Everyone ready to head into the Italian mountains?

Sir Robert: Oui, madame.

Julia: I love the mountains...

Ursula: Julia, you are NOT coming.

(We open back where we were, in the barn. Sir Robert gasps and puts his hand against his heart, his eyes full of angry fire.)

Sir Robert: Merci, mademoiselle. I cannot believe what your soeur did to me! (He growls, putting his hand to the hilt of his sword.) When I get my hands on her...

Ursula: Please don't. She is still my sister. She will be dealt with in the future.

Sir Robert: Fine. (Sheaves his sword) But I do not intend to become her slave again.

Ursula: She will not turn you again.

Sir Robert: (Sighs) But there is question of what to do now. When you found me, I was...well, I was not happy. I was drunk and lost and sick and homeless.

Ursula: I'll help you flee to somewhere you can't be found.

Sir Robert: I just wish I knew what to do with myself. I know I am knight, but I cannot join army again. I do not take orders well.

Ursula: I think I can help you... *touches his heart* You have the means to do something with yourself. I've given you a helping hand.

Sir Robert: What do you mean?

Julia: *Enters* What's going on in here?

Ursula: (Puts her hand on Robert's as he reaches for his sword with a growl) We're just talking, Julia. Go back to bed.

Julia: Oh, really?

Ursula: Really. It's not what you think.

Sir Robert: Julia, I'm leaving. I appreciate your rescuing me, but I am no slave.

Julia: Wait a minute. What did you do to him, Ursula?

Ursula: You'll find out anyway, so I might as well tell you. I restored him.

Sir Robert: (Narrows his eyes) Turning a person into a shell of himself is not a way to make them love you.

Ursula: Julia, I don't want to hurt you...but I will if I have to. Get out of here.

(Sir Robert's hand goes to his sword...)

Julia: *Calls out* Men!

(That's when a group of men in soldier's uniforms appear. The one in the fanciest uniform turns to Julia.)

Captain: Yes, Miss Julia?

Julia: Arrest them!

Ursula: Sir Robert, close your eyes and concentrate!

Sir Robert: What?

Ursula: Just do it! (Ursula concentrates. When the blue light subsides, the Captain is now a birch tree in a pot.)

Julia: No!

(Sir Robert closes his eyes and concentrates hard. When the light subsides, the men are now laying on the floor, passed out.)

Sir Robert: (His brown eyes are huge) Did I...how did I...

Ursula: No time to explain! (She concentrates. There's another blue light. When it subsides, both of them are gone.)

Julia: NOOO!!

(We fade out on her stomping around and throwing a fit. Fade in on the mountains beyond the Inn. When Sir Robert and Ursula reappear, they're now wearing different peasant outfits and carrying bags. Robert's hair is pulled back into a low ponytail and he wears a shapeless hat. Ursula wears a plain green cloak over her simple white dress.)

Sir Robert: (Touches the hilt of his sword to make sure it's still there, then turns to Ursula) Would you mind explaining that to me, mademoiselle?

Ursula: I gave you a set of powers that are directly related to your imagination. When you use your imagination, you can get anything... within reason, of course.

Sir Robert: Of course. (Grins) You know, I'm kinda hungry... (He closes his eyes and concentrates. When the blue light subsides, he now holds two sausages) Oh, I like this. (Holds one sausage out to her) Want one?

Ursula: I would love one. Thank you. *accepts it*

Sir Robert: So, now what? We're travelin'? (Chuckles) Maybe I can make myself an army.

Ursula: Perhaps, but for now, lets just travel a little.

Sir Robert: Oui. (He shivers) Oooh, it is tres cold! (Tries to warm himself) This printemps weather is tres annoying. I wish it would make up mind.

Ursula: (Nods) We'll certainly have to find some kind of shelter for the night. The woods are cold at this time of year, and those highwaymen we encountered yesterday aren't the only brigands in this wild country.

Sir Robert: Mademoiselle, I could certainly take care of... (looks up as we hear something in the brush) what's that?

Ursula: What's what?

Sir Robert: I hear somebody back there.

*There's the soft sound of someone singing quietly in Italian.*

Sir Robert: I hear someone...singing? (Pokes his sword into the brush) Come out, whomever you are! Show yourself!

Ursula: Robert, I don't think that's necessary...

*A young man with a mop of long curly brown hair stands up, holding a fistful of fresh herbs. He wears slightly singed peasant garb and looks at them questioningly.*

Sir Robert: (Pulls back) Bonjour, sir. You are...not armed?

Ursula: He's carrying herbs, not a sword, Robert. I doubt he means to hurt us.

Young Man: *Holds out his fistful of herbs* Herb? *smiles warily*

Sir Robert: (Warily) Oui. (Takes it)

*The young man smiles again.*

Ursula: Young man, would you know where there is an inn or a place where we can spend the night? We're travelers, and we are hoping to find our way through the mountains tomorrow, after a good night's rest.

(Sir Robert chews on the herbs, making weird faces as he does.)

Young Man: *Tentatively* You are not part of the army?

Sir Robert: Not anymore, mon ami. I was...discharged.

Ursula: And I certainly am not.

Young Man: *Sighs* Thank goodness. We've had a lot of trouble from them lately. I can't do any of my experiments without at least one of them showing up!

Sir Robert: (Swallows his herbs and raises an eyebrow) "Experiments?"

Young Man: *Nods* I like to tinker with mixing things together and seeing what I come up with.

Ursula: That sounds quite useful.

Sir Robert: Why would the army be way up here?

Young Man: Why wouldn't they?

Sir Robert: You are...not in easy to find place.

Young Man: You would think.

Ursula: You're very out-of-the-way. I shouldn't imagine they trouble you often. (Frowns) Have you ever seen a very large man with them, tall and dark-haired, with the brow of a demon?

Young Man: *Nods* I have seen him. Tales are swarming throughout the main village about him.

Ursula: (Mutters) And I can guess what most of them say. (Out loud) He's one of the people we're fleeing from. We think he may intend to harm us.

Sir Robert: And he's not the only one.

(That's when we see a dark light and hear horses riding through the trees. Julia, Zero, Belavarg, and more of the soldiers arrive, surrounding the trio.)

Young Man: Oh no!

Sir Robert: (Draws his sword) Get out of here, before I hurt you.

Belavarg: Not so fast.

Ursula: Uncle, I had to leave.

Zero: Ursula, my dear, I'm disappointed in you. It's not like you to go running off without at least telling your old uncle first.

Julia: Yes, sister dear.

Ursula: I no longer wish to be... (looks over her shoulder at the young man, then says) ...to be what all of you are. I wish to blaze my own path.

Zero: You're crazy, Ursula. You're one of us. You cannot change that.

Ursula: I'm tired of what we do.

Julia: Oh please...

Sir Robert: I suggest you stay away from her, Monseuir. She does not wish to be with you. (Turns to Julia, growling) And as for you...

Julia: *Smirks* I love it when you growl.

Sir Robert: Do not get ideas. I'm not your lover.

Ursula: Uncle, you know I can turn all of you into kittens my simply concentrating on you.

Young Man: Am I missing something?

Zero: And we won't allow that. Guards, take both of them. Kill the one behind them. We don't want to leave witnesses.

Young Man: *Eyes widen* What!?

Sir Robert: No, he is innocent! Leave him alone! (He meets the soldiers head-on, fighting through them...but they're better with their swords than the drunken highwaymen)

Belavarg: Gladly. I'm tired of sending my men up here every other day.

Ursula: (Turns to Belavarg) This young man tells me you've been attacking this region! Why? We have no real interest in it, beyond the simple gathering of souls. This is very wild country, too wild for the dainty likes of you.

Belavarg: You underestimate what I require.

Ursula: Which is?

*Suddenly, there's an explosion of dirt from near where Zero, Belavarg, and Julia stand It coats them with a cloud of dust. The Young Man jumps up and down, whooping with glee.*

(The soldiers are about to take the sword from Robert when we hear the explosion, and most of them end up covered in dirt! Robert is able to knock the others to the ground and get his beloved weapon back.)

Ursula: Well, let's not stand here dilly-dallying! Young man, is there a place where we can hide here?

Young Man: Yes, follow me! *takes off running*

Sir Robert: (Calls out) Mon ami, wait for us! (He takes off)

Ursula: Boys! (Sighs) Goodness, they certainly can move fast! (She follows after them)

*The Young Man quickly climbs a full tree to hide in.*

Sir Robert: Is he off his... (Suddenly, we hear voices and hoofbeats from behind them) Then again, maybe it is not so dement. (He climbs awkwardly into the tree. Ursula shimmies up soon after them)

Ursula: Well, this is cozy, I must say.

Young Man: Sorry, it was the best and closest thing I could think of.

Sir Robert: As long as they can't... (He puts a finger to his lips) Shh...

(The horses and their riders arrive in the area, right under the tree. Everyone climbs off their horses.)

Soldier #1: Master, I don't see them anywhere!

Belavarg: They must be around here somewhere...

Zero: (Turns to Belavarg) What did Ursula mean by you attacking this region?

Belavarg: Exactly that. We could always use more help.

Zero: (As they look in bushes and around briar patches) I have the feeling it's more than that. The girls did say you sent men to attack them and that blasted new slave of Julia's last night.

Belavarg: *Shakes his head* Those highwaymen were drunk, probably blind, and who knows what else.

Zero: (Narrows his eyes) Indeed. (Turns to Julia) Have you had any luck, dear?

Julia: No.

Zero: (Shivers) It's getting colder. We're going to have to assume they've either gotten too far or found a very good hiding place.

Belavarg: Agreed. I'm sure we'll come across then again soon.

Zero: If they don't come out of the mountains soon, they'll freeze to death. (Shivers again) And we'll do the same if we don't. Come along, Julia.

Julia: *Tosses a quick glance towards some trees, then turns back to Zero.* Fine.

(The moment the horses and their riders clear out, the trio drop out of the tree. The young man lands first, followed by Robert.)

Sir Robert: (He lands a bit unsteadily) Merci, Monseuir. Thank you. You saved our lives.

Young Man: You're welcome. I'm just glad that worked again.

Ursula: (As she drops from the tree) What WAS that?

Sir Robert: (Nods) That noise, and the dirt. What happened there?

Young Man: Just a little thing I've been working on to keep those men away.

Ursula: Well, it's certainly effective. Messy, but effective. (She brushes herself off) But we really do need a place to stay for the night.

Sir Robert: We really must find an inn or hostel.

Young Man: Well, I don't think my parents would mind if I brought some new friends home. We don't have much, but we have a roof over our heads. *smiles, then sticks a hand out* Name's Georgiano Dolenzia.

Sir Robert: (Bows) Je’ aple Sir Robert Del Naysmythe.

Ursula: (Shakes his hand) My name is Ursula of Berlin.

Georgiano: Nice to meet you both. You can call me Georgi, easier to say.

Sir Robert: You may call me Robert, then.

(They head for Georgi's home. It's on the edge of a cliff, near the woods. There is a pen, a small barn, and a little cottage that seems to be a bit old and worn. An older woman who looks a great deal like Micky's mother Jannelle sweeps the porch. She wears a heavy, rough Italian peasant's outfit.)

Georgi: *Waves and gives the older woman a hug* Hi, Mamma!

Juno: (Hugs Georgi) Hello, Georgi! (Nods at Ursula and Sir Robert) Who are these two people? (Frowns at Robert's sword) They are not army people?

Georgi: No, Mamma, they aren't army. They're friends. They really need a place to stay the night. We just had a small encounter out in the greenery, so I offered to bring them here.

Juno: (Nods) It is just me and you and your sisters tonight. Your father went down to the valley to sell some goats.

Sir Robert: Is that what you do? (Grins) I thought it was your job to make big noises and lots of flying dirt.

Georgi: No, that's just my part-time job. My full-time job is being a good son! *gives his mother another hug*

Juno: (Hugs Georgi) Yes, you are good son. (She nods) We can take you in tonight, since your father will be staying in town.

Sir Robert: (Nods) Merci, Madame. We are just passing through for tonight.

(That's when we see three little heads peeking out of the door, giggling.)

Georgi: Uh oh, here's trouble. Quick, lets find another tree!

Juno: (Shakes her head and turns to her daughters) Shoo! Shoo! Back into bed with you! You will meet our visitors tomorrow.

(The girls do go inside, still giggling. The others follow them indoors. It's as plain on the inside as it is on the outside. There's a hearth for cooking, a simple wood table with six chairs, a large bed on one side, another bed on the other.)

Juno: Ursula, you may share with girls in loft. I hope they will not bother you.

Georgi: Just let me know if they do.

Ursula: (Shakes her head) Oh, no. I have a sister of my own. I'm quite used to giggling little girls.

Juno: Sir Naysmythe, you will share with Georgi.

Sir Robert: Um, are you sure that is good idea?

Georgi: I don't bite!

Juno: It's better than sleeping on dirt floor. Our other furniture (indicates a few other chairs and a bench by the fire) are not large enough for sleeping people.

Ursula: I'm sure it'll be fine, Robert.

Georgi: I've tried it before. It doesn't work.

Juno: I will be changing in the loft. (Nods) You boys have a good night!

Georgi: Goodnight, Mamma!

Sir Robert: (As Juno climbs into the loft) Au revoiur, Madame. (Turns to Georgi) I think it is time we sleep, too. It is late.

Georgi: If we must.

Sir Robert: Normally, I would be up all hours at a tavern, but I have had VERY long day. (He puts his sword carefully aside and removes his boots)

Georgi: *Shrugs* Okay. *starts stripping out of his clothes*

Sir Robert: (Lays down in the bed and pulls the scratchy, thin wool blanket over his head) Bon nuit, Georgi.

Georgi: *Lays down, clad in only his shorts* Night night!

*Within mere moments, Georgi is fast asleep and snoring something awful.*

Sir Robert: (Groans) He makes so much noise! (He ducks under the covers as we fade out on his groans and Georgi's snores)