Everyone ready to have a ball?

Sir Robert: As long as we can concentrate on playing.

Peter: I'm having so much fun!

Georgi: I'm ready!

(We open back at Rose Hill Manor. Everyone claps for the group as they bow. Sir Robert steps up to the crowd.)

Sir Robert: We are glad you liked our musique. We are going to take a short break, but we'll return shortly.

Ursula: (She joins them in a simple but elegant blue gown that shows off her long blond hair and blue eyes) Oh gentlemen, you were wonderful! Lord David, you sound like you've always been part of our group.

Lord David: Thank you, luv.

Girl #1: Oh Daaavvid! (Three lovely ladies in fine clothes hurry up to him) Hello, dear!

Girl #2: You promised you'd dance with me!

Girl #3: And who are your handsome friends?

Girl #2: Oooh, aren't those the musicians?

Girl #1: (Grins at Georgi) I've never seen anyone play such instruments! You have such energy!

(Peter only blushes. Sir Robert makes a face.)

Georgi: Aw, thanks!

Girl #1: Would you like to dance?

Georgi: *Grin widens, if possible* I'd love to!

Girl #1: Come on! (She takes Georgi out to the dance floor)

Girl #2: (She turns to Peter) You're so red! Do you feel well?

Peter: I...I...I'm not...um...good with...uh, girls.

Girl #2: Maybe I could help. (She gently takes his hand and leads him out to the dance floor)

Ursula: (Before the other girl can ask) Would you like to dance with me, your Lordship? (Curtsies)

Lord David: I'd love to dance with you, Miss Ursula.

Ursula: Thank you, your Lordship. (She takes David's hands and they sweep out to the floor. Robert alone remains as the other girl dances with another nobleman. He plays and sings "Don't Call On Me" by himself. Ursula sighs) I wish he'd try to put himself out more. He's such a hermit when the other two pursue women. (To David) You know, you play very well. Have you ever thought of becoming a musician?

Lord David: Not really. I just do it for fun.

Ursula: You certainly do seem to have some fun. (Sees three more girls wave at him) Not to butt into your private life, but...you seem terribly lonely. (Shakes her head) You have fun with those girls, but do they really know you?

Lord David: Excuse me?

Ursula: I'm sorry I'm so forward, Your Lordship. It's just that...as much fun as you seemed to have earlier, when we first met you, you didn't seem like you were very happy.

Lord David: *sighs* I'm sorry, too. I don't typically find anyone for can see deeper into me than what's on the outside.

Ursula: Let's just say it's a talent of mine.

(The song ends, and Robert bows for the crowd. As everyone claps, Ursula sees something behind Lord David. Her eyes widen.)

Ursula: Oh... (Whispers) Lord David, don't turn around. I think I see my uncle and sister here, along with one of his men. I have to get the other boys out of here!

Lord David: What?

Sir Robert: (His eyes are wide, too; to the crowd) Um, we have to leave now. We're glad that you enjoyed our musique. Au revoir! (He grabs his mandolin and dashes to Georgi and his lady) Georgi, the Evil Ones are here! We must leave!

Peter: (He joins the others) What is going on? I saw the same people who attacked us in Berlin!

Ursula: My uncle and the others are here! We have to leave now! Where's Georgi?

Georgi: *Whines* Not fair!

Sir Robert: (He yanks Georgi over to them) Desuite, Georgi. We are sorry, but we really must go!

(That's when a net suddenly falls around Sir Robert, Peter, and Georgi! Sir Robert winces and struggles.)

Sir Robert: What is this?

Ursula: (She rubs the rope...and draws back) It's been treated to blunt your powers and take your energy!

Zero: (He and Julia stride up to Ursula) Hello, dearie. I knew we'd find you sometime, if we were patient. (He smirks at the trio in the net) And look at the lovely catch we made!

Julia: Just adorable. (She leans over Robert) Hello, slave.

Zero: (As his soldiers roam the crowd; to David) Don't you worry, little lord. We have no interest in you. Only these four. My wayward niece and three young men she's indoctrinated. (Two soldiers grab Ursula's arms rather roughly)

Julia: (Smirks at Lord David and runs her fingers over his head) Perhaps I could offer you a reward for capturing these four runaways? I could make it worth your while.

Ursula: No, Lord David! Don't do it!

Lord David: No! They like me!

Julia: What's three scrawny lads and some little blond wench compared to me?

(Ursula rolls her eyes. Her sister's ego could swallow all of Europe whole.)

Lord David: *Pulls out his sword* I said NO!

Julia: (Jumps aside; touches the end of his blade) Oh, my. Isn't this sweet?

Zero: Enough! We're going to take them, and if we have to, we'll bring the little one, too!

(Suddenly, we hear screaming throughout the ballroom! A group of huge, snarling creatures who look a great deal like Sheila's regular demon lackeys hurl themselves into the ballroom. Belavarg strides in behind them.)

Zero: Belavarg, what have I told you about letting our pets play with people?

Belavarg: They asked to come in. They said they'd behave.

Julia: (She pinches her nose) But they smell dreadful!

Zero: This is not the way we discussed getting this land! It's in a perfect location for an Inn and rest stop for weary travelers looking for something a bit...extra...on the road.

Ursula: (Makes a face) You mean a brothel.

Belavarg: Six of one, half a dozen of the other.

Ursula: (Kicks one of the soldiers in the shin and elbows the other; takes his sword when he doubles over) David, free the others! I can't touch the rope!

*Lord David runs to the others under the net and begins to pull at it.*

Ursula: Use your sword! Just be careful. (She's dueling with two men at once)

*Lord David shrugs, grinning slightly, then carefully places his blade and swipes quickly away from all bodies, effectively tearing a large hole into the net.*

Sir Robert: (As he scrambles away from the net) Merci, Your Lordship. (He grins) I am a fellow master of le epee. You and I can handle the soldiers. Georgi can handle the monsters.

Peter: I'll, um, keep an eye on the crowd. (He dashes off, shooting arrows at any monsters that aren't too close)

Georgi: Charge! *runs at the monsters*

("Star Collector" begins as the group spreads out. Sir Robert does handle the soldiers, often fighting with as many as five at once. Peter shoots at monsters from the bandstand. Ursula duels with her sister.)

*Georgi clobbers any and all monsters he comes near.*

Sir Robert: (He confronts Belavarg) You stay away from our group, demon! We do not need the likes of you around!

Belavarg: No, but we wish to have all of you.

Sir Robert: I will never be a slave to anyone ever again, and I don't wish for the others to be, either. They are innocent garcons who do not deserve to be emptied into shells for all of you.

*Belavarg simply pulls his blade and slashes at Robert.*

Sir Robert: (He barely manages to pull away from the slash) You fiend! (But the slash sends him reeling back...and into two soldiers, who take hold of his arms)

Peter: (His eyes widens) Robert! (He sees Georgi and points upwards at the chandelier) I do not think His Lordship’s family will like this...but how about we use that?

Zero: (Cut away to where he confronts David near the entrance of the ballroom) Going somewhere, my boy?

Lord David: Not at all. Was looking for you, as a matter of fact. *holds out his sword*

Zero: (He laughs) The child wishes to play adult games! (Smirks) Oh, I've heard of you when I've been in England. You're known for playing fast and loose with every wench in Northern England. (Chuckles) My kind of lad. How would you like to join us, boy?

Lord David: Not a chance, mate.

Zero: What a shame. We could really help you with your family's financial difficulties. You do live on some rather lovely land in a very good location.

Lord David: I bet you would help us.

Zero: This manor house would make a lovely hostel...and of course, it would be good for other things. I may even save you a few wenches.

Lord David: It is not for sale.

Zero: I would offer your father a very handsome price...

Lord David: No sale.

Zero: What a shame. I was hoping I wouldn't have to kill such a fine lad. Oh well. (He lunges easily for David)

*David side-steps, then slashes.*

(Zero screams and grabs his arm, dropping his sword as the music ends. We see blood come through his fingers.)

Zero: Blast you, you little brat!

Lord David: *Points the sword at Zero* You underestimate me, sir.

(Julia and Ursula tumble into the room at this point, both of them now wrestling. Ursula comes out on top.)

Ursula: You're not the only one. I'm not to be trifled with, sister.

Julia: Get off of me!

(Belavarg and Sir Robert's duel finds it's way over there. Sir Robert finally gets Belavarg on his shoulder.)

Belavarg: *Grabs his shoulder* Damn you!

Ursula: (As she drags Julia to her feet) I think we'd better bind them and leave them for your father's men, Lord David.

(Georgi and Peter emerge at this point. Peter has his arrow pointed at a group of men tied together with a chandelier.)

Peter: We have rounded up the men.

Georgi: I sorta brought some of the house down around them.

Ursula: (She turns to David) You can't reveal what you've seen tonight to anyone. (She concentrates. There's a blue light, and ropes appear around Zero, Julia, and Belavarg)

Zero: Ursula, what are you doing?

Ursula: Leaving with my boys. (She smiles at the quartet behind her) They're my family now.

Julia: You're crazy, Ursula. We can't have family.

Ursula: I can. (She nods) Come along, boys. We'll imagine the rest of our things later. David, we have to talk.

Lord David: All right.

(Other soldiers enter, followed by an older man in fine robes who directs their removal.)

(Cut to the cart outside. Ursula and the others help load their instruments into the cart.)

Ursula: (Turns to David as the others load their things) David...would you like to join our group?

Lord David: Yes, I would.

Ursula: Before you go back to tell your family, I need to...do something for you. Do you remember what I did back in the ballroom? The blue light?

Lord David: *Nods* Yes, that was an interesting piece of magic.

Ursula: Now, your lordship, forgive me for being forward, but... (She takes his hand and puts her hand on his chest, then concentrates. There's two blue lights around them, one a bit more ocean turquoise than the other.) Now, close your eyes and concentrate.

Lord David: Okay. *does so*

Ursula: You can make anything you want appear.

Sir Robert: (He hauls the mandolins in) Within reason, mon ami.

Lord David: *A small, leather-bound book appears in his hand* Wow!

Sir Robert: And now, you're one of us.

Peter: (He helps him and Ursula into the back of the carriage; Georgi and Sir Robert get in front) We're going to have many adventures together, I am sure!

Sir Robert: (Takes the reins) This time, I drive.

Ursula: We'll return to say good bye to your family in the morning, David, after things have settled down here. Right now, let's find somewhere to sleep for the night, before my uncle and sister manage to pay their way out of the dungeon.

Georgi: Sounds good to me.

Sir Robert: (Grins) Do not worry, Your Lordship. We'll guard you and your family...and all of Europe, if we must.

Lord David: Thank you.

Peter: We're guards?

Ursula: (She smiles and nods) Yes. Yes, I do believe you are.

Sir Robert: Let's not stay here and figure out what we are. (The carriage takes off into the Northern England countryside as the screen gets wavy and we fade out)