So, you ladies ready to finish off this story?

Valerie: Yes. I just hope the boys haven't been finished off.

Lauren: Ready. I agree with Val.

Daphne: I'm ready.

(We open in the Beach Cave. The twins, Katie, and Jordan are playing catch with a ball. Leah and Lizzie play with dolls. Robbie, Austin, and Billy nap. Emma reads a book. Valerie works on what looks like papers scattered around a table. We see a pair of feet under Ursula. Daphne leans over her.)

Bob: Hello, ladies. Valerie, what are you doing?

Valerie: (Shrugs) Oh, just catching up on some Headquarters work.

Bert: Where are the guys?

Emma: (Looks up from her book) They haven't gotten back yet. (Sighs) I'm getting worried.

Valerie: I'm sure they'll call us soon. They all have their communicators.

Bob: How's Urse coming, Lauren?

Lauren: Just fine. I'm glad I talked Micky into showing me how to at least do some minor work on Urse. Gives me something to do.

Ursula: I'm glad he did. I've needed him to check on a few things, but he and Mike have been so busy with those videos...

Bob: How are they coming, anyway? Have they told you?

Emma: They were working on the new one for Herman. They should be able to finish it by the end of this week if there's no more Belavarg-induced disruptions.

Bert: How's the legal business coming?

Valerie: I'm working on it. My lawyers say it's an open-and-shut case. He should not have drugged Mike into signing that contract.

Bert: So, when did you come up with the idea of doing a flashback and bringing the ancestors in?

Emma: I wanted to do something that was just plain more exciting and interesting than last year's four-parter. We were talking about the ancestors a few months ago, and I thought it was about time we ended the mystery surrounding how this entire shebang came to be.

Ursula: We didn't quite get to tell you the whole story. The women haven't spoken yet.

Emma: Like the short stories we did a few years ago where the "Dream World" Monkees met for the first time, there will be more to this story eventually. I'm guessing the second part will come out sometime later in the summer or early fall.

Ursula: It was very interesting to bring up old times. It's been so long since I talked about any of this...

Bert: Something I didn't get from the story. Urse, why did you want to leave your uncle so badly? You were obviously living in the lap of luxury. You had a good job - which wasn't something most women in Medieval Europe could claim - and a good home. What made you want to drop it all to help Sir Robert and the others?

Ursula: It wasn't something sudden. I'd thought about this for years. I never felt the same way about our victims as my uncle and sister did. I did take my share of souls...but I couldn't relish it, like them. I didn't enjoy it. I hated it. It didn't feel right to me. I envied the women I saw who had children and family and people who loved them. I wanted love. When I saw poor Sir Robert, lost and cold in the snow, I knew I'd found my calling. I couldn't let my sister hurt him. He had such potential! They all did.

Bert: So this wasn't a spur-of-the-moment thing.

Ursula: No. I'd been hoping to find someone like Sir Robert and the other Guardians who really needed help. People who weren't living up to their full potential, in their skills or their lives.

Bert: Hmm. Ladies, any comments on this?

Emma: I'm glad you did, Urse. (Chuckles) And it's interesting how history repeats itself.

Valerie: Especially in the case of Peter. He had his own problems getting to California.

Emma: And Robert... (frowns) No wonder he was so upset over what Belavarg did to Mike. Sheila actually took his soul before her uncle did.

Ursula: I couldn't believe she'd done that, after we helped the poor man! I know it was her job, but he trusted us. I knew there was still a warrior under that broken heart. How could she take it all away from him?

Emma: I feel a little sorry for Georgi. He's the only one whose family got mixed up in all that.

Ursula: We did keep our promise to visit them from time to time. I know Georgi missed them something fierce.

Bob: So, what was your favorite part of the ancestors' stories, ladies?

Emma: Finding poor Sir Robert.

Valerie: The sequences in Berlin and the finale in England.

Bob: How about you, Lauren? Daphne?

Lauren: Georgi's introduction.

Bert: How 'bout you, Daph?

Daphne: When Lord David join the other fellows to play music.

Ursula: And don't worry, Daphne. Devlanta cured David of that fondness for wenches soon after she met him.

Daphne: I know. Doesn't mean I have to like it, though.

Ursula: I wasn't crazy about it, either. It got all of us into trouble more times than I cared to count. He used to tease Sir Robert about avoiding the women, too.

Emma: (Sighs) Some things don't change. The guys apparently teased Mike something horrible about being a hermit as well.

Ursula: You know, I'm glad we got this all out in the open. I really hope the men bring the women in soon to tell their side of the story.

Emma: We'll see, Urse. We're still working on story ideas.

Bob: And speaking of story ideas...what's next month's story?

Emma: All we can say right now is that it's going to be the end of this year's spring four-parter, and it'll pick up directly from where the cliffhanger on this one ended...

*Towards the entrance of the Cave, we see a shadow growing as someone walks the hallway.*

Herman: *Calls* Hello?

Emma: Herman?

Valerie: Herman, are you all right? What's going on?

Emma: Is it the guys?

Herman: *comes into the room* I'm okay, but I've got some bad news.

Emma: The guys. What happened to them? (She winces) Something happened to them. I can feel Mike... (She frowns) He's...he's not right...

Katie: Mama, what's going on? There's something wrong with Papa, isn't there?

Valerie: (Winces) And Peter's out.

Herman: The devils and Belavarg were wreaking havoc on the beach. Lilly and I happened to be out there. The lads went after them.

Daphne: Davy seems okay, but he isn't happy.

Emma: Someone's probably trying to use him for a plaything.

Lauren: Micky seems okay, but unhappy as well.

Emma: Herman, did you see where they were taking them?

Herman: No, not a clue.

Emma: Damn it. (She turns towards the kids) Valerie, do you think we could leave the kids at the mansion with Chrissy and Matilda?

Valerie: (Nods) Chrissy said she was going to be there all weekend, working on a project for school, and I'm sure Matilda wouldn't mind too much. Dad's not supposed to be home, either.

Emma: We'll take the kids to the mansion and see if we can get a hold of the guys on the way. I hope they still have their communicators.

Herman: Mike gave me his.

Emma: I'll take his, then. (Thoughtful) By the way, who's Lilly?

Herman: Oh! She's my girlfriend.

Valerie: That's sweet. I'm glad you look so happy.

Emma: I have an idea. This is getting really big. We may need back-up. It's helped us before. Herman, how fast would you be able to round up your band and your girlfriend?

Herman: How quick would you like them?

Emma: As quickly as you can get them sober.

Valerie: Herman, why don't you keep the communicator on you? We'll call you when we're ready for you.

Herman: Okay. Thank you.

Valerie: No, thank you. You're going to be a great help to us.

Emma: Ok, ladies. Time to head out.

Ursula: May I finish? I've never done it before.

Emma: Certainly.

Ursula: Thank you. (The camera has to turn to her) I hope you enjoyed this month's story. You can learn more about European history, tales of the supernatural, and tales of old Europe online and at your local library. We'll see you next month for this story's exciting conclusion!

(The women gather their children. All of them and Herman manage to squeeze into Ursula. They drive off as we fade out on the Beach Cave and the sand and surf beyond it...)

(Cut to "All the King's Horses" played over scenes from the "production." We end with that final shot of Ursula driving out of the cave and into the horizon under the words "A Raybert Production.")