Ok, so....let's begin. Everyone ready for some more time traveling? ;)

Mike: This won't involve pain, will it? :p

Just for some of you. ;)

Peter: I don't like this... :(

*Lauren chuckles.* ;)

Micky: I'm not gonna get maimed, am I? :P ;)

Davy: I 'ave no desiah to get maimed meself. :p

You'll see. ;)

(We begin in a dim room. Men in sherbert-colored suits with heavy shoulder pads sit at small computers, stand at rows of computer memory banks. A group of men stand in front of a groaning, bound figure. When they move, we see Davy...but this Davy is more than a decade older, with lighter, longer hair. He also wears a bright suit with heavy shoulder pads. The men reveal Alex and Shelia. They, too, seem to have aged a decade. Davy's wrists and ankles are tightly strapped to the back wall with narrow steel loops, and there are small, odd-shaped electrodes attatched to his head.)

Davy: I've told you, Alex, I'm not gonna talk, no mattah what you do to me.

Alex: *smirks* That's too bad. I thought you learned by now that you SHOULD talk.

Davy: I don't know the answers to 'alf of what you're askin', anyway. No one knows who's runnin' those pirate recordin' and video studios. (tries to shift in his bonds and mutters to himself) I should 'ave been more bloody careful... :p

Shelia: I wouldn't bother trying to get loose. It won't happen anytime soon. ;) >:)

Davy: That's what you think. :p

Alex: Since you SAY you don't know who's running the studios, who's the person you've been feeding information to? SOMEONE seems to have very good tabs about what we're working on. :P

Davy: You know damn well I'm not about to tell you THAT, eithah. :p

Alex: *growls* I am NOT against using these lovely electrodes we have attached to you. >:) X-(

*Shelia merely smirks.*

Davy: You can if you want. You won't get any information outta me. X(

Alex: We'll see about that.

*Alex walks over to what looks distinctly like a computer. He leans over the back of the chair in front of it, looks at the screen for a moment, then types something on the keyboard. The wires for the electrodes begin to glow.*

Alex: *turns back to Davy* How about a little electric shock treatment? >:)

Davy: (Growls) Bastard. X(

Alex: *smirks* Thank you. ;) >:)

*Alex turns his attention back to the screen and types some more. There's a hum, the glow brightening on the wires before disappearing. A jolt of electricty shoots through the wires, giving Davy a brief and medium-strong zap.*

Davy: (Screams, but then snarls) No! I'm not talkin'! X(

Alex: No? Good, because this is fun. *types again, this time sending a longer same-strength zap*

Davy: Damn you, Alex, I'm NOT going to tell you who the snitch is, and I genuinely don't know who's in charge of those stations!

Alex: Fine, then. *types once again, this time sending a longer and mildly stronger zap*

Davy: (Screams again; he's now panting, but he also glares) Alex, no one knows who "Rio" is. I'll bet their own mothah don't know. We want to know as much as you do. The music he puts out is sheer genius.

Alex: It's garbage is what it is! X-(

Davy: What's GARBAGE is the crap Shelia's toadies give to the mainstream stations!

Shelia: *smirks* Perhaps I could try to get some answers. ;) >:)

Davy: (Narrows his eyes) What do you mean? I don't think I'm up for gettin' in bed wit' you at the moment. :p

Shelia: I was thinking more along the lines of a soul reading.

Davy: (Narrows his eyes) Don't even try. X(

Shelia: Sorry, luv. ;) >:) *walks up to Davy and undoes his jacket and shirt enough for the reading*

(Suddenly, "Every Step of the Way" blasts throughout the room. Shelia, Alex, and all of the people in the room double over. Davy grins as Daphne, also now a decade older and wearing stirrup pants with a long pink sweatshirt, bursts in, followed by two teenagers. The boy carries a large portable stereo. Daphne has a steel-shafted spear.)

Daphne: Davy! (Grins) We got here just in time. ;)

Davy: Luv, watch out!

(Daphne ducks away and pulls the kids away as the men advance on them. She lunges at the men, stabbing at them with the spear.)

Daphne: The Huntress is on the prowl. ;)

*The boy with the stereo turns the volume up as high as it'll go.* ;)

Shelia: *with her hands over her ears* Stop them! X-(

Alex: No, stop the music! X-( :P

Daphne: Kids, get Uncle Davy untied. I'll handle these jerks. They're just some of Shelia's flunkies. :p (Daphne twirls the spear, then launches it at several men. It lands clean in the middle of one. There's a dark blue light, and it's back in her hand again.)

Daphne: Boomerang spear. My own invention. ;)

*The kids go over to Davy. The boy sets the stereo on the floor and work on freeing Davy.*

Davy: (The two teenagers finally get him out of his bonds, and he leans on them a little) Thanks, kids. That feels much bettah. ;)

Shelly: Anytime, Uncle Davy!

Mick: *grins* No problem. ;)

Davy: Grab that stereo, and we'll blow this joint. ;)

Shelly: Not literally, Mick. ;)

Mick: Aw, bummer! :P *picks up the stereo, grinning* ;)

(Daphne is tiring. She's still spearing flunkies, but she's slower than she was.)

Daphne: (Holds up her spear as they surround her) Anyone else game enough to take on the Huntress? X( ;)

Shelia: *fuming* I am. X-(

Daphne: (Narrows her eyes) Bring it on, Shelia.

Davy: Luv, 'ave you gone mad?

Daphne: Dave, I've been wanting to do this for years.

Alex: *over the music* Can you stop that awful racket first, Milady? :P ;)

Shelia: *ignores Alex* Let’s see what you've got. ;) >:)

(Daphne twirls the spear, putting on quite a performance to the beat of the music. She finally lunges at Shelia.)

*Shelia sidesteps Daphne, making her own staff appear. She swings it at Daphne's back.*

(Daphne barely catches herself before she falls and drops the spear, but she's tired from attacking before and is slow to regain her lost weapon.)

*Shelia swings her staff again and knocks the spear away. It rolls over to Alex, who picks it up, still holding one hand over an ear.* :P >:) ;)

(Daphne concentrates on making the spear reappear in her hand, but Shelia quickly puts the staff aside and reaches for her head.)

Davy: NO! DAPH, LOOK OUT! :o

*Shelia grasps Daphne's head and puts her fingers to her temples, beginning to muddle.* >:)

Daphne: No... (gasping) Davy...get the twins...out of here...

Davy: (Looks at the twins) Kids, GO! Get out! Blue-light out if you 'ave to!

Mick: But Uncle Davy...

Davy: NOW! I'll get Aunt Daphne! Go back to the others and get 'elp!

Mick: *sighs* Okay. C'mon, Shel.

*The twins disappear in a blue light, taking the stereo with them.*

(Davy launches himself at Shelia as the music ends, but he's weak from the electric shock and earlier tortures.)

Alex: *uses a blunt part of Daphne's spear to knock Davy down* Gotcha. >:)

(The remaining men quickly drag Davy to his feet as Daphne slumps in Shelia's arms.)

Shelia: Excellent. >:)

Worker 1: What are we going to do with them, Master and Milady?

Davy: (Low growl) Nothin', you assholes. (Looks towards the woman in Shelia's arms) Daph...oh, luv... :(

Alex: I wish to keep the Huntress. *smirks*

Davy: NEVAH!

Daphne: No...Davy... :(

Davy: What about me?

Shelia: Would you like to personally see "The Network?" ;) >:)

Davy: (Gasps) N...no!

Daphne: (Softly) No, please, Shelia, don't! He's the father of four children now...and I don't know what I or they would do without him... :( :o

(The men pull Davy over to the computers. They push him into a crystaline, coffin-like structure attatched to a long row of computers and memory banks.)

Davy: NO! NO, DON'T DO THIS! (Shrieks) DAPHNE!

(Davy is finally secured in the box, and the lid is locked tightly. Davy tries to struggle and push his way out, but it's locked solid. Daphne watches in horror, tears forming in her hazel eyes.)

*Shelia directs some of the workers to bring Davy along. They take him to the doorway as we fade out on the labs and in on the beach by the Pad. The guys have the instruments set up and are rehearsing, just jamming as we open. The ladies, along with the kids, are lounging in very places around the "stage."*

(They eventually go into "Tell Me Love" as the three remaining ladies - Valerie is absent - take the three kids onto the beach, build sandcastles, and watch the guys rehearse. Davy and Micky take their bows as the song ends and everyone claps, including the kids.)

Davy: Thank you, thank you, and thank YOU. (Points at Daphne and winks) I love ya, honey, don't evah change. ;)

Daphne: Of course not, you flatterer, you. ;)

Micky: I love to hear such love from our adoring public! :D ;)

Mike: Ok, guys, enough. We've gotta work on the new music for our last performance tonight at the Club Cassandra, and then we'll start workin' on the bedrooms.

Peter: (Sighs) I wish we could find another gig.

Mike: Somethin' will come up soon, Pete. Those record producers looked real interested in us.

Micky: I better it's just a matter of time before they come pounding on our doors! ;) :D

Davy: We're all gonna be majah stahs! :D

Emma: But right now, you're hot beachgoers who need lemonade and some time to relax. :)

Micky: That works, too. ;)

Mike: But...

Emma: Miiiiiiiikkkkkkkkkeeee.... :p

(Katie looks at one parent, then the other, and makes a face. She reaches for her father.)

Mike: (Takes Katie in his arms) Don't worry, cowgirl, we ain't startin' nothin'. I just wanted to work on a few more songs.

Emma: Mike, you’re all dripping sweat. You spent the morning plastering, painting, chipping, polishing, and sanding! Come have something to drink.

Micky: *nods* She has a point. I personally don't feel like passing out from dehydration. :P

Peter: (Puts his hand on Mike's shoulder) Come on, Michael, it won't hurt to take a few minute's rest. :)

Mike: Well, I guess just for a FEW minutes...

Micky: *crows* Alright! *puts his sticks down and jumps off the platform holding the drumkit; goes over to where Lauren is lounging and flops himself on the sand next to her, grinning*

(Davy jumps on Daphne, and the two of them wrestle, finally ending in a kiss. :X)

Davy: I love you so much, Daph. :X

Daphne: And I'm crazy about you. I'm so glad you finally got around to proposing. ;) :X

Daphne: (Grins) But we'd better not do this around the rugrats. ;)

Shelly: Kiss! :X

Mick: *claps* Kiss! :D

Davy: Why not? It's not like their folks ain't worse! ;)

*Micky chuckles.* ;)

*Lauren rolls her eyes.*

Mike: (As Emma hands out lemonade and oatmeal chocolate chip cookies) Ok, ok, guys, knock it off.

(Mike pulls a baby cookie out of a bag for Katie, who plays with it a bit before gnawing on it. :) )

Emma: (Hands the twins a cookie and a sippy cup) Here you go, kids. :)

Mick: Thanks, Auntie Emma! :D

Shelly: Thank you! :D

Emma: (Pats each twin on the head) You're welcome, kids. (Sighs) I can't believe you're both two already! Where has the time gone? :)

Lauren: Good question...

Mike: Yeah, and Miss Katie here is gonna have her first birthday soon. She's already workin' on crawlin'. :)

(Valerie joins them on the beach at this point. She wears a loose suit over her large, pregnant stomach, and has a smile a mile wide. She carries a briefcase in one hand. Peter runs to her and gives her a small, gentle hug.)

Peter: Hi, Val! What's up? You're so happy! Is it something about the baby?

Valerie: No, but I'm thrilled about that, too. (Grins) I can finally give you my surprise! :D

(Hands the boys pieces of paper from the briefcase.)

Mike: (Frowns) Contracts for Headquarters Records, to produce our own album startin' in a few weeks... (Looks at Val) I ain't never heard of them.

Valerie: No, you haven't (grins), because I'M them. That's my surprise. I borrowed money from Dad and started my own record label for struggling rock, pop, and folk groups. :D

Micky: *jaw drops* You're kidding.

Peter: (His grin almost splits his face) Oh, Val...WOW! :D

Valerie: (Shakes her head) Nope. You guys are going to be our first release. (Grins) If you want to, of course. We'll start a whole publicity campaign - interviews, appearances on TV shows, a short US tour, the works! :D

Daphne: Wow, that's awesome! :D

Lauren: I don't believe it. This is fantastic! :D

Valerie: (Grins) Daph, you and the Abbies are going to be our second release. :D

Daphne: (Beams) Really? :D

Valerie: I'll talk to some of the remaining groups around here, too.

Mike: This is including all royalties, gratuities, and such, right Val?

Valerie: Of course. Everything you need to know is in the contracts.

Peter: (He starts to cry) Oh, Val, this is WONDERFUL! It's the most wonderful present anyone's ever given me! I love you so much! (Hugs her as hard as he can in her delicate condition)

Valerie: I love you too, honey, and I love your music. That's why I did this.

Davy: This is all right of you, luv! :D

Micky: *wide grin* This is just so...it's...uhh... *just grins again* ;) :D

Lauren: Oh my God, Mick is speechless!

Mike: If Mick can't talk, it's a damn miracle. ;)

*Micky sticks his tongue out at Mike.* ;)

(Mike sticks his out back. Katie imitates him, then giggles.)

Emma: Now, see what you did? Katie, that's not nice.

Mike: Katie, Papa shouldn't have done that.

Valerie: Well, you guys can't keep playing local clubs all your life. I know you all love music, and even if you do split up, this will be a nice stepping stone for other things, too.

Peter: I just can't believe it. It's so amazing! (Sobs) I'm going to be a father and a rock star! :D :((

Valerie: (Laughs) Oh, honey. :)

Mike: This is real overwhemin', Val. I can't believe you'd do this.

Valerie: Dad's helping out. I want to do something musical, and he wants me to be in business. We finally compromised. ;)

Micky: Thanks, Val! :)

Valerie: You're welcome. (Smiles) And the new little Tork thanks you, too. He's one of the reasons I decided to do this. He'll have a whole family and a place to work and help out in when he grows up. :)

Peter: If he wants to.

Emma: (Smiles) I wonder what it'll be like in the future?

Peter: Wonderful, I'm sure. The air will be cleaner, there will be no war, people will love one another, and we'll all love our children. (Rubs Valerie's stomach; she smiles :) )

Mike: I ain't so sure 'bout that, Pete. Some of the shit they're doin' out there now is really scary, with all this nuclear talk...

Micky: *grins* Just imagination all the technological and scientific advances. ;)

Lauren: In other words, it'll be easier for you to blow stuff up in the future, right Mick? ;) :P

Micky: Funny, babe. :P ;)

Mike: (After everyone laughs) I wonder what the cars will be like? I'd kinda like to have a flyin' car. ;)

Peter: And the music will be wonderful, made by musicians with real heart!

Emma: (Joins Mike and Katie) I wonder what the kids will be like?

Mike: Katie's gonna be a tough little cowgirl...but pretty and sensitive, like her mama. :)

Lauren: *looks at the twins* I wonder...

*As the group wonders, a bright blue light suddenly appears and grows, until it fades and leaves behind a sleek, black TransAm coming to a stop just a bit down the beach from them. The car is totally black with heavily tinted windows...and a moving blue light at the front of it.* ;)

Micky: *eyes widen* Whoa... :-O :D

(Mike's jaw drops open. Emma grins and shuts it. ;) )

Lauren: What in the world?

Davy: 'Oly cow!

Daphne: Now THAT'S a car. ;) :D

Peter: I hope it isn't aliens! :o

Micky: In a car like THAT? Nahhh.

Valerie: Have you been listening to Tilly's ranting about what she's read in the tabloids again, honey? :p

Peter: Some of it's true!

Micky: Kinda doubt it, Pete. :P

*The driver's door swings open, and a teenager with long-ish wildly curly hair gets out. He wears a neon-multi-colored extra large shirt, neon pants, and hi-top sneakers. He leans on the door, looking at the group before him. His eyes widen, then he leans back into the car.*

(A teenaged girl follows him, looking around. She has equally long, wildly curly auburn hair and wears jeans, an oversized purple sweatshirt, and purple hi-tops. She has a purple chain necklace with several neon plastic charms on it around her neck.)

Shelly: Jeez, Mick, where did you TAKE us?

Car: (Familiar female voice) We're in 1971.

Emma: (Eyes widen) Good lord allmighty!

Mick: 1971?! You're kidding, Urse! :-O

Mike: I don't believe this.

Lauren: Oh my Lord!

Peter: Urse?

Micky: Uhhhh...

Shelly: (Grins and runs to Micky, hugging him) Daddy! Wow, you still look as handsome and as ready to blow something up as ever. ;)

Micky: *grins somewhat stupidly* Thanks...Shel! ;)

Mike: What's going on? Who ARE you people?

Mick: *walks over and pries his sister off Micky* Good one, Shel. ;) *grins*

Shelly: Well, I've missed him! (Sees the toddler twins, who watch their teen counterparts with much interest) Oh, geez, Mick, I think that's us!

Mick: *follows Shelly's gaze* I'd say you're right!

Daphne: You're the twins?

Mike: Where the HECK did you come from?

Mick: *as he picks up his toddler counterpart part and grins at him* 1986, apparently.

Shelly: (Nods and picks up her toddler counterpart) I don't know how we ended up in 1971, though. We were looking for help!

Peter: (He, Valerie, Davy, and Daphne are inspecting the car) This is Ursula?

Davy: That can't be! Urse is in a crystal!

Ursula: I still am, David. Just in here now.

Mick: *nods* Better believe it! Pretty awesome, huh?! ;)

Peter: (Eyes are wide and mouth is open) Wow... :o

Micky: Nice... :D ;)

Mike: That is the most beautiful machine I've ever seen. :D

Lauren: *elbows Micky* Don't drool. :P ;)

Micky: Sorry. ;) :P

Emma: (Elbows Mike) Goes double for you, Papa Wolf. ;)

Mike: Couldn't help it, darlin'. You don't see a thing of beauty like that every day. ;) :X

Mick: *grins in Micky's direction* Dad put together most of it, and Urse did her share, too. :D

Micky: Me? I did that? *blinks* Daaaang! :D

Ursula: Thank you, Micky, but your father deserves most of the credit. ;)

Davy: You mean, he built somethin', and it DIDN'T blow up or fail to work at all? ;) :p

Mick: *laughs* Yes! He got better. *smile faulters slightly* Apparently, Dad’s still blowing things up in 1971.

Micky: Well, at least SOMETHING didn't go "boom" after I had my hands on it. ;) :P

Shelly: (Cuddles her toddler counterpart) At least, when we see Dad. :p :(

Mick: *nods; smile falls altogether; shakes his head* Which isn't very often. :P

Micky: *eyes narrow slightly* Waitaminute. I don't like the sound of that. :P

Peter: (Frowns) What's wrong? You kids are really scared! :( :o

Shelly: (Eyes widen) That's right. Mom and Aunt Valerie told us Uncle Peter had some power that let him know how people are feeling.

Valerie: (Frowns) "Had?"

Mick: "Had." *nods* :(

Lauren: I don't like where this is going. :P

Peter: (Gulps) I don't, either.

Shelly: In our time...Uncle Peter is dead. (Makes a face) Or so the grown-ups say.

Mike: What do you mean?

Peter: (Face goes ashen) D..d...DEAD?

Valerie: How did he die? X(

Shelly: We don't know what happened. Our parents won't tell us the details. They say it's too painful for them, us, and especially for Jordan and Austin.

Mike: You don't sound like you believe them.

Mick: *shakes his head* We don't

Shelly: Their story is full of holes. We think Uncle Peter might still be alive somewhere.

Emma: Is that why you're here, to find out about Peter?

Shelly: (Shakes her head) No. We're here because we need help. Shelia has Uncle Davy and Aunt Daphne...OUR Uncle Davy and Aunt Daphne. :(

Davy: (Squeaks and points to him and Daphne) Me? Us?

Mick: That's right. We were trying to rescue Uncle Davy, but instead Aunt Daphne ended up in Shelia's grasp, too. They told us to get away. Well, we sure got away...

Ursula: You must have come here for a reason, young Savage.

Shelly: Could YOU help us?

Little Shelly: (Frowns; looks at her older counterpart) Help?

Mick: *smiles at the toddler twins, then at the others* Could you?

(The others exchange looks, but Davy finally steps up to the twins.)

Davy: I'll go. You said I was the one who was in trouble, anyway.

Mike: I don't like this.

Micky: Man, this is weird, even for us. :p ;)

Shelly: (Shakes her head) You haven't changed, Uncle Mike! You STILL won't believe anything!

Ursula: White Knight, consider ME to be the proof. I know there's nothing like this car or the technology that created it in 1971.

Daphne: (Joins Davy) I'm coming, too.

Davy: Daph...

Daphne: Davy, we don't even know what this is about, other than it sounds like Shelia is involved. They need all the help they can get.

Shelly: (Smiles) So, you'll come?

Daphne: We'll BOTH come!

Mick: Great!

Mike: What if you get killed?

Davy: Mike, we've got to take that chance.

Mike: You guys are crazy!

Emma: (To the twins as Katie plays with her bathing suit) Do you two promise to bring Davy and Daphne...our Davy and Daphne...back in one piece?

Peter: We don't want them to get killed before they're supposed to!

Mick: We promise to bring them back as best we can.

Daphne: We won't do anything stupid!

Mike: Sure you won't. :p

Davy: Come on, kids. Let's go. (To the others) We promise we'll be back in five minutes...1971 time. ;)

Daphne: Completely intact. ;)

Mick: *grins* Thank you! *puts little Mick back down on the sand and runs a hand through his counterpart’s hair* :)

Shelly: You won't regret this! (Puts Little Shelly back down on the sand and tickles her tummy. :) )

Little Shelly: (Giggles) I like you! You fun! :D

Shelly: I like you too, little girl. :)

Little Mick: Like hair! *grins, points at Teen Mick's curls* :D

Mick: *gives little Mick a light noogie* Thanks, little man. ;)

Shelly: Just think, kiddo, you're gonna look like Mop Boy someday. ;)

*Little Mick grins, while Micky laughs outright.* ;) :D

Mick: Thanks, Shel. :P ;)

Ursula: Could we get a move on, young Guardians?

Davy: Guardians?

Shelly: We're Guardians in Training. ;) :)

Mick: And doing pretty darn good, too! ;)

Mike: Five minutes, boy! You hear that?

Davy: Yes, Papa Wolf. :p

Shelly: Wow, I haven't heard anyone call Uncle Mike that in a long time. :D

Mick: Yeah, a rather long time. :D


Ursula: Come along, everyone. We'll explain on the way back to 1986.

Peter: Good luck!

Mike: You're all crazy!

Emma: Have fun storming the castle! ;)

Micky: Just make sure you come back in one piece!

Davy: We will. Five minutes, Mike! ;)

Lauren: And tell us everything when you get back!

Mike: That's an order!

Daphne: Of course! ;)

(The four finally climb into the car. The twins sit in front, Davy and Daphne in the back.)

Mick: Well, whadaya think? ;)

Davy: (Looks around the comfortable, all-leather interior. It's all black except for the neon fuzzy dice on the mirror...and the bright green glow of odd computers and buttons) This is amazin’!

Daphne: What's all that in front? (Indicates the buttons and computers)

Mick: *grins* All of this controls the car. Naturally, there's tons of buttons. *winks* The computer in the center is the main console and Urse's home. :)

Ursula: (A female face appears on the computer screen in the center console...a quite pretty one) Hello. :)

Davy: (As Mick starts to fiddle with the controls) So, why are you kids so desperate to bring us fifteen years into the future?

Mick: *sighs* Basically, the future is a total shambles. Shelia's taken over everything. Our group, or what's left of our group of Guardians, are pretty much rebels.

Daphne: All of us? Me and Davy, and everyone?

Shelly: Not quite everyone. :(

Ursula: (Sighs) Michael refuses to take part...or so he says.

Davy: Fifteen yeahs into the future, and Mike's STILL stubborn? :p

Mick: Yeah, you could say that.*pauses* Like we said, Uncle Peter is...missing.

Shelly: And Dad. :(

Davy: What's wrong wit' your dad?

Mick: *shakes his head* We've seen Dad working with Shelia and Alex, but he's never around when they're after us. Dad wasn’t there when we went after Uncle Davy.

Davy: (Eyes widen) Your dad is WORKING wit' Alex and Shelia? :o

Shelly: Shelia created some sort of computer technology, and we think he's in charge of that. :(

Ursula: (The car is now surrounded by blue light) I hope you know what you're doing, Micky.

Daphne: This is incredible!

Davy: Computer technology?

Mick: *makes a face* Otherwise known as the "Network." Apparently, it's an easier way for Shelia and Alex to collect and remove souls. So, technically, Dad did become a soul collector for Shelia, just like she wanted. X-(

Daphne: Oh no. :(

Davy: (Sits back) Oh, god...not Mick... :o :(

Daphne: What about us?

Mick: Uncle Davy's the last one who's still actually around, *smiles* other than Mom and Aunts Daphne, Valerie, and Emma, and the other kids.

Daphne: There's more like you guys? (Grins) Any of them belong to us? ;)

Shelly: *grins* Four girls. ;)

Mick: Lord help us all. :P ;)

(Davy grins widely. Daphne just shakes her head.)

Davy: I always WANTED four girls! :D

Shelly: *grins* Let’s see. There's our two brothers and sister, Uncle Peter and Aunt Valerie's two sons, plus Chrissy, and Uncle Mike and Aunt Emma's Katie and two brothers living with their grandparents. *looks to Mick* Did I miss anyone? ;)

Mick: *shakes his head* Gives me a headache everytime just trying to keep track. :P

Daphne: Gee, we breed well. ;)

Davy: Like rabbits, luv. ;)

Ursula: We should be arriving in 1986 momentarily. I'll take us to the place where you hid me, in the groves outside of Shelia's home.

Mick: Thanks, Urse.

(There's another blue light, and when it subsides, the car is now on a path that runs through a lush forest.)

Ursula: This is 1986. All ashore who's going ashore! ;)

Davy: How did Urse end up in the car?

Shelly: Well...

Ursula: Micky and Michael felt it was a safer place for me than the cave, which was far too well known by my sister and Alex.

Mick: That's the short version of it. ;)

Shelly: Between Uncle Mike and Dad, they had one heck of a time getting Urse in here. ;)

Davy: I'm sure they did, luv.

(That's when rustling is heard in the trees, and a faint and unhappy voice can be heard, even in the car...and the soft whoosh and thump of arrows hitting their targets.)

Mick: Oh, boy... :P

Familiar, Faint Voice: HEEELLLLPPP!!! :o

Davy: (Frowns) Sounds a little like Petah.

Daphne: I thought you said he's dead here?

Shelly: *makes a face* I really hate hearing that! :(

Mick: That's what we were told, but we've never believed that, and THAT'S the main reason why. The problem is, he's been corrupted. Every time we're on Shelia's grounds, we can hear him like that. :( :P

Davy: (Gasps) CORRUPTED?

Daphne: Oh god, not Peter...

Ursula: I don't think it's Peter this time, though. I think it's Jordan! :o

Davy: Jordan?

Mick: Jordan?

Ursula: Your mother must have gotten worried and sent more people after YOU! :p :o

Shelly: Oh dear.

Davy: Who's Jordan?

Ursula: No time to explain. You must help him! You know what Shelia will do to that poor boy if she gets her hands on him!

Shelly: Right! *to Davy and Daphne* You'll know who he is when you see him. ;) Step on it, Mick!

Mick: No need to say! Urse already has the pedal to the metal. ;)

Ursula: You'd better BELIEVE it, Micky! (She swings into full gear and they speed down the road and into the forest)

Mick: *sits back, without his hands on the wheel* Gotta love a car with a mind of its own. ;)