Is everyone ready to kick Zero's tail to hell and back?

Sir Robert: Oui.

Georgi: I am!

Bard Peter: What is going on?

(We open right where we left off - with Zero's men poised for attack. Sir Robert narrows his eyes and draws his sword, but Bard Peter pushes his arm down.)

Bard Peter: This is not right! Can't we discuss this without fighting?

Zero: Certainly, if you'll come with us. You made a fine slave, boy.

Julia: (Smirks) That, he did.

Bard Peter: Can't we at least take this outside?

Sir Robert: I don't know. The bar patrons seem interested.

Bard Peter: (Watches the bar patrons who aren't too drunk pull out swords; gulps) I'm not sure I like them being interested.

Ursula: Uncle, you can't keep chasing us. I'm going to do what I want.

Zero: That remains to be seen, girl. (To his men) All right, take them. Take all of them, the drunks, too. Leave no stone unturned...

*Suddenly, one of Zero's men goes flying through a window. Georgi walks over to the open window, dusting his hands off and grinning.*

Sir Robert: Very nice, mon ami.

Zero: (Screams) ATTACK! ATTACK THEM!

Georgi: Oops.

(The "Head" version of "Circle Sky" begins as Sir Robert jumps literally into the fray. Bard Peter tries to duck away. Ursula hits men with chairs.)

(Five of the drunks grab a long table and use it to shove Zero and most of his soldiers outside. Sir Robert follows them, dueling with two at once.)

(Zero lands in a fishmonger's cart! The fishmonger hits him over the head with a freshwater trout. He just looks dazed.)

*Another man bursts through the door with Georgi on his back, covering the man's eyes.*

(Two drunks toss a soldier into the fruit monger's cart. He eyes her bosom...then takes an apple and eats it, shrugging.)

(Sir Robert confronts Belavarg before he can go after the others. He points his sword out.)

(Ursula grabs Julia, and they fight among the vegetables, knocking cabbage and greens everywhere.)

(Bard Peter tries to duck away...but Zero has climbed out of the fishmonger's cart. He pulls away, his eyes widening.)

Bard Peter:

Zero: Spit it out, boy!

Bard Peter: You have a black soul! Your light is black!

Zero: How do you know that?

Bard Peter: I just...I do. (He pulls back) I have to find someone to stop you. You have a truly evil soul...

Zero: Hmmm. And you have a rather interesting one. What are you doing all alone in the city, hmmm?

Bard Peter: I wish to become a great musician.

Zero: Perhaps I could hire you. I could use a good musician.

Bard Peter: No...

Ursula: (Tries to pull away from Julia) Uncle, no! Leave the poor boy alone!

Sir Robert: (Looks over Belavarg) NOO!

Bard Peter: (He pulls out a bow and arrow and holds it on Zero) I will shoot if you come any closer!

Zero: (Laughs) What can a little boy like you do to me?

(Bard Peter shoots his arrow across the square. It hits a small apple on the fruit monger's cart dead across from them.)

Zero: (He pales, but still smiles) Lucky shot. (Peter shoots it again, this time hitting one of the soldiers attacking Ursula and Julia in the arm.)

Sir Robert: (He finally manages to hit Belavarg in the arm, getting him to drop his sword) Enough, you swine!

*Georgi picks up the sword and holds it pointed at Belavarg.*

(That's when another arrow flies out of nowhere, landing in a cart very close to Belavarg's nose.)

Ursula: I think it's time we left.

Sir Robert: Oui. (Narrows his eyes at Belavarg) We will finish this another time.

Zero: Stop them!

*Georgi jumps on several soldiers, enjoying a good old fist-fight.*

Julia: (Watches as Robert climbs onto the horse she was riding before; the horses were tethered next to the tavern) Robert, darling, why don't you come back with me now and spare us all this silliness?

Sir Robert: Non. You only want someone you can dominate, not love.

Ursula: Good idea. (She climbs aboard the Captain's horse)

Bard Peter: Wait! (He runs back into the tavern for his mandolin, then jumps on a horse) But isn't this stealing?

Ursula: No, we're borrowing these mounts from my uncle.

Peter: Oh.

Sir Robert: Georgi, stop playing with those men and get going!

*Georgi knocks the two men's heads together, then runs to a horse and gets on.*

Georgi: Sorry, I got carried away.

Zero: Stop! Stop them! (But the remaining soldiers who aren't dealing with drunks and angry sellers are unable to block the four as they speed out of the square.)

Julia: (Turns to the Captain) Find some horses and follow them out of the area! (She then goes to Belavarg) Are you all right?

Belavarg: *Waves it off* I am fine.

Zero: They can't be far. They wouldn't have gotten out of the city limits so quickly. (Looks at Belavarg) Could you send for more men quickly?

Belavarg: Certainly.

Zero: (To Julia, as Belavarg walks away) We ought to keep an eye on him. There's something going on with him that I don't trust.

Julia: Nor do I. We'll be on our guard.

(Fade out on the two as they head in the direction of the horse sellers. Fade in on the open road. This time, the road takes us by a river. Georgi is the first to stop his horse.)

Georgi: I'm hungry and thirsty.

Sir Robert: (Sighs) Here we go again.

Bard Peter: I could use a drink myself. (Nods) This stream looks clear. Why don't we stop here for some water? (Pats his horse) I'm sure our animals could use it, too.

Ursula: (Nods and climbs off her horse) I think we're safe from my uncle for now. He won't be able to find a horse that fast. (Turns to Peter) Besides, there's something we need to talk about.

Bard Peter: There is?

Sir Robert: (Climbs off his horse) That was some fine archery you did back there, mon ami.

Bard Peter: (Shrugs) My father and grandfather taught me in Bavaria. I am told that I am not bad at it.

Sir Robert: No, you are incredible! I have seen men in the French Army who do not have your skills.

Bard Peter: (Blushes very hard) I have been told I have few skills at all, besides music. That is why I left home.

Ursula: You ran away?

Bard Peter: My father wished for me to go to school and become a university professor, like him. I had tried. I really did. But... (sighs) I am stupid. I do not learn the way he does, and I was not interested in teaching. My heart is in music.

Sir Robert: Non, mon ami! You are not stupide!

Ursula: Far from it. You were a very big help today in rescuing us from those soldiers.

Bard Peter: (Frowns) Those men...the lady. They have black lights. Black souls. I have never seen that before.

Sir Robert: How do you know?

Bard Peter: It is my talent. I can see lights around people that tell me what they are feeling. What is in their soul. (Grins at Georgi, who noisily scoops water from a river) For instance, Georgi's light is red. I can see that he is feeling playful, happy that he was able to help in the square...and famished. (He goes to Georgi) Would you mind if I...did something?

Georgi: *Straightens* Sure.

Bard Peter: (Puts a hand on Georgi's shoulder...and laughs) Oh my! You really ARE hungry, aren't you?

Georgi: *Grins* I said I was.

Bard Peter: You're confused. You're excited - we did just come from that huge fight! And... (frowns) you miss somebody terribly. You poor man.

Georgi: My family. I didn't want to leave them.

Bard Peter: You are lucky to be so close to your family. I love my sister and brother and mother, but I...had a fight with my father. I had to leave.

Ursula: (Thoughtful) Peter, sit down. We need to talk.

Bard Peter: Have I done something wrong?

Sir Robert: (Grins at Georgi) I think I know what she does.

Georgi: *Also grins* It does seem familiar.

Ursula: (Ignores the other two) No, not at all! You've done nothing wrong. In fact, I was going to ask you if you wanted to join our group. You have amazing skills, Peter Thork of Bavaria.

Peter: join you?

Sir Robert: You are a fine archer, a grand musician, and you handled the soldiers well. I think you will fit in.

Ursula: Peter, sit down. (She pats a fallen log. He sits next to her)

Peter: What is going on?

Ursula: I'm going to give you powers, Peter. Powers like I gave them. (She puts a hand on his chest...and her eyes widen) Oh! Oh my! (She smiles) You have one of the sweetest, most innocent souls you've ever seen. You're not angry or upset with us, though you are frightened and confused. You truly don't understand what's going on, or why those men attacked us. You just want to play music and be happy.

Sir Robert: He does?

Peter: I do?

Ursula: Yes, you do. Now, (takes his hand) close your eyes and concentrate.

Peter: Well, all right... (He does so. There's a green light around him. When it subsides, Peter opens his eyes.)

Peter: Was that all?

Ursula: Now, concentrate. Make something appear.

Peter: Huh?

Sir Robert: Like this. (He makes a tree branch appear in his hands in a blue light)

Peter: (Jumps in surprise) Oh...oh my! You can do that?

Ursula: And now, so can you.

Peter: Well...all right... (He closes his eyes and concentrates. A horn appears in a blue light. He grins his warm grin) Oh, my old horn! I have missed this! (He blows on it...very well, in fact.)

Ursula: Very nice, Peter.

Peter: What of you, Georgi?

*Georgi makes a piece of bread appear and eats it.*

Peter: Oh, my! You can all do this! (He turns to Ursula) What are you? Your light is blue...not dark, but...different...

Ursula: I am a devil.

Peter: (Blinks) I don't believe in devils.

Ursula: Hence your innocence. It's rare to find someone like you.

Peter: I do not know if I should thank you or not. (Sighs) I still wish I could play music.

Ursula: Why don't you?

Peter: Why don't we what?

Sir Robert: Play music! (He nods) The crowds seemed to like us when we all played together.

Ursula: You do seem to have some chemistry.

Sir Robert: It would be a fine way to make legitimate money and still be able to escape the Devils. (Turns to Georgi) And are a bon singer, and you can keep the beat well.

Georgi: Thank you.

Ursula: I really do think you have something. You were certainly better than those awful men playing when we first arrived!

Georgi: *Smiles* Thanks, Urse.

Sir Robert: (Nods at the horses) First chance we get, we must sell them and buy a proper cart. Your uncle will be able to identify them. We could use the money to buy instruments, too.

Ursula: Perhaps...I could pull you some strings, and we could get into some courts. Not major ones - that would attract Uncle's attention - but some courts, nevertheless.

Sir Robert: (Makes a face) I dislike all that pomp and fancy talk. It is dull, and the people are jackanapes.

Peter: Could you really get us into the courts?

Ursula: We could try. (Thinks) We could go to England after we buy the cart. It would take ages for my Uncle to get there, and there are plenty of minor households that would receive us.

Peter: I have been to England. My father was once stationed there. We were a military family for many years, but I don't really remember much about it.

Sir Robert: I have not. We mostly campaigned in the Gallic and Italian regions.

Ursula: What of you, Georgi? Ever eaten English food?

Georgi: No, but I've always wanted to.

Ursula: Would you like to eat it straight from the source?

Georgi: You bet I would!

Ursula: It's settled, then. As soon as we can eat, we'll go to the nearest town, sell the horses, buy a cart, and see what we can do about clothing, supplies, and more instruments.

Sir Robert: But for now, (grins at Georgi) we find our ami a meal, before he bursts.

Peter: And we would not want that!

Georgi: What great friends I have.

(They all laugh and shake their heads, and even the horses whinny along as we fade out.)