Part 7

Emma: Well, folks, are we ready to rescue our boys and find out what Lady Plaisir's TV does? :D

Lauren: *punches a fist into her palm* You better believe it!

Peter: I'm scared! She might hurt Michael more than just gluing his lips...and I don't want to think of what she'd do to Micky... :(

Davy: Let's get that bitch!

Lauren: Charge!

Emma: (Frowns) I don't hear anything...wait...(growls)'s her...

Lady Plaisir: (Smoothly) What do you think of the lovely red blouse and trousers I bought you, Micky? Don't you like the way off your figure? ;)

(Mike snarls.)

Lady Plaisir: Have some wine with us, Michael? (Giggles nastily) Oh, I forgot, you can't. You can't open your witty little mouth.

(Mike lets out a growl to match his canine nick-namesake.)

Lady Plaisir: Why, Michael, that was hardly necessary. I'll free your lips when I'm ready. I'm just not ready to hear your witticisms yet.

Martinelli: I don't understand why you don't just dump these kids. Especially that one. They're more trouble than they're worth.

(Davy frowns at another familiar voice.)

Stanton: Noira, what the hell did you do to the tall kid?

Lady Plaisir: Quieted that smart mouth of his in a far more effective manner than any cloth gag.

(Mike grumbles.)

Lady Plaisir: Micky, you've been awfully quiet. That's not like you. Why don't you try some of the duck a l'orange? It's quite good. I imported my chef from one of the finest restaurants in Paree.

(Mike lets out a stream of strangled curses.)

*Lauren growls.*

Lady Plaisir: Or perhaps, try this lovely fruit juice? It's my chef's special recipe.

Lauren: Guys, we gotta go now!

Davy: Get in there! (He slams against the door - it won't open.)

Lauren: Crap!

Lady Plaisir: Why don't you sing for us, Michael? (Tauntingly) Sing that lovely ditty you performed at the party the other night. (As Mike groans sadly) You have a lovely voice. Why don't you sing for me, my lovely Texas songbird?

Emma: Oooh, that...that...wretched... (slams her fist against the door)

Lady Plaisir: What's that noise? Shrink, is that you?

Stanton: Noira, this has gone too far! You asked me to bring you the four boys, but I didn't think I'd be participating in murder, rape, and inhumane torture!

Martinelli: Ok, what... (he opens the door, and all five kids tumble into the room)

(Micky and Mike sit at a table laden with fancy food. It's obvious both boys' plates are untouched. Micky wears a ruby red blouse open to reveal most of his chest and tight black leather trousers. Mike's still in his own clothes, the sunglasses on his head, and his lips are still glued shut. Martinelli holds a gun on the others as Stanton looks on in horror.)

Martinelli: Well, if it ain't the welcome wagon.

Emma: I ought to knock your little red wagon clear back to Hollywood!

Peter: Let Micky and Mike go!

Stanton: Kids?

*Lauren clenches her fists and growls.*

Stanton: Martinelli, don't you dare hurt those kids! I promised Sebastian nothing would happen to them!

Peter: You lied to Grandfather...and to all of us!

(Lady Plaisir stands as calmly as she can, pulling Micky up with her.)

Lady Plaisir: (Smiling her demure smile) Good. You're all here in time to witness the beginnings of my last experiment.

Anna Maria: You've lied too, Lady! You said it was only TV!

*Lauren eyes narrow. Her knuckles are turning white.*

Lady Plaisir: Martinelli, if you will hold this boy, we will proceed with the operation.

(Mike lets out a strangled snarl and leaps at Martinelli. Emma joins him.)

(Lady Plaisir brings the cup of orange-red liquid up to Micky's lips and shoves it at him.)

Lauren: NOO!!

Lady Plaisir: Drink this, my pretty little fantasy factory.

Peter: (Frowns) Fantasy factory?

Davy: Don't you dare, you bitch! (Jumps on Lady Plaisir as Lauren grabs hold of Micky. Davy and Lady Plaisir tumble to the floor and the cup of orange-red liquid joins them, smashing into a million pieces. He and the "lady" wrestle fiercely.)

Lady Plaisir: You ruined it, you litt'l bastard! Martinelli, get the boy and go to the labs! I don't care if 'is mind ain't right, 'e's goin' undah da TV tonight!

Lauren: *her eyebrows arch* What?

Davy: Not on me life! I won't let you brainwash 'im again! Not 'im, not the factory workahs, not anyone!

(Martinelli pushes Mike and Emma against either wall; both fall unconscious. Stanton attacks him this time.)

Stanton: Martinelli, what are you doing? When you told me you wanted the kids, I thought you needed them to do some kind of multiple choice questionnaire, not brainwashing!

Lady Plaisir: (Thrusts Davy off of her) Stanton, you've outlived your usefullness. Martinelli, eliminate him and bring me the boy. He knows everything I need to complete the Plaisir Palace 2000. (Goes to Micky and starts running her hand on his chest again) And he's very cute, too, not obviously so like his little friend. I like that in a man.

Davy: You like bloomin' pants in a man!

Peter: I don't think he likes you doing that, ma'am.

(Martinelli hits Stanton over the head with the aluminum vase sitting on the table. Stanton passes out.)

Lauren: *growls* I don't like you doing that!

(Mike snarls, nodding his agreement.)

Emma: You're not leaving the room until you fix what you did to Mike! (Peter shakes his head in the affirmative, and Mike looks hopeful.)

(Martinelli swings Micky over his shoulder as Davy pounds on his back. Davy feels a tap on his shoulder and whirls around to see Lady Plaisir, a gun in one hand and the glue solvant in the other. Mike lunges for her, but she swings the gun to him. He holds up his hands as he and Davy move back.)

Emma: What is it that you want Micky for, and what have you already done to him?

(Mike points to the wine on the table, picking it up, pretending to drink it, then look confused.)

Lauren: *groans* Oh, crap!

Peter: You drugged that wine.

Lady Plaisir: Very good, Peter. And here I thought you were a total nitwit.

Martinelli: He's only a half-wit.

(Mike glares angrily, but Peter smiles.)

Peter: Thank you! :)

(Mike just shakes his head at his friend.)

Lady Plaisir: The chase is getting more interesting, my young friends. (Points the gun at Lauren) You want your curly mop, girlie? Come and get him...if you can, before I mold his lovely fantasy mind to my liking. (She and Martinelli almost seem to duck into a wall, then vanish, as Davy and Lauren lunge for them.)

Peter: Micky understands...but she thinks he's the key.

(Mike looks at him strangely.)

Davy: (Pounds at the wall) There's got to be a way to follow them!

Lauren: I'll break down this damn wall if I have to!

Emma: She took the glue solvant, too. Oh, god, Mike...

(Large tears roll down Mike's cheeks as he pounds angrily at the wall.)

Anna Maria: I don't think we'll need to break it. (Runs her fingers down the wall) It's an elevator. Davy, bring me the marker on the desk.

(Davy obeys. She pulls the marker down...and the black permanent ink reveals six translucent elevator buttons.)

Anna Maria: Her special, officials-only, enter-on-pain-of-death elevator. ;)

Davy: On pain of 'er death!

Lauren: *growls* Damn right!

Emma: Where do you think she went?

Anna Maria: I don't know. The labs are downstairs...

Lauren: She mentioned the labs.

Anna Maria: (Pushes the button) They're on the ground floors. That's where all the technical, hush-hush stuff goes on. It's supposed to be authorized personnel only, but I think that rule's usually lifted during an emergency.

Davy: Or a mutiny!

(There's the sound of sirens in the distance and people breaking down doors.)

Peter: The police are here!

Davy: Peter, take Anna Maria and go tell the cops what's going on and where we are. The rest of us are going aftah Micky.

(Mike nods his head violently.)

Peter: Aw, why do I always have to miss all the fun?

Emma: Because you're the most believeable-looking of all of us. Those puppy-dog eyes of yours could melt stone. ;)

Peter: Oh.

Anna Maria: (Hears women telling cops that they beat up half the factory in self-defense) We'd better get down there. I know the factory; I can tell them where the labs are and at least something of what's going on. Peter can fill them in.

(Davy, Mike, and the girls duck into the elevator as the door opens and Anna Maria and Peter rush out of the office. The elevator is suprisingly opulent, with thick carpeting and real wooden buttons.)

Lauren: This thing have warp speed?

Davy: I wish, Lauren.

(Mike leans against the elevator's walls in frustration and puts on his sunglasses again, crossing his arms as well. Emma puts her arms around him.)

Emma: (As he leans helplessly into her chest) Honey, we'll get that solvant from her, and Micky too. I won't let her hurt either of you again. (Mike groans dispiritedly)

(The elevator finally sets down in a large room. It's dark and dingy, lit only by neon lights from computers, bright sparks and liquid flowing through chemistry test tubes, and lights coming from offices and research labs partitioned off on the far side. The group walk as quietly as possible through the dim rooms, Emma and Mike holding hands. Mike finally puts his glasses back on his head.)

Emma: (Smiles) I could have told you it was too dark in here to be wearing dark sunglasses! ;)

(Mike shrugs and attempts a small smile.)

(They hear Lady Plaisir's voice and a groan from Micky echo in the large rooms, criss-crossed with various pipes and metal bars that hold up the rest of the factory.)

Lady Plaisir: (Chuckles) Good, you're awake, my little pleasure machine. I thought I gave you a weaker sedative than that.

Lauren: *eyes widen* She's so dead!

(The echoing rapidly becomes closer.)

Martinelli: He's secure, Lady.

Lady Plaisir: (Giggles, but it now sounds sinster rather than demure) Now, don't try to move, my pretty one. You'll be all right. It will take longer for the effects to take hold this time, since you didn't drink the Pleasure Wine, but they should be permanent. Don't look anywhere but there, darling. Why are you moving your head like that?

Micky: (Frowns) Oh, man, I feel like I'm swimming in Jello...and why the hell am I strapped to a leather chair?

Lady Plaisir: (Closer) I want you to feel comfortable, of course. (Sighs as the kids come up to a room that's larger than the others.) This won't be as easy this time, but I've run a few...adjustments...since I had fun with you and your little friends. Your conceptual reality is far stronger than theirs. The blonde is an addleminded simpleton, and the Texan resists his fantasies, but're pure fantasy. You know how to manipulate it, to adjust it.

Micky: (Frowns) Why the heck am I on the ceiling?

Lady Plaisir: (As the four kids enter the room softly, they see Micky strapped to a chair with metal strips, being held to the wall by a crane hook) To heighten the sensual effects. (She pushes a button - a metal strip slaps over Micky's mouth as he looks on, wide-eyed) I'm going to play with you first, my little one. I haven't had a good play toy since my husband couldn't take the effects of my first experiment. He only lasted a few weeks, (smiles demurely...but nastily)...but we enjoyed the best sex I ever had.

(Lauren roars into the room just as she pushes another button. Five giant, shiny metal TVs surround the walls of the entire room, and they suddenly all flick on at once. Martinelli retreats into a partitioned-off room in the very back, covered with dark glass.)

Lady Plaisir: Oh, it's you. Came to visit me and my little lover, have you?

Emma: Where's the glue solvant,

Lauren: You bitch!

Davy: Don't even try it!

(Mike launches himself at her and jumps on her as lights start flashing everywhere.)

Lady Plaisir: (Smirks) The solvant is in a safe place...not that I'd tell you where.

Emma: (Frowns as the TVs start flickering) What the hell...

(The others all look up at the TVs, too, including the still-bound Micky and Mike. Emma shields her own eyes with one hand and shoves Mike's glasses back on his eyes with the other.)

Emma: Those damn things saved you from the Frodis Plant...and they should be able to save you from this, too.

Davy: Where's the crane 'oldin' the chair, Plaisir?

Lady Plaisir: (Pulls away from Mike) Wouldn't you love to know? (Smirks at Mike) What do you have to say now, smart arse? Why don't you sing, pretty songbird? Or eat? (Laughs) Oh, I forgot, you can't!

(She ducks away as Emma and Mike come after her at once.)

Lauren: *yells* Damn you!

Emma: (Notices Davy's been paying attention to the TV, a rapid-fire succession of strange, senseless images, colors, and a voice breathlessly repeating the word "pleasure" over and over again) Oh, no, not you, too! (Mike grabs him back) Lauren, give me your sunglasses!

Lauren: *hands them over* Here!

(Mike thrusts them over the English boy's eyes. Davy suddenly shakes his head and groans.)

Davy: (Murmurs) Pleasure....(groans)...ple...what the 'ell 'appened? I was 'avin' a strange dream...(blushes)...and nuthin' I could talk about in present company, eithah. :">

(Mike points at the TV set, which has switched to odd, piercing sounds, softer lights and colors, and images of people in various states of undress and making love.)

Emma: She almost got you too, Dave!

Davy: (Mouth drops open) Damn that little bitch!

Lauren: *shakes her head* I don't believe this!

(Mike makes strangled noises and points upwards. Micky's chair is moving. The thin drummer is struggling, fighting the conditioning for all he's worth. Lady Plaisir, her red-blonde hair and short, electric blue satin minidress visible in the dark evening, sits in what looks like a futuristic car with a plush interior but is actually the cab of the crane. She swings the chair closer to the images as Martinelli manipulates controls in the partitoned off room and Lauren roars and runs toward her.)

Lady Plaisir: (Muttering, ignoring the incensed young woman coming at her) Damn brat, 'e's tougher than I thought....

Emma: Lauren, get Micky down! We're going after Martinelli!

Lauren: Way ahead of you! *roars*

(Davy's already running toward the cab while Mike heads toward the partitioned room.)

*Lauren gets to the crane cab and launches herself at Lady Plaisir, sending them both tumbling out the other side.*

(This brings us to our next romp, "Daily Nightly." Lauren and Lady Plaisir wrestle, kicking and screaming and hitting each other. Davy manipulates the controls for the crane as best he can, trying to bring the increasingly weakening Micky down to earth. Mike and Emma leap on Martinelli at the controls for the TV sets, grabbing at the big man as best they can. Micky keeps swinging to and fro, finally passing out as Davy pushes the crane's buttons frantically.)

(Plaisir thrusts Lauren off of her and takes off for the crane, but Lauren grabs her by her hair and pushes her towards the TV sets. Martinelli gets past Emma and Mike, who chase him across the room.)

Davy: (Gasps) Lauren, Lady Plaisir, watch out! You're gettin' too close to the TVs!

Lauren: *not paying attention* What?

(Lady Plaisir makes a last grab for Lauren, but Lauren manages to duck out from around her...and the Lady goes smashing into one of her own TV sets just as Davy gets Micky back to the ground and Mike and Emma rush back into the room.)

Lauren: *from her seat on the floor; cringes* That one hurt. *smirks*

(Lady Plaisir screams as Emma pulls Lauren away in horror. As the music fades and the others join them, she shrieks, thrashing, her hair burning, her eyes popping, her dress scorched. She's tangled in her own electronics. The lights continue, but fainter.)

(Mike looks around and nods at Davy, who grabs a lead pipe from a pile near a chemistry set in the middle of the room. He throws it into the TV set next to the one where the "Lady" met her demise. The lights in that one stop, too. The girls do the same, until all of the TVs are shattered.)

Emma: (Gasping, pale) Oh, my god...look at her...(points shakily at the TV Lady Plaisir fell into)

(Mike runs over, taking his sunglasses off, his eyes wide with horror. He gestures to the others.)

Davy: Oh, my god... (the "lady" lays tangled in the remains of her electrical cords. The cords are wound tightly around her neck, and all of her hair and much of her once-beautiful face and the area around her rear has burnt away.)

Emma: She...she did it to herself...

Lauren: *breathes out* Whoa.

Davy: It were the cords what did it to 'er, not the burns.

(Mike leans over her and touches her neck, pulling the cords away to reveal red marks, bruises, and some bleeding.)

Emma: She accidentally strangled herself.

(Mike pulls at the area under her dress and smirks.)

Davy: I think her...reproductive parts...were 'eavily effected.

Emma: The ones she relied on.

Lauren: *smirks* Oops.

(There's a groan from the chair. Micky is tossing and turning in the chair. He finally opens his eyes, which are very confused, but focused.)

Davy: Micky! Thank god! (The others run to him and begin prying the metal strips off. Lauren pulls the one around his mouth off)

Lauren: Mick!

(Mike waves his hands in front of Micky's face. He blinks, if shakily.)

Davy: Are you ok, man? Can ya talk?

Micky: (Faintly)'s you...oh, man...

Lauren: It's me. *smiles*

Micky: You're here. (looks around) You're all here...

Emma: Almost all of us. Peter and one of the factory workers went to get the cops, and we lost Martinelli.

(Mike looks angry at the mention of the gangster.)

Davy: 'Ow do you feel, Mick?

Micky: Feel like I got run over.

(Mike frowns as best he can and puts his hand worridly on Micky's shoulder.)

Emma: Mick, can you remember anything that's happened in the last hour or so?

Davy: Take your time, man, and don't worry 'bout 'er comin' back. She's dead. She got fried by one 'o 'er own TVs.

(Mike nods and indicates the very dead "Lady" Plaisir.)

Emma: (As Lauren puts her arms around Micky, who closes his eyes and basks in her embrace) And we've got to find where that bitch hid the solvant.

Davy: If we were 'er, where would we put it? (Looks at the smoking corpse in the enourmous TV set) Not that we'd want to be 'er at the moment.

Micky: (Looks over Lauren's shoulder at the Lady Plaisir; his mouth drops) Holy

Emma: It's awful, but she did it to herself. She fell in, got tangled in the wires, and accidentally strangled herself.

(Mike points to her rear.)

Lauren: *rolls her eyes* Mike... *grins*

Davy: (Smirks) She won't be trying to force 'erself on you or anyone, Mick. She ain't got nuthin' to force on anyone no more. It all got burnt off when she fell in.

Micky: Good lord. (Puts his fingers on his left temples) I remember her tellin' me to get in the clothes or else, basically. She was teasin' Mike, calling him worthless and useless and taunting him about not being able to eat or talk. I was ready to strangle her.

(Mike's eyes flare. Emma puts a comforting hand on his shoulders.)

Micky: She told me the wine would be safe. (Makes a face) I should have known better than to believe her. I figured she'd drug the food, which is why I wouldn't eat it. (sighs) Thought not eating all those gourmet freebies was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do in my entire life, let me tell you! ;)

Davy: (Rolls his eyes) Even when threatened, Micky, it's nice to know where your priorities are. ;)

Lauren: *nudges Micky's arm* Nice. *winks*

Micky: You admire my sheer willpower, babe! (Nudges her arm back)

Lauren: Of course! ;-)