Everyone ready to bring Micky home? :)

Micky: YES! ;)

Lauren: Do we have to? ;)

*Micky sticks his tongue out.* :P ;)

(Mike and Davy double over laughing. ;) :)) )

Peter: Hey, be nice to Micky! He had a rough time of it in this story!

Micky: Funny, guys, really funny. :P Thanks, Peter. :)

(We begin in the Pad. Emma sits in the living room when Lauren comes in, looking worried.)

Emma: Hi, sweetie. What did Ursula have to say?

Lauren: Well, for starters, Urse can't bring him back, but she did say we could, though it could be tough. Shelia and Alex were using him as a slave. *sits on the couch* Ursula even said she believes Micky was sent to an alternate universe, not necessarily hell, and there are other versions of us that he's run into.

Emma: Oh good lord allmighty. MORE doubles? :o

Lauren: Yes and no. Ursula mentioned something about Shelia and Alex wanting a vacation of sorts and deciding to go home. Seems they HAD most of our little group in their grasp, but Urse doesn't think that they had control over all of them. *waves her confusion* My mind was boggling just listening to Urse. :P

Emma: I wish she'd explain things so we could understand sometimes. Better yet, I wish she wasn't in that darn crystal...(sighs) but then Shelia probably would have gotten to her already. :p

Lauren: Yeah, no kidding. I suggested Emilio trying to connect with Micky again. She liked the idea and said it would probably work, but it has to be done carefully. *pauses* Where are the others?

Emma: Mike is on the phone in our room, calling the police and trying to find out more about that mysterious light people saw the night Micky ended up on our doorstep. Emilio is downstairs with Micky, recording his muttering so we can make something of it.

Lauren: Who better to record than the guy with his very own built-in tape recorder. ;)

Emma: I like men who come prepared. ;)

Lauren: *chuckles* Too bad Emilio's metal. ;)

Emma: (Grins) Has he tried to hit up any appliances yet? Peter told me all about him and the refrigerator when it was in its psychadelic stage. ;)

Lauren: No, but I have an idea he's been resisting the urge. ;)

Emma: Yeah. He'd have to explain to the twins why Daddy was trying to make love to the toaster. ;)

Lauren: We already have plenty of explaining to do on a daily basis without including the even weirder things. ;)

Emma: Maybe we'd better go check on him and see if he's come up with anything.

Lauren: I hope so. *crosses her fingers for Em to see as she stands*

(Emma crosses her fingers and her arms, like the twins in "The Parent Trap." :) )

(The two women walk downstairs, where Emilio sits by Micky's side. His chestplate is open to reveal a recording machine, and he leans close to Micky to catch every word.)

Emma: How's it going?

Emilio: *glances up* Fair. At least what he's been muttering that last few minutes has been more positive than earlier. He almost sounded happy not too long ago.

Lauren: Well, that's a good sign.

Emma: What's he saying now? We think we have an idea of what's going on.

Emilio: Fur coat...devils bye bye...Mike and Em...healed...go home. *pauses* Word for word.

Emma: Fur coat? Mike and me? What the HECK are Shelia and Alex doing to him?

Lauren: All I know is we have to try to bring him home, and quick!

Emilio: I'll do anything to help out.

Lauren: Can you get a connection with him again?

Emilio: *nods* I should be able to.

Lauren: I hear a "but..." in there. :P ;)

Emilio: I'm pretty well positive it'll work. He may come back just a little confused, perfectly okay, or completely discombobulated. :P ;)

Lauren: That last one is different from the way he usually is, how? ;)

Emilio: Alright, alright, let’s just do this. ;) Well... *glances at the girls* here goes... everything! ;)

Lauren: Just do it, wouldja? Yeesh. :P ;)

Emma: (Grins) Sounds like something else from Micky got programmed into you, Emilio. ;)

Emilio: Thank you. *winks* Okay... *takes one of Micky's hands and grasps it in both of his, then closes his eyes*

*We fade out on the pad and back into the "other" world. We see the group just as we left them in the last scene.*

Mike: (Helps Emma to her feet; she winces) You ok, darlin'? (Makes a face and moves his foot around) Your ankle's still givin' ya trouble, isn't it? :p

Emma: (Nods) It's a little swollen

Mike: We'll have someone look at it as soon as (looks at Micky and grins) we do somethin' about gettin' Micky home. :)

Micky: Which would be greatly appreciated.

Voice: Sooner said than done. ;)

Micky: *pauses* Alright, who said that, because it wasn't me! :P

Mike: Alex? If you're here, show yourself! X(

Peter: God, I hope not. :p :o

Emilio: *fades in, his arms folded* I ain't Alex, thankfully. ;)

Micky: *blinks, then rubs his eyes* Okay, I must be really losing it now. You're...but you can't be! :-/

Emilio: *grins* It's that fact that my feet aren't backwards anymore, right? ;)

Micky: Uh, yeah, that's it. ;)

Daphne: ANOTHER Micky?

Davy: (Eyes widen) It's YOU!

Peter: (Scratches his head) Haven't we seen you before? :-/

Emilio: *nods* Yeah, you have. Does "seltzer" ring a bell? ;)

Peter: Oh, man, you're that alien! :o

Davy: 'Ow did you get down 'ere?

Emilio: Long story. I came to bring Micky home. Hopefully in one piece. ;)

Micky: You'd better be teasing me with that last part.

Peter: He's a hero!

Valerie: He helped us save Mike and Emma from Shelia and Alex. Now, maybe we can get places with those two. :p

Emilio: *claps Micky's shoulder* That's great, man! Good job!

Micky: It was nothing. No, wait, it was definitely something. ;)

Emilio: We oughta go. I don't know how long I can't stay here without something in the space-time continuum getting screwed up. :P ;)

Emma: Alex probably screwed something up just by bringing him here before his time. :p

Emilio: More than likely. :P

Micky: Well, it was nice to help you guys, and it's always nice to defeat those devils. ;)

Mike: Thanks, man. The villiagers will help us take it from there.

Emma: (Nods at herself and Mike) We have a group going in the secret room behind the Salem's Roost Inn to get some laws changed around here (looks at Mike) including marriage laws.

Micky: That's great! Good luck with everything, guys. :)

Daphne: Thank you!

Emilio: Okay, Mick, say goodbye and let’s go, before we BOTH get stuck here. :P ;)

Micky: You have a flair for the dramatic, you know that? *to the others, waves* Gotta go now. *jerks his thumb at Emilio* He says so. ;)

Peter: (Hugs Micky) You helped us return to our soulmates! :)

Micky: Anytime, Big Peter. :) ;)

Emilio: Okay, here goes... *lays his other hand on Micky's other shoulder; they both begin to fade*

Micky: These effects are groovy! ;)

Emilio: *aggravated* Micky! :P

*They both disappear completely as the others wave. We fade out, and back in on the Pad. Lauren and Emma watch, hopefully and worriedly.*

Lauren: *whispers to Emma* I wish Mick...both of them...weren’t so long winded. If he's saying goodbye to anyone, it must be taking forever. :P ;)

(wasn't so long winded)

Emma: (Chuckles) I just hope he's all right...that they're BOTH all right.

Emilio: *drops Micky's hand and opens his eyes* Wow, that was a bumpy trip. :P

Lauren: Emilio, did you get him?

Emma: Is he ok? What happened? :o

Emilio: Well...

Micky: *groans* Ow. :P

Lauren: Mick? *leans in closer*

Emma: (Gets down on her knees next to Lauren) Micky? Are you there?

Micky: *eyes open, slightly hazy* I am never asking "Am I dead?" ever again. *groans* :P ;)

Emma: Mick! :D

Lauren: Mick! *throws her arms around him* :D

Micky: Ow, babe, careful! I was in a frickin' car accident, remember? :P

Mike: (Comes downstairs) What's goin' on? I just called the cops about last night, and... (Grins as he sees the girls and Micky) Mick, you're all right! What happened?

Micky: *winces* I got to see Hell up close and personal. Okay, maybe an alternate universe, but at first it might as well have been Hell. :P

Micky: Man...do I ache all over. :P

Emma: Maybe we should call the doctor again.

Mike: You were dead?

Micky: I don't know if I was or not. *winces again* No doctor. I'm just extremely sore. :P

Mike: Mick, what happened?

Emma: Ursula told us Shelia had some scheme to bring you down with her during her vacation...

Micky: *nods slowly* When I left the radio station, it was pouring something fierce. The road was completely dark. I thought I saw something in the road and swerved to miss it. I had no control over the car. It swerved itself into the tree. *blanches* I might've blacked out, I'm not sure. I don't remember any impact, just a lot of nothing. When I thought I woke up, I had Alex and Shelia standing over me, grinning like a couple of Cheshire Cats. They dragged me to what they called "Home."

Lauren: Oh, my Lord...

Emma: The underworld. :p

Mike: Someone dumped your body on the Pad's doorstep that night. It must have been Alex or Shelia. There wasn't a scratch on you and you were breathing normally, but we couldn't wake you up, and you didn't respond to us. We called a doctor, and he couldn't figure it out, either.

Micky: *frowns* Oh, man...

Lauren: The car was returned without a scratch, too.

Micky: Wow, they like a car better than me. *almost laughs, but winces instead* :P ;)

Mike: (Gently pushes Micky back) You lay down, boy. You're gonna rest. We'll watch the twins for you. You and Lauren can spend the night here, if you want.

Micky: *smiles* Thanks, guys. :)

Emma: (Looks at Emilio) What about you?

Mike: (Goes to Emilio) If there's any way we can thank you...

Emilio: *shrugs* Mike, I did what I came to do. Just having Micky back and almost normal is reward enough. Although, there is one little thing I wouldn't mind getting... ;)

Mike: (Raises an eyebrow) And that is...

Emilio: *smiles at Lauren* Could I just get a small kiss on the cheek from Lauren? Mick, you are one lucky guy. ;) :D

Lauren: *blushes* Awwwwe... ;) :">

(Mike and Emma grin and chuckle. ;) )

Lauren: Alright, Emilio, one kiss on the cheek. ;)

*Emilio leans down for Lauren to kiss him. Just before she does, he turns his head, and she kisses him full on his lips.* :D ;)

Lauren: Hey! You cheated! :P

Mike and Emma: Ooooh! ;) :)) :X

Emilio: I'm a Micky! What'd you expect? *waves* Bye, everyone! *fades out*

Emma: How cute! ;)

Mike: Aw, I was gonna ask him if he wanted to hear us play! He seemed to like my playin' earlier!

*Micky snorts, then groans a little.* ;) :))

Lauren: Well, since he IS a Micky, he'll probably be back just for another kiss sometime. ;)

Micky: Over my de...uh, er, when it snows in July he will! :P ;)

(Mike and Emma double over laughing as Davy comes down with the twins.)

Davy: 'Ey, guys. Brought the rugrats down 'ere and we 'eard you laughin', so we thought Daddy might be feelin' bettah. ;)

*Lauren whispers to Micky about the "cold" story for the kids.* ;)

Micky: Uh, yeah. I just had a nice nap, and I’m feeling more like myself again. Now, where's my rugrats? ;)

*The twins run over and climb on Micky. He does his best to not wince too much.* ;)

Shelly: Daddy! (Pushes on Micky's chest) No go bang?

Little Mick: Water okay now? *grins*

Micky: No bang, Shel. Not unless it's with my chemistry set. And, yes, Mick, water is okay. ;) :)

Shelly: Daddy kiss vac'um! ;)

(Mike grins and Emma laughs as Mike goes upstairs to check on his daughter.)

Lauren: *frowns at Micky's attempt to not wince* Come on, you two, off of Daddy.

Micky: No, it's okay. I kissed the vaccuum...oh, yeah. It did a heckuva job cleaning the carpets. ;)

*Lauren rolls her eyes, but she's grinning.* ;)

(Emma almost falls over laughing. ;) :)) )

Mike: (As he comes downstairs) Did I miss somethin'? ;)

Shelly: (Points at her father) Daddy like vac'um! ;)

Lauren: Oh, brother. ;)

Katie: (Leans towards Micky and the kids and screams) UNC! :D

Mike: (Grins at Micky and his daughter) That's right, Katie, Uncle Micky's ok now. :)

Micky: Hiya, Miss Katie. :)

(Mike leans down so Katie can give Micky a little hug. :) )

Katie: Unc. :)

Micky: Thank you. :)

Mike: Katie missed ya, Mick. (Softer) We all did. (Grins and nudge him gently) You've gotta watch those colds, man. We can't lose you. ;)

Katie: Col'! :p

Mike: Yeah, Cowgirl, Uncle Micky had a bad cold, but he's good now. :)

Micky: Yeah, much better. :)

Emma: (Sighs) Mike, why don't you and Davy get the kids some of the oatmeal cookies in the tin on top of the refrigerator? Uncle Micky has to rest.

Mike: (Nods and cuddles Katie, who leans against him) That's right. Aunt Em has some of her fresh Oatmeal Cookies upstairs. Just made them yesterday. :)

Shelly: Cookies! :D

Little Mick: Love cookies! :D

Mike: I know you do. Come on. We'll get some cookies and milk, and then we'll play "The Knight and the Devil." ;)

Shelly: "Knight and the Devil?"

Mike: You guys can be the good knights and capture the bad ol' devils who are scaring people. ;)

Shelly: Me knight! :D

Katie: Play! :D

Little Mick: Me Knight, too! :D

Mike: (Takes Little Mick's hand) You're gonna be a great warrior someday, Cowboy. All of you are. (He walks upstairs with the three kids. Emma and Lauren return to Mick)

Emma: Micky, what happened when you were (points to the ground) down there? You kept muttering about healing and devils and Mike and me...

Micky: I came across our alternate selves. Peter and Davy had been turned. I thought the rest of you had, too, but I found out that Mike had been tortured, Emma was turned into a teddy bear, and Lauren, Daphne, and Valerie were scheming with Mike ways to get everyone out.

Emma: MORE alternate selves?

Micky: Yeah. Of course, mine turned out to be Alex. It was awful, but I was able to help them out. Shelia got attacked by some wolfpeople and ghosts and Alex was left in a guilltoine. ;)

Emma: (Laughs) I wish I could have seen THAT! Does Alex still have a head? ;)

Micky: Last I knew, yes. ;)

Emma: What a shame. ;)

Micky: Yeah. ;)

Emma: What was...well, what's the Underworld like? ;)

Micky: Kinda like a huge haunted house. Eveything normal had a freaky twist to it. Lots of ghosts and monsters and such.

Lauren: I suppose it could've been worse... ;)

Emma: Wow, sounds like you walked into an old Universal Monster movie! :o

Micky: I thought I did for a little while. :P

Emma: True. You're lucky Alex didn't really kill you. :p

Lauren: He had the opportunity. :P

Micky: I know. Maybe...I wonder if there's a little something that hinders their "evilness." You know, forces of good keep the forces of evil from wiping everyone out. *half shrug* ;)

Lauren: Like a Guardian Angel? ;)

Emma: Maybe...

Micky: If so, then thank God for mine. :)

Emma: (Nods) And all of ours! :)

Lauren: Yeah! :)

Emma: (Sighs) I have the feeling we're not out of the woods yet with those devils. You guys aren't going on tour for another couple of weeks. (Grins and takes the hands of both her friends) We'll have to make the most of the time we DO have. :)

Micky: *grins at Lauren* Yeah. ;)

Lauren: Em, that was a loaded comment. ;)

Emma: (Looks at the two, then laughs) Oh good grief, yeah. ;) :))

Micky: *laughs, then winces* Although, you know, there may not be anything broken, but I feel like I've been body slammed, I'm so achy. :P

Emma: You were just in a car accident, Micky, whether you look like it or not.

Micky: No kidding. :P

Emma: I'm going to leave you and Lauren alone for a while, so you can catch up and rest a bit. Mike, Davy, and I will watch the kids. :)

Lauren: *watches as Emma leave the room, then turns back to Micky* Okay, Mick, I know you have something in mind to relieve your aches and pains.

Micky: Of course, I do. I wouldn't be me if I didn't. ;)

Lauren: *grins* Tell me when you can move a little better. Don't wanna wear you out too soon. ;) *heads for the door*

Micky: *calls after her* Is that a promise? ;)

Lauren: *stops at the door* Of course. ;)

*Lauren leaves the room, and we fade out on Micky's grin.* ;)