You kids ready to see more of the drive-in?

Mick: Yeah! :D

Shelly: More movie! :)

(The twins look around at the small room. It's filled from top to bottom with shelves and shelves of film cannisters. A soda and a sandwich sit on a crate next to the old man, who is leaned back in his

chair snoring as the film runs. We hear brief snatches of "Cheer Up,

Charlie" in the background under his buzzsawing.)

"Shelly: Where are we?"

"Mick: I don't know, Shel."

"Shelly: (Toddles over to the old man; indicates the camera) Hey, look at that! I wonder what he's doing with that big camera?"

"Mick: *follow after Shelly; looks at the camera* That's a cool camera! Daddy has one like that! :D"

"Shelly: Yeah, he got it from Nana's TV studio. He makes movies with it! (Grins) Do you think the old man is making a movie? :D"

"Mick: He could be! :D"

"Shelly: (Tugs his pants leg; the old man snorts, but doesn't wake up) If he is, he's sleeping through it! (Looks around again) Where're all the actors?"

"Mick: Maybe they're getting ready to make the movie. *toddles over to a bottom shelf with cannisters* He's sure got plenty of film!"

"Shelly: (Indicates the labels) I wish I could read these! Then we'd know what kind of movie he's making! :p"

"Mick: Me too! :P"

"Shelly: Let's go to the camera and see what he's filming!"

"Mick: Yeah! :D"

(The twins toddle over to the camera and climb onto a crate next to the snoring old man, then onto a rickety table. They inspect the whirring machine and the turning film.)

"Shelly: I don't SEE anything. All I see is the movie that's already showing! (Points to the screen, where Charlie is now in school and listening to his teacher discuss the recent Golden Ticket contest)"

"Mick: Ooooohh, maybe this is the machine that plays the movies instead of filming them!"

"Shelly: Oh, wow! That's so cool! :D"

"Mick: It is! :D"

"Shelly: (Watches the movie) We wanted to be up high...and this is almost as high as the screen! :D"

"Mick: This is great! :D"

(The kids sit and watch the movie for a few minutes. Shelly finally tugs on her brother's shoulder.)

"Shelly: Maybe we should go back to the cars. Unca Davy will have noticed we're gone by now!"

"Mick: Maybe we should! I hope they haven't noticed we're gone!"

"Shelly: (Nods at the old man) He may get mad or call the police if he wakes up and finds us here, anyway! (Looks at the film) Do you think we'll be able to make a movie when we get big, Mick?"

"Mick: Good point! I bet we'll make movies when we get older! *eyes the soda and sandwich* Hey, Shel, think he might miss these? I'm still kinda hungry! ;)"

"Shelly: I don't know if that's such a good idea..."

"Mick: Just a few bites of the sandwich and a little bit of the soda? ;)"

"Shelly: Have fun. I'm still stuffed from the popcorn! :p"

(The twins get down. Shelly starts to go through the film cannisters again, getting some undone in the process.)

"Mick: *grins* Okay! Just a few bites, then we can go! *goes over to the crate with the soda and sandwich. He takes a few small bites of the sandwich, then a sip of the soda. He grins, then lets out a small burp.* ;)

"Shelly: You're gross, Mick. :p"

"Mick: Sorry, Shel, it was the bubbles in the soda! *grins* Besides, Daddy's are louder! ;)"

"Shelly: You shouldn't drink it so fast, and Daddy shouldn't, either! :p"

"Mick: *grins* Should tell Mommy that. I heard her burp, too! ;)"

"Shelly: Well, if you're full, we can get out of here. (Pulls her hand away from the film) Darn movies! I'm all stuck! :p"

"Mick: Yeah, I'm done. *toddles over to Shelly* I'll help! :)"

(The twins pull and pull at the cannisters. They get the cannisters out, but they're a mess when they're done.)

"Shelly: Uh oh! We've got to fix the film, or the police will know we've been here! :o"

"Mick: Maybe we could just use the blue light to fix them."

"Shelly: That might work! :D"

*The twins close their eyes and concentrate. The blue light envelopes the cannisters and film. When it clears, the cannisters are back where they were on the shelves.*

"Shelly: They look ok to me! :D"

"Mick: I love that blue light! :D"

"Shelly: It really does clean things up well, doesn't it? :)"

"Mick: It sure does! :)"

"Shelly: Speaking of cleaning up...let's get out of here, before we're caught! :p"

"Mick: Right! :P"

*The twins concentrate again this time the blue light envelopes them and they disappear, right before the old man wakes up briefly, scratches his head, shrugs, and goes back to his nap.* ;)

(The twins reappear right next to the car where Davy and Peter are just starting to look around for them, scratching their heads.)

Davy: (Points as the twins toddle up to them) There they are! Where did you kids run off to?

Peter: Are you ok?

Shelly: We ok! :D

Mick: Yeah! Good! :)

Davy: (Picks up Micky; Peter takes Shelly's hand) Good. 'Ave you enjoyed watchin' the movie?

Mick: Good movie! :D ;)

Shelly: Nice music! :)

Davy: Yeah, I think so too. (Turns the kids to the screen, where gruff old Grandpa Joe has gotten up from his bed after twenty years and dances with Charlie, singing "I've Got a Golden Ticket.") They sure look like they're 'avin' fun. :)

Shelly: (Claps) Fun! Dance! :)

Mick: Wanna dance! :D

Davy: Well, why don't we dance? ;)

Peter: But Davy, the movie...

Mick: Yeah! :D

Davy: 'Ey, if a kid and an old man who ain't been outta 'is bed for twenty yeahs can dance, we can dance, right? ;)

*"Let’s Dance On" begins in the background as Davy and Peter start dancing with the twins.*

(Davy dances with Shelly, spinning her around, picking her up, and dipping her. :) )

*Peter kneels in front of Mick, holding both hands. Together they do a sort of version of The Twist.* :)

(As the song winds down, we return to the screen, and the song blends into "Pure Imagination," which Gene Wilder - Willy Wonka - sings as he introduces the kids and their parents to the delights of the Chocolate Room in the candy factory. As the number ends and the parents begin discussing the Chocolate River that runs through the room, there's an odd sound, and a weird noise, and the film suddenly goes blank.)

Peter: (Makes a face) Aw man, the film must have broke! :p

Davy: I 'ope they can get it stahted soon.

(Mike, Micky, and Lauren saunter up to the kids at that point, Micky still eating popcorn.)

Shelly: (Reaches for her mother) Mommy! :D

Lauren: Hi there, Little Lady! *picks up Shelly* You sure looked like you were having fun! :)

Shelly: We see movie! :)

Mick: *reaches up at Micky* Poppy-corn! :D ;)

Micky: *grins* It's all mine, kiddo! ;) :P

Mike: Yeah, well, don't look like anyone's seein' the movie anymore. :p

Peter: (Sighs at the screen) This could take all night!

Davy: Maybe we should take the kidlets outta 'ere. It's gettin' late.

Lauren: Before they get TOO wound up. ;) :P

Mike: (Nods) Yeah, Katie needs to be put to bed, too. Maybe we could go home and see what the late movie is like.

Micky: *turns his empty box upside down* And I could use some more popcorn. ;)

Mike: Mick, we could make you some at the Pad.

Micky: *tosses the box in the garbage* I'd like that. *grins* ;)

Mike: Well, come on, gang. Let's head outta here.

Peter: (Nods) Right. I'll tell Valerie. She might want to be home right now, anyway.

Davy: (Nods) We'll meet you guys at the Pad.

Micky: *picks up little Mick* Let’s head out!

Shelly: (Points to the building where the camera is) Movie?

Davy: We're gonna watch a movie at 'ome, Shel. This one is broken. :p

Mick: Movie go bye-bye! :P :(

Shelly: (Points to the building again) More movies! :)

Davy: We ain't waitin' for the second show. It's gettin' late. We'll just watch somethin' at home.

(As they go back to the Chevy Bel Air, the elderly projectionist and the cashier pass by.)

Projectionist: Della, I swear, the movies were fine when I...when I last checked them! When I pulled the next reel for "Willy Wonka" out again, reel three of "The Barefoot Executive" was in there! They're all mixed up, every single one! :p :o

Della: I TOLD you to pay more attention to what you're doing and not to catching naps between reels! It's bad enough we had mishaps in the lot and at the counter tonight! :p

*The twins trade glances.* ;)

Davy: (Sighs) Wot a pain. No wonder so many drive-ins are closin'. :p

Micky: There's gotta be a better way to show movies. ;)

Davy: Some of the newah theatahs in the valley are puttin' up two, three, and even four screens in one place!

Shelly: Movie! :)

Mick: More movie! :D

Davy: At 'ome, rugrats. ;)

Shelly: Here! In car! :D

Mick: In car! :D

Micky: *shakes his head* Sorry, kiddos, we'll see a movie at home. We'll come back to the drive in again some time. :)

Shelly: (Claps) Yay!

"Shelly: I hope we come back soon! This place is fun! :D"

"Mick: I hope so too! :D"

Mick: Come back! *claps*

(Micky, Lauren, and Davy head over to the car, climb in, and drive out, followed by the Monkeemobile and Valerie's blue convertible. As they leave, the camera focuses on the blank screen, the fighting teenagers, and the cashier still scolding the projectionist as it fades out. ;) )