too count! Uh... (Turns back to the wall and counts again. Makes a face and brushes off two marks with his fingers)

Lauren: *groans* I'm getting stiff lying here! I thought you said you wanted me comfortable? Laying on a rock right about now would be better than this lumpy bed! (Makes a face) And I'm being sarcastic about the rock thing! :P

Alex: No problem, babe! (He snaps his fingers. She is now laying on nothing but blankets and feathers) I wouldn't put you on a rock. You might damage the good parts!

Lauren: *scoffs* Think you might've already done that, Playboy.

Alex: Babe, I know how to handle women by now. (Recounts again...and this time adds three more) Darn it!

Lauren: It's more like man-handle. :P

Lauren: *continues* You say you can handle women, but you don't know how to make them happy or please them!

Alex: Of course I do! (Snaps his fingers again; Lauren now has a pile of stuffed animals next to her) There you go, Babe.

Lauren: Now, you're just trying to hard. Maybe if you'd actually let your women move on their own, it might be more fun for both sides!

Alex: (Sighs) Yeah, it might be more fun. Ok, ok Babe, I'll let you go. (He sighs and snaps his fingers)

Lauren: *moves rather stiffly, but does move* Oh, man, welcome back circulation. *carefully gets up, wrapping the sheet around her*

Alex: Hey babe, where are you going? (Smirks) Gotta use the ladies' room?

Lauren: *pauses, thinking* Uh, yeah!

Alex: Sure, babe! (Waggles his finger) But don't be too long! I feel...the urge. ;)

Lauren: *rolls her eyes and turns for the bathroom, muttering* I'll give you 'the urge...'

(Alex, having returned to counting his chalk marks, fortunately does not hear her.)

*Lauren closes the door to the bathroom. The camera stays outside the room until the toilet flushes, then it switches to inside. We see Lauren open the window, smirking. She goes to climb out, but finds there's an invisible wall on the outside of the window. She pounds on it with her fist to no avail.*

(Alex pokes his head in as Lauren comes down.)

Alex: Hey Babe, I forgot to tell you. Don't think about escaping or anything, 'cause there's an invisible wall all around this cabin. The handmaidens and I are the only ones who can get in and out without using the Imagination Powers.

Lauren: *dull glare* Yeah. *rolls her eyes* :P

*Lauren tries to concentrate and use her powers.*

Alex: No no, Babe! That's naughty! (He goes to her and rubs her head, then sends a black light over her) Hey, while we're in here (turns on the tap water in the huge bathtub) how about a shower?

*Lauren just whimpers, confused.* :P

(Alex leans her gently into the bathtub; a blue silken curtain falls, obscuring the rest as we fade out.)