Part 2

Emma: Everyone ready to figure out what's going on with this little party? :)

Mike: If that chick touches me again, she's gonna be soooooo dead! X-(

Lauren: *punches a fist into her palm* You bet!

Micky: There is something really evil about that chick!

Peter: That lady gives me the willies. The way she touched my chest... (Shudders) I don't think she was interested in my beads at all! :o

Davy: Much as I hate to admit that about a pretty lady, I think you're right, Mick. There's something not quite right about that bird.

(They walk into a simple, elegant dining room decorated with simple, clean-lined art-deco furnishings, like the rest of the house. The silverware is real crystal and bone china. Everyone takes a seat. Lauren is between Micky and Davy. Lady Plaisir is on Micky's other side. Emma and Mike are on the other side of the table, Peter is next to Emma, and Shrink is next to Mike. Grandfathah sits at the head of the table. A beaming Eugenia in a spotless lace apron, followed by several girls in maid's uniforms, bring out bowls of steaming cream-of-mushroom soup.

Emma: (Glares at the guys across the table) Ok, folks, this is still a dinner party and fancier than anything we've ever attended, so mind your manners, ok?

Micky: *leans closer to Lauren, muttering* I'd rather not mind my manners.

Mike: Micky....

Micky: *nods his head, still muttering* Lookit who's on my other side, Mike!

Emma: (Elbows Mike) That includes you, Mr. Nesmith. Don't eat with your fingers, don't put your elbow on the table, and for god sakes, watch your mouth! :p

Lauren: The fingers are to be eaten separately. *smirks*

Mike: (Glares at Lady Plaisir, who takes a dainty sip of her water) Don't encourage either of them. :p (Makes a face at Emma) Yes, Mama Bear. ;p

Emma: (Rolls her eyes) That's enough, both of you. Just be careful, ok?

Lady Plaisir: (As the guests turn to various people to make polite conversation, she turns to Micky) So, what do you do for a living, Micky?

Micky: I'm a drummer.

Lady Plaisir: (Giggles) Oh, a drummer! (Fingers Micky's hair again) Oh, how cute! Like in one of those little rock and roll bands! (Giggles again) Everyone does so love imitating those...oh, what are those cute boys called...the Termites?

Micky: *tries to back off* The Beatles?

(Mike clenches his fists, Peter nearly drops his spoon in his soup, Davy makes a face, and the girls glare.)

Lady Plaisir: Oh, yes, that's them. I suppose you play songs like they do, with drums and guitars and everything? (Smiles demurely) It's all very fascinating, and so very new!

Micky: We don't really make a living out of it.

Inspector Shrink: (He's not happy, either) Lady, please, control yourself!

Emma: (Exchanges looks with Lauren and mutters) Yeah, control yourself, before Micky's fiancee kills you.

Lady Plaisir: Well, how do you make a living, then?

Peter: (Grins) We don't.

*Lauren leans forward, quirking at eyebrow.*

Lady Plaisir: Oh, I'm not harming anything, Frankfurt! I'm just asking these boys a few nice questions! (Sips her drink) We don't often get such lovely guests here. It's usually ancient people like Sebastian and his friends.

*Micky rolls his eyes.*

Guest: (An older man with a somewhat haggard, craggy face) Lady Plaisir, shouldn't you be at the factories? There's been an awful lot going on there recently.

Lady Plaisir: (Glares briefly, but then returns to her too-sweet smile) Why would you say that, Mr. Stanton?

Woman Guest: Don't give us that, Plaisir! There's been accidents at your factories, especially the one on the other side of Manchestah!

Inspector Shrink: Minor accidents, Lady Carlisle, things that could happen at any factory. People getting the occasional cuts and bruises, things falling over. Nothing we can't fix.

Male Guest: Balderdash, Shrink! You're the only one saying that!

Inspector Shrink: The Plaisir Factories are among the most efficiently run in the world. Our business is the viewing and listening audience's pleasure, not their pain.

Mike: (Mutters) For some folks, pleasure and pain are the same thing.

Lady Plaisir: (Pouts) I don't know why you're all being so rude. I am a guest here. My factories have always had a clean record.

Stanton: (So quietly only Peter, who sits next to him, hears it) Only because you extravagantly bribe the health inspectors.

Lady Plaisir: (Takes Peter's hand) You've been so quiet, young man. Why don't you speak up?

Peter: (Shrugs) I'm eating. It's not nice to talk and eat at the same time.

Davy: (Winks and says quietly) Why not, Micky don't 'ave any problems doin' it. ;)

Micky: *grins, whispers back* Hey, I'm being good, here!

(The maids return to collect the soup bowls, and Eugenia comes in with several houseboys, who carry the salad part of the dinner.)

Sebastian: (As they leave, stands and says to the table) Most of you don't know my grandson, David. He and his friends live in the United States, in California, where they have a band. They're visiting me on their holidays, and I want you all to be most welcome to them.

Lady Plaisir: (To Mike) So, you have a band, Mr. Nesmith. And you play rock?

Older Lady Guest: (Wrinkles her nose) Such shameful music!

Sebastian: (Grins) I've rathah learned to like it, thanks to my grandchildren and their friends. It's really quite invigorating, and wonderful to dance to.

Lady Carlisle: Oh, come off it, Muffy, get the stick off your rear! Have you heard some of them bands that are out now? They play some absolutely amazing music.

*Lauren snickers.*

Mike: (Elbows Emma) I like Lady Carlisle. ;)

Emma: (Grins) Me too. ;)

Lady Plaisir: I think it's a very sensuous type of music. The most advanced forms give one such wonderful sensations, like one is floating on air or swimming in the ocean.

Micky: *leans closer to Lauren again, mutters* Get me away from her.

Peter: Hey, Mike's working on a song with a name about the sky!

Lady Plaisir: (Raises her eyebrows demurely) Oh, you write music, Mr. Nesmith?

Mike: (Emma puts her hand on his as he shoves lettuce into his mouth) Yes, I do.

Lady Plaisir: (Ignores Peter) What kind of music do you write, Mr. Nesmith?

Mike: Oh, mostly country, but some rock, too, and sometimes both. (Frowns) Why're you askin'?

Lady Plaisir: I'm very interested in musicians. It's part of my job, after all. One of the Plaisir Media Corporation's major holdings is Musique Records, which frequently hires new and undiscovered talents. (Smiles) Perhaps I could use you and your lovely friends.

Emma: (Mutters) She's a little too interested, if you ask me.

Lady Plaisir: You have an interesting accent, Mr. Nesmith. What part of the United States do you come from?

Mike: (Grunts and eats more lettuce) Texas.

Lady Plaisir: Oh, you're one of those cowboys! How totally darling! You must show me how to rope a cow sometime. I've always wanted to see one of those little rodeos, like in the real Wild West!

*Lauren places a palm to her forehead.*

Mike: (Glares and growls, but Emma puts her hand over his and gives him a warning look - he tries to control himself) I don't know anything about ropin' cows. I'm afraid I'm a modern cowboy. The only cow I've ever roped came from the butcher's shop in a bag.

Micky: *mutters* Been there, done that, got the t-shirt...

Davy: Lady Plaisir, why don't you tell me all about yourself? (Smiles his big smile) You know, your hobbies, what you do for fun.

Lady Plaisir: Well, I like to play sports. Oh, I do think tennis is wonderful, and polo is so divine to watch! All those adorable men on horses! I do love horses! I have a large horse ranch in Scotland.

Davy: (Grins) You do? I used to be a jockey meself. I 'aven't ridden a 'orse in a while, but I'd love to see your ranch while I'm ovah 'ere.

Lady Plaisir: (Pinches Davy's cheek) Oh, you're just so cute, I could eat you up!

Lady Carlisle: (Mutters, to herself) And I'm sure she would if Sebastian would let 'er. :p

*Lauren turns away, trying not to burst out laughing.*

Davy: Um, thanks. (Briefly makes a face at Micky and Lauren to communicate his displeasure, then returns to Lady Plaisir) What do they call you, your ladyship?

Lady Plaisir: Oh, my first name is Noira.

Davy: That's a very pretty name, luv. I've never 'eard a name like that before.

Emma: (Frowns, to herself) Noira...

*Lauren quirks an eyebrow at Emma.*

Lady Plaisir: Me mum was from Burgundy, and I lived there for the first few years of my life, until father took us both over here to England.

(The maids return this time to collect the salad plates. They come with little bowls of an icy lemon sorbet.)

Peter: Wow, dessert already!

Sebastian: (Chuckles) I'm afraid not, my boy. This is merely to clense the palate before the next course.

Mike: (Grins at Peter) I don't care what he calls it, Pete. I call it an early dessert. ;) (Digs in)

Emma: Oooh, yummy.

Lauren: *eyes Micky* Use the spoon. *grins*

*Micky glares at her.*

Lady Plaisir: (Hands Micky a spoon) Well, I seem to have been given two by mistake. Would you like to use mine? (Demure smile) Maybe we could even share our sorbet.

Micky: I have my own, thanks. *smiles*

Lady Carlisle: (Makes a face) She gets anymore obvious with that young man, and she'll be climbing into his sorbet bowl. :p

Lauren: *mutters* She better not.

Mike: (To Emma as he finishes his sorbet) That Plaisir chick is really turning into a stone drag.

Emma: (As she finishes hers) I wish I could turn her into stone. :p

Lady Carlisle: (Makes a face) Pay no attention to her. She's always like this with the young men. There's so few of them in her circles.

Lauren: *quietly* Wonder why...

Lady Plaisir: Why, Madeline, I don't know what you could be insinuating.

Peter: She says you like guys too much.

(That gets grins from some people, including Sebastian, blushes from some of the older folks, and laughter from the kids and Lady Carlisle. Inspector Shrink glares at Peter, then her, and Lady Plaisir turns dark red and looks angry.)

Lady Plaisir: I do not like too much! I just want to be friendly, that's all.

Female Guest: (Sniffs) Nothing wrong with that, Lady Plaisir, if it's done reasonably.

(Eugenia emerges with the main course as the maids retrieve the bowls. Some people get roast beef with green beans and kidneys, while others, including Peter and Davy, get a bean-and-rice dish with grilled vegetables and seasonings.)

Peter: Oh, wow, I haven't had food this good since....(thinks)...ever!

Sebastian: Eugenia is a first-rate cook. I actually found her languishing in one of the little pubs in Manchestah. They had absolutely no appreciation of her talents.

Lauren: Languish, languish. *smiles, then takes a bite of her beef*

Davy: I've sure missed 'er cookin', Grandfathah. (Turns to the others) Some of Eugenia's children are vegetarians, and so is 'er 'usband. That's 'ow she knows what to cook for me. :)

Sebastian: The green beans and vegatables were grown right here on the estate. Maggie is a wonder with the garden! The daisies in particular are spectacular this year. (Sighs) I have missed having you around, David (smiles at the group) but I know you're well-protected. (To the ensemble) Have I ever told you what these young men went through just to keep David in their band?

Lady Carlisile: (Rolls her eyes, but she's smiling) Only about five 'undred bloody times, Bast.

Lauren: Oh, goodness... *smirks*

Lady Plaisir: Oh, I haven't heard the story!

Sebastian: David lied and said he was a major star, and these boys went through with a whole charade just to prove he was! They even tried to keep me from the airport!

Lady Plaisir: I can't imagine anyone being that dedicated to each other.

Lady Carlisle: (To herself) No, you wouldn't, Noira.

Sebastian: (Grins) Well, these boys are! They're all very good actors, too. Had me fooled until right around the time the blonde lad came running about in the feathers. (Smiles) They do tend to overdo it, though. ;)

Mike: When was the last time we overdid it?

Emma: (Rolls her eyes) How about the "Mission: Ridiculous" thing in the woods?

Lauren: Or Micky's mad scientist get up?

Peter: Or the time we had that guy kidnap us?

Emma: (Rolls her eyes) I can't believe you guys fell for that! From what you've told me, that jerk was as phony as a three-dollar bill!

Lady Plaisir: (Eyes widen) You were all kidnapped? How very frightening!

Mike: (Snarky Nesmith grin) We're used to it by now.

Sebastian: (Narrows his eyes) When were you kidnapped, David? You never mentioned that to me.

Davy: (Groans) I didn't want to worry you. It was a publicity scheme that got out of hand.

Micky: It was funny when we had over 40 people in the pad, though.

Sebastian: (Raises an eyebrow) That's a one I haven't heard, a 40-person kidnapping.

Lauren: It was expensive, too. *grins*

Peter: (Giggles) I thought the gangsters were going to have a hernia! ;)

Lady Plaisir: (Gasps) You've had dealings with gangsters?

Mike: (Rolls his eyes) More often than I wish.

Micky: Hasn't everybody?

Lady Carlisle: You're not your average rock-and-roll group, that's for certain.

Micky: *grins* Thank you!

Sebastian: From what Davy's written me, you're all lucky to be alive. (Smiles) T. N. Crumpetts still can't praise you enough for saving him from those insane Germans!

Peter: And we got to save Micky, too!

Mike: Germans? Man, those guys had the worst accents I ever heard!

Micky: I do a better German accent than the ones they had!

Davy: That was kind of fun, winnin' that race and havin' all the girls kiss me. ;)

Inspector Shrink: You certainly seem to have led full lives, for young people.

Mike: Pal, with what we've been through, I'm just glad to be up and walking around with the livin'.

Sebastian: (Nods at Lauren and Micky) Oh, and congratulations on your engagement, Micky and Lauren. David wrote me a few weeks ago and told me about it. I wish you all the happiness in the world!

Micky: Thanks! *wraps an arm around Lauren's shoulders as she blushes*

(Everyone claps and gives their congratulations. Lady Plaisir narrows her eyes and glares at Lauren at first, but she quickly smiles again and claps with the others.)

Mike: They're so gosh darn cute together, we can't stand it. ;)

Micky: Then our plan is working perfectly! *grins*

Peter: (Sobs) It's so beautiful! They've got the most romantic auras I've ever seen!

Mike: (Smiles at his friend across the table as Davy pats his back) Now, Pete, don't get your grilled vegetables wet.

Emma: I think it's wonderful. With everything we've all been through, they both deserve it and each other. ;)

(Eugenia emerges with the houseboys and bowls of thick pound cake and fresh strawberries covered in real, sweet whipped cream.)

Emma: Oooh, my favorite dessert!

Lauren: Mine, too!

Mike: Man, is there any strawberries under all that cream? :)

Micky: Who cares?!

Eugenia: I'm glad you enjoy it, young ladies! Everyone eat 'earty! There's plenty more where this came from! :D

Davy: I wouldn't say that around Mick. 'e'll take you up on that offah, Eugie.

Micky: I will, too! *is already half done*

Eugenia: (Grins) 'E can 'ave more if 'e jolly well wants! (Hands Micky another bowl) I like a man with a good appetite! :D

Micky: And I love a kitchen with a lot of food! *grins*

Lady Carlisle: I hope Lauren does, too. (Grins) That boy's eaten twice as much as the rest of us put together. ;)

Mike: You should see him at home. We're lucky if we can keep the place stocked before he starts in on his next meal. ;)

Lauren: We never have leftovers. *smiles*

Lady Plaisir: (Smiles at Mike) You seem to be the leader of this group, Michael. You have the air of the father around you.

Emma: (Smiles tightly) He's a very good leader, Lady Plaisir. We haven't killed each other yet.

Davy: (Winks) Although those two 'ave come close a couple of times. ;)

Micky: Keyword: "yet".

Lauren: A couple times?

Mike: Yeah, I guess it just comes naturally to me, the arguin' and the leadin'.

Lady Plaisir: (Smiles) That's quite interesting. You must have an amazingly strong will to be able to keep an eye on such a diverse group of musicians.

Emma: (Puts her hand protecively over Mike's; he squeezes it) We manage.

Mike: Yeah, Em and I do argue, and we do it a lot, but we don't mean anything by it, most of the time. These guys are like the brothers and sisters I never had. I'd do anything for them.

Lauren: Except get in front of Micky at feeding time. *winks*

(That gets a laugh from the kids and an amused or polite chuckle from the adults, depending on how well said adult knows the kids.)

Mike: I wouldn't put one of Em's stuffed animals in front of Micky at feeding time. ;)

Emma: I don't think Micky wants to eat cotton and fur, anyway. ;)

Micky: I wouldn't harm a stuffed animal! Lauren'd kill me!

Lady Carlisle: You girls like stuffed toys? I ought to show you my collection! I have dozens from all over the world!

Lauren: Like them? I love them! :-)

Emma: (Grins) I love them, too. (Elbows Mike) See Mike, adults do collect stuffed animals. My friend Linda collects them, too, and she's in her 50s.

Peter: I wouldn't know what to do without my teddy bear! :)

Sebastian: What happened to that old rabbit you used to have, David? You wouldn't go anywhere without him. He wore a felt top hat and carried a little cane.

Davy: (Blushes) 'e's in me room at 'ome somewhere. I don't play with 'im much anymore. God only knows what these guys would say. :">

Mike: (Grins) Aw, you still sleep with a bunny?

Micky: *grins* Awe, c'mon, Dave, you're holding out on us!

Peter: I sleep with Mr. Bear!

Davy: Freddy's lost in our closet at 'ome somewhere. I'll 'ave to dig 'im out someday...

(There's another gong, and Eugenia comes around to gather the shortcake bowls. Micky is finishing his third bowl of shortcake.)

Micky: Wait, wait, almost finished!

Eugenia: My goodness, the litt'l bloke is tryin' to set a world record or somethin'.

Mike: Naww, this is how he always eats. ;)

Peter: He usually has more!

Davy: 'e's mindin' 'is manners. ;)

Lauren: He's trying so hard. ;-)

Lady Plaisir: (Grins) I had the most delightful idea! How would all of you like to come see the factory tomorrow morning?

Sebastian: (Exchanges looks with Maxwell Stanton) I don't think that's such a good idea, Lady Plaisir. With all the accidents that have gone on in your factories recently, I wouldn't want to risk David or his friends.

Inspector Shrink: (Puts up his hand and gives the first smile from him all evening) It would be no risk, Mr. Jones. I'd take the young people around myself.

Lady Plaisir: You could see all the wonderful new TVs and radios we're working on! It would be so exciting!

Mike: Oh, I don't know...

Peter: You make TVs?

Inspector Shrink: We manufacture television sets, radios, and many related parts, including picture tubes.

Emma: (To Mike) I don't like this.

Mike: Yeah, something about this smells worse than Micky's side of the room. She's a little too desperate to get us in that factory.

*Micky glares at Mike.*

Lady Plaisir: We'll go out of our way to make sure your trip to the factory is most pleasant and enjoyable, and (grins at Micky and Mike) dare I say, even memorable?

Davy: I'm sure anything involving you would be memorable, luv.

*Micky gulps, his eyes widening.*

(Mike just glares at her, and Emma joins him.)

*Lauren rolls her eyes, shaking her head.*

Mike: I don't think we should.

Peter: Oh, come on, Mike! We could get to see the insides of a real factory!

Mike: I've seen factories. They ain't fun.

Mike: (Mutters) I can see her, too, and she don't look fun.

Inspector Shrink: I guarantee you, Mr. Nesmith, you will be in no danger.

Lady Carlisle: (Mutters) That's not what the newspapers say.

Lady Plaisir: (Makes a face) Oh, the newspapers tend to exaggerate. They're so desperate for a story!

Sebastian: It's up to all of you.

Davy: I don't see what 'arm it could do, fellahs.

Emma: But the accidents...

Inspector Shrink: Were grossly over-reported, I assure you, young lady.

Lauren: *frowns* I don't know...

Mike: Why am I not reassured?

Peter: (Grabs Davy's arm) Could we? I've never seen the inside of a real factory before! I want to know where our TV comes from!

Mike: I don't like it, but maybe a look wouldn't hurt.

Lady Plaisir: Oh, I'm sure we'll make you (her eyes rove over Micky and Mike again) most comfortable.

Emma: (Mutters) That's what worries me.

Micky: I'm sure you will. *frowns*

Sebastian: (Stands) We will now adjourn to the study for coffee and after-dinner drinks.

Davy: Grandfathah, can we play for your guests?

Female Guest: (Frowns) Not that horrid rock...

Micky: Horrid? We're not that bad!

Mike: How do you know it's so bad, lady? Why don't you give it a try, before you go mouthin' off your opinions?

Lady Carlisle: Don't be such a snob, Cordelia. The kids want to play, let them play!

Lady Plaisir: (Smiles) I've never seen a real rock-and-roll act in person before! It will be most interesting. :)

Inspector Shrink: (Looking down his nose and his glasses) Indeed.

Sebastian: Why don't you set up in the ballroom? We'll have brandy and meet you there when you're ready.

Davy: Certainly, Grandfathah. We'll send one of the houseboys when we're ready.

(Davy leads the others to the back of the house, where a large room with windows and a wide French door opening onto the garden contains a few chairs and tables and a wide parquet floor. The bandstand is set up with various instruments)

Mike: (Picks up a guitar) While we're alone, we'd better talk about this factory business.

Micky: No kidding.

Davy: I want to go, fellahs. There's somethin' seriously wrong here.

Lauren: I thought that was the reason for not going?

Davy: What if we could help?

Peter: (Shudders as he picks up the bass) I don't want someone to try to kidnap us again!

Davy: But the people who work there could be in real trouble!

Micky: So could we if we go.

Mike: It's not really any of our affair, Dave.

Emma: We've almost gotten killed enough times, Davy.

Mike: Besides (makes a face), I didn't like the way that Plaisir chick was checkin' me out.

Emma: I didn't like the way she was checking you out.

Micky: Me, either. That chick was scaring me!

Peter: She almost looked like she really wanted to eat both of you up!

Micky: Literally, too. *frowns*

(A man walks into the room. It's Maxwell Stanton, Grandfather Sebastian's friend.)

Stanton: Hello, kids. (Shakes Mike's hand) I'm Maxwell Stanton. I'm a friend of your grandfather's, David, and I've heard a lot of stories about you kids. I think you'd be perfect for this. Plaisir has really taken a shine to you.

Mike: (Frowns) Could you tell us what this is all about, Mr. Stanton?

Stanton: The Plaisir Media Factories have been rocked with a series of very mysterious accidents. Seven male workers have been reported returning there in an odd state. Sometimes, they'll be fine, and other times, they'll be stiff or robot-like or vicious. One committed suicide three days ago. Two others are missing.

Mike: What does this have to do with us?

Stanton: Plaisir trusts you. All you'll have to do is go to the factory tomorrow, keep your eyes open to anything suspcious, and come back and report it to us.

Emma: She's a bit overly trusting of certain people, if you ask me.

Davy: Well, that sounds easy enough.

Micky: There's gotta be a catch.

Peter: People have come out of the factory...(gulps)...vicious?

Stanton: We're hoping that the information you bring back will lead to the discovery of what this secret new product Plaisir's unveiling is. We believe it's a bit nastier than what the company's lead the general public to believe.

Mike: A bit?

Peter: (Eyes widen) Nasty?

Lauren: *crosses her arms* I don't like the sound of this.

Emma: Me, either.

Mike: Why would we get anywhere near the plans for the invention, anyway?

Stanton: All you need is to take her into your confidence, which she's already done. (Frowns) Two of our best men have already returned from this factory behaving suspiciously.

Mike: You only said male workers. What about the women?

Micky: And what makes you think we won't end up the same way?

Stanton: No woman worker that we know of has exhibited the same behaviors we found in the men. We'll have a top team of experts following your every move.

Lauren: So why not just send the experts?

Mike: Yeah, yeah, we had an "expert" help us out once. We almost got damn near killed and had to apprehend the spy ourselves before he was of any use.

Stanton: We know of your reputation with the CIS. The young men have twice foiled spy rings.

Mike: Only because we got caught up in them accidentally!

Peter: We never meant to catch those spies. I took fortune cookies that had a secret code in them, and Davy bought a pair of maracas he thought were cheap!

Stanton: Yet you captured them, just the same.

Micky: We're not gonna talk our way out of this, are we?

Mike: We could sure have fun tryin'. ;)

Stanton: You just have to report to us. Sebastian would kill me if anything happened to any of you, especially David. Inadvertant or not, your record of capturing spies and criminals in the States is known.

Micky: *unenthused* Yay us. *frowns*

Mike: I don't like it, but it sounds like we're stuck. (To the others) How about you guys?

Davy: Could make for a very excitin' story, luvs. ;)

Peter: Just don't make me a target! :(

Micky: *folds his arms* I don't like it, either, but it looks like we have no choice.

Emma: As long as no one is panting over my bodice, I'll do it.

Lauren: As long as no one's panting over him, *points at Micky* I'm in. *makes a face* Too late, I guess...

Mike: (Mutters) There'd better not be anybody pantin' over your bodice.

Emma: Miiiiiikkke...

Stanton: (As the other guests file into the ballroom) Good. We'll be at the factory at 10AM sharp. You'll know our man because he will be...

Peter: Talking into a popcycle?

Stanton: (Rolling his eyes)...dressed as a factory worker, but wearing a certain patch on his left breast embroiered in psychadelic colors. The others will be surrounding the building.

(Sebastian smiles as the guest sit at various chairs. Lady Plaisir and Inspector Shrink take the ones closest to the bandstand.)

Sebastian: Ladies and gentlemen, we have a rare treat for you tonight. My grandson and his friends bring their own brand of music to you all the way from California. Let's here it for The Monkees!

Mike: (Grins) Well, with this crowd, anyone for "Sweet Young Thing?" ;)

Emma: Aren't too many of those here! ;)

Micky: *twirls his sticks* Let's play it, anyway!

Davy: 'ow about the Lady Plaisir?

Emma: She's young, but she's not very sweet! ;)

(Mike counts off the song, and the group roars into Mike's country-esque dance tune. Footage of the old people dancing and Lady Plaisir attempting to dance with all four Monkees, only to be foiled by Emma, Lady Carlisle, or Lauren, is intercut with clips of the guys dancing with elderly Californians in the romp from "Success Story" and playing the song on the ballroom bandstand.)

Sebastian: (Claps) Wonderful! I wish I could have seen you play in California.

Davy: I'm afraid we only thought of that after you left, Grandfathah.

(The other guest's reactions range from mild clapping to wild cheering. Lady Plaisir wolf-whistles.)

Lady Carlisle: (Rolls her eyes) Someone enjoyed herself.

Lady Plaisir: You're all some of the best musicians I've ever heard! That was quite a song, Mr. Nesmit.

Mike: Nesmith.

Lady Plaisir: You're quite a strong one, aren't you? (Lifts Mike's hand) The way your hand runs down the strings on the guitar sends chills up my spine!

Mike: (Pulls away) I'm strong enough not to fall for your overheated lines, lady.

Lady Plaisir: (Her glare is pure poison) How dare...(she smiles) Well, you'll still be coming to the factory tomorrow, won't you? (Moves to Peter and pulls at his beads again) You must tell me more about these darling necklaces you wear, boy.

Peter: Oh, I'm Peter, and those are just my love beads.

Lauren: *mutters* Wrong word...

Lady Carlisle: (Walks onto the stage) Noira, don't you have a place where you should be? Like, oh, say, on the other side of the planet?

Lady Plaisir: (Turns her poison glare to Lady Carlisle) Drop dead, Alice. (She's all smiles to Peter) We can discuss the beads tomorrow at the factory, (pats his cheek), Sunshine Smile.

(Lady Plaisir walks off the stage and the kids start putting the instruments aside)

Peter: She called me Sunshine Smile. :)

Micky: From her, I don't think I'd take that as a compliment, Pete.

Lady Carlisle: Don't take it seriously, luv. She runs after anything wearing pants and carrying the right pieces under their belt.

(Peter blushes deep red at that description)

Davy: Thanks, Alice. I never thought I'd say this about a pretty woman, but I don't like her.

Micky: *smirks* That's it, hell has frozen over. ;-)

Lady Carlisle: I'm not a huge fan of 'er meself, David.

(The others snicker at Micky's comment. Davy blushes.)

Lady Carlisle: She's inhertited 'er money and 'er bloomin' media empire from 'er late 'usband. Never understood what the old boy saw in 'er. She's a gold-digger in every sense of the word, only the gold she digs is in TV tubes and radios, not ore. Some of the more scandalous rumor-mongers say she used to be a 'ore and a minor actress in BBC soap operas on TV and the radio before she 'it it big with the aging Lord Plaisir. (Makes a face) Personally, I think the fool's eyesight were goin'.

Lauren: Why doesn't that surprise me?

Davy: (Eyes Lady Plaisir as she talks with several burly men at the door, including one with thick black hair and a toothpaste smile) I don't think it were 'is eyesight that were goin', Alice. It were 'is bloomin' brain.

Mike: Yeah, he was thinkin' with his libido and not the good sense he was born with.

Lady Carlisle: I have to admit, I'm rather proud of how all of you handled her. Most men of any age take one look at 'er and fall to 'er feet.

Mike: (Grins at Emma) We've got people here to keep us from fallin'. ;)

Emma: Damn straight! ;)

Lauren: *grins* Better believe it!

Peter: She scares me! She keeps pulling at my beads! :p

Davy: And she pinched my cheek! I'm not some little boy! (looks down at his small size) Well, I'm not some YOUNG boy, anyway.

Micky: I'm with Peter. She is one scary chick.

Lady Carlisle: If you all stay together, I think you'll do just fine with Noira. Just don't fall for her breathin' all over you.

Peter: Her breath smells like the garlic on the roast beef!

Micky: No chance. I'll be running in the opposite direction!

Peter: (Points out the door) And I'll go with him.

Emma: (Frowns, thoughtful) Noira...

Lauren: *notices Emma's thoughtful look* Em?

Emma: It's just that, means black. (Furrows her eyebrows) Black Pleasure.

Mike: That chick don't even have a pleasant name.

Micky: *makes a face* You've GOT to stop getting literal with these names!

Emma: I'll bet it's not her real one. (Turns to the guys) Micky, it's probably an alias. Remember, Stanton said she used to be a w...(stops herself mid-word for Peter's benefit)...woman of the night.

Peter: (Eyes widen) She's a vampire, like Lorelei? (Tugs at Mike's sleeve) Don't let her near me! I don't want someone else to try to put my brain in a monster!

Micky: *smirks* Not quite, Peter.

Mike: (Sighs) I won't let her near you, Pete, and I very much doubt she's a vampire. She probably would have bitten us already if she was.

Lauren: I thought she was trying to. *makes a face*

Mike: I'll panic when I see fangs.

Davy: Or a bloomin' necklace that turns you into a zombie.

Emma: (Notices that the party seems to be dispursing) Maybe we'd better go upstairs and get some shut-eye.

Mike: Yeah, we've had a busy day, and it sounds like we're going to have a busier one tomorrow.

Lauren: We've had enough excitement for the day.

Davy: Don't worry, guys! (Starts making boxing moves) If that lady sends out 'er goons, I'll protect you!

Peter: (Puts his hand on Davy's shoulder) Peace, Davy. That won't get us out of trouble!

Micky: Uh huh, sure, Dave.

Davy: What, you think I couldn't take on a few bad guys by meself?

Micky: Only if they were your own size.

Mike: Or if you could run under their legs, like in the boxing ring.

Davy: Well, I knocked down the Champ, didn't I? I don't think a few factory workers that are probably stiff anyway could be much of a problem! (Winks) And this IS my imagination! ;)

Emma: As much as I hate to say it, he's got a point. ;)

Sebastian: (Comes up to the bandstand) I'm going to do some work in the study before I head off to bed. Breakfast is at 7AM sharp. (Smiles) What do you have planned for tomorrow, anyway?

Davy: We thought we'd just take a little visit to the Plaisir factories, Grandfathah. Just to see for ourselves what's goin' on over there.

Sebastian: (Frowns worridly) David, be careful. If the rumors should be true, I don't want all of you to end up hurt...or worse. I think Stanton's idea is monstrous, but it seems there's no choice. They've already lost people on it.

Davy: (Grins) Don't worry, Grandfathah. We've gotten out of worse scrapes and lived to tell the tale! (Gives him a quick hug) 'Night, Grandfathah!

Sebastian: (Watches as the others follow Davy upstairs) I'm just afraid you may have gotten in over your heads this time, David. (Sighs and follows them)

(The kids head upstairs, talking about the events of the past few days.)

Mike: We're all going to need as much sleep as we can. We've got to keep an eye out for anything strange tomorrow.

Peter: What's strange in a factory?

Davy: Oh, things that don't work, boxes falling, stuff like that.

Micky: At that factory? Anything!

Emma: Things that aren't safe, Peter, or people who don't seem happy or like they're doing their job.

Peter: What if we see dead people?

Mike: Then we really know there's somethin' wrong.

Emma: That's when we run away screaming. ;)

Micky: As long as they don't talk to you, Pete, you'll be okay. ;-)

Peter: I've been reading about some stuff, guys, and I think it might have to do with what's going on in the factory.

Mike: (Yawns and stretches) Tell us about it tomorrow, Pete. Right now, we're too bushed to listen to your theories.

Peter: All the bushes are outside!

Emma: Mike, lay off him.

Mike: I can't make heads or tails of his rantin'.

Peter: Well, if you would listen to me....

Micky: It isn't that tough to figure out, man.

(The group arrives upstairs as Peter, Mike, and Emma continue to argue.)

Emma: Enough, guys. (Nods at Mike and Peter) Mike, leave Peter alone. Peter, we'll discuss your theories in the morning. I get most of it, but not when I'm about ready to drop.

Davy: We'll meet in the kitchen at 7AM for breakfast (winks at Micky and Mike) and Grandfathah likes punctuality at meals! ;)

Micky: No problem, there, Dave! *grins*

Mike: Just give me coffee, and I'll be on time faster than a speeding Dolenz stomach. ;)

Micky: Hey?

Emma: (Smacks Mike's head) Enough with teasing Mick's stomach, ok?

Mike: Sorry, couldn't help myself. ;)

Micky: *looks at his stomach* He didn't mean it.

Davy: Come on, guys. If we keep this up, we'll be 'ere all night. :) (Ducks in his room. Peter goes in his and Mike's.)

Mike: Night, darlin'. (Takes Emma in his arms) Don't worry, Em. We'll find a way out of this. (Kisses her lightly on the lips)

Emma: I hope so, Mike. This is just too weird. (Cuddles him, then finally goes in the girls' room. Mike follows Peter.)

Micky: Better hurry before Davy locks me out! *gives Lauren a kiss on the lips, pulls away quickly, then gives her another slightly longer one, then goes to his and Davy's room*

*Lauren grins, walking dazedly into the room.*

(Emma flops on the bed, smiling.)

Emma: (Sighs) What a day! (Starts taking off her sandals.)

Lauren: You're not kidding. *shakes her head*

Emma: All this factory business...(shivers)

Lauren: I guess we know part of what's in Davy's imagination now. *quirks an eyebrow*

Emma: (Grins) Yeah, action, horses, music, and girls. (Goes in the bathroom) Lauren, did you see how she kept looking at Micky and Mike? I mean, she was interested in all four guys, but when her eyes were on Mick and Mike, she was almost...predatory.

Lauren: *nods* Oh, I saw her looking. I did all I could to hold back punching her lights out!

Emma: I was pretty close to doing it myself. That woman obviously doesn't know the meaning of "hands off." Peter looked like he was ready to pass out.

Lauren: *sits on the bed Indian style* I don't like where this is going one bit.

Emma: (Emerges from the bathroom in her turquoise-and-white-striped nightshirt) I don't, either. What does that chick want with our men? All of them, really, but our men in particular? (Makes a face) And then there's this new product thing, and the accidents...

Lauren: *shrugs* Who knows? *sighs* I don't even wanna KNOW about the product thing.

Emma: Not to mentio the factory workers.

(Emma sits in the chair, thoughtful)

Lauren: *scoops up her shorts and t-shirt* It's way too strange... *heads into the bathroom*

Emma: Like someone is messing with our heads...and I don't think it's Davy. Someone knows what buttons to push to piss us all off...or, in Pete's case, scare the shit out of us.

Lauren: *emerges* All I want is for all of us to come out of there in one piece.

Emma: Join the crowd. This isn't a fantasy world, it's not the Wild West, and you and I DON'T know the territory.

Lauren: It's more like a nightmare.

Emma: I'm sure there will be lab assistants in bikinis for Davy to save, though. ;)

Lauren: Meanwhile, there'll be the rest of us calling to him for help... & he'll ignore us to help the bikini girls. *makes a face*

Emma: Not this time. If he tries that, we'll all kill him, starting with Mike. He DID make him promise to lay off the woman-chasing.

Lauren: I hope I'm wrong. *sighs* So, how do you think Dave will fare listening to Mick's snoring? *grins*

Emma: We'll be lucky if he doesn't try to jump out the window. I don't think we'll get away with putting Micky in a tent this time. ;)

Lauren: Or if he doesn't kick Micky out into the hall.

Emma: Or KICK him out the window. Remember, Dave's got this idea he's Sean Connery. ;)

Lauren: I guess it's safe to say that they probably won't both be in that room come morning, then.

Emma: We'll probably have to step over Micky going downstairs tomorrow morning. ;)

Lauren: I could see that happening. ;-)

Emma: Sooo...who gets the bed? There's only one bed.

Lauren: Good question. *scratches her head*

Emma: Doesn't matter to me. Whatever you're up for. :)

Lauren: *shrugs* You take it. I can figure out something. Maybe the chair... or even the floor...

Emma: Did you keep your sleeping bag with you?

Lauren: Well, that seems to be something ELSE that's gone missing.

Emma: (Winks) I'll bet Micky took it just in case he got kicked out again. ;)

Lauren: More than likely. Look for a rainbow patterned sleeping bag. ;-)

Emma: Shouldn't be hard to find. Just look for a curly mop making enough noise to raise the dead from the Titanic. ;)

Lauren: *laughs* Too true! I'm gonna seriously need to invest in some ear plugs.

Emma: (Takes Tenderheart out of her bag, jumps into the bed, and curls up) Lauren, Mom's lived with Daddy's snoring for 22 years. He's almost louder than Mick. If she can do it, so can you. ;)

Lauren: I don't know. I can't even deal with my dad's snoring, and he's nowhere near as loud as Mick.

Emma: For some reason, I almost always ended with the room next to my parents when I still lived with my family. ;)

Lauren: *sighs* Maybe it won't matter if Mick's got an arm wrapped around me. *sighs, looking off dreamily*

Emma: (Also sighs) 'Night, Lauren. I-)

Lauren: Night, Em. :-)

(The girls curl up on the bed and under blankets on the floor and go to sleep. We see the boys sleeping, too. Mike tosses and turns, his face contorted with worry. Micky's got a big grin as he snores. Davy's also tossing and turning, but he's not sleeping. Peter's placid face is peaceful.)

(The morning sunlight shines into the girls' room, and Emma, as usual, is the first person awake. She sits up, stretches, and takes her watch from the bedstand.)

Emma: (Reads the watch) About quarter after six. (Shrugs) I guess I'll watch some TV.

(Emma steps over Lauren, who clutches her pillow with a dreamy grin over her face, and plops down in the chair. She switches on the TV set.)

Emma: Oh, goody, the cartoons are on! I get to watch Huckleberry Hound! (She does, occasionally laughing, as Lauren begins to stir. She grins at the half-buried Lauren) You know you're going to have to get up sometime, sweets. ;)

Lauren: *groans* Don't wanna... *sighs* Mick...

(Emma steps over Lauren again and goes in the bathroom. She finally emerges in a yellow-green knit blouse and khaki shorts, her hair in a low, tight ponytail on her neck.)

Emma: You do want to eat breakfast before Micky devours it all, right? (Grins) Besides, you're missing all the old Hanna Barbara animal cartoons! Augie Doggie and Doggie Daddy, Yogi Bear, QuickDraw McGraw, Snagglepuss, Top Cat...

Lauren: *still more than half asleep* Z'okay... *sighs*

Emma: (Winks) If Davy hasn't killed Micky yet. (Giggles and imitates Yogi Bear,) "I'm a gonna get that pic-a-nic basket from Ranger Smith, BooBoo!" I love that bear.(Frowns) What's that? (She hears a faint sound, like a muffled buzzsaw.) Lauren, do you hear that? (Shakes her friend)

Lauren: *picks her head up slightly* Wha--?

Emma: Listen! (the buzzsaw noise starts up again) It sounds

Lauren: *squints* Z-chainsaw...

Emma: Not really, more like...someone snoring.

Lauren: That's nice...zzz.

Emma: (Shakes her) Lauren, there's someone out there!

Lauren: *picks her head up again* Huh? Where?

Emma: (Grins) And I'll bet I know who it is!

Lauren: Lemme know...

Emma: Oh, come on, Laur, there's only one person in this household whose snore can be heard on at least three continents! Maybe you ought to go rescue your fiancee before his roommates kill him. ;)

Lauren: *finally sits up* C'mon, Em, my brain isn't awake yet...

Emma: Ok, you wake up, I'll rescue him. (Suddenly, there's scuffling and muted curses.)

Lauren: Uh oh. *looks a little more awake now*

Emma: Oh, good lord allmighty. That's the guys' voices. (Flings open the door to find a bound, gagged, and rather groggy Micky...with three grinning Monkees standing over him.) ;)

Davy: We should have done that last night!

Lauren: What? *gets up and goes to the door* Oh, good GRIEF!

Mike: Not a bad piece of work, if I do say so myself. ;)

Lauren: Guys!?

Peter: Guys, I think we overdid it a little.

Emma: (Crosses her arms) I'd say so.

Davy: If it keeps 'im from snorin'...

Lauren: Yeah, but you're gonna give him ideas, you know!

Emma: I'm ashamed of all of you.

Mike: Aw, Em, it was just a little joke!

Lauren: How long's he been like this?

Peter: Not long.

Lauren: *glares* How. Long?

Davy: Only a few hours, Lauren. We didn't 'urt 'im too badly. ;)

Emma: Untie him, guys. (Gives them her best glare) NOW.

Lauren: I don't believe you guys. *shakes her head*

Mike: We did it to save our sanity.

Davy: And our bloody ears.

(Peter starts untying Micky.)

Lauren: It isn't like he does it on purpose!

Emma: This was uncalled for, you know.

Mike: What are you gonna do, send us to our rooms?

Emma: I'm considering that possibility.

Davy: Look, it was probably stupid, and we're sorry. (To Mick) We're sorry, Mick. We shouldn't have jumped 'ya.

Micky: *groans* Man, I thought that chick was after me!

Emma: See what you guys did? You scared him! I want you all to apologize to him.

Peter: (Throws his arm around Micky) Mick, I'm sorry. It was wrong of all of us to do that. It's nature's way for you to be noisy. Can you forgive us? :(

Micky: Yeah, I guess so, but I'm gonna get even!

Mike: (Grins) And that will be the fun of it, seein' how you do it, and how we can get back at you. ;)

Emma: Mike, you too.

Mike: Me!? (Mike) Ok, Mick, I'm sorry we pulled the prank on you. In retrospect, with that crazy Plaisir chick runnin' loose, it probably wasn't the best prank we could have pulled.

Micky: It's okay, Mike. Just don't do that again! (Grins) I'm still gonna get even with all three of you!

Davy: (His stomach does a growl worth of Micky) Well, get even with us AFTER breakfast! I'm starved!

Micky: *smirks* I guess revenge can wait.

Peter: (Sniffs) I smell pancakes and strawberries! :D

Emma: Come on, guys, let's get ready for breakfast. And no more pranks or picking on each other, ok? We need to be working as a team, not goofing off or at each other's throats.

(Everyone nods, and Emma walks back in the bedroom with Lauren.)

Emma: Do you want to kill them when we get downstairs, or should I? ;)

Lauren: I'll kill them. *shakes her head again and sighs* Of all the... *grumbles the rest*

Emma: All three of them were ridiculously immature over the whole thing.

Lauren: They could've come up with something ELSE to do with him, besides THAT.

(There's a knock on the door and the voice of a young girl, no more than a teenager, with a Cockney accent)

Girl: Are you ladies decent? Breakfast is in twenty minutes sharp!

Emma: We'll be down in a minute. Just let us get our things together. (Emma grabs her fringed, striped purse)

*Lauren's still muttering, arms crossed.*

(Emma slips into socks and her sneakers and waits at the door for Lauren.)

Lauren: *finally picks up her watch and straps it on* Alright. Let's go kill them.

Emma: (Opens the door) After you, dear. (Both girls storm out of the door. The guys are all in the hall, three of them looking sheepish. Davy wears his gold eight-button shirt, Micky has on his orange-and-yellow stripes, Mike's in his brown suit again, and Peter wears one of his paisley nehru jackets with his moccassins and jeans. Emma turns angrily to Mike) Of all the selfish, inconsiderate, immature, stupid...

Mike: Em, I apologized.

Emma: You shouldn't have done it in the first place!

Lauren: So? He didn't deserve to be practically kidnapped!

Emma: And you, of all people, should know better!

Davy: (As they went downstairs) But we didn't really kidnap 'im. Just got him quiet.

Peter: Davy, she's right. It wasn't nice.

Micky: You could've just woke me up and asked me to leave the room.

Emma: (As they reach the living room, Emma turns and pokes Mike in the chest) How would you like it if someone turned on you and did that?

Mike: (Moves her finger from his chest) Em, I can get your point without being pointed at. :p

Emma: If you weren't a foot taller than me, I'd take you over my knee and spank you.

Mike: (Crosses his arms) I'd like to see you try it.

Lauren: No, Em, he might enjoy that. We're supposed to be mad at them.

Emma: I wonder if Eugenia has a wooden spoon? (Runs ahead to Davy, who leads them through the dining room and into a sparkling, modern, soft yellow and brown kitchen. Eugenia is busy setting out pancakes topped with fresh strawberries and butter with fresh-squeezed orange juice and bowls of applesauce.)

Eugenia: (Cheerfully) Good mornin', Mastah Davy! Good mornin', kids! (Notices the angry looks on the girls' faces and the annoyed and sheepish ones on the boys') Oh, dear, what went on last night?

Emma: Eugenia, do you have a wooden spoon?

Eugenia: I 'ave them in every size and thickness under the bloomin' sun, but why do you want one?

Emma: (Juts a finger at Peter, Davy, and Mike) Those three tied up Micky last night to keep him from snoring, and I want to punish them.

Eugenia: Tied up?

Davy: (Puts up his hands) Eugenia, it was a little joke that got completely out of hand.

Micky: No kidding. *goes over to the table and sits, followed by Lauren*

Eugenia: (Frets over Micky) You poor boy! You must have been scared out of your bloomin' wits last night! (Gives him a large pile of pancakes) 'Ere you go, you poor ducky. Extra vittles for your poor, scared stomach!

Davy: 'Ey!

Micky: *grins momentarily, then pouts again* Thank you, Eugenia. *grins again, then starts in on the food*

Emma: (Grins) That's a better punishment than anything I could dish out! ;)

Eugenia: (Shakes a spatula at the other three) I ought not to feed the rest of you boys at all, treatin' that poor boy that way, just because 'e snores! Why, my Jebediah has snored in my ear for 40 years, and while it drives me up the wall, it don't mean I'm gonna truss 'im up like a Christmas goose!

Peter: We already apologized to him, Mrs. Eugenia. We feel really bad.

Eugenia: (Puts plates of smaller stacks of pancakes in front of the others) Well, as long as you all know that what you did last night was bloomin' wrong, it was, you can eat.

Mike: (Sarcastic) Gee, Eugenia, thanks.

Eugenia: (Glares) You're lucky I cook at all! Mr. Sebastian's usually off doin' his voice work and all, I usually just cook for meself and my family and the servants!

(The kids sit down to eat as Eugenia putters around the table.)

Eugenia: So, what's on the agenda today, luvs? (Refils Micky's plate with another large stack of pancakes)

Micky: *smiles at Eugenia* Thanks!

Eugeina: You're welcome, ducky! You need lots of energy after a scare like that!

Davy: We're going to visit the Plaisir Factories and get to the bottom of that.

Eugenia: (Frowns at Davy) Mastah Davy, you stay far away from that factory! There's lots of nasty things goin' on over there!

Mike: That's what we're lookin' into, ma'am. We've been asked to find out what's going on over there that's turnin' people into zombies.

Eugenia: Oh, I've heard terrible things about the Plaisir Factories. I don't like that Inspector. 'E makes me blood run cold, 'e does. And that Lady Plaisir scares the bloomin' 'ell out of me, pardon me language.

Micky: You're not the only one.

Eugenia: Men go in there all nice and normal-like, but they come out changed, actin' like dummies in a department-store window.

Davy: Eugenia, what else 'ave you 'eard about the factories?

Eugenia: I've only heard things 'round town, from the grocer's and the boys who 'ang around at the taverns. Lady Plaisir's hired these thugs to keep people off of her. They dress like gentlemen and talk like gentlemen, but people know thugs when they see them.

Mike: Why would she hire bodyguards unless she has somethin' to hide?

Peter: Maybe she just needs friends.

Eugenia: I wouldn't want to be friends with those men if you paid me a million gold dubloons, Petah! They wear fancy suits and have movie star smiles, but they're about as friendly as a spooked horse.

Micky: This is just sounding better by the moment.

Mike: This is going to be fun.

Eugenia: Just be careful, kids. That Lady's name may be Plaisir, but she don't play around. They say she and that inspector of 'ers is workin' on that new gadget of 'ers, and a few others.

Davy: Maybe we'd bettah have a look around that factory.

Mike: We'd better take the MonkeeMobile. It'll get us there and back faster.

Micky: *smirks* Just rmember to drive on the left.

Davy: I'll drive. I know 'ow to do it 'ere.

Emma: I hope Stanton's men are as reliable as he says they are. I seem to remember you guys mentioning that the last couple of men you delt with from the CIS were less than outstanding.

Mike: As long as they aren't talking into popcycles, I think we'll be ok.

Lauren: Yeah, if you notice them talking into anything!

Peter: (Grins at Davy) Just don't go into "Swanee River" when you see a camera.

Davy: I can't 'elp it, Petah. (Grins) I'm a born 'am. ;)

Micky: I coulda told you that. *grins*

Peter: (Shakes his head) No, I think you're a person.

Mike: No, I think he's a born ham. ;)

Davy: (Gives Eugenia a quick kiss on the cheek and chuckles) We'll be back by tonight, Eugenia, and this mess will be all over. Don't worry!

Eugenia: If you say so, Mastah Davy. Just don't do anything stupid. If somethin' bad 'appens, leave it to the professionals.

Lauren: Words to live by. *winks*

Davy: We'll be out the nearest door the moment we see somethin' even the slightest out of place.

(The six walk out the front door. Pearly has already brought the MonkeeMobile around the front.)

Pearly: (Hands Davy the keys) Here you go, Dave! All ready and rarin' for a drive! Have a nice day, and don't do anything I WOULD do! ;)

Davy: (Grins and gets in the driver's seat) Don't worry, Pearly, we won't. (The others jump in, Mike on the passenger's side.)

Micky: *chuckles* I like this guy!

(The kids roar off into the English countryside. At first, they pass more grasslands and fields and older manor houses, more like the one Davy inherited. The houses eventually give way to townhouses and nice shops, then apartment buildings and old houses intended for industrial workers. The factory - a large, square hunk of white and gray metal and concrete with large smoke stacks - finally comes into view.)

Emma: (Makes a face) Isn't that just lovely? (Wrinkles her nose) Now I remember why I never liked the city. :p

Mike: Well, it ain't exactly a honeymoon cottage, but it's nice if you're a cog in a wheel.

Peter: (Shivers) I don't like it at all! I'm picking up some very negative vibes from that place! :o

Lauren: Lovely. *makes a face*

Micky: Man, the archetect must've been drunk or something.

(Davy pulls in a half-full parking lot, mostly of cheap foreign cars...and one fancy black Italian model. Everyone gets out and looks around)

Mike: So, what do we do now?

Davy: Stanton's got to be around 'ere somewhere.

Stanton: Psst! (Indicates the shadows) Over here! (He waves his hands. He wears a white radiation suit. The other men with him wear dark-colored factory overalls. One man, a big 30-ish fellow with dark hair and eyes, wears a brightly colored patch on his overalls.)

Mike: I honestly expected him to be talkin' with a popcycle. (They trot over to Stanton.)

Stanton: I'm glad to see you kids. Most of the factory workers should have arrived now. Shrink is waiting for you. (Nods at the big man) This is Harry Morris. He'll be watchin' you in the factory. You'll report to him in the diner across the street (points at a rickety-looking diner car across from the factory) and tell him what you've learned.

Harry: (Big, booming voice; shakes the kids hands) Pleasure workin' for ya, guvnors.

Stanton: Just don't let on that you're doin' this for British Intelligence. We've lost men already.

Mike: Yeah, well, what's so important about all this?

Stanton: We think that gadget Plaisir's developed may be directly linked to the destruction of those men's minds, including ours. Their spirits had been completely broken, and they seemed to be vague, spacey, and a bit stiff.

Mike: What if she tries to use that gadget on us?

Stanton: That's where Morris comes in. He's one of best techicians. He can dismantle that gadget if he has to.

Morris: I've never met a gadget I haven't been able to take apart and put it back together better than it was before. ;)

Lauren: Well, Mick's good at taking things apart...

Davy: It's the putting back together 'e's got problems with. ;)

Micky: Ha ha.

Stanton: (Nods at the door) Are you kids ready?

Mike: As ready as we'll ever want to be. :p

Emma: (Sighs) Yeah, we're ready.

Micky: Man...

Lauren: Great.

Stanton: Shrink's probably waiting for you inside. He'll give you radiation suits and take you around the building. If you see ANYTHING suspicious, and I mean ANYTHING, tell Morris at the diner. Good luck! (The kids and Morris go in one direction, Stanton in the other. Morris goes in the door first, so he looks inconspicuous. The kids follow at a discreet distance.)

Shrink: (Greets the group with a wide but cold smile) Good morning, my young friends. I'm glad you changed your minds.

Mike: Yeah, we thought we'd like to find out a little more about what you do in this here factory.

Emma: (Elbows him) Don't lay it on with a trowel!

Mike: (Glares) I'm tryin' to disarm him!

Peter: (Frowns) Guys...

Shrink: Before you enter, you'll have to put on these. (Opens a locker and hands them all white jumpsuits, like the one worn by Stanton.) There's dangerous chemicals being worked on in our labs, and we don't want any of you to get burned.

Mike: (Under his breath as he puts his on over his suit) But I have the feeling we're going to get burned anyway, just the same.