Everyone ready to rescue Georgi's family?

Sir Michael: Oui.

Ursula: Yes!

Georgi: Definitely!

(We open at the Dolenzia family's home. Juno stands in front of the door, the three girls watching fearfully behind her. Belavarg sits on the back of his black charger. Soldiers have already drawn their weapons. Zero and Julia ride up as Belavarg glares at Juno.)

Zero: (He arrives first) Did you find them, Bela?

Belavarg: They are not here currently, but they were.

Juno: Why are you here?

Soldier Captain: We found this fellow traveling up here. (They shove an older man with grayish-brown curls and tanned skin into the clearing. He lands on his knees on the ground) He claims he hasn't seen anything or anyone and was merely coming home from work.

Zero: You have to have seen someone coming up the pathway.

Georgi Sr.: No, I have not seen anyone! Just me!

Julia: (She runs her hands over his chin) I don't think he's telling the truth.

Zero: (To the Captain and his men) Search the area! Search every inch of the house! Destroy everything, if you have to! Find my niece and that blasted Frenchman!

Juno: No! No! Stay out of my house! (Turns to Belavarg) You are the one who has been terrorizing all of the mountains!

Belavarg: *Smirks* So what if I have.

Juno: You have destroyed homes and taxed people who are already poor. You will not destroy our family like you have others!

Zero: I think we ought to teach these people a lesson. (Nods at the captain) Burn this house, and the occupants, if you must.

Juno: (The girls scream in horror behind her) NO!

Julia: (Grins at the struggling Georgi Sr.) And I think we could come up with some wonderfully delicious things to do to him.

Juno: (As they grab her away and several soldiers reach for the girls) NO! Stop! This is our home! (Turns to her husband) Oh Georgi...

Julia: (Ignores Juno as the soldiers break into the house) Now, what will we do to you? Perhaps the hot irons? A branding? Or maybe (makes her claws appear) we'll take something important?

Georgi Sr: You're mad!

Juno: Stop! No!

*Suddenly, the young Georgi appears, running towards them. He makes a B-line for Belavarg and takes the man clear of his charger!*

(Sir Robert follows after, his broadsword whirling. He attacks the man holding Juno, running him clean through.)

(Ursula hits Julia as hard as she can with a large log. Julia doubles over and lets Georgi Sr. go. He runs after the Captain and hits him as hard as he can. The Captain tries to stab him...but is in turn stabbed by an angry Sir Robert.)

Sir Robert: Monseuir, you go after the other soldiers. I will take the one still after the horse.

Ursula: (Nods, brandishing her log) I'll help you. Juno, get the children away from here.

(Juno nods and hurries the girls into the woods.)

Georgi Sr. Who are you?

Sir Robert: There is no time for introductions. Just do it!

(Ursula and Georgi Sr rush into the house. Sir Robert runs over to Zero, who climbs off his charger.)

Zero: Well, look what the mountain cat dragged in.

Sir Robert: You leave this place at once. These people have done no harm.

Zero: They harbored traitors.

Sir Robert: They did not know!

Zero: (He pulls out his sword) You two think you can get away from me? We'll hunt you to the ends of the Earth.

Sir Robert: And we will just keep pushing you away. You are not our masters. I have no master!

Zero: So be it. I'll have to destroy you. We can't have slaves escaping. (He attacks; Robert parries. The two launch into a fierce duel, neither giving an inch.)

Ursula: (She runs out of the house and over to Georgi and Belavarg) Georgiano, are you all right? Your father's tying up the remaining soldiers.

*Georgi leaves Belavarg in a heap and runs over to help with Zero.*

Ursula: (As Zero attacks Robert's legs) Sir Robert, look out!

(Robert isn't fast enough. Zero sweeps his legs out from under him. Robert's sword winds up next to Sheila, who, having gotten to her feet, takes it into her hands.)

Zero: And now, boy, you will die!

*Zero suddenly tumbles over, Georgi having jumped on his back.*

(Sir Robert scrambles back. Ursula tosses him his sword.)

Zero: (Screaming, trying to pull at Georgi) Get off of me, you little wretch!

Julia: (Rubs her hands where her sister yanked them) Get off my uncle!

Sir Robert: (As Zero tries to stab Georgi) Watch out! He is full of tricks!

Zero: (Trying to throw Georgi off) What are you, glued on?

Georgi: Stay away from my family!

Zero: I...AHHHH! (He finally throws Georgi off...and when he does, he reveals that he has a dagger in his shoulder. Julia turns to Georgi angrily)

Julia: Why you little BRAT!

Sir Robert: Good work, Georgi.

Zero: Julia, get this out! (He lets out another scream)

(Julia does, gingerly. Zero grabs his shoulder, slumping painfully.)

Zero: (Panting; glares at Georgi) You will pay for this, boy.

Georgi: I have no money, so I'll have to owe you.

Julia: We'll leave for now. (Narrows her eyes) But we WILL return for them.

Zero: Belavarg, we're getting out of here.

Julia: (She kicks Belavarg's side) Wake up!

*Belavarg just groans as he attempts to stand.*

Zero: (As two soldiers help him onto his horse) Where's the rest of you?

Soldier #1: Back at the house, sir! We're not going back in there!

Soldier #2: Those little girls are in there! They're crazy! They came out of the woods and stole everyone's pants but ours!

(Sir Robert and Ursula exchange looks...and nearly double over laughing.)

Soldier #2: Let's get out of here, before they steal our pants, too!

(That's when Georgi's little sisters come running out, each holding several pairs of pants and laughing as hard as they can.)

Soldiers: (Takes one look at the kids and screams) AYYEEEEEEE! (They run off in the woods, leaving soldier-shaped holes through the brush)

Sir Robert: (Grins at Georgi) Make sure your soeurs get an extra helping of dessert tonight.

Georgi: Gladly.

Julia: This is embarrassing. (Glares at her sister) We WILL return. (She climbs onto her horse and gallops away. Zero and Belavarg manage to make it on their horses and take off)

Sir Robert: They are menaces, all of them.

Ursula: (Turns to Georgi) You're amazing!

Georgi: Nahh...

Sir Robert: (Sheaves his sword) You saved my life, mon ami. I am greatful.

Ursula: Zero's not going to let you or your family alone after what happened here.

Sir Robert: Perhaps you should come with us.

Georgi: You really think I should?

Ursula: It may be for the best. My uncle doesn't forgive easily...and Belavarg even less so. They'll just keep attacking your family, and may cause even more harm.

Sir Robert: You certainly have skills. You handled them well.

Georgi: Thank you.

Juno: (She goes to them) Georgi Sr has let the other men go. They are running for the woods. (Grins slightly) Georgi, did you see your sisters? They went back to the house while my back was turned. When I went after them, they were not there...but all the soldiers were not wearing clothes.

Georgi: I did see them. Good for them.

Ursula: Georgi, I hate to take you from your family...but we may all be in danger. Those people will come back, and they will bring reinforcements. They aren't safe as long as we're here.

Georgi: *Nods* It's perhaps for the best.

Juno: (She takes Georgi's hand) It is hard for me to let my baby boy go.

Georgi Sr.: (He emerges) The soldiers are gone. Your sisters are back. They said they left the pants in the woods. (Frowns) What is this about Georgi leaving?

Ursula: Don't worry, Sir. He'll be well-protected.

Georgi Sr.: (Sighs) I suppose there is time in young man's life when he must leave home.

Juno: I just wish it wasn't now. (She takes his hands) Will you ever come back to us?

Georgi: Of course I will, Mamma!

Juno: I will pack you a lunch while you gather our things, if those horrible people left us anything.

Georgi Sr: You take care, my son. (Turns to Ursula and Sir Robert) I do not know you, but you defended our home. I only ask of you that you keep a good watch on my son.

Georgi: I will, Papa.

Sir Robert: Do not worry, monseuir. (Little Nesmith smile) We will watch each other.

Juno: Come on. Let us gather your things.

(We fade out Juno takes them into the woods. Fade in on later in the day. Everyone now carries packs on their backs and wears warmer clothing. Ursula carries a basket of food.)

Juno: (The Dolenzia family waves in front of the cottage; she sniffles) Good bye, Georgi! Do not forget us!

Sir Robert: (As they make their way into the woods) Your parents are good people, Georgi. I feel bad for making you leave them.

Georgi: I do, too, but I know I'll be back.

Ursula: (Looks around them) I think this is far enough from the house to do this. (Stops, sits on a log, and puts her pack aside. She pats the log next to her) Georgi, please sit with me.

Georgi: Okay. *does so* What are we doing?

Sir Robert: Good. I could use a rest. (He flops down on the ground next to them)

Ursula: Georgi, that was a very brave thing you did this morning, both with the mountain cat and with those intruders. (Sighs) They were my uncle, sister, and my uncle's men.

Georgi: *Eyes widen* Your uncle, sister, and his men?

Ursula: Yes. I don't know why Belavarg is terrorizing this area. He's likely looking for more energy. (Rueful smile) And you certainly have enough of it.

Georgi: Thanks, I think.

Ursula: You have amazing skills, Georgi. You're an incredible acrobat and very intelligent. Not just anyone could have caused that great explosion yesterday!

(Sir Robert snorts, but says nothing.)

Georgi: *Smiles* You're just saying that...

Ursula: No, I'm not. You deserve to be more than a peasant farmer. (She sighs) I'm going to give you the same powers I gave Sir Robert.

Sir Robert: (Nods) I was just a bounty hunter and a drifter. Now... (He concentrates - some berries appear in his hands in a blue light) She has helped me.

Georgi: Wow!

Ursula: (She puts her hands on Georgi's chest and closes her eyes) Yes, I feel it. You have an amazing soul. You're full of fire and strength, almost savage, like that wild cat that attacked us earlier. You're frightened, but you're also lively and curious, bright and intelligent...

Georgi: Yes... I am...

Ursula: You enjoy wreaking havoc...but also nature, quiet, being in the mountains. You prefer people and being around others to loneliness...

Georgi: Yes, I do...

Ursula: You love your family and miss them more than words can say...but you're also intrigued by us, since you rarely see anyone at all in these parts, much less a tall blond woman with a British accent and a Frenchman wielding a fine sword.

Georgi: Yes, I would.

Ursula: (She takes his hand, then puts her hand on his chest) Now, close your eyes and concentrate, and I'll do the same.

Georgi: Okay. *does so*

(Ursula concentrates. There's a reddish and blue light around Georgi. Robert leans against his arm, watching them with interest. When the light subsides, Ursula smiles.

Ursula: How do you feel now, Georgi?

Georgi: *Opens his eyes* I feel good.

Sir Robert: Try doing what I just did with the light.

Georgi: *Concentrates; berries appear in his hand with a blue light* Wow!

Ursula: You can now make things appear by just closing your eyes and concentrating. (She pulls out the basket) And now, gentlemen, why don't we have lunch, before my uncle decides to come back around and try again?

(We fade out as the trio enjoy their lunch together...but the camera moves over the horizon, showing the late afternoon, the hooting owls, and the ravens in the distance...)